Sharp toothache during pregnancy. Toothache during pregnancy: how to eliminate it and not harm the baby? Can anesthesia be used when removing a tooth?

Anti-corrosion 12.09.2020

During pregnancy, the female body is significantly weakened, since it has to work with a double load. As a result, various pathologies may appear in any part of the body. The oral cavity will not be an exception when in the period of gestation.

Why teeth ache during pregnancy

Pain in the jaws of a woman in position is of a dental and physiological nature.


  1. ... The process takes place in the periosteum or bone of the tooth. It is accompanied by unpleasant sensations that appear when using.
  2. ... Damage to the nerve and tissues surrounding the dental root occurs. It is noted that the swelling of the cheeks and lips, swollen lymph nodes, fever.
  3. ... The inflammation affects soft tissue (pulp). There is a strong ache in the jaw, not only when eating, but also at rest, worse at night.
  4. - wisdom teeth. The unpleasant sensations last during the growth of hard formations.
  5. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. Not only teeth hurt, but also temples, part of the nose, the edge of the mouth and gums, mainly on the right side.


Due to the increased excretion of Ca from the body of the expectant mother, aches appear in the bones, joints and teeth. Inflammation and aching sensations in the gums and jaw cause hormonal imbalances due to increased gonadotropin and progesterone. After childbirth, this condition usually returns to normal.

Toxicosis provokes the appearance of increased acidity in the mouth and a change in the composition of saliva, reducing its protective functions.

What to do if teeth are drooping during pregnancy

It is not recommended to endure pain in the oral cavity, since if the pathology is not treated, then it becomes the source of a more serious problem. A simple way out of this situation is to see a specialist. But dental treatment in the early, as well as at a later date, is undesirable.

In the first trimester, the slightest damage to the mucous membrane, which often happens during dental procedures, will lead to the ingress of toxins through the mother's blood to the embryo. This is dangerous, since the organs of the child are formed at 1-12 weeks, and the placenta that has not yet been fully formed will not be able to protect them.

In the 3rd trimester - excess stress is contraindicated for the expectant mother, because as the fetus grows, the load on the body increases and this can lead to premature birth.

The most favorable doctor's visit is from 14 to 21 weeks. During this period, the woman's condition stabilizes, and during treatment it is possible to use anesthesia, the use of an X-ray.

What painkillers can be taken

An ache in the jaw cannot be tolerated, as it negatively affects the condition of the mother and child. Therefore, it is important that analgesics are prescribed by an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist who observes the woman from the first days of pregnancy. And after the suppression of acute pain, it is recommended to consult a dentist.

When choosing an effective, and most importantly, safe medication, the following factors are taken into account:

  • gestational age;
  • the presence of low or high blood pressure;
  • woman's weight;
  • features of the course of pregnancy;
  • concomitant diseases - diabetes mellitus, kidney and heart disease.


A common antipyretic drug, but it also relieves pain well.

Safe remedy for mother and baby, which is widely used in gynecological and dental practice.

Despite the fact that the active substance penetrates the walls of the placenta, it does not affect the fetus.

It is prescribed in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Contraindicated in women with liver, kidney and gastrointestinal tract diseases.


The medication relieves inflammation and relieves pain. The tool removes signs of chronic pulpitis and periodontitis. Also produced under other trade names - "Ibuprom".

Prescribed for women in the first and second trimesters. But it is prohibited at a later date, as it can reduce the amount of amniotic fluid. The medicine is not recommended for heartburn, stomach pathologies, as well as for frequent bouts of toxicosis.


Effectively relieves pain and lowers body temperature, but is rarely prescribed when other drugs do not cope with the task. The agent gradually penetrates the placenta and affects the condition of the unborn baby.

It is not prescribed in the first trimester, as well as after 34 weeks of pregnancy. irritates the stomach lining and may cause allergies. In extreme cases, when taken, a decrease in hemoglobin is observed, since the substance is capable of thinning the blood.

For jaw aches, solutions of potassium permanganate are used or, the funds reduce inflammation.

How to relieve aching toothache with folk remedies

The unpleasant sensations will not go away on their own unless you take action. And there are times when aches occur at night, when it is problematic to get to the clinic.

In this case, folk recipes help:

  1. All familiar and effective ways to combat toothache are. They need to be strong in order to cleanse the oral cavity of harmful bacteria as much as possible and relieve pain. Pour a teaspoon of the required substance into a glass of warm boiled water and mix well so that the particles do not settle on the teeth and tongue. The procedure is carried out after a meal.
  2. Medicinal plants alleviate the condition. Chamomile rinses are effective, which reduce sensitivity and relieve mild pain for a while.
  3. A decoction of plantain and sage is used for mouth baths. The procedure is carried out three times a day for half an hour. It is advisable to retain the liquid for a while at the site of the aching tooth, then spit it out, and then collect a new portion of the decoction.
  4. Aloe vera pulp applied to a sore spot relieves symptoms.
  5. A small piece of propolis can be applied to the aching tooth. In three out of five cases, this leads to the long-awaited result - relief from pain.
  6. Relieves discomfort by rinsing with water and three drops of tea tree oil.

With severe pain in the jaw and inflammatory processes, the help of a qualified specialist at any stage of pregnancy is required.

Prevention of dental diseases

In order to prevent unpleasant sensations in the mouth, it is recommended to follow several rules:

  • Regularly, once every six months, visit a dental clinic.
  • , effectively treating the interdental space.
  • Change the toothbrush once a month and a half.
  • Use two pastes - in the morning with calcium and fluoride, in the evening anti-inflammatory.
  • Rinse the mouth every time after a meal with special products, decoctions of medicinal plants or just boiled water.

The waiting period for the baby for each woman is quite individual. But almost all of them are familiar with the problem of toothache during pregnancy. There are many reasons for the onset of ailment, and it is difficult to determine the source of pain. It can be inflammation of the bone or jaw tissues, inflammation of the gums.

Pregnancy fruits
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But the most common cause is dental caries, as a result of which the pulp or nerve can become inflamed. Prolonged pains are exhausting, weakness, headache appears, temperature may rise. What should a pregnant woman do in this case? In no case should you endure malaise. After all, if mom is bad, then the baby inside is uncomfortable.

A woman's body is very vulnerable during pregnancy. Due to a lack of vitamins, minerals, changes in hormonal levels and metabolic disorders, increased acidity of the oral cavity due to toxicosis, dental health deteriorates, which can provoke toothache. It is during this period that a woman should be especially careful with herself and avoid stressful situations.

Picked up unexpectedly

If you have a toothache during pregnancy, you should immediately consult a dentist. But it is not always possible to do this - the pain can begin at any time, and if it happens at night, you will have to postpone the visit to the doctor and relieve it using available tools or the contents of the first-aid kit. However, before taking this step, you need to know what drugs or folk remedies can help with this.

