Cleaners for the development of children's speech. Cleaners for children: letters m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, c, h, sh, uch Short smart speakers for different sounds

Interior Design 28.12.2020
Interior Design

Cleaners are constantly used in speech therapy practice as speech charging and to automate sounds, that is, for the development of speech. Options for using cleanlates are different: progress in turn, collectively, with various emotional coloring voices, on behalf of fabulous heroes, using the ball, massage ball, "speech cube".

But in general, the cleanline is a joke, lies in the intentional selection of words, difficult for proper articulation with a quick and multiple repetition. Cleaner is used both as a means for correcting speech defects in adults and children.

The main task of cleanlates - teaching children to a clear pronunciation of sounds

Sound / A /

A-A-A-wider Rotik, Devora.
A-ah-I have a foot hurt.
U-ya-lip trunk pull.
U-U-ya give a pipe.
U-U-U-all children call.

Sound / and /

And-and-and-mouth to the ears stretched.
And-and-and-well sit.
And-and-and-song of Trani.

Sound / o /

Oh-oh-I put on a coat.
Oh-oh-me warm.

Sound / b /

Ba-ba-ba - new pipe.
Bu-boo-bu - we took a pipe.
Would be no pipe.
Would be - I would go to the forest of mushrooms.

Sounds / B, VI /

Va-Va-Va - Grown Grass.
Wu-Wu-Wu - to Colon Grass.
Wu-Wu-Wu - I will rent an owl.
You are, you are no grass.
Vi-Vi-Vi - Verochny call
Ve-ve-ve - faith on the grass.

Sounds / g, g /

GU-GU-GU - Gale will help.
GU-GU-GU - geese in the meadow.
GU-GU-GU - I walk in the meadow.
Gu-gu-gu - good on the shore.
Ga-ga-ha - green meadows.
Ga-ga-ha - Give the Pie, Cottage cheese cake.
Guy-Guy - Masha, Run.
Gi-Gi-Guy - Beggar Beggar.
Guy-Guy - we ate pies.

Sound / d /

Yes, yes - I have water.
Yes, yes - yes - I will build cities.
Yes, yes - yes - hot water.
Dy-dy-dy - no water.
Dy-dy-dy - in the snow traces.
Du-do-do - for water I will go.
Du Du-do - I fish on the pond.
Du do-do - I am on the berries I go.
Du-doo - I am in the meadow.
Du-doo - in Zoo Idu.
Before - there is a nest on the tree.

Sound / w /

Zhai Ms. - We saw hedgehog.
Yezhii - hedgehogs live under the bush.
Lyi-Zhi - Hedgehog run.
Zhu-zhu-zhu - milk we give a hedgehog.
Zhu-Zhu-Zhu - I will help the jet.
Jo-Jo-Jo - I'm going to the "Peugeot".

Sounds / s, s /

Once - in the garden goat.
In-course - the dragonfly flies.
In the past - doll blue eyes.
Zea-Ze - Zoya rides goat.
Zuz-Zu - I am an apple rryz.
Zu-zu-zu - feed the goat.
Zu-zu-zoom - I'm not afraid of the goat.
Zy-zy-zy - the goal is long in the goat.
Zy-zy-zy - I have two goats.
Zya-Zya - We saw Jias.
Zi-zi-zi - brings rubber.

Sound / y /

Ay-ah - Soon the month of May.
Ui-uy - wind, Duy.
Oh-oh-oh - take me with you.
Oh-oh-oh - Rides Zainka oblique.
Hey-hey hey - Water Pope.

Sounds / K, ki /

Ka-ka - River runs.
Ko-Ko - I see far.
Ku-ku - cuckoo on a bitch.
Ku-ku - Children took the scoop.
Ak-AK-AK - River Fisherman.
Ak-AK - blooms poppy.
UK UK-UK - and spider sits in the grass.
OK-OK-OK - on the courtyard of the snowball.
Ki-ki are cubes.
Ki-ki - we walked near the river.

Sounds / l / l /

La La La - shovel and saw.
La La La - do not let me goals.
La La La - you see, spontaneous yula?
La La La - I found Malinik.
Lo-Lo - I have a paddle.
Ly-lies - new boilers.
Lou-Lu-Lu-Lou - bought a saw.
Lu-Lu-Lu-Lou - Zulu's head.
Al-Al-Al - Dark Basement.
Al-Al-Al - the ball in the gate did not hit.
Al-Al-Al - Grandpa's fairy tale.
OL-OL-OL - washed the floor.
Ol-Ol-Ol - football begins.
Ul-ul-ul - a new chair.
Ul-ul-ul - breeze.
Ul-ul-ul - Winter Forest fell asleep.
Il-Il-Il - I washed the floors.
Il-Il-Il - I beat the drum.
Alka-Alka - Volodya stick.
Oka-Okka - Volodya needle.
Valve-Claus - Volodya Bulka.
Ilka-Ilka - Volodya fork.
La la-la - green fields.
Li Li-Lee - Malina we carried.
Liu-Liu Liu - Malina I love.
Le-le-le - food on the donkey.

Sounds / m, MJ /

Ma-ma-ma-houses I myself.
Ma-ma-ma - I will build me at home.
Ma - Ma - Ma - in the yard of winter.
Ma - Maa - here came Winter.
Ma - Ma - Ma - I caught Soma.
Mu-mu-mu-milk who?
The mind-mind-mind is an aquarium.
Om-Om - we go walk.
Om-Ohm is a snowball.
Om-Om-Ohm - Slopim Snow House.
We are-we, we read the book we.
We are-we - waited for winter.
Mi-Mi - We sing Note Mi.
Me-Me-Me - Dai of the grass to me.

