Whether a urinary tract infection is contagious. Urinary tract infections. Features of the course of the disease in men and women

Blocks 27.09.2020

Diseases of the urinary tract today are a fairly common disease. Often, diseases of the urinary tract occur against the background of an inflammatory process. As a rule, with inflammation of one of the organs, the disease does not go away on its own, and if untreated, it only begins to develop. The process of inflammation, for example, if it started from the urethral canal, then, moving along the vessels of the urinary tract, it will reach the bladder, and then it will cover the ureters (unilateral and bilateral inflammation). After, the inflammatory process can affect the kidneys.
The ureters are the vessels through which urinary fluid from the kidneys enters the urinary
For the ureters, the most famous disease is urethritis (inflammation of the ureters).

Causes of the disease

The development of this process is preceded by a number of reasons, namely, diseases of the urinary system and urinary tract. Most clinical cases prove that with a disease of urethritis, the patient is found to have urolithiasis. Most often these are kidney stones, which the patient himself might not have suspected before. Concrements tend to form in the renal pelvis, and then they can move downward through the vessels of the urinary tract and stop in the ureter. Thus, the presence of a stone in the ureter is accompanied by an inflammatory process. This process can cause kidney colic symptoms.

A number of diseases that can cause urethritis of the ureter

Types of diseases

1. Pyelonephritis. Kidney disease, accompanied by an inflammatory process. It occurs more often due to the ingress of bacteria through the urethra, after which these bacteria move through the vessels of the urinary tract and enter the kidneys. Usually, with this disease, only one kidney suffers, in rare cases and with incompetent treatment, the second kidney is also subject to infection. To eliminate a bacterial infection and treat pyelonephritis, antibiotics are prescribed.

2. Pyelitis. Kidney disease, the process of which carries the development in the renal pelvis. Like pyelonephritis, pyelitis is also an infectious and inflammatory disease. The disease develops as a result of infection and bacteria and affects the mucous membrane of the kidneys. In this case, the organs of the genitourinary system are damaged, and the outflow of urinary fluid is also disrupted. When treating pyelitis, antibiotics are used to eliminate the infection from the body.

3. Cystitis. A disease characterized by inflammation of the bladder. The disease often occurs due to the ingress of infection through the vessels of the pathways leading to the bladder. Women are more susceptible to cystitis, which is explained by the peculiarity of the structure of the urogenital tract in women. Because of the wide urethra in women, bacteria and infections are much more likely to enter the body. Most often, the development of cystitis is facilitated by the ingress of Escherichia coli, and rarely - other types of bacteria, for example, candida bacteria (candidiasis or thrush). To eliminate the focus of infection and pathogenic bacteria, in addition to the main treatment process, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. In the treatment of cystitis, decoctions containing medicinal herbs are often used.

In addition to the formations listed above, urethral urethritis can also cause a genital infection

The organs of the genitourinary and urinary systems are at a close distance from each other, as a result of which the infection penetrates through the openings of the genital tract and enters the ureter and other organs. With any infectious disease, it will invariably be accompanied by an inflammatory process. And the inflammatory process, as you know, does not evaporate on its own, but only expands the area of \u200b\u200bits influence in the absence of proper treatment. In the course of any infectious disease, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to relieve inflammation and kill the infection.

Symptoms of the disease

As you know, urethritis does not proceed by itself, but only as a result of any of the diseases.
Symptoms of urethritis caused by stone disease:
- pain in the lumbar region, accompanied by contractions;
- pain "rushes" from the lumbar region to the back wall of the abdominal cavity (it can give to the groin and genitals);
- fever, increased blood pressure, nausea, vomiting (these symptoms are usually changeable);
- discomfort and pain when urinating;
- clouding of urine and blood impurities;
- stone falling out (apparently visually)

Symptoms of ureteral inflammation caused by cystitis:
- cutting pain and burning sensation during urination;
- dull pain in the lumbar region;
- clouding of urine (blood stains and purulent discharge are possible);
With inflammation of the ureter, often the earlier symptoms of the previous disease become less noticeable. In addition to the signs listed above, there is also a deterioration in the general condition of a person (weakness, headaches, fatigue, fever, etc.)

Diagnosis of the disease

Analysis of urine

Diagnostics of the ureter includes a number of procedures:
- general blood analysis;
- general urine analysis;
- blood chemistry;
- urography (an x-ray method that detects violations of the outflow of urinary fluid and the presence of stones);
- cystoscopy (a procedure to check the inflamed ureter for swelling);
- ureteroscopy (detection of edema and damage to the ureter);
- catheterization of the ureter (detection of the presence of pus and opacities in the urinary fluid);
- Ultrasound (the ureters and kidneys are examined)
Diagnostics is necessary for the doctor's precise prescription of medical procedures and for their high efficiency. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out in special medical centers in the direction of the attending physician.

