Is it possible to develop the brain at 40 years old. Best Ways to Improve Memory for Adults. Let's start with nutrition

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It is possible especially not to delve into the intricacies of complex thought processes, if all is well with memory so far, therefore, young people care little about improving memory with the help of various medications. However, everything will change as soon as a certain goal is set, which requires considerable mental effort: in a short time to assimilate a huge amount of information necessary to master a new profession, prepare for difficult exams, aiming at a brilliant result, and take part in intellectual competitions. Then young people begin to feverishly search for effective means that can quickly clarify in their heads, throw out the unnecessary, making room for the new. Meanwhile, after reading various recommendations and receiving advice from "knowledgeable" friends, you can sometimes harm your memory, and not improve it.

But still, basically, drugs and means for improving memory are of interest to certain segments of the population: they are needed and prescribed most often to middle-aged people and the elderly, whose intellectual activity is declining not only because of pathology, but also naturally.

Drugs to improve memory

Before proceeding with the description of drugs for improving memory and brain function, I would like to warn the reader that it would be good coordinate their use with a doctor, who is called a neurologist (neuropathologist). He knows better than other specialists which medicine is suitable in a particular case, since the study of the problem of memory impairment is part of his professional competence. In addition, not all pills for improving memory can be taken and easily bought at the pharmacy. Some will require a prescription.

Besides, independent choice of drugs or purchasing them on the advice of acquaintances can result in unwanted reactions from the body and an even greater violation nervous system.

It is generally not advisable to apply to synthetic dosage forms without special need, for a start, you can try to drink vitamins or, even better - infusions and decoctions, that is, those medicines that we call folk remedies. However, many drugs to improve memory are almost constantly heard, as they are advertised daily in the media, so it seems to patients that there is nothing easier to improve brain activity than to go to the pharmacy and buy what they need. In this regard, first of all, we will describe the drugs prescribed by the doctor and issued after the presentation of the prescription.

I'll have to go to the doctor

Determined to take advantage of the achievements of modern pharmacology in the field of improving memory, you will have to keep in mind that a medicine in a pharmacy without a document such as a prescription may not be released, so you need to visit a doctor who, after examination, and sometimes examination, may write a prescription for one of the medications called nootropics.


Nootropics are psychotropic drugs that differ from other representatives of this group in that they are neutral towards the bioelectrical activity of GM, do not affect motor activity, and do not change the conditioned reflex function and autonomic innervation. At the same time, they improve memory, intellectual performance, stimulate cognitive activity, that is, restore processes that could be disturbed as a result of the damaging action of adverse factors.

The nootropic effect of drugs in this group consists in the effect on functionality CNS(intellectual abilities, speech skills) by stimulating redox reactions, increasing the rate of biochemical cycles (adenosine triphosphate turnover, glucose utilization), that is, participation in tissue respiration and metabolic processes occurring in nerve fibers. Stimulation of these processes contributes to:

  • Change in the better side nutrition of brain tissue;
  • Positive impact on mental clarity, consciousness, increased concentration, learning;
  • Increase resistance to negative influences environment, medicines, extreme factors;
  • Reducing the severity of asthenic manifestations (lethargy, inertia);
  • Activation of the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Building up intellectual and mnestic capabilities;
  • Restoration of emotional and volitional functions, or, more simply, improving memory and attention.

In addition, nootropics reduce excitability and irritation, have antidepressant, sedative, slightly hypnotic, antiepileptic and antiparkinsonitis effects. At the same time, they are low-toxic, they are well combined with medications of other pharmacological groups, but sometimes they have as a side effect development of addiction.

In other cases, the undesirable effect of taking nootropics may come from the psychostimulating abilities of the drugs.that is shown to be unnecessary agitation, anxiety, sleep disturbance and the development of insomnia... Each of the nootropic drugs has others side effects and contraindications, which are described in detail in the annotation to the drug, so there is no point in listing everything.

Representatives of nootropics

For their ability to increase mental capabilities, nootropic drugs are called "cognition stimulants." These include:

  1. Piracetam. An inexpensive Russian drug with positive aspects (improves blood flow, accelerates glucose utilization, increases energy potential, etc.) and contraindications for nootropics, which is not surprising, because this drug was the first and remained the main representative of this group (the active ingredient is piracetam). The drug, obtained in 1972, was initially recommended mainly for elderly patients who survived cerebrovascular accidents and have functional disorders of the central nervous system. Due to its properties to help improve memory and brain function, piracetam has become the ancestor of a whole class of drugs that are now successfully used all over the world. This medicine, along with specific medications, is really well suited for adults with problems with the nervous system, mental pathology, alcohol, drug and drug addiction, but, as it turned out, in addition, it has a positive effect on the psyche of children who have survived, received birth trauma and their consequences, which have a different pathology of the nervous system.
  2. Nootropil (active ingredient - paracetam). Nootropil is used for intoxications affecting the most important structures of the brain, the state after the postponed (after a hemorrhage - with caution!),. In pediatric practice, nootropil is used to eliminate the consequences of birth trauma, intrauterine infections, hypoxia, as well as to treat children with cerebral palsy, mental retardation, severe course and hyperactivity (ADHD).
  3. Phezam - a combined preparation (active ingredient: piracetam with cinnarizine), used for cerebrovascular accident, encephalopathy, GM trauma and intoxication, Meniere's syndrome, migraine. Fezam is contraindicated in children under 5 years old, after the age of five, it can be prescribed to improve brain activity in children with intellectual retardation.
  4. Vinpocetine - tablets to improve memory in cerebrovascular insufficiency, vaso-vegetative manifestations of menopause. Vinpocetine - medicine for adults, drug contraindicated until the age of majority.
  5. Cerebrolysinavailable in injectable forms, used for cognitive disorders and impaired memory processes (Alzheimer's disease, consequences, traumatic brain injury, mental retardation, ADHD in children).
  6. Encephabol. An expensive nootropic drug (up to 1,000 rubles) prescribed for young, elderly, young children and pregnant women. The list of indications includes a wide range of pathological conditions, including decreased intellectual abilities, speech disorders, attention deficit.
  7. Phenotropilalso not cheap (from 370 to 1100 rubles) pills to improve memory, which are used to support the body in case of impending or postponed excessive physical (athletes) and mental stress (students), as well as for a variety of diseases of the central nervous system associated with damage vascular walls, metabolic disorders in GM, traumatic effects, intoxication. The use of the drug is considered useful for neurotic conditions, depression, convulsive syndrome, hypoxia, chronic alcoholism. Phenotropil, improving brain activity, memory and attention, facilitates the processes of memorization and learning, but at the same time it is capable of causing psychomotor agitation and sleep disturbance, therefore it is not taken after 3 pm. The medicine, with all its merits, is not prescribed to women during breastfeeding, with severe hypertension, severe atherosclerosis, panic attacks and anxiety. The drug is also contraindicated in childhood.

