Books of the series “The Caucasian Prince. Books of the series "Caucasian prince Velichko andrei Feliksovich Caucasian prince series

Primers 28.10.2020

Engineer Naydenov, who had only a few years left until his retirement, did not imagine that fate had prepared an incredible gift for him. But life is so unpredictable ...

It turns out that the life of Tsarevich George, the younger brother of Emperor Nicholas II, depends on Naydenov. Will the Tsarevich be able to acquire his own "wings" and believe in himself?

Honored Inventor of the USSR begins to change the past of the Russian Empire ...

Engineer. Gold shoulder straps

The Soviet engineer Naydenov, who has quite well mastered the past, will have to intervene in the course of the Russian-Japanese war. Yes, he was able to build an aircraft plant from scratch, but now Naydenov has more complex tasks.

It's time to try on officer's shoulder straps and lead the Russian air fleet ...

Will a simple engineer, who is used to working to the limit of his capabilities, be able to lead the empire to victory and defeat the Japanese? The answers are in the future.

Engineer. Heavenly predator

Thanks to the efforts of the Soviet engineer Georgy Naydenov, the Russian Empire won the war with Japan. In July 1904, the enemy capitulated.

But it is too early to rest from the labors of the righteous. It is necessary to organize the production of military equipment - tanks and aircraft - after all, the First World War is approaching.

Naydenov periodically returns to his time to show Emperor George I the achievements of the twenty-first century. And also our hero is working hard to create an alternative Russia, making adjustments to the past ...

Gatchina kite

Russia won a victory in the war with Japan, no revolution is foreseen, the best friend has become the emperor, and it seems that our uncle Zhora can finally breathe easy.

It's time to buy a summer cottage somewhere in a warm area, start breeding cats and take care of even beds with radishes.

But Uncle Zhora agrees to be a pensioner exclusively in great Russia, no other is to his liking. Dreams of a summer residence will remain dreams ...

The Gatchina kite guards the interests of the empire.

Chancellor of the Empire

How can Uncle Zhora go on a well-deserved rest if something is constantly happening in this world? Earthquakes, a meteorite fall and other natural disasters force us to take extraordinary decisions and act incredibly quickly.

And then the enemies of the Russian Empire became more active. They want to bring Russia down to a medieval state and screw it into the chaos of a civil war.

So the chancellor drags his burden, occasionally dreaming of a summer residence in the Canary Islands. Gardens with tomatoes, radishes, fat mice in rye and cats ... A simple paradise for the Chancellor of the Russian Empire.


The most important thing in life is not to miss your chance.

A simple Soviet engineer Naydenov did not miss his own and was able to become the chancellor of the Russian Empire.

Thanks to Naydenov, Russia escaped an inglorious defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, did not burn out in the flames of the civil war, but ... What will happen to the world? Who will give him a chance? And it remains to find out - which one?

Uninvited guests

Russia, 1914.

Only two years have passed since the victory of the Russian Empire in the world war, and those who do not like the current government too much are beginning to raise their heads. What problems do the people face? What tasks - first of all - should the authorities solve?

It is unlikely that Aleksandr Kobzev, a senior laboratory assistant at the Moscow Institute, thought that he would have to study history and look for answers to the unspoken ...

Island of luck

A simple Soviet engineer Naydenov, who had a chance to travel back in time, immediately got involved in many urgent matters.

Eh! will he have enough life to bring to mind at least a hundredth of them? ..

Only Naydenov could not have imagined what role the charm and sneakiness of his daughter Nastya would play in this whole story ...

Part 1.

Part 1.

What can await in Russia at the beginning of the twenty-first century a former honored inventor, former leading engineer, and now a motor mechanic of pre-retirement age? Nothing but a beggarly pension.

What can wait in Russia at the end of the nineteenth century for a patient with tuberculosis in the last stage, even if he is the heir to the throne? Nothing but imminent imminent death.

What awaits the Russian Empire itself at the beginning of the twentieth century? Nothing good ... that is, death in the fire of two lost wars and three revolutions.

But what happens if these three "nothing" are put together?

Part 1.

1899, Russia, the resort village of Abbas-Tuman. Grand Duke and heir to the throne George, who is sick with tuberculosis, lives out his last hours, but suddenly a person from our time establishes a connection with him - it turns out that there is a possibility of physical movement between the world of George and ours. The Tsarevich was saved and cured, but what should he do next?

