Balanced nutrition for the health of the body. Balanced nutrition: a ready-made menu for a week for women. Pierre Ducan, renowned nutritionist

Hall, living room 16.08.2020
Hall, living room

Few people who lose weight through diets achieve this goal. At the same time, half of them, after switching to a regular diet, again gain the ill-fated pounds, and even in even greater quantities. For some, weight loss translates into poor health and health problems. However, all these complications can be avoided by using a balanced diet rather than diets. Moreover, to understand it is not so difficult as it might seem at first.

What it is

A balanced diet is a diet based on an optimal balance of substances necessary for normal growth, development and functioning of the body. At the same time, daily requirement in energy, the correct proportions of BJU are observed, saturation with vitamins and microelements occurs. This allows you to maintain normal weight at any age.

With an increased BMI (what is it and how to determine the norm and deviations taking into account age, read) nutritionists and doctors advise not to go on a diet, but to use a balanced diet that will allow you to lose weight without harm to health and without returning the lost kilograms in the future.

The process of weight loss is triggered by a significant decrease in the diet of fats, a decrease in simple carbohydrates, the correct redistribution of BJU, and adherence to the meal schedule. As a result, the metabolism is normalized and accelerated, the body ceases to store reserves, and digestion improves. It takes no more than 1 kg per week, but it is these indicators that are considered optimal for losing weight without harm to health.

Balanced nutrition theory

It was formulated at the end of the 19th century. A great contribution to its development was made by I.P. Pavlov, who described in detail the physiology digestive system... According to her, eating is a way to maintain a uniform and constant molecular balance in the body. Any expenses must be reimbursed by new food receipts.

Was established a daily intake of essential substances, expressed in quantitative indicators. They are influenced by physiological characteristics (age and gender), physical activity, climatic conditions and other factors. For more than 100 years of the theory's existence, these data have been repeatedly revised.

At the moment, the statement of Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A.A.Pokrovsky is relevant, who defined proper balanced nutrition as the optimal balance of all food components that maximally satisfy the physiological needs of the body. Moreover, this applies not only to useful nutrients, but also to those waste that is filtered and excreted by the liver and kidneys.

The daily requirement of an adult for substances and energy, according to the theory of balanced nutrition, is presented in the table below.

Most diets cannot provide this daily requirement for losing weight. The result is health problems and rapid weight gain when they end.


1. Rational balanced diet

Takes into account the characteristics of food of different populations of people in accordance with their geographic location. For example, for northern peoples, it implies an emphasis on meat and fish, and for African tribes - on fruits and vegetables. For the former, the amount of consumed fats automatically increases, for the latter, a protein minimum is characteristic. Therefore, a plant-based diet for the Nanai (for example) will be not only useless, but also harmful. This factor must be taken into account when formulating a diet for weight loss.

2. Functional balanced nutrition

This is food with a health-improving effect, something like dietary supplements, but with a different status. As a rule, it undergoes long-term clinical trials and is confirmed by the relevant documentation. It is created on the basis of natural ingredients and is as close as possible to those products that nature offers. It can replace any meal. In particular, the most prominent representative in this niche is a brand that offers "smart" food for weight loss.


The most important concept in the theory of balanced nutrition is the ratio of BJU, that is, in what proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be present in the daily human diet. The classical concept sets the standard at 1 / 1.2 / 4, although the second figure has recently been increasingly rounded to one. Other formulas are proposed:

  • 4/2/4 - experimental proportion, not yet scientifically confirmed;
  • 2/1/2 - for knowledge workers;
  • 2/2/5 - with intense physical activity;
  • 5/1/2 - universal slimming formula;
  • 2.2 / 2 / 4.5 - for women;
  • 3/2/5 - for men.

Using the formulas for calculating the daily ratio of BJU for your parameters, you can make a diet for losing weight without any harm to health.

Example. If you use the Mifflin-Saint Geor formula, for a man in 30 years old with a height of 180 cm, a weight of 90 kg and moderate activity, the optimal ratio of BJU is 120 / 35.6 / 200 (in grams). You can see more detailed calculations, how these numbers turned out, as well as find out how to balance nutrition in order to lose weight.

