The recipe for how to cook currant jam. Blackcurrant jam for the winter. How will we cook

For welding 27.07.2020
For welding

Summer is a great time to collect and harvest fresh berries for the winter. They can be used to make compotes, jelly, and jam. To do this, you just need to pick raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries and currants. The latter is black, red and white. This is one of those berries that ripens at the end of June.

The tradition of harvesting for the winter came from the last century and has remained to this day. Jam is a great option not only for eating, but also for maintaining health in such a cold winter. What you need to cook delicious jam? First, you need fresh fruits, sugar and all related materials in the form of plates, spoons, stainless steel pots and, of course, jars and lids. Secondly, patience and adherence to the rules of the recipe.

Currant jam through a meat grinder

Black currant through a meat grinder

  • Currant - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 3 - 3.5 kg.

Cooking process

  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly, remove excess twigs and put on a dry towel. They should dry thoroughly. After that, pass them through a meat grinder. It doesn't matter what she is.
  2. As soon as the currants have gone through the scrolling, then you need to sprinkle granulated sugar on it. Mix the whole mass and leave alone for 1 hour. It is better to place the bowl with the contents in the refrigerator.
  3. Next, the mixture must be put on low heat. While the jam is cooking, you need to prepare the jars. To do this, they need to be washed and put in a microwave oven or oven. gas stove for 10 minutes.
  4. Just boil the lids for 5 minutes.
  5. When froth has formed on top of the jam, it means that in 10 minutes everything will be ready. Leave to cool for 15 minutes.
  6. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and tighten the lids. Each one should be hot. If the equilibrium in temperature is not observed, the container may "burst". Turn the finished jam with the lids down and wrap it in a warm towel.

Raw currant jam through a meat grinder

This method differs from the traditional one in that the berries do not need to be boiled.

  • Currant - 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.
  • Juicy orange - 1 pc.
  1. Wash the orange, peel and chop through a meat grinder. Repeat the same procedure with currants. After that, combine the resulting 2 mashed potatoes and sprinkle with sugar. Mix everything and leave alone. The sand should dissolve completely.
  2. Stir the mixture every 10 minutes. If you do not do this, you will have to wait a long time for the granules to dissolve.
  3. When the jam is completely ready, you need to pour it into pre-sterilized jars. Tighten with boiled lids and place in a cold place.

If you followed everything according to the recipe, then such currant jam will not deteriorate until the next berry harvest.

This is perhaps the simplest recipe and most housewives use it. The favorite black currant jam through a meat grinder always turns out thick and jelly-like without the addition of pectin. In winter, such a preparation will save in the period of colds, and will also become indispensable for ordinary tea drinking, for example, with toast or pancakes.

If you decide to process currants with a blender, you need to do this at maximum speed so that the peel is interrupted as best as possible. It turns out great in a meat grinder if you use a fine mesh. Therefore, if you choose between two kitchen units, a meat grinder is still the most suitable.

As for the proportions of sugar and berries, it is recommended to take 1: 1 for the recipe. It is in this case that a thick jelly-like consistency is obtained. And currant jam is stored better. Read more how to prepare blackcurrant jam through a meat grinder for the winter in our step by step recipe... We cook the jam and store it in the pantry; we also talked about how to cook it earlier.


  • Black currant - 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg


Go through, rinse the currant berries and drain off excess water. Then twist in a meat grinder.

Pour the currant mass into a saucepan in which you will cook the jam.

Add sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. Stir and put on low heat.

Bring the currants to a boil. Then remove the resulting foam with a spoon.

Cook the mass for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Use a long-handled wooden spoon for this.

Prepare half-liter or smaller jars in advance. They need to be held over steam or in the oven. Also boil the lids. Fill the container with boiling jam and tighten the lids.

Leave the sweet pieces to cool completely. Then you can move the jars of currant jam to a place where sunlight does not reach, for storage.

The finished treat can also be stored under a nylon lid in the refrigerator for several months.

On a note

  • Such jam can be used for making pies, instead of jam for various desserts.
  • During a cold or for its prevention, instead of tea, prepare a currant drink by dissolving 1-2 teaspoons in a cup warm water... It turns out a great tasty medicine.
  • If you want to cook currant jam in a slow cooker, select the Stew program for 15 minutes. As soon as the mass starts to boil, mark 5 minutes and start pouring into the jars. Perhaps it will take 15 minutes for the recipe, but it may be that the boiling point will come earlier. It is difficult to understand at what minute the jam begins to boil.

