What to prepare for the meeting of the year. What to cook for the festive table for the New Year. Seafood salad "Sea caprice"

Design and style 24.11.2020
Design and style
What should be the New Year's table in the year of the Red Fire Rooster? What dishes can decorate it? How to create a New Year's menu? "Povarenok", as always, is in a hurry to help you and will offer on its pages many ideas on how to properly celebrate the holiday, what dishes to cook for the New Year 2017, what drinks to decorate the menu with and how to serve the New Year's table 2017.

Soon, soon, the Red Fire Rooster will knock on every door! New Year 2017 will come. And with it a new life, new luck, success, happiness, love, health! And in order to invoke all these pleasant moments into our life in the New Year, you need to try not to offend his main patron, but to tame him, feed him with dishes that are joyful for him, please them with taste and combinations on the New Year's table 2017.

How to set New Year's table 2017?

Table setting is a very important moment in the design of a festive New Year's dinner. Keeping in mind that the Rooster is a poultry, a country bird, we will set the table simply, but with taste. Wooden bowls, spoons, and other dishes can be used. Earthenware, tablecloths and linen napkins will also work well. If you also find an old samovar, which you put in the center of the table, and place saucers with bagels around it, this could be the highlight of the 2017 New Year's table.

Let the dishes and other attributes at the table be bright, colorful, painted. Do not serve table 2017 with fake dishes, for example, made of plastic. This is not the case. Only everything is home, natural, close, sincere and warm.

Shades of New Year's table 2017

Decorate the 2017 New Year's table with red Christmas decorations, Christmas tree branches, red candles, you can put sparkling scarlet stars on the table. Play with red and white combinations when choosing a tablecloth for the New Year's table. Place only red fruits in a vase on the table.

Be sure to place the Rooster figurine next to the Santa Claus and Snow Maiden figurines somewhere near the New Year's table. Let these patrons of the New Year 2017 watch how wonderful and fun you celebrate the New Year, and bring you a lot of good luck and prosperity in it!

Happy New Year!

For more information on how to celebrate the New Year 2017 - the year of the Red Rooster, read our New Year's article at.

New 2017 year according to the Eastern calendar will be held under the sign of the Fire Rooster. At first glance, this bird seems to be simple, but it has a cocky and arrogant character, and therefore it will not be easy to please the owner of the coming year.

When preparing for New Year's Eve, it is important to think over everything to the smallest detail, so as not to get into a mess and inadvertently anger the Rooster Fanfaron. What to cook for the New Year's table 2017 to satisfy a demanding bird, surprise guests with extraordinary dishes, and what recipes to use to turn the holiday into a culinary extravaganza?

This task is not an easy one, but nothing is impossible if you take up the matter with confidence in your abilities and a sincere desire to please your loved ones. When preparing the menu, it is important to consider some rules, knowledge of which will save you from many mistakes. So,

  • The first rule - you can't cook chicken from meat on this holiday. You will have to give up not only this, such a familiar and, undoubtedly, tasty product, but even eggs, though served too explicitly - for example, stuffed. But you can cook using eggs as ingredients in the same salads or baked goods.
  • Rule two - more greens, vegetables and fruits. This is understandable, because the rooster is a bird that eats plant food. Recipes from cereals and legumes are also welcome on the festive table. What is not a worthy alternative to bored potatoes? Rice, bulgur, corn grits, beans, if properly cooked and served, can become a real highlight of the culinary program! You can cook salads, main courses, desserts, cuts from vegetables and fruits. In short, the more there are, the better.
  • The third rule is simple, but tasteful. Recipes that fully satisfy the strict guidelines of the owner of the year - are easy to prepare, do not require exotic ingredients, strong roasting, and are seasoned in moderation.

Having adopted these useful recommendations, let's proceed, in fact, to the most important thing - the choice of dishes for the festive table. And what delicious to cook for the new 2017 year will tell the recipes with the photos presented below. All of them are quite simple to prepare, do not require special material costs and special skills of the chef. Just familiarize yourself with the listed dishes, and you will definitely understand for yourself what is better to cook.

New Year's Eve dishes - simple but ... exquisite

Since we do not want the next 12 months to pass under the sign of a picky Rooster resentment against us, we will cook the first hot dishes from pork, lamb and seafood. Such a choice will allow you to remember it as a celebration in which traditional culinary preferences played with new tastes.

