Unfavorable days in September are magnetic. As soon as a magnetic storm occurs on the Sun, a lot of energy is directed to the Earth, which badly affects the well-being of people. The magnetic storm itself is nothing more than a flash on the surface of

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From September 28 to October 2, meteorologists predict strong solar flares. The first three days, September 28, 29, 30, will be incredibly difficult for weather-sensitive people. Headaches in the evening every day can cause terrible discomfort, and extreme fatigue can prevent you from doing your job as efficiently as possible. Scientists assess this activity as activity of the second level, which happens very rarely. For three whole days the Sun will test us for strength, however, even after these three days it will not let us go.

On October 1 and 2, the storm will not go away - it will only become slightly weaker, dropping to the first level of strength. Scientists say that only about 50% of the world's population will be able to safely survive such a prolonged exposure. Even those who normally do not have problems with storms can be affected by them. The effects of a storm can manifest itself in fatigue, fatigue, bad mood, irritability, or poor sleep. Poor energy results in failure.

These five days will be devastating for those experiencing solar attacks very difficult. This storm will be like a bolt from the blue, but now you are fully armed, so you have a chance to protect yourself.

How to weather a magnetic storm

This natural phenomenon is the result of protecting the Earth from the bombardment of our atmosphere by the solar wind. The Earth's magnetic field redirects charged particles flying at great speed. The result is a pristine atmosphere, but an energized magnetosphere. Excited magnetic fields have a very bad effect on the operation of electronics, on the well-being and energy of people and even animals.

Headaches can be removed with medications or pain relievers. This is a bad, albeit effective way, because taking medicine all five days is not very useful. These troubles can be avoided only by observing a sleep schedule, timely rest and a good mood. Shocks, conflicts, depression - forget about it if you do not want to lie in bed all 5 days. These tips are relevant only for weather-sensitive individuals.

In many ways, traditional medicine can help you, which also has its own opinion on how to cope with the consequences of storms. It will help eliminate problems, as well as avoid the exacerbation of chronic diseases that "wake up" on the days of the Earth's magnetic activity. There are many invigorating herbs you can add to your tea to keep you focused and feel less tired. There are various techniques that can be used to boost your energy to keep you strong and lessen the negative effects of the storm.

From September 28 to October 2, do not start any new business, so as not to be disappointed in them. Get better at solving problems that have accumulated over a long period of time. If you have important things to do, check yourself after the storm to make sure you did it right.

Life confronts us with different problems. Many people will not be able to escape the effects of the sun and the earth's magnetic field, but be calm and do not worry. Magnetic storms affect a person strongly, but not so much so as not to cope with them. From September 28 to October 2, look at the world easier and do not worry about trifles.

Magnetic storms are direct evidence that the sun is not only the source of life on Earth. Sometimes it brings problems to many weather-sensitive people.

In September, serious jumps in the Earth's magnetic field will not be observed, but this month cannot be called completely calm either. To make your well-being less susceptible to the influence of magnetic vibrations of the earth's magnetosphere, use the advice of traditional medicine for weather-sensitive people. Storms have been known for a long time, so people have learned to reduce their impact through trial and error.

Magnetic disturbance on September 1 and 2

On September 1 and 2, the probability of the transition of the disturbance into a storm is about 15%. This will be the first type of storm - the weakest of all possible, but not everything is as simple as it seems. The fact is that only one day of calm separates the storm on August 30 from the storm on September 1. Make the most of this day. Take a break from troubles, from problems. If this does not work, then just lead a healthy lifestyle on September 1 and September 2. Do not drink alcohol and react more calmly to problems coming to you from outside.

Magnetic disturbance on September 5 and 6

An absolutely identical disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field is expected on September 5 and 6. Many experts believe that these will be echoes of previous storms, but for people, conclusions, advice and facts are more important. The truth is that you shouldn't worry about these two days either.

Just overload your body less with unnecessary disorders, nerves and problems. Be simpler about everything that happens around you to stay calm and energetic. We wrote earlier about how to gain strength according to the Zodiac Sign. This article will help you overcome fatigue.

One more and, most likely, the last disturbance of the magnetosphere will be in these two days. The probability of its growing into a magnetic storm is about 15%. Even if this does happen, by simply adhering to the daily regimen and carefulness, negative effects can be avoided.

The fact is that the whole September will be very calm, so the maximum that you can feel is fatigue. Some will suffer from joint pain, but this can be resolved with massage.

