What dishes to cook for the New Year's table. What original dishes can you cook for the New Year? What should you cook for NG

Floors 02.10.2020

There is very little time left, and many housewives are puzzled over the preparation of a festive menu. Here you will find rules and recipes for decorating the New Year's table.

New 2017 according to the Eastern calendar is considered the year that is considered the most sociable, and fire symbolizes vital energy that strives for growth and success. That is why, when preparing for the New Year's celebration, you need to approach with enthusiasm and bright ideas.

When setting the table, use red and gold colors, and white and silver are perfect for diluting the bright colors. And of course, you can't forget about candles!

How to make a New Year's menu

Believing in omens is a purely personal matter, but you must definitely know how to attract the Fire Rooster's luck and be able to appease him, because New Year's Eve is the night of magic. To do this, one must take into account the preferences and tastes of a wonderful and bright bird.

The rooster is an economical but not greedy animal. The festive table should show your wealth, but at the same time not burst with an abundance of food and dishes. Dishes can be as simple as possible, not overly complex or exotic.

Often on festive table you can see fried chicken, duck or other poultry. But not on the upcoming New Year's Eve. You need to give up such dishes. The presence of poultry meat can only be found in salads and in small quantities. Therefore, you should give preference to pork, veal, beef and fish dishes. Also, do not put stuffed eggs on the table.

On the table in the year of the Fire Rooster, there should be vegetables and fruits, both in salads and in slices. Don't forget about the dessert. It is best to make a pie or cake.

Second course recipes for the New 2017

For this dish, you will need the following products: 1 kg of salmon fillet, 300 ml of cream of no more than 10% fat, 150 g of cheese, 1 onion, salt and seasonings to your taste.

The first step is to make the sauce. Pour the cream into a small bowl. Add salt and seasonings to them. Condiments can be anything. If you add a little lemon juice to the cream, then the sauce will thicken and will resemble liquid sour cream in consistency.

Cut the salmon fillet into small pieces and put on a baking sheet, previously greased with vegetable oil. Pour the fillet with the sauce and let stand for about 20 minutes. Then sprinkle the slices of salmon with grated cheese. Now you need to send the baking sheet to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. The fish should be baked for 30-35 minutes.

For the side dish you will need:10 large or 15 medium potatoes, 2 egg whites, spices and olive oil.

First you need to make a light batter in which the potatoes will be cooked. To do this, beat the egg whites well. The potatoes must be cut into slices and mixed in whipped egg whites. Then add all the seasonings of your choice. A small amount is added to the baking sheet olive oil, and lay out the potato wedges. Sprinkle with herbs on top if desired. You need to bake potatoes at 220 degrees for about 40 minutes. while stirring the potatoes every 10-15 minutes.

Pork rolls with prunes and feta cheese

Ingredients: 1 kg of pork neck, 200 g of feta cheese, 200 g of prunes, 250 g of sour cream no more than 25% fat, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 4 tablespoons of mustard with grains, 2 teaspoons of dried basil, salt and pepper to taste.

The first step is to prepare the prunes. To do this, it must be soaked in warm water for swelling. Rinse the pork well and cut into longitudinal strips 2 centimeters thick (the meat should be cut across the grain) and beat well.

Stir sour cream with butter, mustard, basil and seasonings. With this sauce, you need to grease each piece of meat on both sides. Let the meat brew for 10-15 minutes. Now you need to dry the prunes well and cut them into small pieces, also cut the feta cheese.

Now put the feta cheese and prunes on ¼ part of the pork and gently twist the roll. Rolls are laid out in a baking sheet and baked at 180 degrees for about an hour.

And here are a few more recipes for second courses for the New Year's table

Salad recipes for the New Year 2017

For the salad you need: 1 can of canned salmon, 250 g of cheese, 1 small tomato, 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice, greens - dill and parsley, 1 pack of crackers.

This salad is very easy to prepare. Put the fish in a bowl and chop well with a fork, then add grated cheese and lemon juice. From the resulting mixture, mold a cone. Now let's start decorating the Christmas tree. To create the effect of fluffy paws, you need to use greenery. Cut out a star and toys from a tomato. Toys can also be made from pomegranate and olives.