Sounds / n, ny /

On-on-on - lamp by the window.
Well, well, and - Santochka pull.
He-he-he is the phone.
An-en-en - drum.
An-An-en - I bought a drum.
An-An-An - She sewed Mom Sarafan.
In-in-in - shop.
Never - call, call.
Pray-poin-pray - a warm day.

Sounds / P, PJ

Pa Para - on the table of the cereals.
Bow-Pya-Py - cook porridge from the cereals.
Pya-Py - no cereals.
OP-op-op - all in your hands.
UP-UP-UP - Tasty soup.
UP-UP-UP - we ate soup.
Pi-Pi-Pi - Buy Pie.

Sounds / R, Pie /

Ra-Ra - High Mountain.
Ra-Ra - in the yard of the mountain.
Ra-Ra-Ra - to the forest to go time.
Ra-Ra-Ra - the garden to pour it time.
Ra-Ra-Ra - Winter has come.
Ra-Ra-Ra - Blizzard from the morning.
Rara-Ra - Cook soup.
Rara Ra - Soup to remove it.
Ry-fish - fly mosquitoes.
Ry-fish - riding from the mountain.
Ly-fish - beavers live in the reeds.
Ry-Ry-Ry - Loves Varechka Balls.
Ru-Ru-Ru - We start the game.
Ru-ru-ru - Children took the bucket.
Ro-Ro-Ro - a new feather.
AR-AR - Mosquito flies.
AR-AR-AR - Near blue ball.
AR-AR-AR - a blue ball flies.
AR-AR-AR is a red ball.
AR-AR-AR - above the pair pan.
Or-or-op - roma ax.
Ur-ur-ur - not chasing chickens.
Ir-Ir-Ir - we are for peace.
Arch Arch - Roma Mark.
Orca orc - a cool slide.
Urka-Urka - Cat Murka.
Irka-Irka - Ira Hole.
Ray-rod - blue sea.
Re-re-re - Sanki on the mountain.
Ryu-Ryu-Ryu - I will cook the turnip.
Ryu-Ryu-Ryu - I look at the chamomile.
Ryu-Ryu-Ryu - I give a song.
Ri-Ri-Ri - burn lights.
Ri-Ri-Ri - look at Ryabina.
Ri-Ri-Ri - Snegiri Russell there.
Ri-Ri-Ri - you look at the sky.
Ri-Ri-Ri - look at Martyshki.
Ri-Ri-Ri - you look at me.
Arge-Art-Arge - I have a letterwater.
Out-oh-ohh - Sergei Cor.
Irol-Ir-Ir - I have a bullfinch.
Ering-eren-ery - creaks the door.

Sounds / s, sm /

SA-SA-SA - Osa flies into the window.
SA-SA-SA - on the grass of dew.
SA-SA-SA - I have a braid.
Sa-sa-sa - there were miracles in a fairy tale.
SA-SA-SA - Lisa lives in Nore.
Sa-sa-sa - booth made for PSA.
Su-Su-Su is not afraid of the wasp.
Su-Su-Su-Sous - Spark Spit.
Su-Su-Su - I walked yesterday in the forest.
Sy Si-Sy - Soma mustache.
Sy S-Si - there are Lisyata in the fox.
Sy symbols - no wasp.
Sy sources - I have two braids.
SO-CO - Sonya Wheel.
AS-AS-AS - I drink Kvass.
AC-AS-AS protein makes stock.
OS-OS-OS - a dog's nose.
OS-OS-OS - I wrapped my nose scarf.
IS-IC - I eat rice.
Us-mustache - I eat mousse.
Aska-Aska - Sony Mask.
Oska-Oska - Sony Nipple.
Claim - Sony Misk.
Uska-Uska - Sony Blouse.
Sia-Xia - we saw a goose.
CE-CE-CE - I'm going to Husa.
Si-Si - hay bring.
AR-AR-AR - Flowing Caras.

Sounds / T, T /

Ta-Taha - I'm visiting the cat.
Tu-Tu-Tu - Help Kotu.
You, you - you - the sour cream ate all the cats.
You are - you - the dolls are white bows.
You are you - you - I love flowers.
That's something - I go to the coat.
Oh-from-from - a plane flies in the sky.
From - from - a gray cat was frightened.
Tea-te -hau - I have a child.
Ti-Ti - do not joke with me.
IT IT IT - millenary porridge porridge.
... I want to drink.
Te-those-te - kettle on the stove.
AT-AT-AT - I go to walk.
It is to sing.

Sounds / x, x /

Ha ha ha - a lush tail at the rooster.
Ha ha ha - frightened the rooster.
Hu-Hu-Huh - we eutled ear.
Wow - wow - walks around the yard rooster.
Wow - Wow - the house collapsed - boo!
Their them - their breeze.
Oh-Oh-Oh - green moss.
Chi-hee - a rooster sang in the field.

Sound / C /

Central Ascean - Caucas - here is a sheep.
Tsa-Caucca - the rain is poured without end.
Tsu-Tsu-Tsu is not afraid of the sheep.
Tsy -tsy-tsy - no sheep.
Tso-Tso-Tso - We washed my face.
Ec-Et - we ate cucumber.
Az Az-Az - I have a mattress.

