Val mcdermid tony hill and carol jordan. Tony hill

Doors 28.10.2020
Val McDermid - a series of detectives about Tony Hill and Carol Jordan
My acquaintance with the author began with her popular science, where there is a chapter about profilers. This is the specialty McDermid chose for one of the heroes. That is, the maniacs in every book, and even the hero himself, is not without chips. What to him, what to other characters in each book gets so much that you start the next one to check that they are not completely moved. There is some overkill in this. The calmest book, for example, is the one where Doc Tony at the very beginning gets an ax in the knee in the local "Arkham", because at least they don't try to kill him in the hospital. The romantic line between the main characters because of this not particularly promoted, some semblance of personal life goes only to peripheral couples. Several female police officers find their happiness in the arms of other female police officers.
I actually like classic detective stories, good old rich and dead aunts and all that. But still I finished reading everything translated. Somehow I wanted to part with the heroes on a more joyful note (and in this sense, the final of "Retribution" just one hundred percent justifies expectations, although no, I did not expect this for sure), because you become attached to the team of investigators.

Tony Hill and Carol Jordan - Reading Order
1. Songs of the Sirens
2. Tight string
3. The last temptation.
4. Alien torment
5. Secret wounds
6. Deprived of the flesh
7. Retribution
8. Cross and Burn (2013)
9. Splinter the Silence (2015)

Susan Whittig Albert - Country Detective Beatrix Potter
The series begins in 1905, when the famous author and illustrator Beatrix Potter bought a farm in a small village. Beatrix Potter, her family, pets and books are presented as accurately as possible, but the villagers and mysterious events are invented. But the naturalist's passion, common sense and determination, reflected in letters and diaries, would surely help solve the mystery of the missing painting, prevent badgers from being bullied, expose the impostor and complete the extension on the farm, despite the contractor's resistance. In this story, buns are baked, a lot of tea is drunk, and the secrets immediately become known to the aunt's sister, the maid's aunt.

Local children and even animals have their own adventures and troubles. They, in turn, are worried about where to find a place for a retired mouse-catcher, where the badgers have disappeared, how to get rid of a bad company for a rat-gentleman, and much more. And of course, the four-legged know much more about what is happening than even the Pochmeister. It is not easy for cats, terriers and guinea pigs to reach out to the Big People, but by the end everything is well settled. Is a badger in a frock coat pouring another cup of tea for the owl? Why not.

A separate pleasure is given by the almost complete absence of a romantic line. The works where the heroine does not wait in her dragging panties for her Mr. Darcy and lacks the first Mr. Collins who comes across are still in abundance (it would seem, than such a personal life as Carol Jordan and Tony Hill from the detective series above, it would be better to think about England, but no). The series covers, however, to say, the period between the death of the groom Beatrix in 1905 and his marriage in 1915, but this is certainly not the main plot. We move from acquaintance to engagement measuredly, through snatches of weeks spent away from capricious parents, buying sheep, rebuilding the house and other normal life, and not all there "and then everything started spinning."

We have "Book Club 36" 6 "released two volumes, but for a long time, so that seems to be all. I had to refresh my memory for the password to the Amazon, in English it is very easy and pleasant to read.

Beatrix Potter Detectives - Reading Order
1. A Tale of the Farm-on-the-Hill
2. The Tale of Hollyleaf Hill
3. The Tale of Cuckoo Brow Wood
4. The Tale of Hawthorn House
5. The Tale of Briar Bank
6. The Tale of Applebeck Orchard
7. The Tale of Oat Cake Crag
8. The Tale of Castle Cottage

Six against Scotland Yard
I really like the idea of \u200b\u200bthe collection: six popular detective authors in the 30s wrote stories about the ideal murder from their point of view, and then Inspector George Cornish (retired) comments on how they succeeded and how he would have taken up the investigation. The inspector, by the way, is also no stranger to literary creativity, shortly before that he released his memoirs Cornish of the Yard: His reminiscences and cases. Well, what can I say, even without DNA, the British police alone would have easily dealt with hardened repeat offenders through interrogations. Indeed, one can only wonder why during the reading there were no questions like "why didn't he look into the suitcase ?!" The only case that could get away with, the inspector generally refuses to recognize premeditated murder. It turned out two books in one - good stories and an interesting investigation, which can be easily completed mentally based on the comments. I highly recommend this little exercise for fans of the classic English detective story.

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Val McDermid
Year of issue: 2003-2012
Genre: Thriller
Publisher: Foreigner
Language: Russian
Number of books: 7

Tony Hill and Carol Jordan series
1. Songs of the Sirens
2. Tight string
3. The last temptation
4. Alien torment
5. Secret wounds
6. Deprived of the flesh
7. Retribution

"Songs of the Sirens"

The city of Bradfield in the North of England is seized with horror - it is wielded by a brutal serial killer who leaves no traces or evidence. The police are unwilling to admit
the gravity of the situation until a fourth mutilated corpse is found. Only then the psychologist Tony Hill is involved in the case, who, together with Inspector Carol Jordan
tries to penetrate the diseased brain of the criminal and unravel his motives.

"Tight string"

In a short period of time, several teenage girls disappeared in various provincial towns. Detective Tony Hill suspects all girls
caught in the net of a maniac. He gives his group the task of identifying the common thing that links seemingly completely dissimilar cases. Only one of his subordinates puts forward
a specific version that the whole group laughs at ... until their young colleague is found murdered. Solving the crime becomes a matter of honor and personal revenge for Tony Hill. FROM
with the help of his partner, Carol Jordan, he begins a campaign of psychological terror - a game of cat and mouse in which the hunter and the victim easily switch places.

