The specific gravity of bitumen. Types and application of bitumen

Bitumen materials 30.06.2019
                  Bitumen materials

Bitumen is an oil refining product and an integral part of minerals. It consists of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and metal derivatives. There are several varieties of this material that differ in properties, composition and application.


Bitumens are classified according to several criteria. The first criterion is the origin and composition.

  1. Natural bitumen is obtained from the extraction of oil minerals. Their main composition is hydrocarbons and derivatives, which are obtained by the active oxidation of petroleum substances in the bowels of the earth. The natural hydrocarbon may be solid or viscous. In the usual form, the substance is obtained in production, separating the desired fractions.
  2. Bitumen for laying asphalt is obtained in the extraction of porous minerals, deep in the bowels of the earth's crust. The rock is crushed together with a hydrocarbon substance, and material for road works is obtained.
  3. Construction bitumen is a synthetic product obtained from oil industrially. The material is used for waterproofing structures and manufacturing roofing roll materials and soft tiles. A synthetic hydrocarbon of a solid structure, for use it is melted to a liquid state, after which it again fixes its shape already on the working surface.


In building bitumen, which is used for waterproofing and manufacturing roofing materials, the composition is approximately the same. It consists of:

  • Carbon - about 80%;
  • Hydrogen - approximately 15%;
  • Sulfur - 2 ... 9%;
  • Oxygen - up to 5%;
  • Nitrogen - up to 2%.

The main fractions inside the material:

  1. The solid part - asphaltenes - high molecular weight hydrocarbons, they are supplemented by paraffins.
  2. Resins of a dark brown color, giving the bitumen a rich color.
  3. The consistency in the molten state is provided by the oil fractions of hydrocarbons.

A different combination of components determines different characteristics, for example, the density of bitumen kg / m3 can be from 100 to 1400, depending on the brand.


A wide variety of bitumen has led to the need to divide the material into groups. So there was a labeling of building material. It includes the origin and purpose of the material, the temperature of its heating and penetration. Consider the example of BNK 90/30:

  • BNK - roofing oil bitumen;
  • 90 is the optimum heating temperature of a solid for melting;
  • 30 is the penetration value, that is, the penetration size of the penetrometer needle into bitumen at 25 ° C in mm.

General Purpose Bitumen

Grades of building bitumen, which is used for waterproofing structures with a coating method - BN 50/50, BN 70/30, BN 90/10. It should be noted: the higher the numerator of the fraction designation, that is, the softening temperature, the lower the penetration.

A subspecies of building bitumen is insulating: BNI-IV-3, BNI-IV. Underground pipelines are treated in such a way to protect them from corrosion.

The specific gravity of bitumen is 0.95 ... 1.50 g / cm3.

Roofing bitumen

Roll materials (roofing material, rubemast, euroroofing material and others), soft shinglas tiles are made from roofing bitumen of the following grades:

  • BNK 90/30 is used to cover the roof, the organization of the finish layer;
  • BNK 40/180 is suitable for impregnation of surfaces for waterproofing;
  • BNK 45/190 serves as a material for the manufacture of roofing materials.

The melting temperature of bitumen in a roofing variety of material is small, it is not necessarily proportional to the hardness of the cover. For this type, the ductility of the sheet is important, which will provide the canvas with a soft texture.

Road bitumen

The group of road bitumen includes several varieties of material by brand. Their main difference is the climate zone, because the roads are responsible communications. Considering the regions, determine the maximum and minimum temperatures:

  • For regions with low temperatures that rarely rise above -20 ° C in winter, bitumen grades BND 90/130, BND 130/200, BND 200/300 are chosen.
  • For moderate winters -20 ... -10 ° C, BND 60/90 and the previously listed 90/130, 130/200, 200/300 brands are suitable.
  • On terrain with winter temperatures ranging from -10 ... -5 ° С, the roadbed is laid using bitumen BND 40/60, BN 90/130, BN 130/200, BN 200/300.
  • For warm regions with an average winter temperature of + 5 ° C, hydrocarbons of the BND 40/60, BN 90/130, BN 130/200, BN 200/300 and previously listed types are used.