Sound / h /

Cha-Cha-Cha - give me Kalacha.
Chu-Chu-Chu - I want to walk.
Chu-Chu-Chu is on the rope I will jump.
Chu-Chu-Chu is flying on the plane.
Chu-Chu-Chu - I want to become a pilot.
Chu-Chu-Chu is quickly all the house.
Chu-Chu-Chu - I watch the wheels.
Chi Chi Chi - Red Bricks.
Cho-Cho-Cho - Oh, like hot!
Ah-achh-Ach - a doctor came.
Ah-Ach-Ah - gave me dad ball.
Och-verycho - soon the night.
ICH-ICH-ICH - red brick.
ICH-ICH-ICH - Culich bake from sand.
Uch-learning - I have a key.
Uch-learning - a lot of clouds in the sky.
Achka-Achka-Achka - Near the car.
Point-glasses-boxes - at the Vovochka barrel.
Study-Study-Study - Vovochka handle.
Ichka-Ichka-Ichka - Vovochka bird.
A chok-chok-chok - suddenly fell on the bar.

Sound / w /

Sha-Sha-Sha - Mom washes the baby.
Sha-Sha-Sha - I see in the water of the Yersh.
Shu-Shu-Shu - help the baby.
Shu-shu-shu - I am grass of koshu.
Shi-Shi-Shi - in the glade kids.
Shi-Shi-Shi - the root of the roots.
Sho sho sho - we say well.
Ash-Ash-Ash - give a pencil.
Ash-Ash-Ash is our cat.
Osh-Osh Osh - I have a knife.
Ish-Ish-Ish - I have a baby.
Esch-ears - warm shower.
Ashka-Ashka-Ashka - Bucacheka flies.
Oshka-Oshka - on the cat's window.
The ears-ears-ears - a frog - a cuckoo.
Ishka-Ishka-Ishka - Little Mouse.

Sound / Sh /

SHAHA - SPA - walks a bunny without a raincoat.
Schu-Schu - I'm looking for you.
Schu-Schu - I'm a cattle.
Schu-Schu - Vasilka I am looking for.
So-it - I'm in a raincoat.
Sing-soup - we ate soup.
Sing-soup - in the fall need raincoats.
Sing-soup - steam locomotive, the composition of the tashchi!
As Island - I have a raincoat.
Even even - I have a bream.
Gear-raise raise - Ivy.

These are such cards can be downloaded for classes with a child. Save the desired card to your computer and print on the printer.

Give the child to the task yourself to come up with the cleanrs on the right sounds, he will surely like it! And you can add to these favors our collection of cleanrs by writing them in the comments.

Schouch sch) - in the rain I mock without a raincoat.
Schu-Schu-Schu - umbrella I'm looking for myself.
I am so easy - I will go to the raincoat.
Schuck-shy - and in boots still.

OB-OSH, SCH-OSH - we will prepare borsch.
Scha, schA, sch) there is no beet beets for borscht.
Sing-soup, soup-soup - prepare better soup.
Schu-Schu, Schu-Schu - I will look for a cabbage.
SCH-OSH, OSH-OSH-OSH - Do not put in the saucepan of the hand!
Schu-Schu, Schu-Schu - I will look for carrots.
Schouchy, sch), brother brought home bream.
Sing-sleepers, soup-soup - eaten first soup.

Schcha-schA - caught Vova bream.
Sing-soup - in the river they live.
Even even - the flow of fish, not a thing.
Schcha - we carry a bream home.
Schouch schA - pike walks around bream.
Schouch shopping does not catch a bream predator.
SHAHA - Sasha goes without a raincoat.
Ash-Ash - we put on the raincoat.
Schu-Schu - in more often the pike will look.
Sing-soup - you, mouse, not food.

This brush I clean my teeth, this brush - shoes,
I clean this brush, you need all three brushes.

Pike, I'm taring, Thaw, I will not miss the pike.

Pike swallowed the brush, the brush she tickles his throat.
- Amazing business! What did I eat for the fish?

Automation of sound in words

1. Wolves growl, food is looking for.
2. In the grove, the haircuts, breadpages, fuses and readings are chirped.
3. Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pulling the brush in the corner.
4. Masha, you do not look for us: we have a shank shank.
5. My hands cleaner, more often.
6. Goose mustache is not looking for - you will not find.
7. Puppy is complaints about the puppy, he drags a heavy shield.
8. Puppy for both cheeks will fly from sorrel.
9. Tongs and ticks are our things.
10. This brush cleaner my teeth, this brush -
Ashmaki, this brush I clean the pants, all three brushes I need.
11.The Slendless Blasting Keeping Box of Vegetables.
12.The boiling shits crying blasphemes.
13.Shopped banker flashed in a raincoat.
14. Do not look for nail predator!
15. Lizard freezing.
16.Chentifice in khushchi, scratching in a pinch, gap-lumps and brushes.
17. Book I'm Taja, Thaw, I will not miss the pike.

Many kids are hard to pronunciation of some sounds. Cleaners for the development of speech will help you teach the baby correctly disconnect the words. In two or three years, not all children own a large vocabulary.

But some are already building logically related arguments and Boyko tell poems. If the toddler's speech is completely unscepted, he cannot talk in any way, they can send it to classes to the speech therapist or to the speech therapy group of kindergarten. But the main role in correcting the Kid's speech is given to parents.

Cashing every day for 10 minutes with a child you can fix it with the time of arrival at school without the help of speech therapists. For this use such techniques:

  • articulating gymnastics;
  • expansion of the vocabulary in the process of communication and training;
  • cleaner or patter.

Conduct classes for the development of the articulation apparatus, specialists advise to begin with 2 years, complicating them as the baby grows.

Folklore for speech

Cleaners and patterings refer to small folk creativity as well as riddles, counting, proverbs and sayings, lullaby songs. Folding out of individual sounds in the correct words, the human speech acquires meaning. Clear pronunciation is important for the correctness of understanding of individual words and entire proposals. The development of the right speech must be engaged in small years.

