Madame has come to you: the games of our childhood. Chelange Young Lady-Madame words - Useful information for everyone You will go to the ball

Cement 28.12.2020

Interesting verbal children's game for two, maximum three people. As a rule, girls love to play it.

There are cases when this game was played with children of 6-7 years old during the interview for admission to the first grade.

Rules of the game "Will you go to the ball?" ("The Young Lady-Madame")

At the beginning of the game, it is determined who will ask questions and who will answer. The driver starts the game with a saying:

Don't say yes and no

Do not take black and white,

Will you go to the ball?

The second player answers, for example:

If a word is accidentally said, then the players change roles.

If you play three, one player answers, and two take turns asking him.

The driver can use different strategies, for example, first to distract the player with simple questions that do not require such words in the answers, and then suddenly ask something provocative.

Here's an example of a dialogue that might turn out:

Don't say yes and no
Don't wear black and white
Will you go to the ball?

- Probably
- And what will you go on?
- On a carriage
- Who will you go with?
- With your beloved
- Probably you will be wearing a very beautiful dress?
- Yes OH !!!

For those who have succeeded in this game, there is a complicated version, in which a new one is added to the standard rules - you cannot pronounce the letter "P"!

Here are the suggestions:

The lady sent 100 rubles
And a box of snot
Don't say yes and no,
Don't wear black and white
Do not pronounce "P"
Will you go to the ball?

The young lady sent you a piece of blanket
I told you not to laugh
Do not make lips with a bow,
Don't say yes and no,
Do not wear black and white.
Will you go to the ball?

And one more, from which the name of this game "Young lady-madam" came:

To you young lady-madam
Rolled up a suitcase
I told you not to laugh, not to smile,
Do not make lips with a bow, do not say "yes" and "no",
Do not wear black and white.
Will you go to the ball?

Game "Young Lady Madame" - "Yes and no, do not speak, do not wear black and white": the rules of the game

What is the essence of the game?The game begins with the choice of the host. He is entrusted with a responsible role: to utter sayings to the participants and come up with questions that lull their vigilance. After all, the intrigue is for the player to pronounce the forbidden word.

The minimum number of players is 2 people

Having grasped the essence of the game, children can independently come up with tricky questions for the players.

The game begins with a presenter saying:

Don't say yes and no
Do not take black and white,
Will you go to the ball?

Player response (options):

- Probably (maybe, probably)

  • After the presenter receives the first answer, he continues to ask the participants in the game until he catches someone, forcing him to answer with a forbidden word.
  • If a participant in the game uttered one of the "forbidden" words, then he changes roles with another player.
  • A threesome game assumes that two of the participants in turn ask questions, and the third player answers them.

Driver's task:Distract the player with questions that do not need to be answered with "forbidden" words.

The facilitator may suddenly turn to a provocative question and the participant will lose by saying "yes" or "no".

An example of a conversation between the driver and the player:

Don't say yes and no
Don't wear black and white
Will you go to the ball?
- Maybe
- And what will you wear?
- In a limousine
- Who will be with you?
- Familiar
- And, most likely, you will wear the most beautiful outfit?
- I'll put on
- Will you go fast?
- Will you arrive on time?
- Just in time for the beginning.
- Will you dance?
- Yes OH !!!

From the video you will learn how the game "Will you go to the ball?"

Video: The Young Lady Madame Challenge

Game "Young Lady Madame" - "Yes and no do not talk, do not wear black and white, will you go to the ball?": List of questions

  • We have considered a simple example of the questions of the game "Lady-Madame". But a complicated one is also provided, of interest to those who have succeeded in this game.
  • The conditions remain, but the list of prohibitions is supplemented by the choice of the driver. For example, a ban on a specific letter: "P" or "H".

The game "Young Lady Madame" develops the attentiveness of children. Finding a solution that helps to improve concentration is not only possible in scientific papers on pedagogy and child psychology. Among the simple and affordable solutions are children's word games.

