Kuprin poor prince lesson summary. Alexander Kuprin - the poor prince

Corrugated board 28.12.2020
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And he stamped his feet on them and growled in a brutal voice.

Like a flock of sparrows after a shot, little Christians scattered all over the street. Jumping high in the air, drawing a trail of fire, a red star. It was creepy and fun for Dana to gallop from the chase, hearing his boots knock like the hooves of a wild mustang on the slippery and wrong sidewalk. Some boy, wearing a hat up to his ears, overtook him, pushed him awkwardly sideways, and both of them with a running start dropped their faces into a high snowdrift. Snow immediately crammed into Dana's mouth and nose. He was gentle and soft, like cold weightless fluff, and his touch on his flushed cheeks was fresh, tickling, and sweet.

Only at the corner did the boys stop. The policeman did not even think to chase them.

So they walked the whole block. We went to shopkeepers, to basement residents, to janitors. Due to the fact that Dani's well-groomed face and graceful suit attracted everyone's attention, he tried to stay behind. But he sang, it seems, the most zealous of all, with flushed cheeks and shining eyes, intoxicated by the air, movement and the singularity of this nightly vagrancy. In these blissful, cheerful, lively moments, he completely sincerely forgot about the late time, and about the house, and about Miss Jeners, and about everything in the world, except for the magic carol and the red star. And with what pleasure he ate on the go a piece of thick cold Little Russian sausage with garlic, which made his teeth freeze. He had never eaten anything tastier in his life!

And therefore, upon leaving the bakery, where the star was treated to warm whites and sweet pretzels, he only gasped weakly and in surprise when he saw Aunt Nina and Miss Jeners, accompanied by a footman, a doorman, a nanny and a maid, in front of him.

- Thank you, God, I finally found it! .. My God, in what form! Without galoshes and without a hood! The whole house is knocked off its feet because of you, nasty boy!

Slavschikov were not around for a long time. As recently from the policeman, now they burst out in different directions, as soon as they sensed danger, and in the distance only the fractional sound of their hurried feet was heard.

Aunt Nina — by one hand, Miss Jeners — led the fugitive home by the other. Mom was in tears - God knows what thoughts came to her during those two hours, when all the household, having lost their heads, ran through all the nooks and crannies of the house, through neighbors and along the nearby streets. The father in vain pretended to be angry and harsh and completely unsuccessfully hid his joy when he saw his son safe and sound. He was no less worried about the disappearance of Dani than his wife and had already managed to get the entire city police on their feet during this time.

With his usual directness, Danya recounted his adventures in detail. He was threatened with a heavy punishment the next day and was sent to change. He went out to his little guests washed, fresh, in a new beautiful suit. His cheeks burned with recent excitement, and his eyes gleamed merrily after the frost. It was very boring to pretend to be a well-bred boy, with good manners and English, but, conscientiously atone for his recent guilt, he deftly shuffled his foot, kissed the hand of the elderly ladies and indulgently entertained the youngest kids.

“But the air is good for Dana,” said the father, who was watching him from afar, from the office. “You keep him locked up too much at home. Look, the boy ran, and how healthy he looks! You can't keep the boy in cotton wool all the time.

Alexander Kuprin finished his Christmas fairy tale "The Poor Prince" in the village of Danilovskoye in December 1909, and two weeks later it appeared on the pages of the Petersburg newspaper. The protagonist of the children's book is a young nobleman Dania, who imagined himself as an enchanted prince in a boring kingdom where there is no one to play with. Having made friends with the "street boys", contrary to his father's prohibition, Danya sang carols, ran away from the policeman and ate Little Russian sausage in the cold.


“Wonderfully clever! - thinks nine-year-old Danya Ievlev angrily, lying on his belly on the skin of a polar bear and tapping his heel on the heel of his raised legs. - Great! Only big ones can be such pretenders. They themselves locked me in a dark living room, and they themselves amuse themselves by hanging a Christmas tree. And they demand from me that I pretend that I have no idea about anything. Here they are - adults! "

On the street, a gas lamp is burning, and frosty stains on the windows gilded, and, sliding through the leaves of patches and ficuses, they lay a light golden pattern on the floor. The curved side of the piano glitters faintly in the semi-darkness.

