Magical rituals on the new moon. What can you do on the new moon. Water conspiracy

Landscaping 10.07.2020

Lunar month. Basically, it lasts only a few hours, while the rituals are done in the first 3 days following it. On the new moon, various magical practices should be performed that will attract something into a person's life - money, love, luck. It is believed that along with the young moon in a person's life, an increase in everything that he lacks will begin. In this article, we will look at the rituals performed on the new moon.

Good omens

During the new moon, it is necessary to monitor with special attention the signs that can radically change certain events or bring some news. Among them are the following:

  • If salt has been scattered, there will be a quarrel.
  • On the new moon, marriage promises a happy and long family life.
  • Worshiping the young moon bodes well for next month.
  • You can take a small banknote for the new moon. If you show it to the moon, money will start to increase. Only such a banknote cannot be spent until next month.
  • Every profitable business should be started on the new moon. In this case, it will be more correct.

Ritual (new moon) for wealth

You need to take bills of various denominations. Now spread them around the apartment in several places (on the mezzanine, cupboards, etc.) so that they do not catch the eye of anyone. After 3 days, collect all the bills and buy something with them at home (you can buy things, groceries, household goods, as well as interior items).

There is an opinion that you put money into circulation, saturated with the power of the moon, so this month it will return to you in double size.

"Magic receipt"

Let's continue to consider raising money. In various forums that are devoted to this topic, users say that this technique actually works in an amazing way. With this practice, you can raise the required amount of money.

In the very first minutes of the new moon, you need to make a list of what you need to purchase. Write all your desires, then calculate how much it will all cost. After you have figured out the amount, write yourself a kind of receipt for receiving this amount of money.

To do this, take a simple sheet of paper from which to make a "magic receipt". Write on top of today's date, then to whom it was issued (full name, full name), the amount, sign at the bottom, and then write "Paid". Hide the receipt somewhere (you can in a locker or a book). Be sure that very soon (mostly within 1 month) the required amount will come to you in the most miraculous way.

"Money bag"

There are other interesting rituals for the new moon. At the same time, attracting money takes a leading place among them. Collect coins of various denominations in a small bag - any that have a move at the moment - rubles and kopecks. Each coin should be greased with eucalyptus oil. Hide the bag in the northern part of the apartment. Your condition will increase significantly very soon.

"Treasure piggy bank"

There is also another money ritual for the new moon. To create such a "treasure box" you will need: two small oval or round mirrors, 2 pieces of red paper or cloth 20 cm long, a jar with a slot or a piggy bank, a new pen or felt-tip pen, another small piece of red paper, 27 coins of equal denomination (not banknotes, namely coins).


  1. Place one of the mirrors down.
  2. Now place 1 piece of red paper or fabric on it.
  3. Next, put the piggy bank on this mirror.
  4. Cover with a second piece of cloth or paper.
  5. This structure must be crowned with a second mirror. Write the words "treasure piggy bank" on one side of a small red piece of paper. At the same time, write your name on the same piece of paper on the second side.

Now for 27 days - a full lunar month - you need to throw one coin into this piggy bank every evening. After the indicated time, remove the contents of the can. Give 10% of the amount received to the poor, but put the rest in a bank account or spend on talismans for the house or spiritual literature.

"2 candles"

This is a rather interesting ritual for the new moon. On Thursday, place white and green candles on the table, twenty centimeters apart. Associate yourself with a white candle, while a green one for you should represent wealth and money. Light a candle from one match, first a white one, followed by a green one. After a while, put them out and hide them in a secret place. This must be repeated 10 days in a row, while bringing the candles 2 centimeters closer to each other every day. Once they touch, tie a green ribbon around them and store them as a talisman.

"Money, come!"

Do this for 2 weeks before it appears. For this you need a candlestick and a long green candle. Close your eyes and breathe calmly and slowly until you feel completely relaxed. Next, imagine yourself surrounded by a white ball of pure energy. Calm your thoughts, relax, and focus on your goal of attracting money.