Technology of preparation and application

With roll materials from bitumen for roofing and waterproofing, everything is simple - they are rolled out on structures or on the roof and fixed by fusing or gluing to molten bitumen. The latter, in turn, can be used as an independent component in construction. For these purposes, it must be properly prepared.

There are 2 forms of selling bitumen:

  • Solid;
  • Ready liquid.

Ready mastics are mixed and applied to the surface with a brush. Such solutions are more expensive than solid bitumen, and in quality they are not inferior, but they do not win, except for convenience.

How to dissolve bitumen if it is thickened? Kerosene, gasoline and white spirit will do. They are added in a small amount, wait for the reaction with the mastic and mix thoroughly. The same substances can remove the bitumen stain from the surface of the floor, car or fabric.

To dissolve hard bitumen, you will need a gas burner and a thick-walled boiler with a lid. The material is crumbled into small pieces and filled with a 2/3 capacity. The boiler is heated to the temperature specified in the brand, an excess of 10-15 ° C is possible. At the same time, one should monitor both temperature and time: degrees of the burner may be greater, then the solution will melt faster, but overheating cannot be allowed - the quality of the hydrocarbon will drop. The boiling point of bitumen for different grades is its own, the highest is + 200 ° С.

During heating, floating particulate matter should be collected and disposed of.

The heated solution is applied to the surface with a wide brush and rollers. Observe safety precautions when working with hot material, use personal protective equipment.

The average consumption of bitumen per 1 m2 of waterproofing with a layer of 1.5 ... 2.5 mm is 1 ... 1.5 kg.

If you are reading this article, then you are interested in how to find it correctly. Immediately, we note that entering a search query “weight of bitumen emulsion”, it is unlikely to get a clear and unambiguous answer. The thing is that bitumen emulsion, although it is a physical substance that has weight, but it can still be different types and brands. And these are unequal physicochemical properties.

Do not forget that many people confuse such physical quantities as “mass” and “weight”. Although they are interconnected, they are not the same.

Recall the definitions. Weight is the force the body acts on a support that prevents it from falling. It occurs in the field of gravity. The unit of measure in SI is Newton. Weight is the product of mass and acceleration of gravity. Mass is a physical quantity that determines the inertial and gravitational properties of matter. The unit of measurement in the SI system is kilogram. Mass is the product of the density of a substance and its volume.

Thus, to find the weight of a bitumen emulsion, you first need to find its mass by the known volume and density.

An example of calculating the weight of a bitumen emulsion

Consider an example. Let it be required to find the weight of the bitumen emulsion of the EBK-1 brand with a volume of 2 m 3. First, from the available reference data, we find the approximate density of the EBK-1 bitumen emulsion. It is 980 kg / m3. Calculate the mass of bitumen emulsion.

In the construction and road construction industry, bitumen has long been proven. It is used as a binder, but in the natural state, this substance is very viscous, and is unable to perform a direct function. In order to make it liquid, three methods are used:

  • heating to 200 degrees,
  • liquefaction using solvents (oil products),
  • emulsification by mixing bitumen with water and special emulsifiers that prevent liquids from exfoliating.

Since the first method is harmful to the environment and is very uneconomical in terms of energy costs to maintain the desired temperature, and the second is expensive and dangerous to health, we will talk about the third - about bitumen emulsion.

The composition and quality of bitumen emulsions

Bitumen emulsion is a homogeneous mixture of two substances which are not soluble in each other: bitumen and water. Surfactants added to the emulsion during the preparation process do not allow bitumen particles to combine. The percentage of latex as a binder in the emulsion allows you to change the properties of bitumen in one direction or another.

According to the method of preparation, emulsions are distinguished:

  • direct type (bitumen particles dispersed in water), is used more often,
  • the opposite type (water particles are evenly distributed in the bitumen).

