Sakonskaya where is my finger. Finger nursery rhymes and games. What a bright dress

Primers 28.12.2020

I am always glad when an unexpected response comes to the community, which just asks for in our section "In the footsteps of old posts". So this time, a commentary came to the post three years ago about the book of memoirs by A. Sokolovsky. Alexander Sokolovsky is the son of the famous poetess Nina Sakonskaya and a children's writer himself.
Imagine what it means to suddenly read: "Wow, they are still remembered :) Sokolovsky and Sakonskaya are my relatives, though not in a straight line - my great-grandmother Maria Pavlovna is the sister of Nina Sakonskaya. The poetess dedicated her famous poem" Where is my finger? "To her:
Masha put on a mitten.
- Oh, where am I going?
No finger, gone
I didn't get into my house!

Here Sasha Sokolovsky is a little younger, and on the back is the autograph of Nina Pavlovna:

I'll try to decipher the inscription:
"Dear sisters Mura, Lele, Mure. Our Lelenka is 2 years 1 month old. Ears stick out due to the fault of the photographer (a disclaimer of the father, the cat is afraid that you will not find his son handsome). On this card, in my opinion, he has a very similar facial expression and less similar in features.
Your Tonya
(The real name of Nina Sakonskaya is Antonina. - Note.)
September 27

And one more photo - from the last photos of Nina Pavlovna Sakonskaya:

And now the story of the family.

"This is Alexandra Gerasimovna, nee Maklygina. This is her the poetess Sakonskaya, her daughter, who dedicated heartfelt verses:
From the heart,
In simple words
Come on friends
Let's talk about mom.
We love her
Like a good friend
For the fact that we have
All together with her,
For when
We have a hard time
We can cry
At the native shoulder.
We love her and for the fact
What sometimes
Are getting stricter
In the wrinkles of the eyes.
But it is worth it
Come with your head -
Wrinkles will disappear
Thunderstorm will rush away.
For always
Without concealment and straight
We can trust
She has her heart.
And just for the fact
That she is our mother
We are strong and tender
We love her.
As for the history of the family ... like everyone else - it was all different ...
Alexandra Gerasimovna Maklygina is from the Krasnoyarsk Territory. They say that her mother is of German origin. The family also had several sisters. And there was abundance. Therefore, when some unreliable element, exiled to Siberia under a political article, wooed young Alexandra, the family was shocked. Pavel Aleksandrovich Grushnikov used to work for an Odessa newspaper and clearly sympathized with the revolutionaries. At the end of the 19th century, nothing good came of this sympathy: Paul was put on the wanted list. For this reason, he changed his last name in an attempt to cover up his tracks. Having settled on the surname Grushman (something happened in Odessa), he probably lost his guard and fell into the hands of the guards.
Despite his unenviable position, Pavel managed to convince the relatives of his beloved girl, saying that he was going to go to Baku to do a serious business - at the turn of the century, the oil industry flourished in this city. Antonina Pavlovna (in the future Nina Sakonskaya - approx.), the eldest of six children, was born in 1896 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. But later, the family still moved to Baku. Pavel Alexandrovich, possessing, as it turned out, remarkable abilities, soon succeeded in the oil sector, became rich and became the owner of two oil companies (according to my, now living, grandmother - Pavel's granddaughter). Trying to check it somehow, I found in the internet “Minutes of the General Meeting of the Children's Hospital Society members, held on Friday, March 27, 1915. in the hall of the City Duma of Baku ". This curious document says that the 22 members of the Society who were present are respected or very wealthy people of the city of Baku who want to provide patronage assistance and build a children's hospital at their own expense. In 1915. the Society consisted of 124 people, of which 14 were honorary members, 35 were life members and 75 were full members. For example, the well-known Nobel turned out to be a life member on this list. And our P.A.Grushman is real.
The family had five daughters: Maria, Antonina, Olya, Nyura, Valya and son Sergei. All children received excellent education at home: they knew several European languages, sang, danced and played musical instruments. The family was generally very musical: Pavel Alexandrovich himself was a nugget - not knowing musical notation, he could play all musical instruments that came across to him. And sang beautifully! Not surprisingly, four of his children have chosen the musical path. Including the poetess N. Sakonskaya, his daughter. (Later, her musical education was very useful to her during the wartime, when she gave music lessons during the evacuation and thus saved herself and her son from hunger).
... But then a revolution broke out ... And the new government drove the whole family out of their own two-story mansion in the center of Baku into the street. And the oil companies of Pavel Alexandrovich were nationalized. At about the same time, at the age of 45, his wife, Alexandra Gerasimovna, dies. Pavel Alexandrovich loses his mind from all the shocks. And the new government played along with him - the former oil tycoon, and now a miserable insane, was seized on the street, sent to a home for the mentally ill, and soon simply rotted there. According to his daughter, shortly before his death, he sang his favorite songs in front of the prisoners, and sang, as always, beautifully! ... This story excited the inhabitants of the hospital for a long time.
... Children are left alone. Without shelter and bread. But, miraculously, the children are saved by their own servant - the cook. The family was kind to her, and this woman in difficult times extended a helping hand. She transported the children to her basement, in which she lived herself, and after a while she opened a dining room with home cooking in Baku - the Grushman sisters quickly learned to cook and helped their savior with might and main.
Later, the sisters departed in all directions (and about their brother - a separate story, also interesting, but somehow another time). And then one day (already, I think, in the early thirties) ... Once these sisters are invited to the NKVD! What happened? Young women walked without feeling their legs from fear. It turns out that shortly before the revolution, a loving dad insured all his children, for which he opened an account in an English bank. And now the English side was looking for those people to whom they should pay interest. And, lo and behold, the sisters did receive this currency for some time and spent it in traders. They bought mainly food, but there was also left for clothes.
However, the fear for the family remained with each of the sisters for life - my great-grandmother, already in old age, told her daughter and granddaughter the history of the family as it is. "