Imagine them floating into your energy ball. They fall from above, while reaching towards you, like iron shavings to a magnet. This should be presented as clearly as you can. Feel the money moving. Now take the candle, squeeze it tightly with both hands. Imagine how your inner strength merges with the creative power of the universe itself.

The candle is the symbol of this merger. Repeat to yourself: “Money flows into my life. For the benefit of others. " All the while, continue to imagine how money flows into the ball from all directions, while it is brought here by the wind. Then light a candle and wait for it to burn out. The candle, burning, releases the energy created by you, and it will bring material well-being into your life.

Fulfillment of desires

The new moon wish ritual is quite simple. In the early days of the full moon, take a piece of paper and write your wish on it. You will need 2 different sized church candles. Put them in candlesticks, while lighting them one by one (a large candle with a match, and a small one from a large one). At the same time, constantly think about desire.

Then take the paper with the written desire and burn its last letter. Do this with the words: "I am burning the letter" ... "today. The Holy Spirit will immediately deliver from damage, curses, evil eye. " Then extinguish the candles and remove all used items. In the same way, the next day you need to burn the penultimate letter from the desire.

This ritual of the new moon for the fulfillment of a wish must be done every evening, while burning only 1 letter each. Moreover, when you start burning the last one, remember that now you need to leave the candles to burn out completely.

Ritual for beauty and harmony

This new moon ritual is performed three times in a row. For this procedure, you need: a glass of milk, a pectoral cross, rose aromatic oil, holy water.

Type hot water into the bath and lower the cross into it, then pour milk, a glass of consecrated water, a few drops of rose aroma oil into the water. Now immerse yourself in this bath and enjoy the water treatment. When you lie down, relax, close your eyes, and then say:

“Water, listen to me! Do not boil, do not stir up, take for me! Water after the cross itself, make me slim! Caress me with a rose, feed me with milk, so that I am neither thin nor fat, but even! "

After the water has cooled slightly, you can leave the bath. Now, lowering the water, you need to say: "Water, go away, take the excess from me, theca under the black stone, lie there for a hundred years."

Conspiracy for conceiving a child

You need to take a small container of water and say over it: "As a new moon is born in heaven, in this way a child would be born with us." This water needs to be washed before the act of love between a woman and a man.

Love ritual

If a girl wants to attract love, she needs to carry out the following ceremony on the new moon. You need to completely undress, put a cup of water in front of the mirror, as well as a red or pink candle. Add a few drops of aromatic rose oil, petals of a scarlet or pink rose to a container of water, light a candle, and then say: “The rose bloomed under the moon, smelled sweet, and I would bloom like a beauty, but love would find my own. Moon path, bring the bridegroom to the door. " Then repeat 3 times "Amen"

After that, wipe yourself off with this water, looking at yourself in the mirror. Wipe the outside of the doorknob with water, spray it on the threshold. Place the remaining rose petals under the bed. It is believed that within a month after that you will meet your soul mate.

Household rituals

Quite often, the appearance of a young month is used in order to solve various everyday problems. So, they can add health to a certain person, as well as give him beauty and strength.

To prevent hair from falling out, new month you have to stand on the threshold and look closely at the moon. Hold on to your head with your hands and ask out loud for health for your hair.

Magic helps a person in solving any problems. Rituals of attraction do not just attract new opportunities into the life of a man or woman, but they also radically change their destinies. New Moon rituals for money will help improve the financial situation in the family and get out of a protracted crisis. Knowing all the intricacies of conspiracies, you can fulfill your innermost desires by fulfilling the main condition - do no harm.

New moon rituals for money are rarely held, but the effect of the ritual can last all year. What are the most effective Full Moon monetary rituals?

Magic rites

Magic to attract money works under certain conditions that the magician must provide. Such magical manipulation of monetary energy has a positive effect on the life of an adult, if respect is shown to magic. Money rituals for New Moon are a clear message to the universe, a request that a person makes of his own free will. If you do not pay due attention to the ceremony, then you should not expect that it will work unconditionally. For a conspiracy of objects to the full moon, you need to believe in the forces to which your magician turned for help.