Part 2.

What can the Grand Duke and Tsarevich do to prevent the defeat of Russia in the Russo-Japanese War? Well, for example, try to convince the king not to get involved in this adventure. However, many people besides the heir did this, and the result is known. Or get additional funding for the fleet? It is not a fact that it will work out, it is still not a fact that it will help, and there is still no money in the treasury. Maybe put sensible generals at the head of the army? But where to get them, and the crown prince does not have such powers. But he has a recently acquired friend, a former Soviet engineer, Uncle Zhora, who has been living in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century for two years. So, all is not lost yet!

Part 2.

The Soviet engineer Naydenov had already got used to the past quite well, having built an aircraft plant in a bare field, but this turned out to be only the first, simplest stage.

Now the time has come to help Russia avoid defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, and this will require not only working with your head and hands to the limit, but also putting on golden officer's shoulder straps to lead the Russian air fleet into battle.

Air battles are going on with unprecedented ferocity, the Japanese do not want to give the sky to the Russian barbarians. But the only protection of our pilots from explosive bullets is the thin plywood sheathing of the airplane, and below the lead waves of the cold winter sea await.

Can a simple engineer lead Russia to victory? Future will tell…

Another title: "His Majesty's General".

Part 3.

The Russo-Japanese War was won, the first revolution is not expected, the best friend became the Russian emperor, the niece the empress, and also the queen. Finally, Uncle Zhora can live for his pleasure! After all, the age is already advanced, there are no financial difficulties and it cannot be, it would seem, it's time to buy a dacha and breed cats there. In principle, Uncle Zhora does not mind, but with a small proviso: he agrees to be a pensioner only in great Russia, and for some reason no other suits him. This means that the dacha is canceled. And over the whole empire, in fear of its enemies, the formidable shadow of the Gatchina kite hovers.

Part 3.

The Russo-Japanese War ended in victory, the revolution of the fifth year did not take place, and even the niece managed to become queen. It would seem that it’s time for engineer Georgy Naydenov to rest on our laurels ... But he fears that now it will not get worse than it was, because failures mobilize, and victories, on the contrary, weaken.

And now he needs to quickly decide with whom to "be friends" outside of Russia - with England, Turkey or France? And with whom inside - with the Socialist-Revolutionaries, Bolsheviks or anarchists? And, most importantly, with the use of what methods and means of defeat to "make friends" so that no one leaves offended!

Part 4.

Despite his age, Uncle Zhora continues to work. How else, if a meteorite falls around, then an earthquake will happen, if not something worse. And this is not counting the fact that Russia, as always, is going through another difficult period in its history, and those who want to reduce it to a medieval state are running out of patience. That is, the chancellor can only carry his burden, only occasionally allowing himself to dream of a summer residence in the Canary Islands, where, as in paradise, cats will walk among tomatoes and radishes in abundance, and fat mice will graze in the rye.

Part 5.

By the summer of the eleventh year, this world was divided into two camps. The first is the countries where people were still in power. Good or not, smart or not shining with special intelligence - but still people. And in the second camp, power has already been seized by strangers. And now both sides are practically finished preparing for a life-and-death fight. To the battle that people in the world I left behind have already lost. The account before the outbreak of the First World War went by days. And only the Chancellor of the Russian Empire, Uncle Zhora, can pacify everyone !!!

Part 5.

Every person's life consists of a series of chances, which are used by who and who do not. Engineer Naydenov did not miss his own, and now he is the State Chancellor of the Russian Empire. Debt payment is red, and Naydenov gave this empire a chance to avoid an inglorious death, and she took advantage of it. But who will give the whole world a chance? And most importantly, which one?

When another corpse is delivered to the dissecting room, or when the surgeon once again comes to the table where a living, but terribly crippled patient lies - sooner or later pity and horror recede, there remains a cold and rational question "What else can be saved?"

This is a typically standard hit-romance cycle of novels, which begins with the antibiotic cure of one of the great dukes - who in reality died of tuberculosis - and ends with a big banquet in the Winter Palace, in 1917, when all the problems not only in the Russian-Japanese wars are actually allowed, victories are won, and you can relax a little.