Crackers are needed to make it convenient to eat salad.

Note that you can not sculpt a cone, but put the mixture on a plate and shape it, as in the photo below.

Required ingredients: 200 g chicken fillet, 3 medium potatoes, ½ can of corn, 150 g korean carrots, 1 bunch of parsley, 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 1 bunch of lettuce, salt to taste.

Boil chicken fillet and chop finely. Add corn, carrots, finely chopped parsley, salt and mayonnaise to the chicken. To stir thoroughly.

Cut the potatoes into thin strips and fry on vegetable oil until golden brown and add to a bowl of chicken. Stir again. Now you need to find a dish, put lettuce leaves on it and put salad on top. If desired, you can decorate the top with herbs, tomatoes or radishes.

New Year's table snacks

Herringbone snack

For a snack you need: 1 thin pita bread, 250 gr curd cheese, 100 gr Parmesan cheese, 2 pieces of red bell pepper, 20 pieces of olives, 1 bunch of lettuce leaves. If desired, it is fashionable to take fresh basil.

First you need to prepare the filling.

Put the curd cheese in a deep bowl and add finely grated Parmesan, finely chopped olives and pepper.

Lay cling film on the table and put lettuce leaves, and put lavash on top. Cut carefully into 4 even pieces. Put the filling on each part and carefully roll the rolls. Make a triangular shape with your fingers. Now the rolls must be refrigerated for 2 hours. Then take out, remove the cling film and cut into small pieces. Chop each piece on a skewer. Place half an olive in the base of the tree.

Products: 300 g of cod (you can fresh, or you can take canned), 7 potatoes, 3 eggs, 2 cucumbers, 1 bunch of green onions, 400 g of cheese, 1 red and 1 yellow pepper, 1 pack of mayonnaise and seasonings to taste.

Boil the cod, separate from the bones and chop finely. If you took cod in a jar or other fish, then just knead it. Mashed potatoes. Finely chop the eggs or grate them on a fine grater. Now you need to mix all the ingredients, seasonings and add mayonnaise so that you can roll up small balls.

Now you need to color the balls. To do this, on different plates you need to very finely chop the pepper, cucumber, green onions... Each ball should be well rolled in one of the plates and put on a dish.

You can use any product for coloring the balls, it all depends on your taste preferences.

Ideas for cutting on the New Year's table

Mandatory on the festive table must be vegetable, meat and fruit cuts. You can simply put the sliced \u200b\u200bfood on a dish, but you can also show creativity and imagination.

Video: "Menu for the New Year 2017"

Happy New Year!

Having poured and twisted to us enough, the naughty Monkey is about to leave us, giving up her place of honor to the Fiery Rooster - the owner of 2017, a passionate, emotional, active nature and adoring adventure and adventure. But at the same time, as the stars say, the Rooster values \u200b\u200bfamily and traditions.

Before we have time to look back, New Year 2017 will come. We are all already wondering what to cook for the New Year? After all, there are so many things ahead! It's time to draw up an action plan and a menu, think about decorating your home, a table and gifts to your loved ones. But for this, you must admit, you need to get to know the owner of the next year better, study his habits and taste preferences.

Let's start, perhaps, with the fact that the Rooster, although he is Fiery, is a village bird. He gets up early, keeps order with a keen eye, takes good care of his entire household. But thrifty doesn't mean greedy. The owner of the year is hospitable, loves abundance, hearty food, but no frills. Well, this plays into our hands! When planning a menu for the New Year 2017 and thinking what to cook for the New Year, you should not reinvent the wheel. , salads for the New Year, New Year's main courses and desserts for the New Year, will please any company.

New Year's table 2017 should be unpretentious, but certainly bright and beautiful. The rooster is a bright bird, knowing a lot about beauty. This bird will like beautifully and unusually chopped colorful vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers, fresh cucumbers, carrots) and greens, laid out on large flat dishes. Snacks in the form of canapes and tartlets, sandwiches, lavash rolls with all kinds of fillings, as well as various meat, sausage and cheese cuts laid on lettuce leaves and decorated with herbs and vegetables will delight you. The Rooster is said to like cheese a lot, so you can experiment with making appetizers and salads with the addition of cheese.