To conduct magical rituals, you do not need in-depth knowledge of ancient rituals. Even a beginner can do money rituals on New Moon. Simple and complex covert actions will help break the vicious circle of poverty, destroy the negative program of poverty, and get rid of permanent constraints. The money trap will work from the first days, relieving a person from the stress of a lack of money. The principle of operation of such a magical attraction program is simple. A person speaks of an object, thing or amulet, turning the trinket into an "energy magnet" which attracts pure magic with its power.

Every living person, thing or inanimate object is surrounded by an energetic background. With the help of conspiracy magic (any attraction program), on the New Moon, monetary energy will begin to come to the house of a man or woman. It cannot be seen or touched, but the work of the forces can be felt by the results. For a person who is not afraid to seem stupid and inexperienced, for someone who learns and learns the new world, the program will work, and the full moon will only help with this. Money is only a means for any achievement, but not the ultimate goal.

New Moon is a special time for the ceremony. Money, success and wealth are attracted to a house or apartment only on the waxing moon. A waning month in combination with a money ritual will not bring any results, and it will also harm the practice. Will make him weak and completely inert. The New Moon ritual is performed all alone. Extra eyes and ears will only harm the spell's work.

For a ceremony for money, success and wealth, you will need special attributes that are not chosen by chance. Each ritual is unique, and by performing sequential actions, a person gets a unique result. Will enhance the work of the New Moon rite and additional ancient symbols placed in the house instead of protection. Experienced magicians recommend combining several rites of attraction at once.

Power of the New Moon

The new moon and the money that was talked about to attract wealth is what prudent people use. Carrying out rituals on the new moon to quickly raise money without preparation or thought is dangerous. The wrong technique of the ceremony or the coming month will turn the already hard life of the conspirator into a real curse. Money on New Moon is not an easy random profit; such material resources can become a permanent income. What needs to be done for a quick effect of the attraction rite?

New Moon is a special time for attracting money, it will help everyone to find not only money, success or wealth. Magic on the day when the moon is filled with power works thanks to the rituals:

  • a strong conspiracy or ritual for the new moon for quick money;
  • a rite for promotion;
  • ritual on the wallet;
  • constant money spell (monthly stable income);
  • rite of passage for money (bills or coins).

Each magician-practitioner chooses magic programs according to their own capabilities and means. Having thought over the goal to the smallest detail, the personality takes on a new path. Magic only reveals his inner potential, helps to get more material benefits from work or personal business. Success is work and luck, and wealth is only one component of it.

The duration of the rite depends on the strength that the magician or novice uses. Additional attributes and amulets enhance the effect of the conspiracy, but this type of magical action needs additional recharge. Success when performing monetary rituals for the new moon is not always easy. If it is not possible to attract wealth in the usual ways, then effective ceremonies for the young moon are exactly what a person needs.

Rites to raise money and strong conspiracies for a wallet will work flawlessly if a person believes in magic. It is impossible to carry out such magical actions for fun or out of interest. Although these types of magic cannot seriously harm, they have the most unexpected consequences. What kind of money raising will take place without complications?

How to prepare a New Moon ritual?

The attraction of wealth occurs in several stages, which are enhanced by the Moonlight. Rituals for setting up cash flow are carried out only after a complete cleansing of the house. It is not easy to clean the house, but to completely clean it of all kinds of garbage and rubbish. In the course of such cleaning, the home owner gets rid of everything unnecessary and obsolete. Rituals for a stable income are not carried out unless the living space is cleaned in advance.

Cleaning takes place with well salted water. Salt is a universal remedy for negative energies that drive away evil spirits. Energetic cleansing involves the placement of amulets or runic protection around the house. Without additional protective measures, it will not be possible to keep material goods entering the house. Conspiracies are not used if the owner of the house is damaged by lack of money. In such situations, conspiracy magic cannot cope with a strong negative program. First of all, it is important to get rid of the evil eye and only then start talking to the wallet.