Pork with prunes - unusual and beautiful

So, deciding what to cook for the new 2017 Year of the Rooster, we note that baking the most tender pork with prunes and red dry wine will be a win-win (sounds magical, doesn't it?).

On well washed and towel-dried meat (it is better to take rump), cuts are made at regular intervals of 1.5 cm.Then, at the place of the cuts, the pork is rubbed with salt, pepper, thyme, sprinkled with mustard and filled with prunes with garlic, which were previously pickled in for 30 minutes in warmed red wine. Then the meat is wrapped in foil and placed in an oven preheated to 200 °.

The dish is baked for 40 minutes, then turned over and fried for the same amount. 10 minutes before readiness, the foil opens, which makes it possible to brown the pork and cover with a golden crust.

Juicy lamb on the bone - unmatched softness and flavor

Also appetizing, as the photo looks like another New Year's dish - mutton on the bone. Pieces of lamb meat on the bone are beaten off, flavored with spices (salt, pepper, thyme, basil), sliced \u200b\u200bonions, and marinated for a while in the cold. Then they go to the grill pan, where they are fried on both sides until half cooked. Lamb gets the final softness by baking in the oven.

Pork and smoked lamb rolls - an interesting combination

Appreciate creativity? Then try to surprise your guests and the Rooster himself with an unusual combination of smoked lamb and tender pork, making original rolls from them. On cut into squares and salted-pepper pork (850 g), put hard cheese (250 g), cut into slices.

Above is a layer of smoked lamb (250 g). Then all this is rolled up in the form of a roll, and, tied with a thread, is sent to the oven for 1-1.5 hours. When served to guests, the thread is removed. These rolls are good both as an independent dish and as a snack.

Fish feast - salmon under a crust of nuts

A real find for housewives who love simple recipes is salmon with nuts.

To begin with, we make a sauce with which the fish will be poured. To do this, melt the butter, mix with honey and mustard. Mix chopped parsley with breadcrumbs and chopped nuts. Cut the fish into portions, remove the vertebral bones if necessary, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with breading. We put it on a greased form and send it to the oven, heated to 190 ° for 30 minutes. Serving salmon to guests, serve it with lemon wedges.

Tribute to tradition - fish with sauce

Cooking fish with sauce according to a traditional Russian recipe will be a wonderful surprise for the guests and the Rooster. Take the fish fillet (salmon, trout, sea bass) salt, sprinkle with lemon juice. A baking dish, greased with vegetable oil, lay out the chopped onions, on which we spread portioned pieces of fish with the skin down. We bake until the fillet turns white (30 minutes).

Mix sour cream, onion, salt and spices and pour in the fish, bringing it to readiness for the next 15 minutes. Serve on the New Year's table, sprinkled with herbs.

Exotic in Chinese - shrimp with sauce

Cooking for the New Year's table 2017 and not using seafood is nonsense. We correct this misunderstanding by preparing the next delicious and original dish - shrimp with sauce, having our recipes with a photo at hand. The cooking time takes about half an hour, and the dish itself pleases not only with an exquisite taste, but also with a reduced calorie content.

So, butter, garlic and cream are put into a preheated pan and brought to a boil. Peeled shrimps with finely chopped parsley are stewed in the sauce for 10 minutes, then laid out on a separate dish, while the sauce continues to stand on the fire. When it thickens, add the shrimps to it again and simmer for a few more minutes. The dish is served warm with rice or pasta.

Vegetable fair - salad for everyone

We offer to prepare a vegetable salad, from which the discerning Rooster will definitely be delighted, and the New Year's table will only benefit! The main thing is that you can adjust the composition of this interesting dish yourself. The zest of this unusually bright and easy-to-prepare snack is that any (!) Fresh vegetables are cut into not too thin slices and laid out in a tray, where a cup with pork or ham is placed in the center.

For salad, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, green salad, Chinese cabbage, onions, garlic, spicy herbs are suitable. Various sauces are served separately for vegetables: sour cream, creamy, homemade mayonnaise, natural yogurt dressing with various spices or garlic. So, each of the guests will be able to "collect" their own vegetable salad from their favorite ingredients, and season again to their liking. And the rooster is pleased and the guests - delicious.

