State Duma deputy Oleg Smolin. Full biography. Through hardship to the stars

Tile 16.10.2020

Oleg Nikolaevich Smolin (born February 10, 1952, the village of Poludino, North Kazakhstan region) - Soviet and russian politician and a philosopher, specialist in philosophy of politics and social philosophy. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, member of the Communist Party faction, First Deputy Chairman of the Education Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Doctor of Philosophy, Full Member Russian academy education (2016). President of the Knowledge Society of Russia. Chairman of the All-Russian public movement "Education for All".


Born on January 22 (officially - February 10), 1952 in the village of Poludino, Poludinsky district, North Kazakhstan region in a family of teachers. Is almost blind from birth.

In 1970 he graduated with honors from the music school of Omsk, accordion class. He graduated with a gold medal from Omsk special boarding school № 95 for blind and visually impaired children.

He entered the history faculty of the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute named after A.M. Gorky. In 1974 he graduated from the university, receiving a diploma with honors. From 1974 to 1976 he worked as a teacher at the Omsk School of Working Youth. Since 1976 he has been working as an assistant at the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute. 1976-1991 - Member of the CPSU.

On December 1, 1979, he was elected senior lecturer at the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute. November 1, 1981 - November 1, 1982 he was seconded to the postgraduate study of USU.

In 1982, under the supervision of L. N. Kogan, he defended his Ph.D. thesis "Cultural revolution as a factor in the formation of a socialist way of life" in the specialty "philosophy" at the Ural State University. On March 30, 1984 he was elected assistant professor of the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute.

In 1989-1991 he was a member of the reformist party club in Omsk. On March 18, 1990, he was elected People's Deputy of the RSFSR. Member of the "Russia" faction.

Since September 1, 1992 - a member of the Committee on Science and Public Education of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on a permanent basis. On December 12, 1993, he was elected a deputy of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. On March 1, 1994, he was elected Chairman of the Subcommittee on Education and Personnel Training of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Culture and Education.

On December 17, 1995 he was elected to the State Duma of the second convocation. Member of the "People's Power" deputy group. On January 23, 1996, he was elected deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science of the second convocation. On February 1, 1996, he was elected Chairman of the Education Subcommittee.

On December 19, 1999 he was elected to the State Duma of the third convocation. Member of the Agroindustrial Deputy Group. On January 24, 2000, he was elected Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science.

In 2001 he defended doctoral dissertation on the topic "Socio-philosophical aspects of state educational policy in the context of radical transformation russian society"At the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

In the State Duma, he was engaged in education problems, was the developer of such basic laws for the education system as the Law "On Education", the Law "On Higher and Postgraduate vocational education"," On the approval of the federal program for the development of education ", as well as the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation, approved by the All-Russian Meeting of Educators in the Kremlin on January 15, 2000.

On September 12, 2001, he was elected chairman of the board of the Omsk regional branch of the People's Patriotic Union of Russia (NPSR).

On December 7, 2003, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the fourth convocation. Member of the Communist Party faction. On January 16, 2004, he was elected first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science.

On December 2, 2007, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the 5th convocation from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In January 2008 he became Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education

Birthday January 22, 1952

deputy of the State Duma, member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation faction, Deputy Chairman of the Education Committee of the State Duma


Born on January 22 (officially - February 10) 1952 in the village of Poludino, Poludinsky district, North Kazakhstan region. Blind from birth.

In 1970 he graduated with honors from the music school of Omsk, accordion class. He graduated from the Omsk special school for blind and visually impaired children with a gold medal.

He entered the history faculty of the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute named after A.M. Gorky. In 1974 he graduated from the university, receiving a diploma with honors. From 1974 to 1976 he worked as a teacher at the Omsk School of Working Youth. Since 1976 he has been working as an assistant at the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute. 1976-1991 - Member of the CPSU.

On December 1, 1979, he was elected senior lecturer at the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute. November 1, 1981 - November 1, 1982 he was seconded to the postgraduate study of USU.

In 1982 he defended his Ph.D. thesis "Cultural revolution as a factor in the formation of a socialist way of life" in the specialty "philosophy" at the Ural State University. On March 30, 1984 he was elected assistant professor of the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute.

In 1989-1991 he was a member of the reformist party club in Omsk. On March 18, 1990, he was elected a deputy of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR. Member of the "Russia" faction.

