What to do for the new year with a friend. How to celebrate the New Year with a friend? How to have fun and where to spend? Meet this New Year at work

Ventilation 16.08.2020

1. Set an unusual New Year's table

If you can't give up at home gatherings, at least diversify the table with treats that you have never tried. Let not a single familiar dish and drink be on your table. Try another country's cuisine, ask for recipes delicious dishes from friends and make your own cocktails - alcoholic or not.

There is still a lot of time before the New Year, so you will have time to create an unusual menu.

By the way, if you decide to cook traditional dishes of other nations, why not celebrate the holiday in the style of the country whose cuisine you have chosen?

2. Join the traditions of another country

This is another way to meet New Year with relatives and friends, but make it unusual and memorable. Decorate your home in a different country style. For example, Japanese kadomatsu or Chinese lanterns and pictures with wishes.

Give each other special gifts like homemade candles in Sweden, dogwood sticks in Bulgaria, matching items like cups or candles in China.

10. Meet the New Year on the plane

As a rule, plane tickets rise in price on the eve of the holidays, as people tend to celebrate the New Year already on the spot. And on the dates of the holidays themselves, on the contrary, tickets become much cheaper.

If you buy tickets for December 31, you will kill two birds with one stone: save money on the road and get an unusual experience of celebrating the New Year a few kilometers above the ground.

The more interesting you spend this day, the more chances you have for a New Year's miracle.

How did you celebrate your brightest and most memorable New Year? Share your experience in the comments.

If you are rather bored of arranging an annual traditional feast with your relatives, spend New Year's Eve in a new way.

1. See in what sequence they meet different countries... You can make wishes to the chimes of New Zealand, Kamchatka, Fiji, Australia, Japan, China, Sri Lanka, India, Ufa, Armenia, Turkey, Israel, Finland, Africa, Brazil, Canada, USA ... for whole days.

2. Invite all your friends to visit by sending each a personal postcard with a request to cook a festive dish. Watch Blue Lights until morning and read out 20 of your innermost desires and plans for the next year.

3. Play a time machine naming any years from the past and future and making toasts to yourself in that time.

4. Buy a ticket for any train on December 31st. Celebrate the New Year with guides and random passengers.

5. Go to the forest by car or train. Dress up the tree growing there. Look for snowdrops. Drink champagne, grill a barbecue and make a wish.

Set the table in the sauna and invite friends / Russian Look

6. Dress up as Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or a ghost. Go outside and congratulate passers-by.

7. Order a stripper in a Santa Claus costume that will pleasantly surprise your guests.

8. Climb onto the roof of the house with champagne and Olivier and shout your wishes to the whole city.

9. Throw a themed costume party with friends as pirates, aliens, or zombies. Decorate the room accordingly, come up with contests with prizes and name all the festive dishes according to the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe celebration.

10. Go to the orphanage with gifts and give abandoned babies an evening of joy absolutely disinterestedly.

11. Ring the doorbell to strangers, tell them that you are single and ask them to spend New Year's Eve with them. Risky, but how much adrenaline!

12. Go to bed just after midnight, and wake up to walk the deserted streets.

13. Try New Year's Eve on public transport, such as a tram. Bring some champagne in a plastic bottle, a small Christmas tree and tangerines. And then go to the central square to have a good fun in the circle of people you don't know.

Dress up as Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or a ghost. Go outside and congratulate passers-by / Russian Look

14. Set the table in the sauna and invite your friends. Having met the New Year clean and relaxed, you will certainly spend it happily and peacefully.

15. Prepare a lot of small souvenirs or sweets, go outside and hand them out to passers-by. In the new year, the same pleasant surprises will certainly await you.

16. Write notes with wishes of good, love and wealth and scatter them in the mailboxes of your neighbors.

17. Fill a bubble bath and celebrate the New Year with your loved one and a glass of champagne. Romantic and simple!

18. After the chimes with a shout of "Hurray!" start throwing unnecessary things out of windows. This will help make room for new things, both literally and figuratively.

19. Come to a convenience store or pharmacy and have some champagne with the vendors.

20. Write a list of 5 unusual activities you've never done and bring it to life on New Year's Eve. For example, paint a picture, compose a melody, or paint the wall pink ... Invite friends to participate.

We present to your attention many different interesting ways, options and ideas, where to successfully celebrate the New Year with friends and how to spend the New Year's Eve in an original way in the company of your best and beloved friends.

New Year is the main holiday of winter. No other has so much fun and joy that unites everyone. But everyone prefers to celebrate New Year's Eve in their own way. For some, this is a family holiday, someone wants to be alone with a loved one, but for someone it is important to be in a cheerful and noisy company.

If you are going to celebrate the New Year with friends, but have not yet decided how and where you will celebrate the holiday, the following options (list of places) will help you choose the best way.

