Learn Italian from scratch on your own. The Italian language: reasons to learn, ways to learn, fun facts and tips. Relevant words and expressions

Concrete 31.08.2020

Perquet l'italiano? Despite the political and economic importance of other languages, the number of people who want to know italian language and speaking it is constantly growing. The motivation is primarily cultural enrichment, followed by work and study needs, tourism and finally emotional factors.

Italian is the language of culture, great poetry, bel canto and painting. Along with Latin, it is the official language of the Vatican. It is inextricably linked with "Made-in-Italy", everything that is synonymous with quality, style, the ability to live beautifully, "Dolce Vita"; it is the language of design and the world's most famous cuisine.

Is it difficult to learn Italian? It is a little difficult to learn it only at the initial stage, when you comprehend grammatical structures. In the second stage, learning will already become motivating and fun.

How to quickly learn Italian from scratch?

How long does it take to learn Italian from scratch? First of all, we need to answer ourselves to the question of what level we want to reach. There are six levels and for each we will have to spend from 80 to 120 hours of lessons plus home exercises. In typical courses, we learn the language 4 hours a day (20 hours a week). To complete the level we need from 4 to 6 weeks, thus, learning Italian to a level that is suitable, for example, for working in an office, will take less than a year, from 6 to 8 months.

Of course, if you want to learn a language just in order to conduct a simple dialogue and understand common phrases, then it will take much less time. How many? Within a month, you can achieve certain results. One of the main reasons that can slow down progress on how to learn Italian on your own is the lack of a clear direction. To quickly master basic Italian, we draw up an action plan for ourselves:

  1. I decide on the motivation (why we want to learn Italian).
  2. I'm learning basic phrases (so we can start talking right away).
  3. I am starting to learn grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.
  4. I use Italian-language resources to achieve my goal of fluency.

How to learn Italian on your own from scratch? Italian is a Romance language, which means that it has a rich grammar but is generally intuitive. In order to learn grammar, first of all, intensive practice is required. And after spending some time on the basics, you will realize that you can build grammatically correct phrases yourself soon enough. Italian is heavily based on verb conjugation. This is what you need to memorize and memorize in order to speak fluent Italian later.

What is the best way to learn and how to quickly learn Italian? How to turn language learning into a daily communication tool? As you know, learning a foreign language has several aspects. Of course, the study of grammar and syntax is of fundamental importance, but for the development of practical linguistic skills, a necessary condition is to talk, to conduct a dialogue, in other words, to activate phraseological structures, expressions, the acquired lexical baggage of the language.


Numerous courses are available online. With these courses, you can learn Italian using multimedia materials such as videos or games, and take online test exams for each level of study.

Most of the online courses alternate linguistic and grammatical elements with an in-depth analysis of Italian issues related to the culture of the country and everyday life... Thus, the courses represent an important opportunity both for those who decide to learn Italian on their own and for those who are already taking a course and want to integrate their learning with video.

  1. The Italian Department of Wellesley College, Massachusetts offers a free online course for English speakers. The course is active for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels in the form of MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) with a formula for how to learn Italian on your own: this means that the student can choose the study material, depending on the speed at which he is going to learn and according to his interests , and level.

In addition, the department offers a free online course designed specifically for those preparing for the Advanced Placement exam in Italian language and culture.

The courses that the internet world offers allow you to follow the real lessons in a flexible schedule, choosing when and how to connect. Foreign language learners can count on the participation of professional teachers who can not only teach, but also stimulate discussion among participants on message boards and forums.

Thanks to the webcam, we will be able to practice speaking, learn grammar and work on exercises that the teacher sends over the Internet. As a rule, the language school organizes the first online meeting, and then the student himself determines the days and times of the next lessons.

  1. Instituto Venezia (School of Italian Language and Italian Culture Venice and Trieste):

Each Skype home lesson lasts 30-45 minutes. In addition, preparatory lessons for obtaining official certificates or lessons focused on a specific discipline can be organized via Skype.

