Why does the child have wet feet? We solve the problem of sweating hands and feet in children of different ages. Why did the baby's palms and feet become wet?

Water supply 12.09.2020
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Almost all parents carefully monitor the health and development of their baby, so many of them sometimes notice excessive sweating of certain parts of their body. Most often, parents are tormented by the question: why do babies sweat palms and feet? Several factors can contribute to this state of the newborn's body, which should be known to all mothers and fathers in order to know whether such sweating is pathological or normal in a child.

There are several factors that trigger excessive sweating in babies. It is worth considering that these factors are normal and do not pose any danger to the health of the baby.

  1. Items of clothing. Many parents strive to dress their child well not only in winter, but also during the warmer seasons. Such measures impair the development of thermoregulation, which contributes to overheating of the baby, and then freezing.
  2. Temperature indicator of the environment. The palms and feet of the child sweat if he is in a dry and too warm space, as well as during physical activity. To prevent this, it is necessary to check the microclimate indicators in the room where the baby is growing several times a day.
  3. Stressful situations. the baby can provoke internal stimuli. This is due to the fact that during nervous overexcitation, a signal from nerve endings is sent to the sweat glands. This impulse provokes an increase in the amount of sweat secreted. In this situation, parents need to carefully monitor the nervous state of their crumbs, and if irritability is present, eliminate the cause of its appearance.
  4. Food. If the baby overeats, his mood becomes excitable, he begins to worry, be capricious, sweat. In order to cope with the problem that has appeared, parents should adjust their baby's nutrition, and the problem will disappear in a few days.
  5. Too much fatigue, lack of sleep. Disruptions in the daily routine can provoke increased sweating in the area of \u200b\u200bthe child's legs and arms. To eliminate hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to adjust the daily routine and adhere to its daily routine.

Factors that cause increased sweating in the limb in infants are normal. In most cases, after fixing them, the problem itself disappears. This is due to the fact that in infancy, children have not fully formed the heat-exchange abilities of the body, and the body, with improper care, can overheat.

Parents can suspect a pathology only if the child has wet palms, and his age has reached 1.5 years. In this case, the child's hands and feet sweat with some pathologies.

Causes of foot hyperhidrosis

If only the feet of the baby sweat a lot, parents should pay attention to the following factors provoking this pathology:

  • improperly selected shoes;
  • synthetic shoes or socks;
  • non-observance of foot hygiene;
  • the presence of a fungus.

To eliminate excessive sweating, parents should eliminate the factor provoking its development as soon as possible, otherwise neglected hyperhidrosis can cause dangerous complications.

Pathological causes

Some parents ask themselves the question: why does the child have wet hands or feet, but he has a good appetite, sleep, mood? In this case, a symptom of increased sweating may indicate a pathology developing in his body.

In order to understand why the crumbs have sweaty limbs, parents must carefully monitor the well-being of their child. When alarming symptoms appear, the baby should be shown to the pediatrician as soon as possible to diagnose a possible pathology and its further treatment.


Treatment of increased sweating caused by various pathologies is prescribed only by the attending physician based on the individual data of the baby, as well as the stage of development of the pathology affecting his body. If hands and feet sweat for natural reasons, parents need to follow a few simple rules:

Folk recipes

You can reduce the amount of sweat produced by using various folk remediesthat you can cook at home.

  1. Motherwort infusion is given to the baby before bedtime, 0.5 dessert spoon for 5 days. Then, within 30 days, this remedy is given to the baby twice a day: before daytime and nighttime sleep. The infusion is prepared simply: 25 grams of motherwort is infused in 25 milliliters of boiling water, after cooling, the liquid is filtered.
  2. If the child has sweaty palms and feet, an ammonia solution may be used. To prepare it, dilute 1 tablespoon of ammonia in 1 liter of water. With this solution, you need to wipe problem areas several times a day.
  3. Sweating palms and feet can be treated with a vinegar solution, which is prepared from 1 dessert spoon of 9% vinegar and 1 glass of water.

Before proceeding with the treatment of hyperhidrosis that appeared in the newborn age, parents should accurately determine the cause of its development. To do this, they should contact a qualified physician who can assess the general condition of the baby, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Parents in no case should treat the baby on their own, as this can lead to the development of dangerous complications.

