- Energy of the body. Life energy - where to get it? Energy where to get it

Aviary 09.10.2020

Are you tired of constantly feeling tired? Wondering why you feel sluggish all day long and dream of being energized all day and more? Here are some simple yet important tips on how to become the master of your own day.


Energize with food

    Even if you are not hungry, do not forget about breakfast. In terms of energy, breakfast is perhaps the most important meal of the day. It kicks off the metabolic process and is arguably the most important meal of the day. Breakfast energizes you for the rest of the day. Scientists have even found that eating a small amount of cereal for breakfast is associated with lower amounts of the stress hormone cortisol.

    • If you're worried about weight, don't skip breakfast. Better to stick to the following plan: a full breakfast, a smaller portion for lunch, and a snack for dinner. For people who are trying to lose weight, it is much better to eat well in the morning than in the evening.
  1. Eat every 4 hours to avoid spikes in blood sugar. Eating large meals 3 times a day at intervals of 5-6 hours will consume a lot of energy, which will cause your blood sugar to rise and then drop. You need to strive to ensure that the blood sugar level does not jump up and down, but remains at the same level throughout the day.

    • Eat foods that will support you. Whenever you eat something, try to choose carbohydrates (preferably complex), protein, or healthy fats (omega-3, monounsaturated, etc.). These foods can help keep you from feeling hungry an hour or two after a meal.
    • Eat the same amount of food every 3-4 hours or eat in smaller portions, and in between, you can eat something healthy. Examples of healthy, energizing foods include:
      • Nuts
      • Olives
      • Yogurt
      • Fresh fruits
      • Legumes
  2. Don't get too carried away with caffeine in the afternoon. The fact that a small amount is good does not mean that much is better. You can ask a person who uses too much caffeine and then cannot sleep at normal times in the evening. Your upper limit should be 200-300 mg of caffeine, otherwise you will not be able to sleep at night, and in the morning you will not be able to get out of bed.

    Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Doctors and scientists agree that adequate water intake is a key component of overall health and feeling energized throughout the day, although there is some disagreement about exactly how much water is needed.

    Include more fiber in your diet. Fiber releases energy slowly and gradually, unlike, for example, simple carbohydrates, which provide your body with fast energy. Here are some of the foods that are rich in fiber:

    Include lots of healthy fats in your diet. People are afraid of fat, and sometimes these fears are well-founded. But not all fats are created equal. Monounsaturated fats and especially omega-3 fats can be beneficial and energy-rich. The omega-3 fatty acids found in nuts, fish, and certain types of vegetable oils (rapeseed oil) can help you keep your mind clear and also make your diet healthier.

    Energize while you sleep

    1. After 8pm, turn off the bright lights and the TV. Bright light can interfere with the normal production of melatonin, which sends our bodies a signal when it's time to go to bed (and helps to fall asleep). Reducing your exposure to light a few hours before bed will help you fall asleep and sleep better at night.

      • Dim the lights an hour before you go to bed. Spend money buying a dimmer if you don't already have one. Dimmed light will help your body start producing melatonin and thus help you fall asleep earlier.
      • Unplug bright computer monitors and turn off the TV at 8pm. If you find it difficult to fall asleep early in the evening, bright computer monitors and television screens are your enemies. If you must remain connected to your computer, try lowering the screen brightness so that the exposure to light is less intense.
    2. Don't look at the alarm clock. Keeping track of your alarm and how long it is before it rings and what time it is already can create unnecessary stress and prevent you from falling asleep. Sometimes the harder you try to sleep, the harder it is for you to do it.

      • Solution: turn the alarm clock away from you. Or better yet, move the alarm to the other end of the room so that you can't see it and you have to get out of bed to turn it off in the morning.
    3. Try sleeping alone. For those who like to cuddle with their partner, the consequences can be disappointing: studies have shown that people who sleep in the same bed with their partners are more likely to wake up at night, experience discomfort and sleep less well. If you suffer from chronic fatigue, talk to your partner about sleeping separately at least several nights a week.

      Don't drink alcoholic beverages before bed. Research has shown that people who drink an alcoholic beverage before going to bed are more likely to wake up at night when their bodies have finished processing alcohol. When you're sober, your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) lowers your heart rate and promotes restful sleep. When the body processes alcohol, the sympathetic nervous system does not transfer power to the parasympathetic nervous system and this makes you more tired than you would be if you fell asleep normally.

