Delicious and beautiful quince jam. How to make quince jam: delicious and simple recipes. Useful properties of quince jam

Sealing 27.07.2020

Quince jam will keep the taste of this fruit for the whole winter. Many housewives do not do home preservation, because they unfairly consider this process long and tedious. In fact, for the preparation of delicious jam, only the simplest components are needed, the main of which will be quince. It is worth choosing it depending on how it will be prepared. If it needs to remain chunks in the jam, hard varieties will do. Jam can be made from soft fruits with the addition of different ingredients.

Quince jam has an unusual taste with a slight acidity, and when fresh, the fruit may seem too tart.

The easiest quince jam recipe

One of the most delicious recipes for quince jam is making it in slices in sugar syrup. For him you need quince and sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. You can add more or less sugar - with an increase in its concentration, the jam will not only be sweeter, but also thicker:

This recipe will preserve the flavor and consistency of quince slices in winter. The jam should be rolled into previously prepared sterile jars. You can store them at room temperature, in a place where they do not get sun rays... Opened jars are covered with plastic lids and placed in the refrigerator.

Quince jam

There are several ways how to make quince jam. The recipe keeps all the taste and texture of the fruit in slices, but there is also an option to make jam. In this case, quince is mashed, and it is convenient to add the finished dessert to winter baking as a filling. For 1 kg of quince, they usually take 1 kg of sugar and a couple of glasses of water:

There is another option for making quince jam, which some housewives consider simpler. At the first stage, the pulp of the quince is not cut into slices, but grated. This puree just needs to be poured with water and cooked over low heat. About 10 minutes after the start of the boil, add sugar to the pan and continue to cook the jam. This method will be convenient if you boil a small amount of jam. Rubbing a few pounds of quince on a grater can take a whole day.

While making quince jam, you can adjust its color. If you use only the main ingredients, it will turn out to be a rich red hue, and when citric acid is added, the fruit pulp will remain yellow.

Quince-lemon jam with nuts

Traditional recipes can be supplemented with unusual ingredients. Quince and lemon jam is an original combination of flavors that complement each other. For 3 kg of quince, you need to take the same amount of sugar, as well as 1 lemon, a glass of chopped walnuts and 7 glasses of water:

Many housewives add the seeds of this fruit to the quince jam. When peeling fruits, they are preserved and then added to the boiling mass already at the last stages of preparation.

Video recipe for making quince marmalade

Step-by-step recipes for quince jam with pictures can be found in large numbers. By itself, this fruit has a tart taste, so it is not eaten fresh. Delicious preservation is obtained from it: preserves, jam, marmalade. It is also baked in the oven with honey and cinnamon and even added to meat dishes. Quince jam has a rich taste and aroma. It is not sugary sweet, with a slight sourness. It can be served with toast or pancakes, and can also be added to winter pies and cakes.

Quince is one of the few fruits with increased rigidity. Chewing it raw is inconvenient and tasteless. But in the form of jam, jam, marmalade or confiture, it will give one hundred points of head start due to its unique aroma.

The five most commonly used ingredients in quince jam recipes are:

To make hard quince soft, you need to do the following:

  1. Peel and core completely.
  2. Cut it into pieces: cubes, slices, circles - as you like. The main thing is not to be thicker than 1 cm.
  3. Sprinkle them with lemon juice. It is better to do this at the same time as slicing, so that the fruit does not darken.
  4. Pour water so that the quince is almost completely covered.
  5. Blanch over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

This will soften the quince before pouring the syrup. If you immediately cook it in sugar, there is a high probability that it will remain firm, non-chewable. Although in many ways the softness of quince jam depends on the type of fruit from which it is prepared. Usually, recipes specify which type of fruit is taken as the basis.

The five lowest calorie quince jam recipes:

What other fruits can you add to quince jam?

This southern beauty goes well with most of the fruits growing in the south. First of all, these are citrus fruits: oranges, lemons, tangerines. She gets along very well with apples and pears. Of the more exotic products that can be added to sweet quince preparations, it is worth highlighting pumpkin and zucchini. And also watermelon peels.

To make quince jam not only tasty, but also beautiful in appearance, you need to adhere to the recommendations in the recipe and not deviate from the cooking technology.

A few tips and notes to help you:

  • for jam, select ripe fruits with a strong pleasant smell
  • overripe quince is even harder
  • so that the jam does not become sugared, add citric acid to it
  • braising in water before boiling in syrup guarantees a delicate fruit structure

Cooking time: for peeling and slicing quince - 30 minutes, for all cooking stages - about 1 day.

Output - 1.5 kg

Pamper your loved ones - cook delicious jam from quince. This healthy fruit not very impressive raw, but after heat treatment it tastes wonderful. You can easily prepare aromatic and retained maximum vitamins of quince jam, the recipe with the photo will explain you all the subtleties and nuances step by step.

How to make quince jam in slices

Wash the quince covered with fluff thoroughly. It is washed off easily, just rub it with a sponge. Remove the core with seeds and damaged areas, if any, from the quince. Chop the quince wedges into slices 2-4 mm wide.

Please note: peeling fruit from the core will slightly reduce the original weight of the product. Use 1 kg of sugar for 1 kg of peeled fruit.

Put the cut slices in parts in a cooking dish and immediately sprinkle with sugar. This is done in order to avoid darkening of the quince in the air.

Leave the cut slices covered with granulated sugar for several hours, during which time the juice should stand out. To make it stand out more actively, you can stir the sugar-fruit mixture a couple of times. Ideally, the naturally produced syrup should almost cover all the wedges. If the quince is not very juicy and will not give its juice well, add a little water.

