Childish mafia game. Mafia. In the animation game "Mafia" children are

Ladders and railings 28.12.2020
Ladders and railings

I want to say right away that this is not the famous "Mafia" game in its pure form, although it is on its basis that a fun intellectual and entertainment program for teenagers was created.

What is the difference? The difference is that the children will not sit at the table for the entire 2 hours. The program includes interesting games and tasks that teenagers really like.

Who is leading the Mafia?

Yes, we know. Your children have grown up and will be very upset if you invite children's animators to the holiday. We offer you two incomparable presenters who have extensive experience in dealing with teenagers.

You can see how they look in mafia themed costumes!

For what age is this program

The fact is that our presenters select assignments by age. Therefore, when ordering a show game, be sure to tell us about the composition of the invited guests. The characters will speak in understandable language with 10-year-olds and 17-year-old graduates. The presenters will select the pace of the game and the entertainment for each occasion.

How many children can you invite to play

6 to 20 people. If there are more children, the game itself loses its meaning, since some children will be in the role of spectators, and this, you see, is boring!

What's included in the price

  • 2 hours of exciting intrigue and interesting tasks
  • 2 charming hosts
  • all the necessary props for the game and other tasks (cards, masks and even theater pistols, other props)
  • musical equipment (speakers, microphone, mp3-player)
  • selection of musical accompaniment for all stages of the show
  • souvenirs for 15 people (+ 100 rubles for each subsequent player)
  • separate souvenir for the birthday boy

total cost - 20,000 rubles.

Short description

A real gangster party in the style of the 30s. Someone named Joe appears with a mysterious suitcase and offers to play a game. For money, of course ... But Joe never works alone! He needs Bebe's faithful assistant!

Joe opens a suitcase with mysterious masks and maps. Jokes aside! The game started…

In addition to the "Mafia" itself, there will be interesting tasks for intuition, ingenuity and accuracy. Games with fake banknotes and musical minutes.

At the end of the game, the presenters will select the leaders of a new organized group who have been the best "trained" by the famous mafiosi.

Additional services

The program can be supplemented with a disco and a photo session, or simply rent props with which the immersion in the atmosphere of the game will be more effective.

  • A fun disco with games and contests - 6000 rubles per hour
  • Photo booth in Mafia style for a photo session (pistols, hats, butterflies, boas) - 2500 rubles.
  • Photographer - 4000 rubles. in hour
  • Large round table and chairs for 13 people for rent - 4000 rubles.

How to order an entertainment program for teenagers in Moscow

Contact me in any convenient way. Tell us about the number of participants, their age and hobbies. Do not forget to include the date of the holiday. ...

This game, together with " Contact"And" Crocodile"- the generally recognized" star "of children's holidays and student parties. For a new company, this is a great way (after everyone has met in the game " Snowball») Get to know each other better. You can also play Mafia during a long roads on a train or commuter train. A game developssociability, the ability to understand the interlocutor and, on the contrary, the ability hideyour thoughts and intentions.

The game has many different options and additions. Many board game companies have released special Mafia kits that include special cards, masks and guides.

Rules of the game "Mafia"

We will describe the classic version. It is usually played by a company of 5-7 people. For such a number, the number of characters will be given. Participants sit in a circle or at a table. It is highly desirable that everyone can see each other and no one sat behind others.

At the beginning of the game, cards are dealt that distribute roles between the participants. These can be either special game "mafia" cards from a purchased set, as well as ordinary playing cards or even pieces of paper with roles written on them:

  • Mafia - 2 people for 5-7 players and three if the players are 8-10.
  • Commissioner ("Cattani" or "Sheriff") - one
  • Ordinary, or " honest citizens"- other players.

In case playing cards are used, 2 or 3 black cards (spades, clubs) are selected from the deck for “ Mafia", Red ace - for" Commissioner"And several red cards (of course, except for aces) according to the number" Honest citizens". Thus, the total number of cards must correspond to the number of players. The cards are carefully shuffled and dealt.