Of the good things there are:

It is a sane idea that if you invent an airplane, then the opponents will copy it with a lag of 2-3 years (the Japanese used their airplanes already at the beginning of the 1904 war);

The enemy should not be squeezed to the limit, but rather include him in his zone of influence (the same Japan was practically not eaten by the results of the war, but made an ally);

That parliament itself, without the accompanying cloud of unwritten customs, is a dangerous and stupid thing;

Five-year plans must be made up not from financial but from personnel considerations;

That many talented engineers are completely unsuitable for administrative positions;

That big business sometimes needs to be nationalized, and do it carefully;

That political parties, even the most radical, with the right approach can be beneficial.

But someone will immediately say that these are historical and political merits. Not artistic. Correctly.

Of the artistic, there is only a certain ease of reading the material, and a couple of curiosities, such as the "Montenegrin-Kuril Empire". Dot.

The hero is impudent, boorish, cunning and terribly lucky. Expressed primarily in early 21st century slang. In the past (i.e. in the future) - a technical intelligent. Therefore, he quickly implements a number of breakthrough engineering projects, creates (without straining) several research institutes, intelligence structures and civil organizations.

Industrialization is not just going smoothly, but even faster ...

It is easy to describe his relationship with the higher society. The hero casually pats the heirs on the shoulder and just as casually fucks the dowager empress.

On the scale of complexity - this cycle is the direct antipode of A. Kolganov's "Millstones of History". There - a furious enumeration of all the difficulties of industrialization in the Union of the 1920s. Here is easy flitting from problem to problem. Moreover, it is not a butterfly that is fluttering - a sparrow is fluttering, which of these butterflies is shmyak-shmyak-shmyak-shmyak.

Where it was possible to get by with an essay - twenty pages maximum - the author wrote SIX books.

Five points to him ... On a ten-point scale.

Rating: 5

In order to take a break from reading good and interesting books, I decided to join the ocean of MTA creativity and trash literature. The choice fell on the "Caucasian Prince". On the one hand, Velichko managed in my eyes to establish himself as a bad writer, and on the other hand, one should always remember that it is somehow not very correct to form an opinion about the entire cycle on the basis of the first book. In light of all the above circumstances, I decided to give the author a second chance and read "The General of His Majesty" and "The Gatchina Kite".

At first things went pretty hard. As I already noted in the review of the first book, Velichko devoted too much space to describing various technical and engineering issues. Personally, as a graduate student in the humanities, this was not at all interesting. I also didn't like the ironic style of the author. Well, I don't see anything funny when a Japanese pilot who has come for an internship is enrolled in the Russian Air Force under the guise of a Chukchi pilot. Or when the international currency is called "loot". Or when the SS uniform is used as a sample of the uniform of the Chancellor of the Russian Empire (such as a hint of Stirlitz). In my opinion, these postbushki look rather dull.

By the middle of the third book, I gradually got involved. I'm used to the author's ironic manner. I stopped paying attention to the delirium created by the main characters. Yes, and Velichko himself gradually paid less attention to mechanisms and focused on describing the events taking place. We have to admit that the author has demonstrated such a rare literary progress for MTA. Starting with the extremely weak "Engineer His Highness", he was able to finish the cycle "The Peacemaker", the quality of which is satisfactory for a lightweight genre about hitches. The last two books are frankly not a masterpiece, but at least they can be read without much stress.

There is no need to talk about the reliability of events, heroes and other literary merits of the novels. I doubt that the author even thought about authenticity or common sense, rather he just wrote for his own pleasure in accordance with the flight of fantasy. Heroes - traditionally for the genre about the hitmen, none. There is also no intrigue, since it is initially clear that Gaucher, Uncle Zhora and his niece will succeed.

Bottom line: from book to book, the author grows above himself. Another thing is that I'm not sure if it is worth spending my time reading this cycle. However, I do not regret that I have read these novels. Now I understand that I was in a hurry with the MTA or graphomaniac stigma. Velichko is a typical middling player in his genre. Yes, I did not find anything interesting in his books, but still there are many much worse works than novels about the world of the Caucasian prince.

Rating: 5

I reread the series either for the 3rd or 4th time.

It just sometimes pulls for a couple of weeks to plunge into this world of wonderful humor and juicy style of the author.

The fact that the genre is closer to entertaining and frivolous fiction - I agree with previous commentators.

