The nature of the Hungarians and about the Hungarian language. The most beautiful Hungarian women (20 photos) Hungarian girls

For fitting and assembly work 27.07.2020
For fitting and assembly work

Hungarians are the largest (14.5 million people) of the Finno-Ugric peoples, belong to the Ugric group.

The supposed ancestral home of the Hungarians is the region east of the Urals. Unlike their closest linguistic relatives, the Khanty and Mansi, who remained in the taiga, the Hungarians left for the steppe and began to lead an almost nomadic lifestyle. In the 9th century A.D. the Hungarians wandered in the southern Russian steppes until they were driven out of there by the Pechenegs, after which the Hungarians were forced to move west. In 896 the Hungarians settled in Transylvania, from where they captured Pannonia. In 1001 the Kingdom of Hungary was formed.

At present, 8.5 million Hungarians live in Hungary. There are large Hungarian diasporas in neighboring Romania (1.2 million) and the United States (1.5 million).

Hungarians are Catholic and Protestant (mostly Calvin).

20th place. Claudia Kozma - Hungarian model, represented Hungary at Miss International 2012.

19th place. Anett Szigethy - Hungarian fitness model, Miss Supranational 2013.

18th place. Andrea Osvart (born April 25, 1979, Budapest) - Hungarian actress and model.

17th place. Barbara Palvin (born October 8, 1993, Budapest) - Hungarian model and actress. Height 175 cm, figure parameters: chest 81 cm, waist 66 cm, hips 95 cm.

16th place. Eva Gabor (February 11, 1919, Budapest - July 4, 1995) - American actress. She was born and raised in Hungary. Her father is Hungarian, her mother is Jewish.

15th place. Katrin Bagala (1968, Estonia - June 6, 2012, Hungary) - Soviet actress of Hungarian origin. Starred in the fairy tale film "Carolina's Silver Yarn" (1984). This is her only film role.

Katrin Bagala in Carolina's Silver Yarn (1984)

14th place. Eniko Mihalik (born May 11, 1987, Bekescaba, Hungary) - Hungarian model. Height 179 cm, parameters 84-61-87.

13th place. Teri Tordai (born December 28, 1941, Debrecen, Hungary) - Hungarian actress.

12th place. Anita Hudacek (born May 27, 1976, Budapest), better known as Anita Blond, - actress and fashion model. From 1995 to 2001 she starred in more than 100 porn films. In 1999, she played for the first time in a non-pornographic film, namely in the arthouse film "Wind in the Night" / "Le Vent de la nuit", where the main role was played by Catherine Deneuve, and Anita herself played a prostitute. Anita's height is 172 cm, figure parameters are 92-59-92. It is worth noting that Anita Blond has never done breast augmentation popular among porn actresses.

11th place. Annamária Rákosi - the representative of Hungary at the Miss World 2013 pageant.

10th place. Katalin Koller - Miss Hungary 2007.

9th place. - Hungarian model.

8th place. Ildikó Pécsi (born May 21, 1941) - Hungarian actress and director.

7th place. Zita Szeleczky (April 20, 1915, Budapest - July 12, 1999) - Hungarian actress.

6th place. Eva Szőke (June 18, 1927, Budapest - August 1, 1998), better known as Eva Bartok / Eva Bartok - British actress. Her father is Jewish, mother is Hungarian Catholic. Since among Jews, nationality is determined by mother, Eva Bartok was included in the rating of the most beautiful Hungarian women, and not in the rating of Jewish women.

5th place. Agnes Dobó / Ágnes Dobó (born September 5, 1988, Debrecen) - Winner of the Hungarian selection for Miss World 2010. However, she could not go to Miss World, because shortly before the competition, she broke her arm.

4th place. Orshoya "Orsi" Kocsis / Orsolya "Orsi" Kocsis (born September 6, 1984, Debrecen) - Hungarian fashion model. Height is 175 cm, the parameters of the figure are 91-63-89.

3rd place. Eva Szerencsi (May 5, 1952, Budapest - September 6, 2006) - Hungarian actress.

2nd place. Reka Ebergenyi (born 1982, Budapest) - Hungarian model. Height is 178 cm, the parameters of the figure 89-59-89.

