What to do when cherries are sick. Moniliosis For the cherry to stop hurting

Anti-corrosion 28.12.2020

Now we need to look into the castle of the Countesses Cherry, who, as you probably already understood, were the owners of the entire village, its houses, lands and even a church with a bell tower.
On the day when Cipollino took the Pumpkin's godfather's house into the forest, an unusual excitement reigned in the castle: relatives came to the hostesses.
There were two relatives: Baron Orange and the Duke of Mandarin. Baron Orange was a cousin of the late husband of Signora Countess Elder. And the Duke of Mandarin was a cousin to the late husband of Signora Countess the Younger. Baron Orange had an unusually fat belly. However, there was nothing surprising in this, because he only did what he ate, giving his jaws a rest for only an hour or two during sleep.
When Baron Orange was still young, he slept from evening to morning in order to have time to digest everything that he ate during the day. But then he said to himself: "Sleeping is only time to waste: when I sleep, I cannot eat!"
Therefore, he decided to eat at night, leaving two hours a day for digestion. To satisfy the hunger of Baron Orange, from his numerous possessions, spread across the entire region, carts with a wide variety of food were sent to him every day. The poor peasants did not know what else to send him.
He devoured eggs, chickens, pigs, goats, cows, rabbits, fruits, vegetables, bread, crackers, pies ... Two servants stuffed everything that was brought into his mouth. When they got tired, they were replaced by two others.
In the end, the peasants were sent to tell him that they no longer had anything edible. All the livestock has been eaten, all the fruits from the trees have been harvested.
- Well, send me the trees! - ordered the baron.
The peasants sent him trees, and he devoured them by dipping leaves and roots in olive oil and sprinkling with salt.
When all the garden trees were finally destroyed, the baron began to sell his land and buy food with the proceeds. Having sold all the estates, he wrote a letter to Signora Countess Elder and asked to visit her.
To tell the truth, Signora Countess the Younger was not very pleased:
“The Baron will eat up our entire fortune. He will swallow our castle like a dish of pasta!
Signora Countess Elder wept:
“You don’t want to accept my relatives. Ah, you never loved my fat, poor baron!
“All right,” said Countess Younger, “call your baron. But then I will invite the Duke of Mandarin, my poor late husband's cousin.
- Do me a favor! - Countess Elder answered contemptuously. - This one eats less than a chicken. Your poor husband - peace be upon him! - the relatives are so small and skinny that they cannot be seen from the ground. And my poor deceased husband - peace be upon him! - Relatives are all as on selection: tall, thick, prominent.
And in fact, Baron Orange was a very prominent person - he seemed like a whole mountain even a mile away. I had to immediately hire a servant for him to carry his belly - the baron himself was no longer able to carry his impressive belly.
The tomato sent for the rag-picker Beans to bring his cart to the castle. But Beans did not find the cart - after all, as you know, his son, Fasolinka, took it. So he rolled in a wheelbarrow like the one in which bricklayers carry the lime.
Signor Tomato helped Baron Orange to put his fat belly into the wheelbarrow and shouted:
- Well, let's go!
The beans with all their might put on the handles of the old, wobbly wheelbarrow, but did not move it even a centimeter: the baron had just had a very satisfying breakfast.
Two more servants were called. With their help, the Baron finally managed to make a short walk along the park alleys. At the same time, the wheel of the wheelbarrow now and then ran into the largest and sharpest stones. These tremors echoed in the poor baron's stomach so that he was drenched in a cold sweat.
- Be careful, there is a cobblestone! he shouted.
Beans and servants began to carefully go around all the stones on the road. But because of this, the car fell into a hole.
- Hey you rotozei, for the sake of the sky, go around the pits! - pleaded the baron.
However, in spite of the tremors and bruises, he did not interrupt his favorite pastime and on the way he diligently gnawed the roasted turkey prepared by Signora Countess Elder for his snack.
The Duke of Mandarin also caused a lot of trouble for the hostesses and servants. The servant of Signora Countess the Younger, poor Strawberry, stroked Mandarin's shirts from morning to evening. When she brought ironed linen, the duke made a displeased grimace, snorted, sobbed, and then climbed onto the closet and shouted to the whole house:
- Help, I'm dying!
Signora Countess the Younger came running at breakneck speed:
- Dear Mandarin, what's wrong with you?
- Oh, your shirts were ironed so badly that I can only die! Apparently, no one needs me anymore!
To persuade him to stay alive, Signora Countess the Younger gave Mandarin one after the other the silk shirts of her late husband.
The Duke carefully climbed off the closet and began to try on shirts.
After a while, shouts were again heard from his room:
- Oh heaven, I'm dying!
Signora Countess the Younger again rushed to him, clutching her heart:
- My dear Mandarin, what happened?
The Duke shouted from the top of the mirror:
- Oh, I lost my best collar cufflink and I don't want to live anymore! This is such a great loss!
To calm the duke down, Countess the Younger eventually gave him all the cufflinks of her late husband, and these cufflinks were of gold, silver, and precious stones.
In a word, before the sun had set, Signora Countess the Younger had no more jewelry left, and the Duke of Mandarin took full suitcases of gifts and rubbed his hands smugly.
The exorbitant greed of both relatives seriously worried and grieved the countess, and they vent their anger on their nephew, poor Cherry, who had neither a father nor a mother.
- The parasite! - Signora Countess Elder shouted at him. - Now go to solve problems!
- Yes, I have already decided everything ...
- Decide others! - Signora Countess the Younger ordered sternly.
Cherry obediently set off to solve other problems. Every day he solved so many problems that he wrote several notebooks, and in a week he accumulated a whole mountain of them.
On the day of the arrival of the countess's relatives, every now and then pounced on Cherry:
- What are you doing here, bummer?
- I just wanted to walk a little in the park ...
- Baron Orange is walking in the park - there is no place for idlers like you. Get out now to learn your lessons! - Why, I have already learned them ...
- Learn tomorrows!

Obedient Cherry taught tomorrow's lessons. Every day he taught so many lessons that he had long since memorized all his textbooks and read all the books from the castle library. But when the countesses saw the book in Cherry's hands, they got even more angry:
- Now put the book down, you mischief-maker! You will tear it up.
- But how can I learn lessons without books?
- Learn by heart!
Cherry went to his room and studied, studied, studied without books, of course. His head began to ache from incessant learning, and then the countesses again shouted at him:
- You are always sick because you think too much! Stop thinking - there will be less drug costs.
In a word, no matter what Cherry did, the countesses were unhappy with him.
Cherry did not know how to step, so as not to receive a new thrashing, and felt terribly unhappy.
In the whole castle he had only one friend - the servant Strawberry. She felt sorry for this pale little boy with glasses, whom no one loved. Strawberry was kind to Cherry and in the evenings, when he went to bed, secretly brought him a piece of something tasty.
But that evening, Baron Orange ate everything tasty at dinner.
Duke Mandarin also wanted something sweet. He threw a napkin on the floor, climbed onto the sideboard and yelled:
- Hold me, or I'll throw myself down!
However, this time the screams did not help him: the baron calmly finished his sweets, not paying any attention to the Mandarin.
Signora Countess the Younger knelt in front of the buffet and with tears in her eyes begged her dear relative not to die in the prime of life. Of course, it would have been necessary to promise him some gift so that he agreed to get off, but the countess had nothing left.
In the end, the Duke of Mandarin realized that he had nothing more to profit from, and after much persuasion he decided to go downstairs with the help of the gentleman Tomato, who was drenched in sweat from excitement and strain.
At that very moment, Signor Tomato was brought the news of the mysterious disappearance of the Pumpkin's godfather's house.
The cavalier did not hesitate for a long time: he immediately sent a complaint to Prince Lemon and asked him to dispatch a dozen Lemon policemen to the village.
Lemons arrived the next day and immediately put things in order in the village: they went around all the houses and arrested those who came to their hand.
Master Vinogradinka was one of the first to be arrested. The shoemaker brought an awl with him to scratch the back of his head in his spare time and, grumbling, followed the police. But the Lemons took the awl away from him.
- You have no right to take weapons with you to prison! - they said to the master Vinogradinka.
- And what should I scratch my head with?
- When you want to scratch yourself, tell someone from the authorities. We'll scratch your head!
And Lemonchik tickled the back of the shoemaker's head with his sharp saber.
Professor Grusha was also arrested.
He asked permission to take a violin and a candle with him.
- Why do you need a candle?
- My wife says that it is very dark in the dungeon of the castle, and I need to learn new notes.
In short, all the villagers were arrested.
Only Signor Pea, because he was a lawyer, and Leek, because he was simply not found, remained free.
But Leek did not hide at all: he was quietly sitting on his balcony. His mustache was tied instead of ropes, and his clothes were dried on them. Seeing sheets, shirts and stockings, Lemons walked by, not noticing the owner, hung with linen.
Kum Pumpkin followed the Lemons, sighing deeply as usual.
- Why do you sigh so often? the officer asked him sternly.
- How can I not sigh! All my life I have worked and only saved my sighs. Every day with a sigh ... Now I have accumulated several thousand of them. We need to get them into business somehow!
Of the women, only one godmother Pumpkin was arrested, and since she refused to go to prison, the police knocked her down and rolled her to the very gates of the castle. She was so round!
But no matter how cunning the Lemons were, they still did not manage to arrest Cipollino, although all this time he was sitting on the fence with one girl, whose name was Radish, and fervently glanced at the police.
Passing by, Lemons even asked him and Radishes if they had seen a dangerous rebel named Cipollino somewhere nearby.
- We saw, we saw! - both shouted back. - He just got under your officer's cocked hat!
And, laughing loudly, the guys ran away.
On the same day, Cipollino and Radish went to the castle for reconnaissance. Cipollino decided at all costs to free the captives, and Radish, of course, promised to help him in everything.

