Actually 5 10 shows. "The main thing is not to be disgraced." What conclusions can be drawn from the interview with Vladimir Vasiliev, and whether he will return to the Tver region. Hike to the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Drills and screwdrivers 05.07.2020
Drills and screwdrivers

If there were a Corruption Hall of Fame in Russia, then paintings depicting employees of the Ministry of Defense would occupy the central part of the exhibition. The virtuosity and arrogance with which billions of rubles were stolen by the employees of this department will go down in history. The participants in the budget cut relay, as smart people, soon faded into the background. Therefore, no one already knows where Vasilyeva is now. Although many would like to know.

How did the Vasilyeva and Serdyukov case end?

The Oboronservis case was perhaps the most scandalous in the entire modern history of Russia. It exposed the monstrous scale of theft in the highest echelons of power.

Let's list the main stages of a resonant case:

  1. In the summer of 2012, the adviser to the Minister of War Yevgenia Vasilyeva was placed under house arrest by the court;
  2. Her living conditions were very free, given the average living standard in the country. She was allowed to see her family and use a computer with the Internet. She was even seen in malls during house arrest, shopping enthusiastically;
  3. The first charges were brought against her only in 2013. By October of the same year, investigators had issued a 12-episode case involving fraud, embezzlement, and abuse of authority. To the fullest extent of the law, the accused faced more than 10 years in prison;
  4. But more than 4 years have passed, and things are still there: as of 2017, the Investigative Committee timidly reports that “ investigation continues ". In other words, it's not over yet, if it ever ends. Probably, the best minds of the prosecutor's office at this moment were switched to Kirill Serebrennikov.

As it became known to the media, the life of the adviser to the Minister of Defense Evgenia Vasilyeva resembled a fairy tale from the life of a millionaire:

  • Her place of residence was a luxury apartment in a very prestigious residential complex in the very center of the capital. The cost of apartments in pre-crisis prices in 2012 reached fabulous 300 million rubles(!);
  • The collections of jewelry of this extravagant lady could envy Hollywood celebrities. During the searches, more than one and a half thousand jewelry and almost 20 kilograms of precious metals;
  • But that is not all. The apartment was able to outperform many regional museums for its art collection. The antiquarian paintings hanging in the house of the employee of the Ministry of Defense showed that she had good taste;
  • Against this background, modest three million rubles in cash (also seized by law enforcement officials) look very inappropriate. Why Vasilyeva needed this "trifle" at home remains a mystery.

The joys of life, listed above, could not but raise questions of a very specific nature among the guards.

Why weren't Serdyukov and Vasilyeva imprisoned?

The five-year investigative "Santa Barbara" took place in front of millions of astonished Russians. The insolence with which werewolves in uniform behaved could well become a reason for the Maidan, if all this happened in a neighboring country.

But in Russia, famous for its traditions of longsuffering, everything is still getting away with it. And nothing remains like wonder why once again the criminals remain at large:

Show "The trial is coming", season 2014-2015

Let's list its key points:

  • The consideration of the case lasted almost a year - from summer 2014 to spring 2015;
  • Initially, it was about imprisonment in a general regime colony for five years. Lawyers tried to appeal this severe sentence, but the first complaint was successfully rejected;
  • In July 2015, it seemed that justice had finally been done. Vasilyeva was transported to the women's colony of the Vladimir region, where she had to while away her sentence;
  • But a month later, an unexpected turn took place. Suddenly, the court recognized the weight of the complaints filed by the lawyers, and in the shortest possible time the prisoner was at large, and also received back a collection of antique paintings;
  • In 2017, information appeared on the network that the state fully compensated for the damage caused to a high-ranking person. Not only real estate objects were returned, but also numerous jewelry.

Some public figures tried to express their dissatisfaction with the situation, but their remarks collided against the wall of indifference of the federal media. The political view was officially closed.

Where is Vasilieva now and what is she doing?