Serving wonders - salad of crab sticks in orange baskets

If you want originality and bright colors, you definitely need to prepare a salad of crab sticks in orange baskets for the New Year's table. And how to do this, our recipes will tell you. Having mixed boiled eggs, orange pulp, crab sticks, canned corn in a separate bowl, salted and seasoned with mayonnaise, we are doing the most interesting thing - serving. In the halves of oranges previously peeled from the pulp, with the edges cut around the entire circumference in the form of cloves, we place our salad - voila, an amazing dish for the new year 2017 is ready!

Warm salad in buns - appetizing and satisfying

In just a little time, you can create another culinary masterpiece based on our recipes with photos - a warm salad in savory buns. It's not that hard to cook it: combine diced smoked meat or sausage, boiled potatoes, pickled cucumbers, grated cheese, bell peppers and mayonnaise. For sesame buns, carefully cut off the top and remove the pulp. Place the resulting salad inside and bake in the oven until the cheese begins to melt. Cover the bun with the top cut before serving.

Triumph of tenderness - salmon rolls

A wonderful snack for the new year 2017 can be prepared from lightly salted pieces of salmon, cut into thin slices. Inside each fish strip, place any curd cheese mixed with herbs (parsley, green onions) and gently roll the slices like rolls. We put in the cold for 1-2 hours, and then put on a dish, previously covered with green salad leaves.

Delicious and fast - pita rolls with ham or fish

As a variant of the previous appetizer, you can make pita rolls with ham or any smoked lightly salted fish. To do this, take pita bread, coat it with a thin layer of curd cheese, put ham or fish cut into thin plates on top, roll into a roll and put in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Then, after taking them out of the refrigerator, cut into pieces and serve.

Our photo recipes will help you set an amazing table for the new year 2017, which will be led by the Rooster. Take a closer look at the dishes described here, and maybe by adding something of your own, create new culinary masterpieces. Good luck!

The main distinguishing feature of the owner of 2017, the Rooster, is pedantry. The Fire Rooster adores classics, simplicity and elegance. And his tastes should be taken into account when preparing dishes for the New Year's table.

What to cook dishes for the New Year 2017

In order to clearly understand what dishes (salads, snacks, etc.) to cook for the New Year's table in 2017, and what to make new year menu 2017, you should decide what should not be there. The rooster will not tolerate his relatives being eaten at a festive meal, therefore, he will have to refuse chicken for this New Year 2017. Another forbidden dish on the New Year's menu is chicken eggs. But you should not be afraid of this, because, firstly, you do not need to use them only explicitly (stuffed, in the form of snowmen on skewers, etc.), and secondly, they can be replaced with quail. It is not prohibited to add eggs to New Year's dishes.

What should be on the 2017 New Year's table

According to the symbol of 2017, the Red Rooster, vegetables in all possible manifestations should be present on the festive table: salads, side dishes, fresh cuts. Do not forget about fruit either. And the more there are, the more appetizing your table will become. Fire Rooster does not like heavy cuisine. Do not overdo it with fried and very salty, strong alcohol.

New Year's menu 2017 for the year of the Fire Rooster

Sushi will be a great dish for the New Year's table 2017. In order to cook them, you don't need meat, which will definitely please your taste. He will also unequivocally approve of fish dishes and rice, which are the main Asian cuisine.

A wonderful option for the New Year's table 2017 will be festive new year dishes from shrimp or other seafood. Vegetable casseroles, stews, fresh vegetables are perfectly combined with them.

From the dishes of Russian cuisine, in the festive menu, you can include baked or jellied fish. If you want to pamper your homemade classic for festive tables dish "Herring under a fur coat", it is recommended to use homemade mayonnaise instead of purchased mayonnaise. prepare for New 2017 - independently. It is done very simply, but it is much more useful than its store counterparts. To make a classic dish a little more original, you can approach its preparation creatively: give the salad the shape of a roll, a Christmas tree, or put it in portions on separate plates, decorating with herbs.

European cuisine offers us with lamb baked in pots with vegetables. You can also include in the menu and cook dishes from pork, beef, for example, Vienna schnitzel. You don't need to resort to poultry dishes too much: turkey, so beloved in the USA as a classic Christmas dish, or Russian baked duck, of course, cannot greatly affect the attitude of the Fire Rooster to a festive meal, but it is preferable to do without poultry dishes this year.


From alcohol, the Fire Rooster prefers wine, champagne, cocktails. Very strong alcohol will not be to the liking of those who love concentration.