To form the ability to listen to a work of art without visual accompaniment;

Provide children with the opportunity to finish words, phrases when reading familiar poems to adults, the ability to answer questions;

To form the ability to name the color, the material from which the mittens are made, as well as to select by color, the material from which they are made.

To develop the ability to play without quarreling, help each other and enjoy success together.

Foster a desire to accompany reading with playful actions.

Prior work:examination of garments knitted of wool; a ball of thread; games with mittens for matching mittens by color; examining mittens and gloves.

How to work:game; showing and explaining actions; help. A reminder, indication, encouragement, artistic word, questions are used.

Materials:mittens (one of a pair) of different colors and materials.

GCD move:

Educator: knock on the door). And here the guests are coming (

Masha, why are you sad? See how the children rejoice at your arrival.

Masha:my grandmother gave me mittens. I put them on, put them on, and then I lost my finger, I can't find it. Help me.

Educator: will we help Masha, guys, find a finger? Give me your mittens, let's see them. Sit down with the guys on the chair and we will look for a finger mittens.

What a bright dress

Put on your palms?

Children's answers . Look at what beautiful mittens. They are warm, knitted, soft. Go, Mashenka, I'll put on a mitten for you too. So I put on a mitten for Mashenka on one handle. Oh, where are the fingers? No fingers. Have just been, and now they are not? Where did they hide? Let's search. Fingers, where are you? Now look, Mashenka takes off her mitten - and here are her fingers. Where were they hiding? Children's answers.

Reading a poem.

Where is my finger?

Masha put on a mitten.

Oh, where am I going?

No finger, gone

I didn't get into my house!

Masha took off her mitten:

Look, I found it!

You are looking, you are looking, and you will find.

Hello finger, how are you?

N. Saxonskaya

Educator: ) Repeat after me: “Oh, where am I going? There is no finger, he was gone, he did not get into his house! " Did Masha find her finger? What did she do to find the finger? That's right, guys, Mashenka took off her mitten, saw her fingers and was delighted. What she said? That's right: “Look, I found it! You are looking, you are looking and you will find ”. Let's say these words together with Mashenka. And how did Mashenka greet her finger? True: “Hello, little finger! How are you?

Repeated reading a poem.

Educator : so where was the finger? Choral and individual responses

Did you like the poem? Want to listen to it again?

Educator:who wants to tell Mashenka a poem? ... Masha, do you want to play with dreams?