The current existence of the ex-employee of the Ministry of Defense can hardly be called poverty-stricken:

  • Immediately after leaving the military, she founded Result, a jewelry trading company;
  • The conclusion, albeit short-lived, left its mark. The artist Igor Dudinsky, who is close to her, noted the onset of a "dark strip" in the life of the former official;
  • The difficult period did not last long. In 2016, she decided to get a second higher education, for which she entered the Faculty of Arts of Moscow State University;
  • In mid-2017, it became known that she had registered a new trademark « Nonrealism". Experts suggest that the new firm's focus will be on supporting cultural and artistic talents. Probably, by doing so, the person involved in the scandalous case is trying to launder his trampled reputation;
  • Around the same time, the media got information about the appointment of Vasilyeva as the secretary of the partnership of homeowners in the apartment building where she lives.

The prestigious residential complex on Molochny Lane in the very center of Moscow, where Vasilyeva now holds the post of secretary, is a triumph of luxury and bureaucratic lawlessness. The person involved in scandalous corruption cases herself decided to retire. Now she is more concerned with the jewelry business and a small art company. Whatever one may say, this is much better than rotting behind bars for several years.

Video: Zhirinovsky about Vasilyeva's activities

In this video, Vladimir Zhirinovsky will express his opinion about why Evgenia Vasilyeva is still at large, whether he liked the clip "Slippers", which she recorded while under house arrest:

He is convinced that they are not only greeted by their clothes and knows best of all how to look really stylish and fashionable. He does not tolerate bad taste and is merciless in his criticism. Alexander Vasiliev, fashion historian, collector, art critic and popular TV presenter. Every day he pronounces his fashionable verdict on the air of Channel One. The childhood hobby of collecting wardrobes brought Vasiliev worldwide recognition, in his collection there are more than sixty thousand unique exhibits. Today in the studio, fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev will meet with his first and only, as he himself admits, love. Let's find out if then, 28 years ago, the fashion maestro became a father?

Actually is a revolutionary new talk show. Face-to-face confrontation between people who were once close. Lies broke this relationship, but could not break it completely. And only the truth can change the course of this personal story. She can separate people forever, or she can unite them. Because even the participants in the events sometimes do not fully understand themselves how everything happened - in fact.

In Dagestan, a native of the city of Klin and a former State Duma deputy from the Tver region, General Vladimir Vasiliev, continues to "reset" the region. A large group of high-ranking officials have been arrested there, and a new government is being formed.

Another hot news from the republic: in the Dagestan city of Kizlyar, the celebration of Maslenitsa on February 18 turned into a tragedy. The terrorist, shouting "Allahu Akbar", shot at close range with a hunting rifle the parishioners of an Orthodox church who were celebrating Forgiveness Sunday... According to the latest data, five people died, several more were injured. The offender himself was liquidated by reprisal fire from the police. The killed terrorist was identified as Khalil Khalilov, who lived in the village of Rassvet, Tarumovsky district of Dagestan. Acting head of the republic Vladimir Vasiliev said: “I express my deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims and I wish all the victims a speedy recovery. I have accepted the reports of the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Dagestan, the Ministry of Emergencies of Dagestan and the Ministry of Health of the Republic. The ministers of internal affairs and health are at the scene. "

And on February 16, the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov and the Prime Minister of Dagestan Artem Zdunov took part in a meeting with the heads of regions on the topic "On the development of interbudgetary relations and best practices for implementing priority projects in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation." The event was held within the framework of the Sochi-2018 forum under the leadership of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. Where at that time was the governor of the Tver region Igor Rudenya, journalists could not find out, he was not seen among the heads of regions in Sochi. This only reinforced rumors that Rudenya has been working in the region in recent months. In Tver, almost everyone is sure of this. It is characteristic that Deputy Chairmen of the Regional Government Alexander Menshchikov and Pavel Migulev, Minister of Economic Development Olga Pavlova took part in the forum on behalf of the Tver Region. Analysts started talking that one of them could become the head of the Tver region after the resignation of Igor Rudeni.

At the same time, acting. Head of Dagestan Vladimir Vasiliev in an interview with the host of the program “Izvestia. The main thing ”Evgeny Gusev spoke about his mission in the region. The interview received a great public response. Vasiliev uttered the words that were picked up by all news agencies: "The main thing is not to embarrass yourself."