  • In addition, this delicacy can be cooked not only on the stove or in a multicooker, but also in a bread maker, which has the "Jam" function. In this case, you need to grind the berries, pour the mass into the bucket of the unit. Then cover with sugar and close the lid. The bread maker is used to stirring itself. For cooking times, see the instructions for your model.
  • If you grind the mass through a sieve and cook in three approaches, you get a great currant jelly, but this is a completely different recipe.
  • I would like to say that a simple version of a one-time five-minute boiling of chopped currants with sugar is the most successful and convenient for many housewives. Therefore, we recommend it to you.

Black currants are very healthy. There is just a storehouse of vitamins in it, and the most delicious jam is also made from currants. And, of course, since my mother makes jam - no one makes it. Almost all the berries remain intact, the syrup comes out with a rich burgundy color.

I expected everyone to make blackcurrant jam this way, and was very surprised when they poured ice cream on me in a cafe with currant jam. ... It was a boiled mass, very sweet and incomprehensible. I suggest you cook blackcurrant jam according to my mother's recipe - moderately sweet, very beautiful and aromatic.

The recipe for the preparation is very simple, in addition, you can use it to make jam from red or white currants.

In addition, all the vitamins of this wonderful berry can be saved by cooking from mashed currants with honey. Everything in order ...


  • for 1 kg of currant berries is taken
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar
  • 1 glass of water.

Cooking process:

Cooking currant jam, like any berry, begins with sorting it out. Carefully inspect all the currants so that the berries are fresh and not rotten (if you did not pick them yourself, but bought them on the market).

Rinse the currants 2-3 times. Usually all the leaves and sticks float on top. Place the berries on a sieve to drain the water.

The essence of the recipe is that the berries should be loaded into syrup, and not covered with sugar. Water is needed precisely so that the sugar melts and does not turn into caramel. Almost all water evaporates during the preparation of the syrup. You need to cook the jam in an aluminum bowl or stainless bowl. It will simply burn in an enamelled container.

Put water and sugar on a low heat. You need to bring it to a boil and cook for a few minutes. Be sure to stir so that the sugar does not burn. A thick syrup comes out.

My mother cooks jam from 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bof berries, the ratio of sugar and currants is the same, so the volume of cooking utensils should be chosen based on the yield of jam.

Pour currants into boiling syrup. Boil after boiling for 5 minutes, removing the foam.

Five-minute currant jam must be completely cooled. It is advisable to leave overnight so that the berries are properly saturated with syrup.

In the morning, boil the berries again, also for 5 minutes. Cool the jam again.

While the jam is cooling, prepare the jars and lids.

All containers for currant jam must be sterile. You can sterilize jars for winter preparations from currants in any way convenient for you: over a kettle, in a double boiler, in a multicooker, oven or microwave.

Let the jam boil for the last time and boil for 5 minutes.

Pour hot blackcurrant jam into jars and close with screw caps or turnkey.

Leave to cool upside down, wrapped in a blanket.

Of course it was traditional recipe cooking jam.

Currant jam can be added to - come out, I can assure you very tasty.

Can be added to dried apple compotes in winter - they enhance the taste of compote and make its taste more interesting.

I also pour this jam on pancakes and just ice cream, beautiful presentation and the incredible flavor of the dish is guaranteed to you.

There are several more options for currant jam, for example, jam according to the above recipe turns out to be very tasty, only with nuts.

Blackcurrant jam with nuts

  • We take the same amount of berries, water for syrup and sugar as in the recipe above.
  • Nuts need ½ cup per 1 kg of currants.

Ideally, take nuts and fry them in a skillet. Chop the nut with a knife and add to the last cooking step.

Expensive almonds can be replaced with fried walnuts... I tried this jam with pine nuts - it's just manna from heaven, but the price of this nut is simply cosmic.

This cooking option is suitable specifically for dessert, it is convenient for them to water strudel and ice cream when serving.

Currant jam with honey "Apiary"

healthy recipe without cooking

This currant jam is not cooked, but closed in jars under a nylon lid and stored in the refrigerator.


  • berries,

I deliberately did not write in the ingredients that you need to take exclusively black currant, since a mix of berries would be very appropriate here.

My favorite ratio is half raspberry to half blackcurrant.

Grate the berries with a blender, mince or crush with a wooden mortar.

The volume of the berries should be equal to the volume of honey.

Mix berry puree and honey. You need to stir for a long time, and it is better to choose liquid, not sugared honey, preferably without a strong taste - acacia or lime. You can then add whole raspberries or currants to the mashed "jam".

Jars for mashed berries must be sterilized in a way convenient for you.

After the mass has become homogeneous, we lay out the honey with currants in small jars. Pour some honey on top of each jar or add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar. This way the jam will last longer.

it healthy jam give it to children in the autumn-winter period, and the vitamin supply of immature organisms will be replenished.

Ekaterina Apatonova added her photo to the recipe for fresh mashed currant jam without sugar.

Successful currant blanks this season!