Since September 1, 1992 - a member of the Committee on Science and Public Education of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on a permanent basis. December 12, 1993 Elected as a deputy of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. On March 1, 1994, he was elected Chairman of the Subcommittee on Education and Personnel Training of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Culture and Education.

On December 17, 1995 he was elected to the State Duma of the second convocation. Member of the "People's Power" deputy group. On January 23, 1996, he was elected deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science of the second convocation. On February 1, 1996, he was elected Chairman of the Education Subcommittee.

On December 19, 1999 he was elected to the State Duma of the third convocation. Member of the Agroindustrial Deputy Group. On January 24, 2000, he was elected Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science.

In 2001 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Social and Philosophical Aspects of State Educational Policy in the Conditions of Radical Transformation of Russian Society" at the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

In the State Duma he dealt with education problems, was the developer of such basic laws for the education system as the Law "On Education", the Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education", "On the Approval of the Federal Program for the Development of Education", as well as the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation, approved by the All-Russian meeting of educators in the Kremlin on January 15, 2000.

On September 12, 2001, he was elected chairman of the board of the Omsk regional branch of the People's Patriotic Union of Russia (NPSR).

On December 7, 2003 he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the fourth convocation. Member of the Communist Party faction. On January 16, 2004, he was elected first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science.

On December 2, 2007, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the 5th convocation from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In January 2008 he became Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education

On February 26, 2009, he was elected President of the Knowledge Society. In September 2009, Smolin was robbed. Representatives of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation did not exclude political reasons for the robbery.

Professor, Academician of the Academy of Humanities and the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences. Author of over 700 scientific, scientific, journalistic and journalistic works, including 7 books of authorship; co-author of 4 books.

First Vice President of the Russian Paralympic Committee, Vice President of the All-Russian Society of the Blind (VOS), honorary member of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People.

Married. Has a son and a grandson.

Awards and titles

  • medal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation "90 years of the Great October Socialist Revolution"
  • chevalier of the Golden Badge of Honor "Public Recognition". Order of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States "Commonwealth".
  • order "Glory to the Nation".
  • order "In the name of life on Earth".
  • order of Peter the Great II degree.
  • jubilee medal of the Presidium of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR "For merits in education for 75 years."
  • medals "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow", A. S. Makarenko for pedagogical valor, K. D. Ushinsky (industry award of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation), "For strengthening the authority russian science"," For services in the development of the Modern Humanitarian Academy "," For services in education and upbringing "
  • honorary badges: "For services in the development of parliamentarism", "Badge of honor of the VOS", "Honored Worker of the VOS", "For services to the All-Russian Society of the Blind" of the first degree, "For the protection of human rights" contribution to the cause of revival and prosperity.

He is a full member of the Academy of Humanities, International Pedagogical Academy, Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, International Academy of Social Sciences.

Fellowship: Uralsky state University, Sverdlovsk, 1982, philosophy.
Higher: Omsk State Pedagogical Institute. Gorky (now - pedagogical University), Faculty of History, 1974, teacher of history and social studies.

PhD thesis topic

"Problems of the relationship between culture and lifestyle" (1982)

Doctoral thesis topic

"Socio-philosophical aspects of state educational policy in the context of the radical transformation of Russian society" (2001)

Courses for the current academic year

"Educational policy for people with disabilities"


Books by O. N. Smolina:

  1. Education for all: Philosophy. Economy. Politics. Legislation. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: ICC "Akademkniga", 2014.
  2. EDUCATION. POLICY. LAW: Federal legislation as a factor in educational policy in modern Russia... - M .: Cultural revolution, 2010

Articles by O. N. Smolina:

  1. UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Risks and Hopes // UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Russian Legislation: What to Do? Materials of the "round table", Moscow, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, May 3, 2012 / Under total. ed. O. Smolina. - M .: LLC "IPTK" LOGOS VOS ", 2012. - S. 3-60
  2. Recommendations for creating conditions for the full participation of schoolchildren with disabilities in subject Olympiads and other intellectual competitions // Bulletin of the charitable program of the Russian Union of Rectors "Overcoming Talent". M., 2009 .-- S. 13-18
  3. An integrative approach to disability: the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Russian legislation // People with disabilities in the big city: legislation and the obligation of the social state. Mat. conf. June 10-11, 2009. M .: LLC "IPTK" Logos "VOS", 2009. - S. 6-22
  4. Education of persons with disabilities: the procedure for legislative support // Defectology. - 2007. - No. 5. - P. 77-85
  5. Information technologies in Russian education: some regulatory and legal problems // Internet - free, safe, educational. Interregional scientific-practical conference (October 18-19, 2013, Omsk) / Collection of materials. Under total. ed. M.P. Lapchik. - Omsk: Polygraphic Center KAN, 2013. - S. 3-12.
  6. Federal law on education in the Russian Federation: not a swan, but cancer // Public education. - 2014. - No. 1. - P. 9-18.
  7. E-learning: Russian educational policy and foreign experience // Human capital. - 2014. - No. 6. - P.4-11.
  8. Life-long education: legislation and problems // Science of man: humanitarian research. - 2015. - No. 1 (19). - S. 135-143.
  9. Methodology of development and system of Russian educational legislation: problems and prospects // Pedagogy. - 2015. - No. 7 (September). - S. 3-24.
  10. Russian educational legislation. Philosophical, methodological and socio-legal problems. Part I // Philosophical Sciences. - 2016. - No. 1. - P. 9-20
  11. Russian educational legislation. Philosophical, methodological and socio-legal problems. Part II // Philosophical Sciences. - 2016. - No. 2. - P. 7-21
  12. Students with disabilities: status, education, employment. Interview with Anna Shvedovskaya // Psychological Science and Education. - 2017. - No. 1. - P. 7-9.


"Moscow State Pedagogical University", "Inclusive education of children with disabilities", 2017, 72 hours. Certificate No. 772406323528
"Moscow State Pedagogical University", "Inclusive education of children with disabilities", 2017, 16 hours. Certificate No. 772406321410

State and departmental awards

1997 - Medal "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow"
2000 - Certificate of honor of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
2002 - K.D. Ushinsky
2006 - badge of honor of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation "For services in the development of parliamentarism"
2006 - Commendation of the Chairman of the State Duma
Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
2007 - A.S. Makarenko, 2008 - Certificate of honor of the Government of the Russian Federation
2008 - Certificate of honor of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
2008 - medal "Federation Council. 15 years"
2008 - Medal named after academician SI. Vavilova
2012 - silver medal "IPA CIS. 20 years"
2012 - golden medal "For achievements in science"
2001 - Honorary Badge "For the Protection of Human Rights"
2012 - Golden Badge of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University
2012 - gold medal of the Russian Academy of Education
2013 - the honorary title "Honored Worker high school Russian Federation"
2017 - Medal of the Russian Academy of Education named after I. V.V. Davydova

Participation in conferences

In 2017:

III St. Petersburg International Economic Congress (SPEC-2017) "Foresight" Russia ": a new industrial society. Reboot ". (St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences). March 27, 2017

Moscow Economic Forum (MEF) “Turn of world history. The New Strategy of Russia ”(Moscow,“ Shuvalovsky Corps ”of Moscow State University). March 30, 2017

International scientific and practical conference “Didactic foundations of multicultural education. (Omsk, OmGPU). June 1, 2017

Round table " Social protection the elderly and disabled: problems and the role of NGOs ”. (Omsk, Federation of Omsk Trade Unions). June 2, 2017

The third international professional forum “Book. Culture. Education. Innovations "(Crimea-2017). (Sudak, Republic of Crimea). June 5, 2017

4th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Inclusive Education: Continuity of Inclusive Culture and Practice”. (Moscow, MGPPU). June 21, 2017

UNESCO International Forum "Education 2013: a new concept of development". (Kazan, University of Management "TISBI"). September 21, 2017

International Conference on New educational technologies EDCRUNCH 2017. Education 3.0. Technologies for individualization and personalization ”. (Moscow, World Trade Center, Ladoga Hall). September 26, 2017

International scientific and practical conference "The right of young people with disabilities to independence, social integration and participation in the life of the community." (Azerbaijan. Baku. Conference hall of the Park Inn hotel). 3-5 October 2017

All-Russian conference “WOMEN AND LABOR: LAW AND REALITY. RUSSIAN AND INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE ". (Moscow, State Duma). 19 October 2017