1 place. Catherine Schell (born July 17, 1944, Budapest) - British actress of Hungarian descent. Real name - Katherina Freiin Schell von Bauschlott... Despite the German surname (inherited from her German great-grandfather), Katherine Schell is almost completely Hungarian by blood, her parents belonged to the Hungarian nobility: her father bore the title of baron, and her mother - countess.
The most famous films with her participation: 6th Bond film "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" (1969, the role of Nancy), "Moon 02" (1969, the role of Clementine), "Return of the Pink Panther" (1975, the role of Lady Claudine Lytton) ... In the UK, the actress is best known for her role as Maya in the 1970s sci-fi series Space: 1999.

Catherine Schell in Moon 02 (1969).

For four months in Hungary, after a heap of conversations about the country and residents, both with young people and older people, I can speculate about what kind of mustachioed goulash lovers from central Europe they are.

For the most part, Hungarians are rather limited. Everything they hear on TV from the government, or, for example, at the university from teachers, is accepted as true. An architecture professor from Budapest who has given lectures all over the world, says, for example, that even if the Hungarians were told outright nonsense, they would diligently write it down and execute it. While Serbs, for example, ponder every word and love to criticize.

At the same time, the Magyars are very diligent and nerdy. They are attentive to little things (sometimes too much), want to do everything well, really invest in their work and worry about it. At the same time, there are very few good specialists. Most are pretty stupid. For example, in the bank, no one ever knows the current rates on deposits, or the terms of specific accounts, they constantly call back, panic and apologize. At the same time, they really sympathize and root for you.

Most likely, this is the fault of the system, which is not debugged. To buy a train ticket to Keleti, even on a weekday morning, you need to stand for at least an hour and a half, although there are six ticket offices. Each person is served for 20 minutes, so about a thousand operations need to be performed. It turns out that even if the cashier does not freeze for a second, it still takes a terribly long time.

Hungarians are quite friendly people, quickly making contact.They need to see you a second time in order to easily invite you home, or invite you to your birthday. They always turn to "you", using a bunch of concise and informal words, even in conversation with strangers.

Magyars love to whine and complain about fate. They do it only "in the kitchens". For example, if a Hungarian does not like the size of his salary, he will never tell his boss about it in person. Rather whine at home to his wife. In this they are masters.

Moreover, if something really knocks them out of balance, they can nevertheless turn into active resistance. Take the Internet bill, which included a monthly tax on gigabytes. This pissed off people so much that almost 100 thousand people took to the streets, they even abandoned them with stones. In general, given that they have lived in real democracy for 20 years, and in totalitarianism for the last two years, they have a good idea of \u200b\u200bhow it should be, and therefore they can go to the streets for an idea. Although this is against Hungarian nature.

Hungarians are manically polite... Even the controller on the bus addresses some homeless woman only as "dear lady, would you mind showing your travel card?"

In general, these guys are normal for the most part. Only in English, almost no one speaks. But nothing, we are already used to making do with gestures.

Hungarians are the largest (14.5 million people) of the Finno-Ugric peoples, belong to the Ugric group. The supposed ancestral home of the Hungarians is the region east of the Urals. Unlike their closest linguistic relatives, the Khanty and Mansi, who remained in the taiga, the Hungarians left for the steppe and began to lead an almost nomadic lifestyle. In the 9th century AD, the Hungarians roamed the southern Russian steppes until they were driven out of there by the Pechenegs, after which the Hungarians were forced to move west. In 896, the Hungarians settled in Transylvania, from where they captured Pannonia. In 1001 the Kingdom of Hungary was formed.

There are currently 8.5 million Hungarians living in Hungary. There are large Hungarian diasporas in neighboring Romania (1.2 million) and the United States (1.5 million). Hungarians are Catholic and Protestant (mostly Calvinism). This rating presents the most beautiful famous Hungarian girls and women according to the portal.

20th place. Claudia Cozma - Hungarian model, represented Hungary at Miss International 2012.

19th place. Anette Sziget - Hungarian fitness model, Miss Supranational 2013.

18th place. Andrea Oshwart (born April 25, 1979, Budapest) is a Hungarian actress and model.

17th place. Barbara Palvin (born October 8, 1993, Budapest) is a Hungarian model and actress. Height - 175 centimeters, figure parameters: chest - 81 centimeters, waist - 66 centimeters, hips - 95 centimeters.

16th place. Eva Gabor (February 11, 1919, Budapest - July 4, 1995) - American actress. She was born and raised in Hungary. Her father is Hungarian, her mother is Jewish.

15th place. Katrin Bagala (1968, Estonia - June 6, 2012, Hungary) - Soviet actress of Hungarian origin. Starred in the fairy tale film "Carolina's Silver Yarn" (1984). This is her only film role.