New Year's desserts

When it comes to desserts, fantasy can allow you to do just about anything. One has only to take into account that very heavy food or one to which strong alcohol is added will not please the Fire Rooster.

How to properly serve New Year's table 2017

  • Tablecloth. It should be monochromatic in dull tones. The best option is white, but you can also use gold or pink.
  • Service. Naturalness is the motto of 2017. No plastic. Only glass, wood and clay.
  • Napkins. Match the tablecloths. If paper napkins are used, they should be placed on a plate. Linen or cotton are placed under the plate.
  • Glasses. Set the table depending on what kind of alcohol you will provide. Don't forget a glass for water too.
  • Decorations. It would be appropriate to put a small plate with sprouted grains in the center of the table - this will please the symbol of 2017. Let the table be decorated with a large number of candles in red or gold tones, this will perfectly complement the New Year's interior and give the overall atmosphere of elegance and mystery.

New Year is a very long-awaited and beloved holiday for the inhabitants of the planet. This one night of the year is considered truly magical. A beautiful decorated Christmas tree, garlands, tinsel - all this creates a mood.

But this is not the only way to create a New Year's atmosphere. It is also necessary to responsibly approach the choice of New Year's dishes and decorating the table.

Many housewives are preparing to the maximum for this holiday in order to surprise friends and family. Therefore, you need to know what the "owner" of 2017 prefers.

2017 is the year of the red fiery Rooster, its symbolic colors are bright yellow and crimson red. Therefore, for table decoration and serving, it is preferable to choose these shades.

The symbol of the fiery Rooster is very quick-tempered, but very quick-witted and serious. Prefers natural and simple recipes. Therefore, the menu for the New Year 2017 should be simple and tasty.


It is desirable to decorate the table not only with decorative elements, but also with dishes. Vegetables should be present on the table, and not necessarily fresh, pickled and permissible. To serve dishes, use different greens, for example, you can put meat or cheese cuts on it.

The symbol of the red Rooster does not accept the presence of plastic dishes on the table, it must be made of glass or porcelain, red and yellow-orange shades.

The presence of candles on the table will add coziness and warmth to the atmosphere. You can put one candle in the center or, if there are no small children, then near each device.

Main hot dishes

For the New Year 2017, chicken cannot be used in any form; hot dishes can be prepared from fish, seafood and meat. It is also desirable that the dishes are made from lean meats, the food should be light.

When cooking, use as little oil as possible, refuse chemical store sauces, as well as mayonnaise.

Recipes for original hot dishes for the New 2017

Warm shrimps in sauce

This recipe will appeal to lovers of Chinese cuisine. The hot dish comes out extremely tender and light.

We prepare this delicacy like this:

  1. Melt butter in a preheated pan, fry chopped garlic on it for literally 10 seconds and pour in cream;
  2. After the sauce has boiled, add the defrosted peeled shrimp. Simmer for 7 minutes. Advice! Shrimps cannot be heat treated for a long time, since they will be "rubbery";
  3. Finely chop a variety of greens, add to the shrimp and mix. Darken for another 2-4 minutes, turn off the stove and leave in a frying pan to thicken.

Serve warm in portions on lettuce leaves or cook spaghetti or rice as a side dish.

Fish fillet in sour cream sauce

Such a hot dish will appeal to lovers of traditional Russian cuisine. The fish turns out to be stunningly juicy and tender.


  • 0.8 kg fillet of any fish;
  • 2 small onions;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Half a lemon;
  • Pepper, salt, spices for fish;
  • 250 ml sour cream;
  • A little flour;
  • Greens.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut fish fillets into portions. Rub them with spices, salt and pepper. Squeezed juice from half a lemon, pour over the slices. Leave in this form for 1-2 hours;
  2. Cut the onions into thin half rings. Grease a baking sheet or a special form with sunflower oil (vegetable) and put onion on the bottom. Lay the fish skin down on top of the onion. Put in the oven (oven) preheated to 185 degrees, bake for about 25-32 minutes;
  3. After the time has elapsed, pour the fish with sour cream sauce: add salt, a little pepper to the sour cream, gradually add flour, stirring so that no lumps form;
  4. Place the baking sheet in the oven / oven to brown.