You might like the recipe for chocolate plum jam:

Best regards, Anyuta.

Black currant is a storehouse of vitamins. Save them for the winter by making delicious preserves according to our selection of recipes!

  • Black currant - 11 glasses
  • Sugar - 14 glasses
  • Water - 2 glasses

Sort out the black currants, rinse and let the water drain.

Pour 2 cups of water and 7 cups of sugar into a saucepan.

Boil the syrup - the sugar should completely dissolve.

Put all the currants in boiling syrup, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Remove from heat.

Pour in the remaining sugar, stir for 10 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour hot into jars. Keep refrigerated. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 2: jelly blackcurrant jam (with photo)

Absolutely everyone likes jelly-like currant jam - both adults and children. This delicacy can be eaten with bread, added to tea and consumed just like that in its pure form.

  • Ripe black currant - 2 kilograms;
  • 2 kilograms of granulated sugar.

The berry must be carefully sorted out, select all the leaves of the twigs and stalks.

We wash the currants with warm water to remove dirt and dust.

Spread a towel on the table and pour the berry on it in several layers and leave it to dry completely.

Then pour the currants into a large cup and, with the help of a crush, thoroughly knead the whole berry.

After crushing, put the whole mixture on a sieve and wipe it thoroughly.

Remains of cake from currants can be thrown away or left for cooking other dishes.

Cover the container with a lid and bring to a boil over medium heat.

Then cover everything with a lid and leave to cook for about 10 minutes.

After that, open the lid, put on medium heat and boil for 5 minutes. We stir everything, it is advisable to use a wooden spoon for stirring.

Remove the container with jam from the heat and leave to stand at room temperature for about 2 hours.

After that, remove the ready-made jelly-like blackcurrant jam from the stove and leave to cool.

Meanwhile, we sterilize the jars and lids.

Pour the jam into jars and close with nylon lids.

You can store it in any cool dark place or in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3: how to cook thick black currant jam with spices

The spice jam turns out to be very aromatic and acquires a new, completely different taste. Anise, cinnamon and cloves give the currant an oriental flavor, making the winter sweetness not only healthy, but also very original.

In order for the berries to be saturated with the aroma of spices, you must first make a syrup and leave it for several hours. This will allow the sweet mass to maximally absorb the aroma of spices and, during heat treatment, "give" them to the currants.

The berries for the jam should be firm, ripe and sweet. This will help you make the perfect jam.

  • black currant (500 grams);
  • granulated sugar (400 grams);
  • cloves (3-4 pcs.);
  • cinnamon (¼ tsp);
  • anise (¼ tsp);
  • water (150 ml).

We make a flavored syrup: pour sweetener into the pan and add the required amount of water.

Add spices: cloves, cinnamon and anise.

Cooking a sweet piece for 12 - 15 minutes (after boiling). Leave to infuse for 2 - 3 hours.

We prepare the fruits of the black currant and put them in a fragrant syrup. We can pre-strain it to extract the grains of cloves and anise.

Cooking currant jam in an oriental way for 22-25 minutes.

Pour the hot berry mass into previously prepared containers and seal. You can store such jam for at least 7-10 months.

Recipe 4: black currant five-minute jam (step by step)

Due to the thick structure of the jam, it can be used for filling dumplings or sweet brass pies. And just imagine what kind of cake you can make in winter - cut a sponge cake in half, layer it with cottage cheese cream and lay the jam in an even layer - kids will definitely prefer such a delicacy to a store one, and adults are unlikely to refuse such a yummy. In short, if you have enough currants, the jam must be on the shelf of your bins.

  • currants - 0.5 kg.,
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Pluck a currant bush, or buy already harvested berries on the market. Place all the currants in a large bowl / basin, cover with water. You can see that dry leaves and twigs have floated to the surface, they must be carefully removed. Rinse the currants again in a sieve.

Now take a kitchen blender or meat grinder, mix all the berries in the technique and puree.

Transfer the chopped currants to a bowl or saucepan, boil for about three minutes. If desired, rub through a sieve, but to leave different-sized pieces of berries in jelly, it is enough to walk well with an immersion blender.

Pour a portion of granulated sugar into the crushed currants, return the container to the stove and boil for exactly five minutes from the moment it boils. In the process, remove the foam that will appear on the surface of the berries.

The currant mass turns out to be quite thick, when it hardens, it will be even thicker.

Spread out the five-minute box in sterile jars. You can store in the refrigerator, or you can tightly tighten the jars with a key and cool under a blanket. Then move to the cellar and leave until winter.

Recipe 5, simple: healthy live jam - black currant and raspberry

In this recipe, cooking blackcurrant and raspberry jam is unnecessary. Raw blackcurrant and raspberry jam is not only healthy and aromatic, but also thick, reminiscent of jelly. Using my step-by-step recipe with a photo, you will learn how to prepare such a blank from summer berries.