Each player must look at his card, understand who he is in this round of the game and then behave accordingly. After the distribution, the first round of the game begins. One of the players takes on the role of a temporary driver. Begins " night"And the driver gives special commands:

  • « Everyone fell asleep!» (« The city fell asleep!") - all players, including the driver, must close their eyes and lower their heads to their chest.
  • « The Mafia is awake!"- Mafia players raise their heads and open their eyes.
  • « Mafia recognized each other!"- the players must find each other with their eyes and establish contact. In this case, you must be very careful not to give yourself away with sounds or movements. The driver must give enough time (5-7 seconds) for the mafia to get to know each other.
  • « Mafia fell asleep!"-" Mafia "players close their eyes and lower their heads to their chest
  • « Everyone is awake!"- everyone opens their eyes and begins" day».

In the afternoon, a general discussion of the situation begins. Players share their legitimate (and not so) suspicions and considerations about who they think is the mafia:

- I heard how my neighbor to the right moved (or vice versa, did not move) when the mafia woke up!
- Yes, yes, and he woke up suspiciously late (early, on time)!

- Just look! His eyes shine suspiciously!

The outcome of the discussion should be several proposals, who should be considered "mafia" and who should be "killed". The player for whom the most votes were cast is “killed”. He must show everyone his card. In the future, he becomes the host and continues the game.

The driver commands:

  • « Everyone fell asleep!»
  • « The Mafia is awake!»
  • « Mafia pointed out the victim!"- on this command the mafia must (silently!) Agree and point at the player it intends to" kill ". The driver can also silently ask (point a finger) and, with a nod of his head, confirms that he remembered their choice.
  • « Mafia fell asleep!»
  • « The Commissioner woke up!"- the commissioner opens his eyes and points to any live player. The driver should confirm with a nod of his head if it is "mafia" or shake his head negatively if it is an "honest citizen".
  • « The commissioner fell asleep!»
  • « Everyone woke up except ..."And the driver indicates the player who was" killed "by the mafia at night. He reveals his card and everyone is convinced that he was honest, despite some dark suspicions that some players had.

If “the Commissar” was killed “at night”, then he has the right to “the last word” - to “hand over” one of the “mafiosi” he found out, or, conversely, to point to someone who is guaranteed to be an “honest man”.

Then the "day" begins and the players continue their discussion again, taking into account the new information. If the "commissar" was "killed" "during the day" as a result of a general vote, then he has no right to the last word.

So, circle by circle, the game continues, and the number of players decreases. The game ends if the "honest citizens" manage to destroy the entire mafia, and then they win, or, conversely, if the "mafia" manages to destroy all the "honest", including the commissioner.


  • No one has the right to open his card until he is "killed".
  • All eliminated players have no right to tell others explicitly or with any hints. They should never participate in the discussion!


  • The game does not explicitly prohibit disclosing their role, but it should be borne in mind that players are not required to tell the truth: Mafia can pretend too An honest man or even Commissioner... (but, only in words, without opening the cards!)
  • Various cunning combinations are possible: one mafioso during the discussion in every possible way substitutes the other in order to seem an honest person and eventually win the party.
  • In case, during the day's voting, opinions are equally divided between two players, it is possible to use the decisive "half-vote" of the "Honest" who was just "killed" at night - while he has not yet seen who the Mafia is.
  • You should always remember who most of all "ran over" the player "killed" at night by the Mafia - as a rule, she removes those who get too close to her.

As we already said, there are many options for the game, differing in the presence of additional characters. For example, a game with several commissioners, a doctor, a journalist, or two mafia clans that are fighting against each other.

1. Host:

Teaches the rules

Controls the game

Maintains the atmosphere

2. Unlimited number of games

3. Props:

Musical accompaniment



We primarily focus on explaining the rules. It is important that each player understands how to play. For the host, the main goal of the game is to create an atmosphere in which the players will have fun. For this, a situation is created in which everyone will listen to each other, it is important that everyone can express themselves. Each subsequent installment of the game makes people more experienced. If the facilitator sees that all the players are ready to move to a "new level", then to heighten interest increases the complexity of the rules.