The fish can be served on lettuce leaves or cooked with rice as a garnish. Arrange fillet pieces and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

British lamb

This recipe will appeal to men, the meat dish is very satisfying, so it can be served as the main hot dish on the New Year's table 2017.


  • 0.8 kg of white or red potatoes;
  • 0.6 kg of lamb;
  • 0.3 kg of onions;
  • 10 g tomato paste;
  • 55-65 g fat;
  • Salt, spices, bay leaf, allspice;
  • Several cloves of garlic;
  • Greens (whatever you like).

Let's start the most exciting process - cooking:

  1. Chop the lamb in medium pieces, season with pepper, salt and spices. Leave in the marinade for 1 hour. At this time, cut potatoes and onions into thin slices;
  2. Put the meat on the bottom in a baking dish, put onions and potatoes on top. Sprinkle with pepper and salt. Repeat layers until the starting products run out;
  3. Sprinkle all layers with herbs mixed with chopped garlic on top;
  4. Fry the tomato paste in a pan for a few minutes in order to get rid of the acidity. Stir the tomato in a small amount of water, add a little salt and spices. Pour the meat and potatoes on top;
  5. The dish is cooked for an average of 2 hours at 180 degrees.

The lamb turns out to be very soft and tender with such a long bake. Serve in a large platter or in a baking dish.

Christmas duck with ruddy apples

It is considered one of the classic Russian dishes. Suitable even for those who follow a diet or proper nutrition.


  • 1 duck carcass;
  • 3 green medium apples;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 80 g sour cream;
  • Spices, salt, cinnamon, white pepper;
  • Greens.

Cooking a dish looks like this:

    1. Rinse the gutted duck inside and out. Pat dry with a towel;

    1. Grate the carcass on all sides with pepper and salt;

    1. Cut the apples into medium cubes and the lemon into thin rings. Sprinkle with spices, cinnamon;

    1. Place apples in the duck and fix the hole. Smear the surface of the carcass with sour cream;

    1. Heat the oven to 185 degrees, place the carcass on a baking sheet, brisket down;

  1. Bake for several hours;
  2. Then you need to cover the carcass with foil and put in the oven for another 15-16 minutes.

Serve the duck on a party tray. You can cut the carcass in advance or serve it whole, sprinkle with herbs around. Boiled potatoes are suitable as a side dish.


It is considered one of the most popular and widespread Italian hot dishes, which is very suitable on New Year's Eve 2017, as well as for those who have little time to cook, but really want to surprise their guests with a delicious dish. The entire preparation process will take no more than half an hour.


  • 100 g spaghetti;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 40-50 g of hard cheese (several types);
  • 40 g bacon;
  • Salt, pepper, spices;
  • Greens.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil spaghetti, depending on the variety, for 7-11 minutes;
  2. Grate cheese on a fine grater, beat with a mixer along with eggs;
  3. Thinly chop the bacon, fry in a skillet in sunflower oil (vegetable). Add the egg-cheese mass;
  4. Add spaghetti, stir gently and let simmer over low heat.

Serve in portions on flat plates. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan and pepper. Put greens around the edges.

Ratatouille in French

Those who follow the figure, and also do not want to buy a couple of extra pounds for the New Year holidays, will like one of the hottest dishes of French cuisine - ratatouille. It will look great on the 2017 New Year's table.

Treat Components:

  • 1 kg tomato;
  • 0.3 kg eggplant;
  • 0.3 kg of zucchini;
  • 0.3 kg of bell pepper;
  • Garlic;
  • Thyme, basil, rosemary;
  • Sunflower oil (vegetable);
  • Pepper, salt.

Let's get to the fun part:

  1. Cut the eggplants and zucchini into rings 2-3 mm thick. Salt and let it brew for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water;
  2. Mix basil, thyme, rosemary with vegetable oil. Add chopped garlic;
  3. Peel the seeds from the pepper and, without cutting, send to a baking sheet. Bake for half an hour in the oven at 200 degrees until the skin darkens. Put in a bag with a thermal valve, tightly closing it;
  4. After the pepper has cooled, it needs to be peeled off, it will be easily separated;
  5. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the skin, and then cut into a medium cube;
  6. Cut the peeled onion into half rings and fry in vegetable oil until light brown;
  7. Add chopped tomatoes, after 10 minutes of stewing, put peppers to them. Simmer for another 6 minutes;
  8. Put the tomato sauce in a deep baking sheet, then lay the eggplants with zucchini in layers, brushing the layers with a herbal mixture. Cover with foil, send to an oven preheated to 175 degrees;
  9. Bake for more than an hour until desired softness;
  10. After removing the foil, the vegetables should stand for about half an hour.