Put the future quince jam on a low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 5-6 minutes, stirring occasionally. If foam forms, remove it with a spoon. Now the delicacy must be allowed to cool. This procedure will need to be repeated two more times. By the end of the third cooking, the quince slices will become transparent, and the jam itself will become a beautiful reddish hue.

Before placing the container on the fire for the third time, wash and sterilize the jars with lids. Spread the hot jam in the prepared containers, close the lids and cover with a "fur coat"

You will definitely love this sweetness and, perhaps, next time you will want to cook it with lemon or orange, with vanilla or nuts, with the addition of pumpkin or apples. Perhaps wonder how to cook quince jam in a slow cooker or even in a bread maker, because all these recipes exist.

Step by step recipe quince jam is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Quince grows in the south, although it is also found in the gardens of the middle zone. Fresh fruit is of little use for food: hard and sour. But after cooking, they become soft and sweet, moreover, they emit an amazing aroma. Behind yellow and the external similarity of the fruit is called the golden apple. Quince jam is extraordinarily aromatic and tasty.

Few fruits can provide as many health benefits as the golden apple. Due to the high content of pectin, the fruits normalize digestion. For anemia, quince juice is very useful. The seeds have antiseptic properties, they can be used for angina (but in no case in a crushed form, it is dangerous). Fresh fruits act as a diuretic and choleretic. Quince jam is not only considered the most delicious, it still does not lose its beneficial properties after processing.

How to choose a quince for jam

Only ripe fruits are tasty and aromatic. In order not to be mistaken, you need to know the characteristics of the fruit. It is advisable to choose large, dense fruits without damage or dents, with a uniform yellow color without green spots. Ripe quince is more aromatic than unripe.

Features of cooking quince jam

How to make quince jam so that the pieces of fruit do not become hard, and the syrup turns out to be a beautiful transparent color? For this, the following technology is observed:

  • Ripe, but not overripe fruits are used.
  • A box with seeds is cut out, the fruits, together with the peel, are cut into cubes.
  • The prepared product is blanched in boiling water.
  • Sugar is added to the same water that was used for blanching to obtain syrup. Bring to a boil, add fruit, boil for 5-10 minutes. According to the technology, it is necessary to alternate boiling with infusion during the day, repeating the operations several times.
  • You cannot leave the jam on the stove unattended, it may burn, then its color and taste will be hopelessly spoiled. For cooking, take a thick-walled dish and constantly stir its contents with a spoon.
  • To prevent sugaring at the end of boiling, add citric acid at the tip of a knife. On average, boiling takes an hour and a half.

How to cook quince jam with lemon?

If you make original quince and lemon jam, its taste will be richer.

According to the recipe for 1 kg of fruit, take 1 kg of sugar and one lemon. You will need another 3 glasses of water for the syrup. Add half a teaspoon of vanillin if desired.

Syrup is made from water with sugar. At this time, the fruits are cleaned of seeds (you can also remove the peel) and cut into small slices. Put fruits in boiling syrup, reduce heat, simmer for 15 minutes. They turn it off and wait for it to cool down. The process is repeated 3 times. After turning on the stove for the last time, add the vanillin and lemon along with the zest, cut into cubes.

Ready-made quince jam with hot lemon is packed in jars and rolled up (or closed with screw caps). Store in a cool place.

Quince jam recipe with slices

Quince jam looks beautiful in slices. Plus it's delicious. According to the recipe for quince jam, one and a half kg of sugar is taken in slices per 1 kg of fruit. The fruits, peeled and seeds, are cut into even slices, placed in a saucepan, poured with water so that the slices are covered with liquid, but do not float.

Boil until soft. The slices are removed, the water is filtered through cheesecloth, sugar is poured into the broth. Bring to a boil and add fruit wedges. Cook over low heat. The slices should become transparent, but not fall apart. Products are poured into containers and stored.

In a multicooker

In our time, smart helpers have appeared in the kitchen. Among them is a multicooker. You can quickly cook quince jam in it. The recipe is simple.

One kilogram of quince is washed and dried. The seeds are removed. If there are lesions on the peel, they are also removed. The fruits are cut into small pieces and placed in a bowl. Add sugar, stir, cover, leave for three days. Stirring is repeated every day. Turn on the "extinguishing" mode, set the time to 30 minutes. After boiling, open the lid of the multicooker. After letting it brew for 6 hours, repeat the cooking and pour the finished yummy into the jars.

An interesting recipe for quince jam with nuts. You will need: 2 kg of quince, 2 kg of sugar, 1 liter of water and 2 glasses of walnuts.


  1. Wash and dry the fruits.
  2. Peel, remove seeds, but do not discard.
  3. Cut fruit into slices, add water, cook for 10 minutes. Drain the water.
  4. Put the fruit in the syrup of 0.5 water and 1 kg of sugar.
  5. After 3 hours, add the remaining sugar and put on fire. Cook for 5 minutes, leave for 6 hours, repeat the process from the beginning.
  6. The cleanings are placed in the remaining water, boiled for 15 minutes. The broth is filtered and added to the pan. Crushed nuts are poured, boiled for 5 minutes, turned off and poured into jars.

With orange

Quince jam turns out to be very tasty when you add oranges. The combination of fruits enhances the aroma and taste, makes the color of the finished product richer. For the recipe, you will need 1 kg of quince and sugar, 1 orange and 2.5 glasses of water.

Peel off the fruit, cover with water and cook for 30 minutes. The fruits are cut in half, cored, cut into slices. Remove the peel from the broth and put the prepared slices. After 10 minutes, filter the broth, add sugar, bring to a boil. Launch quince pieces, turn off and cover the pan with a towel. After 12 hours, the container is put on fire and boiled for 30-40 minutes. A bright amber color indicates the readiness of the dish. It is poured into jars and removed to a cool place.

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