Millet porridge for children. Children's porridge culinary recipes Millet porridge for a child 1.5

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The millet, from which millet porridge is prepared, is the seeds of the cereal plant millet. It began to be grown in China several millennia ago - even earlier than rice.

Millet porridge in baby food is less popular than other types of cereal dishes. But mothers are interested in how useful this porridge is for children, can it be given to a baby, what kind of millet dishes can be prepared for a child?

Millet grains differ in color: it can be white, gray, beige, yellow, red. The color of the cereal affects the taste and quality of the prepared dish: the taste is better from rich cereals, porridge from light-colored grains will not be crumbly.

There are such varieties of millet groats:

  1. Shingles: These are shiny, uncoated whole grains with a bitter taste. It takes a longer time to prepare shingle dishes.
  2. Polished millet is a matte bright yellow refined grains. They contain the maximum amount of nutrients, dishes are prepared quickly.
  3. Crushed millet is a product of grain processing, their fragments. Its shelf life is very short. Preparing quickly.
  4. Millet flakes are a heat-treated product; you do not need to cook it.

Composition and calorie content

Due to its unique composition, millet groats were previously called golden

Millet groats contain a unique composition of nutrients, a supply of vitamins and minerals. It is no coincidence that in ancient times it was called gold.

The main component of millet is starch; it makes up almost 70% of the grain. make up 15%, they include:

  • irreplaceable (lysine, leucine, valine);
  • nonessential amino acids.

Fats, including unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids and polyunsaturated omega-6, depending on the type of millet, vary from 2.5% to 3.7%. The content of healthy vegetable fats is higher only in oatmeal.

  • pectin;
  • purines (substances that can be converted into uric acid);
  • phytosterols (substances that can dissolve in fats and regulate the level of good and bad cholesterol).

Minerals in millet are presented:

  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • silicon;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • vanadium;
  • molybdenum;
  • selenium;
  • cobalt;
  • gray;
  • nickel;
  • zirconium;
  • boron;
  • rubidium;
  • strontium;
  • chrome.

Millet contains more protein and B vitamins than many other cereals. By the amount of magnesium and molybdenum, millet is the leader among cereals. It contains 1.5 times more phosphorus than meat.

The calorie content of 100 g of millet groats is 153 kcal. The energy value of millet porridge depends on the way it is prepared:

  • 100 g of it, cooked in water, will give 90 kcal;
  • on - about 120 kcal;
  • porridge with pumpkin - only 70 kcal.


Millet has a gentle effect on the digestive tract - in this it can hardly be found a competitor among cereals.

Millet groats ingredients provide a versatile effect on the body:

  1. Silicon, fluorine and phosphorus provide the development and strength of the skeletal system.
  2. Vitamin B 1 (thiamine) and phosphorus are essential for the normal functioning of the brain. The beneficial effect of the B vitamins contained in millet porridge will reduce anxiety, anxiety and irritability, and the feeling of fatigue in children.
  3. Plant proteins, millet amino acids contribute to the intensive development of muscle tissue.
  4. Millet with the help of pectin and fiber will help the body get rid of toxins and toxic substances.
  5. Increased sweating and a mild diuretic effect will help remove excess fluid from the body.
  6. The vitamin and mineral composition of millet, with its regular use, enhances reparative processes, accelerates wound healing, fusion of injured bones and cartilage.
  7. Vitamins PP, B2 (riboflavin), a trace element zinc will ensure healthy skin condition, maintain its elasticity and relieve irritation, relieve dandruff, improve the condition of nails and hair.
  8. Folic acid (vitamin B 9) and iron are important for blood formation and help in the treatment and prevention of anemia in children. By the way, there is more folic acid in millet groats than in wheat and corn.
  9. Pyridoxine (vitamin B 6) and potassium are essential for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.
  10. Vitamins and minerals of millet groats help to increase immunity, participate in carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
  11. The lipotropic action of the ingredients of millet porridge prevents the accumulation and deposition of fat in the body. Therefore, millet porridge can be given to children with.


Products made from millet groats are not allergenic, their individual intolerance is rare. But it is impossible to completely exclude the development after their use. Therefore, children prone to allergies should use millet dishes with caution.

