In the forest, goosebumps live their work. In the forest goosebumps live. Poems about the ant, ants. Ants communicate chemically

Equipment and tools 28.12.2020
Equipment and tools

In the forest goosebumps
Live by their work
They have their customs
And the anthill is a house.

Peace-loving tenants

Do not sit without affairs:
In the morning fighters run,
And nannies in kindergarten.

Worker ant rushing

Trail labor,
From morning to evening rustle
In the grass and under foliage.

You walked with a stick in the forest

And ant house
Jokingly, to the bottom set up
And swept later.

Peace and labor big family

Broke the trouble.
In the smoke there were ants,
Saved anyone where.

Fucking needles. Quiet Trel

Dry, fallen leaf.
Calmly looked down
Cruel Egoist ...

For what I called you

I do not blame yourself -
After all, you did not create
What betrayed fire.
And he himself is not ant,
Be a man, man,
You are on your earth!
S. Mikhalkov
Live letter

Us at any time of the year

Learn Wise Nature:
Birds teach singing.

Spheres patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden
Take us work.
And besides in their labor
All by justice.
Reflection in water
Teaches us truthfulness.
Learn the snow of us clean.
The sun teaches goodness:
Every day, in winter and summer,
Gives us warm and light.
And in return to anyone
Will not ask anything!
Nature all year round
Need to study.
Us trees of all breeds
All big forest people
Take a strong friendship.
V. Orlov


I'm a thick, curly

Grow to glory -
Nothing me!
I am honey
Blooming in the summer -
Protect me!
And in a hot day
In the shadow of the sun of the Sun, -
Fall me!
Raining pours sometimes
I'll hide from the shower, -
Do not break me!
Well both
We grow with you -
Love me!
In the light of the wide
All the country will see, -
Do not forget about me!
P. Voronko

2. Trees
I know that trees, not us

Got the great life,

On affectionate land, sister stars,

We are on a foreign land, and they are in the debris.

Deep in the fall in the fields of empty

Sunset copper-red, sunrises

Amber painting teach them -

Free, green peoples.

There are Moses in the midst of Oaks,

Mary between Palms ... their souls, right,

Silent call send each other

With water flowing in the darkness of immense.

And in the depths of the earth, the almond point,

Fractional granite, keys will be slaughtered soon

The keys sing, shout - where broken Elm,

Where the leaves dressed Sicacher.

Oh, if I find a country,

In which he could not cry and do not sing,

Silently climbing

Millennia's innumerable!

Nikolai Gumilev.

Nikolai Rubtsov
When dawn, lighting down the pine,

Burns, burning, and the forest is no longer a dreaming,

And the shadows of the pines fall into the river,

And the light runs on the streets of the village,

When, laughing, on the courtyard deaf

Meet the sun adults and children -

Pursuing the Spirit, SEW On the Hill

And I will see everything in the best light.

Trees, horses, horse on the bridge,

And, sobering this beauty,

I will not create, probably another ...

3. We exterminate forests and landing,
Kill meadows and gardens,
Break the earthly orders
Leave bad traces.

Poison Russian rivers.
And for what is this sin for people?!
Many troubles in our atomic age
Himself has done a man.

Remember the oxygen stock
In the holes black leaving ok
Although it hangs before the eyes of the people:
"Take care of the green barrel!"? ..

Ah, progress, he is such a scope,
What will be hurried before his novelty
Waiting for life without fear,
Where are the soul with silence!

Save all descendants as it was,
All that ancestors for us saved,
To shower hot
The beauty of our shower and land.

I am for the gardens bloomed,
Sang songs and apricious and gurboy
The medium of the stems from the wood, and not became
Hide aimed at the Blue!
Nikolay Bugaenko

Forgetting secluded housing
And with horror in the soul,
Fled in a panic a beast
Losing kids
Trying to overtake trouble -
(Would escape yourself!) -
And choking on the run,
And falling into the smoke ...