CHAPTER 7: In Which Cherry Ignores Signor Petrushka's Announcement

The castle of the Countess Chery stood at the top of the hill. It was surrounded by a huge park. At the gate of the park there was a notice, on one side of which was written: "No entry", and on the other: "No exit."
The front side of the announcement was intended for the village guys to discourage them from climbing over the iron fence. And the other - the reverse - side was a warning for Cherry, so that he would not take it into his head to somehow get out of the park and go to the village to the guys.
Cherry was walking alone in the park. He carefully walked along the even paths, all the while thinking about how not to accidentally step on the flower bed and trample the beds. His mentor, Signor Petrushka, posted advertisements throughout the park, indicating that Cherry was allowed and what was forbidden to him. So, by the pool with goldfish there was an inscription:
"It is forbidden for the Cherry to dip its hands in water!"
There was another announcement here:
"It is forbidden to talk to fish!"
In the very middle of a blooming flower bed there was an inscription:
“It is forbidden to touch flowers! The violator will be left without sweets. ”
There was even such a warning here:
“Anyone who remembers grass will have to write two thousand times the words:" I am an uneducated boy. "
All these inscriptions were invented by Signor Petrushka, Cherry's home teacher and educator.
The boy once asked his high-born aunts for permission to go to the village school together with those guys who ran so merrily by the castle, waving their school bags like flags. But Signora Countess Elder was horrified:
- How can Count Cherry sit on the same desk with some simple peasant! This is inconceivable!
Signora Countess the Younger confirmed:
- Cherries have never sat on a hard school bench! It never happened and never will!
In the end, Cherry was hired as a home teacher, Signor Petrushka, who had the amazing ability to jump out of nowhere and always out of place. For example, if Cherry, while preparing her lessons, pays attention to a fly that has climbed into the inkwell to learn how to write, Signor Petrushka will appear from nowhere. He will open his huge scarf with red and blue checks, blow his nose loudly and begin to scold poor Cherry:
- Not good for those boys who break away from their studies and look at the flies! All misfortunes begin with this. For one fly - another, behind it - a third, fourth, fifth ... Then these boys stare at spiders, cats, all other animals and, of course, forget to prepare lessons. But one who does not teach lessons cannot become a well-behaved boy. An ill-behaved boy cannot be a trustworthy person. And unreliable people sooner or later go to jail. So Cherry, if you don't want to end your days in prison, don't look at flies anymore!
And if Cherry picks up an album after school to draw a little, - lo and behold, Signor Petrushka is right there again. He slowly unfolds the checkered handkerchief and starts his own again:
- It is not good for those boys who waste time on paper! What will they become when they grow up? In the best case - painters, those dirty, poorly dressed poor people who paint patterns on the walls all day long, and then go to jail, as they deserve! Cherry, do you want to go to jail? Think Cherry!
Fearing prison, Cherry did not directly know what to start.
Fortunately, sometimes Signor Petrushka happened to get some sleep or to sit at his pleasure with a bottle of grape vodka. In these rare moments, Cherry was free. However, Signor Petrushka also managed to remind Cherry about himself: his instructive inscriptions were hung everywhere. This gave him an extra hour to take a nap. Resting under a shady tree, he was sure that his pupil was not wasting time and, walking in the park, he was learning useful instructions.
But when Cherry walked past these ads, he usually took off his glasses. Thus, he did not see what was written on the tablets, and could calmly think about what he wanted.
So, Cherry was walking in the park, indulging in his thoughts. Suddenly he heard someone calling him in a thin voice:
- Signor Cherry! Signor Cherry!
Cherry turned and saw behind the fence a boy about the same age as him, poorly dressed, with a cheerful and intelligent face. A girl of about ten followed the boy. Her hair was braided in a pigtail that looked like a ponytail of a radish.
Cherry bowed politely and said:
- Hello, signors! I have no honor to know you, but meeting you will be very pleasant to me.
“So why don’t you come closer?”
- Unfortunately, I can’t: we have posted a notice here that I’m forbidden to talk to children from the village.
- Yes, we are children from the village, and you are already talking to us!
- And, in that case, I'll come to you now!
Cherry was a very well-bred and shy boy, but in decisive moments he knew how to act boldly, without looking back. He moved straight across the grass, forgetting that it was forbidden to trample on it, and went up to the very grate of the fence.
- My name is Radish, - the girl introduced herself. - And this is Cipollino.
- Very nice, signorina. I am very glad, Signor Cipollino. I've already heard of you.
- From whom is it?
- From the Chevalier Tomato.
- Well, so, probably, he did not say anything good about me.
- Of course not. But that's why I thought you must be a wonderful boy. And I see that I was not mistaken.
Cipollino smiled:
- Well, wonderful! So why do we stand on ceremony and speak “you” like old courtiers? Come on "you"!
Cherry immediately remembered the inscription on the kitchen door, which read: "Do not tell anyone" you "!" The teacher posted this announcement after he once found Cherry and Strawberry Shortcake at a friendly conversation. Nevertheless, Cherry decided to break this rule now. He answered cheerfully:
- I agree. We will be on the "you".
Radish was terribly pleased:
- And what did I tell you, Cipollino? You see, Cherry is a very nice boy!
“Thank you, signorina,” said Cherry with a bow. But then, blushing, he added simply: Thank you, Radisochka!
All three laughed merrily. At first, Cherry smiled only with the corner of his mouth, not forgetting the instructions of Signor Petrushka, who more than once said that it is not appropriate for well-bred boys to laugh out loud. But then, hearing how loudly Cipollino and Radish were laughing, he also began to laugh with all his heart.
Such ringing and cheerful laughter has never been heard in the castle.
At that moment the two noble countesses were sitting on the veranda and drinking tea.
Signora Countess Elder heard bursts of laughter and said:
- I hear some strange noise!
Signora Countess the Younger nodded her head:
- I also hear some sounds. It must be rain.
- I dare to tell you, sister, that there is no rain, - instructively pronounced the Signora Countess Elder.
- No, it will be so! - Signora Countess the Younger strongly objected and looked up to the sky to find confirmation of her words there.
However, the sky was as clear as if it had been swept and washed five minutes ago. Not a single cloud was visible on it.
“I think it’s a fountain,” began again the Signora Countess Elder.
- Our fountain cannot make noise. You know that there is no water in it.
“Apparently the gardener fixed it.
Tomato also heard a strange noise and became agitated.
“In the dungeon of the castle,” he thought, “there are many arrested persons. You have to be on your guard, otherwise something might come of it! "
He decided to go around the park and suddenly behind the castle, where the road to the village passed, he came across all three guys who were chatting merrily among themselves.
If the sky opened up and angels fell from there to the earth, the cavalier Tomato would not be so amazed.
The cherry is trampling the grass! Cherry has a friendly conversation with two ragamuffins! .. And not only that: in one of these two ragamuffins, Signor Tomato immediately recognized the boy who had recently made him shed bitter tears!
Cavalier Tomato went berserk. His face was so flushed that if firefighters were nearby, they would immediately raise the alarm.
- Signor Count! - Tomato yelled not in his own voice.
Cherry turned around, turned pale and pressed against the grate.
“My friends,” he whispered, “run while the Tomato is still far away. He won't dare to do anything to me, and it will be bad for you! Goodbye!
Cipollino and Radish rushed as fast as they could, but for a long time they heard the frantic shouts of the gentleman behind them.
“This time,” Radish said with a sigh, “our campaign has failed!
But Cipollino only smiled:
- And in my opinion, today is a very successful day. We have a new friend, and this is already a lot!
Left alone, this new friend, that is, Cherry, was waiting for the inevitable headwash, the most severe retribution from Signor Tomato, from Signor Petrushka, from Signora Countess Elder, from Signora Countess Younger, from Baron Orange and the Duke of Mandarin.
Both noble relatives have long understood that anyone who harasses Cherry gives pleasure to his aunts, countesses, and did not miss the opportunity to stab the defenseless boy. He had long been accustomed to all this.
But this time Cherry had a lump in his throat, and he could hardly hold back tears. He was not in the least afraid of all these shouts, reproaches, threats. What did he care about the shrill screams of both countesses, the boring lectures of Signor Petrushka and the toothless mockery of the Duke of Mandarin! And yet he felt very unhappy. For the first time in his life he found friends, for the first time he talked a lot and laughed with all his heart - and now he is alone again ...
From the minute Cipollino and Radish ran down the hill, they were gone to him forever. Will he see them someday? What would Cherry not give to be with the guys again there, free, where there are no announcements and prohibitions, where you can run on the grass and pick flowers!
For the first time in his life, Cherry felt in his heart that strange unbearable pain called suffering. It was too much for him, and Cherry felt that he could not bear such torment.
He threw himself to the ground and sobbed desperately.
Cavalier Tomato picked it up, put it under the arm, like a bundle, and walked along the alley to the castle.

CHAPTER 8: How Dr. Chestnut Was Driven Out of the Castle

Cherry cried all evening. The Mandarin Duke did nothing but tease him.
“Our young count will cry all over,” he said. - Only a bone will remain from Cherry!
Baron Orange, as happens with some very fat people, still has a little good nature. To console Cherry, he offered him a piece of his cake. True, a very small piece, just one crumb. But taking into account the gluttony of the baron, one should appreciate his generosity. But both countesses not only did not try to console Cherry, but even scoffed at his tears.
- Our nephew can replace the damaged fountain in the park! - said Signora Countess Elder.
- A fountain of tears! - laughed Signora Countess the Younger.
- Tomorrow, - signor parsley threatened the cherry, - I will make you write three thousand times: “I must not cry at the table, for I interfere with the digestion of adults.”
When it finally became clear that Cherry was not going to stop crying, he was sent to bed.
Strawberry tried her best to calm the poor boy, but nothing helped. The girl was so upset that she herself began to cry with him.
“Stop crying now, you wretched girl,” the Senior Countess threatened, “or I'll drive you out!
Cherry even got sick from grief. He had such a chill that the bed was shaking under him, and his coughs shook the glass in the windows.
In his delirium, he called all the time:
- Cipollino! Cipollino! Radish! Radish!
Signor Tomato stated that the child apparently fell ill because he was scared to death by a dangerous criminal who wanders around the castle.
“Tomorrow I will order him to be arrested,” he said to calm the patient.
- Oh no, no, please don't! - sobbed Cherry. - Arrest better than me, throw me into the darkest and deepest dungeon, but do not touch Cipollino. Cipollino is such a good boy. Cipollino is my only, my real Friend!
Signor Petrushka blew his nose in fright:
- The child is delusional. A very difficult case! ..
They sent for the most famous doctors.
First, Dr. Signor Amanita came and prescribed a mixture of dried flies. But the potion didn't help at all. Then Dr. Bird cherry appeared and said that dried flies are very dangerous for diseases of this kind and that it would be much more useful to wrap the patient in a sheet soaked in Japanese bird cherry juice.
A dozen sheets were stained with cherry juice, but Cherry did not feel better.
“In my opinion,” suggested Dr. Artichoke, “you need to overlay it with raw artichokes!
- With thorns? Strawberry Shortcake asked fearfully.
- Necessarily, otherwise the medicine will not be useful.
They began to treat Cherry with raw artichokes right from the garden: the poor boy screamed and jumped from the injections, as if his skin was ripped off.
- See, see? - said, rubbing his hands, Dr. Artichoke. - The young count has a strong reaction. Continue your treatment!
- All this is nonsense and nonsense! - exclaimed the famous professor, Signor Salato-Spinato. - What kind of donkey prescribed artichokes? Try treating it with fresh salad.
Strawberry quietly sent for Dr. Chestnut, who lived in the forest under a large chestnut tree. He was called the doctor of the poor because he prescribed very few medicines to the sick and paid for medicines out of his own pocket.
When Dr. Kashtan approached the castle gates, the servants did not want to let him in, because he did not arrive in a carriage, but on foot.
“A doctor without a carriage is certainly a charlatan and a rogue,” said the servants, and were about to slam the door in front of the doctor when Signor Petrushka appeared.
Parsley, as you remember, always popped out from nowhere. But this time he turned up by the way and ordered to let the doctor in. Doctor Kashtan carefully examined the patient, ordered to show his tongue, felt his pulse, quietly asked Cherry a few questions, and then washed his hands and said very sadly and seriously:
Nothing hurts the patient:
The pulse is fine and the heart is healthy
His spleen is not sick ...
Loneliness ruins the child!