      If you are unable to sleep, give up trying and take a break. If you've been trying to sleep for 15 minutes and you're having trouble, get out of bed and read, write, or do something else soothing. Remember: no bright computer or TV screens! When you are unable to sleep and are trying very hard to do so, the stress you are experiencing can ultimately prevent you from falling asleep longer. Do something else, and then try to sleep again.

      Lower the temperature in the room. A cool temperature helps you sleep better. This is because the cool temperature also lowers the body temperature, causing drowsiness.

    Ways to get in shape

      Splash some cold water on your face. Shower can also help. A little cold water on your face is a good way to invigorate, which people have been using for a long time. It is water therapy at its most effective.

      Wear nice clothes. Wearing your pajamas, sweater, or birthday suit all day sends a signal to your body to relax. If you are dressed in more "decent" clothes, then on the contrary - it kind of tells you that there are things to do, there are people to meet and happiness to be found. We all know how comfortable indoor clothes can be, but when it’s time to get out of bed and get busy, these clothes are not conducive to being active, no matter how much you want them to.

    1. Give a splash to your negative emotions. People who suffer because of some problems often keep everything inside for a variety of reasons: they do not want to bother other people, they are afraid of condemnation, or they simply feel that they do not have time for this. Failure and inability to find an emotional outlet for your problems can drain your energy.

      • Talk to one of your close friends. Trust someone close. Tell us about your heart. Believe that the person to whom you confide your problems wants the best for you and wants not only to listen to you, but also to help. By removing anxiety in this way, you may be able to lower your stress levels and become more energetic.
      • Write down your feelings in a journal every day. If you think you don't have someone you can trust, a journal can be the perfect replacement. Write down your feelings, hopes, aspirations. Just by writing them down on paper, you can feel amazing relaxation and tranquility.
        • Lead a healthy lifestyle. This will give you more energy and make you feel good.
        • To gain energy in the morning, do standing jumping or other cardio exercises that increase your heart rate and help deliver oxygen to your internal organs.

It is worth understanding that the subconscious will always give you what you want, and if you mentally imagine it every day, joyful changes will begin to occur in your life.

Your powerful inner “partner” will connect you with people and push you into the circumstances necessary to achieve your goals. “A Thousand Invisible Hands,” as Joseph Campbell calls them, will come to your aid.

To the uninitiated, it may seem that such happy "coincidences" are the result of simple luck, but in fact they have nothing to do with either one or the other. This is a consequence of the functioning of natural laws that begin to act under the influence of your thoughts.

Let's explain how they work.We live on a giant energy web. When you start planting a success mindset in your subconscious mind, it causes a resonance of energy throughout the entire energy grid.

The subconscious mind continuously perceives fluctuations in the energy of success, attracting people and circumstances to you that are necessary to achieve your goal.

It should be added that with the same success the subconscious can attract and fail, if you have negative thoughts... It does not discriminate and does not select thoughts, but only works with those desires, hopes and fears that are present in your brain.

Fortunately, people begin to understand the laws of the material world and the laws that govern the human brain. Several years ago, the idea that we can attract and create reality with the help of thoughts seemed impossible, today the view on these problems has changed, and people understand how this process occurs.

Lumps of energy, our thoughts (meaning only repeated images, beliefs, visualization, views and desires) affect reality.By the way, if you stop and think about it, you realize that it cannot be otherwise - everything in the world is interconnected.

Let us repeat this very important idea once again. When you mentally associate yourself with the positive that you want to achieve in reality, your subconscious mind reacts accordingly. Your usual way of thinking and your prevailing mental images create reality around you, shaping your unique destiny.

If you are determined to take the first steps towards a new, wonderful and harmonious life with the help of the Positive Thinking System (hereinafter SPM or PM system), let me give you some useful tipsthat will help make your efforts in this direction much more effective.

So, everything that happens to a person is a consequence of his thoughts and actions, in this and past lives. If someone finds himself in unpleasant situations, seemingly created by other people or nature, then even such situations are actually provoked by the thoughts and actions of the person himself.

It is very important to understand that persistent thoughts of a person about something lead to the emergence of exactly this, mentally repeatedly created situation. The more often, more imaginatively and more intensely you imagine the situation, the more likely it is to be realized. This applies equally to positive and negative thoughts.

It should be borne in mind that large a mistake is a person's concentration on getting rid of a problem or an unpleasant situation... In this case, all thoughts revolve around the problem. Not only does he live with negative thoughts, but with such thoughts he “feeds” the existence of the problem.

It is much more correct to “let go” of the situation, not to “dwell” on it, but to focus on your excellent state after successfully getting out of an unpleasant situation.

