What dreams a mug of unmarried girl Dream Interpretation. Mug new. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Sealing 05.07.2020

To see a dream, the circle in which was lost and the dreams can not find it to promise him a predicament from which it would be difficult to get out. The situation will also become complicated by the fact that friends will refuse to help, so everyone will have to solve independently, but in this situation there are advantages, it will be possible to calculate among the friends of obvious enemies that will insert sticks in the wheels and in brazen laugh in the face.

If the drink from the mug turned out to be disgusting to the taste, then I will have to survive frustration, because a long expectation will not bring results. When the dreams drink a good wine from the mug and inhales his pleasant fragrance - she is waiting for luck in matters, so he needs to act, then he will become a rich man. If a man broke a mug in a dream, then it promises him getting an inheritance or an unexpected profit, but only he should not sift with money, it is better to try to put them in a profitable matter so that the funds do not disappear in vain.

What if the mug is dreaming?

The circle is a dual symbol, and it all depends on whether it was empty or full, so you should remember this item, and then begin the interpretation of a dream. To see a mug from which the contents overflow through the edge - in reality to have a good position in society and wealth, which will soon increase several times.

If there is water in the circle, then such a dream foreshadows a rich patron, which will help ensure the future and becomes a good friend, so you need to treat a new acquaintance friendly.

If someone passed, and the mug was taped and a little drink came out of it, then this promises the expression of emotions in public, but better if the dreams restrains, because his statements will affect his reputation not in best side. Therefore, even if someone is supposed to teege, it is better to bite your tongue and silence than to be out of society. A mug with a kissel promises a new friend to a friend with whom it will be good to have a good.

What does foreshadow?

Many do not know what the mug is dreaming, but the value of this symbol can be viewed in several dreams. So, for example, Miller promises profit, which will be very by the way, since the dreams will experience monetary difficulties.

The dream book of the Wanderer foreshadows a man going to the mountains with his friends who will remember for a long time, as the company will reign a pleasant atmosphere.

Ukrainian dream book foreshadows new acquaintances who will be quite responsible and will help the dream in his affairs. Aluminum circle foreshadows boredom, but a person does not need to do nonsense, otherwise he will fit in a bad story that will affect his reputation very negative. Pour something into a mug - to get unexpected profits. You will have to make a choice of a mug - in fact, you will have to make a choice that will not be successful, so it will be necessary to wait with it.

  • First elements - metal, water, wood, fire, land. Fishing - dry, cold, wind, heat, humidity. Emotions - thoughtfulness, sorrow, fear, anger, joy. Organs - Lightweight, kidneys, liver, heart, spleen, pancreas , fat and small intestine, stomach, bladder, gallbladder. Plates - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn. The bowl is alone and interpretation in the history of mankind, one of the most important mystical, symbolic and ritual items. Household variants of the bowl (a cup, a glass and any drinking capacity) themselves are not symbolic, but they are a visual testimony of the inability of a person to live without water, so it is not only a bowl, but also the contents. Water is the first-axis of all fluids that can be poured into the bowl. Water Amfortune and easily takes any shape, easily absorbs and unlimited time storing information of the primary acquisitions. The mirror gives information immediately, the water for recoil should enter the resonance with the recipient or penetrate inside it. No wonder in ancient times a bowl of stone, giving water or guilt healing properties , it was supposed to warm the warm hands and only then drink the contents. Sacral, magical actions are part of not only a cult ritual: our life is also a ritual, and we constantly, without thinking, make magical actions, programming a certain course of events. The correct exchange of energy, providing us with good luck, health or transmitting the energy of ancestors to the descendants. This is a kind of spell of reality. A glass of water discharged early in the morning also has a magical effect in relation to the body: it gives the body a signal to the beginning of the day life, the daily energy flow in the body. And any sleep with a bowl or a cup cannot be random. On the bowls of stones and precious metals in antiquity, drawings and sacred signs were cut out to facilitate the development of the situation in the desired side. And in a dream, you can see symbolizing future signs on the bowl, but such dreams rarely come and only to the chosen one. To see a bowl in a dream / other dishes for drinking / drinking from the bowl or not to drink - sick symbolizes the fullness of Yin-information, seeking to implement in actions. A bowl of something filled in a dream to see and drink - it means you consciously take on any obligations to do something. The preliminary meditation was allowed before the weighing of all the value of all the value of the action, because the mindless obligations do not bring good to anyone. To see the cup, feel the need to drink, but the bowl of empty is missing the energy, or the case in the form submitted will not bring the result, or the information is transmitted / unauthorized one. You need to change the image of action and adjust the goal. The bowl see and know its necessity, but hesitate - it means not to have a sustainable worldview and willpower. Do not drink, leave and even push the bowl - means to be on the path of betrayal. The betrayal is possible not only in relation to others, but also in relation to itself. In the latter case, sleep foreshadows misfortunes and diseases. In other cases, the punishment is also inevitable. Change with someone else's beds / drink from one bowl - the brother, an exchange of energy, support and responsibility for another as for yourself. Bowl to split / pour - release the case from the hands of losing energy. With the mother or father to drink a bowl / they give to drink - this means the transfer of energy of the genus. Empty bowl. No energy energy. All household options for bowls are a cup, a glass, a glass - a symbolism with a common one, but no less significant level. Interpretations will be the same, but much greater importance will be acquired by other details of sleep: items, people, which was nalito in the bowl, where sleep was happening and so on.