- What are you implying? - Tomato cut him off roughly.
- I am not hinting, but telling the truth. This boy is not sick with anything - he just has melancholy.
- What is this disease? - asked Signora Countess Elder.
She was very fond of being treated, and as soon as she heard the name of some new, unknown disease, she immediately found it at home. After all, the countess was so rich that the costs of doctors and medicines did not frighten her at all.
“This is not a disease, signora countess; it is melancholy, sorrow. The child needs company, needs companions. Why don't you send him to play with the other kids?
Oh, he better not say that! A hail of reproaches and insults rained down on the poor doctor from all sides.
- Get out immediately, - ordered Signor Tomato, - otherwise I will order the servants to push you by the neck!
- Be ashamed! - added Signora Countess the Younger. “You should be ashamed that our hospitality and credulity have been so abused! You have tricked into our house. If I wanted to, I could sue you for unauthorized and violent intrusion into private property. Is it not, signor lawyer?
And she turned to Signor Pea, who was always nearby when his help was needed.
- Of course, Signora Countess! This is the gravest criminal offense!
And the lawyer immediately marked in his notebook: "For advice to Countesses Cherries on the case of Dr. Chestnut's violent invasion of private property - ten thousand lire."

CHAPTER 9: The Mouse Commander-in-Chief Is Compelled to Signal to Retreat

You, of course, want to know what the arrested are doing, that is, the godfather Pumpkin, Professor Pear, the master Grape, the godfather Pumpkin and other villagers, whom the cavalier Tomato ordered to arrest and throw into the dungeon of the castle.
Fortunately, Professor Grusha took a candle stub with him, knowing that the dungeons are very dark and full of mice. To ward off mice, the professor began to play the violin: mice do not like serious music. Hearing the piercing sounds of a violin, they ran away, cursing the nasty instrument, whose voice so reminded them of a cat's meow.
However, in the end, the music pissed off not only the mice, but also the master Vinogradinka. Professor Pear had a special melancholic temperament and always played only sad melodies that made you want to cry.
Therefore, all those arrested asked the violinist to stop playing. But as soon as there was silence, the mice, as you yourself understand, immediately went on the attack. They moved in three columns. The commander-in-chief, General Mouse-Dolgohvost, led the offensive:
- The first column enters from the left and must first of all grab the candle. But woe to the one who dares to eat it! I am your general, and I must be the first to sink my teeth into her. The second column will enter from the right and rush to the violin. This violin is made from half a juicy pear and must taste great. The third column will strike in the forehead and must destroy the enemy.
The column commanders explained the task to the rank and file mice. General Mouse-Longtail rode out in a tank. As a matter of fact, it was not a tank, but an earthen shard tied to the tails of ten hefty mice.
The trumpeters sounded the attack, and in a few minutes the battle was over. However, the mice did not manage to devour the violin, as the professor raised it high above his head. But the candle disappeared, as if it had been blown away by the wind, and our friends remained in the dark.
Gone is one more thing, but you will find out later which one.
Kum Pumpkin was inconsolable:
- Oh, and it's all because of me!
- Why because of you? - growled the master Grape.
- If I hadn’t got it into my head that I needed to have my own house, this trouble would not have happened to us!
- Yes, calm down, please! - exclaimed godmother Pumpkin. - After all, it was not you who put us in prison!
- I'm already an old man, why do I need a house? .. - Pumpkin's godfather continued to lament. - I could spend the night under a park bench - there I would not disturb anyone. Friends, please call the jailers and tell them that I will give the house to the gentleman Tomato and I will show the place where we hid it.
- You will not say a single word to them! - the master of Grape was angry.
Professor Grusha sadly plucked the strings of his violin and whispered:
- If you open to the jailers where your house is hidden, you will involve Chernik's godfather in this business and ...
- Shhhh! - the godfather Pumpkin hissed. - Don't mention names: here and the walls have ears!
Everyone became quiet and began to look around in fright, but without a candle it was so dark that they could not see if the walls had ears.
And the ears were on the walls. Rather, one ear: a round hole from which a pipe was coming - something like a secret telephone that transmitted everything that was said in the dungeon straight into the room of Tomato's gentleman. Fortunately, at that moment Signor Tomato did not overhear, because he was fussing at the bedside of the sick Cherry.
In the ensuing silence, the lingering sounds of the trumpet were again heard: the mice prepared to repeat the attack. They were determined to capture Professor Pear's violin.
To scare them, the professor prepared to give a concert: he put the violin to his chin, waved his bow with inspiration, and everyone held their breath.
The wait lasted quite a long time; in the end the arrested took a breath, and the instrument never made a sound.
- That does not work? - inquired master Grape.
- Ah, the mice ate half of my bow! - exclaimed Pear with tears in his voice. Indeed, the bow was completely gnawed, so that only a few centimeters remained of it. Of course, it was impossible to play without a bow, but the mice had already gone on the offensive, emitting formidable, warlike cries.
- Oh, and it's all because of me! - sighed the godfather Pumpkin.
“Stop sighing and help us,” said Master Grape. - If you are so good at sighing and moaning, then you probably know how to meow.
- Meow? - offended godfather Pumpkin. - I am surprised at you: it seems that you are a serious person, but at such a moment you are joking!
Master Vinogradinka did not even answer him, but he mewed so masterfully that the army of mice stopped.
- Mah! Meow! - pulled the shoemaker.
- Meow! Meow! - the professor echoed him plaintively. without ceasing to mourn the inglorious death of his bow.
- I swear in the memory of my late grandfather, Mouse the Third, the king of all cellars and storerooms, that they brought a cat here! - exclaimed General Longtail Mouse, braking his tank at once.
- General, we have been betrayed! - yelled one of the commanders of the columns, running up to him. - My column collided with a whole division of attic cats and cats, armed to the teeth!
In fact, his troops did not meet a single cat - they were only very scared. And fear, as you know, has large eyes.

General Longtail Mouse rubbed his tail with his paw. When he was preoccupied, he always rubbed his tail with his paw, and this part of his body suffered so much from frequent rubbing that the mouse soldiers secretly called their commander General Tailless.
- In the memory of my late ancestor, Longtail Mouse the First, the emperor of all barns, I swear that the traitors will pay for their cunning! Now give the signal to retreat.
The commanders did not make him repeat the order. The pipes began to retreat, and the whole army immediately withdrew, led by General Tailless, who mercilessly lashed out at the mice that dragged his tank.
Thus, our friends bravely repulsed the enemy's attack. Congratulating each other on their victory, they suddenly heard someone calling in a thin voice:
- Kum Pumpkin! Kum Pumpkin!
- Are you calling me, professor?
“No,” said Pear, “not me.
- And I heard that someone was calling me.
- Kuma Pumpkin, and godfather Pumpkin! the same voice sounded again. Pumpkin turned to the master Vinogradinka:
- Master Grape, is that how you squeak?
- What's wrong with you? I don't think to squeak at all! I just scratch the back of my head, because one thought itches in my head.
- Kuma Pumpkin, call me back! the voice was heard again. - It's me, Strawberry!
- Where are you?
“I’m in the room of the Chevalier Tomato and I’m talking to you on his secret phone. You hear me?
- Yes, we do.
- And I can hear you perfectly. The tomato will come here soon. I was asked to give you something.
- Who asked?
- Your friend Cipollino. He tells you not to worry. Rely on it. He will try to free you from prison. Just don't tell Signor Tomato where the Pumpkin house is. Do not give up! Cipollino will arrange everything.
- We will not tell anyone anything and will wait! - answered for all the master Grape. “But tell Cipollino to hurry, because mice are besieging us here and we don't know how long we can hold out. Can you get us a candle and matches somehow? We had a stump, but mice ate it.
- Wait a bit, I'll be right back.
- Of course, we'll wait. Where can we go!
After a while, Strawberry Shortcake's voice was heard again:
- Catch, I'm throwing a candle!
There was a rustle, and something hit the godfather Pumpkin on the nose.
- Here, here she is! the old man shouted joyfully.
The bag contained a whole tallow candle and a box of matches.
- Thank you, Strawberry! - All shouted in unison.
- Goodbye, I have to get away: Tomato is coming!
Indeed, at that very moment, Signor Tomato entered his room. Seeing Strawberry Shortcake, who was fiddling around his secret phone, the gentleman was terribly worried:
- What are you doing here?
- I'm cleaning this trap.
- What trap?
- This one ... Isn't it a mousetrap?
The tomato sighed with relief. Thank God, he thought, the maid is so stupid that she mistook my secret phone for a mousetrap!
He cheered up and even gave Strawberry Shortcake a piece of candy.
- Here you go, - he said generously, - you can lick this piece of paper. It's sweet, a caramel with rum was wrapped in it a year ago.
Strawberry Shortcake bowed and thanked the gentleman:
- For seven years of service you have given me the third piece of candy, your grace.
- Here you see! puffed Tomato. - So I am a good master. Behave yourself and you will be happy.
- He who is free is happy, - answered Strawberry with a proverb and, bowing again, ran away about her business.
Cavalier Tomato rubbed his hands, thinking to himself: “Now I’ll sit at my secret phone and listen to what the arrested people are talking about. I’ll probably learn a lot of interesting things. Maybe I can even discover where they hide this damn house. "
However, the prisoners, who were warned in time by Strawberry Shortcake, heard that Signor Tomato was approaching the ear opening, and, deciding to give him a few pleasant minutes, began to scold him with all the crusts.
The tomato was tempted to shout: "Here I am!" - but at the same time he did not want to reveal himself.
Therefore, in order not to hear more hurtful words, he thought it best to lie down to rest. Before going to bed, he tightly plugged his homemade phone with a rag, which instead of a tube had the most ordinary funnel used to pour wine into bottles.
And in the dungeon, Master Grape lit a new candle.
They all looked up and, finding a hole from a secret telephone in the corner of the ceiling, laughed to their heart at Signor Tomato, who must have burst out of rage after overhearing the prisoners' conversations.
However, the fun did not last long in prison. The scout mouse, seeing the light in the cell, sniffed out how things were going, and, not wasting time, rushed off with a report to General Tailless.
“Your Excellency,” she reported cheerfully, “the cats are gone, but people have a new candle!
- What? Candle?
Tailless salivated, and he licked his mustache, which still retained the smell and taste of the first cinder.
- Blow the collection! - he ordered at the same moment.
When the army was built, General Longtail - that is, General Tailless - made a fiery speech:
- Brave men! Our dungeon is in danger. Attack the enemy and get a tallow candle in battle. I will, of course, take it off myself, but before that I will allow each of you to lick it in turn. Come on, rodents?
The mice squealed with delight, lifted their tails and again rushed into battle.
But this time Master Vinegradinka prudently placed a candle in a small depression in the wall, between two bricks, high from the floor. In vain did the mice try to climb the smooth, slippery wall - they never managed to get to the candle. The most dexterous gulped Professor Grusha's violin a little. But even these daredevils had to get out of their way, because General Tailless, furious with failure, decided to resort to severity.
Without further ado, he lined up his army and ordered the execution of every tenth for cowardice and looting.
On the same night, an unexpected event occurred. Cipollino, Strawberry, and Radish met in the garden by the hedge to discuss the situation, and discussed it with such fervor that they did not notice anything around. They did not notice either the dog Mastino, who was making his guard round at that time. The dog found the guys and pounced on them like mad. He didn't get involved with the girls, but he knocked Cipollino off his feet and, leaning on his chest, barked until Signor Tomato appeared and arrested the boy. You can imagine how pleased the gentleman was!
“To prove to you my special favor,” he said, mocking Cipollino, “I will put you in a special, dark cell. A simple prison is not worthy of a villain like you.
- Do me a favor! - answered Cipollino without embarrassment.
And could he have answered otherwise? Or maybe you think he should have cried and asked for mercy?
No, Cipollino was from that honest onion family that can make anyone cry, but she herself will not cry under any circumstances!