Treatment of the disease

There are two main methods of treating urethritis (inflammation of the bladder) - the conservative method and the surgical method. The conservative method of treating urethritis is selected individually. The choice of the method directly depends on the cause that led to the inflammation of the bladder.
If the cause was the presence of urolithiasis, then the doctor prescribes antispasmodics and drugs leading to the dissolution of calculi... If these stones are not large, or are sand, then in addition the doctor may recommend the use of medicinal herbs that relieve inflammation.
If cystitis, pyelonephritis or pyelitis became the cause of the inflammation of the ureter, then all efforts should be thrown into the treatment of these diseases in the first place.
When treating urethritis, the doctor usually prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs and uroseptics. And also, saline solutions and mixtures of glucose are indicated for intravenous use. But the main drugs in the fight against urethritis are antibiotics.
In the process of treatment, both diuretic drugs and diuretic medicinal herbs are often used. After reducing the exacerbation process, physiotherapy is applied.

Surgical intervention

Most often, surgery is necessary if inflammation of the ureter has caused urolithiasis.

When a stone overtakes a huge size and lingers in the ureter for a long time, thereby causing inflammation, it must be removed surgically

Also, surgery is performed if the ureteral cavity is damaged. If most of the ureter is damaged, a tube is usually placed to drain urinary fluid.

Treatment of urethritis with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is gaining in popularity every day. Sometimes, medicinal herbs become an irreplaceable assistant in everyday life. However, it is worth considering that diseases are different and can be of a different nature, degree of danger, and form, when the use of a medicinal herb may not give an effect, and a person will only delay the process of the disease. To take any kind of medicinal herbs, you must first consult a doctor. If the doctor approves and appreciates that the medicinal herb chosen by the patient is useful and can be used, only then should this be done.
A well-known herb that can help in the treatment of many diseases (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis etc.) - yellow zelenchuk.
Otherwise, the people call it “yellow wrasse” or “earthy incense”.
Method of application: 1 tsp. Brew herbs in a glass of boiling water and let it brew, then use before eating. This broth should be taken 3 times a day, one glass.
No less effective is the herb called “hernia glabrous”.
Cooking method: 1 tsp. 200 ml of boiling water is poured and infused. It is recommended to consume 0.5 cups 2 times a day, preferably in the morning and evening.

In contact with

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a polyetiological disease associated with various factors. The key role in its development belongs to microorganisms (especially E. coli). At the same time, the kidneys and bladder are more affected, leading to pathologies such as cystitis and pyelonephritis. Diseases can become acute and chronic. In adult men, such pathologies occur against the background of various sexually transmitted infections.

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    Types of diseases

    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are mostly caused by gram-negative microflora, in 80% of cases E. coli is the cause. In men, this group of diseases occurs much less frequently than in women, which is associated with the anatomical features of the structure.

    Pathogens can affect the following organs:

    • Urethra with the development of a disease such as urethritis.
    • Bladder - cystitis.
    • Prostate gland - prostatitis.
    • Kidneys - pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis.

    These diseases are most often acute, especially if they are caused by E. coli. When infected with other pathogens, the propensity for chronicity is much higher. With chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonorrheal infection, the initial symptoms can be very mild, so patients rarely go to the doctor, which is why the disease takes on a chronic course, leading to serious complications from both the urinary and reproductive systems of a man.

    Depending on the pathogen, specific and non-specific lesions are isolated. In the first case, the cause is various sexually transmitted diseases, in the second - opportunistic microorganisms (E. coli).

    The mechanism of the pathology

    The entry and spread of infection into the urinary tract occurs in several ways. The most common is the passage of bacteria from the anus to the nearby urethra. Already at this stage, a man may develop urethritis and prostatitis.

    Later, along the wall of the urethra, the infection enters the bladder, causing its inflammation - cystitis.

    The mucous membrane of the genitourinary system contains special defense mechanisms against bacteria, so pathology does not always occur. The infection can transit several departments at once and not lead to illness. The last point is the kidneys, where it can cause a variety of diseases, the most common of which is pyelonephritis.

    Another way of getting the infection is to carry it from other foci into the urinary system through the blood or lymph.This method is more typical for a disease such as glomerulonephritis.


    The entry of the pathogen into the body is not a prerequisite for the appearance of the disease: for this to happen, it is necessary to have some predisposing factors:

    • Decreased immune system due to various acute and chronic diseases.
    • Urolithiasis, which is often accompanied by infections of the urinary system.
    • Frequent hypothermia (this is associated with the seasonality of the pathology - the cold season).
    • Violation of the outflow of urine with benign hyperplasia and inflammation of the prostate gland.
    • Promiscuous sex life.
    • The use of various drugs, especially antibiotics.