Our Fire Guest is not at all against the presence of homemade products on the table: cucumbers, tomatoes, pickled mushrooms. Therefore, feel free to get supplies from the coveted cellars and put them on the festive table. The rooster is generally a supporter of everything natural, he does not respect chemical seasonings and overly spicy and fatty dishes.

Salads on the festive table, as some culinary horoscopes advise us, must be cooked completely without eggs and chicken meat. An incredible demand in our russian realitiesdon't you think? How to do in the New Year 2017 without the traditional "Olivier", "Herring under a fur coat", "Mimosa", salads with boiled or smoked chicken and many others? No way! By the way, Chinese new Year will come only on January 28th. Also, chicken is the most affordable meat in Russia, and we cannot do without it. So the Rooster will hardly be offended at you if you use chicken or eggs in cooking. And we all understand that a rooster is not a hen, and a hen is not a rooster.

Be sure to lay out one of your favorite salads in the form of a cockerel, make a tail in the form of colorful and bright vegetable strips, or, generously sprinkle the salad with chopped herbs, seat the cockerel made from a chicken egg in the center of the salad. Make the beak, wings and tail from multi-colored bell pepper, the scallop from fresh carrots, and the eyes from black peppercorns. Well, can our Cockerel resist such beauty ?! By the way, both snacks and New Year's salads can also be served on the festive table in boats made of vegetables, fruits or in dough tins.

New Year's second buda, now let's talk about them. What to cook for the New Year? You can serve pork, lamb, and beef on the table. In a word, whatever you want, the main thing is not to be too fat. Those who are wary of upsetting the symbol of the year are unlikely to cook their favorite baked chicken for the New Year's table. But in vain! Firstly, the year of the Rooster will truly come almost at the end of January. And secondly, here you can also compromise: you cannot serve chicken, so to speak, "in its pure form", but we will serve it with an intricate vegetable side dish or bake in the oven with potatoes, bell peppers and eggplants. It seems like a chicken, but no - this is a different dish. Have you decided not to risk it? There are many options for what to cook from poultry for the New Year: cook a duck with apples or a stuffed turkey. Our feathered guest will love delicious vegetable casseroles with mushrooms, stews.

Don't forget about fish dishes. The fish can be baked separately, together with vegetables, to make delicious fish cakes from it. Moreover, if it is not possible to buy salmon or trout, cook mackerel baked in the oven with vegetables and lemon. It turns out to be incredibly tasty, aromatic and will definitely please loved ones and guests.

Remember the saying: "A chicken pecks by the grain"? So, throughout New Year's Eve, it is worth sticking to one simple rule: do not gorge yourself, but eat a little so that you have the strength to have fun, because the Rooster loves fun.
What really can pleasantly surprise the Fire Rooster is New Year's baked goods. It can be as much as you like. Pies and pies with various fillings, original cakes decorated with cream, and various cookies in the form of Christmas trees, snowflakes, snowmen, stars are not prohibited. For New Year's desserts, you can also include fruit salads, ice cream, chocolate glazed fruits, meringue Christmas trees and much more. The flight of your imagination in cooking and decorating desserts is not limited. There should be a lot of sweet dishes. That is why this magical holiday exists.

A few words about drinks. Traditional champagne will take its place of honor on the festive table this time too. In addition to it, you can afford something stronger: vodka, cognac, good wine, original cocktails (by the way, the word cocktail in translation means “cock's tail”), but this does not mean that all this should be drunk in huge quantities, here, as in food, measure is needed. Delicious milkshakes can be prepared for children.

The table also needs to be served to please the Fiery Rooster. For this occasion, a red tablecloth is ideal. If you have blue or green, that's fine too. If possible, also take bright dishes for serving. The Rooster will appreciate this serving. To please him completely, set the table at rustic style: canvas tablecloths, napkins. Don't use plastic, prefer glass, wood, ceramic, or porcelain. Wooden candlesticks, wicker vases and baskets will give a magical evening a feeling of home warmth and comfort. Put wooden spoons in salads - both beautiful and original. Hot meals can be served directly in clay pots.