Course on cultureand education

- Gennady Andreevich, many experts call Vasilyev an anti-crisis manager who has stirred up a hornet's nest and must solve a heap of problems that have accumulated in the republic. At the same time, Vasiliev himself, the acting head of the Republic of Dagestan, says: “I now, probably, feel like a middle-aged man who found himself in a very difficult situation, and the hopes of people turned to him are very high. And, of course, I ask myself the question: “Am I not misleading people? Will I be able to accomplish these tasks? " Your opinion: is the mission of Vladimir Vasiliev feasible?

It must be understood that the peoples of Dagestan are very ancient. Here is the center of origin of many ancient civilizations... At the same time, as Vasiliev says, the Dagestani people really command respect. These are talented people, ambitious, who know how to win, and not only fighting on the mat, they are generally fighters in life. Today, the main task, which, as I understand it, is posed by Vasiliev, is the rapid and qualitative improvement of the public education system in the republic. Dagestanis, with their characteristic perseverance, should strive for victories not only in sports, but also in science and business. We need to create a quality education system based on world culture and science. This is not an easy task, but it can be solved.

Where does religious extremism come from today? Is Islam - one of the world's four religions of monotheism, created by the prophet Muhammad - involves violence? Prophet Muhammad created a religion of progress and peacefulness. We know what an upsurge in culture was in Bukhara, when the Central Asian peoples adopted Islam. But then some uneducated people began to distort the word of the prophet, interpret it incorrectly. That is why we see wars and terrorism today.

In Orthodoxy, by the way, the same processes are taking place. Exactly a thousand years ago, through the efforts of Prince Vladimir, the first Christian pilgrims landed in Torzhok on the Upper Volga, who carried faith in a single God, who taught people to value human life, be prudent, and love their neighbor. And what do we see in a thousand years? Some Christians are killing other Christians in Ukraine. And no one is surprised by the absurdity of the war between Russians and Ukrainians.

Ask today's Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox what the name of their God sounds like - most will name Matrona or Nicholas the Pleasant ... Metropolitans have turned into Pharisees, and churches into commercial shops. This moral decay and loss of faith in one God is called paganism. It takes different forms, it can dress up in Islam, and maybe in Christianity, Judaism. But this is always blood and cultural degradation. The cause of terrorism is always moral decay and deviation from the true faith.

Often the cause of religious extremism lies in the church itself and in the politics of power. When ordinary people living in nature, where everything is reasonable and pure, see lies, hypocrisy, insincerity, they are indignant. Sometimes in weak people, this resentment takes extremist forms.

Therefore, the success of Vasiliev's mission lies in the sphere of intelligent cultural and educational policy, in changing the very moral atmosphere in the upper classes of Dagestan. Actually, Vladimir Abdualievich began the implementation of such a plan - on this I absolutely agree with him.

- Many say that clannishness in the republic is a powerful structure that keeps order. The destruction of the clans, started by Vasiliev, can bring down order in the republic. Is there such a threat?

Vladimir Abdualievich himself answered this question, because it is not necessary to lump everything in one heap. His view is reduced to two principles. On the one hand, there are religious false prophets who distort the words of Allah, which He transmitted through the revelations of Muhammad. The great misfortune of the Dagestani people is that the society allowed some of its sons and daughters to be taken away by the lying prophets and made them enemies of the nation, who thoughtlessly blew up people. These "false prophets" are pulling the people into archaism, to destruction. Now the situation is mainly controlled by law enforcement agencies, but the hardest, longest, but also the noblest and most useful work is still ahead - work with people.

In Dagestan society there is an elite who understands this, who would like their people the fate of not an archaic, but a successful and progressive detachment of modern mankind. Acting in this direction, Vasiliev appointed Ummupazil Omarova as Minister of Education, she had worked as a human rights defender for nine years, and before that she had worked in the government - very a famous person with great possibilities. By the way, her grandfather was one of those who created the education system in Dagestan.