  • A temporary contraindication for the introduction of millet porridge into the baby's diet may be an insufficiently developed digestive system, unable to digest millet. In these cases, the pediatrician decides on the timing of its introduction into the infant's diet.
  • A digestive disorder can provoke an incorrect (too coarse) grinding of millet grains taken to prepare porridge for babies.
  • For chronic gastritis with low acidity, the use of millet porridge should be limited.
  • You should not often give millet porridge and thyroid pathology, since millet contains substances that impede absorption.

How to choose and store millet

In order not to burden the digestive tract, children under one year old should cook porridge from millet flour

The quality of the porridge depends on the cereal chosen for it. When buying, it is better to follow these tips:

  1. It is advisable to buy millet in transparent bags that allow you to see the grains. Groats sold by weight are subject to oxidation under the influence of external factors and lose their useful properties.
  2. It is better to choose cereals made from whole grains, rather than crushed ones, as dishes made from them are viscous and less tasty. Porridge made from whole grains, even if ground into flour at home, will taste better.
  3. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the cereal. You should buy millet harvested no more than 6-9 months ago. Oiled cereals will taste bitter as a result of fat oxidation.

The color of millet also matters. An indicator of the quality of cereals is the bright yellow color of the grains and their matte surface. Gray and beige shades appear as a result of fat oxidation. Porridge made from such cereals will taste bitter, her child will not eat.

Millet should not be stored for a long time at home either. It easily starts a mole. It is better to keep it in a cloth bag (previously boiled in a strong saline solution) or in a hermetically sealed container made of glass, faience or plastic.

Store cereals in a cool and dry place. Prepared millet flour can be stored in a sterilized glass jar with a lid.

If bitterness appears in the finished dish, then the millet should be doused with boiling water (or calcined in a frying pan, avoiding discoloration).

How and when to introduce into the child's diet

After a year for 200 ml of water, you need to take half a glass of millet flour, cook until tender. You can improve the taste by adding oil, berries and fruits.

Millet porridge with milk

For older children, it is made from whole grains:

  1. Well washed (to clear water) millet (1 glass) must be poured into a saucepan with water (400 ml).
  2. After boiling, remove the foam and reduce the heat.
  3. Simmer with stirring until the water disappears.
  4. Boil 400 ml of milk and add it to the porridge.
  5. Add a little salt (if you wish, you can sweeten the porridge with 2 tablespoons of sugar) and cook it while stirring until thickened over low heat.
  6. Add butter (25-30 g) to the porridge and remove from heat.

Instead, you can add to ready-made porridge if you are not allergic to it.

Puree soup with millet in vegetable broth

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. washed millet, pour it over with water and cook until tender (you can in a Turk) over low heat.
  2. In another saucepan, place chopped vegetables (2-3 medium-sized, 1 medium-sized), add water and cook until tender.
  3. Grind vegetables and porridge with a blender until puree is obtained.
  4. Add boiled milk (200 ml) to the resulting mass, bring to a boil, remove from heat.
  5. Salt to taste, if desired, you can add dill, parsley.
  6. Add (15-20 g) before serving.

Millet porridge with pumpkin


  1. Rinse half a glass of millet with hot water, place in a saucepan.
  2. Cut about 150-170 g of peeled pumpkin into small cubes.
  3. Add pumpkin to millet and cover with hot water.
  4. After boiling, remove the foam and season with salt, cook until the water boils away (the millet is still hard).
  5. Add 200 ml of hot boiled milk and simmer under a lid on low heat until the porridge is cooked.
  6. Add butter to taste, you can also add steamed raisins.

Resume for parents

Children will love beautiful, healthy and tasty millet porridge with vegetables.

Millet is able not only to quickly saturate a child, but also to provide him with nutrients - vitamins and microelements necessary for a growing body.

Millet porridge is a source of valuable vegetable protein and healthy vegetable fats for a child. It will provide children of any age with a supply of energy, improve digestion, and ensure the normal function of many organs and systems.

The product can bring possible harm only if the recommendations of experts are not followed.

Nutritionist Lidiya Ionova tells about the properties of millet porridge:

The basis of the diet for one-year-old babies should be cereals, but not all of them will benefit a fragile body. Pediatricians recommend paying attention to 6 popular milk porridges (rice, semolina and others), which you can cook yourself. They contain the entire set of essential vitamins, amino acids, macro- and microelements.