It is very easy to attract well-being to your own home, even if you have not previously encountered magic and rituals. Before cleaning the living space (it is necessary to carry out cleaning on the waning moon, which destroys harmful bonds and affection), it is necessary to speak salt and holy water. After the conspirator has thrown away unnecessary trash, sprinkle the walls of the house with water and place small saucers of salt in the corners. Conspiracies for material stability will pass without complications if all the necessary attributes are prepared in advance. The ritual for attracting money on the New Moon works from the first days, systematically improving the financial situation in the life of the family.

Magic attraction of money

Practice and diligent observance of all conditional rules will change life in better side... Money conspiracies and spells for good luck should be carried out only during the period when the young moon begins to grow. A small nuance decides the outcome of all actions. The time and money spent pays off if you carry out the rituals in a strictly defined order without amateur performance.

There are several popular and effective rituals for enriching your own wallet. The conspiracies that occur during the New Moon period will only work if the Moon is visible to the conspirator. Moonlight is the main energizing force behind any ritual. If it is necessary to speak a wallet, then it should be placed on the windowsill and a simple spell be said. Moonlight should be falling on an object that will attract funds all night. Otherwise, all the actions of the magician will go down the drain.

During the Full Moon period, a new Moon is born. This is a special time that absolutely all experienced magicians use. The conspiracy to cleanse the house with the help of waters takes place in the middle of the night, when the moon is visible in the sky. A glass of water is placed on the windowsill and the liquid is charged with words for several days in a row. On the fourth day, you should wash with water and read the words of the spell:

"As you, a month, were thin, but you gained weight, so I have all the good to be full."

Immediately after performing the ritual, a person feels lightness, the former things are given to him easily and without any particular difficulties. With the help of charmed water, all adversity disappears, and income only increases. A green candle placed next to a glass will enhance the work of the ceremony. Attracting considerable wealth is easy and accessible to everyone who is tired of going with the flow. The easiest practice is to charge the water from one Full Moon to the next full Moon ascent. The green candle participates in the ritual only in those cases when the financial situation in the family deteriorates sharply. How to attract profits to yourself every day?

A powerful conspiracy for wealth

The ritual to attract money and on the New Moon, which was resorted to a hundred years ago, was used for their own good and for the prosperity in the family. You can raise funds for banknotes. For the ritual, you need to make protective amulets that will fill the wallet of a man or woman with constant profit. A multi-stage ritual to help overcome poverty:

  1. On the first day of New Moon, all funds in the house are collected. It is not necessary to recount the bills.
  2. Funds are lubricated with special essential oils. To attract more money, a bill or a coin is rubbed with cinnamon or mint oil. The simplest ceremony will not cost too much.
  3. The bills are hidden under the pillow.
  4. In the morning, all bills are counted exactly 7 times.

The word is power, therefore all rituals are accompanied by the reading of spells. Not only currency or coins are being talked about, but also food. Mac after a conspiracy is able to attract new income for several months.

“The first knot begins witchcraft. With the second node, the job is done. With the third node, the money goes to me. With the fourth knot, new possibilities are knocking at my door. With the fifth node, my work is flourishing. The sixth knot fixes witchcraft. With the seventh node, I have been given success. With the eighth node, income is multiplied. With the ninth node, it's all mine. "

Raising money for stability and prosperity for quick implementation is not a tricky business, if you do not operate only with logical arguments. Magic has many secrets that are still unknown to man. Trusting the experience of ancestors, a person gets out of a monetary crisis in a matter of days.

On a cloudless night, the Earth's satellite is sometimes not visible in the sky. This phenomenon is observed on the new moon and is explained by the fact that the moon is located with the unlit side to the Earth. This happens once every 29-30 days, when the satellite is in a straight line between the Sun and our planet. After passing this conditional border, you can see the so-called "ash" moon. The new moon period is favorable for some ceremonies and rituals.