Masha: i want to play a game "Find a Pair"I have in my hands one pair of gloves of different colors and materials (sewn, knitted, made of cardboard, paper). You must carefully examine the mittens and find mittens that are the same color, size, and material. It is necessary to name what material they are made of, to decompose in pairs.

Educator:thank you, Masha, very interesting game. And we helped you find your fingers. We played very amicably, helped each other. Stay with us, Mashenka, the guys will show you our toys, play with them.

Mashenka: thanks for the invitation. Show me your toys. Let's play together. Children with Masha go to the play corner, showing toys.



Reading a poem

"Where is my finger?"

Integration of educational areas: "Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development".


To form the ability to listen to a work of art without visual accompaniment;

Provide children with the opportunity to finish words, phrases when reading familiar poems to adults, the ability to answer questions;

To form the ability to name the color, the material from which the mittens are made, as well as to select by color, the material from which they are made.

To develop the ability to play without quarreling, help each other and enjoy success together.

Foster a desire to accompany reading with playful actions.

Prior work:examination of garments knitted of wool; a ball of thread; games with mittens for matching mittens by color; examining mittens and gloves.

How to work: game; showing and explaining actions; help. A reminder, indication, encouragement, artistic word, questions are used.

Materials: mittens (one of a pair) of different colors and materials.

GCD move:

Educator: guys, we are expecting guests today. Do you want to know who will come to visit us? (knock on the door). And here the guests are coming (the girl Masha comes in, greets; older child).

Masha, why are you sad? See how the children rejoice at your arrival.

Masha: my grandmother gave me mittens. I put them on, put them on, and then I lost my finger, I can't find it. Help me.

Educator: will we help Masha, guys, find a finger? Give me your mittens, let's see them. Sit down with the guys on the chair and we will look for a finger mittens.The teacher takes a mitten and puts it on the handle to the child, reading the poem:

What a bright dress

Put on your palms?

Children's answers. Look at what beautiful mittens. They are warm, knitted, soft. Go, Mashenka, I'll put on a mitten for you too. So I put on a mitten for Mashenka on one handle. Oh, where are the fingers? No fingers. Have just been, and now they are not? Where did they hide? Let's search. Fingers, where are you?The teacher encourages children to repeat phrases after her.Then he asks where could the fingers hide? Encourages children to guess that the fingers are hidden in a mitten. If the children do not guess, the teacher plays up removing the mitten, examining the fingers and putting on the mitten again.AND now look, Mashenka takes off her mitten - and here are her fingers. Where were they hiding?Children's answers.

Reading a poem.

Where is my finger?

Masha put on a mitten.

Oh, where am I going?

No finger, gone

I didn't get into my house!

Masha took off her mitten:

Look, I found it!

You are looking, you are looking, and you will find.

Hello finger, how are you?

N. Saxonskaya

Educator: look, Masha put on a mitten and lost her finger. What she said? (Choral and individual responses) Repeat after me: “Oh, where am I going? There is no finger, he was gone, he did not get into his house! " Did Masha find her finger? What did she do to find the finger? That's right, guys, Mashenka took off her mitten, saw her fingers and was delighted. What she said? That's right: “Look, I found it! You are looking, you are looking and you will find ”. Let's say these words together with Mashenka. And how did Mashenka greet her finger? True: “Hello, little finger! How are you?Choral and individual responses of children

Repeated reading a poem.

Educator: so where was the finger?Choral and individual responses

Did you like the poem? Want to listen to it again?

The teacher, in the course of reading the poem, encourages to pronounce the words with her.

Educator: who wants to tell Mashenka a poem?The child tells, the adult helps, suggests words and phrases, encouraging children... Masha, do you want to play with dreams?

Masha: i want to play a game"Find a Pair" I have in my hands one pair of gloves of different colors and materials (sewn, knitted, made of cardboard, paper). You must carefully examine the mittens and find mittens that are the same color, size, and material. It is necessary to name what material they are made of, to decompose in pairs.

The teacher helps the children by asking questions: where are the woolen mittens? Cardboard? Where are the paper mittens? etc. Seeks choral and individual answers.