What kind of questions can the host ask?

  • Will you go to the ball?
  • Will you ride in the trough?
  • Will you go to the ball in the old toilet?
  • Will you go to the ball in a carriage?
  • Will you ride the gray trotters?
  • Will you go in a ball gown?
  • In pink?
  • Will your dressmaker sew it?
  • Will you be the best beauty at the ball?
  • Will you dance?
  • Will you drink champagne?
  • Champagne? What? Soda?
  • And invite your gentleman to dance?
  • And will you sing?
  • Will you read poetry?

We suggest not to hesitate and move from theory to practice. Moreover, in our article you will find not only classic answers to the questions of the presenter, but also more complex ones.

  • The latter are designed for players who have already developed their attention enough not to utter "forbidden" words or to prevent new restrictions in their answers.

What restrictions are possible in the game "Lady Madame"?

  • The presenter “forbids” to name any color. For example, pink or yellow.
  • The presenter in the proverb limits the players' answers, forbidding to pronounce the word "never".

The good thing about the game is that children can train in developing concentration of attention anywhere: on the way home from school or kindergarten, during an excursion or during a break. When performing attention exercises, all three levels of development are important: physical, psychological and mental.

The child will enthusiastically answer questions only if the adult, acting as the presenter, will not only ask tricky questions in anticipation of the next mistake, but will also invite the child to ask questions himself.

In this case, the child will be involved in the game emotionally, without stopping to answer simple questions.
In order for the child to take part in word play more willingly, positive moments and positive emotions are needed.

What to look for?

  • It is important that the young player does not overwork during the game. Therefore, the facilitator should ask simple questions at short intervals.
  • It will be easier for the child to select the correct answers if the leader repeats the same questions. In this case, "forbidden" words are easier to track with "auditory attention".

The facilitator should monitor the child's mood and ask final questions only in a positive way, showing creative resourcefulness and patience.

  • At what age is it better to start the game "Madame Lady"? You can try to play the word game with a 3-year-old baby. But for an older child (from 4 years old) the game will be more interesting.
  • What is the intrigue of the game? Participants need to choose the answers so that the rules of the notorious Madame are not inadvertently violated. Otherwise, the player is eliminated from the game. Repetitions are among the prohibitions.

  • Therefore, the one answering the questions of the presenter must agree with the statements made: he will go to the ball in a blue dress, this color suits him very much. You need to answer, trying not to laugh. If you do not rush and try to answer according to the rules, then the game can take a long time, while it will be difficult for the presenter to ask his tricky questions.
  • The advantage is on the side of the player who knows a lot of words and synonyms. In this case, the player will definitely be "allowed" to the ball.
  • The game is useful because it teaches you to get out of any stories, choosing the right answer options.
  • In support of what has been said, the following example can be cited: in case of violation of traffic rules, if you are stopped by a policeman, it is better not to say "yes" or "no", and also you should not give the police documents and smile.
  • The same principle of behavior is appropriate if you came to work late and tricky questions followed from your boss.

Having trained in the game "Young Lady Madame" and following the rules, you can easily find and select answers during serious verbal battles.

Rules of the game "Yes and No do not speak!"

As in other games for the "Yes and no do not speak" game you need a driver. The driver begins the game with certain rhyme words. In fact, this rhyme is the rules of the game. You just need to answer the questions so as not to say “Yes”, “No”, “Black” and “White”. Sometimes we diversified the game and added “don't laugh” to the rules.

Poems for the game "Yes and no do not speak!"

Don't take black and white
Don't say yes and no!

The lady sent 100 rubles
And a box of snot ...
Don't say yes and no,
Don't wear black and white
Do not pronounce "P".

The young lady sent you a piece of blanket,
I told you not to laugh
Do not make lips with a bow,
Don't say yes and no,
Do not wear black and white.
- Will you go to the ball?