Listening to audio and watching video

One of the most popular and interesting YouTube channels for those deciding how to learn Italian from scratch at home is "Learn italian with Lucrezia". Lucretia in her videos explains the basics of the language well, but also more complex topics that are useful to learn. In addition, she focuses on the specific and curious aspects of Italian, offering advice on the most beautiful places to visit in Italy and typical dishes of the country. The videos are really helpful and easy to understand, the content is varied.

Is it easy to learn Italian? Manu's channel, “Italy Made Easy”, caters to all levels of fitness. It offers many video tutorials, from the simple to the most difficult, covers topics related to the country's culture and travel. In addition, there is a website where you can find video tutorials (free and paid):

Another interesting channel is "Learn Italian with Pod 101". Here you can watch video films on various aspects of language and culture. It is especially recommended for people who have practically zero in the language or have recently started learning Italian.

On the internet we can listen to any Italian radio station broadcasting in FM. In fact, many stations have their own website. For those who love Italian songs, Radio Italia can be recommended. But it is better to listen to songs on YouTube and with subtitles, as Italian singers often use slang, which is difficult to understand (and helpful to find a test of the song).

Trip to Italy

Italian is not a "static" language, but an idiom constantly exposed to the action of time, cultural transformations in the broadest sense, changes in the community that uses a linguistic tool for communication. The most useful way to learn it is through conversation. Leaving home to travel to Italy and chatting with native speakers, we can develop communication skills faster, improve all aspects related to pronunciation.

Italian to a certain extent comes from Latin, but not from Classical Latin, which was used in writing literary works, drafting documents, and was available to scientists and wealthy citizens in ancient Rome. It is closer to the vulgar or plebeian Latin of the republican period, which was spoken by peasants, soldiers, residents of the Roman provinces. The first who came to the need to change classical Latin into the popular language so that everyone could read literary works was Dante Alighier with his treatise "On Folk Eloquence".

Some words are known even before the advent of Latin. They are of Etruscan and Osco-Umbrian origin, like "persona", "buffalo".

The Italian taught in school is defined as the standard. It comes from the 14th century Florentine language. Alessandro Manzoni wrote the most famous novel in Italian in the 19th century, I Promessi sposi (The Betrothed), inspired by the Florentine dialect. But today in Italy nobody considers the Florentine dialect prestigious and the Florentine pronunciation seems odd to those using standard Italian!

Many dialects are spoken in Italy, which, according to Vocabolario Treccani, are difficult to count. Moreover, there are territorial languages \u200b\u200bfrom which various dialects originate. The most significant are Neapolitan, Sicilian, Venetian, Lombard and Piedmontese.

If you listen to the conversation between Italians, you will find that they often use English words. This is normal when it comes to technology or marketing. But the pronunciation is curious. Italian speakers cannot help but add a fuzzy (quiet) vowel at the end of any word that ends in a consonant. The reason for the nature of Italian is its tendency to vocalize.

There are three types of verbs in Italian: ending in -are, ending in-ere, ending in-ire. But all three types are conjugated in the same way. As you use it, you will learn to recognize patterns. There are irregular verbs, you will have to learn them, but first, for those who want to learn Italian at home, you need to focus on the main thing.

Other aspects of grammar are less painful, pronunciation is simple. Because of the stressed syllables and double consonants, spelling can be tricky, but in the end, you'll find that it's much easier than it sounds.

  1. Graphemes correspond to phonemes. That is, once you learn how to pronounce the letters, most of the work, you can say, has already been done, and learning to speak is an easy process, since the pronunciation in Italian is regular. For example, in the word "aereo" [areo] (airplane), all vowels are pronounced.
  2. You should always remember that the consonant "h" is not pronounced, but only serves to distinguish some words from others.
  3. Geminates (double consonants) are nothing more than lengthening the sound of a consonant.
  4. There is a group of consonants that have a certain pronunciation, but there are few of them, such as sci [shi] (ski), chiesa [chiesa] (church), maglione [malone] (sweater).
  5. In Italian it is easy to recognize masculine words and feminine words. Those ending in "o" are masculine: il gioco [il joco] (game), il libro [il libro] (book), il mostro [il mostro] (monster).
  6. Words that end in "a" are usually feminine: la strada [la strada] (street), la vita [la vita] (life), la casa [la kaza] (house).