Best friend's party at home in apartment

The easiest, but also the most time consuming way. When inviting guests to your place, remember that home decoration, cleaning and cooking will fall entirely on your shoulders. Entertainments, contests, interesting quizzes will help to make the holiday fun and memorable. To add extra polish to New Year's Eve, you can throw a party with guests wearing themed costumes.

Let's arrange a New Year's party on the roof of the house

Bright stars, shining garlands, lights and colorful fireworks in the sky will add a touch of romance to New Year's Eve. Celebrating a party on the rooftop is quite a fun way. Do not forget to decorate the roof at least minimally, bring hot drinks (mulled wine) and simple tasty snacks. And if you have a telescope or binoculars - take it with you, it will be interesting!

Meeting friends in a cafe or good restaurant

If you think that for the whole year you have already spent a lot of time cooking and cleaning, and do not want to stand at the stove on New Year's Eve, get together with friends in a cafe or restaurant.

You will have fun in your favorite friendly atmosphere, and at the same time, with joyful smiles and noisy clinking of glasses of champagne, you will meet the New Year. Another brilliant excuse to meet old friends. Only a place should be ordered in advance, as a rule, a couple of weeks before the New Year there are no free tables left in any cafe or restaurant.

New Year's Eve in a friendly company in the suburbs

If you have a large company, then it is better to go to a country house. The choice of entertainment in the suburbs is unlimited: you can cook kebabs, barbecues, play snowballs, decorate a Christmas tree with garlands right in the yard, make a snowman, go for a walk in the forest or fill a small ice rink. Do not forget to take with you fireworks that can be launched during the chimes on New Year's Eve.

Celebrating the New Year in the center of your city

In each city, festivities are held on the central square for the New Year. So why not go there? A noisy crowd, perky music, city spruce, splashes of champagne and fireworks will provide fun and festive mood.

Go to the theater (puppet show, operetta, drama and comedy) or the Philharmonic

Cultural option. Suitable for a small group of friends. On the eve of the holiday, New Year's performances, performances and concerts are popular. This method is good because during the day you can go to the theater with friends, and in the evening you can celebrate the holiday with your parents, children and loved ones.

A fun trip to the resort with friends

Quite an unusual way. True, it requires careful organization and a significant amount of money. You can go to a ski resort, plunge into the sea in a sunny country, or even go to the homeland of Santa Claus - the choice is unlimited. It is important to choose the option that suits you and all your friends.

Wherever you decide to celebrate the New Year with your friends, the main thing is careful organization. Think in advance of all the little things, entertainment and possible force majeure. So you will avoid any unpleasant situations and have a fun New Year. Happy holiday and carefree pastime! Enjoy, relax and rejoice!

It so happens that the expression "New Year is a family holiday" becomes more than just words for you. No friends, no relatives, just you and him. How to make sure that the most anticipated and exciting night does not leave only disappointment and boredom in your memory, but is truly wonderful and fabulous?

One of the New Years, my close friend met together with her boyfriend : “I put on stockings, nice underwear, and he - jeans and a Santa Claus hat. We sat at the festive table for about 20 minutes at most (and, I must say, we devoted half a day to cooking dishes), after which we indulged in love pleasures, and the rest of the night watched clips of the 90s on one music channel, discussed them and laughed. It was one of the most unusual New Years in my life. "

When I asked if they were bored, my friend answered: "Not at all! Honestly, I was even surprised. I was afraid that we would sit with sour mines until two in the morning, and then go to bed in pajamas. "

Not all couples manage to celebrate the New Year together so that later there are no unfulfilled expectations and unfulfilled desires. Those who still manage to create a New Year's idyll in a tete-a-tete mode are the exception rather than the rule. Which, by the way, is paradoxical: after all, when a loved one is near, everything a priori should go well, especially a holiday.

But since each of us subconsciously strives for perfection, we will try to draw up an algorithm of actions, which will subsequently lead to a completely successful "pair" meeting of the most anticipated holiday of the year.

Get ready for the New Year together

Namely: decorate the Christmas tree together, decorate the apartment, plan dishes for the festive table (even if there will be only 3-4).

Start listening to New Year's songs at least a week before Day X - you will see how everyone's favorite “Let it snow”, “Three white horses”, “Happy New Year” and “We wish you a Merry Christmas” turn a simple day of December 24th into a day "Hooray! A week before the New Year! "

All this will help create a New Year mood for you and your half. We understand very well that most of the failed holidays "tete-a-tete" are based on the difference in their perception of a man and a woman.

How many couples correspond to such a description: he works all day, finding at home only a changing picture - there was no Christmas tree, now it appeared, and then snowflakes on the still untouched window yesterday, and today the apartment is already full of aromas of delicious dishes. Loved in a beautiful dress, everything is ready for celebration. But he's not ready. In fact, he didn't even realize that the New Year was coming.