Educator: thank you, Masha, very interesting game. And we helped you find your fingers. We played very amicably, helped each other. Stay with us, Mashenka, the guys will show you our toys, play with them.

Mashenka : thanks for the invitation. Show me your toys. Let's play together. Children with Masha go to the play corner, showing toys.

Finger games for the development of fine motor skills a great many. Basically, these are small nursery rhymes, very similar in meaning, transmitted to us by grandmothers, great-grandmothers from mouth to mouth. Here are several options in this article so that mothers can choose finger nursery rhymes to the liking

Finger nursery rhymes

Bending our fingers
One, two, three, four, five!
Get out your fingers for a walk!
Found this finger - a mushroom
This finger cleans the table
This one cut
this one ate.
Well, this one just looked!

A squirrel is sitting on a cart
Sells his nuts;
Little fox sister,
To the clubfoot bear,
Zainke mustache,
to whom in the tray,
to whom in the goiter,
to whom in the paw.

Thumb boy, where have you been?
I went to the forest with this brother.
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.
With this brother - I ate porridge.
I sang songs with this brother!
Finger boy, where have you been?
- I went to the forest with this brother.
I ate porridge with this brother.
I sang a song with this brother,
And what did you do with this finger?
An adult alternately points to all the fingers of one hand, the finger that remains, the child himself shows what he did with him.

This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is a daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me
That's my whole family.

This finger is the thickest, strongest and largest!
This finger is for showing it!
This finger is the longest and it stands in the middle!
This finger is nameless, he is the most spoiled!
And the little finger, though small, is dexterous and daring!

Magpie white-sided
(we run our finger on the palm, bend our fingers)
Cooked porridge
She fed the children!
I gave this,
I gave this,
I gave this,
I gave this,
But this did not give:
“You didn't carry water,
You didn't chop wood,
You didn't light the stove
You didn't wash the cups!
We will eat the porridge ourselves,
But we won't give it to a lazy person! "

Bend the fingers one by one:
This finger went to the forest,
I found this finger - a mushroom
This finger took its place
This finger will lie closely
This finger - ate a lot,
That's why I got fat.

Hush! Hush, don't make noise!
The red sun will rise
The clear morning will come.
The birds will chirp
Fingers will get up!
(fingers unbend)

This finger wants to sleep
(bend our fingers)
This finger went to bed
This finger just took a nap
This finger is already asleep.
This one is fast, fast asleep,
And he tells you to sleep.

Masha put on a mitten (you can wear a mitten, a sock)
- Oh, where am I going?
No finger, gone
I didn't get into my house!
Masha took off her mitten,
- Look, I found it!
You look, you look - and you will find.
Hello finger!
How are you?

The finger is thick and large
I went to the garden for plums,
Indicative from the threshold
Showed him the way
Middle finger is the most accurate
He knocks plums off the branch
The nameless one collects, and the little finger is the lord
Planting bones in the ground.

Finger games

Let's stroke the handle with a pen,
Rub your finger with your finger,
Let's rest just a little,
And then we'll start again.


(We unclench the fingers from the cam in turn)

Fingers went out for a walk.
One two three four five-
(We squeeze our fingers into a cam)
They hid in the house again!


(Movements with straight palms up and down, alternately stroking the pads of the fingers, rub the fist on the fists. Compress and unclench the fists.)
We chop cabbage, chop,
We salt-salt the cabbage,
We are three or three cabbage,
We squeeze cabbage.


Place your hands on the table, palms down, bend your fingers slightly:
Leaves fall in the garden
I will rake them
(run your fingers along the table surface as if you were working with a rake)


Squeeze your fingers into a fist, index and little fingers - stretch and spread to the side.
Move your fingers as you say the rhymes:
The beetle flies, the beetle buzzes and moves its mustache !.


The cat washes his face
Apparently going to visit
I washed the nose.
I washed my mouth.
I washed my ear.
He wiped dry.


First - big views - we twist with fists:
View, view, view, view!
I hit the beaters! (banging our fists against each other)
Nailing up, nailing up!
Then - little Vyushki - with your fingers:
View, view, view, view!
I hit the beaters!
Nailing up, nailing up!