Serve on a common dish or in portions. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top if desired.

Chicken with beef tongue

If you are not afraid of the anger of the Rooster and do not want to change your established habits about chicken dishes, then the next recipe will come in handy. Such a dish will be just right for a big New Year's party to celebrate 2017. Will please both male and female guests. The meat will turn out to be very juicy if you follow the entire procedure.


  • Beef tongue;
  • Chick;
  • Onion;
  • Soy sauce;
  • Sunflower oil (vegetable);
  • Creamy (no spread) butter;
  • 300 g of champignons;
  • Garlic;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 45 ml of brandy;
  • 10 g sugar;
  • 400 ml of dry wine;
  • Spices: thyme, salt, pepper.

We start cooking by following these steps:

  1. Boil the beef tongue in salted water. When ready, it can be easily peeled off. Submit again in water for 5 minutes. Cut the cooled tongue into thin slices;
  2. Cut the chicken into pieces, add spices and 50 ml of soy sauce. Mix everything, leave for an hour. Then fry in vegetable / olive oil until a crust appears. When all the pieces are ready, remove them in a separate bowl;
  3. Fry the onion, cut into half rings in butter;
  4. Cut the mushrooms into slices, put on the onion and fry;
  5. Put in a deep frying pan or heat-resistant dish: onion with mushrooms, garlic, tongue, put chicken pieces on top, sprinkle with flour on top;
  6. Pour everything with brandy, stew for 10 minutes;
  7. Sprinkle with sugar and pour in wine. Simmer for another 30-40 minutes.

Put everything on a dish, and leave the remaining liquid on the fire, allowing it to thicken slightly. When serving, pour over the resulting sauce.

Meat with pineapple and cheese

The combination of meat with pineapple will give a hot dish a unique taste, and a beautiful design with an unusual combination will give an even more festive mood for the New Year 2017.


  • 0.5 kg of pork pulp;
  • 1 can of canned pineapples;
  • 200-220 g of hard cheese;
  • Sunflower oil, salt, pepper.

We follow these steps:

  1. Grate cheese on a coarse grater;
  2. Cut the meat into small slices, then beat it off with a kitchen hammer. Add salt and pepper;
  3. Place the meat in a greased deep baking sheet. Place canned pineapple slices on top. Bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, take out a baking sheet with meat and sprinkle with cheese.

The dish can be served on its own or as a side dish, you can make a light vegetable salad.

Regardless of which dish will be chosen for the New Year 2017, it must be prepared with love and mood, this is the only way an original dish can be obtained from a simple recipe.

Already on the threshold of the New Year, which means that many housewives will face painful preparation for the holiday, which both children and adults love so much. Why painful? Take, for example, the moment of coming up with gifts for each family member, moreover, the presents should be not only good, but also useful, so that they give joy not one day, or even a year.

Or - a myriad of time spent thinking about the New Year's menu. If you are also puzzling over the question “ what to cook for the New Year 2017?"- our site will help you with this and torment in the twinkling of an eye will turn into pleasure.

A special and always long-awaited winter holiday begins long before the magical night of December 31-January 1. Inspirational, touching and exciting preparation for the New Year is itself the beginning of a real miracle that brings all family members together in a special way. And one of the main tasks of preparing for the holiday, which falls on the fragile shoulders of the hostess, is preparing dishes for the New Year's table.

The rooster, the owner of the coming year, loves everything bright and catchy, so the dishes should be colorful. By nature, the Fire Rooster is a vegetarian, but you cannot do without meat dishes at all in the New Year, the main thing is that vegetables prevail on the table.

Mini pork rolls with feta cheese and prunes

These amazing rolls will go to guests' plates in no time. Prunes give the meat an amazing softness, and the notes of salted feta cheese extraordinarily liven up the taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • Pork neck - 1 kg
  • Bryndza - 200 g
  • Prunes - 200 g
  • Sour cream 25% - 250 g
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp the spoon
  • Mustard with grains - 4 tbsp spoons
  • Dried basil - 2 tsp
  • Salt pepper

Cooking process:

Step 1.First of all, prunes must be soaked in warm water and left to swell.