And most importantly, when serving the table, do not forget to put a plate with sprouted grain or just some cereal in the center. This is a treat for the symbol of the year. You can put the same plate under the Christmas tree and sit next to it a cockerel - a soft toy, ceramic or wooden - so that Fire Rooster I saw that in this house he was welcomed and looked forward to. Then he, in turn, will do everything possible to make your holiday bright and unforgettable, and the New Year 2017 - the happiest in your life.

Larisa Shuftaykina

Just a little bit is left before that long-awaited day when gifts unfold, the air is filled with the aromas of tangerines and pine needles, the refrigerator bursts with goodies, and champagne pours like a river.

In order not to have to think feverishly on the last day, how to please the household for the holiday, we decide this issue in advance. True - taking into account the preferences of the symbol of the next year - the Fire Rooster.

Dishes for the New Year 2017 - what to cook for the New Year's table for the Year of the Rooster 2017?

The tradition of preparing dishes, according to the "wishes" of the patron of the year, appeared not so long ago. It represents a selection of foods and dishes meeting the taste preferences of this or that animal from the eastern calendar , according to which it is necessary to take into account characteristics not only the symbol of the year, but also its elements.

So, what dishes will the Red Fire Rooster like?

  • On chicken and poultry - a tough taboo.
  • Eggplants, beets, red onions, berries and juices from them, grapes, plums, carrots we take it out of the “bins” and put it on the festive table.
  • Rooster is a follower simple and healthy food ... Therefore, fruits with vegetables and grains should be mandatory. Colors - red and orange, pink, purple and burgundy - are preferred on the table and in decor.
  • Will not scare off the Rooster zucchini and peas, spinach, bell pepper salad, cucumbers, avocado with kiwi .
  • On hot: meat dishes from beef, rabbit, lamb, pork, as well as a wide variety of cereals, casseroles and pastries .
  • As for table setting, this year there should be metal ... For example, metal dishes, trays with hand-painted gold painting, etc. We decorate dishes herbs and spices , originally placing them in vases and on plates.

A variant of the New Year's menu for the Year of the Rooster 2017 - what to cook for the festive table?

  • Stuffed eggplant
    Required products:
    • Eggplant - 3 pcs.
    • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
    • Onions - 2 heads.
    • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
    • 1 carrot.
    • Cheese (hard) - 70 g.
    • Salt, pepper, oil, mayonnaise.

    Cooking method:

    • Soak washed, cut lengthwise and salted eggplants in salted water to remove bitterness for 30 minutes, rinse again and cut out the pulp.
    • Chop onions, carrots, peppers and eggplant pulp, fry, add tomatoes, simmer until the excess liquid evaporates.
    • Season with salt / pepper / garlic.
    • Put the cooled "minced meat" in eggplant halves, grease with mayonnaise, sprinkle with cheese and bake for 35 minutes.
  • Root vegetable salads
    It all depends only on the scope of imagination. We take potatoes and carrots, beets, celery root, a wide variety of herbs, aromatic herbs and spices, and prepare something original, from which both the Fire Rooster and the household will be delighted.

  • Canapes
    Well, where without them - without these delicious tiny sandwiches on skewers. They will decorate the table, and are suitable as a snack. To decorate sandwiches for "one tooth", you can use grapes, mushrooms, small cucumbers and olives.

  • Salad - a fireworks of taste for the Rooster
    Required products:
    • Potatoes, carrots and beets - each 300 g.
    • Cabbage - 200 g.
    • Pork fillet - 250 g.
    • Salt, mayonnaise, oil.
    • Greens (more) and 1 pomegranate.

    Salad preparation method:

    • Cut (in the form of strips), fry the pork.
    • Cut (also), fry the potatoes.
    • Grate beets with carrots and chop cabbage.
    • Separate the pomegranate seeds from the skin and chop the herbs.
    • Cut the fried potatoes with pork into cubes and place in slides on a plate with the vegetables. Pomegranate - in the very middle. Stir before use.
  • Beef under the "fur coat".
    Required Ingredients:
    • Beef - 700 g.
    • Onions - 1 head.
    • Salt pepper.
    • Vinegar - 50 ml.
    • Butter 100 g (butter).
    • Ground coffee - 2 tbsp / l.

