The best exercises for developing memory and attention. How an adult can develop memory and attention. Memorization of text or semantic memorization

Panel houses 11.08.2020
Panel houses

Memory is a process that takes place in the brain and directly depends on the general state nervous system... It is proved that with age, a person's memory deteriorates, attention is scattered, the speed of information perception decreases. To keep thinking and memory in good shape, they need to be developed and trained.

With excessive mental stress and stressful situations, the brain loses its ability to record large amounts of information, to separate information into important and not so. After a busy day, petty worries settle in my thoughts, and really important things and events are suddenly forgotten.

For the brain to function properly, and therefore a good memory, you need:

  • Sleep. Calm, regular and long lasting.
  • Change of activity. It is better to organize your work during the day in such a way that you do not have to sit up on one thing, as this leads to a decrease in attention and concentration. Work with numbers should be replaced by reading documentation, and telephone conversations by correspondence.
  • Physical exercise. Sport is useful for every person, and if daily activities involve mental stress, then physical activity is especially necessary. Swimming, running, gymnastics, sports games, strength exercises are suitable.
  • Balanced diet. For those wishing to improve attention and memorization, nutritionists advise to use more often: nuts and seeds, bran, blueberries and black currant, seafood and fish, olive and vegetable oils.
  • Walks in the open air. Oxygenation of cells, tissues and organs is a prerequisite for the normal functioning of the human body. With a lack of oxygen, thought processes slow down, concentration, attention and performance decrease.
  • Full rest. Accumulated stress, nervous exhaustion and chronic fatigue will not go away in one day, so you should not neglect your annual vacation. Better to go to the sea, to the mountains, to nature, to recuperate.
  • Medications. In some cases, the attending physician prescribes drugs to improve memory.

Exercises to develop visual memory

In addition to ways to improve memory, different methods of its development are used. By doing simple exercises every day, you can learn to memorize faster and better.

  • A simple and accessible method of developing visual memory was first voiced by the Russian marine painter Aivazovsky. An object, a landscape, a group of people is examined for a few seconds (no more than 10). Then what he saw is reproduced from memory with closed eyes. The object is presented in the smallest detail, as if "looming" before the eyes. You can mentally ask yourself clarifying questions about the object, the exact location of parts and objects, colors and materials, movements. Without opening your eyes, you need to try to maintain a detailed visual image and at the same time pronounce the description. At first, you can open your eyes for a couple of seconds and again try to restore what you saw with your eyes closed.

Such simple exercises additionally train the ability to memorize details, from which, as a result, a clear picture is formed in memory. Visualization helps to distract from your own thoughts, improve attention, and stimulates normal brain activity.

To visually remember a complex object or image, try to give its part a bright color at the time of visualization. If, remembering a woman's face, imagine bright lipstick on the lips, the brain will receive an additional stimulating impulse, the image will be remembered better.

Initially bright and colorful objects can be memorized in parts: for example, first pay attention to small drawing on the bright packaging of the product, then on the font of the name, and at the end mark the background color or design detail. For these details, the subject can be found from many similar ones.

We develop memory for sound

For the development of auditory memory, they develop the habit of listening attentively to the surrounding sounds, highlighting individual sounds, and performing exercises for auditory attention. You can listen with your eyes closed and try to memorize in detail several sounds, distant and near. After a while, they need to be reproduced in detail in thoughts, to imagine how they sound louder or quieter, separately and together.

Learning poems out loud is also useful. On the first day, the first line is learned, on the second day the second is added to it. Moreover, you should first learn a new line separately, and then repeat the learned passage completely. Develops auditory memory by singing songs or playing music to yourself.

How to develop additional types of memory

It is worth paying attention to smells, trying to remember them together with the visual image. Tactile sensations also allow you to remember better; touch is used to activate tactile memory.

Memory works effectively if you use several of its subspecies at once. An important wedding date can be pronounced aloud in the form of an emotional sentence - "Put on the ring on May 2!" Auditory memory captures vivid expressions better. Then write the same phrase 3-4 times, in letters of different sizes. The visual memory will automatically fix the differences in texts of the same content. It is better to add a picture to the text that will be remembered better than words - wedding ring with date inside. The selection of the association will help to consolidate the result: the second number is two people, May - spring - love - wedding.