(to be continued)

The Adventures of CipollinoCHAPTER 8: How Dr. Chestnut was driven out of the castle

Cherry cried all evening. The Mandarin Duke did nothing but tease him.
“Our young count will cry all over,” he said. - Only a bone will remain from Cherry!
Baron Orange, as is the case with some very fat people, still has a little good nature. To console Cherry, he offered him a piece of his cake. True, a very small piece, just one crumb. But taking into account the gluttony of the baron, one should appreciate his generosity. But both countesses not only did not try to console Cherry, but even scoffed at his tears.
- Our nephew can replace the damaged fountain in the park! - said Signora Countess Elder.
- A fountain of tears! - laughed Signora Countess the Younger.
- Tomorrow, - signor parsley threatened the cherry, - I will make you write three thousand times: “I must not cry at the table, for I interfere with the digestion of adults.”
When it finally became clear that Cherry was not going to stop crying, he was sent to bed.
Strawberry tried her best to calm the poor boy, but nothing helped. The girl was so upset that she herself began to cry with him.
“Stop crying now, you wretched girl,” the Senior Countess threatened, “or I'll drive you out!
Cherry even got sick from grief. He had such a chill that the bed was shaking under him, and the glass in the windows trembled from his cough.
Delirious, he called all the time:
- Cipollino! Cipollino! Radish! Radish!
Signor Tomato stated that the child apparently fell ill because he was scared to death by a dangerous criminal who wanders around the castle.
“Tomorrow I will order him to be arrested,” he said to calm the patient.
- Oh no, no, please don't! - sobbed Cherry. - Arrest better than me, throw me into the darkest and deepest dungeon, but do not touch Cipollino. Cipollino is such a good boy. Cipollino is my only, my real Friend!
Signor Petrushka blew his nose in fright:
- The child is delusional. A very difficult case! ..
They sent for the most famous doctors.
First, Dr. Signor Mukhomor came and prescribed a mixture of dried flies. But the potion didn't help at all. Then Dr. Bird cherry appeared and said that dried flies are very dangerous for diseases of this kind and that it would be much more useful to wrap the patient in a sheet soaked in the juice of Japanese bird cherry.
A dozen sheets were stained with cherry juice, but Cherry did not feel better.
“I think,” suggested Dr. Artichoke, “you need to overlay it with raw artichokes!
- With thorns? Strawberry Shortcake asked fearfully.
- Necessarily, otherwise the medicine will not be beneficial.
They began to treat Cherry with raw artichokes right from the garden: the poor boy screamed and jumped from the injections, as if his skin was ripped off.
- See, see? - said, rubbing his hands, Dr. Artichoke. - The young count has a strong reaction. Continue your treatment!
- All this is nonsense and nonsense! - exclaimed the famous professor, Signor Salato-Spinato. - What kind of donkey prescribed artichokes? Try treating it with fresh salad.
Strawberry quietly sent for Dr. Chestnut, who lived in the forest under a large chestnut tree. He was called the doctor of the poor because he prescribed very few medicines to the sick and paid for medicines out of his own pocket.
When Dr. Kashtan approached the castle gates, the servants did not want to let him in, because he did not arrive in a carriage, but on foot.
“A doctor without a carriage is certainly a charlatan and a rogue,” said the servants, and were about to slam the door in front of the doctor when Signor Petrushka appeared.
Parsley, as you remember, always popped out from nowhere. But this time he turned up by the way and ordered to let the doctor in. Doctor Kashtan carefully examined the patient, ordered to show his tongue, felt his pulse, quietly asked Cherry a few questions, and then washed his hands and said very sadly and seriously:

Nothing hurts the patient:
The pulse is fine and the heart is healthy
His spleen is not sick ...
Loneliness ruins the child!

What are you implying? - Tomato cut him off roughly.
- I am not hinting, but telling the truth. This boy is not sick with anything - he just has melancholy.
- What is this disease? - asked Signora Countess Elder.
She loved to be treated very much, and as soon as she heard the name of some new, unknown disease, she immediately found it at home. After all, the countess was so rich that the costs of doctors and medicines did not frighten her at all.
“This is not a disease, signora countess; it is melancholy, sorrow. The child needs company, needs companions. Why don't you send him to play with the other kids?
Oh, he better not say that! A hail of reproaches and insults rained down on the poor doctor from all sides.
- Get out immediately, - ordered Signor Tomato, - otherwise I will order the servants to push you by the neck!
- Be ashamed! - added Signora Countess the Younger. “You should be ashamed that our hospitality and credulity have been so abused! You have tricked into our house. If I wanted to, I could sue you for unauthorized and violent intrusion into private property. Is it not, signor lawyer?
And she turned to Signor Pea, who was always nearby when his help was needed.
- Of course, Signora Countess! This is the gravest criminal offense!
And the lawyer immediately marked in his notebook: "For advice to Countesses Cherries on the case of Dr. Chestnut's violent invasion of private property - ten thousand lire."

A summary of the tale-tale "The Adventures of Cipollino" by the Italian children's writer Gianni Rodari by chapters.

Chapter 1, in which Cipollone crushed the leg of Prince Lemon.

Cipollino is an onion boy. He had a large family, which consisted of mom, dad Cipollone and 7 brothers: Cipolletto, Cipollotto, Cipolloccia, Cipolluccia, etc. The onion family was poor, living in a house the size of a wooden seedling box on the very outskirts of town. Once this place, unloved by the rich, decided to visit the ruler of the country - Prince Lemon. The courtiers were worried because on the outskirts of the city there was a strong smell of onions, i.e. the smell of poverty. And so it was urgently decided to spray the outskirts with cologne and even perfume. The lemon soldiers were armed with cylinders and sprayers. During their struggle with the unpleasant smell, Prince Lemon managed to arrive at the place. The prince traveled everywhere with his retinue. Members of the retinue wore caps with a silver bell without fail. The prince himself also wore a hat, but with a golden bell. And the soldiers wore hats with bronze bells. Therefore, it became noisy on the outskirts. Residents decided that a roving band had arrived, and poured out into the street. A strong crush began. Cipollino and his father were in the forefront. The rear ones pressed on them. Old Cipollone could not resist and shouted to the back rows: "Back!" This did not please Prince Lemon. When the assembled people became agitated with might and main, Cipollone was pushed out by the crowd directly at Prince Lemon, and the poor old man accidentally crushed the ruler's crooked thin leg, which, to Cipollone's horror and fear, had a callus. For this oversight, the old man was captured by the lemon soldiers and thrown into prison. Cipollino got a date with his father and learned that it turns out that it is not criminals, as he thought before, but only decent and honest people who are in the country's prison. The father told Cipollino that such people are not pleasing to the government of the country, he also advised Cipollino to walk around the world and learn wisdom, special attention should be paid to any swindlers who have power. After meeting with his father, Cipollino entrusted his mother and his brothers to his uncle, tied his things in a bundle and hit the road.

Chapter 2... How Cipollino made Tomato's gentleman cry for the first time.

In one of the villages Cipollino came across an old man Pumpkin, who was sitting in a brick box. Later it turned out that this is not a box, but a small house of the Pumpkin godfather. The fact is that the old man dreamed of his home all his life. He saved up bricks, refused food, worked hard and lost weight, because did not finish. Kum Pumpkin had accumulated 118 bricks by the time of his old age. He could no longer work. Realizing that he could no longer buy bricks, he decided to build a very small and very cramped house. Cipollino began to ask the godfather Pumpkin about his life, but the latter did not even have time to open his mouth, as a cloud of dust seemed. The street was quickly deserted, even the cats and chickens began to hide. Residents rushed to their homes, locked the doors and shutters on the windows. A carriage appeared from the dusty cloud, and Signor Tomato stepped out of the carriage. He told his godfather Pumpkin that he had built his "palace" on the land of the landowners of Countess Vishen without their permission. Pumpkin objected that he had received permission from the count himself. But Signor Tomato called the village lawyer Goroshka to confirm the legitimacy of his demands to vacate the house. Cipollino intervened in the dispute, who at first stood indifferently. Signor Tomato did not immediately understand which side the onion boy was on. He asked why Cipollino was not working. The boy replied that he was studying - he was studying swindlers. Signor Tomato became interested, stating that the whole village was fraudulent and if Cipollino found a new one, he would not mind looking at him. Then Cipollino took a mirror from his pocket and presented it to Signora Tomato. The latter realized that the boy was simply mocking him and was furious. He grabbed Cipollino by the hair and began to ruffle. As a result, Signor Tomato had tears. This was new for such an important gentleman, he was very frightened, jumped into the carriage and hastened to leave. But before leaving, he threatened Pumpkin's godfather and reminded him that he should leave his own house.

Chapter 3, which tells about Professor Grusha, Luka Porey and the Millenopods

After Cipollino made the Chevalier Pomodoro cry, Master Grape invited the boy to work as an apprentice in his workshop. And he was right. People were now reaching out to him from everywhere, only to gaze at a very brave little boy. Cipollino was always cheerful and welcoming with visitors. This is how he met Professor Grusha, who played the violin made of pear. The professor was always followed by a swarm of flies that adored the sweet pear scent. Cipollino also met the gardener Luke Leek, who complained about his fate because of his long mustache. It turns out that his wife used them to dry clothes on them in sunny weather. And also Cipollino met a family of centipedes. They also had enough worries - not only was it not easy to fix the shoes of restless kids, but they also had to manage to wash their feet! While you wash the front hundreds of feet, the back ones are already covered in mud. And vice versa - while you wash the back ones, the clean front ones already turn black.

Chapter 4 about how Cipollino fooled the dog Mastino, who was very thirsty.

Meanwhile, Signor Tomato returned to the village. He was surrounded by a dozen lemon soldiers and Mastino the watchdog. They pushed poor old Pumpkin out of his house by force. Signor Tomato settled the watchdog into the house and drove off in his carriage. Lemons followed him. The sun was hot that day. Cipollino saw everything, but could do nothing to help the poor godfather Pumpkin. However, Cipollino noticed how hot the dog was. Then he waited for the very peak of the solstice. At that moment, it became so hot outside that even the stones were sweating. Then Cipollino took out a bottle of water, threw a sleeping pill into it, which is accepted by the wife of the master of Grape, and went out onto the porch. Mastino saw him and asked for a sip of water. Cipollino gave the dog the whole bottle. When the dog drained her to the very bottom, he immediately fell asleep. Cipollino put Mastino on his shoulders and carried the Countess Cherry to the park.

Chapter 5... Kum Blueberry hangs a bell for thieves over the door.

When Cipollino returned to the village, he saw that people were very worried. Indeed, Signor Tomato turned out to be twice fooled, and now everyone was afraid of his revenge. After some deliberation, it was decided that the Pumpkin house should be hidden. The house was carefully loaded onto a cart and transported to the forest. So that the house would not be left unattended, they asked the godfather Chernika to temporarily move to the Pumpkin house. Kum Chernika worried about the safety of the house. So he posted a sign on the door addressing the thieves. The note said that the house was very poor and there was absolutely nothing to steal from it. If the lords of the thieves do not believe, then nothing prevents them from ringing the bell, after which the door will be immediately opened for them and they can be convinced of the truthfulness of the words about the poverty of the house. As a result of the hanging note from godfather Cherniku, poor thieves woke up every night.