The wife, of course, is clever and beautiful, and he would be glad to support her in her efforts to make this night special, but the most important component is missing - the right mood. And I can't believe in a fairy tale, and festive table for him it looks the same as for his birthday or March 8. He should eat and sleep.

It is for this that we must carry out thorough preparations for the holiday together. Understand, noisy and funny company by itself will set you in the right mood, but if you already decided to spend the New Year together, then you will have to work on creating the mood. No time? Find! Go shopping on a weekend, buy groceries for new Year's dishes, choose toys and tinsel for the tree and decorate the apartment together.

Think carefully about your action plan

But in any case, do not imagine in advance what emotions you will experience! This will make it easier to perceive all the events of the night without special expectations, and therefore possible disappointments.

Let's get back to the plan. Spontaneity is, of course, good, but not always. Admit it, you don't want to sit together in silence, mentally biting your elbows and thinking about what you can do. The salads have been eaten, the New Year programs have been watched, there seems to be nothing to talk about (and this happens), and in the meantime, New Year's Eve is already striving to be replaced by New Year's morning.

Maybe you decide to stay at home and diversify the familiar songs, dances and games with your own - intimate ones.

For this it is necessary to draw up at least a rough scenario. You might want to go for a walk (weather permitting), launch a small holiday fireworks; or maybe you decide to stay at home and diversify the familiar songs, dances and games with your own - intimate ones. For example, strip games, making wishes for each other, board games for adults or the most explicit role-playing.

And one more thing: who said that the New Year is a feast? How do you like the holiday in the bathroom? Prepare the bathroom in advance: put candles with citrus scent, spread oranges and tangerines, cloves, cinnamon sticks everywhere and climb into warm foamy water with your loved one. What is not a great alternative to constantly watching New Year's programs on TV?

In general, the choice of all kinds of ways to diversify a wonderful night is quite large, and the whole beauty of the New Year for two is that you can afford much more than in a noisy company of friends or among your beloved relatives.

Prepare a surprise for your soul mate

And now we are not only talking about gifts under the tree, about them later. You can do for your man what he has long wanted and what he does not expect to receive on this particular day. For example, do a striptease for him. Yes, yes, in high heels and in some kind of revealing negligee. Please your loved one with a spicy dance - stir up his interest in the further events of New Year's Eve.

Now with regard to gifts: they should be! Necessarily! Someone probably buys presents (and gives them) long before the New Year, others buy something into the house, and still others decided to completely abandon "useless little things that have nowhere to put." But nevertheless, give each other gifts on New Year's Eve! Let it be something completely insignificant, even better if it makes sense only for the two of you. The giving ritual creates an unusually pleasant holiday atmosphere.

When the clock strikes 12, and you drink champagne, get your present from a secluded corner and, accompanying it with warm words, present it to your beloved. And it would be great if he did the same.

Give a holiday to others

Dress warmly and run outside - congratulate passers-by! Trust them, they will be pleased.

"What other people?" - you ask. - "We're at home alone!" And if you have no strength or desire to stay at home all New Year's Eve? Then go outside, taking with you a "bag of gifts" prepared in advance. And let it be not a bag, but a bag, and instead of gifts there will be only sweets, chocolates, sparklers and crackers - still dress warmly and run into the street - congratulate passers-by!

Trust them, they will be pleased. And how pleasant and fun it will be for you! Good always returns in double size, so becoming for someone Santa Claus and Snow Maiden is not only interesting, but also quite useful. By the way, maybe this is a sign? Perhaps that is why you stayed together on this New Year's Eve to become the main "wizards" for casual passers-by who always walk in pairs?

And now, after you've read a bunch of tips on the topic of the New Year "tete-a-tete" on the Internet and you've got a lot of great ideas, close your eyes, sit back, exhale and calm down. Don't worry that something might go wrong. Whatever gifts you prepare, no matter how many interesting games I didn't think of it, in any case everything will turn out in the best way. Because there will be a loved one next to you. A person from whose gaze you take your breath away and next to whom you feel protected and peaceful. Remember this will be a delightful night.

    Who will you celebrate the New Year with?

It is not necessary to go somewhere to distant countries or to celebrate it in some unusual way. You can celebrate the holiday wonderfully at home. The main thing is to approach the celebration creatively, with festive enthusiasm. And it doesn't matter if you will be alone or with a noisy company. If desired, this day will be memorable and special, regardless of the number of people at the festive table.

So ... Quite a few New Year's scenarios have already been described. Most often, many people prefer to have themed parties, when people dress up in costumes or gangsters, throwing a party in the style of Chicago. Or in Japanese style, Western style, Hollywood, appearing in front of the audience in chic evening dresses or a tuxedo. Oksana Chistyakova wrote about this very interestingly in the article “How to celebrate the New Year at home”. I advise you to read.