Doctor visits

A preventive examination by a dentist every six months will save you from many problems. A visit to the dental office is extremely necessary not only when planning a pregnancy, but also during it.

There is a misconception that you shouldn't go to the dentist during pregnancy. But this is fraught with dangerous consequences. Any carious manifestation can severely affect a pregnant woman if it is not treated on time.

Caries develops several times faster during pregnancy. Over time, it can develop into pulpitis and cause acute pain. And at the initial stage of the development of caries, its treatment is possible without the use of analgesics and X-rays. You just need to consult with the gynecologist leading the pregnancy, and warn the dentist about pregnancy.

In the early stages of caries, teeth can be treated without harm to the health of the fetus. The tooth is preserved and can last for a long time. The neglected state of caries threatens with pulpitis, it is almost impossible to save a tooth. And without treatment, pulpitis will give complications such as periodontitis, periostitis.

Pain relief with warm gargles

Warm rinsing is used when it is not possible to see a doctor for an appointment within the next 24 hours. This method provides only partial pain relief for a short time, but has no side effects and can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

To relieve acute toothaches during pregnancy, the mouthwash should be at a temperature so as not to burn the mouth. You can use both plain water and with the addition of salt or soda (1 tsp per liter of water). Decoctions with anti-inflammatory drugs are also used, such as:

  • oak bark;
  • sage;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • yarrow;
  • leaves of mother and stepmother;
  • peppermint;
  • succession.

Rinses are carried out as often as possible, for example, a glass every hour. It is strictly forbidden to warm up the sore spot outside.


Traditional methods of pain relief

In many cases, it is possible to get rid of severe pain in the teeth without potent tablets - folk remedies. But they are all designed to relieve this ailment just for a while. We list the most common and safe methods that have been tested by dentists and women themselves, and can be used during pregnancy.

  1. Since ancient times, there has been a method of applying ordinary garlic to the tooth. It can also be applied to a vein in the wrist. Garlic is applied with the cut side or chopped. For tooth pain on the left side, garlic is applied to the right hand, from the right side to the left hand.
  2. You can sprinkle cloves on your sore gums - a common table seasoning. The tool has an excellent analgesic effect.
  3. Plantain leaves or houseplants such as aloe or Kalanchoe are also effective. The plantain leaf needs to be squeezed and squeezed out a little juice, then rolled up with a tourniquet and put into the ear from the side of the unhealthy tooth. Aloe or Kalanchoe leaves are applied to the diseased gum. The inflammation goes away very quickly.
  4. It is very effective to apply cotton swabs moistened with various anesthetic agents.
    On a tampon moistened with vegetable oil, apply a small amount of Vietnamese “Asterisk” balm and apply to the gum under the unhealthy tooth.
  5. In the same way, you can use a tampon soaked in dental drops, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Apply a tampon moistened with fir or sea buckthorn oil to a sore tooth.

All of the above methods will be useless for deeper caries. Then, before assistance from the doctor, only clean water will help - to flush out the irritant from the carious cavity.

Medication solution to the problem

There are times when no folk remedy is able to relieve toothache. What then is to be done? Modern painkillers come to the rescue, helping to get rid of malaise during pregnancy without harming the baby's health.

Toothache pills are much more effective than gargles or folk remedies. During pregnancy, they should only be taken after consulting a doctor. They will help to completely relieve even a severe toothache.

Of the medicines approved for use during pregnancy, the following can be taken.

  1. Paracetamol is recommended by doctors as the safest remedy. Although the drug crosses the placenta, it does not harm the baby. However, paracetamol should be taken strictly as directed. It is a mild analgesic, but even with acute pain it helps very effectively.
  2. No-shpa (or as an analogue - drotaverine) is an antispasmodic agent that successfully acts during pain.
  3. Aspirin - only on the recommendation of a doctor. Sometimes it is allowed to take in the second trimester of pregnancy. The drug helps to soothe a toothache to the limit that allows you to endure before a doctor's help.
  4. Analgin - similar to Aspirin, but has a stronger effect. The medicine has side effects that are why it is banned in many countries.
  5. Nurofen is used in exceptional cases, in the first or second trimesters of pregnancy.

Acute toothache will help to remove a solution of novocaine - it must be dripped onto the gum next to the unhealthy tooth, directly into the carious cavity, or a swab moistened with the solution should be applied to the tooth. Novocaine is used as directed by a doctor, but it is considered a fairly safe remedy.

Pain relief medication

How can a dentist help?

All of the above means will help to temporarily relieve toothache. But it is important for the expectant mother to remember that in her condition, under no pretext, the visit to the doctor should be postponed.

Since there are more dental problems during pregnancy than in any other period of life, it is imperative that a dentist is observed. The doctor will notice any damage to the tooth or change in the structure of the gums in time and fix the problem before it makes itself felt.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Reading 24 min. Posted on 01.01.

A toothache during pregnancy: what to do, how to relieve pain, how long can it be treated?

Toothache during pregnancy is very difficult to bear, regardless of its intensity.

An aching tooth or acute attacks worsen the general well-being of a pregnant woman: she may have a fever, and the infection easily spreads to other parts of the body.

At the same time, the "interesting" situation imposes a restriction on the use of painkillers and anesthetics. There is an opinion that the expectant mother should not visit the dentist at all. How justified is this point of view and how to relieve a toothache for a pregnant woman?

Why can a pregnant woman have toothache? Toothache can be caused by:

  1. Caries is a pathological process that occurs in the hard tissues of the tooth. First, it attacks the enamel, and then goes to dentin. For a long time, caries can be asymptomatic. If the hole is small and the sensitive parts of the diseased tooth are not affected, the person may not even be aware of the presence of caries, because nothing hurts him.
  2. Pulpitis is an inflammation of the soft parts. The pulp contains blood vessels and nerve endings; therefore, pulpitis is accompanied by acute pain. Most often, the infection gets inside due to untreated caries.
  3. Periodontitis is a violation of the integrity of the ligaments that hold the tooth in the alveolar socket, damage to bone tissue, the formation of cysts at the root. The periodontium is affected following the pulp if caries is left untreated. With periodontitis, acute pain occurs, this ailment often leads to tooth loss.
  4. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums due to a lack of vitamins and beneficial macronutrients. Can cause tooth loss.

In pregnant women, pathological processes in the mouth can be triggered by hormonal fluctuations in the body. Saliva becomes more viscous, it cleans the mouth worse, does not wash away food debris, and contains less phosphates that protect the enamel from damage.

A growing fetus requires a large amount of vitamins, minerals, especially calcium. If a woman does not eat well enough, she will experience a lack of useful components, which will worsen the condition of enamel and dentin.