Togo I am in the drama of this,

So I send a reproach,
Who is by the negligence
Did not rush the fire.
Lands native to keep the beauty
Rest of the forests of storing
You are for the sake of pampering in the forest
Do not divide fire
So that someone's soul does not blame
With him to be in Lada,
So as the spark of your fire
Did not bring trouble.
T. Shasheva

Once Great Love and Silty

Created the Lord our planet is beautiful.

He gave her the shape of a big ball,

Made so that the sun was shining in the sky,

And planted there trees, flowers,

Herbs of unprecedented beauty.

Many animals there began to be found:

Snakes, elephants, turtles and birds.

"Here is a gift, people, bypass.

Land plowing the bread.

I'll let you want everyone from all -

You take care of this shrine! "

Steel people strong like gods

But the scary burns are darker

The globe on the sides,

We have long mastered the planet,

Widespread new century

There are no white spots on Earth,

Shut up, man?

4. Bone
Bone, forgotten, under the ash
Did not hide fire.
Although it seemed not alive,
Dreamed spark in him.
Foil-wind, mischievous,
Waking up in the morning,
Lips bold a trick
To the dormant fire.
The diskasky shoved the fire,
And, accelerating the darkness,
He hands timid
In hugs to it.
And mane hot fire
Talked to that time
Like mane red horse
In the morning dawn.
And the wind played with her, laughing,
Walled off the heat,
Fire your dictation power ...
... and the fire grown ...

He grew up and gained power

Without unnecessary fuss:
Fire-killer devoured
Trees and bushes.
Fucking, trunks collapsed,
In his hell of Horinge,
And there were droplets of resin,
Like tears, on the crust.

S. Mikhalkov.
Be human

In the forest goosebumps
Live by their work
They have their customs
And the anthill is a house.

Peace-loving tenants
Do not sit without affairs:
In the morning fighters run,
And nannies in kindergarten.

Worker ant rushing
Trail labor,
From morning to evening rustle
In the grass and under foliage.

You walked with a stick in the forest
And ant house
Jokingly, to the bottom set up
And swept later.

On the surface there are holes like outputs and inputs that are closed in the rain and cold and distribute in hot weather to aim the nest. In the spring, when the sun warms the soil, life begins in the colony of ants. Workers are warmed up on top of the nest and transfer it heat into the nest. In addition, now they restore damaged parts of the nest.

Ants communicate chemically

Understanding the ants is carried out using probes and numerous flavors that distinguish them from different glands. Their good vision allows them to navigate the sun and by landmarks. Muravoye state is a feminine state. ONLY Queens puts the task of putting off the eggs. In the spring, they put fertilized eggs, of which females and non-advocated eggs are developing, from which males are formed. About five weeks after the egg laying on the surface of the socket, winged sexual animals appear.

Peace and labor big family
Broke the trouble.
In the smoke there were ants,
Saved anyone where.

Fucking needles. Quiet Trel
Dry, fallen leaf.
Calmly looked down
Cruel Egoist ...

For what I called you
I do not blame yourself -
After all, you did not create
What betrayed fire.

You live in atomic our age
And he himself is not ant,
Be a man, man,
You are on your earth!

Together they pianic on the wedding flight, where the mating females occurs. Young queens ruined their wings, found a new nest or slid into the already existing nest. The seed smell of females then lasts all his life. In the summer of the queen only fertilized eggs, of which workers develop. Two weeks later, small larvae hatch. They have no eyes, no legs, no probe. They are concerned and fed workers until they are picked up. Young workers hatch out dolls. Empty puppet sinks and other beams of the nests give up a bunch outside the nest.

S. Mikhalkov

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 18.05.2016. S. Mikhalkov. Be human

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Protection and diversity of plants for the forest

Red forest ants feed mainly on the honeycomb, nectar and insect flower. Most of their carnal food consists of living animals, such as other insects, spiders and worms. But they also eat AAS, so they are often referred to as the "Forest Health Police". Their hunting area can stretch up to 50 meters from the nest, which gives an area of \u200b\u200babout one hectare. A large nation can absorb 200 liters of honeymoon and 28 kilograms insect for one year. Among them are many herbivan insects that can damage the forest in the mass appearance.