There are exceptions, of course, but these pronunciation rules cover 80% of cases.

Plural simple forms: a word ending in "o" (male) ends with "I": libro → libri; to "a" (female) - "e": casa → case. Although in some cases the word in the singular can be masculine and feminine in the plural: - (egg-eggs) - (finger-fingers). Foreign words usually do not have an Italian plural. For example, "computer", "robot" and the plurals remain "computer" and "robot".

Don't forget idiomatic expressions that don't follow exact grammatical rules but make Italian semantically rich. Dictionaries published in Italy include not only single words, but also colloquial or regional expressions.

In contact with

More than 60 million people speak Italian worldwide. It is very beautiful and melodic, but not as simple as it seems at first glance. On the territory of Italy there are many dialects that the Italians themselves from different parts of the country may not understand.

With the development of the Internet, learning a new language has become easier and more convenient. You can do it yourself at home or even while traveling from your smartphone.

Collected here are some of the best resources for learning Italian!

Polyglot. Italian from scratch

Teacher Dmitry Petrov created a foreign language teaching program for 16 lessons. His methodology provides complete immersion in the language environment and is suitable even for beginners.


English language service for training listening in Italian. The lessons are divided into levels from beginner to advanced. There are different formats of materials: dialogues, videos, tests, vocabulary lists, printouts of classes.


If you have a fear of speaking Italian, this is the place for you. Here you can take a series of 30-minute Skype conversation sessions with Italians and thereby overcome the language barrier.

BBC. Introduction to Italian

The BBC has prepared nine short lessons on learning Italian. They are great for travelers as they teach how to communicate in different everyday situations abroad.


This portal was created especially for foreigners who are studying Italian. His materials are written entirely in the native language of Italy and are categorized. There is a large selection of exam preparation, as well as tests to test your knowledge.


This Russified resource has a large base for learning Italian. Here you can find video tutorials, materials on grammar, vocabulary, reading and much more.


It is one of the most popular Roman newspapers that describes all the events in Italy. Perfect for beginners and intermediate learners to read and help keep in touch latest news countries.

Italian for travelers

This youtube channel offers ten lessons especially for travelers. It will help in learning phrases for standard everyday situations abroad: checking into a hotel, traveling by public transport, at customs, in the city, etc.


This personal blog dedicated to learning Italian has collected a huge collection of useful material and interesting articles... Here you can find almost everything about the cities of Italy and the peculiarities of dialects. The blog even has Italian recipes!


On this site you can find online lessons, courses, tests, articles, grammar and phonetics section. The portal is made entirely in Russian, which makes it easier for beginners to learn.


This portal offers a convenient language learning option in MP3 format. The site contains 100 language lessons, plus 30 can be listened to for free. The dialogues were voiced by native speakers, so they perfectly convey the correct pronunciation.


On this site you can top up your vocabularyand at the same time listen to how to pronounce each word in Italian correctly. The words on the site are divided into thematic categories.


This portal offers a huge selection of teaching materials on this topic. There is almost everything here - grammar, phrasebook, several courses, books, films and poetry in Italian. For a beginner student, this site will be a real find!


For those who like to study a foreign language in a society of like-minded people, there is a good VKontakte group. The community of 300 thousand people is constantly updated with new information. Here you can also find friends and an interlocutor to practice speaking Italian.


And this group specializes in collecting films in Italian. Every day there are novelties of Italian cinema, which are convenient for learning the language. You can also pay attention to the sign language, which is widespread in Italy.

You can learn Italian without even leaving your home. These resources make your learning process simple and effective!