The uniqueness of such nutrition is that absolutely everyone can practice it - both children and old people. Diets, in most cases, are contraindicated before 18 and after 55 years. For example, a teenage boy who is overweight will have to lean on proteins and slightly limit carbs. And for a woman after 60 years, when the problem of overweight should no longer be a problem, and the priority should be only to maintain health and prolong life, it is necessary to observe the classic proportion (taking into account the existing diseases and doctor's recommendations).

The variety of proportions indicates the mobility of this theory. It also possesses one more valuable property. As energy sources, BZHUs are interchangeable for a short time.

Example. Normally, carbohydrates should be about 60 g for every 100 g of food, and proteins and fats should be about 20 g each. Deciding to lose weight with the help of some kind of diet (for example, take it), for some time this balance can be disturbed without harm to organism, given the interchangeability of these substances. With a daily caloric content of 1,500 kcal, the ratio can be redistributed as follows:

Protein should make up the majority of your diet to maintain muscle mass and maintaining carbohydrate metabolism. However, from the point of view of proper nutrition, such a balance is considered seriously disturbed and cannot last too long, otherwise at some point neither proteins nor fats will be able to cover the lack of carbohydrates, there will be a lack of energy, which will negatively affect not only the process of losing weight, but and health.

For this reason, a healthy, balanced diet excludes dieting as a way to lose weight. According to this theory, it is enough to reduce the daily calorie content and reduce the amount of food consumed, but not to violate the ratio of BJU.

Basic principles

To formulate a balanced diet for weight loss, you need to follow certain rules.

BZHU ratio

  • 20% of the daily calorie content;
  • 60% of them are of animal origin, 40% are of vegetable origin.
  • 20% of the daily calorie content;
  • 60% of them are of plant origin, 40% are of animal origin (better - easily digestible, contained in fish and seafood).


  • 60% of the daily calorie content;
  • 95% of them are complex, 5% are simple (what are the differences, you can read in).


  • Breakfast (40% of daily calories): proteins, simple and complex carbohydrates.
  • Lunch (5%): Protein or complex carbohydrates.
  • Lunch (30%): soup, protein with vegetable garnish, fruit drinks.
  • Snack (5%): Protein or complex carbohydrates.
  • Dinner (20%): Digestible proteins and carbohydrates.


  1. A balanced diet means 5-6 small meals.
  2. Under normal conditions, drink at least 2 liters of water. With active sports and in the heat - up to 3 liters.
  3. The day starts with a glass warm water... It must be drunk before each meal (about half an hour).
  4. Do not drink solid food with drinks. They are allowed to be consumed no earlier than half an hour later.
  5. Limit daily salt intake to 7 g.
  6. Do not overeat before bed. Dinner about 3 hours before.
  7. Limit in the diet, and over time completely eliminate such harmful products as sweets, pastries, fast food, chips, sauces, semi-finished products, meat offal.
  8. Remove frying from cooking methods.
  9. For weight loss, it is enough to reduce the daily calorie content, but not to eliminate any of the BJU components from the diet.

If you plan to lose weight without harm to your health and want to achieve lasting results, you will have to follow these principles of a balanced diet.

The first balanced nutrition pyramid was developed by American nutritionists at Harvard School in 1992. In 2007, it was improved, received the status of a state program and was named MyPyramid.

Balanced nutrition pyramid

Stage I (base of the pyramid)

For all:

  • complex carbohydrates: bread, pasta, cereals, rice;
  • vegetable fats: rapeseed, corn and sunflower oils;
  • oranges, watermelon, beets.

For those who play sports and lose weight:

  • wholemeal bread, unpolished rice, durum wheat pasta, buckwheat, barley;
  • vegetable fats: olive, flaxseed oil;
  • tomatoes, bananas, apples.

They are consumed at every meal.

II stage:

  • vegetable proteins: legumes, nuts, seeds;
  • animal proteins: meat, eggs, fish, seafood.

Consumed twice a day.

Stage III:

  • dairy.

Consumed once a day.

IV stage (top of the pyramid):

  • animal fats: red meat, butter, margarine;
  • sweets: sugar, creams, soda water;
  • bakery products;
  • alcohol.

Their use should be limited to a minimum.

Products for a balanced diet


  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • greens;
  • oats, millet;
  • yogurt;
  • cabbage, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes;
  • kiwi, apples, tangerines, plums;
  • nuts;
  • bread;
  • cranberries, cherries.
  • fruit;
  • nuts;
  • dairy.