“And what is really funny about this tree? - Danya continues to reflect. - Well, familiar boys and girls will come and pretend, for the sake of big, smart and well-mannered children ... For each governess or some old aunt ... They will make them speak English all the time ... They will start some boring game, in which it is absolutely necessary call the names of animals, plants or cities, and adults will intervene and correct the little ones. They are told to walk around the tree with a chain and sing something and clap their hands for something; then everyone will sit under the tree, and Nick's uncle will read aloud in an unnatural, actor's, “crushing,” as Sonya's nanny says, in a voice about a poor boy who freezes on the street, looking at a rich man's luxurious Christmas tree. And then they will give a ready-made room, a globe and a children's book with pictures ... And they probably won't give skates or skis ... And they will send them to sleep.

No, these adults do not understand anything ... So dad ... he is the most important person in the city and, of course, the most scientist ... it's not for nothing that they call him the mayor ... But he doesn't understand much either. He still thinks that Danya is a small child, but he would be surprised to learn that Danya had long ago decided to become a famous aviator and open both poles. He already has a plan for a flying ship ready, you just need to get somewhere a flexible steel strip, a rubber cord and a large, more house, silk umbrella. It is on such an airplane that Danya flies wonderfully at night in his sleep. "

The boy lazily got up from the bear, walked up, dragging his feet to the window, breathed on the fantastic frosty forests of palm trees, rubbed the glass with his sleeve. He is a thin, but slender and strong child. He is wearing a brown velvet ribbed jacket, matching knee-length pants, black leggings and thick lace-up boots, a starchy fold-over collar and a white tie. Light, short and soft hair, combed like an adult, with an English parted part.

But his sweet face is painfully pale, and this is due to the lack of air: a little bit stronger wind or frost more than six degrees, Danya is not allowed to walk. And if they take you outside, then half an hour before that they will wrap up: leggings, fur boots, a warm Orenburg shawl on the chest, a hat with earmuffs, a hoodie, an eiderdown coat, squirrel gloves, a muff ... loathes walking too!

And he certainly leads him by the hand, like a small, long Miss Jeners with her red drooping nose, pursed pimpled mouth and fishy eyes.

And at this time, cheerful, red-cheeked, with sweaty happy faces, street boys fly along the sidewalk on one wooden skate, or roll each other on a sled, or, breaking off an icicle from a drain pipe, chew it juicy, crunching it. Oh my God! Try an icicle at least once in your life. Must be amazing taste. But is it possible! “Ah, a cold! Oh, diphtheria! Ah, microbe! Oh, disgusting! "

“Oh, these women for me! - Danya sighs, seriously repeating his father's favorite exclamation. - The whole house is full of women - aunt Katya, aunt Liza, aunt Nina, mother, an Englishwoman ... women, these are the same girls, only old ones ... gasp, fuss, love to kiss, they get scared of everything - mice, colds, dogs, germs ... And Danya they also think of it as a girl ... It's him! Comanche leader, pirate ship captain, and now the famous aviator and great traveler! Not! In spite of this, I'll take it, dry up the biscuits, pour it into a bottle of my father's wine, save up three rubles and sneak away with a cabin boy to a sailing ship. Money is easy to collect. Dani always has pocket money for street charity. "

No, no, all these are dreams, some dreams ... Nothing can be done about big ones, and even more so with women. Now they will seize and take away. Here the nanny often says: "You are our prince." Indeed, Danya, when he was little, thought that he was a magic prince, but now he has grown up and knows that he is a poor, unhappy prince, bewitched to live in a boring and rich kingdom.


The window overlooks the neighboring yard. A strange, unusual fire that fluctuates in the air from side to side, rises and falls, disappears for a second and appears again, suddenly sharply attracts Dani's attention. Having breathed a bigger hole on the glass with his mouth, he pressed his eyes to it, covering himself with his palm, like a shield, from the light of the lantern. Now, against the white background of fresh, freshly fallen snow, he clearly distinguishes a small, closely huddled group of children. Above them, on a high stick, which cannot be seen in the dark, a huge multi-colored paper star swings, as if floating in the air, illuminated from within by some hidden fire.

Danya knows very well that all this is children from the neighboring poor and old house, “street boys” and “bad children,” as adults call them: the sons of shoemakers, janitors and laundresses. But Danino's heart grows cold with envy, delight and curiosity. From the nanny, he heard about the local ancient southern custom: at Christmas, children put together a star and a nativity scene, go with them to their homes - acquaintances and strangers, sing carols and Christmas edging and receive ham, sausage, pies and other things as a reward. copper coin.