On the same it is impossible "Get hung up" and expect a positive result... Haste, impatience, tense expectation of the result gives a bright negative effect. Our World knows much better at what moment the fulfillment of your desire will be most favorable for you.

Imagine that during the year you are likely to get into an accident while driving your own car. Then Mir will quite logically postpone the fulfillment of your dream about your car for a year.

What do you think will be the reaction of the World if after a month you start to get angry with everyone and everything because your positive thinking has not yet led to the appearance of a car?

Remember that the PM system has a wonderful feature: everything that a person really needs comes into his hands in the most acceptable way. This is a very important, fundamental remark.

Therefore, do not scold the World for "slowness" in fulfilling your desires, because he knows better than you how to fulfill your desires in the most favorable way.

If it were not for this important feature, if it was about achieving the goal at any cost in the shortest possible time, then a person who dreams of quickly becoming the owner of his own apartment could well get it through the sudden death of his parents.

AND do not try to limit the world in choosing the best ways for you to fulfill your dream... For example, if you want to get married, do not dictate to the World that the man you know should be the groom. The world knows better what is best for you, because tomorrow you can meet your real destiny.

And if you want to have more money, do not dictate to the World that it should be exactly the Jackpot in the lottery. The world knows better which way of receiving a large amount of money is more favorable and safer for you.

We strongly advise you to "watch" your own thoughts and emotions, because doubts, fear, uncertainty, disbelief in success greatly weaken your overall positive state and hinder success. Therefore, drive away all negative thoughts and emotions, constantly think positively.

This may be tricky for some initially, but a little practice will help you overcome this problem. Thinking positively is so nice!

A person thinks in images, so figurative representation of the desired result (visualization) dramatically increases the effectiveness of your efforts.

It's one thing to think abstractly “I want a car”, and it's quite another to imagine how you get into a brand new sparkling car, breathe in the factory smells remaining in the cabin with pleasure, gently run your palm over the steering wheel, gently touch the numerous buttons, and then smoothly and confidently leave the gates of the car dealership ...

Unfortunately, imagery also works in a negative way. The most common example is a mother's concerns about her daughter returning home late. The mother winds herself up, imagining terrible pictures, one more terrible than the other. Someday these imaginary images may be embodied in a real situation.

The next tip echoes the rules for formulating a desire.A surefire way to NOT GET what you want is to think that your dream will come true in the uncertain future: "I'll buy myself a car someday."

Thus, you move the desired event into some abstract future that never comes. On the contrary, you need to imagine what you want as if it is happening in the present moment, with all the vivid emotions and sensations.

One more tip: choose only your real desires and dreams.The world cannot be deceived, he knows perfectly well that you only wished to become a great musician to please your mother, but in fact you dream of something completely different. Therefore, it will not help.

If some kind of trouble has happened to a person, then the stupidest and most harmful thing that he can do is take offense at everyone around him and even at the whole World.

Trouble may well happen to everyone now and in the future. There are no ideal people, therefore, with their thoughts and actions, a person may well provoke a problem. You need to be able to calmly accept these situations and learn from them.

When you have a problem, ask yourself the "three magic questions." Remember them well, because they will help you out, it would seem, in hopeless situations:

1st question:What is good about what happened? (it's not for nothing that they say that there is a silver lining)

2nd question:What can I learn? (since the trouble is a consequence of the mistakes you made, then it's time to think about what you did wrong and not allow it in the future)

3rd question: How can I fix the situation and enjoy it?

Based on the basic Law of our World - the Law of human free will - an attempt to use the System of Positive Thinking for the benefit of another person will not lead to the desired effect.

The maximum that can be done to help another is to imagine yourself effectively helping another person in some matter of concern to you.

The next rule goes without saying, but it is still worth reminding about it. Your desires, quite naturally, should not harm or harm someone else.

Another, slightly unexpected, but extremely important advice: you should not take the World and yourself too seriously... It is much more effective when you feel like, for example, a spectator in a theater who is happy to watch what is happening. Better to be somewhat relaxed and carefree.

And after the theory, let's move on to a little practice:

Secrets of Successful Rendering

1. Decide what you want to achieve: pass an exam, get a promotion, meet someone, make a lot of money, get your own home.

2. Relax. Take a break from business for a few minutes and take a breath, resting in body and soul.

3. Within five to ten minutes mentally visualize the desired reality.

Think more about what you are doing or acquiring, rather than about what is more or less likely to happen. Live in your thoughts as if it is already happening to you. Create a small indoor video.