Assessment and training with tests

Even those with a strong memory will benefit from periodic training.

Tests are used for self-examination and assessment of attention and memory. Testing is a fun and rewarding activity that both adults and children enjoy. Regular testing to improve your performance is an effective way to train your memory.

Tests can include:

  • Lists of words to memorize to listen to or read, and then write down in the same order with numbering. A similar test is done with numbers.
  • Lists of words for which you can quickly draw associations in the form of symbols or pictures. Then the original list is restored from the figures. Another version of the test suggests recording associations in one word.
  • Cards with symbols or images in a specific order. In a short period of time, the order is memorized, then the cards are placed.
  • Tables with numbers from 1 to 25, located in cells in a chaotic order (Schulte tables). It is required to find numbers in ascending order as quickly as possible.
  • Texts that contain expressions that reflect the main idea. After reading the text, passages are read without the main expressions, which must be remembered during the reading.

Games and daily activities for memory

  • Some board games develop attention and memory. For example, adult versions of the popular children's game "Memo", consisting of cards with paired images. Cards are laid face down and opened in pairs. The aim of the game is to memorize the locations of the paired pictures and collect as many pairs as possible. In "Memo" for adults, the pictures are very similar to each other, the game requires high concentration and attention.
  • No less popular is the game "Scrabble", in which words are formed from a set of letters. The selection of words develops not only memory, but also thinking.
  • You can practice memorization continuously throughout the day. It is useful to skip the shopping list, but you can make it, but not take it with you to the store. Over time, it is not difficult to learn the phone numbers of relatives and friends, dates of birth.
  • A great workout for memory is learning a foreign language. To memorize words and expressions, they are hung on pieces of paper in places that are at eye level.

Exercises to develop memory require regular execution for some time. Formed good habits will increase concentration and efficiency, allow you to constantly develop your own thinking and learn new things about the world around you.

Brain training is essential for schoolchildren and the elderly. Although, good memory and attention training helps at any age. It is much easier to learn if you can concentrate and quickly memorize new information.

In any profession, a person needs to remember the sequence and essence of many work operations. Otherwise, it is impossible to do your job and move up the career ladder, to achieve good quality and perfection.

Exercises to synchronize the cerebral hemispheres

The main receptors with which we perceive the world around us are located in our hands. Therefore, in exercises to synchronize the cerebral hemispheres, the hands will be involved first. Consider three exercises that are beneficial for the human brain:

  1. At the beginning, the hands should be warmed up by rubbing the palms against one another. With your fingers spread out, touch the little finger of your right hand with your left thumb. With the thumb of your right hand, touch the little finger of your left hand. Now, move your left thumb to the tip of your right ring finger. Move the thumb of the right hand to the ring finger of the left hand. Then, with the thumb of your left hand, touch the middle finger of your right hand. With your right thumb, touch the middle finger of your left hand. Your left thumb should now touch your right index finger. And the big right is the index left. Everything can be repeated in the reverse order, and then several more times, walking from the first finger to the last.
  2. The brain exercise continues. The second exercise is very simple. Grasp the tip of your nose with your left hand. At the same time, hold your left earlobe with your right hand. Now quickly switch hands. The right hand holds the tip of the nose, the left hand holds the lobe of the right ear. Repeat changing hands several times.
  3. How to make the brain work equally well in both hemispheres? Do the third light brain exercise. Grasp your left earlobe with your right hand, and your right earlobe with your left hand. Holding your earlobes, squat at least 21 times. Bending your legs, inhale the air, straighten your legs, exhale.

Repeat these three exercises every morning. It won't take you more than 10 minutes. But this kind of brain workout will help you synchronize both hemispheres. You will simply become a "terminator".