In addition to the listed drugs, drugs similar to them in properties also have the ability to improve memory and brain function: cavinton, cinnarizine, phenibut, picamilon, pyriditol ... Unfortunately, it is not possible to list all the names, analogues, synonyms, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this pharmacological group it seems possible, which, however, is quite fixable - each specific medicine has its own instruction, which is easy to find both in a package with capsules or tablets to improve memory, and on the Internet.

Memory pills over-the-counter at the pharmacy

The safest and most affordable medicines, for which it is not necessary to go to the doctor, are vitamins (group B, C, E), some trace elements (magnesium), plant extracts:

  • Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) 1000 IU is a wonderful antioxidant agent and, in addition, has a positive effect on muscle performance, reproductive function of the body, mental activity;
  • Undevit - a vitamin complex containing 11 vitamins, especially useful for improving memory and brain function for middle-aged people and elderly patients;
  • Glycine - a popular, inexpensive, affordable, tasty drug used to treat adults and children;
  • Vitrum memory - plant-based memory tablets;
  • Aminalon - an old, but not lost its relevance, drug for improving brain activity in people of any age group, very well suited for elderly people suffering from diabetes mellitus, as it helps to reduce blood glucose;
  • Bilobil - although it is dispensed without a prescription, it belongs to medicines for adults (bilobil is contraindicated in children and adolescents);
  • Intellan - the product is made exclusively from plant extracts;
  • Ginkgo biloba - the name is well-known to everyone, derived from the name of the tree, the leaf extract of which gives life to the drug to improve intellectual and mnestic capabilities

The leaders in strengthening not only memory, but also other body functions include ginkgo biloba, from the leaves of which some people have got used to making medicine at home. It turns out that everything is not so difficult: you need to take ginkgo biloba leaves bought at a pharmacy (1 tablespoon), pour them into a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water, seal it tightly and leave for a couple of hours, and then drink about 100 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Improving memory without drugs

Let's start with nutrition

Some people, giving preference to certain dishes, always note that the choice is not accidental - certain foods improve brain activity:

In addition to nutrition, in improving brain activity can be used unique properties what grows around us, but is not eaten as a traditional lunch or dinner, that is, it is time to turn to centuries-old remedies that by nature have the ability to improve memory and brain function.

Folk remedies for all professions and almost all ages

Traditional medicine in terms of improving memory could not stand aside, because the influence of individual plants on the central nervous system was noticed even at a time when a person did not know and did not expect current methods of treatment. Herbalists and traditional healers offer the attention of patients seeking to achieve clarity of mind and high ability to endure mental stress, the properties of the following representatives of the plant world:

  • Ginger tea with lemon balm and mint: Boil pieces of ginger (10 g) in a glass of boiling water (250 ml), add mint and lemon balm. You can improve brain function with 1 - 2 cups a day;
  • Sage and mint tea: in the evening, pour 1 tablespoon of mint and sage into a thermos with a capacity of at least 0.5 liters, pour boiling water (500 ml) and leave to infuse. Strain in the morning and take 50 ml 3-4 times a day before meals (half an hour);
  • Garlic oil: the head of garlic is crushed and poured with sunflower or olive oil (1 glass), infused for 2 to 3 weeks, used 1 teaspoon with the same amount of lemon juice (freshly squeezed) 3 to 4 times a day before meals. You can drink this medicine for no more than 3 weeks;
  • Rowan bark red: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tree bark is poured with a glass of boiling water (250 ml) and put on a low heat for 10 minutes. The broth is filtered after 6 hours and taken in a tablespoon three times a day for about a month. A decoction of red rowan bark is considered a good prophylactic agent against the development of an atherosclerotic process and the deposition of cholesterol plaques;
  • Pine buds: it is advisable to use them fresh (in spring), when they are swollen, but have not yet opened (then they contain a very large amount of various useful components) - without any additional processing 2 - 3 times a day before meals.

To improve intellectual abilities and enlightenment in the head, it is recommended to prepare decoctions from a mixture of nettle, iris root, golden root, red carnation and plantain seeds. Or mix 3 tablespoons of raspberry and lingonberry leaves, add 4 tbsp. tablespoons of Mongolian tea (badan) and one spoonful of oregano, mix, select a tablespoon from the mixture, brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil again (10 minutes), let stand for a couple of hours and strain. The resulting broth is enough to drink for 1 day (a glass in the morning, a glass in the evening), and the next day to brew a new one, because the mixture of leaves still remains?