In the forest goosebumps, ants

Live by their work

They have their customs

And anthill house.

Thus, forest ants contribute to the preservation of the forest. Animals bite the appendages and lose seed along the way to the nest or leave it false. Thus, the seeds are distributed, and this often creates a rich species landscaping forests, which, in turn, is the enrichment of food for the game. Violets, Larcispur, Solomonsonssegel, Valdan Demon or Perlgrus. Ant forests are also poor ant plants. Compared to predators, forest ants successfully protect themselves with formic acid, which they can jump from the gland to a meter away from the abdominal cavity.

Peace-loving tenants

Do not sit without affairs:

In the morning fighters run,

And nanny - to kindergarten.

Worker ant rushing

Trail labor,

From morning to evening rustle

In the grass and under foliage.

S. Mikhalkov

Having read this poem, I thought about how ants may orient themselves in the forest. In the summer I often live at the cottage with my parents.

It is useless for people. Despite the fact that natural disasters, such as village streams and landslides, forest fires and storm damage destroy the population of ants of ants, as a rule, only for a short time. First of all, people threaten the habitats of wood ants by road construction, expansion of settlements and other types of use. Uglyness in forestry or violation or destruction of Nestcups from curiosity leads to a strong deterioration in the climate budget; As a result, the colony of ants can no longer grow.

Not far from our cottage there are many anthills. Watching their lives, I realized that their movements are not just chaotic, but they go for some kind of laws. I wondered how the ants find the way to home in these herbal jungle.

After watching the movements of the workers daily, I suggested that ants can navigate through the sun or on the sides of the world, because I initially met ant paths that came from the north to south. However, then I discovered a lot of anthills, who turned out to be a few ant tracks, which diverged in different directions of the horizon

Question of the week: how and where the ants build their hills and nests?

Thanks to the construction work of all types of nests, forest ants or habitats are often destroyed, which is no longer suitable for forest ants.

Every Saturday we answer questions on different topics

Perhaps you have already seen an anthill in the forest or in the garden. However, the architecture of ants is not limited to these hills, and creates many different structures. In addition, ant colphaons have a positive effect on the environment. The ants greatly contribute to the rearrangement of the upper layers of the Earth and contribute to the degradation of plant material.

And besides, in cloudy weather, when there was no sun visible, the work of ants did not stop for a minute and they did not come down from the way. Thus, this hypothesis did not give a response to my question.

Technology Research: Observation

Considering the ant, I found that he has eyes

Probably, they simply see their anthill. But in the book "The World of Animals" I read that it turns out to have very bad vision in ants. They are very shortcuts. Some types of ants do not have eyes at all. Muravyev's eyes see only very fast movements of their relatives in front of their own eyes. This phenomenon is called - Kinopsyis.

Most nests are made of natural materials, such as wood, plants and wood resin details. However, not all the ants need nests, since there are also nomadic ants, that is, those that are always in motion. Ants are considered very adaptable. Thus, the types of ants are not limited to a specific type of socket, but are built depending on the environmental conditions the most effective design.

This nesting is most common. Here, most of all corridors and cameras under the earth's surface are built. A particularly protected place, for example, is under stones for heat storage. Many Erdnetrer also have a small dome to catch more sunlight. Hill with scattered domes.

In addition, the ants do not have hearing organs at all.

Then maybe ants in some way communicate each other about where the path is. Indeed, watching the ants, I noticed that they are constantly moving with their mustache as antennas and very often run up to each other and tapping them.

In the scientific book about the chemical language of insects, I read that the mustache in ants perform the functions of touch and smell, on their tips a lot of cells with which ants feel and hear smells.

These nests are usually built around rotten stumps to give the building the best clutch. They grow to two meters in height and reach a diameter of up to five meters. In addition, such an anthill can still descend up to two meters. The top layer consists of parts of plants that must protect the nest from rain and cold, while the lower layers are made from the ground.