    Cooking method:

    • Mix vinegar with coffee and spices, grate the meat with the resulting mixture and hide in a container in the refrigerator for 5 hours.
    • Next, fry the meat until golden brown, place it on a baking sheet on top of the onion cut into rings, bake for half an hour.
    • Chop the baked onion in a blender, mix with a couple of tablespoons of flour (diluted in water) and with meat juice for the sauce.
  • Cold cuts
    Required products:
    • Beef - 300 g (jerky).
    • Pork brisket - 300 g (boiled and smoked).
    • Boiled beef tongue - 1 pc.
    • Lettuce, greens (in a bunch - all traditional).
    • Spices, mustard.

    Whatever dishes you put on the festive table, remember that the main component is attention to loved ones!

New Year is a holiday for every person associated with an elegant Christmas tree, sparklers, and of course gifts and delicious food. Some recommendations will help make the New Year's table memorable. We advise you to decide in advance what dishes should be on the New Year's table. In this article we will tell you what dishes to cook for the New Year 2017, we will give step by step recipesas well as photographs.

The main nuances of the menu

Recently, many have been trying to please the delicacies presented on the festive table, the upcoming symbol of the year. In 2017, this is the Fire Rooster.

The rooster has always been the owner of the house and its chickens. He will appreciate the simple and natural dishes. In the Year of the Rooster, it is best to make a lot of homemade cakes such as pies. Particular attention should be paid to herbs and vegetables. Sandwiches with meat ingredients and vegetables can be used as an appetizer. From drinks it is better to choose cocktails, wines or liqueurs. It is better to add sweet liqueur or wine made from various fruits and berries to dishes that can be seasoned with alcohol.

Note! The highlight of the table should be a small plate of grain.

When people are already gathering in the house, you should offer them a snack. As a snack, a cocktail salad can be suitable, which immediately gives the holiday an appropriate atmosphere.

Cooking for a festive table

No New Year is complete without new Year's salads... As a rule, the table can accommodate both meat salads and delicious fish dishes and vegetarian food. It is worth choosing which dishes to cook, focusing on who will eat them. In the New Year, you can try and surprise everyone with your skill, cook dishes that no one has tried before. In addition to traditional salads, which are associated with the New Year, several other dishes are added to the table.


This exquisite dish will please everyone: both women and men. It is very nutritious and helps to relieve hunger. To prepare it correctly, you need to follow the instructions below:

  1. Take a pound of mushrooms and fry in a hot skillet with onions. It must be remembered that it is better to put them in hot oil, and cut the onions into small pieces. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Then cut 10 crab sticks into cubes.
  3. Grate 6 boiled eggs on the finest grater and add all the ingredients previously cooked.
  4. Next, you need to season the salad with mayonnaise.
  5. Place the prepared salad on a beautifully decorated dish.
  6. Garnish with grated soft cheese on top.

This salad doesn't take long, so it's worth taking note of this recipe, and it's also delicious. It will appeal to people who love spicy salads.

Korean salad

For the correct preparation of the dish, you must follow the correct sequence of actions:

  1. You need to take 100 grams of green beans and fry in hot oil until golden brown.
  2. Put the beans on a paper towel, cool, let the oil drain.
  3. Fry six mushrooms and place on a paper towel.
  4. After all the ingredients have cooled, you need to mix them in a deep bowl.
  5. Then add 150 grams of Korean carrots and eight olives.
  6. Season the salad to taste.
  7. Add pepper as needed.
  8. Stir the salad and let sit in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Put the prepared dish in a salad bowl and decorate with herbs or pine nuts.

Holiday mood

Another festive dish will be a delicious salad. For this you need:

  1. Take three boiled eggs... Cut them into strips.
  2. Add three chopped tomatoes to the eggs.
  3. Chop 150 grams of crab meat product.
  4. Grate 100 grams of hard cheese.

Garlic sauce is used as a dressing. For cooking, take two cloves of garlic and push them through the garlic. You should focus only on your own taste. Remember that housewives often go overboard with this dressing.

Note! Such a dish is laid out in the form of rings or other shapes. You can decorate it with lettuce leaves, various herbs, pine nuts.