Katrin Bagala in Carolina's Silver Yarn (1984)

14th place. Eniko Michalik (born May 11, 1987, Békéscsaba, Hungary) is a Hungarian model. Height - 179 centimeters, parameters: 84-61-87.

13th place. Teri Tordai (born December 28, 1941, Debrecen, Hungary) - Hungarian actress.

12th place. Anita Khudacek (born May 27, 1976, Budapest), better known as Anita Blond, is an actress and fashion model. In 1999, she played in the art-house film "Wind in the Night", where the main role was played by Catherine Deneuve, and Anita herself played a prostitute. Anita's height is 172 centimeters, figure parameters: 92-59-92. It is worth noting that Anita Blond has never done breast augmentation.

11th place. Annamaria Rakosi - the representative of Hungary at the Miss World 2013 pageant.

10th place. Catalin Koller - "Miss Hungary 2007".

9th place. Monica Cocho - Hungarian model.

7th place. Zita Seletski (April 20, 1915, Budapest - July 12, 1999) - Hungarian actress.

6th place. Eva Seke (18 June 1927, Budapest - 1 August 1998), better known as Eva Bartok, is a British actress. Her father is Jewish, her mother is Hungarian Catholic.

5th place. Agnes Dobo (born September 5, 1988, Debrecen) - Winner of the Hungarian selection for Miss World 2010. However, she could not go to Miss World, as she broke her arm shortly before the competition.

4th place. Orshoya "Orshi" Kochish (born September 6, 1984, Debrecen) is a Hungarian fashion model. Height - 175 centimeters, body measurements: 91-63-89.

3rd place. Eva Serenci (May 5, 1952, Budapest - September 6, 2006) - Hungarian actress.

2nd place. Ebergenyi river (born 1982, Budapest) - Hungarian model. Height - 178 centimeters, body measurements: 89-59-89.

1st place. Katherine Schell (born July 17, 1944, Budapest) is a British actress of Hungarian descent. Real name - Katerina Freiin Schell von Bauschlott. Despite the German surname (inherited from her German great-grandfather), Katherine Schell is almost completely Hungarian by blood, her parents belonged to the Hungarian nobility: her father bore the title of baron, and her mother - countess. The most famous films with her participation: 6th Bond film "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" (1969, the role of Nancy), "Moon 02" (1969, the role of Clementine), "Return of the Pink Panther" (1975, the role of Lady Claudine Lytton) ... In the UK, the actress is best known for her role as Maya in the 1970s sci-fi series Space: 1999.

(about women in Hungary)

Women in Eastern Europe: Women in Hungary
Modern Hungarian - family and society

Hungarian women

When they talk about a Hungarian woman ... we often have an image of a Hungarian woman in national dress ...

Hungarians are a special people, their whole life revolves around the family. Hungarian mentality, as well as politics and legislation, are aimed at ensuring that people get married as soon as possible. Therefore, Hungarian women mostly get married before the age of 25. In Hungary, everyone treats love kindly, according to the law, intimate relationships with mandatory mutual consent are allowed from a very young age. Hungary is a southern country and children mature very early. At the age of 20, almost 90 women out of 100 are in official marriage.

Hungarians are distinguished by a special attitude towards family and children, therefore Hungarian women are very sensitive, responsible, loving and sincere. Hungarian women prefer to spend Sunday lunch with the whole family, together with the children in a restaurant, this is their national tradition. At the same time, the age of the children does not matter, even the smallest are taken to the restaurant. In a Hungarian family, everything revolves around the child and his interests. A real holiday that you can come to with the whole family.

Patriarchal families in Hungary

Hungarian families are patriarchal, this is supported by modern law. The woman adopts not only the new surname, but also the name of the husband, thus emphasizing that the woman becomes an integral part of the husband. And the Hungarian wife in many ways tries to follow this tradition. Hungarian women always claim that her husband is the smartest, most successful, caring, kind and hardworking husband. But in the house the wife is the main one - it is she who creates comfort in the house, directs the internal life of the family and the household, brings up children.

Hungarian cuisine

Hungarian housewives prepare traditional Hungarian dishes, and the most typical of them is goulash. Goulash are thick soups flavored with ground red pepper and onions, beef chunks and potato cubes. To "soften" the taste in heavy dishes, in particular, in goulash, add sour cream ; this dish is called paprikash. Chicken paprikash is eaten with a side dish of small dumplings. Hungarian hostesses also like to cook fish-paprikash fish soups - a rich dish of several varieties of boiled fish, tomatoes and green and red peppers, thick soups made from cabbage leaves, in which various fillings are wrapped, a variety of products made from salted or sweet dough and much other. Hungarian cuisine is very diverse and women are happy to pamper their relatives with it.