An insanely bold thought flashes in Dani's head - so bold that he even bites his lower lip for a minute, makes big, frightened eyes and cringes. But isn't he really an aviator or a polar traveler? After all, sooner or later, you will have to frankly tell your father: "You, dad, do not worry, please, but today I am going across the ocean in my airplane." Compared with such terrible words, getting dressed on the sly and running out into the street is sheer trifles. If only, luckily for him, the fat old doorman did not stick out in the hallway, but sat in his closet under the stairs.

He groping his coat and hat in the front, fumbling silently in the dark. There are no leggings, no gloves, but he is only for one minute! It is quite difficult to deal with the American lock mechanism. A foot banged on the door, and a hum went up the stairs. Thank goodness the brightly lit front hall is empty. Holding his breath, with a beating heart, Danya, like a mouse, slips through the heavy doors, barely opening them, and here he is on the street! Black sky, white, slippery gentle snow creaking underfoot, running of light and shadows under a street lamp on the sidewalk, delicious smell of winter air, feeling of freedom, loneliness and wild courage - all this is like a dream! ..


The "bad children" were just leaving the gate of the neighboring house when Danya jumped out into the street. A star floated above the boys, all glowing with red, pink and yellow rays, and the smallest of the carols carried in his arms a house lit from the inside, made of cardboard and multi-colored tissue paper - "the nativity scene of the Lord." This baby was none other than the son of the Jeevlian coachman. Danya did not know his name, but he remembered that this little boy often took off his hat with great seriousness after his father when Danya happened to pass by the coach house or the stable.

The star caught up with Dania. He hesitantly sniffed and said with a bask:
- Gentlemen, accept me too ...
The children stopped. They were silent for a little. Someone said in a hoarse voice:
- Why are you fucking us ?!
And then everyone spoke at once:
- Go, go ... You and I are not ordered to get along ...
- And no need ...
- Also clever ... we formed eight cents each ...
- Lads, but this is an Ievlevsky panych, Garanka, is this yours? ..
- Ours! .. - the coachman boy confirmed with stern bashfulness.
- Get out! the first, husky boy said resolutely. - There is no company for you here ...
- Get out yourself, - Dania got angry, - here is my street, not yours!
- And not yours at all, but official.
- No, mine. Mine and daddy's.
- And here I will give you a neck, - then you will find out whose street ...
- Don't you dare! .. I'll complain to dad ... And he will whip you ...
- And I'm not afraid of your dad for a little bit ... Go, go, where you came from. We have a comradely affair. I suppose you didn't give money to a star, but you climb ...
- I wanted to give you money ... as much as fifty kopecks so that you would accept me ... But now I won't! ..
- And you’re all lying! .. You don’t have any fifty kopecks.
- But no - there is! ..
- Show me! .. You're all lying ...
Danya rattled the money in his pocket.
- Do you hear? ..
The boys fell silent in thought. Finally, the husky one blew his nose with two fingers and said:
- Well, well ... Give me the money - go to the company. We thought that you are so, you want our armyak! .. Can you sing? ..
- What? ..
- But "Christmas is yours, Christ our God" ... carols, too ...
- I can, - Dania said resolutely.


It was a wonderful evening. The star stopped in front of the lighted windows, entered all the courtyards, went down to the basements, climbed into the attics. Stopping in front of the door, the leader of the troupe - the same tall boy who recently scolded Danya - began in a hoarse and nasal voice:

Christmas is yours, Christ our God ...

And the other ten people were picking up at random, out of tune, but with great enthusiasm:

Vossia of the world and the light of reason ...

Sometimes the door opened and they were allowed into the hallway. Then they began a long, almost endless carol about how the princess walked up a steep mountain, how a red star fell from the sky, how Christ was born, and Herod was confused. They were taken out with a ring of sausage, eggs, bread, pork jelly, a piece of veal cut off with a generous hand. They were not allowed to enter other houses, but several copper coins were sent. The money was hidden by the leader in his pocket, and food supplies were put into one common bag. In some houses, the doors quickly swung open to the sounds of singing, some loose fat woman with a broom jumped out and shouted menacingly:
- Here I am you, laidaki, lousy hicks ... Get! .. Shoot home!