Chapter 6, which tells about how much trouble and trouble was brought to the countesses by their relatives - Baron Orange and the Duke of Mandarin.

On the day when the villagers were hiding the house of Pumpkin's godfather, two guests arrived at the estate of Countess Cherry - Baron Orange and Duke Mandarin. Baron Orange was a terrible glutton. He ate all the supplies of his peasants, then ate all the trees in his gardens, then he began to sell his land and buy food. When he had nothing left, he asked for a visit to one of the countesses of Cherry. Then another sister, Countess Cherry, decided to invite the Duke of Mandarin, who was a cousin of her late husband, to visit. As a result, there was a terrible excitement in the house of the venerable Signor Vishen. Baron Orange had a very huge belly and could not move on his own. Therefore, he had to attach servants with a wheelbarrow, which transported the belly of Baron Orange. The Duke of Mandarin also caused a lot of trouble. He was very greedy. Therefore, he acted out scenes of suicide. To prevent such intentions, the Countesses Cherries had to give Signor Mandarin jewelry, silk shirts, etc. Due to the troubles that arose, Countess Chery was in a terrible mood. They vent their displeasure on the poor nephew, the boy Cherry. Only the maid Strawberry felt sorry for Cherry and tried to calm him down. In the evenings, she treated the boy to something sweet. But Baron Orange ate everything this time. Even the intentions of committing suicide from the Duke of Mandarin to give him something tasty did not help. At this time, Signor Tomato was urgently delivered a dispatch with a message about the disappearance of the Pumpkin house. Then Signor Tomato asked Prince Lemon for two dozen soldiers to suppress the riot of the rebels in the village. The soldiers arrived. As a result of their raid, almost all the villagers were arrested. Cipollino and the Radish girl were able to escape from the soldiers.

Chapter 7, in which Cherry does not pay attention to the announcements of Signor Petrushka.

The nephew of Countess Cherry, the boy Cherry, lived in an extremely lonely luxury. Once, through the fence, he saw the village children happily running along the road with their schoolbags behind their backs. He asked the aunts to send him to school. The aunts were horrified at the thought that a young count could sit at the same desk with some poor man! Instead of fulfilling the nephew's request, they wrote him out a teacher, Signor Petrushka. Unfortunately for the boy Cherry, his teacher turned out to be a terrible bore. He posted prohibition notices everywhere. The cherry was forbidden to trample the grass in the garden, laugh out loud, talk to the village children, and even draw. Signor Petrushka claimed that any violation of the rules he had invented for the nephew of Countess Cherry would lead the boy to prison. Such prospects frightened Cherry. But one day, on the same day of mass arrests in the village, Cherry went for a walk in the park. He heard someone calling him. Cherry saw two children outside the fence. They turned out to be Cipollino and Radish. Despite the prohibiting announcement to talk to children, Cherry got into a conversation. As a result, the children became friends. Moreover, Cherry, together with Cipollino and Radish, laughed loudly and heartily for the first time. Their laughter was heard by the Countesses and Signor Tomato. He immediately went to see what was happening. The boy Cherry saw him and warned his new friends about the danger. They managed to escape. Then the gentleman Tomato shouted for a long time after the fugitives. And the young count fell to the ground and cried bitterly, deciding that he would never see his new friends again. Then Signor Tomato grabbed Cherry under his arm and carried it to the castle.

Chapter 8... How they drove Dr. Chestnut out of the castle.

Cherry boy was very upset, thinking that he had lost Cipollino and Radish in his life forever. He cried constantly. But few of the family sympathized with the boy. Almost everyone began to tease and even mock him. Only the maid, Strawberry, sincerely felt sorry for Cherry. She broke down and burst into tears too. But the countess threatened her with dismissal. Soon Cherry developed a fever. He began to repeat the names of Cipollino and Radish. Then everyone decided that the child was delusional and invited many doctors. But nothing helped Cherry. Then Strawberry Shortcake invited Dr. Chestnut. He was a poor but truthful doctor. He stated that Cherry has melancholy and needs communication with other children. The gentlemen did not like these words and Dr. Kashtan was expelled from the castle.

Chapter 9... The mouse commander-in-chief is forced to give the signal to retreat.

Meanwhile, friends in prison were attacked by mice. Their commander-in-chief, General Longtail Mouse, ordered to take away the candle stub and Professor Pear's violin from the prisoners. The mice managed to take away the candle, but they failed to destroy the violin making meowing sounds. But the professor couldn’t play the violin anymore. the mice gnawed at the bow. The mice temporarily retreated to gather renewed strength. Master Vinogradinka figured out how to repel another attack of mice, greatly frightening the enemy, meowing loudly. After the mice retreated, the friends heard Strawberry Shortcake's voice. She spoke through Signor Tomato's secret listening device that was in his room. Strawberry asked her friends not to give up in any way and not to say where the pumpkin's godfather's house was hidden. Cipollino asked to convey that he would soon figure out how to free everyone. The prisoners asked Strawberry Shortcake to give them matches and a candle. The girl fulfilled the request of her friends. Signor Tomato Strawberry said that she was dusting the mousetrap (as she called the secret eavesdropping device) Cavalier Tomato decided that the maid was stupid and calmed down. Later, Signor Tomato was glad, because the dog Mastino saw Radish, Strawberry Shortcake and Cipollino near the hedge and rushed to Cipollino. So the main enemy of Pomodoro, Cipollino, was captured.

Chapter 10. The journey of Cipollino and the Mole from one prison to another.

Cipollino was thrown into the darkest and deepest cell that was found in the prison of Countess Chery. Suddenly Cipollino heard a knock. Then again and again. And a moment later a brick fell off in the wall and Signor Krot appeared. More precisely, Cipollino guessed from the conversation that it was the Mole, tk. in fact, it was very dark in the cell and nothing could be seen. The mole ended up in Cipollino's cell by accident. He was just digging a new tunnel. Cipollino followed the Mole and persuaded him to dig a new underground corridor leading to the side of the dungeon where his friends languished. The mole agreed. Meanwhile, Signor Tomato dreamed of how Cipollino would humiliate himself in front of him, how he would give the boy hope of salvation, and how he would then announce his decision to hang Cipollino! He joyfully walked into the cell of the young prisoner. When the gentleman Tomato discovered that the cell was completely empty, he was furious. In great shock, Signor Tomato sank down on the bench. And then a gust of wind slammed the cell door. The lock clicked and Chevalier Tomato was locked. The keys only opened the door from the outside. To release the unfortunate man, they had to blow up the door. Later, Signor Tomato was dragged out of the cell and carried into the room. He lay in his bed, shattered by misfortune. At this time, Cipollino and Mole reached the friends' camera. The familiar voices and sighs of Pumpkin's godfather were already heard. The mole agreed to undermine and bring friends to the surface. But unfortunately, at the moment when a hole was dug into the chamber, Master Grape lit a match. The mole immediately backed away. He hated light. Therefore, Signor Mole abandoned Cipollino and his friends, hiding in the darkness of underground tunnels. Cipollino was among friends. At first, everyone was delighted with him. But when they realized that there was nowhere to wait for help, everyone became discouraged.

Chapter 11, from which it can be seen that the gentleman Tomato has a habit of sleeping in stockings.

Signor Tomato hid from everyone about the flight of Cipollino. He told the Lemonchik soldiers to keep quiet about the incident. Meanwhile, Strawberry Shortcake had been watching Signor Tomato for a long time. She was very worried about where Pomodoro hides the keys to prison cells. But she could not solve this mystery in any way. Then Strawberry decided to consult the young Count Cherry. He was still ill. But as soon as he learned that Cipollino had been arrested, he immediately jumped out of bed, his eyes sparkled, his tears dried up, and his cheeks turned pink. In short, he immediately recovered and took decisive action. He found out from one of the jailers Lemonchik that Cipollino had fled. Cherry was pleased with this. But he decided to free Cipollino's friends. After talking with one of the jailers, Cherry learned that Signor Tomato carries the keys to the dungeon in a stocking pocket. And since the gentleman Tomato slept in stockings, Cherry asked Strawberry to bake a delicious chocolate cake, which will be sprinkled with sleeping pills. the strawberry immediately set to work. Chevalier Tomato happily ate the cake and began to snore. Cherry and Strawberry Shortcake entered the gentleman's room, pulled off his stocking and pulled out the keys. Strawberry came around the corner of the house and began to call for help. And Cherry ran to the guard with the message that bandits attacked the castle. The guards immediately rushed to Strawberry Shortcake's cry. Meanwhile, she scratched her face and tore her apron. When the guards ran up to the girl, there were no bandits. When asked where the bandits had gone, Strawberry Shortcake pointed towards the village through her tears. The guards rushed to search. But only the village Cat was arrested. Meanwhile, Cherry managed to release all the prisoners of the dungeon. He led them towards the forest. Returning guards found an empty prison. Fearing the anger of Signor Tomato, the jailers dropped their weapons and fled. Cherry closed the dungeon and returned the keys to the sleeping Signor Tomato. In the morning, Chevalier Tomato gave an urgent telegram to Prince Lemon informing him that riots had begun in the castle of the Countesses Cherry.

Chapter 12, in which the Leek was awarded and punished.

The next morning, Prince Lemon took over the possession of Countess Chery. On the way, his soldiers arrested Luca Leo and Green Pea's lawyer. No one else was found in the village. Countess Cherry and all the household were very perplexed, since Lemons and Lemons began to trample grass and flowers in the garden, smash stained glass windows and catch goldfish in the pond. But no one paid the slightest attention to the countesses' complaints. Moreover, Prince Lemon and his courtiers occupied the best rooms in the countesses' castle, and they themselves were pushed back. Prince Lemon, teacher Petrushka and Signor Tomato were invited for interrogation by Luke Lerea. Luke Lerea had a magnificent and very strong mustache. Therefore, as soon as he entered the room, Prince Lemon was delighted with his magnificent mustache and forgot, absent-mindedly, why they brought Luke Lemon from prison. As a result, the Leek was awarded the Order of the Silver Mustache. Then Signor Tomato reminded the prince that Leek is a scoundrel and needs to be interrogated. The prince asked if Leek knew where the prisoners had fled and where the pumpkin's godfather's house was hidden. Leek replied in the negative. Then it was decided to invite the executioner and begin the torture. Prince Lemon suggested pulling out Leek's mustache. But since the wife of Luke Lerea often washed and dried clothes on his magnificent mustache, they strengthened. the executioner could not pull out the mustache. The leek was not in the least painful. as a result, he was sent back to prison and forgotten about him. The lawyer Zeleny Peas was summoned for questioning. In the beginning, the lawyer threw himself at the feet of the ruler and asked for mercy, because he was innocent. But when he was convinced that Signor Tomato was not even trying to save him, Pea was seized with resentment and anger. When asked where the pumpkin's godfather's house was hidden, Green Peas boldly stated that he knew where, but he would never say! Prince Lemon decided to hang a lawyer.

Chapter 13 about how Signor Pea saved the life of a gentleman, without wanting to.