Milk porridges for children from a year

Cereals are a valuable source of complex carbohydrates and fiber. They are a source of energy, give a feeling of fullness, contribute to the formation of correct eating habits in a child. The rating of 6 healthy milk cereals for children from one year includes:

  • semolina;
  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • millet;
  • corn;
  • rice.

Each type of cereal has its own characteristics and recommendations for cooking. It is necessary to introduce cereals with milk into the diet gradually: 1 type of cereal per week. In this case, it is important to monitor the health of the child. If red spots appear on the cheeks, there is a digestive disorder, loose stools, postpone milk supplements for another month. This may indicate insufficient production of digestive enzymes.


Semolina contains many useful substances. Due to the large amount of gluten, it is recommended to be introduced into complementary foods for children over 1 year old. Semolina contains a lot of complex carbohydrates and starch, but little fiber, due to which it has high nutritional properties. Milk porridge is recommended to be given in case of exhaustion, to introduce the menu of children after infectious diseases.

For a one-year-old baby, it is better to cook semolina without salt and sugar in milk diluted in half with water. If the child is one and a half years old, you can add a little butter or honey to the finished dish, provided that there is no allergy to it.


  • water - ½ tbsp.;
  • milk - ½ tbsp.;
  • semolina - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix milk with water, bring to a boil.
  2. Gradually introduce cereals into boiling liquid.
  3. Cook, stirring constantly, over low heat for 3-5 minutes.


Completely gluten-free, buckwheat is ideal for starter feeding for babies and for children with celiac disease. Buckwheat cooked in milk improves the functioning of the digestive system, increases the level of hemoglobin, and prevents constipation.


  • water - 200 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • buckwheat - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour buckwheat with hot water.
  2. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring occasionally, over medium heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Pour in hot, but not boiled milk.
  4. Bring to a boil again.
  5. Remove from heat, wrap with a towel so that the buckwheat turns out to be boiled.


Oatmeal is considered one of the most low-allergenic cereals, so it is often used for the first feeding of children. Healthy cereals contain phosphorus, potassium, calcium, which are necessary for the growth of bones and strong teeth. One portion of this milk porridge covers up to 8% of the body needs of one-year-old babies for iron, up to 44% for magnesium and 25% for zinc.

When choosing the best baby oatmeal cereals in the store, pay attention to the fact that the composition is free of harmful flavors, dyes and preservatives. If the finished product does not meet your requirements, it is better to master simple recipes for making herculean milk porridge at home.


  • water - 2 tbsp.;
  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • Hercules - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the oatmeal in a blender.
  2. Mix water with ½ part of milk, boil.
  3. Pour oatmeal into a boiling liquid, stir quickly so that no lumps form.
  4. Cook over low heat for 15–20 minutes.
  5. Remove healthy milk porridge from heat, dilute with warm milk.


Milk porridge based on cornmeal contains vegetable fibers that soften stools and help prevent constipation. They also contain phosphorus and calcium, necessary for the growth of mineral bone tissue, a lot of protein and carbohydrates.


  • corn flour - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • water - ½ tbsp.;
  • milk - ½ tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Put on fire, bring to a boil.
  3. After boiling, cook the healthy porridge for another 10-12 minutes, reducing the heat to a minimum.


This healthy porridge is recommended to be given to all children who have recently undergone infectious and viral diseases and have undergone antibacterial therapy. Polished millet helps to remove toxins from the body, promotes comfortable digestion, and improves intestinal microflora. In addition to many vitamins, grain contains a large supply of trace elements:

  • cobalt;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • sulfur;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.


  • millet - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 1 ½ tbsp.;
  • milk - ½ tbsp.;
  • butter - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse millet, fill with hot water.
  2. Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Add milk to the porridge, continue cooking for another 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the finished dish from heat, fill with oil.


Many ready-made cereals for children from 1 year old are produced on the basis of rice. This healthy grain is considered hypoallergenic, contains fiber necessary for the normal functioning of the intestinal tract, vitamins, and macronutrients. Rice contains lecithin, which activates the brain, important amino acids that have a beneficial effect on the baby's nervous system.


  • round rice - 50 g;
  • milk - ½ tbsp.;
  • water - 150 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the groats to clean water.
  2. Boil water on the stove.
  3. Pour prepared rice into boiling liquid.
  4. After boiling, cook on a minimum heat for 10 minutes.
  5. Pour warm milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil.
  6. Continue cooking for another 10 minutes.