Once they were attacked by a huge policeman, wrapped in a pointed head with a white, icy mustache sticking out of the hole:
- Why are you here, dragonflies, hanging around? .. Here I go to the police station! .. By what right? .. Huh? ..
And he stamped his feet on them and growled in a brutal voice.

Like a flock of sparrows after a shot, little Christians scattered all over the street. Jumping high in the air, drawing a trail of fire, a red star. It was creepy and fun for Dana to gallop from the chase, hearing his boots knock like the hooves of a wild mustang on the slippery and wrong sidewalk. Some boy, wearing a hat up to his ears, overtook him, pushed him awkwardly sideways, and both of them with a running start dropped their faces into a high snowdrift. Snow immediately crammed into Dana's mouth and nose. He was gentle and soft, like cold weightless fluff, and his touch on his flushed cheeks was fresh, tickling, and sweet.
Only at the corner did the boys stop. The policeman did not even think to chase them.

So they walked the whole block. We went to shopkeepers, to basement residents, to janitors. Due to the fact that Dani's well-groomed face and graceful suit attracted everyone's attention, he tried to stay behind. But he sang, it seems, the most zealous of all, with flushed cheeks and shining eyes, intoxicated by the air, movement and the singularity of this nightly vagrancy. In these blissful, cheerful, lively moments, he completely sincerely forgot about the late time, and about the house, and about Miss Jeners, and about everything in the world, except for the magic carol and the red star. And with what pleasure he ate on the go a piece of thick cold Little Russian sausage with garlic, which made his teeth freeze. He had never eaten anything tastier in his life!

And therefore, upon leaving the bakery, where the star was treated to warm whites and sweet pretzels, he only gasped weakly and in surprise when he saw Aunt Nina and Miss Jeners, accompanied by a footman, a doorman, a nanny and a maid, in front of him.
- Thank you, God, I finally found it! .. My God, in what form! Without galoshes and without a hood! The whole house is knocked off its feet because of you, nasty boy!
Slavschikov were not around for a long time. As recently from the policeman, now they burst out in different directions, as soon as they sensed danger, and in the distance only the fractional sound of their hurried feet was heard.

Aunt Nina — by one hand, Miss Jeners — led the fugitive home by the other. Mom was in tears - God knows what thoughts came to her during those two hours, when all the household, having lost their heads, ran through all the nooks and crannies of the house, through neighbors and along nearby streets. The father in vain pretended to be angry and harsh and completely unsuccessfully hid his joy when he saw his son safe and sound. He was no less worried about the disappearance of Dani than his wife and had already managed to get the entire city police on their feet during this time.

With his usual directness, Danya recounted his adventures in detail. He was threatened with a heavy punishment the next day and was sent to change. He went out to his little guests washed, fresh, in a new beautiful suit. His cheeks burned with recent excitement, and his eyes gleamed merrily after the frost. It was very boring to pretend to be a well-bred boy, with good manners and English, but, conscientiously atone for his recent guilt, he deftly shuffled his foot, kissed the hand of the elderly ladies and indulgently entertained the youngest kids.

But the air is useful for Dana, - said the father, who was watching him from afar, from the office. “You keep him locked up too much at home. Look, the boy ran, and how healthy he looks! You can't keep the boy in cotton wool all the time.
But the ladies so amicably pounced on him and uttered such a bunch of horrors about germs, diphtheria, tonsillitis and bad manners that his father just waved his hands and exclaimed, frowning all over:
- Enough, enough! Will ... will ... Do as you want ... Oh, these women for me! ..

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

Poor prince

“Wonderfully clever! - thinks nine-year-old Danya Ievlev angrily, lying on his stomach on the skin of a polar bear and tapping his heel on the heel of his raised legs. - Great! Only big ones can be such pretenders. They themselves locked me in a dark living room, and they themselves amuse themselves by hanging a Christmas tree. And they demand from me that I pretend that I have no idea about anything. Here they are - adults! "

On the street, a gas lamp is burning, and frosty stains on the windows gilded, and, sliding through the leaves of patches and ficuses, they lay a light golden pattern on the floor. The curved side of the piano glitters faintly in the semi-darkness.