Sometimes children do not understand that their speech sounds wrong. They have not yet learned to hear themselves. Developing in the kid, the phonamatic hearing can be achieved to significantly improve the pronunciation of individual sounds.

Explaining to the child that the word consists of individual sounds, parents can play with the child in the pronunciation of different words. Games are designed for the baby to have learned to listen and distinguish between speech sounds.

It can be games that need to describe a picture, come up with words with similar endings, come up with a similar sound, but different in the meaning of the word, etc. Clearators in pictures and patterities also contribute to the development of phonderatic hearing. With their help, the child learns to pronounce difficult sounds clearly.

We make articulating gymnastics

Speech problems may be associated with poor development of the speech apparatus. For a children's speech apparatus, a daily articulation gymnastics is needed. Exercises can be static when the language takes a certain position, and dynamic with the participation of the entire speech apparatus.

Exercises for speech workout:

  • "Fungus" - the tongue is pressed against the upper sky, like a fungus hat;
  • "Horce" - from the position of the "fungus" to hold the tongue, as if the horse jumps;
  • "Football" - the tongue will drive the goal into the right and left gate, concerns the left and right cheek on the inside alternately;
  • "Delicious jam" - the child is offered to imagine that his lips are smeared with sweet jam, lick the tongue with the tongue first the upper lip, then the bottom.

Making articulating gymnastics, go to more complex exercises. The baby is asked to repeat the cleaningors and patter.


First, with the child, they begin to master the cleanrs for children 2 years with simple sounds, which are easier to repeat everything, for example, "K, C, M, N, L".

Ku-ku, ku-ku-ku - Cat sat on the flour.

On-on-on, on-on-on - she became white.

Ka-ka, ka-ka - Wants a cat of milk.

Su-Su-Su, Su-Su-Su-Su - is not afraid of a fox wolf.

SA-SA-SA, SA-SA-SA - very tricky fox.

La La La La La La - Our Masha Vera.

Lu-Lu-Lou, Lu-Lu-Lo - Masha gave her to Paxtil.

Ma-ma-ma, ma-ma-ma - brought a snowball winter

No-no-no, non-non-not - snow white on the window.

You can repeat the cleaningors for children 3-4 years old, on the way to the garden or to the store. They can repeat their own three-year kid. Do not require a clear pronunciation. Let the child clearly utter the first syllables. A good pronunciation will appear over time.

Cleaners with complex sounds can be mastered when a child will learn to repeat the lungs for 3 years, and will understand how to do it. Hissing sounds and "p" are especially difficult to give children. Try to repeat along with the kid cleanrs on "h, c, sh, p".

Central Ascean, Central Asian - Our Katya Mrnitsa.

Tsu-Tsu-Tsu, Tsu-Tsu-Tsu - walks Katya on the porch.

Cha-Cha-Cha, Cha-Cha-Cha - Tanya called a doctor.

Chu-Chu-Chu, Chu-Chu-Chu - I do not want to go to the doctor.

Sha-Sha-Sha, Sha-Sha-Sha - where kid toys.

Shi-Shi-Shi, Shi-Shi-Shi - the kids play here.

Ra-Ra-Ra, Ra-Ra-Ra - Three Beaver said.

Ru-Ru-ru, Ru-ru-ru - The house was built by Bobru.

You can, for all letters, try cleaning the cleaners, finding them on the Internet and having learned or inventing funny lines yourself in terms of the situation. You can play with a child for 2 years in rhymes, offering continuing the launched line folded in rhyme and in meaning.

Learn the patter

Selling patters is difficult because it needs to be done not only correctly, but also quickly. Funny rhymed lines are well remembered, and often persistent children for 2 years independently repeat the memorized patter with a problem sound, until they succeed. The main thing is that they do not interfere.

Greek rode across the river,

Sees Greek in the river Cancer,

Greek turned his hand into the river

Cancer for the hand of the Greek DAC.

Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked drying,

Drying is overwhelmed, sash is smooled.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass

Shaking firewood, on the grassland.

Mom Soap Frame, Frame Pure Mom.

Pay back more attention, learning them with children for 2 years. Thanks to this exercise, memory and imagination will train, expand the supply of words.

Expand vocabulary

For the development of phonderatic hearing and expanding the vocabulary of 2-year-old children, it is useful to play with them in interesting games.

Call the queues of the words similar to sound, for example, midge - cat, bow - bitches, etc. At the same time, you can throw the ball to each other. Make a throw only after the word says. Loses one who can't think of anything. The conditions of the game can be changed. Words to speak are not similar to sound, but different: book - barrel; Mac - gum, etc. Loses the one who will make a mistake and call the word in rhyme.

Game with pictures. Baby show a bear and mouse. They ask him to describe the words of animals that see. Draw the child's attention to what animals are different, although their name sounds like: Mouse is a bear.

The pictures are asked to come up with a child with a dimensional-caressing name for an animal: Bull - bull, ram - a ramchik, a rooster - a rooster. Now show the same pictures, just need to say how correctly called young animals: bull - calf, ram - lamb.

You can play with a child in words. This is the easiest game. You say the word, the baby must come up with another word on the same letter to which your word ended. The baby first faces the fact that words are written not as pronounced, and after the word "garage", you need to say not "shala", but "Beetle".


Some parents think too much from their children correctly perform tasks than they turn them into shock. Do not make the child do without him for the desire. It is better to go to school for a year later.