Imagine yourself doing what you most want. On the one hand, you realize that in fact this is not happening to you yet and has not yet become reality.

But the mental pictures that we draw to ourselves, which we constantly think about, become a springboard for our goals, a form that is filled with energy. These paintings are a real force that will work for us.

When visualizing, endow yourself with whatever qualities you need. If your mental image requires talent, courage, determination, and perseverance, be sure to include them.

Sometimes you will clearly see that you are achieving a desired goal, as if watching a movie. In other cases, you will be presented with only the most general picture of your goals.

Both are good. You can alternate between accurate and fluent visualization, doing each for five minutes, or concentrate on one thing that you like best.

Accurate visualization: Mmake sure to create accurate pictures and scenes of what you want to achieve. Follow the prepared script, mentally replaying it several times.

Free visualization: Allow images and thoughts to freely replace each other, without directing them, but only as long as they show a positive way to achieve your goal.

Use both methods, remembering that the main thing here is practice. Many have difficulty in the early stages of rendering. Their brains cannot create and paint the desired scenes.

Don't worry if the same happens to you. The picture does not have to be complete and complete. As you visualize regularly, you will soon be surprised to notice that your brain is learning to generate mental pictures at will.

It should be noted that it is not enough to present something once or even twice.The results will appear if only the image is imprinted in the mind over and over again. for weeks and even monthswhile your the goal will not be realized. Don't try to evaluate the results after one or two visualization attempts.

If you suddenly have doubts - and they will definitely arise - just ignore them... Do not try to resist them and fight them, let them arise and disappear in your consciousness without hindrance. Continue to visualize, and everything will fall into place.

It will be interesting for you:

It remains to add in conclusion that it is useless to engage in visualization and the PM System without getting up from your favorite couch... God has no hands but yours.

Even if Mir decided that you can be given to win the lottery, you will need to buy the ticket yourself.

Therefore, you cannot lie on the couch! The world only provides amazing opportunities, but only you can use them!published

© John Kehoe

Positive energy is the key to success in life. People with positive energy are always lucky. It's easier for them to make new acquaintances, climb the career ladder and achieve what they want. If you are pursued by a series of failures, then you should take measures to improve your energy potential.

Each person is born with a certain type of energy. However, this does not mean that it remains unchanged throughout life. Energy balance becomes negative if a person constantly experiences negative emotions and commits negative actions, and, on the contrary, improves if a person believes in the best, does good and does not allow himself to fall into despair. How is positive energy manifested in life, and how is the person who radiates it different?

  • A person with positive energy never loses hope and instills it in others, even without making any special efforts.
  • Such people are always calm, self-sufficient and resistant to insults and energy shocks, therefore they are more protected than others from failures, the evil eye and damage.
  • They are passionate about what they do and always succeed in their profession. In addition, they are able to ignite others, inspire them.
  • Next to such a person, other people feel relaxed, confident and calm, even if they see him for the first time in their life.

It is not difficult to make your energy positive and turn your luck to yourself. Let joy into your life, do not let negativity close to you, and your energy and life will change for the better. We wish you good luck and positive changes, and do not forget to press the buttons and

19.10.2015 00:40

The purpose of the manipulator is to completely subordinate a person to his will, and thereby deprive him of independence and ...

There are people - electric brooms. Everything is on fire in their hands, and things are carried through to the end easily and playfully. Everyone can envy their energy. Many people dream of being super efficient in life.

Therefore, in order for your reality to be what you dream about, you need to know where to get strength and energy for life. Read about this and more.

Where do the forces flow?

Before looking for where to get energy for life, you need to find holes through which it flows. Let's consider the most common:

  1. Emotional condition. Do you think only negativity takes strength? Try to enjoy and react emotionally all day. And you will see that in the evening your strength will be running out. Therefore, the best state is calmness and peace.
  2. Overload. The more you work and interact with other people, the faster you feel tired. So protect yourself from grueling work and stress.
  3. Poisonous environment. We noticed that after discussing gossip, the strength becomes less. Therefore, avoid those who complain about life or speak ill of others. If this is someone from your family, try to communicate at least less.
  4. Network. Aimless surfing or just watching the news feed in social. networks take a lot of time. Try to turn off notifications from apps so you don't look at your phone screen every 10 minutes. Make a rule to check your messages no more than once every few hours, but better only in the morning and evening.