“And what is really funny about this tree? - Danya continues to reflect. - Well, familiar boys and girls will come and pretend, for the sake of big, smart and well-mannered children ... For each governess or some old aunt ... They will make them speak English all the time ... They will start some boring game, in which it is absolutely necessary call the names of animals, plants or cities, and adults will intervene and correct the little ones. They are told to walk around the tree with a chain and sing something and clap their hands for something; then everyone will sit under the tree, and Nick's uncle will read aloud in an unnatural, actor's, “crushing,” as Sonya's nanny says, in a voice about a poor boy who freezes on the street, looking at a rich man's luxurious Christmas tree. And then they will give a ready-made room, a globe and a children's book with pictures ... And they probably won't give skates or skis ... And they will send them to sleep.

No, these adults do not understand anything ... So dad ... he is the most important person in the city and, of course, the most scientist ... it's not for nothing that they call him the mayor ... But he doesn't understand much either. He still thinks that Danya is a small child, but he would be surprised to learn that Danya had long ago decided to become a famous aviator and open both poles. He already has a plan for a flying ship ready, you just need to get somewhere a flexible steel strip, a rubber cord and a large, more house, silk umbrella. It is on such an airplane that Danya flies wonderfully at night in his sleep. "

The boy lazily got up from the bear, walked up, dragging his feet to the window, breathed on the fantastic frosty forests of palm trees, rubbed the glass with his sleeve. He is a thin, but slender and strong child. He is wearing a brown velvet ribbed jacket, matching knee-length pants, black leggings and thick lace-up boots, a starchy fold-over collar and a white tie. Light, short and soft hair, combed like an adult, with an English parted part. But his sweet face is painfully pale, and this is due to the lack of air: a little bit stronger wind or frost more than six degrees, Danya is not allowed to walk. And if they take you outside, then half an hour before that they will wrap up: leggings, fur boots, a warm Orenburg shawl on the chest, a hat with earmuffs, a hoodie, an eiderdown coat, squirrel gloves, a muff ... loathes walking too! And he certainly leads him by the hand, like a small, long Miss Jeners with her red drooping nose, pursed pimpled mouth and fishy eyes. And at this time, cheerful, red-cheeked, with sweaty happy faces, street boys fly along the sidewalk on one wooden skate, or roll each other on a sled, or, breaking off an icicle from a drain pipe, chew it juicy, crunching it. Oh my God! Try an icicle at least once in your life. Must be amazing taste. But is it possible! “Ah, a cold! Oh, diphtheria! Ah, microbe! Oh, disgusting! "

End of introductory snippet.

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One of the pressing problems of Russian education is the need to educate the individual. This is the formation of universal human values \u200b\u200bamong children, including eternal moral standards: kindness, care and love for those close to you and those around you.

Children's creativity is a unique means of upbringing spirituality.

Leo Tolstoy's words became the motto in my work: "If a student at school has not learned to create anything, then in life he will always only imitate ..."

Therefore, in working with students of my class, I adhere to the following principles:

  • creating conditions for the development of imagination;
  • respectful attitude to any thought of the child;
  • developing a sense of confidence in their abilities.

I start it from the first years of school. But the guys open up most vividly to the 4th grade. They are happy to perform such a type of work as an essay on a given topic, where they convey their emotional state, learn to see the world around them in colors.

The writing

Lovely winter

One fine morning I looked out the window and saw a beautiful winter. The snow was silvery and lay on the trees, on bushes and on the roofs of houses. Everything is white and white.

I looked closer and saw a beautiful picture. Bright birds were sitting on birch branches. They were bullfinches. They arrive only in winter. I went outside and fed them bread crumbs. Then I admired them all day.

Prokhorov Egor

Winter sketches

In the spring everything comes to life, wakes up. Everything blooms in the summer. In the fall, all this fun dies down. And in winter it’s very quiet.

But still the forest is alive! There are many animals and birds in the forest. You can find traces of a hare, a fox, a wolf.

Nice to watch the sky. In the morning, in good weather, light pink clouds are illuminated by dawn and float across the pale blue sky. During the day, light snow may fall. In the evening, the sunset resembles a ripe liquid apple. Every star is visible at night. And the moon looks so big.

Winter. What a good time of the year!

Abramova Marina

After getting acquainted with the construction of poems, they try to convey their mood through rhyme, rhythm.