Frankly, from post to post, passing in a red line, criticism of the GG, in such works. And that they are "superheroists", and that they do everything "not like in real life," and they can handle all the problems. And how annoying it is for unfortunate readers ...

No, I understand that how many people have so many opinions, but I just want to say: “Well, mlyn! Well, what for did you take to read fantasy? Take BES or any historical article. Choose any historical figure and enjoy realism, insurmountable life problems and circumstances. "

In general, positive, and I consider optimism only a plus for any book. And if there is still humor, and some interesting facts for self-development - and generally good.

Score: 10

As a laboratory beginner, it is not entirely clear to me why the genre about the populists is lighter than operettas, about space cruisers plowing the vastness of space. Or a novel about love and death. ... Everything can be performed lightly, ponderously, or generally obscene.

In some cases, the action of the novel about the popes is almost miscalculated on the computer. But that's just BIT! Nobody even tries! There is no mathematical modeling of historical events, and there will not be, in our lifetime. And not because it is impossible to take into account a great many factors! Nowadays, they successfully simulate not only the processes taking place in the nuclei of molecules or stars, but also anti-aircraft battles, naval battles, military conflicts, in the end (in Iraq, Yugoslavia, etc., not one Pindo operation began without repeated simulations) ... Not because of the power of computers and the complexity of the algorithms. And, because no one WILL ALLOW with mathematical precision to CALCULATE the events of the past. Painfully a lot of lies can be seen in him, even without any calculations. Therefore, the dispute about the "hit" turns into a conversation between two blondes discussing, "which is more realistic to find: a hundred thousand dollars or a milen."

Therefore, we will forgive the author of Great Montenegro and the Kuril kingdom and other historical, technical and other and other "sins" because we can only oppose our common sense, intuition and flair. And these things are, of course, important in everyday life, but ethereal, not yet measured by anyone. “Historical” documents have been forged continuously since the inception of writing.

It is especially necessary to forgive for the main character wandering from cycle to cycle under different names, but with a cat (cat). And for his addiction to 17 Moments of Spring.

For irony and humor, sometimes rustic to slightly barracks, there is no need to forgive. Because we use salt and pepper individually. I can't pepper and vaasche spicy, but for someone such humor is contraindicated.

One can even explain the addiction to their products by the names of their native world - nostalgia.

It can be seen that the author is trying to get pleasure from the process, sometimes slightly mocking the genre. What is his love for the SS uniform alone? Although I must admit - the Germans knew and know a lot about uniform. But that's what it is! In another cycle of hierarchs of a personally created church, he called them “shepherds” (etc.)! Lawlessness!

It was interesting, sometimes funny and a little exciting.

Score: 9

An entertaining sci-fi series with a great satirical component. Here, parody is combined with technical kunstyuk, and the flight of the author's fantasy is almost immeasurable. There are no problems that are beyond Uncle Zhora's shoulder. And you know, for some reason I believe in this very Uncle Zhora, and this is an undoubted author's luck.

Score: 9

The ball is over, the candles are out. Finished the series. Although IMHO as it is not finished. I do not see the logic of why in this particular place and at this hour. The fact that they did not have a Revolution there? In fact, the Second World War does not cancel it. Although of course it is far from it.

For me, of course, this is not literature, this is like a woman's novel, and this is probably a man's. When everything is easy and simple for a smart and good hero. All the same, literature is some kind of struggle and conflict of the hero with himself or the world. When everything is not clear. And when everything is simple and the world bends at the feet of a hero as simple as a nail, then this is still a man's novel. Well, men are used to winning ...

Not bad not good. Literature like beer. You drink and drink. Easy to drink. And what's the point in beer. None. Although, of course, beer is different.

Score: 6

I would like to start with the question of the lightness of the hit genre, touched upon a little below by Makhnovts.

Lightness stems from the general (extremely low) level of authors working in this genre. Banal illiteracy (this does not apply specifically to Velichko, but every 7 books out of 10 I have read in this genre are written in such a monstrous clerical dialect that my eyes water), lack of ideas and total inability to describe a character with psychology is a little more difficult than Kolobok from a fairy tale.

What do we see with Velichko? Yes, the same as in any similar book - a giveaway game with Mother History. Characters? Yes, please - talking, cardboard pictures from the history textbook are at our service. Wars, revolutions, great upheavals? Yes, right now! We have a book about a hitman, which means that any dude who has fallen into the past, after just a couple of years of work, will roll out a freshly collected Death Star from the barn and arrange a-ta-ta for the enemy!