The game is designed for people from 9 years old;

On average, 1 game is 30 minutes;

The rules are simple, the presenter clearly explains them in 10-15 minutes and makes sure that everyone understands them;

The venue is any. Ideally - a closed room with a round table, a minimum of noise around;

Our presenters are universal - they can conduct active games before / after the Mafia (for example), while the cost does not change;

You only pay for the time. The number of games is not limited;

The price includes all the props: hats, cards, numbers, masks, musical accompaniment;

There are several Mafia plots (details by phone).

Actually, the mafia game for children is somewhat reminiscent of adults. And to be more precise, it practically repeats all its rules. There are, of course, some significant differences. So, the mafia children's game: what is included in the set, where to get it and how to play.

It is included in the kit?

  • A set of role-playing cards: for the mafia, for the townspeople, for additional heroes and 1 card for the leader;
  • Masks - usually the game is designed for 8 players, so there are 8 masks in the set;
  • Cloth (small tablecloth) for the table - not included in all sets;
  • Detailed rules of the game in Russian + memo.

Maps for the child mafia: buy or do it yourself?

Option 1. Buy a ready-made set

The fact is that cards for the children's mafia are not sold separately. That is, you have to buy the whole set. And it is not cheap at all: from 2,500 rubles and more.

Option 2. Make cards at home

Make the cards yourself? No problems. You will need:

  • Loose white cardboard;
  • Stationery knife or regular scissors;
  • Color printer;
  • Ready-made templates or Photoshop program (you can also use any other photo editor).

Here's a basic set of cards from Zootopia. Mafia":


Mafia and Commissioner:

Lead and Additional Hero:

These are just the cards that I could find on the internet. You can add and diversify the set. Take the size of the map as a basis (as in the template), select the desired background color, find a picture in png format, combine the template of the future map and the picture. You will get an original and most importantly an exclusive set of cards.

Children's game Mafia: age restrictions?

Yes there is. The game is only suitable for children aged 10 and over. And not because there is something forbidden here or obscene expressions are present. It's just that younger children will not be interested in the game. And the rules will be much more difficult to understand.

Child's play Mafia rules

The children's mafia is distinguished from the adult version by the presenter's phrases and the characters themselves. Of course, there is no confused and maniac here. Only the mafia remained (without Don), (sometimes there is a doctor), a presenter and a commissioner (in some versions a policeman). And here are the rules themselves:

  • Before the start of the game, a host is selected. It is from carefully that he mixes all the cards and distributes roles to the players;
  • Each participant looks at their card and returns it to the facilitator. It is forbidden to talk about your role;
  • Then the first night comes and the presenter says: "The city has fallen asleep." All players wear masks and bow their heads. Then the host says: "The mafia is waking up." Everyone who plays for the mafia opens their eyes. Silently get to know each other and on those who will be excluded from the game (the word "killed" is not used here). At the end of the first night, the host says: “The mafia is falling asleep. Morning is coming. Everyone opens their eyes ”;
  • The day comes, that is, the time for the day's voting comes. As in the adult version, everyone tells their own facts, why it is worth excluding this or that player. Voting is in progress. Then the moderator says: “Today player number 2 leaves the game”. After leaving the game, the participant has no right to disclose the identity of other players. In case of violation of this rule, his team receives a “technical defeat”. Simply put: it loses.

And student parties. For a new company, this is a great way (after everyone has met in the game " Snowball») Get to know each other better. You can also play Mafia during a long roads on a train or commuter train. A game develops sociability, the ability to understand the interlocutor and, on the contrary, the ability hide your thoughts and intentions.

The game has many different options and additions. Many board game companies have released special kits for playing Mafia, including special cards, guides and even masks.

Rules of the game "Mafia"

We will describe the classic version. It is usually played by a company of 5-7 people. For such a number, the number of characters will be given. Participants sit in a circle or at a table. It is highly desirable that everyone can see each other and no one sat behind others.

At the beginning of the game, cards are dealt that distribute roles between the participants. These can be either special game "mafia" cards from a purchased set, as well as ordinary playing cards or even pieces of paper with roles written on them:

  • Mafia - 2 people for 5-7 players and three if the players are 8-10.
  • Commissioner ("Cattani" or "Sheriff") - one
  • Ordinary, or " honest citizens"- other players.