Exercises for developing the right brain hemisphere

The development of the cerebral hemispheres enables a person to solve complex problems faster than others, 5 or even 10 times. How to develop the right hemisphere? We learn from psychologists:

  1. The first exercise is called "Greeting the General"... The right hand is saluted, as is done in the army. A sign of approval is shown with the left hand at the same time. Thumb up, clenching the rest of the fingers in a fist. The left arm is extended forward. Now you need to quickly change hands, salute with your left hand, stretch your right forward, thumb up. Swap hands several times.
  2. The second exercise is called: "Mushroom and Glade"... The left palm is clenched in a fist, the elbow rests on the back of the outstretched palm of the right hand. The right arm is placed horizontally at chest level. The left one is perpendicular upward, the palm is clenched into a fist, looking into your face. Swap your hands a few times.
  3. The last movements are more like a teaser or "joke"... One hand calls the viewer a fig, the other hand shows approval: thumb up, fist clenched. Now clap with both hands, palm on palm, and swap hands. Show fig and approval with other hands. Then again the clap and the figures change places. Repeat several times.

Exercises to improve blood circulation in the brain

Gymnastics for cerebral vessels is needed if a person is diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia. When blood circulation is impaired, the brain experiences oxygen starvation and becomes unable to work actively and correctly.

Dancing, yoga, the Niche technique, simple movements of the arms, head, and legs help to strengthen blood vessels, deliver more oxygen to the brain, and normalize blood circulation.

Light vibration immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed, expands the capillaries, removes toxins from the body. To do this, lie on your back, raise your legs and arms straight up, shake them vigorously for about 5 minutes. The nerves that stimulate the brain are activated.

Waves with the whole body, as does a swimming fish, also perfectly activate the movement of blood. Sitting down, turn your head in both directions, alternately. Stand up and wave your arms and legs. Exercises for vessels are any movements: hands up, down, swinging hands, woven into a lock, as if chopping wood, increase the flow of blood to the head.

Walking, running, jumping rope, dancing is useful for strengthening the blood vessels of the head.

Exercises to develop visual memory

Drawing irregular ornaments, solving puzzles and puzzles, dividing a complex drawing into simple details are wonderful exercises for developing visual memory.

The Chinese, in order to quickly remember the spelling of the hieroglyph, divide it into several parts. Individual parts are easier to remember. Putting them together mentally, you get the overall picture. So the appearance of a stranger is easier if you remember the color of his jacket, shirt, jeans and shoes.

Visual memories become stronger if they are complemented by color, smell, melody that sounded at that moment. Remembering a beautiful pear, you will involuntarily feel its taste.

Comparing pictures that are not much different from each other trains attention to detail and strengthens visual images.

Exercises for developing memory in preschoolers

You need to train your brain at a very young age. When a child collects a pyramid of rings, repeating the construction of this structure several times, he will soon remember that first you need to put on the largest donut on the pin, then a smaller one, the smallest ones on top. A cone or sprocket is installed at the top.

Learning short rhymes, like:

"A clubfoot bear walks through the forest,

collects cones, sings a song.

Suddenly a lump fell, right on the bear's forehead,

the bear got angry and kicked: top! "

At the same time, it is very fun to depict the gait of a bear, hit yourself on the forehead and stamp your foot in the right place. These simple manipulations add visual and motor memory to auditory memory.

Fairy tales, with frequent repetitions: "A mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip" - develop auditory memory and visual, if at the same time consider a colorful book with pictures.

Drawing a picture from puzzles develops attention to detail and. The child constantly has to compare a piece of the drawing with the general image.

Exercises for attention and memory for schoolchildren

To avoid overloading the teenager's memory, he needs to develop attention. Development exercises for schoolchildren are, in principle, performed daily. Actually, the study of a new variety of material, repeated in the evening, in homework.

Geography maps, math charts, geometry drawings, botany drawings and photographs, physics labs help supplement memory. This is how auditory memory, visual and motor, works in the process of performing laboratory work.

By the way, when preparing for exams, a short note in the form of a cheat sheet helps a lot. It highlights the main theses, the information is divided into easy-to-remember parts. It is better not to take the "spur" with you to the exam, but drawing it up and re-reading it before the exam will definitely help you remember the information.

Important! When a student makes neat notes in a notebook, highlights important thoughts with a colored pencil, makes neat drawings, this creates a clear and stable image in memory.

The student should not overwork. After half an hour of doing homework, you should get up and exercise for 5-15 minutes and drink a glass of juice, eat an apple, ventilate the room.