In winter, all the ants in the lower chambers of the hill are winter, and the upper part of the mountain nest serves as protection against freezing. Many passes of this anthill are designed so that water cannot harm them. In addition, the mining nest with scattered domes provides good ventilation and heat storage.

So, ants can find the road with the help of smells.

In the same book, I read that the ants allocate the drops of the spacious liquid, which is produced by special glands and is called - Pheromon. When an intelligence ant is running in search of food, he is also pressed by a belly to the ground and marks his way of trumons.

For example, a silk nest built by the genus of ants. Using special allocations from their larvae, the so-called silk secrets, they glue the leaves in the lumps together. These nests are usually free. The wooden socket is an ant building, which leads through dead or living trees. In most cases, such a nest can not be recognized outside, as the inputs are at the end of the root.

Nests and anthills are not always necessary. There are also so-called ant plants that provide live area ants, and sometimes food. Instect the insects provide a plant with protection against certain predators. In biology, such cooperation is called symbiosis for mutual benefit.

Other ants as good hounds go along the trail and so formed an ant track.

The track can be wide enough, because the ants are running into several rows, as the smell of pheromones is very strong and is heard aside a few centimeters. The smell of ant labels recognize, feeling and sniffing them with their mustache as antennas. The ant paths turn into real highways.

Note. All pictures and links in the archive were removed. In March, the season begins for forest ants. After winter cold views, the workers are first overlooking the hill, fill the nest nests on the sun and carry as the ridge of the radiator in the building to wake her colleagues.

The rays of the Sun Sun are seduced by the trees seductively and melt that snow remains on branches in sparkling dew drops. Maissen pursues her job and discovers at the foot of ate unexpectedly live life: thousands of little sparkling bodies flicker on the sun and charge energy.


I decided to conduct an experiment and check what will happen if you interrupt the antway. I took a sheet of pure paper and put a cross path across.

The smell of Pheromones stopped, the ants ran to the edge of the sheet, and without having heard familiar labels, unfolded and began to search for their facility trail in a hurry. The plot formed as in the car traffic jam. I watched for 30 minutes and during this time the ants learned to bypass the sheet side and restored the ant trail. But the leaf at the same time remained empty. I think that you will need a lot of time so that the bold ants-scouts completely eliminate the gap. Then I began to watch individual ants that crawled around the anthill. I took one ant from the antway and delivered him to the side. He began to wander to the muddy in all directions, feeling all his mustache, and completely gotten off the way, got lost. He took about 15 minutes to find the right way and re-join his relatives.

In March, the season has begun for forest ants. After winter cold views, workers appeared who were wintering on the hills, fiercely on the nesting dome and, as crawling radiators, brought spring warmth to the building to wake up their female colleagues. After almost three weeks, the forming colony was activated, and hundreds of thousands are now wandering around.

Worldwide, there is an amazing variety of estimated 000 species of six-legged caterpillars. Among the 110 species living in Germany are 13 different types of wood ants, which are mentioned here. All forest ants build nests, collecting vegetable waste from this area. People's penetrating vines easily detect on a walk through the forest. Up to two meters, a hill of needles, branches and other material can accumulate and up to two meters deep, the building can penetrate into the ground below. Depending on the type in the nest from 1 to a thousand queens dwells from several thousand to several million animals.

But scientists find out that insects know their territory and distinguish it from someone else's special substance - territorial pheromone. This smell is saved for six hours, and each anthill has its own smell. Therefore, if the ant is on its territory, he sooner or later finds the road to his house, but if it falls far aside, what his fate will be unknown. If he comes to another anthill, most likely he will not be adopted in a new family, since he has a "alien" smell. He can perish.