For adults only

If alcohol is not contraindicated for health reasons and a person is not engaged in a profession that requires absolute sobriety, then as a prevention of memory impairment, you can use folk remedies prepared with alcohol-containing liquids (vodka, cognac, pure alcohol):

"Gymnastics" for the mind

In this section, I would like to appeal to those readers who wish to improve their memory, but for some reason do not go to the doctor, do not consider it necessary to purchase a medicine in a pharmacy, and, moreover, do not believe folk remedies. In such cases, it is advisable to engage in mind training. Exercises to improve brain activity are simple, and sometimes very interesting, if you approach them creatively, for example:

  • Quickly remember and pronounce words for the first, second, third (and so on) letter of the alphabet: "A" - an iceberg, "B" - barberry, "C" - vinaigrette ... and so on up to the 20th letter of the alphabet;
  • Remember foreign words learned at school (counting, verbs);
  • Try to count in reverse order from some digit (for example, from 100 to 0);
  • Play cities, coming up with them alphabetically: Astrakhan, Berlin, Vologda, Gdansk and so on. Or you can invite someone close to the game and play together. Having named any city that exists in the real world, continue the row, where the name of each subsequent settlement will start with the last letter of the previous one (Moscow - Antwerp - Novgorod - Donetsk ...);
  • You can come up with synonyms for randomly chosen words (the more, the better) or words for one letter, for example, "F" - crane, beetle, priest, millstone ... up to 20 words.

Exercises to increase mental capabilities can be invented independently and as much as you like: memorize poetry, solve problems, solve crosswords, in general, if you want to "smash your head" there is something.

What will the people not come up with ?!

In this article I would like to touch upon another important topic related to treatment various diseases unconventional methods, which their inventors often call folk (probably because they were invented by someone from the people?). Recently, new and new recommendations have appeared in relation to the fight against oncological pathology, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and the improvement of memory and brain function does not go unnoticed by "newly minted aesculapians". We will not particularly criticize or condemn new methods, although sometimes they are simply absurd, we will not dissuade you from using some newly invented means, we will simply give the reader the opportunity to think for himself, so to speak, to do brain gymnastics, and at the same time turn to the knowledge gained at school.

Gold water?

We do not undertake to judge how much the brain performance increases from the use of "golden" water, but people who have tried its effect on themselves claim that it is necessary to drink it (in addition to nutrition). However, before citing a recipe for the preparation of such "magic" water, I would like to remind the reader of some school chemistry lessons in which the teachers said that gold does not interact with strong acids, except for "aqua regia" (a mixture of concentrated strong inorganic acids - hydrochloric and nitrogen). So does ordinary water, even if it is boiled for many hours in a row, suddenly acquire unusual properties for itself, allowing you to dissolve at least some amount of this metal, stable in all respects? Maybe "silver" water is easier to make? Or is it even better - to make an "aluminum" medicine, it will probably work out? But "gold", so "gold", all the same, patients striving to improve memory by folk remedies without special material and labor costs, will find these recommendations on some forum. Preparing "golden" water is simple: take any gold jewelry (earrings, chains, rings) without stones, put it in a container of water (water - 500 ml), put it on the stove and boil until half the volume of water evaporates (250 ml). For some reason, the "golden" medicine is drunk in very small doses - 1 teaspoon (probably a higher dose is dangerous?) 2-3 times a day. They say that in two weeks not only will the head clear up, but the heart muscle will also strengthen. Obviously, these recommendations may interest someone who did not do well in school.

“Brain massage”?

The author has not tried on himself the disc "Brain massage" distributed on the Internet. People buy, listen to high frequencies in the morning for 45 minutes - the reviews are contradictory. Some argue that entering a state of meditation in this way, and concentration of attention, and memory, and working capacity, and learning are noticeably increased. Others argue that, apart from dizziness and weakness, they received nothing from the new method. Some people arrange a brain massage without any disks: they simply engage in intensive mouthwash for 5-10 minutes, causing activation of the excitation processes, which, in turn, can turn out in the most unpredictable way (???).

Examples of various unconventional and even non-traditional treatments on the World Wide Web have been spinning lately. We have cited two of them only so that our regular readers know in advance our point of view regarding certain, sometimes very dubious, methods of influencing the central nervous system, which, as you know, should be handled carefully and carefully. A. Olesya Valerievna, Ph.D., teacher of a medical university

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Have you ever had that forgetting about important things at every step began to emerge into a real problem, and you rushed in despair to look for ways to dramatically improve memory and attention in a short time? I'll be honest: "Yes." Forgetting names, dates, phone numbers, street names, favorite books and movies. The acuity of memory disappeared, information about events - present, past and even planned for the future - was erased. After 45 years, and for some people much earlier, such problems often arise: they forgot to call back, take medicine, do not remember where they put the keys, a mobile phone, what they wanted to do when they got up from the table and why once again looked into a closed cabinet ... Has your memory done such tricks on you?

If the answer is yes, this article is for you. We constantly talk about the benefits of sports for the body, without hesitation, we go to the gym to pump up our legs, remove our stomach, pump up our arms, abs, buttocks, reduce the waist, enlarge the chest, but for some reason we do not give due attention to brain training. But he is the same organ as everyone else. This is our personal computer department, which we take care of with the least persistence, since we are convinced that the priority right in this matter belongs entirely to nature. In fact, the brain and its abilities are too little studied and therefore there is little advice, which once again proves: we ourselves must be very attentive to the problems of our brain, carefully take care of its plasticity and development, maintaining the activity and strength of neurons.

Fortunately, nature's pantry has many products to improve memory and sharpen attention: gingko biloba, royal jelly, cypress essential oil, herbal tea and basil, trace elements, minerals and vitamins, among which are magnesium, zinc, vitamin B.