Italian is not the most common language - it is spoken mainly on the Apennine Peninsula, but it is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful. It is a very melodic, rhythmic and euphonious language, which is usually spoken expressively and emotionally (remember how Italians love to gesture). If you have no problems with gestures, but there are gaps in Italian, it's time to download the educational applications to your mobile device and devote your free time to your favorite language.


The application allows you to choose 1 out of 100 foreign languages \u200b\u200bin which you will directly communicate with a native speaker of this language. No theory, just practice. The companion teacher will be able to instantly correct your grammar, syntax, pronunciation and more. You can learn several languages \u200b\u200bat the same time.


You will find Duolingo in each of our language reviews. And all thanks to its popularity and effectiveness, which has already been tested by more than 150 million people. According to the developers, "34 hours spent with Duolingo are equal in efficiency to a semester at the university." This is achieved by learning in a playful way, where there is no place for boring lectures, but there are games, interactive tasks, video lessons and short exercises to consolidate knowledge.


class \u003d "img-responsive"\u003e The app offers to record your voice and improve your pronunciation every day. You will be able to independently analyze your successes and work on mistakes. Every day you will learn not separate word, and whole phrases from real life... At the end of the lesson, you will be able to answer questions in the form of a quiz to test your knowledge.

Hello pal

class \u003d "img-responsive"\u003e Mobile application for communicating with native speakers from all over the world. Two forms of communication are available for users: correspondence and audio messages. There is a function - a call. Even if you do not speak Italian, but really want to communicate, built-in translators and phrasebooks will come to the rescue.


class \u003d "img-responsive"\u003e Vocabulary refill app. The student is offered three ways at once: to enter the word into context, repeat phrases after the speaker, or write it down using the proposed letters. The disadvantage of the application is paid content. The free package includes only 8 main themes.


class \u003d "img-responsive"\u003e Busuu invites you to learn the basics of the language in the old-fashioned way - through dictionaries and grammar lessons, taking interactive tests and listening to correct Italian. Completed tasks for verification can be sent to a native speaker who will gladly help students improve their knowledge.


class \u003d "img-responsive"\u003e A personal tutor in your pocket that helps you learn new words and phrases, offers different assignments for your level, as well as monitors your progress and offers to consolidate the knowledge you have already learned, throwing up the learned words for checking.

easy ten

class \u003d "img-responsive"\u003e This was originally a learning app only in English... Now these are 10 languages, among which there is Italian. The program offers to learn 10 new words daily, which is 3650 new words per year. To test memorization, 4 types of test are used. There is a reward system and rating among friends. Paid content is present.

Learn Italian Phrasebook

class \u003d "img-responsive"\u003e Learn Italian is an easy-to-use mobile Italian phrasebook. Will be an excellent travel assistant. All words have been recorded by native speakers so you hear authentic pronunciation and prepare yourself to understand emotional Italians ahead of time.


You can learn languages \u200b\u200bnot only by memorizing words, but also by playing an exciting space game. Yes, you heard right. Memrise offers a fun way to learn foreign languages. There are several difficulty levels for students. But in any case, you will love the creative approach to learning.

Download application for, for

This is our list of useful mobile apps to help you learn beautiful language Dante. But remember, the main thing in learning is regularity. Don't be lazy and put off what you can learn right now.

Where to begin? These lessons will help you build your Italian vocabulary. All Italian lessons are divided into levels and modules. When you first set foot on the path of learning Italian, immediately press the button "start lesson"... If you feel that you already have the so-called "school vocabulary", click "start test" - this way you will find out what level of Italian your knowledge roughly corresponds to. Over time, take the test again and check your progress!

How to learn Italian on this website?

The lessons are designed in such a way as to increase your vocabulary. At the same time, you can not only learn how the word is spelled, its translation and transcription. You will be able to hear how it is pronounced. Pronunciation is what distinguishes a native speaker from a learner from the first seconds of communication. We can learn Italian from books as long as we want, know grammar and many rules. But there will be difficulties with pronunciation. Books cannot tell you how a word is pronounced in Italian. Even a word read by a tutor may be pronounced differently by native speakers. Now, in the 21st century, anyone can learn Italian words with pronunciation for free! Get started now!