If you did not do with the baby, and suddenly found that the child does not speak very well, it is better to entrust the classes of experienced speech therapist. Of course, your role in the development of the child's speech is also very great. Praise for every little success and do not be too strict.

Ma-ma-ma - Cat is called Kuzma.

Mu-Mu-Mu - a notebook I will take.

EM-EME - I'm the entire semolina.

Mi-Mi - take me with me.

AM-AM, AM-AM-AM - Will do not come on hand.

Im-im-them - fly to Rome.

Om-Ohm - at the house stands the gnome.

Om-Om - I am not familiar with him.

Jam-pit - Open the secret to friends.

YUM-YUM-YUM - who ate all raisins?

Cleaners for the letter n

On-on-on - the star is visible.

An-An-en - on the wall - the cockroach.

Non-non-not - vase on the window.

Never, no, nor - far burn lights.

In-in-in - Dolphin sails us.

But but - but - we will go to the movies.

He-he-he - in the Zoo of the Elephant.

Well, well, well - I'm swimming.

Un-Unh-Unh - in fairy tales there is a sorcerer.

ON-YN-YN is the eldest son.

Nu-nu-nu - hay ladies horse.

Nya-nya - find me.

Jan-Yang-Yang - Where is the thyme grow?

Cleaners for the letter n

Ap-Up-AP is a snoring.

IP-IP-IP - somewhere heard wheezing.

OP-op op is a very thick pop.

OP-OP-OP - Press Stop.

In the software, in the software - our tram goes to the depot.

UP-UP-UP - Eat, children, soup.

Yap-Yap-Yap, Yap-Yap-Yap-Yaps do not do all TIP-LDAP.

Cleaners for the letter R

Ra-Ra-Ra, Ra-Ra-Ra - the distance is visible by the mountain.

Re-Rea, re-re-re - cold in January.

Ri-Ri-Ri-Ri-Ri-Ri - you say more often.

Ir-Ir-Ir, Ir-Ir-Ire -Postrate we go to the shooter.

Ro-Ro-Ro, Ro-Ro-Ro - Black Crow Feather.

Or-or-op - a thief crashed to us.

Ru-ru-ru, Ru-ru-ru - Waiting for the spring.

Sir-Sir - in Mousetrap Cheese.

Cleaners for the letter with

SA-SA-SA - Osa flies to flower.

AC-AS - I go to the first class.

CE-CE-CE - all.

SI-SI - a textbook bring.

IS-IS-IS - what cunning fox!

CO-CO, SO-SO-CO - Cowboy has a Lasso.

OS-OS-OS - dried cross.

Us-Us-mustache pulls the timber.

Cleaners for the letter T

Taha, Ta-Ta - I have a shovel.

AT-AT - she has a brother.

From-from-from - catches the cat's mouse.

From - from - the ground Root Mole.

Ti-Ti - Butterfly, fly!

IT IT IT - someone sleeps hard.

Those, those, those - those - I think about summer.

It is a study - this is the light.

Ut-ut-Ut - I will get rid of the way.

TE-TE-TE - I'll do karate.

They are, eat - birds of grains peel.

Cleaners for the letter F

Fa-Fa-Fa - in the corner there is Sofa.

AF-AF - in the castle lives a graph.

Fe-Fe - He lives in Ufa.

FE-FE-FE - we will go to the cafe.

Cleaners for the letter x

Ha ha ha - on the plate there is a ear.

Ah-ah-ah - overwear fear.

EXE EX - Expand the fur.

Their them - their bride and groom.

Oh-Oh-Oh - how the moss screamed!

Wow-uhh - Kitakyets cock.

Hu-Hu-Hu - pulls the horse hust.

Eh-eh oh - in the shell - Walnut.

Cleaners for the letter C

Central Ascean, Central Asian Tsa-Tsa - the chick got out of the egg.

Ec-Et - there is a palace there.

Tso-Tso-Tso - the mind of his face.

Tsu-Tsu-Tsu - give a diary Father.

Tsy-TSI-TSI, TSI-TSI-TSAs - grows cucumbers.

ETS ETS ETS is a fairy tale.

Cleaners for the letter h

Cha-cha-cha is not rubbing off the shoulder.

Ah-Ach-Ah - in the hospital the chief - doctor.

Groov-gun - dad puts the oven.

Chi-Chi - ring my keys.

ICh-Ich-Ich - someone threw the cry.

Och-verycho - I want to help.

Chu-Chu-Chu, Chu-Chu-Chu - I am a trolley.

YUCH-YUCH-YUCH - from the ground beats the key.

Bar-hay-hay - sinks in the river ball.

Cleaners for the letter sh

Sha-Sha-Sha, Sha-Sha-Sha-Sha - this letter is good.

Ash-Ash-Ash - where is our child?

She's neck - I warmly in the shower.

Ish-Ish-Ish - where do you look?

Golzy-a-rich - says kid.

Shi-Shi-Shi - on the river of the root.

Osh Osh Osh - How good I am!

Sho sho - be smart - good!

Esch-ears - take a shower.

Shu-Shu-shu - I'm in the corner of the shourage.

Cleaners for the letter

Schouch shopping - I want to borscht.

Ash-Ash - dad wears a raincoat.

Even - lasts in the lake bream.

Sing-soup - teeth.

These are the cleanrs for children for children: for schoolchildren or for those who are just preparing for school. Do you want to learn to compose cleanrs? If so, then how to write them ,.

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Let's talk today about the readors. Cleaners (purely speaking) - an important part of the speech therapy games participating not only in the correct setting of sounds, but also teach attention, the feeling of rhythm, rhyme and tact. They can be successfully combined with CO.