The lady sent a toilet
In the toilet 100 rubles,
Take what you want
"Yes" and "no" don't say
Do not take black and white
- Will you go to the ball?

With this adage-rhyme, the dialogue of the wada with the players began. The presenter tried to "catch" the children and ask a question to which one would like to say a forbidden word. If a player inadvertently replies with a forbidden word, then he loses and takes the place of the leader. To confuse the players and relax their attention, you need to ask simple questions, and among them "tangle" a tricky question or pour such statements from which the players will yell "No!"

It is interesting to play such a game with a large company and ask questions to everyone in turn. The main thing is not to give the player much time to think.

You might end up with a dialogue like this:

We are going to the ball!
Don't say yes and no,
do not wear black and white,
- Will you go to the ball?
- I'll go
- Of course in the trough?
- Not! Oh…( got caught)

Or this dialogue for experienced players:

Get ready for the ball!
Don't take black and white
Don't say yes and no!
- Will you go to the ball?
- Maybe
- Will you go in a carriage or in an old toilet?
- Most likely in a carriage
- What horses?
- On gray trotters.
- What will you wear for the ball?
- Ball gown
- Of course it's white?
- Blue
- Will the best dressmaker sew it?
- Of course
- And you will become the first beauty at the ball?
- Required
- And you will drink champagne at the ball?
- I won't champagne.
- And then what? Lemonade?
- Yes. Oh! ( got caught)

This game can be played not only by children. She is good at entertaining and distracting the child if you have to sit around for a long time. For example, in a queue to see a doctor or in a hospital, where it is not very possible to run, and it is also good to play it when you have to drive for a long time.

I hope you play "Yes and No do not talk!" like it and you will play it more than once.

We bring to your attention a very funny word game that develops attention, a sense of humor, teaches you to think over your thoughts, and develops communication skills. Adults probably played it, remember how much joy and fun you can get while doing it. Sometimes it so happens that you went for a walk or just walk with your child and want to entertain him with something. Offer him this fun. You can also play in a large company, then the entertainment will seem even more funny. Game for children "Will you go to the ball?" has several more names. Often it is called by the first words of the countdown, which is customary to pronounce at the beginning: "The lady sent a hundred rubles." There are other, less well-known names that may be remembered by those who know this entertainment. But you can use the name that is closer to you. We will tell you about the most famous options.

If you are planning to hold a holiday for children, then offer them some more equally exciting entertainment. For example, two games for girls. In case you have a company of children of different genders and ages, try to play outdoors in or

Rules of the game "Will you go to the ball?"

You can start with two, but if there are three or four of you, it will be even more fun. First, this eyeliner is pronounced:

“The lady sent a hundred rubles.

Buy what you want.

Don't say yes and no.

Do not wear white and black.

Will you go to the ball? "

After that, one participant is selected who will answer the questions. Others ask questions, but in such a way as to force the respondent to pronounce forbidden words. Let's give an example of a dialogue that can come out of this.

After the question "Will you go to the ball", the answer is pronounced: "maybe"

  • What will you wear?
  • Nice dress.
  • What colour?
  • Red.
  • Surely it will be very lush?
  • Yes…. Oh, let it slip .... the word "yes" cannot be said!

After that, the one who asked the questions begins to answer, and all the other participants begin to "bring him out into the open."

Advice!Don't rush to get the wrong answer right away. First, you need to distract the attention of the respondent, wait until he stops thinking over his answers so carefully. To do this, you need to ask a number of questions.

List of questions that may cause you to answer incorrectly

There can be many options for questions. Here are some of the most common ones that tend to cause confusion and thought before answering. Several questions are chained here to mislead the respondent.