Each nation of the world has its own characteristics, which are absolutely normal and ordinary for them, but if a person of a different nationality falls into their environment, he may be very surprised at the habits and traditions of the inhabitants of this country, because they will not coincide with his own ideas about life. We invite you to find out 9 national habits and characteristics of Hungarians, which may seem surprising and a little strange to Russian people.

They eat paprika anytime, anywhere

Paprika is an integral part of the Hungarian national cuisine. This spice (powder from dried mild-hot pepper) is added everywhere and everywhere, but especially in goulash - another culinary treasure of the nation. Paprika is sold in bags in markets and as a souvenir for foreigners. The number of its varieties is counted in dozens of varieties, and a tree covered with small red fruits grows in the garden or on the windowsill of almost every Hungarian.

They don't drink tea

The usual for a Russian person, the accompaniment of any dessert with tea does not work in Hungary. With all the wealth of flour baked goods and national sweets, Hungarians prefer plain water or coffee to wash down their dishes. Tea is meant here rather as a remedy for diseases. (By the way, very similar to the Bulgarians. Indeed, why drink tea if excellent freshly brewed coffee is sold everywhere for € 1?

They go to the baths en masse

The thermal baths of Budapest are a world famous attraction. It is customary not to swim in outdoor pools, but to sit. The water temperature varies from 16 to 42 ° C. Daredevils prefer contrasting transitions from hot to cold, pensioners sit under hydromassage, children frolic in warm "paddling pools". The Hungarians themselves go to the baths not so much to wash or improve their health, but rather to relieve stress. Yes, healing properties The thermal water really has a beneficial effect on the skin and joints, but for Hungarians it is above all a great excuse to spend time with the family on the weekend.

They are not afraid of the homeless

There are a lot of homeless people in Budapest. They are literally everywhere: begging, sleeping, eating, communicating with each other. They are driven out only from the most central and tourist places of the city. This is done by representatives of the foot patrol as politely and delicately as possible. This way of life is associated not only with the economic situation in the country, but also with the nomadic nature of a certain stratum of society. Not working and living on the street - conscious choice many. They are clean, take care of themselves and for the most part are no different from ordinary passers-by. Unless they live in tents, wash their clothes in the waters of the Danube or in a street pump and dry them right there on the branches of trees.

They are very patriotic

The feeling of pride in their history and the unity of the nation is in the blood of every Hungarian. In Budapest, on Heroes' Square, the central part is occupied by the Memorial to the 1000th anniversary of the acquisition of the homeland, founded in 1896. During the entire second half of the 9th century, the ancestors of the present Magyars moved from the Trans-Urals to the Danube Valley. And to this day, Hungarians protect their language from foreign influences. They are generally quite active citizens: on the city streets, posters are everywhere, calling to influence everyday corruption, actively vote in elections, and take part in the political situation of the country. If something goes wrong, they feel a responsibility to change it. It is not customary here to be ashamed of one's origin, and in the case of a career success, a Hungarian often writes off it to his ancestry.

They spoil children

Here and there everywhere you can hear: "Mit seretne?", Which means "what would you like?" The child's opinion is respected since childhood and is extremely careful about the upbringing process. Children for Hungarians are not people, but little deities who can do anything. Of course, this is reflected in the kids, but surprisingly they grow up not spoiled egoists, but open, smiling, kind and not at all shy of strangers. Each child, according to his parent, needs his own individual pace of development. So, for example, staying for a second year here is not considered humiliating.

They don't go without papers

Firstly, the police in Hungary can just and completely legally check documents on the street with any pedestrian. Secondly, a travel ticket can only be purchased here with an ID card. In this case, the authorities are guided by a simple logic: only one citizen of the country can use one certificate, and not all members of his family. Tourists buy a long-term pass with a passport or a one-time pass without identity verification. And finally, no one canceled the procedure for confirming their age when buying alcohol in bars.

They are foreign to ceremonies

Hungarians refer to each other as "you". Everything and always. An exception can only be called an appeal to the elderly in order to emphasize respect for a particular person. The greeting is followed by an obligatory kiss: first they kiss on one cheek, then on the other.

They celebrate name days

Don't be surprised if nobody wishes you a happy birthday. It is not customary to celebrate this holiday here in our usual sense. A much more important day for a Hungarian is the name day. On the name day, as on any serious celebration in Hungary, a noisy feast is arranged and gifts are given.

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