  • a fish;
  • seafood;
  • beef, rabbit;
  • chicken, turkey;
  • eggs;
  • milk.


  • nuts;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • fruit;
  • mushrooms.



  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • oily vegetables and fruits;
  • cold pressed oils: olive, linseed.


  • a fish;
  • fish fat;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • meat.

Sample menu for a week


Breakfast: baked cheese cakes

  • 200 g of 3% cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 20 g honey;
  • 4 dates;
  • 100 g semolina;
  • 50 g peeled flour.

Squeeze the curd with a fork, mix it with semolina. Drive in an egg. Knead the resulting dough. Rinse, remove pits and finely chop dates. Pour into the bulk. Add melted honey. Mix everything thoroughly, form thickened small cakes, roll in flour. Cover a baking sheet with parchment, put cheese cakes on it. Bake at 180 ° C for half an hour.

First for lunch: green cream soup

  • 200 g broccoli;
  • 100 g celery stalks;
  • 100 g spinach;
  • 50 g carrots;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 processed cheese;
  • greens.

Peel and cut vegetables into small pieces. Boil until cooked. Drain the water in which they were boiled. Pour in a new one, bring to a boil. Add curds. Keep on moderate heat for another 5 minutes. Cool and beat in a blender. Sprinkle with any chopped herbs.

Recipes for the lowest calorie and delicious soups for fast and effective weight loss can be found.

Second for lunch: vegetable stew with fish

  • 200 g of cod (you can take any fish of your choice);
  • 150 g zucchini;
  • 100 g bell pepper;
  • 50 g carrots;
  • 150 g cauliflower;
  • 50 ml tomato paste;
  • water ("by eye" to cover vegetables).

Put carrots on a coarse grater, zucchini and peppers - into cubes, cabbage - into small slices. Put all the vegetables in a thick-walled saucepan, add water, boil for about 15 minutes. Cut the cod fillet into arbitrary pieces, send to the stew. Keep covered over moderate heat for about 40 minutes. Add paste shortly before turning off.

Dinner: omelet with vegetables

  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 onion;
  • 50 ml of 3% milk.

Cut the tomato into slices, pepper into strips, onion into half rings. Place on a greased baking sheet. Beat eggs with milk. Pour them over the vegetables. Simmer in a preheated oven for 5-7 minutes.

Before choosing, try to arrange a balanced meal and appreciate the benefits. The health benefits, sustained weight loss and a varied diet will make you feel and look your best.

The first thing that forms the basis of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition. That is, a balanced diet scheme based on several principles: regular supply of the body with a "full package" of nutrients and vitamins, a mandatory diet and consideration of a person's age.

What you need to know about proper nutrition, and how to create a menu?

What is proper nutrition?

To control your weight and create a proper nutrition scheme, it is important to navigate those products that appear in our refrigerator, and in a timely manner to eliminate excess and toss in the necessary. And the main reference point is the content of nutrients and the absence of additives, GMOs, etc.

Essential nutrients, necessary for the body:

  • Protein. Or, as nutritionists say, proteins. They are needed for metabolism, building new cells, youthful skin and normal functioning. nervous system... Where do they get them? From eggs, meat with fish and cottage cheese. And also from nuts and legumes. The most digestible proteins are from fish / meat and dairy products. The daily protein intake is about 110 g.
  • Fats. They are the most powerful source of energy, a "mix" of lecithin, fatty acids, vitamins A, E, B, etc. Where do they get it? Of vegetable oils, animal fats, fish with meat, milk and eggs. Fat requirements are met exclusively through the combination of vegetable and animal fats. The daily allowance for fat is about 130 g, of which 30 percent are vegetable fats and 70 percent are animals.
  • Carbohydrates . It is also a source of energy necessary for the proper exchange of fats with proteins. Combining with proteins, carbohydrates provide the formation of certain enzymes, hormones, etc. The daily intake of carbohydrates is about 450 g.
  • Cellulose . It is a complex carbohydrate. It is necessary to enhance intestinal peristalsis, remove cholesterol and toxins, and protect the body from "pollution". Where do they get it? Wheat bran, vegetables and fruits.
  • Vitamins. They are needed for the normal functioning of all body systems: 1 - fat-soluble (A, K, E and D); 2 - water-soluble (group B, C).