Many of us are used to thinking that only adults sweat. In fact, babies under one year old can sweat. A small body gradually learns the process of heat exchange, so it quickly cools when the temperature drops and heats up when it rises. The restoration of thermoregulation continues during the first year of life.

Sweating is a quick way to get rid of excess heat. If you put on warmer socks on the baby, his legs will sweat immediately. So why baby's feet sweat ? What are reasons and features of this state?

Causes of sweating feet in babies

The reasons for sweating feet in babies can be different.

In young children under one year old increased muscle tone ... They clench their fists, stand on tiptoes, and the baby's legs sweat from this. These are the main natural causes of baby's feet sweating and will disappear within a year. There are also a number of reasons why a child's feet may sweat:

  • Clothes and footwear that are poorly breathable. It is preferable for the child to wear tights made of natural fibers that are breathable;
  • Heredity . Sweating of the legs disappears with age;
  • When rickets increased sweating may also occur. At the same time, the baby sleeps and eats poorly, skin is pale, sweat smells bad ... This disease is observed up to two years of age;
  • Sweating is possible with malfunctioning of the thyroid gland . The sweat smells like an adult's. In this case, you must contact a specialist.

Firstly all natural causes of sweating must be eliminated... If the baby's legs are sweating (the reasons are listed above), then it is necessary create comfortable living conditions:

  1. The air temperature should not be higher than 22 degrees, and the humidity should not be higher than 60%. The room must be regularly ventilated for oxygen supply;
  2. The baby's body must breathe. For this clothesmust be made from natural materials : linen, cotton. No need to wrap up the baby. The blanket should be lightweight.
  3. Bathing your baby every day to keep the skin clean and breathable.
  • Stressful situations also provoke increased sweating. These include lack of sleep, malnutrition, or overeating;
  • When vegetative dystonia sweating may also occur.

Causes of excessive sweating and treatment methods

The baby needs to be bathed daily and carried out other hygiene procedures

When all natural causes have been eliminated, and the child continues to sweat, then you should contact a specialist. You may need to get tested to determine the cause of your excessive sweating.

In medicine, this process is called hyperhidrosis ... It happens primary (idiopathic) and secondary.

The first type is inherited. There is an assumption that it occurs with an increased number of sweat glands. Another reason may be a stronger reaction to various external and internal stimuli. This type of perspiration affects one person in two thousand.

Primary type of hyperhidrosis may occur at three months of age, when they begin to notice that the arms and legs of the baby are sweating, as well as the armpits and head. During puberty, an exacerbation may begin. The baby's treatment consists in carrying out hygiene procedures .

Secondary hyperhidrosis occurs against the background of another disease. Then not only hands and feet sweat, but the whole body. Sweating is accompanied by other symptoms, these include: lethargy, excessive excitability, insomnia, poor appetite ... When the temperature rises, it is necessary see a doctor ... It is also possible that rashes on the child's body, upset stomach, vomiting, shortness of breath .

The exact cause of increased sweating can only be determined by a specialist. This requires an examination and the results of the tests passed. Consider some causes of secondary hyperhidrosis.

  • One of the signs VSD is the sweating of the arms and legs of the baby. Treatment consists of creating a calm environment for a child. Also help massotherapy and water treatments .
  • Also, the reason why the arms, legs and other parts of the body sweat in a baby may be transferred viral diseases ... With a complication of the heart, shortness of breath may be added to excessive sweating.

To prevent the causes of increased sweating for the baby, a favorable psychological environment . Premises necessary ventilate regularly ... Also important from the first days of life temper the baby ... All this will contribute to correct, healthy development.

Find out now about the most useful preparation Plantex for newborns (instructions for use). For colic, constipation, bloating, regurgitation and to normalize digestion.

Any mom cares about her baby and really wants her baby to develop correctly and never get sick. It is very rare to meet mothers who would not carefully examine their baby, and many of them may notice such a feature as wet legs. Of course, there are those moms who simply will not pay attention to this, but there are those who immediately begin to worry and worry.