I refer such reading matter, regardless of the content, to the genre of "ironic fantasy" as deliberately frivolous, deliberately predictable and therefore absolutely dead-end. Well, how many tens of volumes can you give out, bringing to the reader the idea "The main character will beat and overcome everyone"? It is clear that the heroes are the smartest, most beautiful and powerful, and nothing worse than a torn nail can happen to them, by definition. Feats are effortless. On the contrary - the further, the more awards, high positions and eternal youth are poured on the heroes. That is why already in the second book, interest in what is happening falls sharply. For a while, it is still interesting to follow the events, especially if the author has a rich imagination and he can twist everything.

Velichko, for example, did not have enough imagination to stay in the realities of the early 20th century (well, how long can you defeat the Japs and destroy the intrigues of a shitty Englishwoman? Moreover, a number of authors manage to write about such things much deeper and smarter) and he began to actively develop the topic of contact between the victims and our modern authorities. What happens - God knows. But this is by no means a way out of an unprincipled impasse, but simply a postponement.

The cycle has nothing to hook the reader with - there are no bright characters, there is no empathy for the actions of the heroes fighting for the happiness of the Motherland (after all, the described homeland is inhabited with cardboard boxes, and the struggle for happiness is like a giveaway game with oneself).

Hence, there is a certain integral conclusion - the hitting performance performed by Velichko is an easy style, something like operettas.

Taking his books from the shelf, you can be sure that you will not find anything unexpected there, you will just find a set of adventures that you may or may not like.

Rating: 5

I will not touch upon the description or criticism of the plot. It's worth reading the book. But I will say my opinion: "When to read this book?"

I had a great time listening to the audio version of "Prince of the Caucasus" ... sunbathing by the sea. You can read lying on your stomach, but on your back it's just unrealistic, and I'm usually just bored. But that's the thing with this thing! Easy humor, albeit sometimes rude, soldier, anecdotal situations, battalions of pianos in the bushes, and no brain strain is required, except when describing the technique (for some reason I was not strained, but interesting, I like mechanics, you know), and now attention the most important bonus of this book - "The Russians always win everyone," and it is just as fun and easy.

Colleagues, if you have a vacation, a weekend or you were simply fired - this book is just for such a case. Sometimes you want to take a break from serious literature and just relax reading something fabulous and interesting, while lying on the beach, in bed, or, in extreme cases, in a train compartment.

I wish you pleasant reading and relaxation.

Score: 9

A funny and light entertaining TV series about a hitman. No, he does not "go to Comrade Stalin" to tell that "the British do not clean guns with bricks." No - he rrrraz - and in kings (and right on a motorcycle). And just something: he cured the crown prince, and together with him builds the RIGHT Russia. Wait, he is now getting a little bit of a rake with pressing matters (wars, little money, corrupt officials, little money, weak emperor, little money, "all around there are goats and n ... sy", oh! Money has already appeared, but all the same - "there is not enough money!") - and it will get to the historical homeland. : smile:

In contrast, it is written easily and smoothly, without bothering with the difference in inches of the main calibers and the evolution of ships in large-scale battles (who, to whom, where, how many times they got - and what happened)

Score: 7

Quite a pretty good cycle. Moreover, the decline in interest from book to book is not strong. Bloopers are available, including technical ones. However, it is quite rare and not on the main issues. It is read (except for the last two) easily and humorously. The scientific part is stronger in the last book, but it is harder to read ... In places, a very strong everyday philosophy and even somewhere a call to action. What spoils the impression is the possibility of trade between worlds. This simplifies tasks. facing the hero.

Rating: no

As you know, an absolute monarchy is an ideal form of government if it is headed by an ideal monarch. And who is the ideal monarch? Of course, this is you and me, dear reader. Who better than us to know how to run the state? Yes, if we were given to steer, well, at least the Russian Empire of the beginning of the 20th century - wow, we would turn around there! We would have shown the weak-willed Nicky and the hysterical Alix how to do it right. Wars would be won, revolutions would not be allowed, industry and finance would be developed to incredible heights ... And in between times they would give a couple of wise advice to Emperor Wilhelm, would teach the Northerner to write decent poetry and fuck the Dowager Empress. And the downsizing would start from the state of Alaska.

