Funny fairy tales by roles for a drunken company. Twelve funny waiters and one sexy barmaid Funny scenes with jokes

Batteries, radiators 16.08.2020
Batteries, radiators

If you are arranging a celebration on the occasion of an anniversary, then you need to thoroughly prepare for it. Be sure to come up with funny pranks and games for guests. Better yet, if you have a couple of sketches that will make you laugh so that the guests fall off the chairs. For example, a scene: hu or li is a great option for an anniversary. Hu and Li are the names of foreign guests who came from far away to congratulate the hero of the occasion on the anniversary. Only one names will cause delight and laughter among the guests. And what will happen next, you will find out for yourself.

Everyone knows how great it is to get together with a group of friends and sit in the evening. And to make it even better and more interesting for you, there are new impromptu fairy tales for a drunken company of friends on different holidays. For example, on an anniversary or new year, a birthday or just a friendly get-together. See our ideas, grab something and have fun.

How good it is to sit with friends, drink beer and discuss the latest news. But sooner or later, simple gatherings get bored and you need more. You want to have fun and laugh to make the evening even better and brighter. What should you play? Maybe in new fairy tales, alterations for a drunken company? It is very easy to play such tales by roles. You only need to assign roles, and then everything will go by itself. Take a look at our ideas and try to bring them to life.

Whatever holiday you spend, you always need to arrange games and contests, conduct funny game blocks and even make fairy tales and performances! But to show a fairy tale or a play, you have to rehearse, and there is no time for that. How to be? Here an instant impromptu performance for a fun company comes to the rescue, which does not require preparation and rehearsals. You only need to select guests to participate in the performances. Give them a role and words and that's it - you can show the scene to the audience, who will definitely appreciate it.


Restaurant incident

(characters: guy, girl, waiter)

A guy and a girl enter a restaurant, sit down at a free table, study the menu and call the waiter.
Waiter: Good evening. What will you please?
Guy: Hello. For me, please, your signature roast pheasant.
Waiter: So well done with a crispy crust?
Guy: Yes.
Waiter: With spices?
Guy: With spices.
Waiter: And such that the meat is juicy and tender?
Guy: Yes!
Waiter: And one that smells like firewood smoke?
Guy (irritated): Well, yes, with all the cases, you have everything written here! (points in the menu).
Waiter: You know, unfortunately, we don't have a pheasant today.
Guy: How not? Why are you fooling me then?
Waiter: Sorry, I forgot. There was a pheasant yesterday. And flew away. Right out the window. From the kitchen. Didn't keep track of.
Guy (addressing the girl): Wow, pheasants are flying out the windows here! (to the waiter): Do you have a restaurant or a zoo here?
Waiter: Restaurant. But the zoo supplies us with food.
Guy: Well, you give! (turns to the girl): Maybe then you can order something for yourself, and while I look for something else (reads the menu).
Girl: And for me, please, this "magic borscht" (points to the menu).
Waiter: Ah, "magic borscht"! You have made a wonderful choice! Are you so rich?
Girl: Yes.
Waiter: And with sour cream?
Girl: With sour cream.
Waiter: And so that such an aroma emanates from him almost a kilometer away?
Girl: Well, yes.
Waiter: In such a beautiful ceramic pot?
Girl: In a pot, in a pot, you have everything written here (points to the menu).
Waiter: Oh, sorry, I don't think we have borscht.
Girl: How not?
Waiter: Not already, but recently I was.
Guy: How is it?
Waiter: The chef cooked such rich borscht today, well, just super borscht! And ate it. The borscht turned out to be so tasty that the chef could not resist and ate it all clean! Can you choose something else?
Guy: You don't have a restaurant here, but God knows what! Then their pheasant flew away, then the zoo supplies them with food, then the cook ate borscht! There is no guarantee that you will not have another dish either!
Waiter: There is a guarantee. I give a guarantee. I can list the dishes that we definitely have.
Girl: Well, list it.
Waiter: Doshirak noodles, semolina porridge, soft-boiled eggs, jacket potatoes, oatmeal sir ...
GUY (interrupting) Enough, enough! You have one thing on the menu, but in fact, quite another. Call the manager.
Waiter: What's in charge for you?
Guy: Yes, in charge.
Waiter: The most important thing so that no one is more important over him?
Guy: Yes, exactly like that!
Waiter: So solid and serious to listen to you carefully?
Guy: Yes, solid and serious!
Waiter: And preferably with a pen and notepad to write down all your complaints?
Guy: Yes! Yes! Yes! Call someone already before my roof goes with you! Waiter: Oops! And you know, our respectable manager is dead. He died yesterday. Yesterday I wrote down the client's claims in a notebook and died right there! From a heart attack.
Guy (takes the girl by the hand): Let's run, rather, from here, until we have a heart attack! (run away).

Scene for Valentine's Day. Two cupids with a bow and arrow come out to do their work. An unusual scene where the participants need to go down to the auditorium.

The plot is as follows: girls decide what to give their boyfriends on February 23rd. Only ladies participate in the scene. Finally, a legitimate reason to expel the men into the auditorium and heartily enjoy the scene.

This scene can be staged on March 8th and at a bachelorette party. The plot has already been revealed in the title: best friends tell everyone the secret of how to make and not lose best friends... Everything, of course, with humor.

Scene for March 8 in which men make fun of typical female things. This scene will well dilute the concert dedicated to International Women's Day.

It is difficult not only for women before February 23, but also for men before March 8. Everyone solves the most difficult task - what to give ?! This is what we are joking about in this scene.

This scene can be shown at a concert in honor of March 8th, and at a corporate party of a beauty salon or store. After all, everyone wants to laugh at the stereotypical approaches to female beauty.