There is an opinion that it is forbidden to treat teeth during pregnancy, because it can lead to bad consequences for the baby. This is a common myth that has no foundation.

Perhaps the concerns about the fetus were justified several decades ago - at that time other medications and anesthetics were used for treatment. However, safe remedies are now used in dentistry.

How long can teeth be treated? The answer is simple: any, if the need arose. When a woman is in the early months of pregnancy and the abdomen is not yet visible, she should warn the dentist to choose a medicine that does not penetrate the placental protection. At 40 weeks, doctors recommend to be patient and come to them after the baby is born.

In addition, pain syndrome promotes the release of adrenaline into the blood, this neurotransmitter can affect the occurrence of bleeding in a woman who has a pregnancy of up to 3 months. Adrenaline constricts blood vessels, which is why less blood is supplied to the fetus and it experiences oxygen starvation.

For these reasons, a pregnant woman who has a toothache should see a dentist as soon as possible.

Another reason why a pregnant woman should go to the dentist as soon as she feels pain is that tooth extraction during this period is highly discouraged. There are several reasons for this:

  • the need to use strong pain relievers;
  • weakened immunity, which means a high risk of infection entering the wound;
  • prohibition of antibiotic treatment.

However, there are situations where deletion is imminent. If it is impossible to cure it with a therapeutic method, the tooth is removed. The indications for such a radical treatment are:

  • an infection requiring antibiotic therapy - removal is chosen as the lesser of evils;
  • root damage, cyst;
  • mechanical damage to the tooth.

What to do if a wisdom tooth hurts? With its removal, dentists advise to wait and, if a woman is at 36, 37 or 38 weeks, come to the dental office after the baby has arrived. As a rule, the extraction of the last tooth in a row requires the use of strong medications to eliminate the inflammatory process, so it is better to postpone its removal.

When filling some teeth, the doctor needs to assess how much the infection has affected the root and canals, as well as determine their location. If cleaning and filling of root canals is required, then the dentist cannot do without an X-ray.

When a dentist prescribes a referral for a pregnant woman for an X-ray examination, expectant mothers doubt the safety of the procedure. Many believe that radiation will trigger pathological processes in the development of the embryo and cause deviations.

Are such fears justified? In modern medicine, the danger of X-ray examination is minimized.

The radiation dose is small; moreover, during the procedure, the patient is covered with a special apron, which prevents active particles from entering. The particle beam is directed only to the affected tooth.

So, with advanced pulpitis, complications from a spread infection are much more dangerous than from a single radiation.

Not all people can withstand a tooth filling without anesthesia. The painfulness of the procedure depends not only on the degree of damage, but also on the individual threshold of sensitivity, which may change during pregnancy.

Is the use of pain medications allowed? In the early months of pregnancy, up to 10-15 weeks, it is advisable to do without them. During this period, placental protection has not yet appeared, everything that enters the mother's body is transferred to the embryo. It is difficult to predict how this or that remedy will affect the fetus.

How can you anesthetize a tooth? Modern medicine has a sufficient arsenal of anesthetics, among which the dentist will be able to choose those that are allowed while carrying a baby. He will only use drugs that have a local effect and do not contain adrenaline.

P / p No. Anesthetic Active substance Operating principle
1 Ultracaine Articaine Blocks the sodium channels of the nerve fiber membrane, thereby preventing the transmission of nerve impulses. It takes effect 2 minutes after the injection, pain relief lasts for 45 minutes.
2 Primakain Epinephrine, articaine Local anesthetic that takes effect 30 seconds after insertion. Approved for use during pregnancy in any dose.
3 Septanest Epinphrine, articaine The principle of operation is similar to Primakain.

What can you drink if you have a toothache, but there is no opportunity to urgently go to the dentist? It is undesirable to take medications during pregnancy. However, it often becomes impossible to endure pain. In extreme cases, you can take tablets from the approved list, these medicines have minimal effect on the fetus or are absolutely safe.

At all stages of pregnancy, it is allowed to use novocaine. It is available as a pain reliever in ampoules and in the form of suppositories. The active ingredient is procaine. A solution from an ampoule with novocaine should be dropped onto a cotton swab and a carious cavity should be laid with it.

Suppositories have a general analgesic effect. Candles with novocaine are allowed to be used not only to reduce toothache, but also to relieve pain in the abdomen and intestines.

During pregnancy, the female body is significantly weakened, since it has to work with a double load. As a result, various pathologies may appear in any part of the body. The oral cavity will not be an exception when teeth ache during the period of gestation.

Pain in the jaws of a woman in position is of a dental and physiological nature.

  1. Caries. The process takes place in the periosteum or bone of the tooth. It is accompanied by unpleasant sensations that appear when eating cold, hot, sweet food.
  2. Periodontitis. Damage to the nerve and tissues surrounding the dental root occurs. There is severe pain, swelling of the cheeks and lips, swollen lymph nodes, and fever.
  3. Pulpitis. The inflammation affects soft tissue (pulp). There is a strong ache in the jaw, not only when eating, but also at rest, worse at night.
  4. Teething of third molars - wisdom teeth. The unpleasant sensations last during the growth of hard formations.
  5. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. Not only teeth hurt, but also temples, part of the nose, the edge of the mouth and gums, mainly on the right side.

Due to the increased excretion of Ca from the body of the expectant mother, aches appear in the bones, joints and teeth. Inflammation and aching sensations in the gums and jaw cause hormonal imbalances due to increased gonadotropin and progesterone. After childbirth, this condition usually returns to normal.

It is not recommended to endure pain in the oral cavity, since if the pathology is not treated, then it becomes the source of a more serious problem. A simple way out of this situation is to see a specialist. But dental treatment in the early, as well as at a later date, is undesirable.

In the first trimester, the slightest damage to the mucous membrane, which often happens during dental procedures, will lead to the ingress of toxins through the mother's blood to the embryo. This is dangerous, since the organs of the child are formed at 1-12 weeks, and the placenta that has not yet been fully formed will not be able to protect them.

In the 3rd trimester - excess stress is contraindicated for the expectant mother, because as the fetus grows, the load on the body increases and this can lead to premature birth.

The most favorable doctor's visit is from 14 to 21 weeks. During this period, the woman's condition stabilizes, and during treatment it is possible to use anesthesia, the use of an X-ray.

An ache in the jaw cannot be tolerated, as it negatively affects the condition of the mother and child. Therefore, it is important that analgesics are prescribed by an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist who observes the woman from the first days of pregnancy. And after the suppression of acute pain, it is recommended to consult a dentist.