"The last temptation"

In different cities of Europe, famous psychologists are being killed one after another. Tony Hill, a unique expert on serial killer behavior, is offered

take part in the investigation. He decides to get down to business, only after learning that his good friend has become the next victim of the maniac. Hill's assistant - Carol Jordan - leads in
Berlin, a deadly job of exposing a human trafficking group. Trying to solve the secret of an international crime, Tony and Carol enter the world
violence and corruption, where they have no one to rely on but each other.

"Alien torment"

After two years of work in the London police, which ended in severe mental and physical trauma, Carol Jordan returns to Bradfield, where she
offer to lead a group to investigate particularly serious crimes. It is at this time that a murder is committed that fits perfectly with the two-year
prescription, for which Derek Tyler was convicted and imprisoned in a special hospital. Tony Hill, a talented clinical psychologist who followed Carol to Bradfield, takes a job in
special hospital to work, and Derek becomes its first patient. Tony argues that no two forms of insanity are the same, so either Derek
innocent, or someone, confusing the police, is trying to rescue him from the psychiatric hospital.

"Secret wounds"

When famed soccer player Robbie Bishop is admitted to the hospital with a common lung infection, nothing heralds the imminent death of this healthy young
men. On top of that, during the match dedicated to the memory of the deceased idol, a powerful explosion occurs at the stadium, which claimed many lives. The investigation has to understand
is the tragedy at the stadium related to the death of Robbie Bishop, or is the explosion the work of terrorists who simply took advantage of a large crowd of people? Unravel the sinister tangle
to Inspector Carol Jordan and her longtime friend, psychiatrist Tony Hill.

"Deprived of the flesh"

Clouds are gathering over the elite unit, commanded by Chief Inspector Carol Jordan. The new chief of police believes that the group dealing with
investigation of the so-called "hang-ups" must be disbanded. The first to come under attack is the doctor of psychology and experienced profiler Tony Hill, thanks to whose brilliant insights
managed to solve more than one hopeless case. His services cost the police too much, the chief concludes and ... removes Tony from participating in the work. Will Carol and her
the famous team without him to calculate and neutralize a dangerous maniac, whose victims have already become a few teenagers? The death toll is growing ... Who will stop the killer?


In Bradfield, one after another, they find prostitutes killed with particular cruelty. Each of them has a strange tattoo on their arm. Meanwhile, he escapes from prison
Dzeko Vance, once a celebrated Olympic athlete and popular TV personality, brutally tortured seventeen teenage girls. From now on over psychologist Tony Hill, Sr.
inspector Carol Jordan and everyone who sent Vance to jail twelve years ago was in mortal danger ...

04/11/13 Added 7th book of the series: "Retribution"

Doctor Tony Hill (Tony hill) - a character in a series of detective novels by a Scottish writer Val McDermid... Hill is a clinical psychologist and also a consultant to the Bradfield police. His main specialization is repeated crimes with violence, due to his specialization, he is forced to communicate with a number of serial killers. He is exploring the possibility of creating a specialized unit to develop psychological profiles of criminals..

His choice of such an unusual specialization was prompted by his emotional abuse suffered in childhood. He was born to a single mother, and his grandmother's harsh upbringing used to correct bringing up harsh methods and corporal punishment affected the future psychologist from the opposite side, and helped him become a person who helps people in difficult situations. In fact, the grandmother blamed her grandson for any misconduct and for any reason, and often for no reason, so the grandson was used to if adults scream, it's his fault.

Dr. Hill investigates cases using a combination of several methods: role play, psychological analysis and intuition. But the main method in understanding maniacs is look inside yourself into his own dark side and he does it very coolly, there was something about Tony Hill's calm confidence that made people feel uncomfortable... But among colleagues, he only aroused interest, this man is not like any of the thieves sent by the Ministry. Not only does he have a sense of humor, but he is clearly the type her friend Lucy calls you can't chew it right away... By some indications, Tony Hill is the most interesting person she has met in the professional world..

The doctor's difficult sex life both interferes and helps to keep himself in control, especially with colleagues: The key question for Tony was whether he considered himself pathetic because he had contrived to strike up a relationship with a stranger conducting pornographic conversations on the phone, or should he congratulate himself on the fact that he knew he needed help. Nevertheless, there was a real danger of getting hooked on these calls. He is already unable to maintain normal sexual relations, so does he worsen his condition? Or moving towards healing? The only way to test what is true is to try to move from fantasy to reality. But he was still overwhelmed by his recent humiliation. Now, apparently, he will have to agree to the help of a mysterious stranger, because she manages to make him feel like a man for so long that you can drive demons into the underworld.

In investigations Tony Hill helps an equally difficult nature, a woman detective Carol Jordan, a mysterious woman ... she was the embodiment of everything you could want from an imaginary mistress, tender and lustful at the same time.

But the relationship between them is the most professional, not going over the edge, unlike the few experts she has dealt with, and most men in general: he understands the difficulties she is facing, sympathizes with her without a patronizing tone, and, fortunately, supports her chosen demeanor that minimizes her problems. She irritatedly pushed aside the thought that he seemed attractive to her. Now she had neither the time nor the desire to complicate her life.... Unlike many ministerial officials, Tony Hill works well with the team investigating the crime and acts as an integral part of it, Dr. Hill is a nice guy, very easy to work with.

Tony Hill appeared in the television series Tight string (Wire in the blood), which was filmed from a series of books Val McDermid, where the role of the doctor was played Robson Green (Robson green).

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