Let's figure out for what reasons and from what the legs of a child can sweat, whether it is worth sounding the alarm about this and what needs to be done if suddenly wet baby feet arise constantly.

I would still like to consider the reasons why the legs of young children begin to sweat.

So, the very first reason is poor heat transfer in our crumbs. At first, the heat exchange in babies is not perfect and the child is prone to overheating and hypothermia very quickly. And only over time, heat exchange processes improve and the problem of excessive sweating in small children disappears. To avoid overheating of the child, so that his palms and legs do not sweat, you need to dress the child for the weather. You don't need to wrap him up just because he is very small, he is the same person as you are. You just need to be more attentive to him. If you notice that he is sweating a little, open him, remove all unnecessary, you do not need to think that he will get sick, being in a warm house in only one thin blouse. If you notice that the baby's arms and legs are cool, then it may make sense to wear something extra.

Wet feet are one of the signs of rickets in a child. Until a year old, mothers could not even notice such a problem as wet legs, and all because while the child is small and helpless, mothers follow all the recommendations of pediatricians, including in winter they give vitamin D to prevent rickets, they also try to walk in the sun more often. After a year, the child is already getting stronger and many mothers no longer listen to the advice of doctors so zealously. However, just the period from one year to five is the period when rickets most often occur in children. Therefore, if, in addition to wet legs, you also noticed drowsiness in the child, he has a very bad sleep, some lethargy is observed behind him, and you also noticed that the baby has a wet head and neck, then you need to urgently consult a doctor, so as these are clear signs of rickets. The pediatrician will send you for tests, after which he will prescribe treatment.

Wet feet in a child may also indicate vegetative-vascular dystonia. Yes, yes, and there is nothing to be surprised at. This problem used to be a problem for adults, now dystonia is diagnosed in children. But they treat it not with the help of drugs, but with the help of an appeal to a neurologist, who prescribes a set of exercises and massage. In addition, tempering of the body is recommended for such children, dressing not for the weather is contraindicated, and it is also recommended for them to observe a sleep schedule, and it is very important that the baby has a daytime sleep.

Strange as it may sound, but wet feet may also be due to the fact that you put on poor-quality shoes for your child or put on tights with socks that are not made of natural fabrics. This is the safest reason why a child's feet are sweating and in order to avoid this problem, you just need to buy footwear that will fit the foot and are made only from natural materials and of the highest quality. Also pay attention to the fact that undershirts, romper, socks for babies, tights, pants and blouses for children, in a word, clothes for babies and children, are natural, in size and appropriate for the season.

From the above, the following conclusions can be drawn, if you notice wet legs, but at the same time the child is cheerful, cheerful, nothing bothers him, then most likely this is either a feature of his body and this will soon pass, or you simply wrap him up too much, fearing to catch a cold ... If something else worries you and your intuition tells you, and the mothers' intuition has never let you down that something is wrong, then it is better to once again turn to the pediatrician who will examine the child and refer you to other doctors, who are examined by it will be possible to draw some conclusions and if necessary, then undergo a course of treatment. And everything for you and your baby will be great.

Parent-to-baby tactile contact is a powerful communication tool at the highest level. Thanks to him, the mother can understand that the baby is doing well, or suspect something is wrong. That is why there are worries and questions about why the child's palms and feet sweat.
Such a condition, or phenomenon, should not go unnoticed, otherwise there is a risk of missing the initial stage of any disease in the baby. In some children, excessive sweating is not a sign of a pathological process, in others, on the contrary. Therefore, you need to have complete information about hyperhidrosis in children, which will allow you to seek medical help in a timely manner.

The reasons

In infants, you can often notice that the palms and feet are excessively wet, this condition is not characteristic of healthy adults, but in newborns it can be the norm. When a baby is born, he has all the vital functions that are not yet fully formed. This also applies to thermoregulation of the body, and an increase in sweat secreted just indicates that this process is at the stage of formation. However, this is not always the case.
The causes of increased moisture in the palms and feet of newborns can be:

  1. Certain changes in the environment. The fact is that while in the womb, the development of the fetus always occurs in the same temperature regime, and after childbirth, it often changes up and down. The baby is not used to such an environment, and the period of adaptation is accompanied by increased sweating.
  2. Genetic predisposition. This condition can be inherited. That is, if someone in the family suffers from hyperhidrosis, then the baby's body could easily adopt it.
  3. Rickets. When diagnosed or suspected of this disease, children always have abundant discharge sweat.
  4. Other pathologies. Unfortunately, hyperhidrosis may not be an independent disease. And to be a vivid symptom of another, more serious pathology.