Not everyone can recuperate quickly. Therefore, it is important to keep them for a long time. Let's see the following methods:

  1. Choice of environment.

To change your life, change your environment. More people who inspire you. Fewer of those who criticize and condemn. It's harder to do than it sounds, but the main thing is to start. Try to communicate at least less.

  1. Don't watch the news.

And it's better to do without a TV at all. A lot of negativity comes from there, which is not needed. If you are afraid to miss something serious, then, believe me, such information spreads instantly.

  1. Observe the regime.

Sleep for as many hours as your body needs. Go to bed and get up earlier. Because the better you rest, the better you will work.

  1. Set up food.

Eat what energizes you. And cut back on the amount of food that makes you sluggish. Therefore, the diet should have more fresh vegetables and less fried foods.

  1. Physical Education.

Sports activities give a boost of vivacity. Therefore, exercise should be done every day, and other loads should be given from 1 to 5 times a week.

  1. Organize your space.

If you are endlessly searching for the right things in the house, then you are wasting time on it. And the mess, in general, is exhausting. Think about the correct and convenient organization of things in the house. Go through things - sell or donate unnecessary things.

  1. Give up negative habits.

Alcohol and cigarettes take away not only your potential, but also a decent amount of money. Also, cut back on coffee consumption, gaming, and aimless surfing.

  1. Be positive.

It all starts with our thoughts. Only after them do actions follow. Therefore, rebuild yourself to be positive and become optimistic.


Read our tips for where you can get your energy from:

  1. Find your "places of power".

These are places where you feel energized. There are a lot of such places on the planet. But your personal space may be very close to home.

  1. Rule "Sharpen the ax".

Take a break every hour. Required. 50 minutes of work and 10 minutes of rest. This will make you more efficient than working hard for hours.

  1. Meditate.

Meditation allows you to look into yourself, remove unnecessary emotions and experiences. You will be more fulfilled and collected.

  1. Starvation.

Therapeutic fasting not only heals, but also increases the tone of all spheres of life. Before starting it, you need to prepare well.

  1. Free your head.

Take 30 minutes a day to release your thoughts. A sheet of A4 paper and a pen will help you. Write whatever comes to mind. First, all the nonsense will go, and then there will be good ideas or a plan of action.

  1. Travel.

The trip does not have to be to distant lands, consider an option according to your budget. Even just getting out into nature would be a good idea.

  1. Finish what you started.

Things that you cannot complete in any way draw energy very much. But after completion there will be a powerful ejection.

  1. Practice of gratitude.

Keep a diary or give thanks in your mind. But you will feel much happier. You will see the positive aspects of your life.

  1. Communicate with loved ones.

If communication is of good quality, then it energizes and motivates. Therefore, look for "your" people.


We have considered where to get the strength for life. Now let's see what you can do if you feel tired and don't have time to rest.

1. Meditation with light.

It is done while sitting and in an open position, i.e. nothing needs to be crossed. Play meditation music and close your eyes. Imagine a ray of light piercing your body anywhere. Then it spreads over the entire volume and fills it completely. So sit for 5-15 minutes.

If you are familiar with chakras. Then fill each with the light of her color. So, you harmonize all energy flows in the body. This can be done during the working day.

2. Touch any of the elements of nature.

Walk with bare feet on the ground, grass, or sand. Hug trees. Touch and talk with living water. You can tell her your problems, she will take them away from you. If there is no way to do it, then imagine how you are doing it and feel your feelings.

The issue of lack of energy is very acute today. Because we face stress every day. This is life and work in the city. The article told: where it flows away, how to save and where to find energy for life. We hope it was informative.

To use the advice at any time - save the article to your bookmarks.

We wish everything that was conceived to come true! Best Regards, Sell Skill Team.

- Body energy
- Why is it important to have high energy?
- Reasons for low energy and ways to fill the gaps
- The easiest way to restore energy
- How to increase energy constantly?
- Restoration of body energy in 5 minutes

The energy of the body is a force that fills a person from the inside. Each person should be able to preserve, accumulate and properly distribute their energy. Because when it is not enough, a person becomes lethargic, his working capacity decreases, and he begins to tire quickly. Someone might think that this mainly concerns the elderly, but the younger generation also has a decrease in the body's energy.

The energy of an organism is its potential and a certain amount of energy within each person required for life. Energy fills every person and everyone has their own level of energy. Our health, vitality and, of course, mood depend on its quantity. With a sufficient amount of energy in the body, we are less likely to get sick, feel sufficient strength to perform actions and enjoy life. We are always in high spirits and we do not notice the negativity around us. Also, the energy of our body is responsible for intellectual growth, physical processes taking place inside us and immunity.