The peas were placed in a gallows cell. Some time later, the tied Signor Tomato was pushed into the same cell. It turns out that Prince Lemon was very disappointed that the culprit was never found. Then he decided to blame the gentleman Tomato for the conspiracy. Sitting in a cell, those sentenced to death became friends. At dawn, the prisoners are to be hanged. Signor Tomato suddenly became very helpful and even shared half of the cake. Signora Goroshka, this behavior of the Chevalier Tomato was very surprised and aroused confidence. Therefore, he eventually betrayed the secret of friends - the place where the pumpkin's godfather's house was hidden. Immediately after this, Signor Tomato banged on the door and demanded to meet with Prince Lemon. The guards fulfilled the requirements of the Pomodoro. Prince Lemon was pleased with the result.

Chapter 14, which tells how Signor Pea ascended the scaffold.

The gallows was installed in the village square. Lawyer Zeleny Pea took the time as much as possible, relying on various articles of the law. He demanded to give him the opportunity to wash his hair, then shave, but in the end result he still ended up on the scaffold platform. Only then did he fully realize the horror. The drums beat, the executioner threw a noose around his neck and pressed a button. The polka dots immediately flew and the hatch opened under it, feeling the noose around his neck tightening. But a moment later, he suddenly heard a voice urging Cipollino to cut the rope as quickly as possible, and later to give the hanged man a wonderful medicine.

Chapter 15explaining the previous chapter.

Strawberry, knowing what was going on in the castle, immediately ran into the forest and told about the death sentence to Radish. Radish told Cipollino and the rest of her friends. Then Cipollino decided at all costs to save Pea from death. He went to the field and wandered along it for a long time between the hillocks of the blasted earth. In the end, he found Signor Mole and persuaded him to save the unfortunate Pea. The mole dug a tunnel and stopped right under the scaffold. Cipollino and Signor Mole began to await the execution. And as soon as Peas flew down, Cipollino immediately cut the rope, and the Mole gave potato juice. So the lawyer Peas was saved. The friends got to the cave, where the fugitives were hiding, through the underground passages, and there Pea said that the Pumpkin's house was in danger. Cipollino immediately rushed to his godfather Chernika. But he was under the roots of an oak tree and cried. Everything became clear - the house had already been found by the Lemonchiks soldiers.

Chapter 16... The Adventures of Mr. Carrot and the Dog Grab-and-Grab.

Prince Lemon ordered the lemon soldiers to rake the forests and fields in search of fugitives. But all is unsuccessful. Then it was decided to invite the famous foreign detective, Mr. Carrot. He arrived with his dog, Hold and Grab and a bunch of tools: binoculars, microscope, compasses, telescopes, etc. As if by chance, the young Earl Cherry walked past Mr. Carrot's room. In fact, he was following the detective. In the beginning, Mr. Carrot suggested that the fugitives dug an underground passage under the pool and suggested breaking the bottom of the pool. But Signor Tomato flatly rejected this idea. Then Mr. Carrot had to come up with a new version. He left the gate, kindly indicated to him by Count Cherry, and went into the forest. After a while, the detective noticed a stirring in the bushes. He immediately went to these bushes. But coming closer, Mr. Carrot found nothing and no one, but he heard a pereshist and noticed a new movement ahead. After a while, the detective heard that someone plaintively called him for help. At the beginning, he did not want to be distracted from the search, but then he decided to provide help and moved to the voice. So he and his dog went even deeper into the forest. Suddenly, the dog Hold-Grab something lifted up and pressed tightly to the very top of the oak. A little later, the same thing happened with Mr. Carrot himself. So two enemies of our friends were eliminated. Cherry came up with this trap. When Cherry, Radish and the others were convinced that the enemy was firmly attached to the tree, they hurried to the cave. But in the cave, they did not find any of their friends.

Chapter 17... Cipollino befriends a very cute Bear.

The events of this chapter took place two days before Detective Carrot fell into the trap. The fact is that around the cave where the fugitives lived, wild animals roamed at night. They dreamed of eating someone. Therefore, friends lit fires. This saved them from animal attacks. Bear also got into the habit of coming to the cave. One night Cipollino got into a conversation with the Bear. It turned out that the Bear's parents were caught by people and taken to the Ruler's zoological garden. They were kept in a cage, they were well fed, but they still dreamed of returning to freedom. The Bear was regularly informed about this by his friend Zyablik. Then Cipollino told the Bear that his father was in captivity, and he also dreamed of freedom. So the Bear and Cipollino became friends. Cipollino invited the Bear to the cave. Professor Grusha gave a violin concert in honor of the guest. And the Bear even danced. Then Cipollino decided to see the Bear off. On the way, they decided to visit the Bear's parents that very night and immediately set off for the city.

Chapter 18... A seal that had a tongue too long.

In the city, Cipollino and the Bear entered the zoological garden. The watchman slept very soundly in the elephant. The elephant graciously opened the gate to the garden and even took the keys to the bear cage from the sleeping watchman's pocket. The bears, seeing their son, immediately rushed to hug. Cipollino had to rush them. But the bears did not want to run away from the zoological garden without saying goodbye. As a result, the entire zoo was awakened. The bears had not only friends, but also enemies. Among them is a seal. He began to shout loudly and woke the watchman. The watchman called for his assistants, and the bears were again herded into the cage. Only now three. And from Cipollino they demanded to pay a fine. But Cipollino had no money. Then he was placed in a cage with a monkey. Only two days later, Cipollino was able to give a message to Cherry. Cherry freed Cipollino, and together they hurried to the train. On the way, Cherry informed Cipollino that the cave with his friends was empty.

Chapter 19... Travel in a fun train.

Cipollino and Cherry boarded the train, which consisted of only one carriage. This carriage had only seats with windows. The carriage was equipped for different passengers, both fat and thin. For the fat ones, there were special shelves in the carriage where a big belly could be placed. It was in this carriage and at this time that Baron Orange was trying to get into. The rag-picker Beans, two porters and the stationmaster tried in vain to push him. While pushing Orange into the car, the station master accidentally blew his whistle. Therefore, the train started. A strong push finally squeezed Baron Orange into the carriage, where he immediately began to eat. He was so consumed with fried lamb that he did not notice Cipollino with Cherry. At the same time, a woodcutter went to work in a forest familiar to the reader. He freed the detective and his dog tied to an oak tree. They immediately ran away without even thanking their savior. And after a while, lemon soldiers approached the place of work of the woodcutter, looking for the missing detective. But the woodcutter was not used to trusting the lemon soldiers and therefore showed them the opposite side. As soon as the soldiers left, Master Vinogradinka and his friends immediately appeared in front of the woodcutter. They asked if the woodcutter had seen Cipollino. Having received a negative answer, Vinogradinka asked the woodcutter in case of his meeting with Cipollino to convey to the latter that his friends were looking for the boy for 2 days. After that, the friends left. And an hour later Cipollino and Cherry approached the woodcutter. That's when the mystery of the friends' disappearance from the cave came to light. The woodcutter conveyed to the boys the words of the master of Grape. Further, Radish and his friends visited the woodcutter, asking if the woodcutter had seen Cipollino, then Signor Tomato and Signor Petrushka (they were looking for Cherry), and towards evening Prince Lemon himself appeared. He was looking for a missing platoon of lemon soldiers. But the woodcutter, fearing trouble, decided to tell Prince Lemon that he had not seen anything or anyone in the day, including the soldiers. Night fell, but the search continued anyway. Even the old blind Mole was looking for everyone at once, but only underground.

Chapter 20. Duke Mandarin and yellow bottle.

The Duke Mandarin and Baron Orange discovered that there was no one left in the castle except them. Prince Lemon left for the forest in search, accompanied by Countess Cherry, Signor Tomato and Signor Petrushka went into the forest in search of Cherry. As a result, the two guests were left alone with each other. And then the Duke Mandarin came up with the idea to go down to the castle cellar and look for treasures there, allegedly left from Count Cherry as an inheritance to the countesses. But so that he would not be suspected of something bad, he decided to take Baron Orange with him, so that if something happens, he will be blamed for it. The Duke told the Baron that he had heard that rare brands of wines were hidden in the basement. Therefore, the baron gladly agreed to go down to the basement. While the Baron drank bottle after bottle of all sorts of wines, the Duke of Mandarin tried to open a secret door that he found in a narrow passage. But she didn’t give in. Then Baron Orange noticed a bottle with a yellow sticker among a heap of bottles with exclusively red stickers. He thought it was a rare Chinese wine, but he could not reach the bottle himself, then he asked the duke for help. The mandarin pulled at the neck of the bottle and the secret door opened. However, outside the door the gentlemen saw Cherry and his friends. The point is that the friends eventually found each other in the forest. Upon learning that the castle was empty and all the gentlemen were busy looking in the forest, the friends decided to immediately occupy enemy territory. Little Cherry, knowing about the secret passage, led everyone from the forest right to the secret door, which was opened by the Duke of Mandarin. Mandarin and Orange were seized. The duke was locked in his room, and the baron was left in the cellar.

Chapter 21... Mr. Carrot has been appointed foreign military advisor.

Many of Cipollino's friends were worried that they would not be able to withstand the siege of the castle. the common people are completely unfamiliar with military strategy, unlike the generals of Prince Lemon. But Cipollino was sure that the friends would cope and demand that the nobility release all those present. Night has come. Cipollino invited everyone to go to bed, which the friends did. Only godfather Pumpkin and godfather Blueberry went to the park to spend the night in their house. At first, the dog Mastino tried to object to them, but the godfathers presented documents to the house. The dog respected the law and therefore went to sleep in his old kennel. Meanwhile, in the forest, Prince Lemon entertained Countess Cherry with fireworks. He tied two soldiers of lemon and launched into the air. So he almost transferred his entire army. But he stopped in time. The gentlemen decided to go to bed. And only Signor Tomato could not fall asleep. He climbed to the top of the tree and tried to see the glow of the fugitives' fire. Instead, he saw the lights in the castle in the distance. Then they went out. And only one window was lit. But it was illuminated in an unusual way. The light was extinguished and re-ignited at regular intervals. It was very much like signals. Three long and three short. Signor Tomato climbed down from the tree and ran into one of the courtiers. They got into a conversation and the courtier decoded these signals as SOS, i.e. someone in the castle asked for help. Then Signor Tomato went to the castle. There he met the dog Mastino, who told that all the fugitives were in the castle. Cavalier Tomato rushed into the forest and reported everything to Prince Lemon. The prince decided that his army needed to be reinforced after the fireworks and to begin the assault on the castle at dawn. And to intimidate, on the advice of Signor Petrushka, the prince personally smeared everyone with soot, even Countess Cherry.

Chapter 22. About how the baron killed twenty generals without wanting to.