In addition, doctors note that if sweating is localized in the lower extremities. That such a state can be regarded as a reaction of the body to the action of stimuli. They can easily be both external and internal factors: a long stay in an unventilated, stuffy room, the use of an unnecessarily warm blanket, wearing too warm, or tight, or synthetic clothing.

Alarming signs

In most cases, babies' hands or feet become too sweaty after intense play or an active walk. But here you should pay attention to the regularity of their appearance: in the case when the child is always sweaty during physical activity, it is better to consult a doctor. Often, in children, increased sweating is a reaction to stress, fear, changes in living and environmental conditions, and the proximity of a heat source.

So, if the condition in which the child has wet palms and feet appears independent, and is not associated with existing or transferred pathologies, then it is called primary type hyperhidrosis. In this case, the sweat glands work in an enhanced mode, which is the correct reaction of the body to an irritant acting from the external environment.
The sweat glands receive a corresponding impulse from the sympathetic nervous system, against the background of which sweating increases. In infants and children of the first year of life, the process involves the hands, feet, armpits. The only thing left for parents is to control the regularity of such attacks.
In most cases, the answer to the question of why a child develops primary hyperhidrosis is a genetic predisposition, which does not pose a danger.
There is also a secondary type of hyperhidrosis, with the appearance of which parents should worry about the health of the child. In this case, the state of increased sweat separation is a sign of the development of serious pathology, including:

  • inflammatory processes of an infectious nature;
  • diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, including goiter;
  • rickets;
  • hereditary autoimmune pathologies;
  • improper metabolism;
  • obesity;
  • renal failure;
  • acute pneumonia.

As you can see, the presented diseases are quite dangerous, therefore, it is important that the parents approach responsibly to the attacks of secondary hyperhidrosis, and promptly send the child for a full medical examination.


If the reasons, against the background of which the increased humidity of the palms and feet of the baby has appeared, are established, then the correct treatment can be started, which the doctor develops, taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby's body, or the pathologies identified.
You can also fight this ailment by practicing the following techniques:

Also, doctors note that children who are on artificial or breastfeeding, whose age is up to three months, but at the same time receiving proper nutrition, may be characterized by high humidity of the palms and feet. If parents often walk with the baby, he is not capricious, and he feels great, they have nothing to worry about in this situation. This phenomenon only testifies to the development and strengthening of the nervous system, adaptation in the surrounding world.
If there are suspicions or doubts about the health of the child, it is better to consult a doctor, rather than engage in self-treatment.

Why do you need to know about the causes and consequences of such a phenomenon? Parents may face the problem of increased sweating in a child. It is most common in the hands and soles of the feet. This should excite and disturb adults. Indeed, in some situations, a sign of hyper-persistence indicates the presence of a pathology or disease.

Why do baby's palms and feet sweat

If the hands and soles of the feet are sweating in a newborn, then parents need not worry. At this age, increased sweating indicates the formation of heat transfer processes. As soon as the thermoregulation system is debugged, sweating will disappear on its own. Naturally, the expectation of self-resolution of the problem is possible only in a situation where the child does not have rickets. The most common causes of sweating in children under one year old are:

  • Changes in environmental conditions. Intrauterine development of the fetus occurs at a stable temperature, but after the baby is born, the temperature reactions are unstable. Sweating can be the result of increased formation of the baby's internal systems and organs.
  • Heredity factor that manifests itself from infancy. Often present if parents are predisposed to hyperhidrosis;
  • Rickets, which can be an actual cause until the child reaches two years of age.