When choosing an effective, and most importantly, safe medication, the following factors are taken into account:

  • gestational age;
  • the presence of low or high blood pressure;
  • woman's weight;
  • features of the course of pregnancy;
  • concomitant diseases - diabetes mellitus, kidney and heart disease.

A common antipyretic drug, but it also relieves pain well.

Safe remedy for mother and baby, which is widely used in gynecological and dental practice.

Despite the fact that the active substance of Paracetamol penetrates the walls of the placenta, it does not affect the fetus.

It is prescribed in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Contraindicated in women with liver, kidney and gastrointestinal tract diseases.

The medication relieves inflammation and relieves pain. The tool removes signs of chronic pulpitis and periodontitis. Ibuprofen is also produced under other trade names - "Nurofen", "Ibuprom".

Effectively relieves pain and lowers body temperature, but is rarely prescribed when other drugs do not cope with the task. The agent gradually penetrates the placenta and affects the condition of the unborn baby.

It is not prescribed in the first trimester, as well as after 34 weeks of pregnancy. Analgin irritates the stomach lining and can cause allergies. In extreme cases, when taken, a decrease in hemoglobin is observed, since the substance is capable of thinning the blood.

For jaw aches, solutions of potassium permanganate or "Furacilin" are used, the funds reduce inflammation.

The unpleasant sensations will not go away on their own unless you take action. And there are times when aches occur at night, when it is problematic to get to the clinic.

In this case, folk recipes help:

  1. All familiar and effective ways to combat toothache are rinsing with soda or saline solutions. They need to be strong in order to cleanse the oral cavity of harmful bacteria as much as possible and relieve pain. Pour a teaspoon of the required substance into a glass of warm boiled water and mix well so that the particles do not settle on the teeth and tongue. The procedure is carried out after a meal.
  2. Medicinal plants alleviate the condition. Chamomile rinses are effective, which reduce sensitivity and relieve mild pain for a while.
  3. A decoction of plantain and sage is used for mouth baths. The procedure is carried out three times a day for half an hour. It is advisable to retain the liquid for a while at the site of the aching tooth, then spit it out, and then collect a new portion of the decoction.
  4. Aloe vera pulp applied to a sore spot relieves symptoms.
  5. A small piece of propolis can be applied to the aching tooth. In three out of five cases, this leads to the long-awaited result - relief from pain.
  6. Relieves discomfort by rinsing with water and three drops of tea tree oil.

In order to prevent unpleasant sensations in the mouth, it is recommended to follow several rules:

  • Regularly, once every six months, visit a dental clinic.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day, effectively treating the interdental space.
  • Change the toothbrush once a month and a half.
  • Use two pastes - in the morning with calcium and fluoride, in the evening anti-inflammatory.
  • Rinse the mouth every time after a meal with special products, decoctions of medicinal plants or just boiled water.
  • Take vitamin and mineral complexes in courses.
  • Reduce your intake of sugary, acidic foods.
  • Gently massage the gums to prevent inflammation.

Many women, while carrying a child, are faced with aching pain in their teeth. And it is important not to postpone treatment until later, as this can affect the condition of the mother and baby. In this situation, only a specialist doctor will help, who will take into account the nuances of pregnancy and choose the correct therapy method.


Dentist surgeon, implantologist

Article checked by doctor

Pregnancy is, in a sense, an unpredictable period in a woman's life. For some, it goes as safely as possible, but for some expectant mothers, unfortunately, pregnancy will be remembered for some kind of disruption in the body. One of these ailments is toothache, which occurs for no apparent reason. More than one tooth hurts, several teeth ache at once, and how to cope with these unpleasant sensations is not immediately clear.

Teeth ache during pregnancy

Of course, you shouldn't think that pregnancy will definitely become a catalyst for dental problems. It is possible that after 9 months of pregnancy, you will not have any reason to go to the doctor. But there are still certain risks, and you need to be aware of them.

Still, pregnancy is a burden on the female body, in which chronic diseases or some untreated ailments are exacerbated. It is wiser to cure bad teeth even during the planning period of pregnancy, because it will be, at best, not always convenient to do this while carrying a child.

It is wiser to cure teeth during pregnancy planning

If your teeth hurt or ache during pregnancy, the reasons for this may be:

  • infections in the mouth itself;
  • caries;

Toxicosis during pregnancy

All of these reasons can turn to the so-called whining of the teeth. But in most cases, teeth ache due to tooth decay. It is he who first leads to mild painful sensations, and then the problem grows, and in a relatively short time you can completely lose a tooth.

Often teeth ache precisely because of caries

Caries is the destruction of the enamel layer, as well as the hard tissues of the tooth with the formation of a cavity that exposes the nerve. Caries can be noticed in time: if a tooth reacts to cold and / or hot, as well as salty and / or sweet, such increased sensitivity indicates the beginning of the process of tooth decay. If caries is not treated, then the infection will definitely go to the pulp - the inner tissue of the tooth, and this treatment will already be painful and more difficult.

With pulpitis, the pain is pulsating, very sharp, worse at night. Painkillers are of little help, lymph nodes become inflamed, and it may be difficult to chew and swallow food. Inflammation can even spread to the periosteum and bone tissue of a person, this causes severe torment, incessant pain. The problem is solved exclusively in the dental office.

If caries is left untreated, it develops into pulpitis.

For pregnant women, timely treatment is especially important, because the infection can enter the blood of the mother through an untreated tooth, and then the child. That is why, among those doctors whom a woman goes through when registering for pregnancy, there is a dentist.

Also, toothache during pregnancy is dangerous.

    To eliminate it, you have to drink pain relievers that are not recommended for taking during pregnancy.

Most pain medications are prohibited during pregnancy

To do dental x-rays is also undesirable

Stress during pregnancy is dangerous

Any focus of infection in the mother's body is a potential threat to the health of the fetus. This may well have a negative effect on the laying of organs and systems of the child, their formation and growth. Therefore, if it was not possible to solve all the problems before pregnancy, it is imperative to treat teeth during pregnancy.

Sometimes the cause of aching sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe teeth is gum disease, including gingivitis of pregnant women. According to statistics, it accompanies the pregnancy of 45% of women. And as such, there is no risk category in this regard: it does not matter how old the pregnant woman is, what chronic diseases she has, how the pregnancy proceeds. The gums become inflamed due to hormonal changes in the female body and reduced immunity during these months.

Possible causes of gingivitis:

  • hormonal changes - the level of progesterone and gonadotropin increases, and this contributes to the inflammatory process in the oral cavity. To be more precise, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed. After childbirth, the hormonal background gradually returns to the prenatal norm, the signs of gingivitis go away;
  • deficiency of minerals and / or vitamins. It is difficult to determine which microelement in the body of a pregnant woman is not enough - this cannot be determined only by the peculiarities of eating behavior. But vitamin deficiency itself, and also changes in metabolic processes can provoke gingivitis.