At the mill

At the mill, on a whirligig (we twist the tassels around each other),
2 crucians fought (we touch the fingertips of both hands several times),
that's the whole story (shrug).


Hands are on the table, fingers are closed. Read the nursery rhyme, accompanying words with actions
Look, my palm is like a merry accordion!
I spread my fingers (fingers spread)
And then I'll play.
One-two-three, one-two-three, (fingers tap the table)
I'm playing - look!
And then I shift again
And first I start (fingers move)


Put the thumbs of both hands together with the rest so that they form rings.
Bring them to your eyes, saying:
Grandma put on glasses
And the granddaughter saw.


Place two caps from plastic bottles on the table with the threads up. These will be "skis".
Place the index and middle fingers of your right hand on them. Take a "step" forward for each word:
We're skiing
We're racing down the mountain
We love fun
Cold winter!

Taisiya Shcherbakova
Summary of GCD on the topic: Poem by N. Saxonskaya "Where is my finger?" for children of the first younger group


Directly educational activities for the development of speech

On theme: Poem n. Saxon"Where is my finger for children of the first younger group


To acquaint with the work of CH. Saxon"Where is my finger

Form an active dictionary when help:

Nouns - snow, mittens, fur coat, boots, hat, winter;

Adjectives - white, fluffy, soft, cold;

Keep learning to speak children simple proposals:

the snow is cold, the snow is white, doll Masha, why are you crying? etc.

Develop a caring attitude towards the game character.

Methodical techniques: questions, showing, reading poems, a surprise moment.

Equipment: doll Masha, mittens for each child, snowballs, baskets 2 pcs., dry napkins, a bucket of snow.

Organizing time

The teacher plays with the children.

Educator. Guys, look out the window, how beautiful it is outside!

What time of year is it? (answers children) .

It's winter outside, a lot of snow. Trees, bushes, paths from it became completely white.

Jr the teacher brings snow in a bucket.

Educator. Look Lilya Viktorovna brought us a bucket of snow, let's touch it.

Children pick up snow.

Educator. What snow? (answers children)

Lyova, tell me what snow. Andrey tell Sasha what snow is it?

Educator. Clever snow is white, fluffy, soft, beautiful, cold.

What happened to the snow? (Answers children - melted) ... My hands became wet. Guys take napkins and wipe the pens.

Educator. Guys, is it cold or warm outside? (answers children... It is very cold outside in winter. Therefore, you need to wear warm clothes. What do you wear when go outside? (answers children) .

Educator (you can hear crying)... You guys hear someone crying. Oh, this doll Masha is crying. Masha, why are you crying? Andrey ask Mashenka why she is crying? Alina ask Masha why she is crying?

Doll Masha. I was outside and my hands were cold.

Educator. Guys, what do you need to wear to keep your hands from freezing? (answers children) ... So that our hands don't freeze, we put on mittens, Mashenka, do you have mittens?

Doll Masha. Yes, but I don't know how to put them on.

Educator. Guys, do you know how to put on mittens? (answers children)

Come to the chairs, we will show, Mashenka, how to put on mittens.

Educator. But Alina finger lost, just like Masha's poem"Where is my finger Listen to him.

The teacher reads poem n. Saxon"Where is my finger» by staging it.

Masha put on a mitten.

Oh where am i finger of business?

No finger, disappeared,

I didn't get into my house!

Masha took off her mitten.

Look - I've found it!

You look, you look - and you will find.

Hi, finger! How are you?

The teacher puts on mittens to the doll Masha.

Educator. Guys, what did Masha wear on her pens? Why do you think finger is gone? (Because Masha didn't put her mitten on correctly, finger did not hit the house).

That's right, well done! Let's try putting them on again. (Children put on mittens, the teacher reads poem re.)

Educator. Guys, something our doll is bored.

Doll Masha., Guys, let's play with snowballs. Do not take off your mittens, otherwise fingers will freeze!


I'll throw snowballs high

Snowballs will fly far

And the guys will collect them,

And they will bring it to me in a basket.

Doll Masha. Guys, I'm so tired, it's time for me to go home, thank you for your help, now my hands will not freeze on the street.

Doll Masha says goodbye to the children.

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