List of foods for proper and balanced nutrition in the table

As you know, proper nutrition implies its balance, usefulness and easy digestibility. And in order to correctly compose the menu, you need to know how many calories this or that product contains.

Calorie content without alcoholic beverages :

Calorie content of mushrooms:

  • White: fresh - 32 kcal, dried - 277 kcal
  • Chanterelles: fresh - 22 kcal, dried - 268 kcal
  • Fresh butter - 12 kcal
  • Fresh mushrooms - 25 kcal
  • Boletus mushrooms: fresh - 30 kcal, dried - 231 kcal
  • Fresh champignons - 29 kcal

Calorie content of caviar:

  • Chum salmon (granular) - 250 kcal
  • Sturgeon (granular) - 201 kcal
  • Pollock (breakout) - 127 kcal

Calorie porridge:

Calorie content of sausages:

  • Doctor's - 257 kcal
  • Dairy - 243 kcal
  • Servelat c / k - 453 kcal
  • Salami - 576 kcal
  • Sausages: beef - 215 kcal, pork - 330 kcal
  • Sausages: beef - 229 kcal, pork - 284 kcal

Calorie content of fats, oils:

  • Melted pork fat - 882 kcal
  • Mayonnaise 67% - 624 kcal
  • Creamy margarine - 746 kcal
  • Vegetable oil: linseed oil - 898 kcal, olive oil - 898 kcal, sunflower oil - 899 kcal
  • 82.5% - 747 kcal, ghee - 885 kcal

Calorie content of dairy products:

Calorie content of meat / poultry:

Calorie content of vegetables:

Calorie content of dried fruits and nuts:

  • Nuts: peanuts - 555 kcal, walnuts - 662 kcal, cashews 647 kcal, almonds - 643 kcal, pistachios - 555 kcal, hazelnuts - 701 kcal
  • Dried fruits: raisins - 285 kcal, dried apricots - 270 kcal, dates - 277 kcal, prunes - 262 kcal, dried apples - 275 kcal
  • Seeds: sunflower - 582 kcal

Calorie content of fish and seafood:

Calorie sweets:

Calorie content of berries / fruits:

Calorie content of flour products:

  • Bagels / bagels - 342 kcal
  • Roll - 261 kcal
  • Lavash - 239 kcal
  • Drying - 335 kcal
  • Rye bread - 210 kcal, wheat - 246 kcal
  • Wheat crackers - 327 kcal

Caloric content of eggs

  • Omelet - 181 kcal
  • Chicken eggs - 153 kcal, quail - 170 kcal, duck - 176 kcal, ostrich - 118 kcal

How to make a menu of correct and balanced nutrition for every day - examples for the day, week, month

An approximate menu for every adult who is tuned in to a healthy lifestyle (this diet can be supplemented and changed according to preferences, but taking into account the rules of healthy eating):


Breakfast: weak tea + homemade cottage cheese (additives - prunes, dried apricots, raisins)

  • At lunch: salad (vegetables + linseed oil) + a slice of black bread + a slice of beef (boil) + compote
  • For dinner: vegetables (stew) + jelly

Allowed between meals: drinking yogurt, up to 1.5 liters of water, orange, almonds (no more than 50 g), pomegranate juice.


  • Breakfast: porridge (additives - honey, grated apple or berries) + semi-sweet herbal tea + 3-4 slices of cheese
  • At lunch: chicken broth with vegetables + a piece of baked (or steamed) light fish + yeast-free bread
  • For dinner: Greek salad + chicken (boil, at the reception - no more than 150 g)

During the breaks, it is allowed: walnuts, up to 1.5 liters of water, apple and kefir.


During breaks: up to 1.5 liters of water, no more than 100 g of light cottage cheese, avocado.


  • In the morning - muesli with milk + semi-sweet tea + curd cheese
  • At lunch: puree soup with spinach + paella + compote
  • For dinner: tea + salmon (bake) with herbs + toast

During breaks: up to 1.5 liters of water, yoghurt and ripe berries.