    In children, urinary tract infection can occur as a result of congenital developmental abnormalities associated with impaired neural motor control. This leads to the formation of reflux and urinary stagnation.

    Dr. Komarovsky singles out the main reason for the appearance of UTIs in infants is hypothermia associated with prolonged wearing of diapers. Children of the first year of life are more prone to various diseases, since the immune system is poorly developed. In the first months, the child uses the mother's protection obtained with milk.

    In preschool children, inflammation occurs after playing in the sandbox, since there are a large number of bacteria in this place, and they are in direct contact with the infected sand. Girls especially suffer from this.

    Manifestations of urethritis

    The main ones are urination disorders. Excretion of urine is accompanied by subjective sensations in the form of:

    • burning sensation;
    • itching;
    • pain;
    • frequent urge to urinate.

    Various secretions appear - serous, purulent, mucous. Symptoms will also vary depending on the pathogen. With urethritis caused by opportunistic flora, the manifestations will be pronounced, the discharge will be purulent or mucous. Burning and itching intense.

    Specific infections previously also had characteristic and typical symptoms. To date, all practicing doctors note that diseases such as mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia are of a sluggish nature and meager symptoms. This makes diagnosis very difficult. In such situations, patients may be disturbed by whitish discharge, migratory urinary disorders. Burning, itching and pain are mild.

    Cystitis symptoms

    It appears much less often than in women, but they have a higher tendency to chronicity of the process.

    The disease begins suddenly - p.Urine is excreted in small portions, arises. There is pain in the suprapubic region, the body temperature may rise to +37 ... + 38 degrees.

    Inflammation of the bladder - wall changes

    Frequent urination is also observed at night. The urine becomes cloudy, microscopic examination may show the content of blood cells.

    In the chronic course of the disease, UTI is manifested by periods of exacerbation and remission.Patients are slightly worried, the temperature does not exceed +37 degrees or does not rise at all.

    Signs of pyelonephritis

    characterized by a sharp increase in body temperature up to +38 ... + 39 degrees, but there are cases without hyperthermia. There is a pulling dull pain in the lumbar region.

    The urine becomes cloudy, the protein content increases, the number of leukocytes increases, hematuria is observed (). In the clinical analysis of blood, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases and neutrophilic leukocytosis is noted.

    Urination is impaired, private urges appear, which become painful, urine is excreted in small portions due to urinary tract spasm.

    The inflammatory process leads to intoxication, resulting in a severe headache, severe weakness, vomiting, diarrhea may occur.

    Kidney with pyelonephritis

    You can independently check for the presence of pyelonephritis by slight tapping on the lower back (), after which the pain intensifies.

    The chronic course of the disease may not appear outwardly, sometimes there may be mild back pain. In the clinical analysis of urine, similar changes are observed, expressed to a lesser extent. With an ultrasound examination, violations of the pelvis-calyx system are noted, which intensify over time.


    The mainstay of treatment for urinary tract infections is the prescription of antibacterial agents.Thus, there is an impact on the etiological factor and the complete elimination of the disease. The following groups of antibiotics are used:

    • For urethritis, Ceftriaxone is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Doxycycline, Azithromycin can also be used in the form of tablets or injections.
    • With an uncomplicated course of cystitis, nitrofuran preparations are prescribed - Furagin, Furomag. 3 g of Fosfomycin can be used once. Also prescribed Azithromycin, Nitroxoline.
    • With pyelonephritis, antibiotics are mandatory intravenously or intramuscularly - Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Ceftriaxone.

    In the case of an acute process, drugs are prescribed empirically, using broad-spectrum drugs to capture the maximum number of microorganisms. It is ideal to carry out bacteriological culture before antibacterial treatment, after which, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen, certain medications are prescribed.

    The patient's condition threatens with serious complications, therefore, antibiotics are first prescribed, depending on the clinical manifestations. After receiving the result of laboratory research, the therapy is adjusted.


    In case of severe intoxication, it is necessary to prescribe solutions for intravenous administration in order to clear the blood from the products of the inflammatory reaction:

    • Reasorbilact.
    • Reopoliglyukin.
    • Saline.
    • Glucose solution.
    • Polyglyukin.

    Such therapy is more often used for pyelonephritis, since this disease produces a strong release of toxic substances into the blood.

    Symptomatic therapy

    To eliminate pain, pain relievers are prescribed - Analgin, Dexalgin.Violations of urination in the form of frequent urges are removed by using antispasmodics - No-Shpa, Baralgin, Spazmalgin.

    At high temperatures, antipyretic drugs are used - Nimesil, Ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid.

    In parallel with antibiotic therapy, agents from the probiotic group are prescribed to normalize the activity of the intestines.