Snow sparkles and whirls
In the sunshine.
Children are rolling down the hill
On a dashing sleigh.
The snowman stands wondering
In the corner of the yard
What fun is it
These kids!
And the frost rejoices
Together with the kids.
He pinches nose and faces
He's mischievous! (Shipovskaya Yana)

After reading the story of A.I. Kuprin "Poor Prince", the guys had a desire to compose their own fairy tale with the same name.

Poor prince

Once upon a time there was a little prince. He lived in a large and beautiful castle. He was allowed everything: to walk, play and have fun. One day, when the boy was walking, an old witch came. She erased the boy's memory and took him with her to the forest. Other boys already lived there. They became friends and lived together for two years.

Once a girl wandered into the forest. She recognized the boy as a prince from the neighboring kingdom. The girl told him that his parents were waiting for him. A memory came to the prince. They fled home from the forest. Everyone was happy to see him back. Now the prince was walking under strict supervision.

But now winter has come. On a winter evening, the boy looked out the window and admired nature. Suddenly he heard the creak of doors and saw those boys who were with him in captivity. Everyone was happy to meet. They invited the prince to run away into the forest again. The prince packed his things, a piggy bank, a couple of toys and ran away again.

When his parents did not find him in the room, they almost died of grief. But the watchful nanny installed a bug on the prince's trousers, and they quickly tracked him down.

The prince was no longer left alone at home. He grew up, became an adult and married the girl who found him the first time.

Bashev Evgeniy

Or, by the name of the tale, come up with its content.

Fun - mermaid

There lived a kind girl. Her name was Fun. She loved the sea very much. Every day I went for a walk along the shore and dreamed of becoming a mermaid. Once Zabava met a grandmother who asked to help her collect seaweed.

The girl gladly helped the old woman. The grandmother turned out to be a sorceress and fulfilled the girl's wish.

Since then, the mermaid girl has lived in the sea, and only happy people can see her.

Dunderfer Christina

Thus, the guys express their indifference to the actions of the heroes and their attitude towards them.

The dog of my dreams

They gave my sister a dog. Her name is Raf. She is one year old, It's a boy. He is a very kind and affectionate dog. Raf loves to play with children.

When I come to visit them, Raf starts jumping on me with joy. He calls me to play with him. He has a favorite rubber toy - a lion. We play fun with him.

When I grow up, I will have the same dog!

Smirnov Maxim

It should be said that children's creativity is limitless. It always delights, surprises, makes you happy or even sad. But the most important thing, I think, gives an opportunity for self-expression, self-affirmation for a child, regardless of his mental abilities, and thereby forms a healthy personality.

Research work based on the story of A.I. Kuprin's "Poor Prince".

Spiritual and moral education is the basis for the happiness of any person. Russia has always been the source and measure of people's morality. For a teacher, educating his student in morality and purity is the main task, both in the lesson and in extracurricular activities.

At the lessons of literary reading according to Zankov's program, we studied the story of A.I. Kuprin's "Poor Prince".

In the story "Poor Prince" the main character is a boy from a noble family. In order for modern children to understand the hero and his problems, they must be introduced to the life of the nobles, their way of life, views on raising children, and introduced into the noble culture. We have only recently begun to talk about this, realizing how today we lack the noble notion of duty, honor, dignity, the ability to behave in society, good breeding and delicacy. Who can and should explain this to children today, demonstrate it with convincing examples that can be found in the works of the classics? Of course, the one who is involved in raising children at school is a teacher. But the teacher himself often does not know about the principles of noble education, because he was brought up at other times. It is very difficult for children to understand the hero of the story, a boy from a noble family, his resentment against adults, his desire to run away from home, a difficult relationship with “bad children” and his father. By itself, this work touches on many moral aspects of education in pre-revolutionary Russia and makes every student think.

Reading this story (Literary reading grade 4 // V. Lazareva, p. 13), the students of my class became interested in the Christmas traditions of arranging a star and a nativity scene, singing carols. In the extracurricular activities "I am a researcher", together with the students, we decided to do research work on this issue.

A little about Christmas traditions. It is in winter that the whole baptized world celebrates the joyous and bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ. It is accompanied by a solemn and church service, a plentiful feast, noisy and cheerful games and competitions, in which both young and old participate. But the most important thing this bright holiday cannot do without is Christmas carols.