Vasiliev says: “... today we will begin to do this, intensely, with tripled energy from the receipt of a certificate of maturity, so that a person does not come out into life with a certificate that was bought or donated ... So, so that this does not happen, so that they come out with knowledge, the ability to be competitive and so that they find a worthy place in this life and be happy, and most importantly, glorify their family, their small homeland and enjoy it, God forbid! "

East and West, archaic and youth

“However, we see that in many Asian countries, archaic traditions are fetters that lead to cultural and economic backwardness. How to deal with these vestiges?

Vladimir Abdualievich, even before his appointment to Dagestan, invited me several times on trips to Central Asia. So to speak, to broaden my horizons in my research ancient history... Last time we went to Astana together with Nikolai Valuev and Alexander Karelin. I have a height of 180 centimeters, like Vasiliev, - a decent growth in today's times. But sometimes in Astana we seemed to ourselves to be gnomes next to giants. By the way, in the main Orthodox church of Astana in the basement there are gYM's, and the local deacon Ilyusha is the real Ilya Muromets.

Nikolai Valuev told a story from his youth, when in one of the Central Asian republics a delegation of aksakals came to him from the mountains at a competition and brought a young beautiful girl... The old men brought it to him so that a batyr was born. It was not necessary to get married. It is not very clear what a European in the East should do in such cases. This tradition stretches from the most ancient Aryan past. Archaic traditions are often preserved in the East to this day. In this world, one must be able to live delicately, without breaking traditions.

Meanwhile, we see the example of Asian Japan, Korea, Singapore, where, while preserving their traditional culture, they are world economic leaders. We must understand that time flows and it cannot be stopped, we must always correspond to the time, but traditions must also be respected.

By the way, Vasiliev has long surrounded himself with young people, even in Tver he began to do this. He honestly says that he does not have many modern competencies and hopes for the help of the younger generation, whom he is ready to help. And it is right. Sometimes problems that have not been solved for years can be easily solved with a trifling innovation. I often cite an example: all governors and mayors, and even President Putin himself, cannot defeat corruption in housing and communal services and management companies. And it's a trivial matter that any advanced freshman can do: you need to write a mobile application for smartphones, with which residents can evaluate the quality of service at home. And all this should be connected with the cash settlement centers. Obviously, such tasks can be solved if different generations cooperate. Vasiliev understands this and tries to bring young people closer to him.

True, he did not always succeed in Tver correctly, because our advanced youth suffer from ageism. This phenomenon is manifested in the readiness to perceive adequately and cooperate only with those people who meet a certain predetermined age criterion. Today's Tver youth, who grew up in the belief that shops filled with goods have always been, like cell phones and social networks, are not inclined to believe even in the hypothetical possibility that one day they will have to take responsibility for the country. And if they turn out to be not wise enough, then all abundance can disappear at once, and their world will collapse into savagery and archaism.

In Tver, as in Dagestan, only in a different form, there is a generational conflict. Unfortunately, in recent years, around the respected Vladimir Abdualievich in Tver, mostly some dubious youth careerist shobla has been hovering. They are not real youth. In relation to both the promotion of youth and archaic traditions main principle - do no harm.

Prospects for Dagestanand Tver

- Any regional elite has a lot of economic interests, which often contradict social development. How to be here?

As I understand it, Vladimir Vasiliev, in the role of acting head of the Republic of Dagestan, even has an attitude towards the arrested Dagestan officials, like a true patriarch. Did most of the local corrupt officials want to harm Dagestan? They could work effectively and honestly if a different atmosphere, a different frame of reference were created, when the best and honest ones get to the top. Prior to that, entry into the elite was given only to those who would take their place in the system of illegal sawing, illegal distribution, participation in the creation of shadow schemes for embezzling the budget. With this it is necessary, according to Vasiliev, to finish with everyone. Children should pass the same USE exams without corruption, and honestly continue to live in the legal field. This is the task that Vasiliev sets first.