Conference "Social protection of the elderly and disabled in the REGIONS of WESTERN SIBERIA". (Omsk, Omsk Law Academy). 23-24 October 2017

International conference “Change the world, it needs it! To the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution ”(St. Petersburg, National Library). 26 October 2017

VI All-Russian educational forum “School of the Future. Problems and Prospects for the Development of Modern Education in Russia ”(St. Petersburg, International Academy of Quality and Marketing). October 28, 2017

XII Forum of the World Political Economic Association "October Revolution: Assistance to the Development of the World Economy and the Welfare of the Population" (within the framework of the International Forum "October. Revolution. Future") (Moscow, IFLA). 3 November 2017

International Symposium "Revolution: Look into the Future" (within the framework of the International Forum "October. Revolution. Future") (Moscow, "Digital October"). November 5, 2017

All-Russian online forum with international participation "National strategy for action in the interests of children: towards the Decade of childhood" (Moscow, RT). November 14, 2017

Plenary session of the section “The Great Book rEvolution. Influence of the book on development modern society»Within the framework of the VI St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum (St. Petersburg, General Staff of the State Hermitage). November 16, 2017

The Fourth All-Russian Scientific and Practical Congress "PRODUCTION, SCIENCE AND EDUCATION OF RUSSIA: A SYSTEM APPROACH" (PNO-IV). (Moscow, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS). November 24, 2017

Born on January 22 (officially - February 10) 1952 in the village of Poludino, Poludinsky district, North Kazakhstan region. Blind from birth.

From 1974 to 1976 he worked as a teacher at the Omsk school of working youth. Since 1976 he has been working as an assistant at the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute. In 1976-1991. - Member of the CPSU.

On December 1, 1979, he was elected senior lecturer at the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute. November 1, 1981 - November 1, 1982 he was seconded to the postgraduate course of the Ural State University.

In 1982 he defended his Ph.D. thesis "Cultural revolution as a factor in the formation of a socialist way of life" in the specialty "philosophy" at the Ural State University. On March 30, 1984 he was elected assistant professor of the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute.

In 1989-1991. member of the reformist party club in Omsk. On March 18, 1990 he was elected a deputy of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR. Member of the "Russia" faction.

Since September 1, 1992 - member of the Committee on Science and Public Education of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on a permanent basis. December 12, 1993 Elected as a deputy of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. On March 1, 1994, he was elected Chairman of the Subcommittee on Education and Personnel Training of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Culture and Education.

On December 17, 1995 he was elected to the State Duma of the second convocation. Member of the "People's Power" deputy group. On January 23, 1996, he was elected deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science of the second convocation. On February 1, 1996, he was elected Chairman of the Education Subcommittee.

On December 19, 1999 he was elected to the State Duma of the third convocation. Member of the Agroindustrial Deputy Group. On January 24, 2000, he was elected deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science.

In 2001 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Socio-philosophical aspects of state educational policy in the context of the radical transformation of Russian society” at the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

In the State Duma he dealt with education problems, was the developer of such basic laws for the education system as the Law "On Education", the Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education", "On Approval of the Federal Program for the Development of Education", as well as the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation, approved by the All-Russian meeting of educators in the Kremlin on January 15, 2000.

On September 12, 2001, he was elected chairman of the board of the Omsk regional branch of the People's Patriotic Union of Russia (NPSR).

On December 7, 2003 he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the fourth convocation. Member of the Communist Party faction. On January 16, 2004, he was elected First Deputy Chairman of the Education and Science Committee of the State Duma.

On December 2, 2007, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the 5th convocation from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In January 2008 he became Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education

On February 26, 2009, he was elected President of the Knowledge Society. In September 2009, Smolin was robbed. Representatives of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation did not exclude political reasons for the robbery.

Professor, Academician of the Academy of Humanities and the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences. Author of over 700 scientific, scientific, journalistic and journalistic works, including 7 books of authorship; co-author of 4 books.

First Vice President of the Russian Paralympic Committee, Vice President of the All-Russian Society of the Blind (VOS), honorary member of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People.

Married. He has a son and a grandson. In 1970 he graduated with honors from the music school of Omsk, accordion class. He graduated from the Omsk special school for blind and visually impaired children with a gold medal.

I entered the history department of the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute named after A.M. Gorky. In 1974 he graduated from the university, receiving a diploma with honors.

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