  1. What will the weather be like when you go to the ball? Will it snow? What color is the snow? - White ... Oh, I lost ...
  2. Will you brush your teeth before going out? What color will your teeth be after brushing? - again a loss.
  3. Probably they will pick you up in a beautiful expensive car? Will it be a Mercedes? What color is it?
  4. Do you want a real prince to fall in love with you at the ball? - Yes! - and again a loss.
  5. Will you go to the ball in your old robe? - Not!
  6. Will they play the piano or piano at the ball? What color are the keys? Tell me, what color will the piano be?
  7. What color is school chalk?
  8. Do you want me to buy you a white dress? - usually here the participant does not see the catch and says: Yes or No. It was then that he lost!
  9. Can you lift a big black weight? - almost everyone answers: No!
  10. Would you like to go to the ball in a wedding dress to marry the prince right away? (Yes or no). What color would you like your wedding dress?

You can develop the theme and move away from the theme of the ball. If there are more than two participants, then they take turns asking questions, and one of the players answers them all. If there are no more questions, then the right to ask them passes to another participant.

Varieties of the game, the name "Lady-Madame"

Sometimes this fun is called "The Young Lady". Then the saying will be slightly different:

“The young lady-madam rolled the suitcase.

100 rubles in a suitcase,

You spend them quickly.

Try not to laugh or smile.

Keep your lips in a bow!

Do not wear white and black!

Yes and no, don't say! "

Here, too, you need to follow all the rules. But they get more complicated: you can't smile and laugh. The lips should be tightly closed. It will be very difficult to keep from laughing, so it will be quite easy to make the player laugh.

Check out the version of questions and answers in the fun "Lady-Madame", in a video clip that has collected over a million views on the Internet:

As you can see, not laughing is the hardest thing!

To complicate the game, it will be possible to prohibit pronouncing any letter. Most often they use the letter "P". The words turn out to be like baby talk and it is even easier to laugh.

"I know five names of girls ..." - remember how in childhood we tapped a ball, trying to quickly remember five names of girls, five plants, five cities ... And how we grieved when our parents called us home from the street or, even worse, to punishment we were told: "Everything, no street, you will stay at home!"

What are our children playing now? Why are mothers with small children more common on the streets, and even in the country or in the village, parents complain that children are sitting at computer games or watching TV? Maybe they don't know what to play? Let's remember our favorite children's games together and teach our children how to play.

Hide-and-seek, crocodile, edible-inedible or spoiled phone, I think, is played even now. But there are many more interesting games that have been undeservedly forgotten!

So, our TOP 10 games from childhood:

  • "Leader, counselor, bring a pioneer!" or "Little Red Riding Hood, white feather ..."

Number of players: four or more

How to play: Players split into two teams and stand in two lines at a distance of several meters opposite each other, holding hands tightly. “Leader, counselor, bring a pioneer (Olya, Misha ...)”, - the opponent's team calls the player to fight.

Or in another version: "Little Red Riding Hood, white feather, give us Vika (Vanya ...) and nobody else!" The summoned player must break the clasped hands with a running start. The callers hold hands very tightly so that the "chain" does not break.

If the player manages to do this, then he takes an additional player from the losing team to his team. If the child fails to break the chain from his hands, he remains in the new team.

What develops: the game develops strength, endurance, children learn to work in a team ...

  • "The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two"

How to play: The presenter turns away and says the words: "The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, the sea (forest, animal, or any) figure, freeze on the spot!" The rest of the players at this moment move in any order.

As soon as the presenter says “Freeze!”, Everyone should freeze in an interesting and unusual position, taking into account the topic set by the presenter. In this case, you must not move. The leader slowly walks around all the participants. The one who first moves or laughs is out of the game. The winner is the one who holds out the longest.

Pros: the game develops imagination, artistry, spontaneity, trains the vestibular apparatus, develops coordination of movements.

  • "Grandma, untangle the threads!"

How to play: The presenter turns away. Players stand in a circle, hold hands and try to get entangled in an unimaginable tangle. You can step over your hands, twist. The main condition is not to tear your hands.