Nevertheless, business needs to develop today. Dagestan has huge unrealized economic opportunities. The strategy of integration with the rest of Russia and with the world economy is very important. We see the process of cooperation that has begun with Tatarstan, which is Russia's economic leader today. Until recently, a significant proportion of the population in Dagestan were Jews and Germans. We must use this. Dagestan has always been international. This is a multicultural republic, a kind of crossroads of all civilizations. This is the role he should play. Several global projects have now been announced that will create new centers of economic attraction. For example, the construction of a naval base in the Caspian Sea. Good roads and ports of the new Great Silk Road to Western Europe have already been built from China through Kazakhstan. If you act responsibly and energetically today, you can get your share in the global division of labor. This is a prospect for Dagestan. By the way, this is also an important prospect for Tver, because caravans of river-sea vessels with Chinese goods may soon move up the Volga, where the uppermost port is in Tver.

- Some near-government journalists claim that after Dagestan Vasiliev may be sent by the governor to Tver, to his homeland and the historical homeland of President Putin, which is still in a depressing situation. This is true?

In Tver, Vasiliev has been waiting for the governorship since 2003. But we must understand that he is fulfilling the instructions of President Vladimir Putin. So far, the Caucasian policy for Putin is more important than the situation in the dying out Russian regions, which do not pose visible threats to the Kremlin. Although in reality the depopulation of the region between Moscow and St. Petersburg is a bomb planted for the future of Russia. But this is a pending problem, so no one is seriously addressing it. Therefore, in my opinion, the Tver region has few prospects of getting as governor Vladimir Vasiliev. Although he himself, when asked whether he will be elected as the head of Dagestan or whether this post will be canceled, answered somewhat vaguely, they say, “there are always more options, we also talked about them - anything can happen in this life, but wait and see. I came here, I emphasize again, not because I wanted a career, not because I wanted something else for myself and my family, I came on behalf of a person whom I could not refuse ... ”.

I would like to say a few words about yesterday's publication on "Echo" entitled "Fear and Loathing in Dagestan."
I have written many times that Dagestan for the presidency needs a person equidistant from all nationalities, from clans, neutral in his mentality. A non-systemic person, meaning a person who is far from the deformed system of political values \u200b\u200bthat have formed in Dagestan over the years. An honest, principled person, a person who cares for the population, a person who would break the back of this whole gang of chronically irreplaceable corrupt officials who, having put deep roots in the treasury, robbed the republic for years with impunity.

When Abdulatipov came, many thought that he was one of those that he could defeat this Makhachkala Chimera, chop off all the heads of this Makhachkala Medusa Gorgona. But, unfortunately, I could not do everything, only one compartment. Thanks for that. I could not, not because he would be a weak person in this regard, but because his relatives are there. Dagestan is a harsh land, and the "mafia" is vengeful and cruel. Well, besides, his closest relatives got a taste big moneyand he couldn't tell them no! But he managed, most importantly, to “neutralize” the “uncrowned thief in law” of the Dagestani political elite, the then mayor of Makhachkala, the powerful Said Amirov. At that time, he really was the shadow president of Dagestan, with all the attributes, including the army.
And this is not entirely the merit of Abdulatipov, but rather the Kremlin. Without the Kremlin's guarantee, he would hardly have been able to. The clans would not have allowed him, he himself would have been dared before. Everything was tied to this seemingly weak man in a wheelchair. From his hand the entire criminal community, popularly called officials, was fed. He was a key "hub" for the distribution of cash flows, without his knowledge, and without his share, no one in Dagestan dared to "put his hand" into the budget.

Be that as it may, he was unable to stir up this foul-smelling political heap on luxury cars in the center of Makhachkala. And you should have, you see, and would have remained in the memory of the people as a hero. And now he is only one of many presidents, no more, no less. Corrupt officials in Dagestan have developed fairly stable mechanisms to combat people "unwanted" for them. There are many different methods, from forceful, provocations, to fake publications. The yesterday's publication is a clear confirmation of this.
The author of the article maliciously tries to hang all the dogs on General Vasiliev. And for some reason the word "general" is put in quotation marks.
Then he writes that the Dagestani society expected from Vasiliev a solution to the real problems that had accumulated in Dagestan, and instead he organized something like a "witch hunt."
“Instead of fighting criminals, a PR action by“ General ”Vasiliev began,” the author writes. - Vasiliev created an atmosphere of 1937 in Dagestan - of fear and intolerance towards certain social groups. " As they say - oh, how! When did you manage to, may I ask?
“The Dagestanis had hopes for positive changes in the republic with Vasilyev, that new roads would be built, kindergartens and schools would be opened, which would be enough for all children, and delays were already one of the lowest salaries in Russia among Dagestanis. state employees will stop. However, what we see now does not give any more reasons for even cautious optimism about the development of Dagestan under "General" Vasiliev. "