Discover for yourself useful tips for natural brain stimulation.

TOP 10 Ways to Improve Memory and Attention

1. Gingko Biloba

Originally from China, this tree magically enhances memory! Amazingly shaped leaves not only affect the processes of returning memory, but also improve microcirculation of blood in the parts of the brain, which has a positive effect on the work of the entire cardiovascular system of the body.

For internal use, you can prepare an infusion of gingko leaves. To do this, let it boil over low heat for an hour in a sealed container 40 grams of dried foliage, filled with a liter of water. Filter. Drink 1 glass in the morning, afternoon and evening after meals. If you do not have live leaves, you can take a homeopathic preparation of 2 capsules 200 mg with a glass of water in the morning, at noon and in the evening with meals. Duration of admission is 1 month, then take a break and then continue the course if necessary.

You can learn more about the wonderful properties of Gingko Biloba from the article ““.

2. Ginseng root

Chinese ginseng root is great for improving memory. It contains 3-8% ginsenosides, which are considered virtues of memory. You can prepare the infusion on your own: boil 3 g (no more) of finely chopped root in 50 ml of water for 10 minutes. Drink a glass 2 times a day for 20 days. The procedure can be repeated for three months.

Similar properties are possessed by eleutherococcus root which is also extremely beneficial for improving brain function as it helps to overcome mental fatigue and make it easier to remember information.

3. Royal jelly

Extraordinary useful product for health, created by bees in the process of life, with a rich line of B vitamins. Extremely effective for the body, especially in adulthood. It activates not only the brain, but the entire body as a whole, improves the functioning of all organs. - a real treasure of nature to maintain a high level of health, stimulating mental activity and improving memory.

It can be used pure and fresh from knowledgeable beekeepers or in ready-made preparations, preferably in the morning, on an empty stomach, by putting it under the tongue. The course of treatment is up to 6 weeks, if necessary, this can be repeated at the end of each season (December, March, June, September).

For reception, you can also prepare a drink consisting of a cup of soy milk, royal milk and sugar (1 tablespoon each). Stir, drink in the morning warm or cold.

Learn more about the product "" and be sure to use it.

4. Magnesium

An American study published in 2004 found that having enough magnesium in food helps maintain the plasticity of synapses (the connections of brain cells), which tends to deteriorate over time.

Natural products help to replenish the body with magnesium: almonds (up to 300 mg per 100 grams), cocoa powder (up to 550 mg per 100 grams), and sesame seeds (up to 400 mg / 100 grams), walnuts, hazelnuts, dry white beans (300 mg / 100 grams). The daily intake of magnesium is 420 mg for men and 360 mg for women.

5. Zinc

This is another micronutrient that affects memory improvement, since it affects the hippocampus, located in the temporal regions of the hemispheres and playing a key role in the memory mechanism.

Zinc is found in pork liver (7mg / 100 grams), ground beef, cheeses, the largest amount is in oysters (80 mg / 100 grams). The daily male dose is 12 mg, the female dose is 10 mg.

6. Vitamins of group B

If you want to improve your memory, be sure to eat foods rich in B vitamins. They are valuable for the proper functioning of the brain, preserve and guarantee good memory abilities. In particular, studies by Dutch scientists have shown that vitamin B9 prevents memory loss. A diet rich in vitamin B12 lowers the risk of memory impairment six times.

To provide your body with enough B vitamins, add whole grains, sprouted wheat germ, spinach, peas, lentils, eggs, milk, fish, carrots to your daily diet, as they are high in B vitamins.

7. Vasora

This herb, little known to most, is widely used in Ayurveda to rejuvenate mental abilities, strengthen and revitalize brain cells. Himalayan yogis use it in small quantities daily, which helps to establish balance between the two hemispheres, relieves heart attacks and protects the heart. Vasora increases the production of proteins in the hippocampus, which ensures long-term memory and efficient performance.

8. Green tea

Just two cups of green tea a day will help prevent the risk of suffering from memory problems. Japanese scientists have found that the memory of women who regularly use green tea, increased by an average of 30%.

It is better to drink green tea before 5 pm, not recommended pregnant women and children.

9. Essential oil of cypress

It helps to improve blood microcirculation in the brain and prevents memory loss. It is enough to drop one drop three times a day on any food or drink for several days to feel an improvement in memory.

10. Essential oils of mint, pine, basil

These natural foods also help focus and improve memory. It is enough to hold a lump of sugar with one drop of pine, basil on the tongue until it is completely dissolved, or in the morning and at lunchtime under the tongue. Treatment - within 10 days for three months in a row.

So that memory does not deteriorate, it is important not only to use healthy natural foods that increase brain activity, but also to avoid the negative impact of certain factors on brain activity.

Reasons for memory impairment, decreased attention

Lack of adequate sleep

With the constant absence of at least 6 hours of daily sleep in the body, certain problems begin with the transmission of information, natural reflexes, and memorization. Do not forget that you should not limit your night's sleep to a few hours before dawn, but give your body the opportunity to completely rest and relax for 8 hours.

Taking medications

It is no secret that certain medications, especially those for blood pressure control, weight loss, and allergies, can favor memory loss and dull brain activity.

Hormonal changes in the body

Such changes can be caused by taking hormonal drugs, pregnancy, menopause, and others.

Hypertonic disease

People with high blood pressure, especially middle-aged people, tend to experience memory impairment and brain problems, as the small cerebral arteries begin to weaken due to constant pressure.

How to improve memory and attention with the available means?

If lately good memory began to invariably let you down, and you have not yet purchased the above products, try to strengthen the memorization processes with simpler means:

1. Eat nuts for nine days, observing a certain amount by day: on the first day - 6, then add one every day to make fifteen on the 9th day.