When the lemon army approached the castle, the prince's strategic plan was destroyed. The fact is that at the military council of Prince Lemon, it was decided to send Mr. Carrot's dog to the count's dog Mastino for negotiations. After that Mastino had to open the castle gates. However, the gates were wide open without any negotiations. It was the same with the backyard gate. This seemed strange to Prince Lemon and his courtiers. They saw a trap in this. However, the prince was tired of thinking and waiting. Therefore, he ordered the soldiers to enter the gate and move towards the castle. The soldiers began to carry out the order. But having gone quite a bit forward, a huge projectile hit them. Lemons ran into retreat. But the shell overtook them and crushed at least 20 generals, overturned the countess's carriage and continued to move on. When he stopped, they recognized him as Baron Orange. It turns out that in order to escape from captivity, the baron gnawed through the wooden basement door. And then he accidentally rolled down the mountain. Prince Lemon was furious. But an hour later, he sent the surviving soldiers to storm. However, Cipollino and his friends met the soldiers with fire pumps in their hands. They connected barrels of wine to the pumps and doused the lemons with this strong drink. As a result, all the soldiers withdrew. They returned to the prince drunk and immediately fell asleep.

Chapter 23... Cipollino meets the postman spider.

It seemed that the victory was on the side of Cipollino and his friends. But a whole division of lemon soldiers arrived to help Prince Lemon, hastily discharged from the capital. It was impossible to resist an entire division. One could either run away or surrender. Cipollino tried to escape through a secret underground passage. However, Signor Pea, realizing that Cipollino had lost, went over to the side of the enemy and told Prince Lemon about the underground passage. Therefore, all escape routes were blocked. Cipollino was scammed. The cherry was closed in the closet, and the friends were released, because were very pleased with the capture of Cipollino. Our hero was sent to the same prison as his father. Cipollino's cell was very dark and damp. Cipollino dreamed of seeing his father, or at least giving him a message. A week after his arrest, Cipollino was taken to the prison yard. The boy thought they were going to hang him, but it turned out that the prisoners were taken for a walk. They were lined up in a circle, and they walked one after another in striped clothes. In front of Cipollino was an old man who was very old and coughed all the time. When the old man coughed completely, he was forced to leave the circle. Then Cipollino recognized in him his greatly aged father. They hugged, but they were immediately forced back into line. Later, a postman spider came to Cipollino and brought a note from his father. The spider told Cipollino about the secret correspondence of prisoners in prison.

Chapter 24... Cipollino is losing all hope.

On the same day, Cipollino tore off half of his shirt so that he had something to write on. Then he waited until the stew was brought to make ink. So Cipollino prepared three letters: to his father, the Mole and the young Count Cherry. In the morning the spider Chromonog came and Cipollino asked him to help him draw a plan of the prison on a huge piece of shirt. Then he explained in detail to the postman who and where to deliver the letters. He explained how important these letters are - according to Cipollino's idea, Cherry was supposed to deliver the letter to the Mole, and the mole had to invite a hundred other moles to dig many underground passages and completely free the prison from prisoners. The spider was inspired by Cipollino's idea and hastened to fulfill the instructions of the onion boy. According to Cipollino's calculations, the postman was supposed to return in two days. But Chromonogue had not returned for the fourth day. But even worse was the fact that during the walk of the prisoners, Cipollino did not see his father. Then the boy was overcome with despair. He threw himself on a bunk in his cell.

Chapter 25... The Adventures of the Spider Chromonog and the Spider Seven and a Half.

The Chromonog spider got out of the prison and went out onto the road. But he was nearly crushed by a cart. Therefore, he resolutely descended into the drainpipe. In it, he met his old friend and relative, the spider Seven and a Half. It so happened that Seven and a Half imposed himself on Chromonogo as a companion. Unfortunately Seven and a Half was very talkative. This played a cruel joke, because when the spiders got out of the drainpipe, and with it from the city, Seven and a Half immediately got involved in an argument with an unfamiliar grasshopper. Half a day was spent on an unnecessary dispute, in which beetles, flies, caterpillars and a bunch of all kinds of rural insects have already taken part. The noise caught the attention of Sparrow - a policeman. And if not for one of the midges, Seven and a Half would have been caught. The spiders hid in the Grasshopper's burrow and were forced to hide there. When the danger was over, the spiders hit the road. But Seven and a Half said that he was very tired and insisted on rest and sleep. At dawn, Chromonog woke the Seven and a Half and they finally continued on their way to the count's castle. But on the way, they met a chicken that ate the unfortunate Chromonog. Before his death, the noble postman managed to throw his bag to a chatty fellow traveler with the words "Pass". At the beginning, Seven and a Half wanted to throw the bag away, but curiosity got the better of it. He read Cipollino's letters and decided to take them to the castle by all means as a token of memory of his deceased friend. He safely reached the castle, found an attic spider there, and together they handed over the letters to Count Cherry. There was no one to go to prison with a message about all the events, so Cipollino was in the dark.

Chapter 26, which tells about Limonishka, who did not know arithmetic.

From one of the old guards, Cipollino learned about his father. It turns out Cipollone was very ill and could not go for a walk. Cipollino completely fell into despair. He went for a walk and noticed that all the prisoners this time were especially hunched over and dejected. The postman hasn't come for 10 days. Cipollino walked in a circle, bearing heavy thoughts. But suddenly he heard the quiet voice of the Mole. He asked to stay on the next lap in the same place. Cipollino immediately perked up. To celebrate, he accidentally stepped on the foot of the one in front. The prisoner was indignant. Taking this opportunity, Cipollino immediately informed him that everything was ready for the escape of the prisoners, so he asks to inform all the prisoners about this in a circle. Drummer Limonishka noticed that the prisoners suddenly cheered up. When Cipollino was in his original place, having made a circle, the Mole quietly informed him that the tunnels were ready, and the hole was one step away from him. You just need to jump harder to push through a thin layer of earth. All this Cipollino reported to the one in front. And as soon as he caught up with the manhole on the next circle, and on the other side of the circle someone gave a loud yelp, Cipollino pushed the one in front, and he immediately fell through the ground. Lemon did not notice anything, because distracted by the sound. As a result, only four prisoners remained around the drummer Limonishka. Then Cipollino ordered them to run. The prisoners did not keep themselves waiting long. Cipollino wanted to stay in prison because of his father, but his friends immediately dragged him into the hole by the legs. And after Cipollino Lemonchik rushed into the hole, begging not to leave him to the court of Prince Lemon, because there is no doubt that he will be executed for escaping the prisoners. The prisoners took pity on the guard and agreed to flee with him. When the other jailers realized that all their prisoners had escaped, they too rushed through the moles-dug passages out of the prison. The mole, having learned about the illness of Cipollino's father, with several moles dug an additional passage into the Cipollone cell and the patient was taken out of prison. While the Mole and Cipollino were saving the patient, they did not know that the lemons also decided to run away. Cipollino and Mole thought the soldiers were chasing them. Therefore, the Mole dug an additional move in which no one found them. All the others fled to the village. In the village, both prisoners and jailers changed into work clothes and turned into ordinary peasants. And the bells from the caps were given to the children.

Chapter 27... Obstacle racing.

Cipollino escaped with several prisoners in a separate tunnel. And while they wandered underground, on earth, Prince Lemon decided to entertain his subjects. To do this, he arranged an obstacle race. The horses were harnessed to chariots with very strong brakes. Lemons gave the command to their horses, but the latter could not budge. Then some took advantage of the whip and the horses were able to move a couple of centimeters. Seeing this, Prince Lemon immediately grabbed the whip himself and began frantically whipping the poor horses. Everyone felt sorry for the horses, but for the sake of pleasure they had to pretend to be satisfied spectators. The prince was glad of his idea. But suddenly a crack appeared in front of him, then it increased and Cipollino appeared from it. He was angry. He snatched the whip from the prince's hands and hit Prince Lemon with it several times. The prince turned pale with pain. And then he started to run. Together with him, his soldiers tried to escape. But carriages with brakes don't get you far. Other prisoners also jumped out of the ground. The audience recognized in them who are husbands, who are sons, who are brothers. People rushed to catch lemons and tie them hand. All were caught except for Prince Lemon. He managed to jump into his horse-drawn carriage without brakes. The horses carried the carriage so fast that it overturned and the Prince fell into a heap of dung.

Chapter 28... Signor Tomato sets a tax on the weather.

Chapter 29... A thunderstorm that can never end.

While Cipollino was presenting his idea to his friends, the author decided to tell about Prince Lemon. He lay all day in a manure heap, because this was in his opinion the safest place. He decided that in a day his soldiers would restore order. But the prince did not know that the soldiers went over to the side of the people and therefore a new order had long been established in his capital, and the country had already been proclaimed a republic. The prince might have continued to lie in the dung heap, but a cold rain began to fall. Then the prince climbed out of the heap and looked around. It turned out that he was a stone's throw from the castle of Countess Cherry. And quite happy villagers walked past him, despite the pouring rain. The prince knocked on the castle door. Strawberry did not recognize the prince in the mud and tried to drive him away. But luckily for the prince, Signor Petrushka passed by. Thanks to him, Prince Lemon was admitted to the castle. It should be noted that by that time the rain had ended and the bright sun came out. However, when the countesses kindly offered the prince their carriage so that he could return to the capital, the prince categorically stated that in such a downpour he would not go anywhere. Others had to pretend that there was a thunderstorm outside the window and severe bad weather. For this they even closed all the shutters. The prince was so tired that he fell asleep sitting on a chair. Meanwhile, Signor Tomato decided to scout the situation and went to the village. Signor Peas decided to follow him, Signor Petrushka went to spy for Peas, Mandarin for Petrushka, and Orange for Mandarin. So they all night followed each other in a circle, finding out absolutely nothing. And during this time at night Cipollino and Count Cherry hung the Banner of Freedom over the roof of the castle. In other words, all the fears of Signor Pomodoro regarding a possible revolution in the country came true.

Epilogue, in which the Tomato cries a second time.

As soon as Signor Tomato saw the Banner of Freedom, he immediately rushed to the roof. He got so angry and blushed that he doubled in size. Therefore, having reached the place, he could not get through the door. But he saw the young count and Cipollino. He immediately grabbed his hated enemy by the hair and ripped out a whole bunch. He had completely forgotten that the bow caused tears. They spattered from his eyes the size of a large nut. But Signor Tomato was crying not only because of the onion, but also because of impotence. He rushed to his room and cried to his heart's content. Further events began to develop very quickly. Prince Lemon, seeing the Banner of Freedom, went to the once abandoned dung heap. Countess Cherries immediately left somewhere. Signor Pea also left the country. The beans stopped serving Baron Orange, pushing the wheelbarrow with his belly. And without Beans, the baron could not leave his place. Therefore, soon Orange lost weight. As soon as he gained the ability to move, he tried to beg. But he was immediately shamed and advised to work as a loader at the station. He's slim now. The Duke of Mandarin did not work, but settled down to Orange and began to live at his expense. Good Orange could not refuse him. Signor Petrushka became the guardian of the castle. Kum Pumpkin got a job as a gardener in this castle. Signor Tomato was his student. however, before that, Pomodoro had to serve in prison for several years. Master Vinogradinka was elected chairman of the village. The castle was passed on to the children. It included a school, a creative room, playrooms and other rooms for children.

This was the summary of the story-tale "The Adventures of Cipollino" by the children's Italian writer Gianni Rodari in chapters.