Now tell me, please, with which president does the people not pin their hopes for positive changes? Show me people who expect corruption and theft from the president?
With the arrival of Vasiliev, in the opinion of the authors, the mountainous edge is kraty, he will destroy it. None of the previous presidents ruined, and Vasiliev will take and ruin. Everyone was hanged on "poor" Vasiliev, even compared to Stalin: "under Vasiliev, Dagestan can plunge into the darkest years of the past, when the phrase" a member of the family of an enemy of the people "will cease to seem archaic."
"Vasilyev was expected to create mechanisms to combat corruption, to combat rot, which corrupts bureaucracy - the permissiveness of large corrupt bosses, and instead, ordinary officials were hit."

In other words, the authors are trying to blame him for what he is doing now, the arrests of corrupt officials, leaders of clans and their henchmen. That is, instead of fighting the "rot" that corrupts officials, he is fighting the officials themselves. And it would be very good if you could explain what you call "rot" corrupting bureaucracy. Maybe money? Then it turns out that the only correct mechanism for counteracting the influence of money that corrupts bureaucracy is to stop allocating it. In a word, friends, you will sort it out among yourself, are you in favor of clearing Dagestan of thieves, or are you against?
Further, the most important thing in this entire publication, let's say, is the truth that prompted the "author" to take up the pen. To do this, I will give the quote itself:
“... so not to expel them (judges) from the courts, not to put in order first the Dagestan Themis in order to have worthy judges who will not approach the consideration of cases based on the political situation, but will start judging exclusively by the laws Russian Federation?! "Telephone law" of the Dagestani courts under "General" Vasiliev is becoming the norm, the question "Who are the judges?" sounds trite when no one can be protected from judicial arbitrariness, although it is the current judges who need to start judging, but their "general" Vasiliev will not touch them, since he will always need the tame "servants of Themis", although few believe in their selfless service law ".
In addition to the fact that this article is pure defamation, I want to say that a hundred "authors", to the best of their ability, are trying to shamelessly manipulate public opinion, trying to convince the reader that Vasiliev is to blame for everything, although he, I repeat, is in office without year week. Knowing these people, we can say with confidence that Vasiliev has taken the right note, he is doing everything right, God grant him health and so that he has the strength not to loosen his grip. Only an iron grip and ruthlessness towards corrupt officials - this is what the long-suffering Dagestan lacked so much.

It is clear that with all the desire, in such a short time, it is impossible to do even three percent of what, according to the authors, the people are supposed to expect from him. But people really expect changes for the better, this is true, and this is the basic state of people. They always and everywhere expect only the best from the rulers. But people also understand that if for almost thirty years almost nothing positive has happened, except for squandering budget money and the undercover division of state property, then even the Lord God himself will not be able to correct the situation in a few months, with all his wishes.
The author writes that, they say, there is also good officialswhy they should suffer just because his relative is a thief. First, this is also defamation, no one suffers. Understandably, the bureaucracy is agitated, and trouble suddenly came to their calm and measured rhythm of a well-fed life. How can they not worry? Secondly, as they say, don't steal. You steal, be prepared for the fact that sooner or later the hour of reckoning will come. So it has come, I hope. In addition, the petty and middle bureaucracy understands, and they say that they do not jail everyone, officials are an important link in modern society, you’ll be jailed — who will then work? Then the republic will surely plunge into chaos. And this is what Vasiliev wants least of all, like any normal president. The people, as far as I talked with people, enthusiastically embraced the appointment of the governor-general Vasiliev. But the situation here is really a bit nervous, in the sense that people see that something out of the ordinary is happening. The heads of political bosses are flying, the stability of which was not in doubt yesterday. In this sense, the situation is the same as when a comfortable SK helicopter was suddenly handed over to the despotic mayor Said Amirov.