For your convenience, the lessons are divided into 4 levels:

  • Italian: Part 1
  • Italian: Part 2
  • Italian: Part 3
  • Italian: Part 4

Italian self-study guide - instruction

  1. Don't know what level of Italian you have yet? Take 10 minutes to test. The result will tell you which lesson to start with.
  2. Go to the lesson the test suggested or select any other lesson from the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
  3. Before you will be a table of words in Italian, their translation and transcription. There will be buttons on the left, clicking on which, you will hear the pronunciation of the word in Italian. Naturally, you will need headphones or speakers.
  4. Start with a few lessons a day. This will allow you not to overwork your brain with new words. If you notice that the words are already familiar, feel free to skip the lesson and move on to the next Italian lesson.
  5. Are you wondering how your vocabulary has changed? Take the test again to see how the self-study Italian language has changed your vocabulary.

How will this site help me?

The main purpose of the site is to increase the vocabulary of words with correct pronunciation. The emphasis is on pronunciation - something that is always lacking when you don't communicate with native speakers. Another feature of the site is that no registration is required. We do not collect your personal data, do not send mailings to the mail and messengers. Here you can learn italian completely free .. You can safely recommend it to your friends! We recommend you bookmark the site in case you accidentally lose the link. We decided to name the tutorial that way, because this way of learning Italian is suitable for lazy people, or those who cannot bring themselves to sit for an hour over their lessons. One lesson here will take you no more than 15 minutes. Thus, you will increase your vocabulary in just 15 minutes a day. Stop reading, it's time to start your first lesson!


Is it possible to independent study Italian? Grammar lectures and online lessons will help you learn Italian for free. Free online course for beginners.In each online lesson grammar with examples, grammar exercises, texts and dialogues in Italian and vocabulary building.

concept article, definite and indefinite article singular, regular verbs, conjugation of verbs of the first, second and third conjugation.

letter combinations chi, che. Plural articles. Irregular verbs dare, stare, andare. Verbs ending in -CARE, -GARE

agreement of adjectives and nouns in gender and number. Dare andare verbs. Question words. Prepositions a, per, da.

Special cases of pronunciation. Auxiliary verbs ESSERE, AVERE. Revolutions c "è / ci sono. Ordinal and cardinal numbers. Arithmetic operations and numbers in Italian. Count in Italian.

Personal pronouns. Fused forms of preposition and article (preposition + article). The use of the preposition a and di with verbs and nouns.

Acquaintance. Formulas for greeting and parting. Truncation of verbs, nouns, adjectives.

Second and third conjugation verbs. Ordinal and cardinal numbers (tens, hundreds, thousands). Dates. Fusion of prepositions di, su with articles.

Word hyphenation rules. Irregular verbs of the second conjugation. Modal verbs dovere, potere, volere, sapere. Indefinite adjectives and pronouns ogni, qualche, alcuno, qualcuno, qualcosa. Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns mio, tuo, suo, nostro, vostro, loro. Rules for the use of the article. Adverb, adjective and pronoun molto, poco.

Irregular verbs of the second conjugation: venire, tenere, salire, rimanere, bere, uscire. Stressed and unstressed personal pronouns (me, te, mi, ti, lo, la, le, li, ci, vi). Reflexive verbs. Formation of the plural of adjectives and nouns with the ending -co, -go, -ca, -ga (-che, -ghe, -chi, -ghi).

The indefinite adjective tutto. What time is it now. The stressed and unstressed forms of the verb piacere. Adverbs anche, neanche, nemmeno.

Regular verbs in difficult times. Past tense (closest past) passato prossimo. Transitive and intransitive verbs. Unstressed forms of personal pronouns in the past tense. Reflexive past tense verbs. The choice of an auxiliary verb in passato prossimo. The meanings of the article. Basic meanings of the definite article.

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