Cleaners for speech development

Cleaners are a special selection of words, sounds and syllables in comic form for training speech articulation in preschool and school age. As an effective exercise, they are often used in the practice of spent logo or elementary school classes.

Here are examples of cleanbooks:

OS-OS-OS - is blowing our pump loudly.

OS-OS-OS - we run today cross!

Ba-ba-ba - beautiful hood.

On-on - on the meadow there is a shock.

For what you need cleanlaisors

Rhythmic cleanrs for children are designed to eliminate speech defects. They teach a clear pronunciation of individual sounds combined in suggestions. The consonants and vowels are rhymes in the phrase, acquiring a special melody.

Such exercises are conducted most often in a game form. Their value is extremely large. This is not only articulation, the elimination of existing speech problems, but also the formulation of diction, which is already needed from early years. For example, cleanrs on sounds help to increase speech activity and correct words correctly.

With the help of exercises, a phonderatic hearing is developing. As a result of classes, the baby will learn how to analyze the sound series and the splitting of words by syllables. Thanks to the rhyme, the material is better absorbed and perceived even with the most small students.

Merry, light and simple cleanrs on sounds will be useful to reoxoons and the guys of younger school age, which have problems with speech or pronunciation of individual sounds. With the rapid repetition of the same syllables, the skill of proper sound is formed.

How to work with cleanbook

You can use cleanrs, pronouncing offers with the selected sound alternately, together or with the change of emotional color in the voice. This process is serious and responsible, but with a fraction of irony. It is worth adding the names of famous fabulous heroes to the ries to the exercises are better remembered by the guys.

  1. Read the Child Cleaner the usual tempo
  2. Read the cleaner slowly, making the focus on the sound worked.
  3. The child will slowly repeat the cleatener in the syllables several times.
  4. After several repetitions, the kid will learn the cleaningory and can add a little pace.
  5. Having learned the reader can go to the next.

It is not worth a long time to repeat the same cleaningory, it can bother with a child and will be lost valuable interest. It is better to take several phrases or poems of cleanbooks and work out simultaneously, paying out classes 10 - 15 minutes.

Games with cleanrs for children

Children's cleanlist is perfectly combined with various movements, which are aimed at the development of small motility, coordination and general perception. An example of such actions can be the winding of the rope on the finger, laying out wooden sticks, drawing lines on paper, the disorder of major beads.

Having mastered the pronunciation of the phrase or poem, ask the child to repeat it again, drawing on the sheet a wavy line, for example. So they will work at once both hemispheres of the brain ...

Another cheerful game with cleanlates is to utter a phrase with different voices. Ask a child, pronounce a cleaner, for example, Shi-Shi-Shi - Chalunca kidslike a aunt speaker on TV, or like a small mouse, or a big giant.

And the readorships have fun with a different mood: fun, sad, with kindness, with anger, with tenderness and caress, and different tempo - quickly - slowly ...

How to come up with the cleanup

Games with cheerful and active, and very often will be a fantasy of children and adults to invent their own personal cleanrs. After all, they do not have to be sense, it can be absolutely abstract and even self -med lines or poems. Their main goal is to develop sound.

Here is the instruction, how to compose your own cleanup:

Let's, for example, come up with your own cleaningory for a child for 5 years on the sound "P".

  1. Take the syllable "ro"
  2. We prescribe it three times or pronounce - Ro-ro -ro
  3. Add any line, so that the last syllable of the last word was also "ro." We rolled in the subway.

So we got ready to read the cleanup: RO-RO, we rolled in the subway.

Invent the cleanup on the closed syllable "Al":

Al-Al-Al - Gosha gnome dance!

In order to form a child with a clean speech, absolutely no matter, author or well-known cleanrs are you using. The main thing is to use and do it systematically! And let our selection of cleanrs for children 3 - 6 years will help you.

Cleaners on the sound "l"

La La La - sled saw.
Liu-Liu - I love my daughter.
La La La - Help Yula.
Lu-Lu-Lo - I will wash the pile.
Ul-ul-ul - I broke a chair.
Lu-Lu-Lu - I'll insert a thread in the needle.
Li Li-Lee - garbage all dares with you.
La La La - daughter in the house removed.
Ly-lies - purely washed the floors.
Lo-Lo - became light in the room.
La-la-la - in the morning wet earth.
OL-OL-OL - we covered the table.
Al-Al-Al - This peach is too small.
Yal-Yal-Yal - Mom Son hugged.

In the meadow under the burdock at the Frog Summer House,
And in the swamp frog, it has a big cottage.

Laika with Bologna Banglie.
Oriole sang long over the Volga.

Cleaners on the sound "p"

Rya-rod - I will go to the sea.
Ryu-Ryu-Ryu - I love to zero.
Ri-Ri-Ri - how beautiful! Look!
Rara Ra - the game begins.
Re-re-re - we gathered in the yard
RO-RO - Let's give good!
Ryers - Tired mosquitoes
Ru-ru-ru - in the Zoo Kangaroo
AR-AR-AR - put grain in barn
Or-or-OR - allow this dispute.
Ir-Ir-Ir - my commander's brother!

Under the bush of mink nut.
Mink lives in mink.

The bunches of Ryabina burn in the sun.
Lit from rowan in the eyes of the guys.

I have poppies and daisies on my pocket.

Cleaners on the sounds "C"

Xia-Xia we caught a crucian.
CE-CE-CO Santa Claus love everything.
Si-Si Ball rather to us.
OS-OS-OS - we run today cross.
SA-SA-SA - Long Spit.
Si sources are not afraid of the wasp!
Su-Su-Su - I am a watermelon.
OS-OS-OS - there is a pump.
SA-SA-SA - Lisa hides in the mink.
YUS-YUS-YUS - and in the notebook plus!
Us-mustache - the compote has a sweet taste.