We all see dreams. They are diverse. But often people want to understand why they dreamed of one or another dream, they want to see in it secret meaning. Consider today what it means if you dream about a cup of dreams.

What dreams of a cup of Miller's dream book?

According to Miller's dream book, see the image of the cup - this means the following: you spend or spend a lot of time in pleasure, however, it is possible that these pleasures are not useful to you.

Cup - Dream Vangu

According to this dream book, a cup broken in a dream can bring good luck. Also to see a cup of a cup means soon get from someone an unexpected invitation. In general, in this dream book, the image of the cup does not carry a negative meaning (as, for example, the image of the clock, the appearance of which in a dream is predicted by a person tragic events in his life).

Cup in a dream - Interpretation by Freud

According to Freud, the image of the cup is of great importance in the life of a person, it means the feminine beginning, the image itself is a round cup of the female genitals. In addition, the cup is filled with water, and water is a female element. Therefore, if the cup dreams of a man, for him this is the foresight of the future sexual contact with a woman, and if the cup dreams of a woman, then, according to Freud, she herself seeks to realize their female sexuality.

Italian dreams - what a cup had a cup

These dreams interpret the image of the cup in the Freudian key, according to their understanding - to see a cup in a dream - this is the prediction of future love relationshipmaybe completely unexpected.

Cup - Velezov Dream

So-called Velezov Dream Interpretation, believes that if you saw a whole cup in a dream - wait for the guests if you broke the cup - there will be a quarrel at home or at work.

What dreams Cup - Dream of Azara

This dream book believes that a broken cup is a forerunner of a future quarrel, and a complete and whole cup, which seemed in a dream, testifies to the arrival of unexpected and noisy guests.

What else is a cup of?

  • If you saw a broken cup in a dream

If you have dreamed that you broke a cup in a dream, it means sad omen: your happiness can be broken by unforeseen circumstances.

  • If you saw tea cups in a dream

If you saw such cups, rejoice, soon you are waiting for some kind of significant profit.

  • Dreamed how you wash a cup

Such a dream means that you will soon make yourself with those people who consciously or unconsciously offended.

  • What dreams of a cup of tea

Sleeping about a cup of tea, as a rule, promises future joy to the edges.

  • A cup of coffee

Seen in a sleepy vision cup filled with fragrant coffee, promises wealth in the future.

  • If you saw a cup with a saucer in a dream

Dreamnies believe that those people who see in a dream a cup with a saucer will soon meet a large number of guests who came to them unexpectedly.

  • What dreams of a blank cup

The empty cup is a presence of future empty troubles, which will take away your time and mental strength, but will not lead to a positive result.

  • In a dream a cup full of wine

If you dream that you drink from a cup of wine, it may mean that you will benefit from spending time, which will bring you and pleasure, and a sense of satisfaction from your behavior.

So, as we see, the image of the cup in a dream has many interpretations: from joyful to sad. But still, I want to hope that the image of the cup you seen in a dream will be positive.

If in a dream you saw a mug, in reality - quarrels with friends and friends. Wash the mug - To advance the career ladder. An empty mug - dream of obstacles when the target is reached. If a ceramic mug has dreamed - a dream foreshadows the appearance of enemies, competitors, porcelain - do not be surprised if you begin to gossip, because many people envy you.