2. Drink rosemary tea daily with a tablespoon of natural honey.

3. The infusion of brewed sage helps well (brew a handful of herbs with a glass of hot boiling water, leave for several minutes and strain).

4. Kernels of almonds, dried apricots and plums, consumed daily for 3 pieces also help to improve memory.

5. Ginger, finely cut into thin slices and added to tea, salads, soups, does not lag behind. Don't overdo it though, as ginger can raise blood pressure.

6. Juice squeezed out of an orange with apple pulp is capable of taking care of memory every day. It is nutritious, it is great for improving memory and is great for helping during periods of intense brain stress (for example, while preparing for exams).

7. You can also make a shake of orange juice and mango juice with pulp, walnuts (3 pcs.) And almond kernels (2 pcs.), Consume every morning.

8. Soak 4 prunes in a glass of water for 12 hours. After swelling, beat with a glass of warm milk. A drink taken at night and improve bowel function.

9. Boil 4.2 cups of water and add 7 teaspoons of anise. Put on low heat and cook until the contents are reduced by one third. Add honey (4 tablespoons), stir, drink 3 times a day, 2 tablespoons to improve memory.

Our brains start to work more slowly after 20 years of age. People usually get wiser over the years, but brain activity gradually decreases. So why not give yourself the opportunity to improve mental performance and safely enhance memorization? Do not perceive natural processes as a pattern, try to improve memory and sharpen attention at any stage of life. Do not forget about the need for constant training of brain activity with the help of special exercises, logic tasks, crosswords, reading.

Stay young, active, read a lot and remember everything!

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Most people are most often dissatisfied with their own knowledge and try in any way to improve memory and brain function. However, exercise alone is often not enough.

After all, there can be many reasons for excessive distraction and forgetfulness: this is excessive fatigue, improper diet, lack of oxygen due to a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, etc.

Physical exercises

University professors have long noticed that students who lead a healthy lifestyle are successful in their studies. There is a very scientific explanation for the magical power of sports in helping to achieve mental clarity. According to the latest data, with each heartbeat, 20-25% of the blood goes to the brain. Together with it, not only nutrients but also oxygen enter it.

Aerobic breathing exercises have a significant effect on the hippocampus (the region of the brain responsible for the transition of short-term memory to long-term memory). Moreover, according to researchers from Canada, it is possible to increase its size with the help of sports at any, including in old age.

Regular exercise, which promotes the flow of oxygen, allows you to increase the production of a special, specific only to the nervous system, a protein that is responsible for the development of brain cells and their survival.

Advice!A regular evening run before the exam will allow you not only to take off nervous tension before a serious test, but also saturates the blood, and therefore the brain cells, with oxygen.

Memory training

It is believed that most people remember only 5% of the information they have learned in their lives. Another 35% of them are able to recall part of it with the help of leading questions. However, any organ, including the brain, can and should be trained.

There are many ways to improve brain function and develop memory. This could be:

  • regular reading;
  • memorizing poetry or songs;
  • interesting hobby;
  • solving crosswords or puzzles;
  • playing chess, etc.

You can also help your brain concentrate better with special exercises. Moreover, you can do them "on the go":

  • while in transport or on the street, look at a person for a few seconds, then turn away and restore his appearance in memory (color of hair, eyes, clothes, etc.); you can consider and analyze not only people, but also any objects;
  • when purchasing products, try in your mind to calculate at least the approximate cost of purchases; compare and memorize prices in different stores, this will help not only train your brain, but also save money;
  • any new activities stimulate him - that is, even if in the morning you brush your teeth not with your right hand, but with your left hand, this will already be unusual for the brain, which means it will be a new event that requires concentration of attention.

Advice! Psychologists have developed a fairly large number of techniques to help improve memory function and brain attention. However, a person very quickly remembers only information that is interesting to him. Therefore, choose from all the existing techniques that suits you. At the same time, regularly introduce your own innovations into the training complex.

Improve memory and brain function through meditation

Most people are unable to fully concentrate and disconnect from extraneous thoughts or external stimuli. You can learn to concentrate your own attention with the help of the simplest exercises.

The researchers found that people who practice meditation have an increased gray matter density. Their number of neural connections is also much higher. With the help of yoga, you can and significantly synchronize the work of both hemispheres of the brain.

Moreover, to improve brain function, it is absolutely not necessary to perform any complex exercises. His work will be helped by the simplest asanas and the initial stages of meditation. They will not only teach you how to focus, but they will also improve brain circulation and strengthen the nervous system.

Advice! All exercises should be done in complete silence. The muscles in the body should be completely relaxed. At first, attention is concentrated on one's own body and its individual parts. Gradually, it switches to ambient sounds and smells. The presence of any extraneous thoughts during classes is undesirable.

Healthy foods

What foods improve memory and brain function? They can be divided into two groups: fast and long-term exposure. For example, chocolate containing magnesium and glucose can stimulate brain cells quite strongly. However, its validity is limited in time. With regular consumption of nuts, long-term memory can be greatly improved.
Natural stimulant vitamins that improve memory and brain function include:

  • bioflavonoids (vitamins D, E and P);
  • all B vitamins, including folic acid (the "genius" vitamin);
  • vitamins C.

Advice! It is better to combine taking vitamins with preparations containing omega-3 acids.

Most of the B vitamins found in liver, herbs, eggs and dairy products are most important for long-term brain function. The same eggs, dairy products, as well as beans and poultry meat also contain adrenaline and dopamine, which help to increase not only physical, but also mental activity.

Tomatoes, soybeans, dates, figs, bananas and chocolate, which contain serotin, the hormone of joy, should also be included in the diet. It is he who is responsible not only for our appetite, sexual desires, but also for memory and ability to learn.