Meteorologists note that there is a small chance of a weak magnetic field excitation on September 3 and 4. If this happens, it will be more difficult for the body to rest. That is why it is better to simply devote the first weekend of September to complete relaxation and quiet rest.

We wish you success and well-being. Let the Sun be your helper, not your enemy. Knowing everything about how magnetic storms affect human health, you will not fall into trouble. Try to think more about rest and good mood during difficult periods when the Sun is raging.

Good luck to you.

All of us have ever witnessed unreasonable ill health, both among children and the elderly, and among middle-aged people. Sometimes these are pressure surges, unreasonable headaches, the body's reaction to changes in the weather. Sometimes the reason for feeling unwell lies in solar activity and magnetic storms.

The body's response to magnetic storms

The body's reactions to magnetic vibrations can be headaches, insomnia, loss of strength, depression, pressure surges and disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system of the body. Experts assure us that only 10% of the world's population is sensitive to magnetic storms. How true this is not for us to judge. We would just like to warn you against being too suspicious while reading this article.

Schedule of magnetic storms for April 2020 - May 2020

The schedule is updated every day! Bookmark!

Magnetic fluctuations in February should be expected in the indicated numbers. In general, April 2020 and May 2020 will most likely not upset us with frequent and strong magnetic storms. Particularly serious flares in the sun are not yet expected, and scientists warn us only about very insignificant geomagnetic fluctuations.

Causes of magnetic storms

Any geomagnetic disturbances occurring with our planet are directly dependent on the processes that occur at this time on the Sun. While flares occur on our star in areas of dark spots, plasma particles enter space, which rush at high speed to the planets of the solar system. When these particles reach the atmosphere of our planet, they cause the Earth's geomagnetic oscillations.

I would like to warn suspicious and impressionable people from inventing false symptoms and diseases attributed to geomagnetic fluctuations. Of course, everyone has their own reaction to magnetic storms. In addition, the question of the influence of geomagnetic vibrations of the earth on human well-being has not yet been thoroughly studied by scientists. However, it should be noted that the state of our health at the moment directly affects how we respond to solar activity.

If you are susceptible to some kind of disease, you have a weakened immune system, you are in a stressful situation, overextended and emotionally exhausted, in this case, your body can malfunction and react to magnetic storms with a serious deterioration.

If, on the contrary, you are cheerful, cheerful, healthy and cheerful, it is most likely that you will not even notice the past magnetic storms and will spend this day no worse than any other.

For the most sensitive people, doctors have developed a recommendation system. Partial or full compliance with these rules will help you survive magnetic storms in April 2020 - May 2020 without any health problems.

On the days preceding the magnetic fluctuations and on the days of magnetic storms, refrain from drinking alcohol and plentiful food, including fatty, spicy, salty. During this period, it is better to observe moderation in food and try to focus on healthy food.

Drink more clean water. Do not neglect teas, compotes, herbal mixtures, chicory. Try to consume drinks that do not have a strong effect on your cardiovascular system. Try to refrain from coffee, strong and invigorating teas.

Try to spend more time outdoors and less time locked up. Any heavy physical activity is recommended to be postponed for another period. Walking outdoors, on the other hand, will benefit you.

Monitor your blood pressure

During magnetic storms, you can drink soothing herbal tinctures or add them to tea. Motherwort, valerian, sage, and several other herbs can help you survive magnetic vibrations more easily.

Try to avoid quarrels and conflicts. In addition, it is recommended not to undertake work that requires concentration or monotony.

If you have any chronic illnesses, make sure that the necessary medications are at hand at all times.

Try to give your body and mind a rest during this difficult period, and then you will experience periods of magnetic vibrations without any problems!

Every person who has a chronic illness or meteosensitivity should know the schedule of magnetic storms. Forewarned is forearmed, and it's better not to joke with magnetic storms.

But let's start with what a magnetic storm is and why it has a negative effect on the human body.

Everything that happens on the Sun is necessarily reflected on our planet and on the well-being of its inhabitants.

As soon as a magnetic storm occurs on the Sun, a lot of energy is directed to the Earth, which badly affects the well-being of people. The magnetic storm itself is nothing more than a flare on the surface of our brightest star, which occurs due to collisions of magnetic fluxes of different polarities.