  • On breakfast: oatmeal (add honey and crushed almonds) + tea with lemon wedge
  • At lunch: broth (chicken) + potatoes (boil) with 5 g of oil and herbs + compote
  • For dinner: salad ( seaweed and seafood) + bran crispbread + tea

During breaks: up to 1.5 liters of water, fruit cocktail.


During breaks - up to 1.5 liters of water, dried apricots, 1 pomegranate


  • On breakfast: buckwheat with 5 g butter + milk
  • At lunch: vegetable soup + bran loaf + tomato + boiled fish
  • For dinner: freshly squeezed juice + casserole (carrots)

During breaks: up to 1.5 liters of water, 1 grapefruit, no more than 50 g of hazelnuts.

Features of a proper and balanced diet

The food we eat every day plays an important role in both health and shape. Exhausting diets and serious physical activity are not needed, if the food is balanced and the menu is carefully thought out.

True, the principles of healthy eating will be slightly different for an average adult, for an athlete, a baby or a nursing mother.

Balanced and proper nutrition during pregnancy - nutritional basics for pregnant women

As known, expectant mother you have to eat "for two". That is, the need for nutrients and vitamins multiplies.

Basic rules of healthy eating for the expectant mother:

The basics of proper and balanced nutrition and menus for the growth of children and adolescents

Taking into account the intensive growth of kids and schoolchildren, hormonal changes, the development of all body systems and high activity, a healthy diet for children should include a full range of nutrients.

The basic principles of healthy eating for children:

Proper nutrition for muscle mass - balanced nutrition rules for athletes

For people who are actively involved in sports, a healthy diet involves a significant increase in the diet of elements that contribute to the reduction of body fat and the building of muscle mass.

Healthy eating principles for athletes:

Nutritional advice for a healthy and balanced diet - where to start?

- Before fulfilling a cherished dream and moving on to healthy eating, you need to remember its main principles.

1 is the diet. That is, always at the same time, and 4-5 times a day, in accordance with the schedule of work or study. You cannot bring down the regime!

2 - selection of products. Make lists of “forbidden” foods and lists of those that will be useful in advance. Immediately - with calorie numbers. Use these lists and your daily calorie intake as you compose your menu.

3 - make up the menu at least a week in advance. This will save you both time and nerves.

4 - eat slowly. Not under the TV, but just slowly.

5 - clean drinking water constantly, at least 2 liters per day.

And do not retreat - just forward!

- It is considered very good for the transition to a healthy diet ... a regular diary. In it, you first analyze - what are the problems of your diet. Then you study the calorie content of the dishes and make lists of healthy foods for the future menu.

Then you analyze your needs for calories and vitamins, in the amount of proteins and carbohydrates, according to your lifestyle, age, medical card thickness, etc. Having found out all the points, you start drawing up the menu. If you write it a month in advance, several problems will be solved at once.

And don't forget about variety in your diet. Check out the recipe sites and you'll be amazed at how many dishes you can make with regular vegetables.

- When planning the menu, it is important to consider the distribution of "energy" - 30 (morning), 50 (lunch) and 20 (dinner). That is, until 2 o'clock you need to eat the main food. Because evening is a time of rest. Including for the stomach.
  1. There is definitely nothing for breakfast better porridge... You can add a light omelette or an egg to it, or even a slice of boiled beef.
  2. Second breakfast - something dairy or fruit.
  3. For lunch, be sure to choose a dish with vegetables. We cook meat and fish without frying and tasty crusts.
  4. In the afternoon snack we have a snack with kefir with cookies or with an apple.
  5. And the dinner (figuratively) is given to the enemy. That is, we eat a light salad and, for example, cottage cheese.

If it’s very hard at night, you can drink kefir or jelly. And one more thing: if your lights out is after 12 o'clock in the morning, then not eating after 6 is wrong. The body perceives such a hunger strike at 6 o'clock as a signal for the accumulation of fat. So set your diet based on your daily routine.

In fact, a balanced diet is simple and available recommendations nutrition for each person. The basis balanced menu Is the right breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner should consist of healthy meals and foods, which will contain a proportionate amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates. After all, a properly composed diet energizes you for the whole day, gives you confidence and improves your mood. A balanced diet helps control weight and prevents the accumulation of excess subcutaneous fat.