Advice! It has been noticed that the inhabitants of Italy who consume enough vegetable (olive) oil, containing omega-acids, which reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and normalize blood pressure, retain their clarity of mind much longer.

Do not forget about this very useful product for the brain. You can also compensate for the lack of omega acids with the help of nuts, fatty fish and pumpkin.

Maintain Your Weight

The balance of glucose - the main nutrient for brain cells - is significantly impaired in overweight people. With an increased content of carbohydrates and animal fats, the content of a protein with a rather long name - a neurotropic factor in the brain - which is responsible for the health of neurons, also decreases.

Therefore, if you want to be successful, watch your weight. Eat more memory and brain-boosting foods like whole grains, fish, nuts, greens, fresh or steamed vegetables and fruits. Moreover, for the proper functioning of the brain, not only the composition is important, but also the balance of nutrition. The intake of important nutrients in the body should not occur from time to time, but systematically and regularly.

Advice!When overeating, a lot of energy is wasted in processing food. That is why a person becomes lethargic and sleepy after eating. To stay in shape, before an important meeting or event, limit yourself to light food containing a minimum of calories.

The benefits of sleep

With a lack of sleep, the entire body suffers. But its absence is especially painful for the brain. Indeed, it is during sleep that the analysis and processing of the information received during the day takes place. Without proper sorting and processing, the brain will simply be unable to perceive something new.

With constant lack of sleep, a person's performance quickly decreases. If night wakefulness occurs regularly, it can even result in serious functional diseases, including mental and psychomotor disorders.

Choose a warm, darkened room to sleep. The habit of going to bed at the same time has a beneficial effect on rest - in this case, falling asleep occurs without difficulty. It should be preceded by a calm, relaxing environment. Taking a warm relaxing shower, reading a good book, etc. has a beneficial effect on falling asleep.

Advice! The duration of sleep is different for each person. And excess sleep is just as harmful as lack of sleep. But if you feel overwhelmed even after 7-8 hours of proper sleep, try to revise your routine and increase its duration by at least half an hour. Longer sleep is also required in the case of strenuous physical or mental work.

Folk remedies

Help improve memory and brain function and folk remedies:

  • blueberry juice;
  • a mixture of freshly squeezed beet and carrot juices;
  • horseradish roots and leaves;
  • red rowan bark;
  • pine buds;
  • mint;
  • sage;
  • clover;
  • calamus roots;
  • elecampane roots.

All these plants help to strengthen the blood vessels of the brain and improve its blood supply.

Advice! Any herbal preparations and herbs that improve memory and brain function can be included in aromatherapy courses. Be sure to find time for a walk in flowering gardens and parks: the aromas of rose, lily of the valley, linden, bird cherry can have a beneficial effect on neuronal cells.

Child's memory

With regular and sufficient sleep, feasible physical activity, proper nutrition and the absence of stress and conflicts in the family and school, a healthy child should not have problems with memorization. Indeed, it is at an early age that neuroplasticity - the ability of the brain to adapt to our requirements - is better developed in children than in adults.

However, at primary school age, the ability to concentrate attention for a long time and logical thinking are still poorly developed, therefore, first of all, attention should be paid to their training. Moreover, this should be done in an unobtrusive playful way. To support the kid's desire to learn new things, you should definitely show him how you can use new knowledge in everyday life or play.

It is possible to improve memory and brain function in a child with the development of at least two of the three main channels - auditory, motor and visual. It is easy to master new knowledge and children who are able to visualize what they hear, to present it in "pictures". It is great if visual samples are used for teaching: toys or drawings.

Advice! Excessive brain stress is perceived by the body as violent, and it immediately turns on a defensive reaction in the form of drowsiness, headache, etc. Therefore, the number of activities with a child should be strictly proportional to his age.

Medicines that improve memory

Already after 30 years, the speed of perception of new information begins to decrease, and by the age of 40-50, memorizing it often becomes a serious problem. In order to maintain clarity of mind for as long as possible, experts advise not only to eat right, play sports and regularly train the brain, but also take special formulations. Drugs that improve memory and brain function include:

  • glycine: which helps accelerate chemical reactions, reduces nervous tension;
  • piracetam: improves cerebral circulation and concentration;
  • aminalon: enhances energy processes in nerve cells, accelerates the transmission of impulses, stimulates the absorption of glucose;
  • phenibut: improves sleep, reduces tension; facilitating the transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system;

  • pantogam: stimulates metabolic processes in neurons; often prescribed to children with mental retardation;
  • phenotropil: accelerating the breakdown of glucose; blood circulation; improving concentration of attention;
  • vitrum memory: improves the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain, enhances cerebral circulation.

However, all of these drugs can cause side effects and fluctuations in blood pressure. Therefore, they should not be taken without first consulting a doctor.

Advice!Smoking kills the vessels that feed the brain. Moreover, in the fight against this poison, even the most powerful means that improve memory and brain function may be powerless. If you want your brain to work like a clock, quit this addiction as soon as possible.

10 tips to improve memory in old age

Old age is often accompanied by memory impairment. This is due to a general age-related decrease in brain activity, a decrease in the excitability of nerve cells, and a violation of connections between neurons. Unfortunately, aging is an irreversible process, but it is within our power to maintain clarity of mind until the very old years. Let's talk about how to improve memory in old age.

General rules

Healthy environment. It's simple - good memory requires healthy functioning of the brain, and for this, in turn, it is necessary to maintain a healthy working and rest environment on a daily basis. Namely:

work NOT on the verge of physical or mental stress;

rest every day, every week, every year;

walk outdoors daily.