Undoubtedly the best and healthiest breakfast for children is porridge. In this article, we will share with you recipes for baby porridge and tell you how to cook a delicious and healthy porridge for your child.

Baby porridge

It is very important that baby porridge is appropriate for the child's age.

For children under one year old, porridge should be sufficiently liquid and homogeneousso that the child does not have to chew it. Porridge for children from one year old can be thicker and more diverse in its consistency, including with the addition of fruits and nuts. You can adjust the degree of liquid by adding water or milk to the porridge, and uniformity can be achieved using, for example, a blender.

The most useful cereals for children are buckwheat, rice and oatmeal.

Porridge for children is useful because it contains complex carbohydrates that saturate the body with energy for a long period of time and do not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Porridge is perfect for breakfast and for a child's dinner.

How to cook porridge for a child?

Rice porridge - cooking recipe.

Cooked in a ratio of 1 part rice to 1.5 parts water. Those. for example 1 cup of rice 1.5 cups of water.

Rinse the rice, pour it into a saucepan, add water. Cover tightly. Bring to a boil and cook over high heat for about 2 minutes, then a little over medium heat and then on low. The total cooking time is 12 minutes.

Do not open the lid during cooking, do not stir the rice.

Let it brew for another 10-12 minutes.

Buckwheat porridge - cooking recipe.

Cook in a ratio of 1 to 2m. Those. for 1 glass of buckwheat - 2 glasses of water.

We wash the buckwheat, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water and close it tightly with a lid. Bring to a boil and cook over medium heat until the water is completely boiled away. We do not lift the lid in the process, do not mix the buckwheat.

In spite of the established habits, it is not recommended to add sugar and milk to buckwheat porridge, since they neutralize the numerous beneficial properties of buckwheat porridge.

Millet porridge - a recipe for cooking.

For 1 cup of millet - half a teaspoon of salt and 1 tbsp. l. oils. Brewed in a ratio of 1 to 2m. For 1 glass of millet, you need 2 glasses of water.

Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan, add salt and oil. When the water boils, add the pre-washed millet to it and cook until thickened.

After that, the porridge must be left to infuse for an hour.

Semolina porridge without lumps - a recipe for cooking.

More for a change than a benefit. For 1 glass of water 2 tablespoons of cereals.

Pour water into a saucepan, add cereals and cook, stirring constantly. This is what will allow you to cook porridge without lumps, even consistency.

Oatmeal - cooking recipe.

Oatmeal is cooked in a 1 to 1.5 ratio. For 1 glass of cereals, 1.5 glasses of water.

Rinse the oatmeal under running water, pour 1.5 cups of cold water. While stirring, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook for another 5-7 minutes over medium or low heat.

After readiness, let it brew for another 5-7 minutes.

In the process, you can salt the porridge, add a little sugar and butter.

Druzhba millet-rice porridge - a recipe.

For 1 glass of cereals (half a glass of rice and half a glass of millet) - 1 liter of water. Rinse the cereals.

Pour water into a saucepan, put cereals, add sugar and salt. Bring the porridge to a boil, and then simmer for another 30 minutes under a tightly closed lid. The main thing is that the porridge does not burn! When the porridge is ready, add a little butter.

If you want to serve porridge with milk on the table, remember: Milk is added to ready-made or almost ready-made porridge!

It makes no sense to boil porridge in milk, because during boiling, the structure of milk protein is disturbed and milk turns into an indigestible product!

How best to cook porridge for breakfast.

Traditionally, porridge is cooked in a saucepan, but we actively use a multicooker. Actually, for the sake of morning cereals, it was originally bought.

Our morning looks like this. We woke up, rolled around, decided that we were getting up. We go to the kitchen together in the multicooker, fill up the cereal, fill it with water, salt, turn on the porridge mode (this is about 20 minutes heating, set pressure + cooking).

While the multicooker is working, we go to wash, dress, comb our hair and return to the kitchen for ready-made porridge. We lay out on plates, add butter, sugar, pour milk and have breakfast.

As a rule, we cook rice and buckwheat more than for morning porridge and then it becomes an excellent side dish for dinner, and sometimes even for dinner itself, if you are too lazy to cook or the child asks for porridge again for dinner. And yes, our child asks for porridge and eats it with pleasure!

You can read more interesting ideas for children's breakfasts in our article:.