Carols (from the Latin "kalenda" - the name of the first day of the month among the ancient Romans) is a ritual song with wishes for wealth, good health, and a good harvest. Christmas carols were performed, mainly on the night before Christmas. The owners brought out treats to the caroling people, and they wished them every well-being.

The custom of caroling has its own long history, the roots of which go back to the Aryan times. Carols are associated with the winter solstice, which our ancestors called the holiday of Kolyada. It was celebrated on December 25th. It was believed that on this day the sun is eaten by the serpent Korotun. The almighty goddess Kolyada in the Dnieper waters gave birth to a new sun - a little Bozhych. The pagans tried to protect the newborn. They chased Korotun away, who was trying to eat a new Sun, and then went from house to house to inform people about the birth of a new Sun, and carried the image of this sun with them. As soon as a star descended in the sky, people who were caroling went into the courtyard, called the owner and sang great songs to his family about the sun, month, vision. These songs began to be called carols or carols.

Over time, with the advent of the Christian religion, the rite of caroling was timed to coincide with the Nativity of Christ and biblical and secular motives appeared in carols. The tradition of caroling has survived to this day. As soon as the first star appears in heaven, the Holy Supper begins, and the children gather and go to congratulate everyone with carols on the birth of Christ. Carols in the evening from 6 to 7 January.

During the "I am a researcher" class, students worked with a dictionary, looking for suitable material about Christmas and Christmas customs in the library. We turned to teachers of music, the basics of Orthodox culture, and to parents.

Summing up the results of our research, we can say that we managed to bring Christmas traditions closer to ourselves through the experience of each child with the magic of Christmas.

And now we would like to present you the results of our research work.

How quiet this night ... How transparent it is!

Heaven looks up with inspiration.

And in the arms of a deep winter sleep

Forests breathe with anticipation.

On this quiet night, a sunsetless star,

In the dark abyss of wasted years

Fired up for the first time over a sinful land

Christianity is divine light.

By the voice of God's command

A bright star leads us.

Through deserts and villages,

Through forests and cities.

We are moved by insight in everything

We bring gifts to the Infant.

Earth, rejoice from now on

You are about Christ, about God the Son,

Hear words of praise.

Send the Baby to bow

Common people and seers

And everyone who knows this holiday,

Let them follow them.


Let the heart and lips praise

Newborn Christ!

And since then, every year we remember

And we venerate Christmas.

Whether a child, an adult - everyone is happy about the holiday,

And there is a celebration in every family.

Where children are - there is a tree! Richer, poorer -

But all in golden lights.

And how much delight and how much fun

In joyful children's hearts.

A carriage came to us,

Christmas Eve,

Give us good in our hand

And in return, get

Wealth, happiness and warmth,

The Lord will send it to you

So ask yourself generosity

Do not take offense at us!

Kolyada, kolyada,

We open all the houses

All windows, chests,

We give sweets and pies

To benefit you

Say thanks to heaven

God will give health to all of us,

After all, he is good for this!

Congratulations on Christmas,

We came here with kindness

You give us a little,

Pie on the track

For happiness to come to you,

So that you are lucky in everything

So that the Lord gives health,

We carol, from sadness!

Carols, carols

I will go to any hut,

I will ask the hostess

Come on sweets.

And cookies and sweets

And sherbet with nuts,

And halva and chocolate,

Pastila and marmalade

Delicious cake,

Sweet ice cream

We ourselves will eat

And treat each other

And the mistress, and the mistress

Remember with a kind word!

An angel has come down to us today

And sang: "Christ was born."

We came to glorify Christ,

And congratulate you on the holiday.

Adults and children know:

We live in the world for good!

Today is holy Christmas,

Celebration on the planet!

Kolyada, kolyada!

And there is a carol

On Christmas Eve

Kolyada came

Brought Christmas.

We are to you, master, with good news-

Rejoice, oh, rejoice on the earth!

Merry Son of God,

God ... was born.

The Holy Virgin gave birth to a son -

Rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth!

Cheerful son of God

God ... was born.

And to you the owner, three holidays to visit-

Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth!

Merry Son of God,

God ... was born.

And what is the first holiday - Holy Christmas,

Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth!

Merry Son of God,

God ... was born.

And what another holiday is Holy Baptism,

Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth!

Merry God ... Son,

God ... was born.

And what about the third holiday - Basil the Great,

Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth!

Merry Son of God,

God ... was born.

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