Regular physical activity. For good brain function, you need to have good blood circulation, for which it is important to exercise regularly, to keep the muscles of your body in good shape. During exercise, blood circulation will improve, which means that the brain will receive more nutrients. Walking is also helpful. Anaerobic exercise is also helpful and includes running and strength training. Taking into account the age, it is best to exercise under the supervision of a trainer, he will help to create a training program based on your health condition, age, experience and past illnesses.

Proper nutrition. For good brain function, you need to eat right. So scientists have established that omega-3 fatty acids (there are many of them in fish) should be present in the daily diet of an elderly person. Blueberry juice also has a positive effect on the brain. It is this berry that is most saturated with antioxidants. They have a beneficial effect on the body and slow down the degradation process. Taking glucose is also important. Doctors often prescribe special high-glucose medications to older patients. This component is necessary for normal functioning of memory, but with age it becomes more difficult to absorb it from food, so it is better to take pills. Nootropics also help improve blood circulation in the brain. But remember that only a doctor should prescribe any medications.

Tips on how to improve memory in old age

Besides exercise and special nutrition, what else can you do to improve memory in old age?

It is important to load memory. Learning a foreign language, solving logic problems, solving crossword puzzles - everything that makes "brains work", that is, remember, remember, think. Any activity where your head has to process a large amount of information will benefit your memory.

During work, you need to take small breaks every hour. You can get up, walk around the room, do a few physical exercises. So the brain will switch from one activity to another, and this will benefit its functioning.

It is worth trying to avoid stress and anxiety, as they lead to the loss of nerve cells, which leads to a decrease in attention and memory impairment. Chronic lack of sleep can also be attributed to stress for the body. For proper brain rest, it is very important to get enough sleep every day.

An organizer will help to help senile forgetfulness. Now presented in stores big choice notebooks of different sizes and colors. Anyone will find something to their liking. In it, you can record all important dates and plan things. It also allows you to "unload your head".

Reading books trains memory well, since during reading, not only visual memory works, but also motor memory, logical, associative, abstract thinking develops. But to improve memory, it is important not just to read, you need to do it correctly, with a retelling of what you have read, since most of all we train our memory at the time when we remember what we have read! It is useful, while reading, to note the details of the characters of the main characters, their habits, and the like. After reading the book, remember all the storylines. Such memory training will be beneficial.

The peculiarity of all genius people is their attention to detail, they can immediately see many small details when they meet a new person and remember them. Brilliant people, these are people with a well-functioning head, this is indisputable. Therefore, to improve memory in old age, you can use this technique of gifted minds and try to learn how to be more attentive. To do this, you need to try to examine any object you have chosen very carefully, and noting the details of its appearance, then try to reproduce them in your memory. Get yourself into this good habit.

There is a useful exercise for improving memory at any age - memorizing poetry by heart. Choose any poet you are interested in and begin to learn by heart all his work. And then remember at any time.

It has long been known that practicing music has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain. In old age, you can sing, alone or in a choir, or start learning how to play a musical instrument, or all of this at the same time. During rehearsals, memorizing texts, notes, mastering new things, the brain will receive a load, which will have a positive effect on the state of memory.

Do not forget about psychology. Positive attitudes help to cope with any task. The elderly are more prone to depression than anyone else, and it also leads to memory impairment. Attitudes such as: "I am too old to learn new things", "I am after 30 years (40, 50, etc.) no longer fit for anything" and the like, not only lead to undermining self-esteem, but also indirectly lead to memory impairment. Therefore, it is important to set yourself up correctly. Believe that in old age life does not end, but only begins - the children have grown up, the work is over, there is a pension, you can live for your own pleasure!

At any age, it will be useful to master the techniques of mnemonics (mnemonics) - the science of simplifying memorization by forming associations, replacing memorized objects and facts with familiar concepts and representations.

How to master the techniques of mnemonics, see the video transmission of the magazine EXPERT Says "How to improve memory?"

Hello dear readers. Sadly, our body begins to age from the age of 25. And in the fifth decade (do not be afraid of this expression) menopause comes and the associated changes in the woman's body. One of them is scattered attention, poor memorization of information. Modern medicine offers many pills and drugs to improve memory, among other things. But do you need one more item on your drug menu? In this post, we'll show you how to improve memory after 40 years without medication.

Brain and memory after 40

Many factors influence long-term and short-term memory. In adulthood, it makes sense to talk about several groups of reasons, why does the process of remembering and remembering deteriorate:

  • diseases of the internal organs;
  • unfavorable external environment;
  • chronic intoxication of the body (this refers mainly to bad habits - smoking, alcohol, overeating);
  • lack of sleep;
  • aging of cells.

Heart problems reduce the flow of blood to the head. As a result, the brain does not have enough food to function normally. Metabolic disorders (including obesity) give the same result. In this case, if you eliminate the disease, the ability to normally “work with your head” and fish out the necessary information from your consciousness will return. In fact, it's never too late to lose weight - that's it.

You may be used to dealing with a large amount of data at work, but gradually this information will break your memory. The human brain is overloaded every day from a huge amount of information, which is facilitated by advertising, the Internet, mobile communications and other modern inventions. All this, as well as stress at work and in the family, cause chronic fatigue, which is difficult to get rid of. “To rest tomorrow, you need to work better today,” you tell yourself. The intense rhythm of life affects the processes of memorization, and not for the better.

Chronic intoxication over the years is also negative for memories. If you've smoked or drank alcohol all your life, your brain cells have atrophied. This is not critical if you quit the addiction.

In addition, with age, the walls of blood vessels in the brain lose elasticity, and the lumen of the vessel decreases. This process is natural, and without initiating factors, it will not greatly affect memory. But if you add to this one of the phenomena described above, the brain will quickly degrade its work.