SA-SA-SA: on the table wasp.
Su-Su-Soo: We are not afraid of the wasp.
Sy Si-Sy: sting sharply at the wasp.
CE-CE-CE: Kisli give an ax.

Sun-sun is a golden don.
Sun - Sunny Sveti.
Sun - Sun burns.

Cleaners on the sounds "s"

Zi-Zi-zi - Monkey bring!
Zya Zya-Zya - Monkeys can not here.
Zi-Zi-Z - Once it is impossible - do not bring.

In-course - ran into the forest goat.
In-course - the thunderstorm comes.
Zu-zu-zu - we go to seek a goat.
Zya-Zya - without a goat home can not.

Due to - I see yellow eyes.
In-course - the dragonfly slaughter.
Zu-zu-zoom - we are not afraid of thunderstorms.
Zi-zi-zi - you are the firewood of Georgia!
Az-Az-Az - buried a huge MAZ.
Uz-Uz-Uz - cripples loudly crying.
Oz-Oz - Zasaskin Frost.
Yez-Yez-Yez - a cat under the stove wrest.

Cleaners on the sound "sh" and "u"

Sha-Sha-Sha - our babe is good.
Osh Osh Osh - Our kid is good!
Shi-Shi-Shi - the root of the roots.
The ears-ears - the baby was a nailed pear.
Ash-Ash-Ash - we built a slash.
Shu-Shu-Shu - sings the song to the baby.
Shi-Shihi - love kids songs.

Sixteen walked mice
And six carried a pennie;
And the mice is that
Curly shakes.

Scha-scha - Surova in the forest of the BS.
Schu-Schu - I'll get off the grove.
Sing-soup - all useful vegetables.

Sing-soup - I do not like soup.
SHAFT-SHA - weld me borscht!

This brush I clean my teeth, this brush - shoes,
I clean this brush, you need all three brushes.

Pike, I'm taring, Thaw, I will not miss the pike.

Cleaners on the sound "h"

Chi chi - flew to us.
Chu-Chu-Chu - Pumping on the car!
ICH ICH-ICH - I have a big brick.
Cha-Cha-Cha - the stove now hot.
Ok-very clear - the night came.
Chi Chi Chi - bring me keys.
Ah-Ach-Ah - gave me Kalach.
Cha-cha cha - a candle burns on the table.
Cho-Cho, like a candle is hot.
Chu-Chu-Chu is at the candle.
Chi Chi Chi - Flame Swells Candle.

Cha-Cha-Cha - Sits a Bunny at the doctor.
Chu-Chu-Chu is a doctor goes to the city.

Four turtles are four turtle.

Cleaners on the sound "b"

Ba Ba-Ba - in the yard of the hut.
Ba-ba-ba - high with us pipe.
Boo-bu - dad looks into the pipe.
Bu-bu-bu - sits woodpecker on the oak.
I would - would - brought home mushrooms.

Baran has a grandmother
He beat Boyko to the drum,
And danced butterflies
Under the grandmother's window.

Hippo broke his mouth
Bowers asks forge.

In the letter at Buratino
Pants, boob and shoes.

White snow, white chalk,
White sugar is also white.
But the protein is not
White was not even.

Bagel, Barank, Baton and Buanka
Baker from the dough of baked scaffolding.

Cleaners on the sound "C"

Caesha - Caa - A Chicken of Eggs!
Tse-tse-tse - the sun shines brightly!
Tso-Tso-Tso - Raynaires.
Ec-Et - you are now well done!
Central Ascean - Talk - Listen to the fairy tale to the end.
Tsu-Tsu-Tsu - it is nearing an end.
Tsy-tsya - we cut all the ends.
Tse-tse-tse - what do we know at the end?
EC-EC - Winter End.
Ec-Et - Skzorets flies.
Central Ascean - Tsa - we saw Skvortz.
Tsy -tsy-Tsy - Skvorts sing on the yard.

Not a big bird Sitigns, yes clever.
Chicken drinks water from saucer.

Cleaners on the sound "f"

Fa-Fa-Fa - in the corner there is Sofa.
AF-AF - in the castle lives a graph.
Fe-Fe - He lives in Ufa.
FE-FE-FE - we will go to the cafe.

AF-AF-AF was a black closet at the graph.
Fu-fu - Blue Frak hung in the closet

Lived in the mountains Wizard Felix
With the letter F and the phenix bird.
Felix's flashlight lied,
Phoenix bird lights up.

Cleaners on the sound "x"

Haha-ha - for lunch we have ear.
Ho-ho-ho - answered a friendly echo.
Chi-Hee - poems compound.
Ah-ah-ah - worth the whole school "on the ears".
Eh-eh-eh - heard everywhere a ringing laughter!
Oh-Oh-Oh - and peas crumbled.

Ha ha ha, ha ha ha - we have two roosters.
Chie-heeh hee, heeh-hee - all the roosters fight.
Hu-Hu-Hu, Hu-Hu-Hu-Hu - the beaks are all in the fluff.
Hee Hee-Hee, heeh-hee - enough fight, roosters!
Ha ha ha, ha ha ha - no tails two roosters.

Crested laughter laughter laughing:
- ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Cleaners on the sound "t"

TA-TA-TA - Beauty Polyana
You are, you - blooming flowers!