Memory and attention training in adults the best exercises

Classes to improve memory in adults are not that difficult. If you want to train attention in adults, you can not waste extra time. Listen carefully to your friend, trying to remember the color of his shirt, shoes, raincoat, eyes, hair. After you break up, try to remember these colors.

While walking down the street, try to remember the numbers of passing buses or cars. If you get stuck in a traffic jam or take a long trolleybus, solve crosswords and scanwords. They train memory and attention perfectly.

Memorize three words of a foreign language every day. Learn poetry, read at least 20 pages a day. These simple ways train the brain and memory in busy adults.

Try not to overwork yourself and eat right. Fresh fruits and vegetables, greens, a lean diet, enough calories, a varied menu is necessary to nourish brain cells

Brain Exercises for Seniors

Gymnastics for the brain for older people is not difficult at all. Read fairy tales and retell them to their beloved grandchildren, memorize with them children's funny poems about "Scattered from Basseinaya Street" It's fun and enjoyable, and it preserves personality.

Intelligence training prevents a person from losing their skills and knowledge. It's not just our muscles that need a warm-up. Neurons restore their connections and do not die if the brain is loaded with feasible work.

Do not overwork yourself, but collecting pictures from puzzles, learning foreign words, walking in the park along an unfamiliar alley, memorizing a new route, is necessary for good attention. Doctors recommend brushing your teeth and combing your hair with your left hand or your right. Simple experiments, but effective.

Good food and fresh air will be the best helpers for you and your mind. Individuals leading an active lifestyle do not suffer from senile dementia.

Gymnastics (charging) for the brain neurobics

What is neurobics - gymnastics for the brain. It helps synthesize new connections between neurons in the brain and retains a good memory for a long time. It is useful for people at any age: schoolchildren and the elderly to correct the mind.

Every person who is not indifferent to the state of their own intelligence can learn the simplest techniques of neurobics and not be afraid of the onset of senile insanity.

Finger gymnastics

Brain training can begin with finger exercises. Stretch your fingers, move your palms close, bend your fingers, passing the first index finger of your right hand. Now straighten your fingers and bend in a different order, lowering the first index finger of your left hand. Repeat these movements several times.

Bend your fingers, straighten, clench your fists, unclench. Repeat 10 times. Fold your fingers into the lock and rotate with two hands clockwise and back, 10 times.

Touch the fingertips of two hands, palms straight. At the same time, the palms are divorced by 5 centimeters. With springy movements, try to bring your palms together. Repeat 10 times.

Touch each hand with your thumb to your little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger. Repeat everything in reverse order 8-10 times.

Kinesiology exercises

Kinesiology exercises are an excellent exercise for the brain. An example would be a simple exercise that is easy to get confused about.

Sitting on a chair, raise your left arm up and raise your right leg 5 centimeters above the floor. After that, clap your palms and raise your right arm and left leg up. Clap with two palms and swap arm and leg. Repeat several times.

Squeeze the pads of the fingers - the thumb and the little finger on both hands at the same time. Massage the pads, rub one against the other. Now repeat the massage with the ring finger, middle, index and repeat everything in the reverse order.

Place the palm of your right hand on your belly and your left on the crown of your head. Make several movements at the same time: rotate the palm of your right hand along your stomach, clockwise. And on the top of your head, lightly pat with the palm of your left hand. After that, swap hands and repeat the movements. Rotations on the abdomen and pats on the crown.


Fingers are exercises for brain development. They are performed simultaneously with two hands, develop the synchronous work of the two hemispheres, improve memory, increase reaction and decision-making. New neural connections are formed in the gray matter of the brain.

Exercise plays a big role even in martial arts. Photos of them can be found on the Internet if you ask Google what Fingers are. They are similar to the ancient mudras and beautiful postures of the brushes of oriental dancers.


A special system of Buddhist breathing and movement exercises is called Qigong. It is a special complex of movements with arms and legs, associated with the religious teachings of Taoist monks.

Adults and elderly people who practice Qigong gymnastics feel much younger and better than their peers. How to develop your brain 100 percent? Qigong teachers will undoubtedly be able to answer this question.


In Indian culture, the term Yoga means a combination of spiritual and physical exercise. They are being developed in different directions of Buddhism and Hinduism. Yoga develops in a person the ability to control his physical and mental functions. There is raja yoga, karma yoga, hatha yoga and other areas.