Imagine car designers have finally decided to create a purely feminine car. Yes, and give it to women on March 8th. You yourself understand that this scene is very funny.

Scene for Birthday or Anniversary. You can quickly show it on any free spot in a cafe or restaurant. The birthday boy is happy and the guests are amused.

One more humorous scene on the topic of finding a birthday present. Choosing a gift is especially difficult. And in this case, the problem seems to be completely unsolvable. In this plot, both the guests and the birthday man recognize themselves.

By the way, this scene is also suitable for the anniversary. Five to 10 people can take part in it. The more - the more fun the scene will be.

Scenes about school, study

By the name of the scene, it is already clear that it is the most school one. The plot is as follows: the headmaster of the school convenes a meeting to prepare the educational institution for the arrival of a strict check.

It is always interesting to imagine how children will be taught this way in forty, fifty years. And if you add humor to these dreams, then you get a good scene for a school concert.

We tried to imagine how officials come up with new topics for graduation essays. This scene will organically look in a concert on the occasion of the last bell or graduation at school. It can be played by both teachers and students.

Imagine that the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov gave up his television programs and began to work as a literature teacher. In the scene, we tried to show what his lesson would look like.

Imagine that because of the crisis, a summit of leaders of all countries of the world was decided to be held in one of the children's health camps. The scene is also good because it is massive, but everyone does not need to learn words.

New Year's scenes

A dynamic, modern, and most importantly, a funny New Year's scene. The beginning is this: Santa Claus reads the letters of children and is finally disappointed in them.

A script for a New Year's party for younger students. Jack Sparrow, a young hacker, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden in one scenario. We guarantee humor!

Scenes-dialogues for two hosts of the New Year's Eve. They will help out your concert, they will connect even the most motley numbers. Light, funny, New Year's jokes.

On New Year's holidays, anything can happen. The scene is about this: the artistic director arranges a scolding to the artists who performed at the children's New Year's parties. A scene in the spirit of Comedy club with a fair amount of childish humor.

New topical scenario for a children's New Year's holiday. Recognizable modern characters: Cashier "Pyaterochka", Ded Moroz, Snegurochka, Baba Yaga, and the symbol of the new 2019 - Pig.

The classic battle of the Old and New Years has been moved to the walls of an ordinary office. The stage is suitable for a corporate New Year's party. If your department was asked to stage a scene, take it and do not suffer.

The plot of the scene is as follows: astrologers-predictors compete in predictions of the new year for office workers. As you understand, all your intra-office joys and relevance can be woven into the scene. Success at the New Year's corporate party is guaranteed!

Let's fast forward three hundred years ago and imagine how in Russia they switched to celebrating the New Year in winter. Let's do it in the form of a funny scene. If you rent theatrical costumes, the scene will be simply bombastic.

An up-to-date New Year's scene on a school theme. About how hard it is for schoolchildren and teachers on the eve of the New Year. Suitable for school or student KVN on the New Year theme.

The plot of the scene is as follows: somewhere in the north there is a secret base for the preparation of Santa Claus. And how can they be without preparation ?! You can show such a scene both at KVN and at the New Year's concert.

Play this game to energize guests during a quiet holiday. You will only need a marker and a specially prepared field for "crosses and zeroes". But ... Under each game square, where crosses will be placed, a game task should be hidden - let it be on the back side of the playing field. Cross number 1 - task: "I want to drink". Cross number 2 - task: "I'll sing right now!" .Cross number 3 - task: "I want to kiss!". Cross number 4 - task: "Oh, what a woman! Let's dance!" Thus, you will fill the lingering lull with fun.

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The game can be played at a birthday, anniversary, the hero of the occasion participates in it. A certain number of potato tubers (5-7 pieces) are placed on the chair and covered with material or newspaper. All this is done so that the birthday person does not see. After that, the hero of the occasion is invited. and offer him to sit on a newspaper under which there are potatoes on a chair, to fidget while sitting and determine how many potato tubers there are.
BABA-YAGA Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a stupa, a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. He holds the handle with one hand and the mop in the other. In this position, it is necessary to go the entire distance and pass the stupa and broom to the next.

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An old French game with a tied ball that is thrown and caught in a spoon. Take a thick thread or string 40 cm long. Tape one end to a table tennis ball, and the other end to the bottom of a plastic cup, or tie it to the handle of a plastic mug. Your bilbock is ready. Several people are playing. It is necessary to throw the ball up and catch it in a glass or mug. One point is awarded for this. Catch the ball in turn until you miss. The one who misses passes the bilboke to the player following him. The winner is the one who first scores the agreed number of points.

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Two players compete. Required props - Coca-Cola, vodka, 2 glasses. Cola is poured into the players' glasses. This is a brown bear. It needs to be turned white. This is done as follows. The player takes a sip, and the liquid in the glass is added to the previous level with vodka. The player takes a sip again - the level returns to its original level again by pouring in vodka. This is repeated until the liquid in the glass turns white. If the players are still able to continue the game, the game is reversed. Drink vodka - add cola until the glass becomes completely brown. The Winner ... Ahem, the lucky one is announced that he won the next morning after a hard awakening. Attention: you should not play this game if you are not confident in your own abilities and do not know your norm. Be aware of the possibility of alcohol poisoning.

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Men dress up in women's outfits and participate in "ladies'" contests, in which women, for one reason or another, do not actively participate. For example, in the games described here with removing an elastic band from the waist, counting candies in an opaque bag, lying on a stool with the help of priests, etc. The advantage of such dressing is that it goes well in an unfamiliar team or where women are afraid to spoil your clothes, your hair. Warms up the audience well even at an official concert.

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