Very often vitamin deficiency accompanies toxicosis of the first weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, the most common time when gingivitis manifests itself is 8-12 obstetric weeks.

Many pregnant women have gingivitis

Signs of Degree Treatment Swollen, hyperemic gums that partially (and sometimes completely) cover the crown of the tooth.

Soreness when pressing on the gums.

Tooth enamel with strong plaque.

Repulsive mouth odor. Mild - if the gum has not covered more than 1/3 of the dental crown.

Medium - the coronal part is covered by the gum only half.

Severe - the gum covered more than 1/2 of the crown of the tooth. Professional hardware teeth cleaning.

Taking anti-inflammatory drugs with a doctor's prescription.

Physiotherapy procedures.

Gingivitis rarely leads to severe toothache, but aching sensations may well appear. It is impossible to cure gingivitis completely, because the mechanisms that lead to it are explained by the pregnancy itself. Therefore, you can simply remove its manifestation to a minimum, and this can be done only in the office of a specialist.

Pregnancy is not a reason to refuse professional medical care if you have complaints. Therefore, if your teeth hurt, then you need to go to the dentist unambiguously. The most appropriate time for treatment is considered the 2nd trimester. This is a relatively calm time, when there is no toxicosis, the expectant mother is feeling good, the risks are least of all.

2nd trimester is the best period for dental treatment

In the very first weeks of pregnancy, a woman undergoes a medical examination, which includes a dentist. At this consultation, the doctor will identify the existing problems, tell you how and when they can be treated. Do not delay treatment, in the third trimester it may not be very comfortable physically.

In the third trimester, dental treatment is already inconvenient and even dangerous

Do not worry that the anesthesia accompanying the treatment will harm the patient's health. For pregnant women, an anesthetic is selected that is not transmitted to the baby through the placenta, it is quickly excreted from the body. The main thing is to warn the doctor about your situation, do not hesitate to tell if you feel sick, dizzy, etc.

The pain does not wait until you have time to make an appointment with a doctor or get to the clinic. It needs to be removed, because enduring pain is not at all helpful. Moreover, aching sensations often occur at night, when there is no way to get to the doctor.

Perhaps, soda rinses, or rinses with saline solutions, as well as decoctions of sage, chamomile, will be salutary. The anti-inflammatory composition is harmless to the condition of the mother and baby, and with insufficient acute pain, these funds may well help.

You can rinse your teeth with a decoction of chamomile

You can attach a small piece of propolis to the aching place. In some folk recipes, raw grated beets are mentioned, which are also applied to the sore spot. You can also rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water mixed with 2-4 drops of tea tree oil.

Propolis helps with toothache

If folk remedies do not help, you can use Kalgel and its analogues. This is a dental gel that is commonly used to relieve inflamed gums (during teething) in babies. It can help relieve discomfort; when using, follow the instructions.

Any aching pain, weak or intense, is a serious reason to see a doctor. Today, many clinics provide for the treatment of pregnant women using the mildest methods, tactics, techniques, all medical manipulations are aimed at treatment without stress.

Visiting the dentist during pregnancy is very intimidating for many.

The 34th week of pregnancy is the middle of the last (third) trimester, which begins at the 28th obstetric week of gestation.

Toothache occurs throughout life, most often when you don't expect it.

During pregnancy, any medical interventions must be minimized in order to avoid negative effects on small ...

"Accretia" is a general medical center providing services in several areas:

First of all, one that does not injure the gums during use. At the same time, the quality of oral hygiene depends more on whether the teeth are brushed correctly than on the shape or variety of the toothbrush. As for electric brushes, they are the preferred option for uninformed people; although you can brush your teeth with a simple (manual) brush. In addition, a toothbrush alone is often not enough - floss (special dental floss) must be used to clean between teeth.

Rinses are additional hygiene products that effectively cleanse the entire oral cavity from harmful bacteria. All these funds can be conditionally divided into two large groups - therapeutic and prophylactic and hygienic.

The latter include mouth rinses that eliminate unpleasant odors and promote fresh breath.

With regard to therapeutic and prophylactic, these include rinses that have an anti-plaque / anti-inflammatory / anti-carious effect and help reduce the sensitivity of hard dental tissues. This is achieved due to the presence in the composition of various kinds of biologically active components. Therefore, the rinse aid must be selected for each specific person on an individual basis, as well as the toothpaste. And due to the fact that the product is not washed off with water, it only strengthens the effect of the active components of the paste.

Such cleaning is completely safe for dental tissues and less traumatic for the soft tissues of the oral cavity. The fact is that in dental clinics a special level of ultrasonic vibrations is selected, which has an effect on the density of the stone, disrupts its structure and separates it from the enamel. In addition, in places where tissues are processed with an ultrasound scaler (this is the name of a device for cleaning teeth), a special cavitation effect occurs (after all, oxygen molecules are released from the water droplets, which enter the treatment zone and cool the tool tip). The cell membranes of pathogenic microorganisms are ruptured by these molecules, due to which the microbes die.

It turns out that cleaning with ultrasound has a complex effect (provided that really high-quality equipment is used) both on the stone and on the microflora as a whole, cleaning it. And this cannot be said about mechanical cleaning. Moreover, ultrasonic cleaning is more pleasant for the patient and takes less time.

According to dentists, dental treatment should be carried out regardless of your position. Moreover, a pregnant woman is recommended to visit a dentist every one to two months, because, as you know, when carrying a baby, teeth are significantly weakened, suffer from a deficiency of phosphorus and calcium, and therefore the risk of caries or even tooth loss increases significantly. For the treatment of pregnant women, it is necessary to use harmless anesthetics. The most suitable course of treatment should be selected exclusively by a qualified dentist, who will also prescribe the required preparations that strengthen the tooth enamel.

It is quite difficult to treat wisdom teeth due to their anatomical structure. However, trained professionals treat them successfully. Prosthetics of wisdom teeth is recommended in the case when one (or several) adjacent teeth is missing or it needs to be removed (if you also remove a wisdom tooth, then there is simply nothing to chew with). In addition, the removal of a wisdom tooth is undesirable if it is in the right place in the jaw, has its own antagonist tooth and takes part in the chewing process. You should also take into account the fact that poor-quality treatment can lead to the most serious complications.

Here, of course, much depends on the taste of the person. So, there are completely invisible systems attached to the inside of the teeth (known as lingual), and there are transparent ones. But the most popular are still metal braces with colored metal / elastic ligatures. It's really trendy!