Purpose Circuit

In a dream you drank from a mug - The emergence of new friends with whom you will have a lot in common. What did you drink from the mug? Circle with water dreams of adding to wages. If you drank tea from it - the dream foreshadows the appearance of light money, coffee - to big waste. Drink bulb from a mug in a dream, revealing - you will have friends among colleagues. Drink from a mug of beer in a dream - envy of surrounding.

Where did the mug come from?

In a dream you bought a mug, in life - short-term rest. If you bought a set of mugs - a pleasant pastime. In a dream you gave a mug, in reality - a pleasant acquaintance with the opposite sex. Give a mug to himself - to the beginning of a serious relationship.

Spoil the mug

Smash a mug in a dream - Improving relationships with bosses and colleagues. Write a mug in a dream - a dream foreshadows the beginning of a romantic relationship.

To see an empty mug in a dream - the disappointment will experience.

Full to the edges mug foreshadows money losses.

Metal mug - to a loss of a friend, porcelain - to an accident, glass - to the disease.

Break the mug - it means that there will be a strong fright.

Drinking in a dream from a mug means that a ridiculous case will put you in a difficult situation.

Mug with a broken handle - to luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

Dream Interpretation - Buy

Sleep in which you do big choice Shopping, and when calculating it turns out that you have no money with you, is the foresight of both large expenses and considerable profit. Pay in a dream for purchases - it means to free yourself from oppressive alarms for the condition of loved ones.

If you are buying goods in the corporate store, department store or supermarket and purchase all the best and expensive - it means that, in reality, your affairs will quickly go uploaded thanks to the essential support of friends who have extensive experience in business and long-standing in the business world. If you dream that you make purchases on the market or in small shops and shops, at the same time, at the same time, at the same time, in every thing, some small amount, - I will lose more than save, shook at the cheapness.

Buy in a dream car, - a sign that we will return the lost position, significantly exceeding the new field. If you buy oranges and other fruits of hot countries - it means difficulties and obstacles on your way will be easily overcome, and with a considerable benefit for you.

If in a dream you buy underwear - it promises the disease from overvoltage. Purchased tickets to the theater or for some other idea - to shameless deception and extortion. Banks with any content means the unsubstitialness of your success and heavy disappointment in the event of a complete failure. The boob bought by you foreshadows the profit, if fresh, and losses - if worried.

Buy in the dream of the country - to get a rich inheritance, boards - prosecute sadness and cardiac experiences, firewood - to gossip at your address.

If you buy jewelry in a dream - it foreshadows success in the business sector.

To buy perfumes yourself - this is to disappointment in your loved one, if even the spirits do not buy anyone else, as he himself and it is for you - it means that you will have a happy life and well-being in everything.

Sleep, in which you buy pictures, foreshadows unsuccessful entrepreneurship; carpets - to get big profits; Lace - there will be no feather from fans, so you will be in front of a difficult choice, who to give preference.

If you buy some kind of medicine in the pharmacy in a pharmacy, it foreshadows the disorder of cases, and if the laxative - fees are coming to the long road.

Buy ribbons - it means that there will be empty expenditures.

Buy a shovel - you can lose your place, a horse - spend your vacation on the lap of nature, perfectly resting and taking new impressions.

Buying the oil - you will live in full pleasure, milk - you are inflounted and insidiously deceived, meat - a sign of a bloody business or a severe illness.

The dream in which you acquire weapons means that you will cause a negative attitude of the person with whom we will refuse to enter into an intimate connection. If the weapon is a bow with an arrow or a different children's toy, which is not able to seriously hit, means that there will be forced to rebel to the services of a lawyer in protecting their interests. Buy shoes - to small troubles and inconsistencies.

If you buy gloves in a dream - I will show economy and thrift, but this will not avoid extra expenses due to unforeseen circumstances. Buying a new belt in a dream means married loyalty, and for a young girl - chaste and virgin modesty to marriage.

If in a dream you went to buy cloth on wedding Dress - It became, soon you will delight relatives, declaring your decision to marry a decent and well-known person, preferring to his former fan.

If you buy a beautiful inlaid or carved box - learn the mystery by reading someone else's letter. Buying a fashionable hat - to the change of image, if not all lifestyle. Buy an antique closet - will achieve a well-being of hard work, modern furniture - will achieve the same without much effort.

Interpretation of dreams

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