This is roughly what is described in the bottom series of Velichko's novels (and, as I understand it, his other books are also mainly about this). This is how most books in the genre of alternative history are written. Why do they read them? To play with the same subjunctive mood, which, as you know, history does not know. Go back and do what we want.

In the process of reading the cycle, my attitude towards it changed several times. In the beginning, I didn't expect anything at all from the cycle. A series of alternative-historical novels written by an author from Samizdat - well, what can you expect here, I beg you ?! Then he admitted that the books might not be so bad. Then he again considered them graphomania. Finally, after reading the cycle to the end - and I did finish it - I stopped at the fact that I still had some benefit from reading. As the ancient Romans said, there is no such bad book that would not fit somewhere. My opinion on where this book fits. presented below.

To be honest, sometimes it seemed to me that this series by Velichko was a parody of alternative historical texts. Painfully reference Marty Stu is her protagonist. Steering a gigantic empire, he never made a single mistake during the entire story. And he never once had a shadow of doubt about the correctness of his actions. But a parody of 7 books is too heavy. Therefore, we have to admit that all this was written by the author seriously.

Now about the literary merits of the text. In short, they are small. The characters are walking mannequins with built-in tape recorders, without the slightest hint of personality. If these are positive characters, then they either express the opinion of the GG, or warmly approve of it. If the word is given in the negative, then they argue languidly and unconvincingly. Imagine that you have an essay on the topic “How to equip Russia”, and for some reason you need to make a novel out of it, and over time you have a hard time. Yes, and I especially do not want to mess around - it’s not part of your plans to impress the reader with purely literary merits.

About humor. With him about the same as with other literary virtues. Well, GG from time to time tells his ancestors bearded Soviet jokes. And he calls the heir to the throne exclusively Vovochka. Little Johnny, boo-ha-ha-ha! Of course, maybe this is not the level of the author's humor, but the humor of his hero - the personality in many ways is very ... uh-uh .. one-sided.

The author pays a lot of attention to technology and its development in an alternative world - of course, it is difficult to equip Russia without a technological breakthrough. And I must say, he describes airplanes with machine guns with much more warmth than people. Unfortunately, my competence - and even interest - was not enough to figure out how correctly and realistically he writes about the performance characteristics of all this hardware.

I may be asked: why did you waste time reading these opuses at all? It's not an easy question. Well, first of all, probably because the author is close to my class. I myself am somewhat of a spontaneous technocrat, subconsciously confident that the state can be controlled like a car - there would be a powerful engine, a good map of the area and a chauffeur with strong nerves. True, life time after time makes it clear that not everything is so simple. Secondly, as I said above, the idea of \u200b\u200brewinding the story to the last save and replaying it again attracts attention in itself. Thirdly, the author comes across curious - albeit naive at times - arguments about history. Notice I didn't say correct reasoning. A completely wrong judgment can give a topic for reflection.

And finally, all the shortcomings noted above can be considered as attributes of the genre. And the marty-style of the main character, and the author's games with him in giveaways, and stamped characters, and the protocol style of presentation ... If science fiction is real heroes in fictional circumstances, then why not invent such circumstances in which the hero and the reader will comfortable, fun and relaxed? Yes, this is literary fast food, and the gourmet's serious complaints about the belyash bought at the station would look ridiculous. Tea, not in the restaurant.

However, I know books of this genre that have some literary merit, but this is rather an exception to the rule. For example, Lagin's The Blue Man is about the same country and about the same time, but it is written much better.

So, I rate the series with a score of 5 - "can be read once." The second time there is no need to eat these whites.

Rating: 5

The cycle got the unofficial name "Uncle Zhora" from the fans. In some editions of the Action Fantastic series, the cycle is called "Engineer".

The first five books of the cycle could be considered an almost completed epic novel; however, the plot of the fifth book was clearly not completed - there are too many questions left, the answers to which readers would like to receive. But further novels - "The uninvited guests" (2011) and "Island of Luck" (2016) - on the one hand, sufficiently complete all the plot lines ... But on the other hand, the author in the epilogue of the novel "Island of Luck" created an opportunity for himself to continue the biography of the life of Uncle Zhora (and at the same time his daughter, and the Emperor and his son) for another eight hundred years, and not abstract historical time, but their personal and personal time ...

Score: 8

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