To begin with, it's just unattractive. If this is not enough for you, we will give the following argument - calculus and plaque on the teeth often provoke bad breath. Isn't that enough for you? In this case, we move on: if the tartar "grows", this will inevitably lead to irritation and inflammation of the gums, that is, it will create favorable conditions for periodontitis (a disease in which periodontal pockets are formed, pus constantly flows out of them, and the teeth themselves become mobile ). And this is already a direct path to the loss of healthy teeth. Moreover, the number of harmful bacteria increases, which leads to increased dental caries.

The lifespan of an established implant will be tens of years. According to statistics, at least 90 percent of implants function perfectly 10 years after insertion, while the service life averages 40 years. Typically, this period will depend both on the design of the product and on how carefully the patient takes care of it. That is why it is imperative to use an irrigator during cleaning. In addition, you must visit the dentist at least once a year. All these measures will significantly reduce the risk of losing the implant.

Removal of a cyst of a tooth can be performed by a therapeutic or surgical method. In the second case, we are talking about the extraction of a tooth with further cleaning of the gums. In addition, there are those modern methods that allow you to save a tooth. This is, first of all, cystectomy - a rather complex operation, which consists in removing the cyst and the affected root apex. Another method is hemisection, in which the root and the tooth fragment above it are removed, after which it (part) is restored with a crown.

As for the therapeutic treatment, it consists in cleaning the cyst through the root canal. This is also a difficult option, especially not always effective. Which method should you choose? This will be decided by the doctor together with the patient.

In the first case, professional systems are used to change the color of teeth, based on carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. Obviously, it is better to give preference to professional whitening.


Up to 75% of pregnant women suffer from gum disease, dental disease and toothache. It is often caused by inflammation of the gums and soft tissue in the tooth cavity - the pulp. Due to the many hormonal changes that occur in the body during pregnancy, a woman may experience severe toothache that occurs during this period. There are safe and effective toothache self-help methods that will provide natural relief from toothache.

It is not uncommon for a woman to suffer from toothache during pregnancy. Because of the increased susceptibility of the body to pain and hormonal changes in the body, women are more prone to pain during different stages of pregnancy. In the past, it was impossible for dentists to identify the causes of toothache during pregnancy and effectively treat them due to the fact that not all drugs were taken equally well by pregnant women. Diagnosis was also difficult due to the lack of modern dental equipment. Today, it is possible to effectively facilitate dental treatment procedures that professional dentists provide for pregnant women.

If you suffer from toothaches during pregnancy, you should make an appointment with your dentist to find the source of your toothache. Be sure to tell your doctor that you are pregnant so that he can take this into account.

Toothache in pregnant women is often caused by a lack of calcium. The baby requires a lot of calcium because bones and teeth develop, and the pregnant mother does not consume enough calcium. This can weaken the pregnant woman's teeth and lead to toothaches.

Therefore, you need to include in the diet more foods with calcium in the composition - kefir, cottage cheese, milk, fermented baked milk, sour cream. And also use toothpastes with calcium.

Most types of toothaches are caused by pain in the gums, which can be inflamed or infected. It can be quite painful if the toothache is left untreated.

If you are suffering from pain, bleeding, or infected gums, home remedies for toothache can help eliminate these problems and provide relief from toothache.

Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can help remove bacteria from your mouth and disinfect your gums and teeth. Repeat this process regularly (every hour) to keep bacteria from growing. Also make sure you floss thoroughly and regularly, as well as a soft toothbrush.

You should also analyze what kind of mouthwash you are using. Many of the major brands of toothpaste or oral fluid contain potentially harmful chemicals (such as alcohol or sodium sulfate - lauryl sulfate). These are chemicals that irritate the gums and cause whole body allergic reactions.

Therefore, keep in mind that it is toothpaste or mouthwash that can cause gum disease and the destruction of tooth enamel (caries). Use organic toothpastes with peppermint, tea tree, or almond oil instead of hazardous chemicals.

Pregnant women are more susceptible to toothache and gum pain and gum inflammation than other people. If you think that a visit to the dentist is unnecessary with a hole in a tooth, you should use home remedies to prevent toothache. Use warm salt water to kill bacteria in your gums and mouth, and ice can be used for toothaches to provide temporary relief.

Clove oil and peppermint leaves can provide relief for a toothache in a pregnant woman. In addition, for untreated teeth, a soft toothbrush and floss should be used regularly. Of course, this will not be enough. It is necessary to consult a doctor and put modern fillings from environmentally friendly materials, otherwise the hole in the tooth will grow, and the enamel will deteriorate further.

Many pregnant women suffer from toothaches when they have sinusitis, an inflammation of the sinuses. The pain radiates in the jaw, and the woman thinks that the cause of her toothache is her teeth. But this is far from the case. To relieve toothaches and sinusitis, you can put a hot towel or a hot egg - or a bag of hot sand - on the nose area. This will help eliminate sinus fluid and dental pain.

Tea with honey, ginger and lemon can also provide relief from toothaches in pregnant women. These 3 ingredients are natural antibacterial agents that kill harmful bacteria and return your gums, teeth and mouth to a normal, healthy state.

You can also use sage to rinse your mouth. Take dry or fresh sage leaves, pour boiling water over them for a few minutes. This will be a very good infusion for gargling and relieving pain. Peppermint leaves also provide excellent pain relief and may help a pregnant woman. Use the mint infusion as a mouthwash several times throughout the day (every hour). Do not swallow the infusion, but spit it out when you finish rinsing.

To relieve a toothache in a pregnant woman, you can also attach a piece of onion or garlic to the tooth that is hurting. Onions contain very powerful substances called phytoncides, which are very good for eliminating disease-causing bacteria. When applied to affected areas of a tooth, onion pieces can even help with the healing process.

If you are in an extremely painful condition, you can simply put onions or garlic directly on the aching tooth. You can also chew a bite of onion or garlic if you are able to chew - this will help release the antiseptic nutrients in them, and they will give you relief from toothaches. Garlic and onions help even with severe toothaches during pregnancy, they are very effective, and besides, they do not pose any danger to your baby. Although your husband may not want to kiss you for a while.

There is another very good natural option for getting rid of a toothache during pregnancy. Mix a teaspoon of salt with a cup of warm water and rinse your mouth with this solution. Just like garlic and onions, salt is very good at killing bacteria and eliminating infections. If you rinse your mouth for a minute or less, your toothache will miraculously decrease. It seems too simple, but folk remedies can really work wonders and stop pain in less than half an hour.

Remember, when you have a toothache during pregnancy, the remedies you use at home may not work. But your dentist will help you choose more effective drugs. You don't want to experiment with your child's health, so it's best to choose the safest remedies. A good dentist can advise a pregnant woman on an effective way to get rid of a toothache with modern medicines - pastes, gels or effective treatment in several stages.