Confused call the host: "Grandma, untangle the threads!" The leader must unravel all participants in the game. Hands must not be torn apart. If someone lets go of the palm, the game ends.

Pros: the game helps to develop flexibility, dexterity, imagination, logic.

  • Outdoor game "Knockouts"

How to play: Two players stand opposite each other at a fairly large distance. A crowd of players is running between them. Their task is to dodge the ball. Whoever hits the ball takes the place of the kicker.

Why is it useful:the game develops dexterity, quickness of reactions.

  • Playing with an elastic band "Olympiada"

Number of players: four or more

How to play:Players are divided into two equal teams. One team picks up a rubber band and says: “O-lim-pee-ah-yes! One two Three!". At the same time, the team tries to confuse the gum as much as possible. It can be stepped on, twisted, changed places, etc.

You just need to keep the rubber band in the place where you took it. At the count of "three" the players freeze, and the result is a "spider web" made of rubber bands. Players on the other team must take turns crawling through the web to the other side without touching the rubber band.

You can crawl into small triangles in the cobweb, jump over it, crawl along the ground, etc. You can complicate the task so that each player does not repeat the path of the previous player, but chooses his own. If someone touches the rubber band, the players change places. If not, the game starts over.

Pros: the game develops flexibility, dexterity, creative thinking.

  • Shtander

Number of players: three or more

How to play: The presenter throws the ball high up and calls the name of any player who needs to catch the ball. Everyone else runs away. As soon as the ball is in the hands of the player, he shouts "Shtander!" and everyone else stops immediately.

Then the player with the ball mentally estimates the distance to some player and names it, for example: “Before Lesha, two giants (big steps), four midgets (small steps, foot to foot), three saucepans (jumping, crouching), two camels ( spitting), eight umbrellas (turns around its axis). "

You can come up with your own measurements. If the leader gets to the selected player in this way, then he becomes the leader.

What develops: dexterity, ability to analyze the situation, attentiveness, prudence.

  • Potato

Number of players: three or more

How to play: The players stand in a circle. They start to quickly throw the ball to each other. Whoever missed the ball becomes a "potato" and sits in the center of the circle. The remaining players can knock out the "potato" with the ball. Then the player is back in the circle. The game can be made more difficult by taking two balls instead of one.

What develops:agility, attentiveness

  • Knives

Number of players: two or more.

How to play: On the ground, you need to draw a large circle and divide it into "kingdoms" so that each player is equally divided. Players take turns throwing a knife into the opponent's ground. If the knife is stuck in the ground, then part of the "kingdom" is cut off, drawing a line strictly parallel to the blade of the knife, attaching this ground to its own.

If the knife falls, and does not stick into the ground, then the turn goes to the other player. The task is to capture the entire “kingdom” of the opponent.

What develops:attentiveness, caution.

  • "Ring"

Number of players: three or more.

How to play:The presenter is given a ring, which he clamps between two palms. The players sit down and also fold their palms like boats. The presenter approaches each one in turn and puts his palms in the palms of the players. The presenter imperceptibly lowers a ring to one of them.

In this case, you can confuse the players with facial expressions or gestures, showing where the ring is. Walking around everyone, the presenter says: "Ring, ring, go out on the porch!" The one who has a ring in his palms should jump out quickly so that other participants do not detain him. If he succeeds, he becomes the leader, if not, he is eliminated from the game.

What develops:observation, acting, dexterity, quick reactions.

  • Will you go to the ball?

Number of players: two or more

How to play: The presenter says: “Yes” and “No” do not say, do not name black and white. Will you go to the ball? " Then he begins to ask the player a variety of clarifying questions: what will he ride, what will he wear, what color the outfit will be, is he having fun there, etc.

Its task is to confuse the player. The player needs to answer the questions without using the words "yes", "no", "black", "white".

Pros:develops attentiveness, the ability to think outside the box, communication skills.

Dear Readers! What did you play as a child? Let's remind a friend! We look forward to your comments.

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