After their collisions, the most powerful energy is released, it is so powerful that it easily reaches the Earth and passes through its atmosphere. As a result, it affects the body of many people who are weather-sensitive, sick or exhausted.

People with cardiovascular diseases and hypertension are most affected by magnetic storms. In addition, in some people, solar activity causes severe headaches, insomnia, irritability, fatigue, and dizziness. It is for this reason that you need to know the schedule of magnetic storms in advance.

To avoid negative effects on the body, it is necessary to start adhering to some rules shortly before the onset of a magnetic storm.

Here is a short list of them: do not overeat, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, eat healthy food, avoid stress, do not overwork, sleep more, walk in the fresh air, drink more fluids and carry the necessary medicines with you (in the presence of chronic diseases).

Several magnetic storms are predicted in September 2016:
From 1 to 10 September is the most dangerous period of the month, so the above rules must be followed.

Peak solar activity day is September 6th. On this day, there should be a minimum program, that is, less work, stress and more rest.

After September 10, there will be no outbreaks until September 24. However, already on September 26, the peak load will occur again and you will have to re-control your daily routine.



Quality of Life is the result of brain activity

Scientists have found that various mental activities, as well as a person's life achievements, such as success, well-being and good health, are the result of the states in which he is. And the state of a person is determined by his Consciousness, manifested in the body by a certain frequency of brain activity.

The human brain can be compared to a "quantum" a radio station capable of receiving and emitting specific waves.

This means that in order to enter a particular state, a person simply needs to “tune in” to a certain “frequency” and learn to stay in it.

Human innate ability

When we are in a hurry, plunged into stress, depression, hopelessness, the brain emits and processes information in one mode (beta waves), and when we relax, let go, accept what is happening, we tune in to another mode (alpha waves).

Intuitive Perception of Life We experience even deeper states in theta waves during shallow sleep or meditation. It is a state of intuitive insight, deep relaxation, vivid visions and conjectures.

In Zen Buddhism, the theta-wave activity of Consciousness is called "satori". For more information on different frequency rhythms of the brain, see the article "Brain Wave Activity".

A person experiences the theta state at least twice a day (during falling asleep and waking up) and repeatedly is in the alpha state, but how can one learn to consciously "switch"?

Brain wave activity

For scientists, the human brain is still largely a mystery. But we already know some of the features of the brain as a "quantum" radio receiver.

The brain is an electromagnetic emitter that processes information. The electrical activity of the brain has a wave nature. There are four categories of brain waves - from the highest frequency to the lowest (Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta rhythms).

Each category is a special type of brain activity, corresponding to certain states of Consciousness.

BETA state - 14-40 Hz

This mode of fast waves characterizes the usual waking state of a person who is focused on performing some life tasks and actively cognizing the world around him.

This is the most ineffective state, since a person experiences weak or strong excitement, stress, he is not able to take someone's advice, is set up to fight, resist and defend against something, powerful opposition to negative circumstances and feverish activity.

The excess in the Self-Consciousness of the personality of the dynamics of such levels causes a feeling of anxiety, nervousness, confusion, fussiness.

ALPHA state - 8-13 Hz

These are vibrations that contribute to both deep concentration and relaxation;

it is peace and peace of mind in an active state:

although the brain continues to be awake, to work actively, but at the same time, all external influences seem to disappear, cease to interfere with thinking and feeling, thereby helping to productively and with sufficient quality "unpack" information from the Subconscious, which contributes to the activation of creative Thoughts, making well-thought-out decisions, increasing intellectual logical abilities.

Alpha waves

Meditators strive first of all to learn how to enter the ALPHA state.

The increase in alpha waves results in:

- pacification, meditativeness

- easy assimilation of information

- efficiency

- feeling of inner comfort and well-being

- improvement of sleep, immunity

- relieving stress and depression

The predominance of the ALPHA state over the BETA state is characteristic of genius people who expand the capabilities of humanity through creative and scientific discoveries.

THETA state - 4-7 Hz

This is deep relaxation or Meditation; if this is a dream, it is rather superficial. During this rhythm, especially vivid visions or intuitive guesses arise.

Theta waves form states transitioning from calm wakefulness to "twilight" phases of sleepiness, preceding deep sleep, activating in certain zones of the cerebral hemispheres the energy-informational connection with those levels that are associated with the most recent events, with childhood and adolescence, as well as stimulating those specific states which in Zen Buddhism are called by the word "satori".