The ultimate goal of yoga is to improve the physiological abilities of a person and even achieve enlightenment, eternal life. In any case, the long-livers of yoga are known, with flexible bodies and excellent memory.

Entire books are devoted to other aspects of yoga. Followers of this teaching devote their entire lives to their cultivation. The neuropsychological capabilities of such people are highly developed.

Doing any kind of gymnastics for the mind, a person is able to preserve his memory and intellect for a long time.

We propose to consider 14 simple and effective ways improving memory to improve your own academic and / or professional performance.

Use mnemonics

Just as a computer uses binary code to store data and retrieve it in a user-friendly way, so the human brain records information in a specific order, and later presents it in a specific form. The mnemonic uses exactly this technique. It helps to store information in a specific code, and then easily remember it. It may sound clever, but it's actually very simple.

Mnemonics involves using simple associations to memorize information. For example, images, words, smells, and other things you are familiar with that can be associated with new information. Use your imagination to master this memory enhancement technique.

Learn something new

Memory is like a car: if you don't use it, you lose it.

To improve memory and maintain brain performance, learn new things as often as possible. There is no recipe for longevity, but all centenarians share a common trait (except healthy eating): they constantly use their mind. Learn a new dance new language, new game.... At the same time, you will also make new friends, and sociability is also very important, but more on that later.

Get enough sleep

The process of storing information occurs while you are sleeping. The brain then switches from a receiving state to a storage state: during the rapid eye movement sleep phase, all events that have occurred during the day are classified and linked to other already accumulated memories and knowledge.

Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley studied the process of memory impairment in adults and found that it is associated with poor sleep. And another study found that getting adequate sleep helps children improve their performance. Combining these results, we get main conclusion: To improve memory, you need to get enough sleep no matter how old you are. Each adult needs eight hours of sleep, maybe a little more or less, this is individual.

The best way to remember the information you need is to focus on it just before you go to bed.

Focus on physical education

A study by Dr. David Jacobs at the University of Minnesota concluded that people who regularly practice cardio in adolescence have a better memory by middle age, after 45. This statement did not become a sensation, as it is already known around the world that swimming, running and other activities help people avoid memory impairment in the long term. Exercise raises your heart rate and increases blood flow to your brain.

Monitor your diet

The term "brain food" is quite common. There are foods that improve brain function and prevent memory impairment. A new study from the University Hospital in Basel, Switzerland found that green tea among these super foods. Omega-3 fatty acids found in nuts, ocean fish, and olive oilhave also proven to be effective memory enhancers. Other foods to include in your diet include eggs, tomatoes, red wine (taken carefully), capers, blueberries, and turmeric.

Previous, lesser-known studies have shown that vanilla, rosemary, and sage can also boost memory.

Chewing gum is another proven way to improve memory, as it increases your heart rate and releases certain flavors. Both will activate memories.

Practice meditation and proper breathing

Meditation is actively promoted today as a panacea for various misfortunes. She is really capable of bringing you real benefit and pleasure.

First, meditation can speed up your heart rate, thereby increasing blood flow to the brain and enrich it with oxygen. Secondly, this practice will help you relax and focus, which has surprisingly beneficial effects on mental performance and overall well-being.

Most meditation techniques involve deep breathing, which can also improve memory and relieve stress. In just a few minutes a day, you will improve your own health, gain a positive attitude and feel more energized. Plus, it's free.

Enjoy nature

Walking in the fresh air improves memory. This theory was confirmed by researchers at the University of Michigan when they tested two groups of people who were asked to memorize a list of certain elements. At the same time, one group was invited to take a walk in the garden, and the other - to walk around the city. The first group had better memory by 20%. But the researchers did not stop, they tested the subjects again. This time people were shown photographs with natural landscapes and cityscapes. The results were repeated!

The next time you forget about something, open the pictures with green forests in your computer and your memory will return to you.


Computer games are probably great, but they are unlikely to improve your cognitive function. But logic and strategy games will have a positive effect on memory and attentiveness. A game of chess, sudoku, and the like is most suitable. The gray cells in your brain will thank you.