The book is based on the testimony of Count Cherry given to him during the investigation and awaiting the verdict - to become the cherry on the cake. He spoke in detail about his life after the Revolution. Together with his friends - Cipollino, Radisochka and others - he fought to make the life of fruits and vegetables fair and joyful, welcomed the creation of a collective farm on the basis of the Estate. At some point, in order not to be disappointed in the ideals of the Revolution, he stopped reading, tried to forget everything he was taught at school, and in every possible way imitated Cipollino, who was not burdened with either knowledge or reflection. He even stopped wearing glasses so as not to see what was happening around him. Unfortunately, as a child, Countess Vishny gave him too good an education. He began to think about the possibility of a third way - overcoming both the ugliness of the citrus dictatorship and the cruelty and incompetence of the revolutionary government, wrote a book about it, which he did not show to anyone and read only himself in the dark. Subsequently, several copies of this book, which existed in only one copy, was shown to him at the Fruit and Vegetable Revolution Protection Service (FFP), indicating which pages, when and how many times he read. He acknowledged the authorship of the book, but until the very end he claimed that he wrote it not on the instructions of the Duke of Mandarin, but solely out of love for the collective farm and its inhabitants.

A short story about the fate of other vegetables and fruits is attached to the testimony of Count Cherry.

Radish first became the mistress of Cipollino, then - Count Cherry. Soon after they, discarding archaic morality, began to live as a three of them, she was invited to serve in the SZPR. There, at first, she was not taken seriously, but she proved to her colleagues and those under investigation that she was worthy of respect, showed particular cruelty, and was encouraged by her superiors. Then she became addicted to drugs, became unfit for service, lived with Worm, died early.

Signor Tomato, after serving his time and having worked as an assistant to the Pumpkin's godfather, was able to go abroad. In emigration, he lived poorly, was very bored, finally realized that the new government was really striving to restore the former greatness of the Estate, realized that this was Pravda, he returned to the Garden, served there as a manager - a bourgeois specialist, achieved great success in the economy, was accused of work on Prince Lemon and started up for salad. Before that, I completely admitted my guilt.

Baron Orange worked as a loader and spoke in schools with harsh and implacable criticism of the rule of Prince Lemon and the mores of the orange and lemon aristocracy. But at some point, due to hormonal imbalance and despite poor and poor nutrition, he began to get fat. This made it clear that he was plotting to return himself to power. During the investigation, he admitted his guilt and, in cooperation with the authorities, named the accomplices, who later also confessed and named other accomplices. By a court decision, Baron Orange was used as a dressing for a salad made from Signor Tomato.

The Duke of Mandarin, after the exposure of Baron Orange, unexpectedly for himself received permission to travel abroad, where he joined Prince Lemon, who, although he understood his complete worthlessness, could not refuse a relative. Subsequently, he regretted this: the whims of the duke and the scandals accompanying him further worsened the attitude towards Prince Lemon and his entourage.

The prince himself tried to explain what a threat the new government poses to vegetables and fruits around the world, spoke about the environmental disaster that the policy of the revolutionary authorities will inevitably lead to, but no one listened to him. The intellectually advanced fruits and vegetables of neighboring farms saw the Fruit and Vegetable Revolution as a harbinger of the future, while the majority simply did not care about what was happening at the Estate. Since the death of Prince Lemon, many lemons, grapefruits, limes, and even pineapples have fought for the title of Head of the House of Lemons.

The lemon soldiers guarding the prisoners were arrested immediately after the Revolution and were themselves put in jail. Former prisoners began to guard them. Thus, everyone who was in the prison under Prince Lemon remained in it, just prisoners and guards changed roles. But nobody got out of prison.

During the construction of the building of the Fruit and Vegetable Revolution Protection Service, a shortage of building materials was discovered. A voluntary collection of bricks was announced, in which the godfather Pumpkin took part, donating two bricks from his house for the construction. The rest of the bricks were simply confiscated from him, explaining to him that he also gave them voluntarily. The house is gone, but he is happy.

Leek wrote extensive memoirs of how he prepared the Revolution and led the uprising. Shortly thereafter, he headed the Union of Fruit and Vegetable Writers. In this post, he developed the theory of fruit and vegetable humanism, according to which the highest purpose and dream of any real fruit or vegetable is to be turned into fertilizer in order to grow new fruits and vegetables, which, in turn, will become fertilizers for future generations. At the same time, the fruit or vegetable that perceives this purpose, albeit with enthusiasm, but not enough, is subject to immediate consumption, which is the highest form of manifestation of fruit and vegetable humanism.

Attorney Peas, while in emigration, was the editor of the collection of works by emigrant intellectuals "Change of Tastes", which substantiated the idea of \u200b\u200bthe initial superiority of vegetables over fruits, their greater usefulness and greater importance in the structure of nutrition. The concept of the possibility of transforming a conscious national thinking fruit into a vegetable was also developed there. The envious people accused Goroshka's lawyer of being a secret agent of the Fruit and Vegetable Revolution Defense Service, helping her kidnap the emigrants who opposed the new government. Everyone knew that this slander was the true truth, but this did not damage Pea's reputation.

Strawberry, from childhood in love with Count Cherry, soon after their union with Radish and Cipollino fell apart, she married him. When Cherry was arrested, she refused to deny him, she herself was saved from arrest only by the intervention of Radisochka, who at that moment was still serving in the authorities. As a Family Member of the Enemy of the Fruit and Vegetable Revolution, Strawberry Shortcake was exiled to a distant meadow where the sun had never been. Until the end of her days, she waited for Cherry and believed that he would return.

Cipollino died under unclear circumstances. The collective farm bears his name.

The garden and vegetable garden are overgrown with weeds.

Cherries have been growing in my garden for many years. Yes, and all the neighbors and even outside the garden plots every year they bloomed wonderfully, and the air was filled with a bee hum. And we did not know any worries with these cherries. In the summer they were harvesting and rejoicing. If there was no harvest, they looked for reasons: either the flower buds froze in winter, or the spring frosts ruined the business, or during the flowering period there were rains and winds that prevented the bees from working.

A few years ago, something bad happened to cherries every year. The cherry blossoms beautifully at the right time, we are waiting for the harvest, but there is none. Although they looked after her no less than usual. Around the middle of July, the leaves on it suddenly become covered with a large number of small red-brown specks, and then completely crumble. The cherry tree or bush is completely naked, although all other plants are still quite green at this time. Sometimes young leaves begin to grow on the tips of the cherry branches. But they are not enough for full-fledged physiological processes in the plant, for the plant to exist normally and prepare for winter. In such a "hungry" weakened form, it leaves before winter. And, of course, if the winter is harsh, then the plant may die. This attack is observed almost throughout our region.

Coccomycosis cherry

The mushroom thrives on warm, damp summers.

Especially old varieties of cherries suffer, which are very beloved in our gardens and are very unstable to this disease. "Vladimirskaya", "Lyubskaya", "Shubinka"... So if these varieties did not die from the disease in previous years, then they may die this winter. And if they survive, the picture will repeat itself next year. And so on until the cherry dies.

To see such a completely undressed cherry among healthy green plants in your garden is a pleasure significantly below average. However, there is no need to rush to grab the ax. Perhaps this cherry can still be saved. First you need to collect all the fallen leaves that lie under it and burn them. Because on them spores of the fungus settled down for the winter.

If this is not done, then next spring, if the cherry overwinters, and new young leaves bloom on it in the spring, the spores will move to them from these last year's leaves, and the whole course of the disease will repeat. The destruction of fallen leaves will to some extent contain the spread of the disease. Of the chemical measures, the main method of control is spraying with copper-containing preparations: 1% Bordeaux mixture, or better with copper oxychloride (hom) or oxychom - they are less likely to get burns. The first spraying is done when the first leaves begin to bloom. The second - 15-20 days after flowering, the third - immediately after harvest.

From now on, you have to forget the good old days, when cherries grew without spraying, and do these sprays every year. Without them, it will now be impossible to grow this culture.

It is important to keep the leaves of the cherry until late autumn, then the tree will overwinter well. The signal for immediate, often unscheduled, spraying is the premature appearance of yellowing leaves on a healthy tree, on which dark spots are clearly visible - signs of leaf damage by coccomycosis. If the first half of summer is rainy, and signs of leaf damage appeared already in late June - early July before the fruits ripen, it is impossible to delay spraying.

Moniliosis cherry

Now in our region, another fungal disease is starting to rage - moniliosis. This disease is even more dangerous than the previous one, because it affects not only the leaves and fruits, but also the wood of the branches. The fungus infects cherries during flowering. Its spores fall on the flower pistil and germinate there. Then the mycelium penetrates the branch through the peduncle, developing further inside the wood and destroying it. As a result, by the end of May-early June, many dry brown twigs appear on the tree among the greenery. Gardeners often mistake this for winter freezing. Outwardly, such branches look like burned ones, from where another name for the disease originated - monilial burn. In this case, the leaves do not crumble. They just turn brown and hang from twigs. Spores develop on these branches, which later penetrate into the fruit through cracks in the skin, and thus give a second wave of the disease. Affected fruits rot, mummify and remain on the tree until spring: here is another source of infection for flowers, in addition to twigs. The cycle is closed.

The disease is especially violent if cool, rainy weather is present during flowering and during fruit loading. The diseased cherry is greatly weakened. Having been sick for two or three years, she dies. For this reason, cherries must be treated.

This disease appeared in our area relatively recently. In our village - just a couple of years ago. There is no information about him in the old reference books on plant diseases, and the methods of control are still being worked out.

First of all, as soon as the first brown twigs appear, you need to immediately cut them off, taking also a 10-15 cm piece of the healthy part of the twig. Burn the cut off as quickly as possible.

The tree needs to stimulate the immune system. Now there are many drugs to increase immunity.

If you find on your cherry brown leaves sagging all winter and shriveled underdeveloped fruits, dried tips of shoots, and on the border between the living and inanimate parts of the shoot - a brown strip, then do not doubt: this is moniliosis.

There is an observation that in early spring, when the soil temperature rises above +8 ° C, it is useful to spray the cherries "Zircon" (2 ml / 10 l of water). We'll have to take care of them by all the rules, feed them in a timely manner. Some experts recommend pruning in early spring, removing branches that thicken the crown. Although cherries don't really like pruning. If the tree is old and over the past few years the growth has been weak, it needs to be rejuvenated by shortening all branches to three to four years of wood.

Unfortunately, ordinary copper-containing preparations do not help much, because they act only on the surface, and the mycelium of the fungus is taken into the depths of the wood. Experts consider the "blue" spraying with a 3% Bordeaux mixture, which is done in early spring, to be quite effective.

Many gardeners successfully use drugs of systemic (penetrating) action.

So a good result is given by preventive spraying with the drug "Horus"... It protects cherries from coccomycosis and moniliosis at a consumption rate of 0.2-3.5 g per 10 liters, depending on the degree of damage. The drug is absorbed into the leaves within 2 hours, it is not washed off by rain.

Most effective at temperatures of + 3 ... + 10 ° С, i.e. in early spring. The duration of the drug is 7-10 days, after which the spraying must be repeated. It is useful to alternate with "Skor" - this is also a systemic drug. Other systemic drugs that have helped us before are nitrafen, foundazol, polycarbacin, - not allowed to use because of their toxicity.

Coccomycosis and moniliosis are imported diseases.

Nowadays, gardeners travel a lot to other people's foreign gardens, so bringing disease-causing spores to your garden is not a problem. In addition, they constantly replenish the assortment of plants on their plots, buying seedlings of unknown origin. The fight against these diseases is very complicated by the fact that in our region there are many abandoned plots, and gardeners living on their hundred square meters do not always fight diseases.

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