Please note, young mothers: this information is for informational purposes only, so before using any of these methods, contact your practicing dentist for an accurate diagnosis of your problems and getting rid of toothache during pregnancy.

If you are constantly suffering from gum disease, you should pay attention to your lifestyle. Stress, smoking and drinking alcohol can cause serious dental problems in pregnant women. Avoid these situations whenever possible.

Also try to eat a diet high in vegetables and fruits (the vitamin C they contain will help treat gum disease). Processed foods and fats should also be in a pregnant woman's diet, but in fairly small amounts. Raw vegetables and fruits not only provide the body with the necessary nutrients, but also enable the baby to grow and develop quickly.


Many women who are planning a pregnancy must be examined by a dentist and have their teeth treated in advance. Unfortunately, this does not always help. Toothache during pregnancy often overtakes even those who monitor their own health and perform oral hygiene on time.

Toothache is one of the strongest and most unpleasant. During pregnancy, a woman's teeth become very vulnerable. Pain, sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet, various diseases of the teeth and gums may appear. This is influenced by many factors. For example, a lack of vitamins and minerals, a change in hormonal levels inevitable during pregnancy, a violation of metabolic processes in the body, an exacerbation of chronic diseases, an increase in the acidity of the oral cavity is possible as a result of toxicosis. In addition, calcium metabolism always changes during pregnancy. Early toxicosis, vomiting, constant nausea and lack of appetite - all this leads to a decrease in calcium intake into the body. At 6-7 months of pregnancy, the skeleton of the unborn child begins to grow rapidly. Due to the lack of calcium in the blood, the mother activates the process of resorption of her own bones. And the jaws are the first to suffer from this.

Such factors negatively affect the health of the oral cavity and can cause tooth decay, which can lead to toothaches during pregnancy. Caries is a hotbed of infection that is very dangerous for a pregnant woman. After all, an infection can get through the blood vessels into any organ and cause complications in the course of pregnancy. That is why pregnant women should have their teeth treated as early as possible. Toothache is often caused by gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) or periodontitis (inflammation of the deeper tissues surrounding the tooth). And if the toothache is constant and does not allow you to fall asleep, this is a sign of the spread of pulpitis (inflammation of the tooth nerve). In this case, the pain has an acute, spontaneous, paroxysmal character. Only a dentist can determine the exact cause of the discomfort. Therefore, at the first sign of a toothache that occurs during pregnancy, contact a specialist.

As already mentioned, ideally, it is necessary to sanitize the oral cavity before pregnancy. If it was not possible to heal the teeth to an "interesting position", then the most favorable time for this is the second trimester of pregnancy. In this case, even complex dental treatments are allowed. There is absolutely no need to suffer from an aching tooth and you should not postpone a visit to the dentist. After all, modern methods of treatment, pain relief can also be used for pregnant women, without posing a threat to the unborn child.


The waiting period for the baby for each woman is quite individual. But almost all of them are familiar with the problem of toothache during pregnancy. There are many reasons for the onset of ailment, and it is difficult to determine the source of pain. It can be inflammation of the bone or jaw tissues, inflammation of the gums.

But the most common cause is dental caries, as a result of which the pulp or nerve can become inflamed. Prolonged pains are exhausting, weakness, headache appears, temperature may rise. What should a pregnant woman do in this case? In no case should you endure malaise. After all, if mom is bad, then the baby inside is uncomfortable.

A woman's body is very vulnerable during pregnancy. Due to a lack of vitamins, minerals, changes in hormonal levels and metabolic disorders, increased acidity of the oral cavity due to toxicosis, dental health deteriorates, which can provoke toothache. It is during this period that a woman should be especially careful with herself and avoid stressful situations.

If you have a toothache during pregnancy, you should immediately consult a dentist. But it is not always possible to do this - the pain can begin at any time, and if it happens at night, you will have to postpone the visit to the doctor and relieve it using available tools or the contents of the first-aid kit. However, before taking this step, you need to know what drugs or folk remedies can help with this.

A preventive examination by a dentist every six months will save you from many problems. A visit to the dental office is extremely necessary not only when planning a pregnancy, but also during it.

There is a misconception that you shouldn't go to the dentist during pregnancy. But this is fraught with dangerous consequences. Any carious manifestation can severely affect a pregnant woman if it is not treated on time.

Caries develops several times faster during pregnancy. Over time, it can develop into pulpitis and cause acute pain. And at the initial stage of the development of caries, its treatment is possible without the use of analgesics and X-rays. You just need to consult with the gynecologist leading the pregnancy, and warn the dentist about pregnancy.

In the early stages of caries, teeth can be treated without harm to the health of the fetus. The tooth is preserved and can last for a long time. The neglected state of caries threatens with pulpitis, it is almost impossible to save a tooth. And without treatment, pulpitis will give complications such as periodontitis, periostitis.

So, the only correct solution for toothache during pregnancy is to consult a dentist. And only on his advice to use the available methods. How you can relieve a toothache during pregnancy, we will tell you below. Also find out if an ovarian cyst is possible during pregnancy.

Warm rinsing is used when it is not possible to see a doctor for an appointment within the next 24 hours. This method provides only partial pain relief for a short time, but has no side effects and can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

To relieve acute toothaches during pregnancy, the mouthwash should be at a temperature so as not to burn the mouth. You can use both plain water and with the addition of salt or soda (1 tsp per liter of water). Decoctions with anti-inflammatory drugs are also used, such as:

  • oak bark;
  • sage;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • yarrow;
  • leaves of mother and stepmother;
  • peppermint;
  • succession.

Rinses are carried out as often as possible, for example, a glass every hour. It is strictly forbidden to warm up the sore spot outside.


In many cases, it is possible to get rid of severe pain in the teeth without potent tablets - folk remedies. But they are all designed to relieve this ailment just for a while. We list the most common and safe methods that have been tested by dentists and women themselves, and can be used during pregnancy.

  1. Since ancient times, there has been a method of applying ordinary garlic to the tooth. It can also be applied to a vein in the wrist. Garlic is applied with the cut side or chopped. For tooth pain on the left side, garlic is applied to the right hand, from the right side to the left hand.
  2. You can sprinkle cloves on your sore gums - a common table seasoning. The tool has an excellent analgesic effect.
  3. Plantain leaves or houseplants such as aloe or Kalanchoe are also effective. The plantain leaf needs to be squeezed and squeezed out a little juice, then rolled up with a tourniquet and put into the ear from the side of the unhealthy tooth. Aloe or Kalanchoe leaves are applied to the diseased gum. The inflammation goes away very quickly.
  4. It is very effective to apply cotton swabs moistened with various anesthetic agents.
    On a tampon moistened with vegetable oil, apply a small amount of Vietnamese “Asterisk” balm and apply to the gum under the unhealthy tooth.
  5. In the same way, you can use a tampon soaked in dental drops, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Apply a tampon moistened with fir or sea buckthorn oil to a sore tooth.