Causes of sweating in children aged 2 to 12

But if there is such a problem in children from 2 to 12 years old, parents should immediately bring the child for a consultation with a specialist, in this case it would be most logical to seek help from an endocrinologist or neurologist. Why do palms and feet sweat? There may be several reasons for this, but each of them can be a harbinger of serious health problems:

  • Irregular fluid intake. It is common for young children to sweat the soles of their feet and hands when they drink a lot. The excess fluid leaves the baby's body in the form of sweat through the pores.
  • Parents force the child to wear synthetic or poorly dyed clothing. This includes socks, mittens, tights, and even pajamas. Such fabrics practically do not allow air to pass through, which impairs heat exchange between the skin and the environment... The body spurs the processes of heat transfer, and they, in turn, provoke increased heat release.
  • The child is obese. Why is this happening? The formula for violations is very simple: the more extra pounds, the stronger the sweating. With any physical activity, the body begins to experience stress. He has to expend a lot of energy, because of this, sweating increases, palms, back and face suffer.
  • Indoors broken temperature regime and there is no ventilation. The rise in temperature in the room leads to excess sweating. Thus, the body tries to protect itself from overheating.
  • Abnormal or pathologically impaired metabolism;
  • Stressful situations, autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system, constant overwork. These factors are the most common cause of dysfunction of the thermoregulatory center.
  • Helminths often provoke increased sweating. Wet palms are a symptom of worm infection.
  • The child may suffer from endocrine and vascular disorders. They lead to malfunctioning of the thyroid gland or high blood pressure. Any of these pathologies causes malfunctions in the thermoregulation system, which is why children sweat.

Symptoms of what it could be

Wet palms and sweaty skin of the feet can be regarded as an independent manifestation, when increased sweating is not a sign or consequence of any disease. This is the primary hyperhidrosis. It is caused by an increase in the reactivity of the sweat glands, which is a correct response to external stimuli.

Sympathetic nervous system sends an appropriate impulse to the sweat glands, which leads to increased sweating. Foci of increased sweating in childhood: hands, armpits and soles of the feet. In this situation, parents should carefully monitor the child's condition and the number of such attacks.

Why is primary hyperhidrosis not dangerous? It is often due to genetic inheritance. But in most cases, children sweat a lot, either in infants or adolescence.

But secondary hyperhidrosis is already a sign of serious diseases. And unfortunately, there are a lot of such diseases. However, most often, increased sweating accompanies:

  • infectious inflammation;
  • all types of diabetes mellitus;
  • goiter and other diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • rickets;
  • autoimmune hereditary diseases;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • obesity;
  • renal failure;
  • acute pneumonia.

Given the danger and risk of complications, you need to urgently consult a doctor and pass all the necessary diagnostic tests.

Is it worth worrying and when is it worth worrying

The palm may become sweaty after intense play or walking, this is a direct factor in hyper-perspiration. But if wet limbs are a constant companion of physical activity, then it is better to show the child to the doctor.

Excessive sweating often becomes the body's response to nearby heat sources, stressful situations, and changes in living conditions. But this is a completely adequate response of the child's body. But if the reactivity of the thermoregulatory system goes beyond the norm, then a visit to a specialist should be urgent.

How to fight, how to be treated, what means to use

Sweating can be eliminated, but only after the cause of this phenomenon has been identified. But prevention in this matter is also very important. The main rule is that the child must strictly observe personal hygiene. Hands and feet should be washed with soap. Moreover, this must be done at least twice a day. With increased sweating, sea salt, a decoction of oak bark or peppermint leaves can be added to the bathing water. Before going to bed, the hands and skin of the feet are dried with baby talcum powder.

Socks and underwear should not be worn for more than one day. The preferred temperature in the children's room is 20-23C, while humidity indicators are also important, optimally 60%. You can not wrap a child and dress him in layers.

You need to be on the street more often and take care of hardening. Children who constantly sweat will benefit from sunbathing, exercise, massage. A strong immune system can help you deal with sweating attacks. Products for the children's table should be rich in calcium and vitamin D. If you sweat, you should definitely not give spicy, smoked and salty foods.

If wet limbs are the result of emotional sensitivity and hyperactivity, then it is recommended to drink soothing herbs. They can only be prescribed by a specialist, having previously specified the allergic history of a small patient.

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