In case playing cards are used, 2 or 3 black cards (spades, clubs) are selected from the deck for “ Mafia", Red ace - for" Commissioner"And several red cards (of course, except for aces) according to the number" Honest citizens". Thus, the total number of cards must correspond to the number of players. The cards are carefully shuffled and dealt.

Each player must look at his card, understand who he is in this round of the game and then behave accordingly. After the distribution, the first round of the game begins. One of the players takes on the role of a temporary driver. Begins " night"And the driver gives special commands:

  • « Everyone fell asleep!» (« The city fell asleep!") - all players, including the driver, must close their eyes and lower their heads to their chest.
  • « The Mafia is awake!"- Mafia players raise their heads and open their eyes.
  • « Mafia recognized each other!"- the players must find each other with their eyes and establish contact. In this case, you must be very careful not to give yourself away with sounds or movements. The driver must give enough time (5-7 seconds) for the mafia to get to know each other.
  • « Mafia fell asleep!"-" Mafia "players close their eyes and lower their heads to their chest
  • « Everyone is awake!"- everyone opens their eyes and begins" day».

In the afternoon, a general discussion of the situation begins. Players share their legitimate (and not so) suspicions and considerations about who they think is the mafia:

- I heard how my neighbor to the right moved (or vice versa, did not move) when the mafia woke up!
- Yes, yes, and he woke up suspiciously late (early, on time)!

- Just look! His eyes shine suspiciously!

The outcome of the discussion should be several proposals, who should be considered "mafia" and who should be "killed". The player for whom the most votes were cast is “killed”. He must show everyone his card. In the future, he becomes the host and continues the game.

The driver commands:

  • « Everyone fell asleep!»
  • « The Mafia is awake!»
  • « Mafia pointed out the victim!"- on this command the mafia must (silently!) Agree and point at the player it intends to" kill ". The driver can also silently ask (point a finger) and, with a nod of his head, confirms that he remembered their choice.
  • « Mafia fell asleep!»
  • « The Commissioner woke up!"- the commissioner opens his eyes and points to any live player. The driver should confirm with a nod of his head if it is "mafia" or shake his head negatively if it is an "honest citizen".
  • « The commissioner fell asleep!»
  • « Everyone woke up except ..."And the driver indicates the player who was" killed "by the mafia at night. He reveals his card and everyone is convinced that he was honest, despite some dark suspicions that some players had.

If “the Commissar” was killed “at night”, then he has the right to “the last word” - to “hand over” one of the “mafiosi” he found out, or, conversely, to point to someone who is guaranteed to be an “honest man”.

Then the "day" begins and the players continue their discussion again, taking into account the new information. If the "commissar" was "killed" "during the day" as a result of a general vote, then he has no right to the last word.

So, circle by circle, the game continues, and the number of players decreases. The game ends if the "honest citizens" manage to destroy the entire mafia, and then they win, or, conversely, if the "mafia" manages to destroy all the "honest", including the commissioner.


  • No one has the right to open his card until he is "killed".
  • All eliminated players have no right to tell others explicitly or with any hints. They should never participate in the discussion!


  • The game does not explicitly prohibit disclosing their role, but it should be borne in mind that players are not required to tell the truth: Mafia can pretend too An honest man or even Commissioner... (but, only in words, without opening the cards!)
  • Various cunning combinations are possible: one mafioso during the discussion in every possible way substitutes the other in order to seem an honest person and eventually win the party.
  • In case, during the day's voting, opinions are equally divided between two players, it is possible to use the decisive "half-vote" of the "Honest" who was just "killed" at night - while he has not yet seen who the Mafia is.
  • You should always remember who most of all "ran over" the player "killed" at night by the Mafia - as a rule, she removes those who get too close to her.

As we already said, there are many options for the game, differing in the presence of additional characters. For example, a game with several commissioners, a doctor, a journalist, or two mafia clans that are fighting against each other.

Watch the video of the Mafia game:

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