People, of course, are slightly shocked. But this is a noble shock, one does not die from such a shock, but quite the opposite. Except, of course, those who were taken by the gills, and those who will still be taken.
Vasiliev is good because the local "lads" do not know what to do with him, and how to deal with him. First, they are afraid. They know that Putin is behind Vasiliev, and he is more reliable behind him than he was behind Abdulatipov. But, there are rumors, and I agree with them that Abdulatipov did the main work on the preparation of corruption cases, Vasiliev, with all his diligence, would not have had time to do such a big job in such a short time, if he had started from scratch, he would have simply not had enough time ... And to complete what he started, a person was needed more resolute and invulnerable. Vasiliev was perfect for this role. I guess when he finishes reorganizing political system in Dagestan, he will leave his post.

I don't think that becoming the president of Dagestan was his life's dream.
Another funny quote: "Vasiliev's destructive work is already affecting the provision of public services to the population."
What kind of destructive are we talking about? Since when did thief catching become known as destructive work? And I would also like to ask, what services are we talking about? If a few snickering officials were arrested, does this mean that water has ceased to flow to the apartments of Makhachkala residents, or, say, they have stopped issuing pensions? Of course not. This article is a provocation, the goal is obvious, by means of manipulations and insinuations, for which Dagestan has always been famous, to concoct a negative image of Vasiliev.
In Dagestan, it is always the same as someone will take by the gills, so immediately an appeal to public opinion, to nationality, they say, discrimination, or "people against", "hands off a respected person."

A few words about those who concocted this article... It just so happened that I know very well both the person who wrote the article and the one behind the resource, where the article was taken from.
As for the resource, I can say that two years ago, by a court decision, the site was blocked, it was called "Kavpress". The Dagestani bureaucracy must remember, because this resource has been continuously pouring dirt on their heads for several years. So, this and that "resource" has the same "chief editor". But, you see how, the wind in his sails temporarily changed direction, now he seems to be on the side of those whom he mercilessly poured mud until recently.

Blocked that site with approximately the following wording, to put it slightly: for publications defaming such concepts as "humanity", "morality" and "morality." Indeed, so much dirt that poured from the pages of this site, and some kind of animal aggression and bile, could only be found in a public toilet for truckers near Makhachkala.

To give semitones to the characteristics of these individuals, I must also say that the "editor" also appeared in the comments under his publication. And, as usual, with a lot of "nicknames". Apparently, for a long time he was going to "break through" to "Echo", and registered a couple of dozen of them here in advance. Although it is not clear why he needs this, you certainly cannot call him an oppositionist. But, apparently, for the sake of the cause he needed.

I am very familiar with his methods of work, which is why I am writing. He registers in advance on all popular resources a lot of "nicknames", mainly in Dagestan, which gives him ample opportunities. When necessary, he uses them to his advantage, creating a false public opinion... He has been practicing this method for a long time on the Kavpolit website. It may be small things, but I had to say about it.
But I want to draw your attention to one of his comments under my publication. I think that for this it is necessary to bring to criminal responsibility. Considering that we are also attracted for more harmless comments on social networks.

For this one: “The right to choose a leadership is not given, but taken by force. I hope Dagestan will understand this and get rid of Urusn. (“Urusni” are Russians. Depicting “illiteracy and slang,” the “editor” tries to pass himself off as a “simple Dagestani”). "Get rid of the Urusni", that is, "drive the Russians out of Dagestan" - is this not a call to overthrow the existing government and separatism?

I also know the second member of this gang, the "author". He searched for a long time, who would have edited this article for him, apparently, found it.
But the most important thing is that a criminal case has been opened against the “author” for fraud under Article 159, Part 4. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and he faces up to ten years in prison, and he is now under house arrest. Why is the article focused on the judicial system? The fact is that he recently, through machinations, managed to transfer the consideration of his criminal case from Moscow to Makhachkala. Like re-registered my company there. But then Vasilyev suddenly appeared, and confused all the cards for him. Dagestan is known for the fact that money can win any process there. Looks like he did not have time.
Now, it seems, he smelled the real smell of a chamber gruel, became agitated. Everything.

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