You can offer your recipes for baby cereals in the comments to this article or discussions in our groups at

How is millet porridge useful for a 1 year old child? Millet is a product of processing of millet grains by a special cleaning method. The beneficial properties of cereals have been known since ancient times, and in Russia this porridge was very popular.

Millet is beneficial for the rapid growth of a child. Fluorine contained in the grain structure has a beneficial effect on the growth and formation of the skeletal system. Silicon strengthens bones, and manganese ensures the functioning of metabolism. Millet also includes:

  • two types of fiber;
  • folic acid;
  • essential amino acids;
  • carbohydrates and vegetable fats.

Millet porridge can be given to improve the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, it normalizes the microflora and accelerates intestinal motility. The ability to remove toxins and antibiotic residues from the body puts millet on the level of therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition.

A contraindication to feeding a baby with millet is an individual intolerance to cereals, which practically does not occur. Another contraindication may be a poorly formed baby's digestive system. The question of whether it is possible to give the baby millet in this case will be decided by your pediatrician.

When to introduce complementary foods with millet

When can you give your child millet porridge?

From the age of 8-9 months, it is recommended to introduce complementary foods only from millet flour, and the flour should be of different degrees of grinding, depending on the age of the baby. An eight-month-old child should cook porridge from the finest grains. Millet is washed, dried and ground in a coffee grinder. A portion of the finished flour can be stored in a sterilized jar with a lid.

When the baby is one year old, you can feed the porridge made from coarser grains, and from one and a half years old - cook the porridge from whole grains.

Introducing complementary foods to a child a year should be very careful. Start with one coffee spoon and watch closely to see if:

  • allergy;
  • constipation;
  • upset stool.

If everything went well, the child's portion of porridge is increased by a spoonful per day, gradually increasing to a volume of 150-200 grams.

Porridge serving size

How much should be the correct portion of porridge for a baby? Pediatricians recommend adhering to this scheme:

  • 150 grams - at 6 months;
  • 180 grams - at 8 months;
  • 200 grams - per year;
  • 250 grams - over a year old.

You should start complementary feeding with a new type of cereal with one teaspoon or coffee spoon, carefully observing the baby's reaction to complementary foods. If there is a stool disorder or a rash on the face, millet should be removed from the diet. The baby may have an intolerance to the constituent components of the grain.

Stool disorder (constipation) can be triggered by an imperfect digestive system that is unable to absorb this type of cereal. Also, a negative reaction can be caused by improper grinding of flour - for the initial intake of millet porridge, the cereal must be ground very thinly.

How to properly feed your baby with new porridge? To do this, add a spoon or two millet to a portion of your usual meal. The next day, the baby is already given 3-4 tablespoons of millet to the main portion of breakfast. So the usual porridge is gradually replaced with millet, bringing to the required volume.

A new type of food cannot be introduced into the baby's diet if he is not feeling well, is naughty or is recovering from an illness. Also, you cannot feed a baby with new food after a preventive vaccination.

Millet porridge recipe

Millet porridge for children is a valuable food product that provides energy for vigorous activity. In a year, the baby actively learns the world, is interested in everything and spends many kilocalories on movement. Porridge is able to provide the growing body of the baby with everything necessary for growth and development.

Millet should be chosen very carefully. It is necessary to focus not only on the bright color of the grains, but also on the date of packaging of the product. Old millet tastes bitter and will discourage the child's desire for food.

Until the baby is one year old, the porridge is boiled in a liquid consistency. To do this, 10 grams of flour is diluted in one hundred grams of water and boiled for 3-5 minutes over low heat. Make sure that the porridge does not burn - stir constantly with a spoon.

After the baby is one year old, you can cook porridge at the rate of half a glass of flour per 200 grams of water. If the baby is used to eating porridge in milk, you can dilute the water with milk. To improve the taste, fruit or vegetable puree, a spoonful of melted butter are added to the finished dish.

Wheat porridge recipe

Wheat groats are no less valuable and useful for a baby who is one year old. Wheat porridge replenishes energy consumption, and there is much more iron and phosphorus in it than in millet. Cooking wheat porridge for a child up to one year is necessary in the same way as millet.

First, you should rinse the cereals and dry them, then grind them on a coffee grinder. For babies over a year old, we use a coarser grinding of flour, and a one and a half year old baby can cook porridge from whole washed cereals.