Your menu should include healthy foodswhich contain vitamins, complex carbohydrates, animal proteins, and unsaturated fats. Healthy foods in your menu will allow your body to function well. Hair, nails, bones, skin, internal organs will be healthy thanks to a balanced diet. Treat the product selection process very carefully and responsibly. Check the expiration date on packages and boxes, as well as food storage conditions. Pay attention to protein, fat and carbohydrate content, and calories.

It is necessary to evaluate products not only by calorie content, but also by how much they contain certain useful substances. Quality is always more important than quantity. All week you need to eat right, of course you can make yourself 1 day as an exception and eat food that you love, but it is not healthy, but only once a week, remember, no more. To help your stomach and to control weight, add vegetables and fruits to the menu for the week. Limit fruits in quantity, about 10-14 fruits per week, but unlimited vegetables per week, because they contain fiber and other useful substances.

A balanced diet includes the following foods. Rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, egg whites, chicken fillets, fish, seafood, vegetables, salads, lean meat, wholemeal bread, dairy products with a low fat content of 0.5%, nuts, legumes. Track calories in your daily menu. For men and women who lead a normal life, you need to multiply the weight by 25-30 and you will get an approximate number of calories per day to maintain normal weight. For example, your weight is 55 kg, which means 1375-1650 Kcal per day you need to consume in order to maintain weight and at the same time feel good throughout the day. Everything is individual, if you have an active lifestyle, then it may be worth increasing the number of calories in your menu, but it happens that according to the formula above, you have a lot of calories and you start to gain weight, then feel free to cut down on the calorie content of your diet and look at your changes in the mirror.

The daily rate of menu components is as follows:

  • Proteins - 15-20%
  • Fats - 15-25%
  • Carbohydrates - 50-60%

If you go in for sports or lead an active lifestyle, then the protein ratio is about 30-40% of the daily calorie intake.

A balanced diet is not only food, but also drinks. Water is needed every day for men and women, the norm is 1-2 liters, depending on the intensity of the day. Clean water has a beneficial effect on the skin, removes toxins from the body, and reduces the risk of heart disease. Avoid dehydration. After all, we are on average 60% water, surprisingly, but true. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the correct balance of water in the body. Carbonated drinks, coffee, strong and sweet tea should be reduced in your menu.

It is necessary to teach the biological clock in our body to eat at the same time, every day, week after week. Then gastric juice will be produced in the right time, in the correct amount. The entire menu should be divided into 3-4 meals. Tomorrow, lunch, dinner - must be dense, in no case is it tea with a bun. A full breakfast buffet provides you with energy right in the morning. Work and study are best for you, and the mood rises immediately when you are full. It is advisable to eat every 3-5 hours, depending on your timing. You can take containers with food prepared at home to work, so you will provide your body with a full meal and save money on a cafe. In the morning try to consume 70% of the daily value of food, and in the afternoon 30%. After all, during the day you move more and burn calories more actively, and in the evening, as a rule, many men and women spend at home and move less actively and consume few calories. Have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime. At night, the stomach should rest, and not digest food and put it in fat. Try to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger so as not to gain extra pounds.

Menu for the week


  • Breakfast - an omelet of 2-3 eggs, 1 glass of 0.5% fat milk with oatmeal cookies.
  • Lunch - rice with lean meat, vegetable salad, tea with lemon without sugar.
  • Dinner - vegetable stew with steamed fish, vinaigrette, jelly.
  • Breakfast - oatmeal with fruit, cottage cheese 2% fat with low-fat sour cream, juice.
  • Lunch - durum pasta with chicken fillet, cucumber, tomato, tea.
  • Dinner - Baked fish, vegetable salad, fruit or vegetable juice.
  • Breakfast - toast, low-fat cheese, milk 0.5%.
  • Lunch - barley porridge with lean meat, banana or apple, vegetable juice.
  • Dinner - carrot casserole, grapefruit,
  • Breakfast - Curd 2% with raisins and pieces of fruit, milk 0.5%.
  • Lunch - Buckwheat with lean meat, vegetable salad, green tea with lemon.
  • Dinner - Stewed vegetables, fish fillets, jelly.
  • Breakfast - oatmeal porridge with pieces of fruit and honey, a couple of pieces of cheese, tea without sugar.
  • Lunch - stewed potatoes with meat, cucumber, tomato, vegetable or fruit juice.
  • Dinner - beans with fish, vegetable stew, tea without sugar.
  • Breakfast - muesli with milk 0.5%, low-fat yogurt, juice.
  • Lunch - borsch with herbs, steamed fish fillet, bran bread.
  • Dinner - vegetables (cucumber, tomato, radish, carrot), chicken soup, compote.