New Year's table rules

  1. Don't put emphasis on chicken. The rooster may be offended and deprive the mistress of good luck in the coming year.
  2. Do not cook the main course with a lot of oil and fat.
  3. Dishes with herbs and vegetables, lean meat will look great on the table.
  4. Don't cook a lot of spiciness.

Note! It is best to pay attention to foods such as cheeses, olives, spices, fish. You can cook baked fish. Trout, salmon are suitable as it. Potatoes can be a side dish.

We drink and do not get drunk

In the New Year, cocktails will be relevant, because the word "cocktail" even translates accordingly as a rooster's tail.

Cocktail "Mood"

You can make the "Mood" cocktail. For this you need to take:

  • coca cola;
  • red wine, preferably cherry;
  • dark rum.

This taste will attract friends and acquaintances with its unusual peculiar taste. The wine drink will add zest in the form of tart notes. The procedure for preparing a drink is as follows:

  1. Grab an elegant cocktail glass. Don't forget to wash it, because the look of your cocktail is also important.
  2. Put ice on the bottom.
  3. Combine three parts wine and one rum.
  4. Add soda to the mixture.

A lemon or berry can be used as decoration. The straw will also look amazing. It only takes a couple of minutes to prepare a cocktail.

Cocktail "Champagne"

It takes half an hour to cook. It is the main drink of the holiday. Contains champagne, lemon, vermouth, sugar, ice and a drop of fancy to decorate the prepared drink.

First you need to mix champagne, vermouth and sugar. All in equal amounts. Add lemon juice and stir. Then the drink should be chilled in the refrigerator. Next, you need to pour the cocktail into prepared glasses, decorate them with an umbrella and lemon. It is better to choose wine glasses with a New Year theme, for example, with snowflakes, stickers or hand-painted ones. Don't forget about ice cubes.

Such recipes will please the guests and relatives who have come, and will create a festive mood.

2017 New Year is coming! According to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar, this year will be held under the auspices of the Fire (Red) Rooster. Let the design of the New Year's table, as well as the culinary New Year's recipes 2017, make the Rooster want to give good luck to this or that family. And for this, it will not be superfluous to compose the correct New Year's menu on the eve of the holiday and prepare such New Year's dishes that will delight the owner of the year with their colors, taste, ease and joy.

The rooster among all the signs of the Eastern calendar is the most expressive, very sociable. He gives the year a special vital energy, which helps people who value traditions to move up the career ladder, contributes to personal growth.

Bearing in mind that the Rooster, although the bird is not greedy, however, is moderately economical, the New Year's menu 2017 should be drawn up in such a way that the dishes on the table on this day are simple enough, no frills, but that there are many of them and they can be to satisfy and delight all those feasting at the table.

Must be present for dessert fruit dishes. Vegetable dishes, greens - should become signature this New Year. Set your chicken recipes aside for now. The Rooster will not forgive such "cunning" from you in the New Year's menu 2017. But you will please him if you put a bowl of grain in the center of the table, which the Rooster loves more than other goodies.

For hot main courses for New Year 2017 can be recommended culinary recipes from meat (beef, pork, rabbit). And, of course, New Year's fish and seafood dishes can become the main ones on the festive table in 2017.

For a snack perfect for a duet with the classic Olivier or other traditional New Year's snacks.

As a dessert The rooster will be pleased, as mentioned above, with fruit mixes, cakes decorated with fruits and berries. But you can make yogurt cake or curd cake. Such a sweet dish will also please the owner of the year.

Remember that the Rooster gets drunk very quickly, although he does not mind a light aperitif. Because strong alcoholic drinks not desirable at the New Year's table. But you can offer guests champagne, as well as colorful bright cocktails, light alcoholic or non-alcoholic. Fruit drinks, lemonade made from fruits or berries of different colors are also suitable.

The festive table and dishes on it should be varied. And most importantly, bright, beautifully decorated, multi-colored. After all, the rooster is a creature who loves the holiday in all its manifestations. And I would be glad if the hosts at the 2017 New Year's table will please the guests and cheer them up with a rainbow of dishes for every taste.

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