All of the above methods will be useless for deeper caries. Then, before assistance from the doctor, only clean water will help - to flush out the irritant from the carious cavity.

There are times when no folk remedy is able to relieve toothache. What then is to be done? Modern painkillers come to the rescue, helping to get rid of malaise during pregnancy without harming the baby's health.

Toothache pills are much more effective than gargles or folk remedies. During pregnancy, they should only be taken after consulting a doctor. They will help to completely relieve even a severe toothache.

Of the medicines approved for use during pregnancy, the following can be taken.

  1. Paracetamol is recommended by doctors as the safest remedy. Although the drug crosses the placenta, it does not harm the baby. However, paracetamol should be taken strictly as directed. It is a mild analgesic, but even with acute pain it helps very effectively.
  2. No-shpa (or as an analogue - drotaverine) is an antispasmodic agent that successfully acts during pain.
  3. Aspirin - only on the recommendation of a doctor. Sometimes it is allowed to take in the second trimester of pregnancy. The drug helps to soothe a toothache to the limit that allows you to endure before a doctor's help.
  4. Analgin - similar to Aspirin, but has a stronger effect. The medicine has side effects that are why it is banned in many countries.
  5. Nurofen is used in exceptional cases, in the first or second trimesters of pregnancy.

Acute toothache will help to remove a solution of novocaine - it must be dripped onto the gum next to the unhealthy tooth, directly into the carious cavity, or a swab moistened with the solution should be applied to the tooth. Novocaine is used as directed by a doctor, but it is considered a fairly safe remedy.

Pain relief medication

All of the above means will help to temporarily relieve toothache. But it is important for the expectant mother to remember that in her condition, under no pretext, the visit to the doctor should be postponed.

Since there are more dental problems during pregnancy than in any other period of life, it is imperative that a dentist is observed. The doctor will notice any damage to the tooth or change in the structure of the gums in time and fix the problem before it makes itself felt.

If necessary, the doctor will anesthetize the tooth with analgesics that are safe for the pregnant woman and the fetus. The main thing is that the dentist will relieve not only pain, but also the consequences of complications. It is better to cure caries on time than to subsequently become a victim of an abscess.

Any medicine can be taken only under the supervision of a dentist. In the first trimester of pregnancy, take pain relievers with extreme caution and remember:

  • in the first trimester, the fetus is especially vulnerable. After three months, the placenta protects it, thanks to which the effect of drugs is much weaker;
  • take medicines strictly, observing the dosage. Drink strong medications in case of emergency and only on the recommendation of a doctor, no more than one tablet;
  • if you experience ailments in the oral cavity, do not postpone a visit to the dentist;
  • do not try rinsing with cold water to avoid serious complications.

There are some simple rules to follow during pregnancy.

  1. Even during the planning period for pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to visit a dentist and cure all her teeth.
  2. During pregnancy, you must maintain a balanced diet, take a complex of vitamins and minerals recommended by your doctor.
  3. Strictly observe oral hygiene.
  4. During pregnancy, be sure to see a dentist.

By following these simple rules throughout pregnancy, you can avoid dental problems. Find out what to do if you have a sore throat in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Reading 13 min. Published 16.12.2019

Causes of toothache in pregnant women

Why can a pregnant woman have toothache? Toothache can be caused by:

  1. Caries is a pathological process that occurs in the hard tissues of the tooth. First, it attacks the enamel, and then goes to dentin. For a long time, caries can be asymptomatic. If the hole is small and the sensitive parts of the diseased tooth are not affected, the person may not even be aware of the presence of caries, because nothing hurts him.
  2. Pulpitis is an inflammation of the soft parts. The pulp contains blood vessels and nerve endings; therefore, pulpitis is accompanied by acute pain. Most often, the infection gets inside due to untreated caries.
  3. Periodontitis is a violation of the integrity of the ligaments that hold the tooth in the alveolar socket, damage to bone tissue, the formation of cysts at the root. The periodontium is affected following the pulp if caries is left untreated. With periodontitis, acute pain occurs, this ailment often leads to tooth loss.
  4. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums due to a lack of vitamins and beneficial macronutrients. Can cause tooth loss.

In pregnant women, pathological processes in the mouth can be triggered by hormonal fluctuations in the body. Saliva becomes more viscous, it cleans the mouth worse, does not wash away food debris, and contains less phosphates that protect the enamel from damage.

A growing fetus requires a large amount of vitamins, minerals, especially calcium. If a woman does not eat well enough, she will experience a lack of useful components, which will worsen the condition of enamel and dentin.

The best time for dental treatment is the second trimester of pregnancy. At the initial stages, the placental barrier has not yet formed, which protects the baby from harmful substances. In later stages, starting at 34 weeks, medications can cause premature birth, reduce the amount of amniotic fluid, and impair the blood flow of the mother and, as a result, the fetus.

What should a pregnant woman do if she has a toothache, sore gums, cramping jaw or aching wisdom tooth? You can soothe a tooth or gum that has become inflamed at home using folk recipes:

  1. Gargle with salt and baking soda. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt and baking soda in a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth three times a day after meals. The solution has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves irritation, improves the outflow of pus from the infected area.
  2. Fir oil. Put a couple of drops of oil on a cotton swab, apply to the affected area. Fir oil has a local anesthetic properties, relieves puffiness, eliminates irritation. It helps well with gingivitis, but it will be useless with caries and pulpitis.
  3. Chamomile decoction (see also: can chamomile decoction be used during pregnancy to rinse the mouth?). Each pharmacy sells crushed dry chamomile flowers. They should be brewed according to the instructions and rinsed twice a day. The broth soothes inflamed tissues, has an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition to chamomile, yarrow, coltsfoot, string, oak bark are suitable.
  4. Carrot and turnip juice. Squeeze out juice from turnips and carrots, mix in proportions 1 to 1 to 25 ml. Rinse daily after meals.

It should be remembered that folk methods can only be used as temporary and auxiliary means. Decoctions and oils will not help get rid of tooth decay and pulpitis. They relieve pain, remove irritation, and help cleanse the tooth cavity from dirt and food debris. Caries and pulpitis are irreversible lesions. As soon as the woman has the opportunity, she should visit the dentist.

How to safely treat teeth during pregnancy

There is an opinion that it is forbidden to treat teeth during pregnancy, because it can lead to bad consequences for the baby. This is a common myth that has no foundation. Perhaps the concerns about the fetus were justified several decades ago - at that time other medications and anesthetics were used for treatment. However, safe remedies are now used in dentistry.

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