If the baby refuses to eat porridge, do not force feed. Gradually accustom yourself to new food so that you do not develop a negative reaction to the meal. Try adding breast milk or formula to the porridge: the familiar taste will help you adapt to new taste sensations.

Important! You should not offer your baby food prepared yesterday or the day before yesterday. All meals must be freshly cooked.

The diet of a baby from a certain period requires its expansion. Complementary foods in the form of vegetable and fruit purees, cereals are added to breast milk or a mixture. The most satisfying component is, of course, porridge. Many mothers begin to feed the baby with regular cereals, which are ground in a coffee grinder, or pounded after cooking. Pediatricians advise to choose purchased dairy and dairy-free cereals of popular companies for crumbs, since they are more adapted to the needs of the infant's undeveloped gastrointestinal tract, have an adequate consistency, are safe and saturated with vitamins and microelements. Let's decide which cereal is most acceptable for the initial stage of complementary feeding, how to choose a product, and how much wheat porridge is suitable for expanding the baby's diet?

Millet porridge is loved by many people, but can it be given to babies as complementary foods?

Requirements for baby's first cereals

Your son's or daughter's first meal must meet the following requirements:

  1. It must be hypoallergenic. Cow's milk protein and gluten are the only acceptable substances in baby porridge that can potentially cause allergies, but this is not a common characteristic of babies.
  2. It cannot contain fruit pieces, salt and sugar.
  3. One type of gluten-free cereal is buckwheat, corn, rice, millet.

The recommendations that pediatricians provide in most cases state that healthy babies who are breastfed can start eating porridge from six months. Artificial children usually begin to feed earlier, from 4-5 months.

Some parents, however, are in no hurry with complementary foods or are guided by the appearance of the 1st tooth.

The timing of the introduction of cereals for feeding infants

From what time and what porridge to give? Here are approximate indicators of when and what cereals to introduce to your baby:

In the third week after the start of the introduction of porridge into the diet of the crumbs, butter can be added to the dish in an amount of 1 g, that is, a small piece on the tip of a knife, and by the age of 8 months the amount of butter can be increased to 5 g. Buckwheat porridge, which has the most high nutritional value, it is considered the best option to start with. It is buckwheat that least of all affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract, it is easily absorbed, does not weaken or strengthen.

At a certain age, the baby already needs to receive complementary foods, one of which is porridge

How to inject porridge correctly?

Rules for the rational introduction of complementary foods in the form of porridge:

  • give porridge before the main milk or formula feed when the baby is hungry;
  • the first porridge should be very liquid, similar to the baby's main food (5 g of cereal per 100 ml of liquid);
  • for the first time, give the crumbs no more than half a tablespoon;
  • until your child reaches the age of one year, a single meal of porridge per day is enough for him;
  • it is forbidden to introduce a new porridge after vaccination, during an illness or after an illness;
  • feed the crumbs with porridge in the morning or at night, so that he is satiated and sleeps more peacefully.

Optimal volumes depending on the age of the baby:

  • at 6 and 7 months they eat about 150 g;
  • at 8 - 180 g;
  • from 9 - 200

Millet porridge: pros and cons for babies

Millet porridge for babies is one of the most popular foods in the diet. It is also a tasty and healthy addition to the diet for babies. The benefits of millet:

  • removes toxins from the body;
  • it contains the largest amount of vitamin B6 compared to other cereals;
  • rich vitamin and trace element composition;
  • high content of vegetable fats and fiber;
  • low glycemic index, which contributes to weight stability;
  • lack of gluten in the composition, due to which the porridge is considered low allergenic.

The harm of wheat porridge:

  • millet protein is characterized by low nutritional value;
  • porridge is very difficult to digest, therefore it is not recommended for the first feeding;
  • difficulties in cooking - the cereal must first be washed well so that it does not taste bitter, it is cooked for a long time and has a bitter taste.

Millet porridge for children is difficult to digest, especially from whole grains. It is she who cooks for a long time and tastes bitter. If we are talking about a porridge made from flour, then the situation changes radically. This product can be purchased from the baby food department.

Please note that the smaller the child, the higher the grind should be. After the baby reaches nine months, you can cook the cereals yourself - grind the millet in a coffee grinder. Rinse and dry the beans before grinding.