Little animals can produce an amazing amount of biomass: for example, in ENGADIN, the mass of ants exceeds the mass of ordinary red deer, although one million ants weighs only seven kilograms. Individually rich ants live as an organism in which each individual assumes special tasks in the interests of the community. Quins do not manage, but only lay eggs. They have fat belly and strong sticks for a wedding flight. Workers practice different professions. The field has hunters, construction workers, lyusmelker, carriers and guards.

Thus, after I studied the scientific literature, I conducted an experiment and observation of ants, I made the following conclusions:

1. Ants do not use the sun as a guideline.

2. Ants cannot find a way through vision or hearing.

3. Ants are focused in the forest with the help of sense of smell, using special substances of Pheromones, the smell of which does not allow them to get lost and get off the way, helping to find the road to their home - an anthill.

In the office, children get care, fed, transported and the nest is restored. Classes may vary in the course of life: young workers are initially in the nest, older outside it. Workers have strong jaws and real horses. Ant may carry up to 40 times more body weight. Workers can be six, twenty queens - unlike men: their life ended after wedding flight and mating women.

The course of the year determines the activities. Spring workers women created a nest. Old Queens first put the so-called winter eggs. The winged males from the fertilized winged males develop from non-advocated eggs. The first hatched larvae is powered by special female female workers with hardware secretion. After a few weeks, the molts for five weeks are tiny eggs become ants of four to eleven millimeters.

12. Orally explain the writing of words. How many different species orfograms did you meet? There are ordinal numbers. For example, words with unstressed vowels are in the root. Let comply with No. 1. Drink words with orfograms under different numbers. Where possible, write checks.


In L. Mura. shki-Mara. band
J. andwat with your work
They have their customs
And the anthill is a house.

Peace-loving J. andlP. s
Undelly not_s anddyat:
In the morning at the village t. B. e.gut Boyts. s,
And nanny in de d..

R butbochy Ant SP. andt.
Tr. aboutpink labor
From morning to evening, Sharsh andt.
In Tr. butve and under l and.

You with a stick on l e.sU GULAL
And Murav. bother house
Jokingly, to the bottom set up
And swept later.

Peace and labor d. Big band
Violated B. e.yes.
Maraura rushed into the smoke band,
Saved anyone where.

(S. Mikhalkov)

Ophogram №1 . Unstressed vowel in the root of the word checked by the emphasis: in L. - Forest; with anddyat - sitting; B. e.gut - running; SP e.schit - Society; Tr. aboutpinka - Protpuska; in Tr. butverais; under L. and- leaf; bond - Forest;
Ophogram №2 . Pair on the bells / deafness consonant at the end of the word and before other consonants: Mura. shki - Mrai; pos t. - post; de - children; SA d. - Gardens; Tru d. - labor;
Ophogram №4. Dividing b: MURAVA band; MURAVA bother; sem band; MURAVA band;
Ophogram №8. Letters and, and, after hissing (combinations of Libe-Shi, Cha-sch, Chu-Schu): J. andvUT; J. andlNA; Neshe andt; Church andt;
Orphogram number 11. Separate spelling of prepositions, Fusion writing consoles: non_tela - without anything;
Orphogram number 11. Separate writing not with verbs: not _ sit;
Ophogram №13. Writing books and / s after C:zhilts. s; Boyts. s;
Ophogram №14 . Unchecked unstressed vowel in the root of the word (Word words): R butbochius (work - vocabulary).

Drink a highlighted word. Find in the word word that are verified for this word. Write them next.

labor - work, labor.

Drink a complex word. Stress the letter of the connecting vowel. Make up using the second part of this word, a few more complex words. As the first part, let the foundations of words: Labor , man , freedoms A, life , Suns e. In which words did you use the letter E as a connecting vowel?

Peace about Love. Hardworking, human-loving, freedom-loving, vitality, sun-dusty.

I used the letter E as connecting vowels in words: life, Suns

Check yourself: Open the dictionary on the letter. Find the words on the name, and among them are complex words. Check their writing. Write the phrase with three of these words.

Lovely man; Sun-tee flower; beloved boy; freedom-loving people; hardworking girl; thermo-loving plant; Peace-loving residents.

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