Tu-Tu-Tu - Milk Nalu Kotu.
Ti-Ti - we are with you on the way ...
That's something - on the loto.
AT-AT-AT - we will dig the ground.
AT-AT-AT - in the ocean a terrible scat.
Yat-Yat-Yat - I duck out.
From-from - there is a huge coushlot!
They are - in the house pure and comfort!

All day where stump -
We turn the woven and I am crying.
Under the woven all day - shadow!

Cleaners on the sound "P"

AP-AP - Lower a long ladder.
IP-IP-IP - Something grandfather hoarfish.
OP-OP - Khop came to Barina.
In terms of the train, our train came to the depot.
UP-UP-UP - Ah! hot soup!
Yap-Yap-Yap is a cheerful kinolap.
Para Pa Para - the wishful trail.

Our acute saw -
I did not drink, but sang.
Did not drink, did not eat,
Never sat down.
Knellly sang as she could
Swimming saw.

Roosters asked children:
- Why is the name of you Petya?
So replied Petya to children:
- I know how to sing well.

Cleaners on the sound "H"

On-on-on - this is an empty wall.
But no - but - but on it the window.

An-An-en - you have an empty glass.
Not-not-not - there is a vase on the window.
Never, they fly in the summer days.
In-in-in - Dolphin sails us.
But but - but - we will go to the movies.
He-he-he - in the Zoo of the Elephant.
Well, well, well - I'm swimming.
Un-Unh-Unh - in fairy tales there is a sorcerer.
ON-YN-YN is the eldest son.
Nu-nu-nu - hay ladies horse.
Nya-nya - find me.
Jan-Yang-Yang - Where is the thyme grow?

Cleaners on the sound "M"

Mo-Mo-Mo - Just Eskimo.
We are - we are a snowy winter waiting.
Om-Om - we build a new home.
Mi-Mi - take me by hand.
Ma Ma-Ma - I'm doing everything myself.
Mu-mu-mu - I'll take the letter in my hands.
Ma-ma-ma is a hat I knit myself.
Ma-ma-ma - here came Winter.
Mi-Mi - take me with me.
Mu-mu-mu - take you on the rink.

Cleaners on the sound "K"

Cuckoo cuckoo
Bought a hood.
Put on cuckoo hood -
In the hood he is ridiculous.

Ka-ka - We saved the beetle yesterday.
Ke-ke - a poor beetle shattered in the river.
Ki-ki - clumsy beetles!
Ku-ku - do not take off now the beetle.

Ka-ka - on the table there is flour.
Ki Ki - We will make pies.

MC-MC-Code - a very loud knock is heard.
OK-OK-OK - the cricket sings outside the window.
Ak-AK - better live without fighting.
Yak-Yak-Yak - on the way met the deac.
IK-IK-IR - someone's cry is heard.
OK-OK-OK - behind the angle is the scoop.

EK-EK-EK - I ate delicious Cheburek.

Cleaners on the sound "w"

Zhamnya - Dad brought me hedgehog.
Libi-Zhi - Hedgehog, tummy show!

Zhu-zhu-zhu - tea is hot cooling.

Zhu-Zhu-Zhu - I will put a doll to sleep.

Zhai Mshai,
There are needles at hedgehog.
But do not sew, alas, hedgehogs.
Threads do not need a hedgehog.
The same thing
This is a song about hedgehog.

I met in more often Hedgehog Hedgehog:
- How is the weather, Yozh?
- Fresh.

Bear frightened
Yozh with hedgehog and with a July
Chizhichi and Chizhonom,
Step with stribling and strife.

Cleaners on the sound "D"

Yes, yes - yes - very warm water.
Du do-do - I'll go swimming.

Before - - on the top there is a nest.
Du Du-do - I will find a chick
Yes yes - yes - turned out to be a leap
Di Di - is better passing by.

Daria gives Deine Melon.
Dina's Day, two - in Dima.

Before - over the well of the nest.
De de de Paths in the nest.
Di-di di - chicks do not be.
Di-di - quietly go.

Rain, rain, no rain!
Rain, rain, wait!
Let's get to the house grandfather Sedoy!

Cleaners on the sound "g"

GU-GU-GU - who grazes in the meadow?
Ga-ga-ha - someone has a horns there.
Gi-Guy - this is a bull! Fast run.
Guy-Guy - only legs take care.

She walked Gusak with a hussak.
Watching the hussak on the hussak.
Oh, hollowing the Boca Gusak at the hussak.

Guy-Guy - bake Mom pies.
G-g-ge - there is a filling in the cake.
GU-GU-GU - I can't wait anymore.
Ga-ga-ga - give me mom's cake.

Cleaners on the sound "in"

Va-Va-Va - Ground in the garden grass.
Va-Va-Va - wish all foliage.
Ve-ve-ve - ant sitting in the grass.
Ve-ve-ve - wreath on the head.
You are, you are not afraid of owls.

Va-Va-Va - I know different words!
Va-Va-Va - Smart Head!

Va-Va-Va is a high grass.
You are-you - even above your head.
Ve-ve-ve - cornflowers are visible in the grass.
Wu-Wu - Vasilkov Bouquet Narva.

Sits Vanya on the sofa,
Under the sofa bath,
In this bath instead of a bath
Often soapped Vanechka.

Sparrow doctors saved, he was introduced into the helicopter.
Helicopter spit screws, worried grass with flowers.

On the shelves of bookstores today also introduced a large collection of colorful books for children with cleanlaisors:

At the end I invite you to watch video with fascinating readors. Add visual contact. So the sounds are still faster!

With love,

Lyudmila Piecene.

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our camocan "workshop on the rainbow"

We recommend to read