Millet is not the best way to start complementary foods. The lightest is buckwheat or rice porridge. Then include millet in the diet. Start with 1 teaspoon in the morning. Allergies or negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract did not occur - double the dose the next day. By the age of a child, you can give 200 g of porridge every day. Alternate cereals, you do not need to feed your baby the same cereal all the time.

Healthy and delicious recipes

The simplest and fastest recipes for delicious millet porridge for babies and children from one and a half years old:

  • The smallest. Boil 150 ml of filtered water, add 10 g of previously prepared millet flour there, cook for three minutes. Then you can add fruits or berries that the baby likes and tolerates well. The main thing is not to add them to boiling porridge, let it cool and infuse.
  • From 1 to one and a half years. Pour half a glass of coarser millet flour with 200 ml of water, cook for 5-10 minutes. The dish was infused and cooled down a little - add fruit and sugar there at the request of the baby and the body's tolerance.
  • After a year and a half. Pour half a glass of classic millet with water in a ratio of one to three and cook until the cereal is ready. During cooking, you can add your baby's favorite fruits there, if he likes such a sweet version. After the dish has cooled down, add dried fruits, you get a quick version of Christmas kutya.

Pediatricians advise choosing ready-made cereals from well-known manufacturers, in which millet is in the consistency necessary for a baby.

One of the most beloved by both children and adults, dishes with millet is pumpkin porridge. It can be cooked with rice, but you can also cook it with millet. It is very healthy and tasty, and if you add dried apricot pieces to the finished dish, it is also beautiful. Pumpkin and millet porridge recipe:

  1. Take 200 ml of water and 100 ml of milk, 100 g of peeled fresh pumpkin and half a glass of millet. For the finished porridge - butter, dried apricots, salt and sugar to taste.
  2. Cut the pumpkin (see also:).
  3. Boil water, lightly salt it and pour the millet into it.
  4. When the cereal is cooked until half cooked, add the pumpkin and pour in the milk. Make sure that the milk does not burn.
  5. Cook the porridge until tender. After removing from heat, leave to rise for 15 minutes.
  6. Add butter, sugar, chopped dried apricots.

If you want to get an already initially sweet version of the dish, then add dried apricots and sugar even before removing the saucepan from heat. Dried apricots will swell and transfer their sweetness to cereals and pumpkin. However, you can no longer serve such porridge as a side dish, but only as a dessert or a separate dish.

Wheat porridge: pros and cons for toddlers

Wheat is no less useful than the previous cereal we described. It is rich in iron, potassium and phosphorus. The dish can be prepared both from the flour that is ground at home, or bought in the departments with baby food.

Wheat benefits:

  • it is rich in fiber, vitamins and trace elements;
  • low glycemic index regulates blood glucose levels;
  • improves the state of the immune system, cleanses the body of toxins.

Cons of wheat:

  • gluten-containing cereals, therefore, it is impossible to give it to children before reaching the age of one;
  • contains carbohydrates and starch in large quantities;
  • contains phytin, which impairs the absorption of nutrients;
  • cereal is difficult to process in the digestive tract, so it is contraindicated for problems with the intestines and stomach.

Wheat porridge, similar to millet, should be a liquid consistency, especially in the first month of starting a baby

Recipes for moms to note

How to cook wheat porridge correctly and tasty for your son or daughter? The main thing to remember is that it takes a long time to cook, so liquids should be taken at a rate of one to five. Here are some simple recipes depending on the age category of the baby:

  • Until one year of age. Throw 10 g of cereal into boiling 100 ml of water. Cook for about 10 minutes. After the porridge is infused and cooled, add fruits to which the child does not have an allergic reaction, only if you give wheat not for the first time.
  • From one to one and a half years. Boil half a glass of wheat in 300 ml of water or milk. When the dish is ready, you can add fruit, some sugar and butter.
  • After reaching the age of one and a half. Boil half a glass of cereals in 300 ml of water, milk or broth. You can make both sweet and savory options. The second is well served with steamed patties. Remember that you cannot overdo it with salt and sugar, first offer the crumbs a bland dish. If he flatly refuses, then add a little salt or sugar.

Treat yourself to healthy and tasty food. For example, cook the grits in the broth in the oven for a delicate crumbly dish. It is easy to cook it in a slow cooker or just over the fire. Sprinkle with fresh herbs, top with ghee or add dried fruit - your vitamin and hearty lunch is ready!

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