By "unpacking" the contents of the Subconscious and freeing from it some of the integral content of associative memory, theta rhythms can contribute to the emergence in Self-Consciousness of bright informative Images and Ideas that are sources of creative Enlightenments.

This state has long remained a mystery due to the fact that an ordinary person cannot consciously be in the THETA state for a long time.

DELTA state - 0-4 Hz

It can be either deep, dreamless sleep or a state of deep relaxation. The body uses this rhythm to recuperate as much as possible.

Delta waves begin to overwhelm the brain when we fall asleep or are in such unconscious states as coma, lethargic sleep; they are also characteristic of deep trance and other "non-physical" states that occur without loss of awareness (for example, samadhi, nirvana, "exits" from the "physical" body, etc.).

Further research showed that the BETA state differs at different frequencies.

Beta-4 28-32 Hz Loss of sense of self and others, "robot state"
Beta-3 24-28 Hz Emergency panic
Beta 2 20-24 Hz Medium anxiety
Beta-1 14-20 Hz Active attention, composure, concentration
Alpha Beta 12-16 Hz Relaxed Attention
Alpha 8-12 Hz Relaxation, calmness, meditation
Theta 4-8 Hz Drowsiness, meditation, connection with the subconscious, deep relaxation
Delta 0-4 Hz Deep dreamless sleep, lethargic sleep, coma, deep meditation, "out of body"

Long-term observations of solar activity irrefutably prove the influence of these processes on the well-being of the population, and on social phenomena occurring in society, as well as on technology, electronics and communication devices. At the moments when flares are observed in the areas of dark spots on the Sun, plasma streams are thrown into Space, which rush towards the Earth at great speed. When these flows reach the magnetosphere of our planet, oscillations of the geomagnetic field occur. Such phenomena always affect people negatively.

During periods of magnetic storms, people suffering from increased sensitivity to abrupt changes in the geomagnetic background may experience exacerbations of migraines, vascular diseases and diseases of the bone apparatus. First of all, magnetic storms affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system, can cause dizziness, insomnia and headache. At this time, all chronic ailments have every chance of aggravating under the influence of stress, overexertion, alcohol abuse. Particular care should be taken by those using a pacemaker. As noted above, technology also suffers, and communication problems may arise. Conclusion: in order to prepare for the negative consequences of magnetic storms, you need to regularly take an interest in the forecast of the geomagnetic situation for a month. Therefore, in order not to miss important news, we recommend that you subscribe to new articles and forecasts.
Schedule of magnetic storms for 2016. In the first ten days of September 2016, try to control your emotional state and avoid conflicts. At this time, you should limit intellectual and physical activity, as well as the use of alcohol and junk food. If you are susceptible to hypertension or other cardiovascular diseases, keep the medications you are taking on hand at all times. It would also be better to abandon the use of complex technology - it can both break and cause any damage.
The peak of geomagnetic activity during this period will be September 6th. It is advisable by this time to stock up on all the medications you need, complete all tasks that require significant physical or intellectual effort, and go to bed early the day before. If possible, we recommend that you turn off your phone and TV on this day - an excess of negative information is completely unnecessary. In case you suddenly feel sick, you should consult a doctor. A good doctor should be sympathetic to your problems, as he has probably more than once during his practice faced the negative impact of solar flares on human health.
The main thing during a period of increased geomagnetic activity is to devote sufficient time to rest and not get nervous: soon the negative influence of the geomagnetic field will decline, and things will start to improve. To recover from magnetic storms as soon as possible, it is advisable to eat food rich in minerals and vitamins, and often walk in the fresh air. Water treatments such as a contrast shower or swimming are of great benefit. Special bath salts are also very good. They help to relax and normalize the work of blood vessels. You can also recommend yoga classes. It is advisable to purchase from the pharmacy collections of soothing herbs based on chamomile, mint, and so on. They should be added to regular tea leaves.
Further, until 24 2016, there should be no new solar flares. You can safely continue your normal life. In the third decade, a new surge in geomagnetic activity will follow, which may also negatively affect people and technology. The peak of this period is expected on 26. A powerful flow of solar energy will fall on our planet, which will lead to new significant disturbances of the geomagnetic field. All advice and recommendations for the preservation and maintenance of health, given in relation to the start period, remain valid. By the end of 2016, the negative impact of magnetic storms will again subside. So the most unfavorable days from the point of view of the geomagnetic situation, these are 6 and 26

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