Use Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

The concept of NLP is relatively new, but very effective. The main idea is that the limits of human capabilities are invented by the person himself, so they can be destroyed by self-hypnosis.

It basically works like a placebo. Meditation is great as a prelude to NLP, and when combined with diet, aromatherapy, and exercise, you can effectively improve your memory and mental performance.

Use aromatherapy

Perfumery is not only a pleasant scent, but also a way to revive memories. Aromatherapy is one of the most readily available means of improving memory. Many studies have proven the effectiveness of rosemary and mint.

Experiments in mice have shown that rosemary can increase alertness and help prevent age-related memory loss. Peppermint has similar properties, so stock up on peppermint gum the next time you prepare for your exam.

Do acupressure or acupuncture

For centuries in chinese medicine use acupuncture, which produces excellent results in almost any area, so it is not surprising that it is effective for improving memory as well.

Nerve and energy channels run through every part of your body. You can activate specific points with a very fine needle or by pressing your fingers.

To stimulate memory and remember something important, gently press down on your temples with your fingertips for a few seconds. Thus, you will relieve stress and remember, for example, where you put the keys.

Visualize memories

Research from the University of Helsinki has shown that humans have powerful visual memory. Matching certain images with new information helps you remember that information when you see the same image again. This is why it is so easy to cry when looking at old photographs.

Give up multitasking

Multitasking is one of the biggest misconceptions in human history in terms of productivity. While all companies look for this skill in prospective employees, it actually dramatically reduces the quantity and quality of things that can be done over time.

To improve your memory and become more productive, stop doing a lot of things at the same time and start focusing on one thing. Do the most important tasks first, then take a short break. Leave the most simple tasks for last. It is best to schedule meetings in the morning.


Communication is good for the brain and overall mood. Don't underestimate the power of a good conversation, even if it's not very interesting to you. Just chatting about recent incidents can improve memory because it stimulates multiple areas of the brain at the same time.

The speaking process maintains the contact points between neurons, synapses, in an active state, which is necessary for good memory.

Some people sincerely believe that in the era of information technology and gadgets, there is no need to memorize a lot of information if you can find it in your phone's notebook or on the Internet. Others retort: \u200b\u200bimagine for a moment a surgeon who says in the operating room: "Ok, Google, how to perform an operation to remove an appendix?" Of course, such examples seem to be exaggerated, but queries in search engines like "how to train memory and attention in adults" are not so uncommon. Good memory still remains a valuable quality of a person in professional activity and everyday life.

For a long time, memory was considered to be like a large filing cabinet, and the process of weakening memories over time has been compared to the discoloration of ink on the records of a filing cabinet. However, now this approach has lost its relevance, because there is no single part of the brain responsible for remembering and recalling memories.

“If memory is anywhere, it is everywhere,” says world renowned Dutch neuroscientist Dick Svaab.

The mechanisms of memory are not fully understood, the only thing that scientists agree on is that this brain function can be developed, like everyone else. It is no secret that ancient Greek thinkers were still engaged in this. Some exercises for developing memory have come down to our times after thousands of years, others have appeared more recently. We bring to your attention popular ways of training thought processes that will increase the speed and quality of memorizing the necessary information.

Brain hygiene

Anyone who decides to take up the development of memory and attention, of course, wants to achieve the best results. To train effectively, an athlete needs suitable conditions (playground, equipment). The same applies to the development of thinking - the brain needs certain conditions for fruitful work. The following rules guarantee the maximum level of memorization.

  • Provide your brain with oxygen.

Every day the blood circulates in full volume through the brain 400 times and carries vital oxygen to its cells. To be sufficient for the intensive activity of our supercomputer, at least 24 hours a week should be spent outdoors. If it is not possible to take walks, the room should be regularly ventilated.

  • Get plenty of sleep.

Perhaps Napoleon could sleep three hours a day, but today it is desirable for the average adult to allocate 7-8 hours a day to stay in the kingdom of Morpheus.

  • Do not smoke.

Tobacco really has a short-term effect of concentration. But smokers' memory deteriorates over time, and this is a fact.

  • Give up alcohol.