Step 2.The meat should be rinsed and cut across the grain (the pieces should be 2 cm thick) and beat off with a kitchen hammer.

Step 3.Olive oil, mustard and sour cream should be mixed with salt, pepper and basil. This sauce should be greased on both sides of each piece of meat.

Step 4.Dry the prunes with a paper towel and cut into small pieces.

Step 5.The cheese must be cut into medium-sized cubes.

Step 6.Put the chopped prunes and feta cheese on a очка piece of beaten meat and twist the roll. This should be done with all pieces of meat.

Step 7.All the rolls must be laid out on a baking sheet and baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 40-60 minutes.

Salmon in white sauce with vegetables

This is a very light, low-calorie holiday meal that will appeal to everyone who follows the figure, but is not going to give up delicious food.

Required Ingredients:

  • Salmon steak - 6 pcs.
  • Cream - 100 g
  • Natural white yogurt - 200 g
  • Seasoning for fish - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Assorted vegetables (e.g. peas, broccoli, carrots) - 300 g
  • Lemon ¼ pcs.
  • Olive oil

Cooking process:

Step 1.The fish steaks should be washed and dried with paper towels, after which it is necessary to grease the fish with lemon juice and seasoning.

Step 2.Cream should be mixed with white yogurt.

Step 3.The baking sheet must be lined with foil and greased with olive oil. The steaks should be laid out on foil and covered with white sauce, and the vegetable platter should be spread between the pieces of fish. Cover the baking sheet with foil on top so that there are no gaps for air.

Step 4.Salmon steaks with vegetables need to be baked in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes, and then you need to open the dish (remove the top layer of foil) and leave to bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

Eggplant stuffed with vegetables

Vegetables will look great on the New Year's table, and such a dish will definitely delight the demanding Fire Rooster.

Required Ingredients:

  • Eggplant - 3 pcs.
  • Bulb onions - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • Grated hard cheese - for sprinkling
  • Salt pepper
  • Mayonnaise - for lubrication
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Cooking process:

Step 1.Eggplant should be thoroughly washed, dried, stalked off, and each eggplant should be cut in half lengthwise. Remove the pulp from each half with a spoon so that rather thick walls remain. Then the eggplant "plates" need to be slightly salted.

Step 2.Carrots and bell peppers should be cut into strips, onions - in half rings, and eggplant pulp - in pieces.

Step 3.All chopped vegetables must be fried in a skillet using vegetable oil. Cut the tomatoes into pieces and add to the vegetables in a skillet and simmer everything together to evaporate excess liquid. Once the vegetables are cooked, add the garlic, finely chopped or skipped through the garlic, as well as salt and pepper.

Step 4.You need to fill the hollow eggplant halves with the vegetable filling, sprinkle with grated cheese and coat with mayonnaise.

Step 5.Eggplants should be placed on a greased baking sheet and placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour.

New Year's salad "Clapperboard"

"Khlopushka" will delight guests not only with its colorfulness, but also with an unforgettable taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • Potatoes - 400-500 g
  • White meat (chicken or turkey) - 200 g
  • Fresh mushrooms - 200 g
  • Walnuts - 100 g
  • Eggs - 7 pcs.
  • Pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1 pc. medium size
  • Mayonnaise - 250-300 g
  • Dill greens - for decoration
  • Canned corn - for decoration
  • Beet juice - for decoration

Cooking process:

Step 1.The potatoes must be boiled in their uniforms, then cooled and peeled. Peeled potatoes need to be grated on a fine grater, and then take plastic wrap and put the potatoes on it in a rectangle, tamp them well, salt and grease with mayonnaise.

Step 2.Eggs should be hard-boiled, cooled, peeled and finely grated on top of the potatoes, slightly stepping back from the edges so that the potatoes are slightly visible. A little bit of grated yolk and, separately, protein should be left to decorate the salad.

Step 3.Boil the meat in salted water, cool and cut into small pieces.

Step 4.The mushrooms must be peeled and cut into small pieces and fried in a pan with finely chopped onions in a small amount of vegetable oil. After five minutes of frying, add the meat to the mushrooms and keep it on the fire for another five minutes, salt and pepper to taste. The cooled meat and mushroom mass should be put on eggs and greased with mayonnaise.