  • Breakfast - buckwheat porridge with milk 0.5%, 1 glass of milk with oatmeal cookies.
  • Lunch - steamed fish, rice, vegetables, tea with lemon.
  • Dinner - vinaigrette, mushroom soup with bran bread, compote.

We remind you that before eating 200 ml of water in 10-15 minutes, be sure to arrange for yourself snacks from fruits, vegetables, low-fat yogurt, vegetable juice and other light foods, 1 or 2 times a day, between meals.

A balanced diet is an excellent solution for health and a great figure.

The balanced nutrition system is one of the few that does not require significant efforts and restrictions. The main principle - create a clear schedule for breakfast, lunch, dinner and consume exceptionally energy-rich and nutritious foods.

The term "energy value of food" refers to healthy calories (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other important enzymes), which, after being absorbed, give the body the necessary energy for normal functioning. A balanced eating system not only improves overall health, but also significantly contributes to losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight.

Balanced menu

When compiling a balanced diet menu, there are four main factors to consider:

The menu should include the most useful nutritious foods that contain all the necessary substances for the fruitful work of the whole body. If there is a lack of proteins, fats, carbohydrates or vitamins, then this can lead to a rash, dry skin, brittle hair, weak hair and nails, malfunction internal organs etc. Therefore, you need to carefully select products. Labels, boxes, as well as special tables of calorie content and energy value of various foods can tell about their nutritional value.

The essence of compiling a balanced menu is not only in the quantity of food, but also in its quality. You need to evaluate foods by the density of various nutrients in them, that is, how much benefit you can get from each calorie. For this reason, it is advisable to select foods with a high level of density for the diet. When losing excess weight, it is worth enriching your menu with vegetables and fruits.

The most suitable foods for a balanced diet are various grains, salads, vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, low-fat dairy products, nuts, beans, corn. When eating food, you need to monitor the calorie content of products, since some can be eaten more, while others, due to the high calorie content, require less. But this does not mean that it is necessary to completely abandon, for example, wine or chocolate, it is just that less healthy foods should be consumed in moderate or limited quantities.

The daily intake of nutrients should generally be in the following ratio:

Protein - about 15%
fats - 20 - 25%
carbohydrates - 60 - 65%

It is equally important for a balanced diet to consume a certain amount of liquid, because water helps tone the skin, removes toxins from the body, and also reduces the risk of heart disease. It is recommended for an adult to drink an average of 1.5-2 liters of plain water a day to avoid dehydration. When compiling a daily diet, it is worth remembering the calorie content of tea, coffee, juice or sweet water.

It is advisable, while observing a balanced diet, drink about 1.7 liters of milk, but skimmed, every week. It is preferable to consume milk saturated with calcium. To preserve the moisture balance, you can use, in addition to regular water, and mineral, green tea and various juices that do not contain sugar - but all these drinks must be taken into account when calculating the total daily portion of calories.

Meal time

The effectiveness of a balanced diet also depends on the meal schedule. The main key to success is to accustom yourself to divide your diet into three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. At the same time, you need to paint the menu so that the morning and afternoon intake contains more calories, and the evening meal as few as possible. Since the human body works more actively during the day, the obtained substances can be successfully absorbed and consumed, and at night a person rests, therefore all systems must also be kept calm, thus allowing the body to organize them without difficulties. It is advisable to have dinner 3 hours before bedtime.

Physical exercise

Calorie intake is directly related to the level of physical activity (low, moderate and high). That is, a balanced diet is closely related to body activity, so you need to moderately consume valuable calories and spend more of them.

Energy costs as well as the energy value of a product are measured in calories. It is necessary to start from the indicator of 1200 kcal, since this is the minimum that is necessary for the basic costs of the body and the maintenance of normal life. Therefore, the more a person moves, the more calories are needed.