Ethyl alcohol first dilates blood vessels, and then causes them to constrict, so the brain begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen. Everyone knows that in a state of intoxication there are so-called blackouts. But it's not just about parties where beer or wine rivers flow - a glass of wine at dinner significantly reduces memory.

  • Beware of certain medications.

Temporary memory problems can be caused by sedatives based on diazepam, lorazepam, chlorazepam, and others, as well as some pain relievers, anti-inflammatory and allergy medications.

Memory tests

Before you start doing the exercises to train your memory, you can take a test task that will show how effectively you are using your memory at this stage.

So, here is a list of 20 unrelated words.

Teapot, Chair, Piano, Boat, Soap, Orange, Carpet, Letter, Machine, Stream, Cork, Weapon, Shoe, Brooch, Bag, Wing, Picture, Flower, Mixer, Medal.

The list of words should be studied within a minute and a half, and then try to write them down in order. Next, count how many words you remember correctly.

  • 18-20 words is a great result.
  • 17-15 is a good indicator.
  • 14-10 - satisfactory result.
  • Less than 10 - you are not using all the memory resources, but the score can be improved.

As such, this task is considered a visual test, but it can also be used to test auditory memory. To do this, you need someone to pronounce the words out loud.

Another visual memory test can be done using the picture below. Study it carefully for a minute, and then name the objects depicted on it in any order.

  • If you named 18-20 objects, you have excellent short-term visual memory.
  • 17-15 points - a commendable result, with the help of exercises the volume of visual memory can be expanded even more.
  • 14-11 points is a good indicator, but there is room for improvement.
  • 10-5 points - average resultperhaps it was necessary to concentrate better on the task at hand.
  • From 1 to 4 points - your strong point is clearly not visual memory, you will have to train it diligently, because with our eyes we perceive a lot of information.

The laws of memory

The development of any kind of memory in adults is a process that depends not only on the time spent on learning effective techniques, but also from understanding the laws of memory. These are the reference points that will help you not to get lost in the labyrinth of mental activity.

  • It is impossible to remember something incomprehensible.

For information to be deposited in the brain for a long time, it must be realized. A person is able to memorize words, the meaning of which he knows.

  • Associative thinking is a memorization assistant.

Associative perception is based on the fact that a new image evokes from memory an already existing one in consciousness. Associations can be based on adjacency (winter and snow), contrast (white and black) and other indicators, but for better memorization, sometimes you need to disable logical thinking in favor of fantasy. Associations remain in memory:

  • bright, unusual, even absurd;
  • emotional (funny, sad, amazing);
  • created with the help of all senses;
  • in motion.

  • Deceive the magic seven.

Psychological scientist Miller proved that short-term memory can hold 7 plus / minus 2 units of data. How to train your memory to achieve an improvement in this indicator at least twice? It's simple. Skip the unnecessary and group the necessary information.

  • Tune in.

Don't say, "I have a lousy memory." Say, "I will definitely remember this."

  • Repeat correctly.

The development of memory and attention in adults is impossible without the ability to correctly repeat what has been learned. An effective algorithm for memorizing forever is as follows:

  • repeat the information immediately after learning;
  • then after 15-20 minutes;
  • before going to bed in 6-8 hours;
  • the next day;
  • a week later;
  • a month later.

Expanding the possibilities of memorization

You cannot train your memory in one lesson, even if it is part of the most popular and expensive course taught by a certified psychologist.

We offer effective ways to develop thought processes at home and completely free of charge.


The feeling method allows you to build memorable associations. To do this, you need to learn how to connect all five senses. For example, create associations for the word "airplane". How do you see him? What do you hear? What do you feel after touching? How do you taste? What smell?

Thus, you can learn to more sharply perceive and reliably memorize new data. It's hard to forget what triggered the activity of several senses at once.

We train attention

Mindfulness is something without which it is impossible to achieve maximum memorization. In the era of information overload, you just need to be able to focus on the essentials. The following exercise is suitable for those looking to train memory and attention for one minute a day.

Set the stopwatch to 60 seconds. Make marks in the shapes as shown in the example, strictly in turn. Repeat the exercise every day until you can cross it out correctly and get the timeline. If you wish, you can increase the difficulty level and increase the number of figures. Print as many copies as you like and bring the action to automaticity.