In ancient times, astrologers attached great importance to lunar calendar... Until now, the influence of the moon has not been fully studied. With its gravitational field, the moon influences water bodies, provoking the ebb and flow. The human body contains a large amount of water, which explains the changes in the psycho-emotional state.

The phases of the moon are conventionally divided into four parts: new moon, growth, full moon, waning. This is the cycle for which the star makes a rotation. It has long been noted that each of the phases affects a person in a different way:

  • On a full moon, insomnia and anxiety are more common.
  • When the moon is waning, people feel tired, notice a decrease in activity and nervousness.
  • New Moon is accompanied by nervous instability, melancholy and increased sensitivity.
  • The state in the waxing moon phase changes radically, when most people note a surge of strength, the emergence of new ideas and a readiness to implement them.

People with a delicate sensitive psyche are especially susceptible to influence.

The main defining phases are the full moon and new moon phases. Despite the short period, their influence is immensely powerful. The new moon phase is a unique period in which the most cherished desires materialize. This time is suitable for ceremonies, conspiracies and rituals to attract love, beauty and wealth. On the new moon, you can read prayers for marriage and conceiving a child.

New moon

The duration of the new moon is 2-3 days. In this phase, the whole organism is "rebooted" and tuned into a new lunar cycle. Most people feel physically and spiritually exhausted. At a critically low level in this phase, the immune forces of the human body, the nervous system is tense.

All dreams in this period of time foreshadow joyful events. Baths, yoga classes, meditation, "inventory" of their image are favorable. Business started these days will bear the expected results.

Many beliefs, signs and rituals are associated with the new moon. And since ancient times, observing the phases of the moon, people noticed what an unusual effect it has on people and their lives. Over the millennia, a stable picture has emerged of what is worth undertaking during this period, and what to refuse, what will be beneficial and what will only harm.

The day itself is still a transitional period, therefore, everything that you plan to start should be undertaken the next day, when there will be a noticeable increase in the crescent moon.

New Moon is this lunar phase that symbolizes the beginning of a new life, renewal and rebirth. What do you need to do on the new moon in order to live in the flow of the Universe and naturally receive what you want.

During this period, you can:

Feel free to start new business, they will be fruitful and give excellent results.

The planned move into the new moon will give you a great chance that you can take root and gain a foothold in a new place.

Cosmetic procedures will have a healing and rejuvenating effect, so it makes sense to do them in this lunar phase.

Treatment procedures will also have a beneficial effect on health. During this period, it is good to carry out cleansing measures and nourish the body with microelements.

Clean up your home and workplace. The created aura of purity will have a beneficial effect on you, on your relatives and friends.

If you decide to permanently give up any addiction, then by all means use this time to give up what you really do not need.

New moon marriages have every chance of a happy family life.

If you want to improve your financial situation, you can read conspiracies to increase material resources. For a long time, people have shown coins to the young month with the words "as you grow, so let my income grow" or with similar meaning.

If you have not yet met a person with whom you would like to live the rest of your life, then you can conduct a rite of love.

Young Luna perfectly fulfills wishes, so ask her to fulfill what you dream of, and she will definitely fulfill your wish.

This is a great time to do yoga. Meditative exercises will positively affect your emotional background and will have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

It's a great time to change your image, think about what you want to change in your appearance and make an appointment with a stylist.

What not to do on the new moon:

You cannot borrow money, since in the future this will lead to a decrease in the financial flow, and it will be difficult to get material assets back.

You should not do surgery, as the forces of the body are weakened, and the healing process will be long and painful.

Overwork is dangerous, so it makes sense to take care of yourself.

Eliminate spicy, fatty foods and from the diet. As it can harm your body.

Refuse to make important decisions, do not take on obligations and postpone important matters to another period.

You should not intervene in conflict situations, avoid quarrels, aggression and violence. During this period, many have their nerves at their limit, so treat this as a temporary phenomenon that should not be given special attention and wasted precious time.

Remaining new moons in 2016 by month and day of the week

Universal Time (UTC)

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