Regarding the percentage of bitumen in the composition:

  1. saturated (over 70%),
  2. concentrated (from 40% to 70%),
  3. low concentration (bitumen fraction below 40%).

The most popular are 2 and 3 categories.

The emulsion is used under normal conditions and does not pose a threat to human health, harm to the environment. After application, the bitumen emulsion penetrates qualitatively into all pores and irregularities of the coating, dries quickly due to the evaporation of water, bitumen covers the surface with a strong layer.

If the composition of the emulsion is made correctly, in compliance with all technological standards, then it does not spread, but is quickly absorbed by the filler. The use of bitumen emulsions can reduce bitumen consumption in road construction by almost 30%. Moreover, the average specific emulsion weight   bituminous is 1.05 kg / dm3.

The density of the bitumen emulsion is presented in the table.
Substance Density
Bitumen emulsion t / m3 kg / m3 kg / l g / cm3
1,05 1050 1,05 1,05

Such qualities of innovative material in comparison with the usual bituminous mastics and pure bitumen open a much wider horizon of use. In addition to road construction, roof repair, emulsions can be used indoors when installing bathrooms, bathrooms, pools, waterproofing various structural units.

Bitumen is a product of the refining of the oil industry, it is a solid or tar-like mixture of hydrocarbons with various derivatives. The composition of bitumen includes 70-87% carbon, about 15% hydrogen, about 10% oxygen, and about 1.5% sulfur.

This substance is absolutely insoluble in water, but partially or completely soluble in chloroform, benzene, carbon disulfide and other organic solvents. The density of bitumen is from 0.9 to 1.5 g / cm³. In color, this substance is black or dark brown.

Bitumens are quite characteristic. physical properties. These include weather resistance, hydrophobicity, solubility in most organic solvents, softening during gradual heating, adhesion, ductility, viscosity, etc.

The viscosity of bitumen is one of its most important characteristics. It depends on temperature fluctuations: as the temperature rises, this indicator decreases, when it decreases, it increases, and when temperature condition   below zero, the material becomes quite brittle.

Among other things, another indicator of the qualitative composition of bitumen is its specific gravity. The specific gravity of bitumen according to all standards should be at least 1 g / cm 3 at t 25 ˚С.

The use of oil building materials

In addition to the physical representatives of this class of materials, they have a number of chemical properties, which are expressed in their resistance to aggressive environments, as well as to alkalis, etc. All these properties led to the use of bitumen in the production of waterproofing, anti-corrosion and roofing materials, lubricants and fuel oil.

In addition, this substance is widely used in road, as well as hydraulic construction. The good combination of this substance with various polymers and rubber has qualitatively expanded its field of application and led to its use in almost all areas of construction.

Bitumen, due to its physicochemical and other properties, as well as excellent characteristics, remains one of the most popular substances in the building materials market. Therefore, it is not surprising that its production is increasing every year. And the addition of various polymers to its composition allows us to stabilize its shortcomings and emphasize the advantages.

Variety of bitumen

Bitumen classificationpasses by several criteria:

  • by origin:
  1. artificial bitumen (petroleum) is obtained in the process of oil refining;
  2. natural ones are formed by natural polymerization of oil, they are quite rare in their pure form, they are much more often present in sedimentary rocks;
  • by type of extracted raw materials:
  1. coal bitumen is produced by dissolving certain types of coal products with organic solvents, and during further processing, tar and wax are used from these varieties, which are used in the production of adhesive mixtures and paints;
  2. peat - stand out from peat by using various organic solvents;
  3. oil, in turn, are divided into residual, oxidized and compound;
  • by appointment and scope:
  1. road bitumens are used in the manufacture of road mastics, all kinds of bitumen emulsions, as well as asphalt mixes, volume weight   road bitumen is approximately equal to 1100 kg / m³;
  2. roofing bitumens are impregnating and integumentary; the former are used for waterproofing coatings and other structures, and the latter are used in the production of roofing materials (roofing material, tiles, etc.);
  3. insulating bitumens have found their application in waterproofing materials (glass insulation, waterproofing, mastic, etc.).

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