We memorize texts using pictograms

We are surrounded by pictograms everywhere. These are icons in a smartphone, and road signs, and brand logos. Pictograms are an excellent means of memorizing any text that needs to be stored in memory verbatim, no matter whether it is a verse, a quote or a definition of a term.

An illustrative example of the use of this technique is in the book by E. Dodonova "100% memory".

So, in the first picture we see an excerpt from E. Yevtushenko's verse "The Third Snow".

Thus, every person, young and old, can learn to memorize quickly by drawing pictograms as their own imagination suggests.

Human memory can be compared to a storehouse that stores that vast information that opens up the potential for people to be creative in various directions. But with age, memory and attention problems appear. Regular work on yourself will allow you to avoid this. Thus, the development of memorization in adults becomes important. What can you do to preserve your memory as long as possible?

The main thing is training

Despite the abundance of works on this topic, memory continues to be a mysterious phenomenon. Traditionally, it is believed that older people easily forget new information due to the fact that the ability to remember is lost over time. However, it is known that the state of memory directly depends on a person's well-being. With overwork, stress, lack of sleep, a large number of nerve cells are lost, which naturally affects the ability to memorize. However, one should not be discouraged by this. Scientists believe that memory must be trained, this will allow even in old age to preserve and improve the ability to memorize.

Memory development and healthy habits

Memory directly depends on the work of the human brain, for the full functioning of which it is necessary continuous oxygenation... This activates mental activity and therefore. Regular ventilation of the room and the so-called "oxygen breaks", when a person, after an hour of work, goes out into the fresh air to breathe, will help you.

It is necessary to refuse from bad habits - smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages (beer is no exception), irregular working hours leading to overwork. After all, they inhibit the activity of the brain, which does not get the opportunity to work at full strength.

In contrast, regular exercise and sports, a healthy eight-hour sleep, balanced diet form good opportunities for the disclosure of mental potential, and therefore for strengthening memory.

Simple exercises for developing memory

The answer to the question of how to develop memory in an adult lies in the area of \u200b\u200bits constant improvement. The same goes for attention and intelligence. Memory training is based on the following patterns:

  • interest in the memorized object and its significance;
  • immersion in information, concentration and concentration of attention;
  • sequential playback, gradual memorization.

Intellectual game tasks for adults provide invaluable assistance in the development of memory. It is not difficult to perform them, it is important to do it regularly, and not from time to time. Here are some of them.

  1. Name a couple of words, each of them should be suitable, for example, such adjectives: edible, white, soft.
  2. Place a few dominoes on top of the table. Look at them carefully for 10 seconds. Turn away and call the total on your knuckles.
  3. A person is usually himself in a position to come up with and closely related attention. For example, smell different things: perfume, flowers, food, or other items. Compare the smells with each other, try to describe them in words.
  4. Take your time when eating. Sip on your favorite dish or drink, feel the taste. If you do this constantly, then you will remember what you eat. The memory will retain the taste of the food consumed and this will later become one of the many memories. Effective exercise is a wine tasting, but you should not be zealous in its implementation.
  5. Listen to the surrounding sounds, try to analyze them. For example, you can identify musical instruments by listening to a symphony or brass band. If you hear the sound of a song in the distance, try to make out the words that come through.
  6. Train your memory by memorizing human faces that are often encountered along the way. When examining, note something special, dominant in appearance: lips, nose, eyes, lush hair, etc. However, do it unobtrusively, without attracting the attention of a person.
  7. While on the road, observe what is happening without clinging to extraneous thoughts. After that, closing your eyes, try to remember what you saw and heard.
  8. Memorize your favorite poems, catchphrases, reading slowly, highlighting meaningful words in them, recreating images in your mind.
  9. Memorize phone numbers by training your memory for numbers. Add imaginative thinking here, associating a number with something: 1 - with a match, 2 - with a swan, and so on.
  10. Close your eyes and mentally reproduce a page of a working notebook, not forgetting about abbreviations and blots. A week later, you can rejoice at the successes of your memory.

Excellent memory is a great advantage of a person of any age, helping in everyday life and in successful work. However, adults need to develop it constantly.

Author of the article: Mikhail Sazonov

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