In ordinary life, it is better to correct the work of memory, attention and activity of our brain simple methods... We will introduce you to them.

The way to improve memory is to spend time naturally

Let's go for a walk! Daily walks in the green part of the city will help you relax, relieve stress and forget about problems. In addition, oxygen, in sufficient volume entering the brain, activates thought processes and the work of cells responsible for memory. And if you go in for some simple and enjoyable sport (for example), then not only your physical, but also your mental processes will accelerate.

No time for good rest in a forest or a park? Then take the long way home from work, look around and think about the pleasant.

There is another factor that strongly influences memories. Our gadgets, be it a smartphone with social networks, a tablet with your favorite game or a laptop.

First, they take up our time and attention. Secondly, tons of unnecessary information comes into your head through them. For example, you remember how many hours after you need to water the beds in the "Frenzy Farm" or what photo was put on the profile picture by a former colleague, but the information about where the keys were put disappears from your head.

This happens because the "operative" memory of the brain is not infinite, and at the same time it contains things not in terms of importance, but those that were the first to hit.

If you don’t bother with gadgets during your lunch break, on the road after a hard day, spending an evening with your family and on weekends, your memory will say “thank you” and get the job done.

A gift for memory - quality rest

Nerves "on edge" interfere with remembering new things and remembering the necessary information. Therefore, it is important to take time for personal relaxation. Aromatherapy, spa treatments, and massage are good ways to calm your nerves. Meditation is indispensable for effective brain function.

One should not think that this is the lot of the enlightened, and meditation is difficult to learn. The simplest type of meditation is to focus on the sensations in the body or on your own breath. Breathe in slowly and think "breathe in - breathe out". 1-2 minutes - and the nerves are calm, and the brain is ready for new great achievements.

In a word, choose the relaxation option you like and take time for it.

Also, in the process of improving memory, proper nutrition is important. We are not talking about a special diet, it is enough not to eat junk food - fast food, fatty, smoked, sweets and rolls.

Brain training

There are many exercises on the Internet to improve memory, supposedly five minutes a day - and brain function will recover and return to its full potential. In fact, when returning to a previous memory level, it is important to understand two basic things:

  • the work of the brain and body are connected;
  • work to improve memorization and recollection should be systematic, the brain must be kept in good shape.

Based on the first point, it is clear that physical activity, whether it be in the gym or at home with a rope, helps to preserve and improve memory. Why? During exercise, you focus on your body and do not think about the information noise. Secondly, sport affects the metabolism and movement of blood in the body, in particular to the brain.

By the way, our brain feeds on two substances - oxygen and glucose. Exercise (preferably outdoors) helps the brain oxygenate and supply enough glucose along with increased circulation.

Any physical activity has a beneficial effect on memory. The main thing here is regularity.

The development of fine motor skills (fingers and toes), acupuncture activate the work of nerve cells. They, like communication channels, help us in memory processes. Therefore, after forty, you can find yourself a new hobby: Lego constructor, modeling, calligraphy. So you stimulate the brain through the nerve endings.

So that the brain does not "relax" and the memory does not become like a sieve, it needs to be trained. At the same time, there are different approaches for operative and long-term memory.

To preserve and improve short-term memory, participation in intellectual games, scanwords, board games for associations is suitable. Anything that requires fetching a specific fact from an array of memories.

Long-lasting memory will refresh and restore business, for the continuation of which it is necessary to accumulate knowledge already learned. For example, new foreign language, playing musical instruments, reading works of art. To continue reading the book, you have to remember what was earlier in the plot.

An important point in memory exercises is not to get hung up on a goal, but to make it a habit. When you solve crosswords for your pleasure, the necessary information will be found faster than if you start thinking "I am doing this to make my memory sharper."

Change the environment more often - new impressions and emotions have a positive effect on brain activity.

Art therapy that trains memory

Another curious and effective method is special drawing.

It is known that left-handers have a better developed left hemisphere (it is responsible for logic and analytical thinking), while right-handers have a right hemisphere (it is also responsible for creativity and our emotions). Of course, all these factors are useful to us for a fulfilling life.

Drawing with both hands will help develop the activity of the hemispheres. To begin with, draw something simple with your "non-main" hand - a cloud, a sun, a flower, perhaps even lines or letters. Then complicate.

So we will develop the so-called "motor cortex", which will "pull up" the parts of the brain.

Complicating the process, we can add another hand to the training, i.e. draw with them at the same time.

Food for memory

An important point is nutrition. Foods that are rich in omega-3 acids will help improve memory - this is fatty sea \u200b\u200bfish, linseed oil.

As a carbohydrate food, it is still better to choose slow carbohydrates that release energy gradually and without sugar surges harmful to both the brain and the body. These include cereals, whole grain pasta and bread, most fruits (with the exception of the sweetest - figs, bananas, grapes, persimmons). Sweet fruits are also possible, but not overused.

Good foods that contain tryptophan (it's like a precursor of serotonin, known as the hormone of happiness) are cottage cheese, cheese, and indeed dairy products, poultry meat. Bananas, by the way, also contribute to the production of serotonin. So it is ideal to combine banana with kefir / cottage cheese / milk, so that carbohydrates from the sweet fruit are not absorbed quickly, and for the memory and the body to get in full.

There are also special substances that are rather not drugs in the full sense of the word, but they help to optimize both metabolism and brain activity. Mainly:

  • eleutherococcus, which improves cerebral circulation;
  • tincture of ginseng, which is an adaptogen for all body systems;
  • tincture of lemongrass seeds.

These herbs increase stress resistance, improve the functions of the nervous system and improve the mental capacity of a person.

In short, proper nutrition, regular intellectual activity and a healthy lifestyle will help prevent memory impairments.

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