He's not doing it that way. Whatever the fool does, he does everything wrong. See what is "Whatever a fool does, he does everything wrong" in other dictionaries

Overlapping 28.12.2020

Whatever the fool does, he does everything wrong
From the fairy tale poem "Not so" by the poet Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964):
Whatever the fool does
He does everything wrong.
Doesn't start all over again
And ends up anyhow.
From the ceiling he builds a house
Carries water with a sieve ...

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M .: "Lokid-Press"... Vadim Serov. 2003.

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    Adverb, particle and union. 1.adv. Indicates circumstances, way, way of action: in this way. After dinner Olga Ivanovna went to see her friends, then to the theater or to a concert, and returned home after midnight. So every day. Chekhov, Jumping ... Small academic dictionary

    Noun., M., Uptr. often Morphology: (no) who? fool to whom? fool, (see) whom? fool who? fool about whom? about a fool; pl. Who? fools, (no) who? fools to whom? fools, (see) whom? fools by whom? fools about whom? about fools 1. A fool is rude ... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

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Whatever the fool does
He does everything wrong.
Doesn't start all over again
And ends up anyhow.
From the ceiling he builds a house
Carries water with a sieve
The sun in the field catches with a hat,
The shadow from the walls is erased with a rag
The door takes with it to the forest,
So that the thief does not get in to him,
And on the roof for the rope
Pulls a brown cow
To eat a little
Where the grass has grown.

Whatever the fool does
He does everything wrong.
And at the wrong time he is glad
And sad out of place.

On the way he meets a wedding -
I would sing and dance here,
He pours tears like a river
And sings in a memorial.

How they caught a fool
They began to crumple his sides,
They beat, beat, beat,
They released a little alive.
"Look you, - the fool thinks, -
Apparently I got into a mess.
Out of sympathy for the bride
I cried with her together.
Ok next time
I'm going to dance at the wedding! "

Here he wanders along the road
And the drogi are going towards.

The people follow
As if the turn is coming.
The fool looked at the footmen.

“Come on,” he thinks, “comfort them,
To walk more fun
For your cart! "
The fool stamped with his boot,
I slapped my palm with my palm
How will he start dancing
Scratching your legs!
People took a fool
They began to crumple his sides,
They beat, beat, beat,
The half-dead were released.
"You see," the fool thinks, "
I got into trouble again.
I won't dance anymore
And I'll stop crying.
Okay, from tomorrow
Do not recognize me! "

And it's true, from that moment
An inflated fool began to walk.
Every now and then he is a fool
Says to others: - Not so!
He does not cry or dance
And he waves his hand at everything.
To an outsider in any way
Do not know that he is a fool.
Children write letters at school
And they will ask: - Is it good?
The fool looks in the notebook,
Yes, and say: - Not so.
Dressmakers sew on a typewriter
Shoemakers sew boots.
A fool looks from afar
And he mutters: - It's not like that!

And not so herring is caught,
And not so borscht is cooked,
And bridges are not paved like that
And that's not how children are raised!
People see, people hear
As a fool judges their deeds,
And they think like this:
"What a clever fool!"

Whatever the fool does
He does everything wrong.
Doesn't start all over again
And ends up anyhow.
From the ceiling he builds a house
Carries water with a sieve
The sun in the field catches with a hat,
The shadow from the walls is erased with a rag
The door takes with it to the forest,
So that the thief does not get in to him,
And on the roof for the rope
Pulls a brown cow
To eat a little
Where the grass has grown.

Whatever the fool does
He does everything wrong.
And at the wrong time he is glad
And sad out of place.

On the way he meets a wedding -
I would sing and dance here,
He pours tears like a river
And sings in a memorial.

How they caught a fool
They began to crumple his sides,
They beat, beat, beat,
They released a little alive.
"Look you, - the fool thinks, -
Apparently I got into a mess.
Out of sympathy for the bride
I cried with her together.
Ok next time
I'm going to dance at the wedding! "

Here he wanders along the road
And the drogi are going towards.

The people follow
As if the turn is coming.
The fool looked at the footmen.

“Come on,” he thinks, “comfort them,
To walk more fun
For your cart! "
The fool stamped with his boot,
I slapped my palm with my palm
How will he start dancing
Scratching your legs!
People took a fool
They began to crumple his sides,
They beat, beat, beat,
The half-dead were released.
"You see," the fool thinks, "
I got into trouble again.
I won't dance anymore
And I'll stop crying.
Okay, from tomorrow
Do not recognize me! "

And it's true, from that moment
The inflated fool began to walk.
Every now and then he is a fool
Says to others: - Not so!
He does not cry or dance
And he waves his hand at everything.
To an outsider in any way
Do not know that he is a fool.
Children write letters at school
And they will ask: - Is it good?
The fool looks in the notebook,
Yes, and say: - Not so.
Dressmakers sew on a typewriter
Shoemakers sew boots.
A fool looks from afar
And he mutters: - It's not like that!

And not so herring is caught,
And not so borscht is cooked,
And bridges are not paved like that
And that's not how children are raised!
People see, people hear
As a fool judges their deeds,
And they think like this:
"What a clever fool!"

verse Marshak S.Ya. Illustrations by A. Tambovkin

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