Basic rules for a balanced diet

  1. 1 With a balanced diet, it is worth consuming as many calories as the body can consume per day.
  2. 2 You need to eat well. That is, in an approximate ratio of nutrients 1: 1: 4, where the first two indicators are proteins and fats, and the last one is carbohydrates.
  3. 3 It is worth constantly changing the components of the diet, diversifying it, because in this way, a shortage of different types of nutrients is avoided.
  4. 4 When losing weight, it is worthwhile to monitor weight fluctuations and use minimal amount calories. If the weight has returned to normal, then you can already afford to fully and variedly enjoy the benefits of a balanced diet.
  5. 5 A balanced diet is based on three traditional meals, but small snacks between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner are also acceptable. Light additional meals will not interfere, but rather will contribute to weight loss, if you do not go beyond the established daily calorie volume.
  6. 6 Indigestible fiber, called fiber, significantly contributes to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as purifies it. These fibers are found in cereals, legumes, vegetables, products from whole grain, fruits and berries.
  7. 7 Although fat is essential for the body, it should be kept to a minimum. Eating large amounts of fat daily can lead to asterosclerosis and coronary artery disease. With a balanced diet, fried foods should be replaced with baked or boiled foods.
  8. 8 It is advisable to give up sugar to promote weight loss. Fruit can be substituted for sweets, improving overall well-being, appearance, and overall health.
  9. 9 Eating too much salt can lead to hypertension, as table salt is a source of sodium. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in the diet. It is also preferable to use iodized salt.
  10. 10 Of course, in most cases, it is difficult for an adult to stop drinking alcoholic beverages. But it is worth limiting their amount when consumed and not turning alcohol into a constant component of the daily diet. In addition to the fact that alcohol is high in calories, it excites appetite receptors, which will lead to a violation of the balanced diet.

To maintain health and excellent physical shape, you need to eat right. helps to strengthen the immune system, improves the functioning of internal organs and improves mood. At any age, it is important to take care of your diet, this will help you stay healthy and beautiful. A balanced diet is a rational ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins a person needs per day. The goal is to create a balance of nutrients in the body that fully meets the needs of a person. Unlike various diets balanced diet does not have a lot of restrictions. The main principles are the schedule and the use of only healthy food in a certain amount. When creating a meal schedule, gender, age, occupation and health status are taken into account.

It is worth completely abandoning alcohol, carbonated drinks, semi-finished products, fatty and spicy foods. You can eat sweets and fried foods, but in limited quantities. The use of salt, sugar and spices should also be limited and minimized.

When purchasing food, carefully study the composition on the package. Do not buy foods with chemical additives, preservatives, or synthetic fats. Choose a product that is non-GMO, high in fat and sugar. Give preference to natural seafood, vegetables, dried fruits, legumes, honey, berries. These foods should be part of your daily routine.

How to properly balance your diet

A person needs many nutrients every day. Each of them has a different task. Fats, proteins and carbohydrates are involved in the formation of new cells, provide metabolism and are a source of energy. Vitamins and minerals are essential for maintaining immunity and overall health.

You should eat no more than 15% protein per day (half of which is vegetable protein, and the other is animal). There is 1 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. For clarity: a person weighing 80 kg needs to consume 80 g of protein per day. Of these, 40 g will be vegetable proteins (nuts, beans, rice) and 40 g animal proteins (cheese, fish, eggs).

Eat no more than 30% fat daily, of which 60% is vegetable fat ( olive oil, cereals, some vegetables), and 40% are fats of animal origin (seafood, lean meat). The main share of calories is allocated to carbohydrates - 50-60%, of which 95% are complex carbohydrates (pasta, cereals) and 5% are simple carbohydrates (carrots, sweet pastries). Don't forget about your drinking regime. An adult needs up to two liters of clean water a day. In hot weather, this amount increases.

For proper absorption, eat these foods according to the time of day. Then all the components are absorbed and nothing turns into fat.

An example of a daily schedule:

  1. Breakfast. The first meal contains 40% of calories.
  2. Lunch. Snack on protein and carbohydrate foods within 100 kcal. For example, eat nuts with cottage cheese.
  3. Lunch includes 30% of calories. Be sure to eat a hot dish, a vegetable garnish with protein products and a dessert in the form of natural juice.
  4. Afternoon snack: carbohydrates up to 150 kcal.
  5. includes 20% of calories. Meals should be easily digestible, combining carbohydrates and vegetable proteins.

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