All of this is undeniably fun and interesting. But ... it already happened. But how can you celebrate the new year at home with friends so that it is fun and interesting? And what if we arrange a short tour of our favorite films ?! How? Well, for example, if you decide to get together with a small, or maybe a large company at someone's house, to play scenes from Russian and not only Russian comedies. Only by making a remake in our modern way. Moreover, it is best if these are scenes related specifically to New Year's films.

Still, they remember one of their favorite films, which is traditionally already shown on channels on December 31. Have you already guessed what movie you are talking about? Of course - "The irony of fate or with light steam."

Play one of the scenes from this film in the manner of how events would develop in ours, modern world... The irony of fate - 30 or even 40 years later! Turn on your fantasy, artistry and go! And you don't have to spend money on costumes. Clothes can be absolutely ordinary, everyday - it's a movie! And you are the director in it. The entourage can also be ordinary - your apartment. So nothing complicated, the main thing is your imagination and ability to funny parody the heroes of the film.

In addition to "The Irony of Fate", there are many films, scenes from which can be shown in a funny and interesting way, so that people laugh and get charged with an excellent mood on New Year's Eve! For example, "New Year's Tariff", "Magicians", "Carnival Night", "Home Alone", "Intuition" ...

And you can also not say what kind of film you are showing now, but let your friends guess for themselves what kind of scene you are playing now.

You can give everyone a task in advance, think over your scenario and show it at a party.

After this exciting film industry, it's time to move on to gifts. And here you can arrange a whole adventure and show.

For example, come up with a quest. Let each guest try to find his gift by going through several tests or using the keys, solving charades and riddles, to find his cherished prize. What to give your friends, Oksana Chistyakova advises in her article, I think it will be interesting for you to learn about many ideas of what to present to them on this bright holiday.

You can also arrange contests, as in one of the TV shows, such as "Mine can" or "Mine can", when your other halves compete with each other for the title of the most daring, strongest, dexterous, artistic and so on. For example, whoever eats a whole lemon at a speed, sits down holding his beloved in his arms, peels a tangerine without hands, and so on. It all depends on your company, who is good at what! The one who shows himself best in one test gets a prize. It may be a small present that you, as the owner of the house, should think about in advance.

To celebrate the New Year having fun with friends, you can play Crocodile with a company. The rules are as follows: two participants enter the "stage", one of whom thinks out a word to the other, any, even tricky and difficult. And the other person must show it with facial expressions and gestures to the rest of the participants. The main rule is not a word - only gestures. Very fun and entertaining! Laughter and good mood of your company are guaranteed! The one who guessed the word comes out to show the next one, which will be guessed by the one who showed the previous word.

Think in advance of the decorations that you will create on the eve of the holiday. Perhaps you dreamed of being on exotic islands together and celebrating the New Year under a palm tree? So what's the deal! Draw on the posters the sea, palms, white and white sand. Clip your artwork to the walls and you will feel like you are in some heavenly place. Just the two of you. Nearby there will be a New Year tree, champagne, a festive table and, most importantly, your love!

And if you are already thinking about a summer vacation, then you can plan it now, in winter. I advise you to read the tips in the article "Where to go on vacation in the summer."

Or you can stick luminescent stars, planets on the ceiling, light candles, garlands - the atmosphere of the holiday will be amazing. Imagine that you are on another planet!

It is very romantic to celebrate the New Year by the fireplace. Of course, not everyone in an apartment has such an opportunity. Do you remember in the tale about Pinocchio? In the same place, Papa Carlo also had not a real fireplace, but a painted one! Why not be children and create a similar one in your apartment ?! Draw a fireplace on a Whatman paper, and candles can serve as fire ... many candles.

Lay a blanket next to him, turn off the lights, lay out holiday dishes right on the floor. Why, according to tradition, on the table? Let it be this year that everything will not be the same as before. Let's move away from tradition - to sit at the table and watch holiday programs on TV! You can have a picnic by the fireplace!

You can read more about ideas on how to celebrate the New Year together in the article by Oksana Chistyakova.

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In general, the most important thing in the holiday is your imagination! The main thing is to approach this issue creatively, with a share of humor, adventurism, even if you don't forget the devilry and this New Year. After all, the truth is they say, as you meet him, you will cheat him!

Or you can take and dial an unfamiliar number together and congratulate people on the holiday. And perhaps it is this congratulation of yours that will make someone happy. Perhaps this person celebrates this day alone, and your kind words will make this person feel not alone. But it’s so great to do good deeds and know that thanks to you, someone is now smiling ...

Mila Alexandrova

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