  • 2 kg of black currant;
  • 2 kg of raspberries;
  • 2-3 kg of granulated sugar.

Prepare your black currant. To clean it of dry tails, just wash it in a large bowl in a large amount of water, and collect the floating tails and other debris with a small colander. Cut off green stalks. Dry clean berries.

Wash the raspberries.

Grind raspberries and black currants with a meat grinder or blender, adding a small amount of sugar.

Add the remaining granulated sugar.

Stir the raw jam until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

Make jars and lids sterile. In the cooled jars, load the currant-raspberry raw jam, close the lids.

Jam without cooking from raspberries and black currants after a couple of hours becomes similar to jelly due to the high content of pectin in black currants.

Recipe 6, step by step: jam with orange and currants for the winter

A very unusual way of making jam is presented below. Why is it interesting? First, the list of ingredients in this jam includes an orange. And secondly, this is a recipe for jam that does not need to be cooked!

  • 1 kg of currants;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 1 orange.

Sterilize the jars and lids on currant jam. Wash the orange and pour boiling water over it to remove the wax.

Then grind it along with the peel using a meat grinder or blender.

Repeat the same steps with the currants.

Then combine fruit and berry puree, add sugar and stir. Leave the mixture at room temperature for a couple of hours. Stir the mixture several times during this time and wait until the sugar completely turns into syrup.

After the sugar has dissolved, place the jam in the jars and roll up.

Store the jam in the refrigerator. Even after a year, it will retain its taste and useful properties.

Recipe 7: how to cook delicious jam with currants and gooseberries

This jam has several cooking options: “live” jam without boiling and “10-minute” jam with short-term heat treatment of berries and the addition of orange, which I want to tell you about today.

Both types of jam have a thick, jelly-like consistency. They allow you to preserve the natural color and aroma of fresh berries, and the combination of black currant and gooseberry gives an unusual and so pleasant taste that it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from the jam.

  • Black currant - 1 kg
  • Gooseberry - 0.5 kg
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg
  • Orange - 0.5-1 pcs. (taste)

Prepare ingredients according to the list. The ratio of berries can be changed: add 250-500 grams of gooseberries per kilogram of currants or mix the berries in equal amounts.

The proportions of sugar for the preparation of "live" jam from gooseberries and currants, classic - 1: 1 or 1: 1.5, while taking into account the total weight of the berries. For the orange version of the jam, you can take a little less sugar and add it to your liking.

Rinse the berries, dry, sort out. Remove stalks and sepals.

Grind. I use a blender, but you can also use a meat grinder or chop the berries by hand. Additionally, you can rub the mixture through a sieve to remove the bones - I do not do this.

For the orange version of the jam, add boiling water over the orange, cut into slices and remove the seeds. Add to berries and chop.

Mix berry puree with sugar.

As the sugar dissolves, the mixture will become more and more silky, glossy and jelly-like.

"Live" currant and gooseberry jam is ready.

Bring the orange jam to a boil over medium heat and, reducing heat, simmer for 10 minutes.

Place the jam in sterilized jars.

Sprinkle "live" jam on top with 1-2 tbsp. Sahara. A layer of sugar on the surface of the jam is an additional protection against the penetration and growth of bacteria. Close the jars with sterilized plastic or metal lids.

Turn the jars of hot jam over and wrap until they cool completely.

Blackcurrant and gooseberry jam is ready.

Store "live" jam in a cool room, cellar or refrigerator. Heat-treated gooseberry and currant jam can be stored at room temperature.

Required products:

  • 500 grams of black currant,
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar.

How to make black currant jam without cooking

We put the currants in a sieve and rinse, leave to lie down for a couple of minutes to remove all the water, it will drain through the sieve.

We sort out the washed berries: remove twigs, leaves and other unnecessary details, except for berries.

We twist the black currant through a meat grinder. The result is a thick mass for perfect jam. I used a meat grinder, as everyone always has one. You can of course use a blender, but not everyone has such a device. Moreover, I always collect black currants from my grandmother and immediately make jam from it, that grandmother just has no blender in sight. But the meat grinder is an old and proven device that can be found in any home.

Pour granulated sugar to the twisted currants. We use a 1: 1 ratio so that the jam is stored for a long time and tastes good.

Stir so that the sugar crystals melt and do not settle during the day.

Wash the cans, sterilize and dry them, let them cool and dry. We shift sweet currant jam in them.

We tighten the lids harder and put it in the refrigerator, where it will stand until the right moment.

Ready-made blackcurrant jam can be eaten at any time when you want something sweet, or you can eat it to improve and strengthen the immune system.

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