It is believed that our body receives energy from food or physical activity, after which we feel a surge of strength. We need loads to keep the body in good shape, and food is just a building material for cells. These processes generate only rough energy for the vital activity of the physical body. The energy of the body is completely different, it is more spiritual and enters the body through completely different channels.

It is very good if a person's physical energy is on the same level with the energy of the body, then everything is in order for a person and all processes are proceeding normally.

The energy of the body must always be maintained, developed and increased, then your physical condition will be in order.

- Why is it important to have high energy?

When a person has everything in order with his energy, he is full of strength and desire for various actions that are pleasant to him. If there is no strength, then there can be no question of any attraction. This is, firstly.

Secondly, you have probably already heard about the law of attraction, so with high energy it works much faster, and you can speed up the process of materializing your desires. If you haven't heard, I will now briefly tell you about it.

Our thoughts and desires are material. And we can attract what we are thinking about (naturally, combining thought work with physical activity). All our desires can become reality if a person knows certain laws and technologies.

- Reasons for low energy and ways to fill the gaps

The reasons for low energy can be negative thoughts and emotions, which we have already considered, as well as bad habits, poor nutrition and overwork.

Therefore, in order to restore your etheric body, you need to use the knowledge that you already know, that is, learn to manage your emotions and free yourself from fears, resentments, anger, guilt.

In addition, you need to monitor your diet, give your body timely rest and sleep, fresh air, and exercise. Well, it is desirable to become free from bad habits - alcohol, smoking and drugs.

You also need to remember about the environment. If you are surrounded by depressed people who are always complaining about their life, then they take your energy. Therefore, look for new people with whom you will exchange positive vibrations.

If you want to quickly and efficiently replenish and then maintain vital energy at the proper level, then sign up for yoga or qigong. Moreover, it is better to do it in the morning, so your energy will be enough for the whole day.

And don't forget to do breathing exercises. Here is one of them:

With your body relaxed and comfortable, place your index finger on the bridge of your nose, and your thumb and middle finger near your nostrils. Pinch the right nostril and inhale with the left nostril, then pinch the left nostril and exhale with the right, then inhale with the right nostril, keeping the left pinched, and then pinch the right nostril and exhale with the left. Continue this breathing cycle for 5-10 minutes.

- The easiest way to restore energy

Situations often arise when a person, after a certain situation, feels completely empty. In this case, rather simple tips on how to restore a person's energy will be very useful to him. Using a method called the "Sun Disc", you can bring the body back to normal in a few hours.

1) You need to imagine a large solar disk. First, he must necessarily spin in the opposite direction, drawing out the remains of the negative from the human body. In this case, the disc should gradually grow, which will indicate that the body is being cleansed.

2) The next important stage is to imagine how the disc changes its direction and fills the human body with light, golden vitality and energy.

4) The last very important stage in technology, which tells how to restore human energy: send this solar disk into the bowels of the earth. You also need to imagine how negative energy is completely transformed into positive there.

I would like to say that today there are a huge number of different ways how you can cleanse your body of negativity and restore lost energy. However, the above method is one of the simplest, moreover, it does not require special knowledge and skills and is available even to a beginner.

- How to increase energy constantly?

It is imperative to talk about how to increase energy, or rather even how to increase it constantly. This is necessary for every person, because this is the only way to constantly maintain in excellent shape not only the body, but also, which is very important, the spirit.

So, there are several simple, but quite effective ways to constantly keep yourself in good shape:

1) Faith-Hope-Love. And although this may seem ridiculous to many, however, both psychologists and energy specialists recommend believing in everything good, in a bright future, hoping that life will turn out in the best way, and love not only loved ones, but everyone around you. The maximum of positive and only good emotions is the guarantee of a strong, healthy energy of a person.

2) Gratitude. It is also imperative that you be grateful for everything that happens in life. So, you should always say "thank you" to those around you, thank the higher forces for all the good things that happen in life.

3) Passion. A very important advice on how to increase the energy of the body is to do what you love. And if the main place of work is not connected with a hobby, you still need to devote a lot of time to your close heart. Enjoying the process, a person himself generates positive energy, which feeds his body.

4) Communication. It is worth remembering that you can recharge with energy. So, communicating with positive people, you can perfectly replenish your reserve of strength. However, it is important to remember that there are people - energy vampires who steal energy. It is better to be wary of such individuals and to keep communication to a minimum.

Material prepared by Dilyara specially for the site

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