Step 5.Nuts should be smashed to a coarse state in a blender and sprinkled on the meat with mushrooms, greased with mayonnaise.

Step 6.Peel the pomegranate and sprinkle half of all the seeds of the fruit on top of the nuts.

Step 7.Then, carefully grasping the edges of the film, you need to roll up the roll so that the cling film is not inside the cracker. Having rolled the roll, you need to wrap it in foil and send the salad to the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours.

Step 8.After the allotted time, the roll must be taken out and greased with mayonnaise on the top.

Step 9.Part of the grated proteins should be set aside, and the rest of the proteins should be stained with beetroot juice. You can then decorate the cracker as you like using pink and white whites, yolks, pomegranate seeds, corn, herbs, etc.

Crystal salad

The "Crystal" salad looks so impressive that at the first glance at it the guests may be speechless! But in the next minute they will vying with each other to admire the skills of the hostess, and admire the beauty of the New Year's salad.

Required Ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Onion
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs. medium size
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise

For jelly:

  • Gelatin - 3 packs of 10 g each (total - 30 g of gelatin)
  • Broth in which chicken fillet was cooked
  • Peppercorns
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Bay leaf

Cooking process:

Step 1.First you need to boil the fillets in salted water with the addition of bay leaves, pepper and finely chopped garlic. When the chicken is cooked, you need to get it out of the broth, and strain the liquid itself.

Step 2.Pour gelatin into a saucepan or ladle, and then pour 150 ml of broth into it, mix thoroughly and leave for 10 minutes to swell. Then you need to put the container on fire and heat it so that the gelatin is completely dissolved (you cannot bring it to a boil).

Step 3.Next, strain the gelatin through a strainer and pour another 700 ml of chicken broth into it. After mixing thoroughly, you need to pour the jelly into cups or into a wide bowl. The height of the jelly should be 1-1.2 cm. While the jelly is cooling in the refrigerator, you need to do the salad itself.

Step 4.The bottom of the salad bowl should be covered with cling film, and the first layer should be laid out pre-cooked and diced potatoes, greased with mayonnaise.

Step 5.Pickled cucumbers, cut into cubes, must be laid out in a second layer.

Step 6.The chicken fillet should be cut into cubes, laid out in a third layer and brushed with mayonnaise.

Step 7.Boiled and diced eggs should be laid out in the last layer and greased with mayonnaise. The salad needs to be refrigerated for a while.

Step 8.A mold with already frozen jelly must be taken out and cut into squares.

Step 9.Now you need to carefully, using cling film, topple the salad onto a flat dish, remove the film and coat the top and edges with mayonnaise.

Step 10.Carefully, one at a time, you need to take out the jelly squares and spread them around the salad circle, starting from the bottom. You can decorate the finished salad to your taste.

Herringbone snack

An appetizer in the form of green Christmas trees will look spectacular on the New Year's table. And to prepare such a dish is not difficult at all.

Required Ingredients:

  • Curd cheese - 220 g
  • Lavash - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian red pepper - 1-2 pcs.
  • Lettuce leaves
  • Chopped olives - ¼ cups (and a few olives for garnish)
  • Freshly chopped basil - ¼ cup
  • Parmesan cheese - ¼ cup

Cooking process:

Step 1.On the table, put cling film, and on it - washed and dried lettuce leaves.

Step 2.Put lavash on a green salad and cut into 4 equal parts along the length of the lavash.

Step 3.Parmesan should be finely grated, olives should be finely chopped, and basil and bell peppers should be chopped.

Step 4.All chopped ingredients must be mixed with curd cheese, divided into 4 equal parts and put in an even layer on prepared pita bread.

Step 5.Now you need to carefully twist the rolls, but so that the cling film does not wrap inward. The resulting rolls should be squeezed with your fingers so that you get a triangular shape. Next, you need to place the rolls in the refrigerator for cooling for 2 hours.

Step 6.After the allotted time, the rolls must be freed from the film, cut into not too wide portioned pieces and each pinned on a skewer at the base of the triangle, not forgetting to place a piece of olive at the base of each "Christmas tree".

Canapes for New Year 2017

A variety of canapes look great on the festive table. Moreover, they can be made absolutely for every taste - with fish, with meat, with ham, with sausage, vegetarian and fruit canapes, with cheese and salmon, with olives and boiled pork, etc.

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