    Urinary tract infections are treated by using folk remedies.For this, herbs and collections from medicinal plants are used. The following remedies are most effective:

    • Horsetail herb - has antispasmodic, diuretic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It is indicated for all types of UTI.
    • Bearberry leaf is a powerful remedy for inflammatory processes in the urinary tract. Relieves inflammation, spasm and dysuria.
    • Birch buds - have antibacterial and antispasmodic effect.
    • Parsley and fennel seeds - have antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects.

    These medicinal plants are used both independently and as a collection. An infusion is prepared at home: 1 tbsp is placed on 0.2 liters of boiling water. l. herbs or mixtures.Better to do this in a water bath. For bearberry, the cooking time is 30 minutes, for other plants - 15.

    The resulting solution is filtered and consumed in 1/3 cup 3 times.

    Pharmaceutical phytopreparations

    From finished medicines in the pharmacy, you can purchase drugs such as Urolesan, Kanefron, Trinephron, Uroton, etc.

    Urolesan is available in capsules and tablets. In its composition, it contains a complex of essential oils and an extract from plants that have a diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Take 20 drops of sugar 3 times a day or 1 capsule three times a day.

    Canephron is used in inflammatory processes of the urinary tract. It has the same readings as Urolesan. The drug is most widely used for acute and chronic cystitis.

    These drugs are prescribed by doctors for UTIs, as they significantly improve the effect of the main therapy and reduce the risk of complications.

Diseases of the urinary tract include diseases of organs such as the ureters, bladder, urethra, and renal calyces. A feature of these diseases is that the urinary organs in their function are closely related to the human reproductive system.

Among the causes of diseases of the urinary tract, the most common is an infectious lesion caused by the multiplication of bacterial microflora due to violations of the patient's immune status, a decrease in the body's resistance due to stress or hypothermia. The presence of frequent unprotected casual sex also plays a huge role.

Knowledge of the risk factors makes it possible to adequately prevent these diseases. It is also important to know the peculiarities of the course of diseases of the genitourinary sphere in men, women, and also in children. A large number of pathologies are distinguished in which the above organs are affected. Let us consider separately the diseases of each part of the excretory system, how they manifest themselves and what features they have.


Pyelitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous membrane of the renal pelvis. Very often, inflammation is not limited only to the mucous membrane and passes to the parenchyma of the kidneys, as a result of which a disease such as pyelonephritis develops. However, in the early stages of the disease, it is more correct to talk about isolated pyelitis.


Pyelitis usually occurs due to infectious processes that develop as a result of the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the kidney cavity through the blood, lymph or urinary tract. Such routes of distribution are called hematogenous, lymphogenous and urogenic.

Among the pathogens, E. coli is most common, which usually enters the pelvis by the lymphogenous route.

Other common pathogens include staphylococci, streptococci, and other bacteria. Therefore, pyelitis usually occurs as a consequence of infectious diseases such as intestinal pathologies, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, typhoid fever.

Urolithiasis plays an important role in creating conditions for infection. When stones are located in the renal pelvis, they can injure the epithelium of the mucous membrane, which creates conditions for the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the organ wall. Gradually, the infectious process spreads to functionally active kidney tissue or to the ureters and bladder - the descending route of infection.

The ascending path of spread is that the infection passes from the urethra to the bladder, then through the ureters bacteria enter the cavity of the calyx-pelvic system and the parenchyma of the kidney. If the inflammation of the pelvis began due to the penetration of the pathogenic microflora from the bottom up, such pyelitis is called ascending. It can be caused by injury, pregnancy or hypothermia.


There are acute and chronic variants of pyelitis. In acute, there is an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees with short periods of temperature normalization. Fever is a consequence of general intoxication of the body, it is accompanied by a decrease in overall performance, headache.

Another symptom of inflammation of the renal pelvis is pain in the lumbar region radiating to the groin and genitals. When tapping on the lower back, pain intensifies, blood appears in the urine. Urination can be painful, and the patient has frequent urge to empty the bladder.

Pregnancy can cause inflammatory diseases of the urinary system

The duration of the course of the disease depends on what caused its development. For example, pyelitis associated with infectious diseases can last up to several weeks, after which it disappears completely (if the correct treatment has been carried out). Pregnancy-related pyelitis disappears only after delivery. If the necessary therapeutic measures have not been taken, there is a risk that the disease will become chronic with damage to the renal parenchyma (pyelonephritis).

If pyelitis has arisen against the background of urolithiasis, then it is considered chronic in the early stages.


A general urine analysis is performed, in which pyuria is determined - an increased content of leukocytes. The urine may become cloudy due to the presence of pus in it. An important feature is that when standing, urine does not precipitate.

You can also conduct a microscopic examination of urine, the purpose of which is also to determine the leukocytes in this biological fluid. In some cases, when the amount of pus in mine is large, protein may be found.


The effectiveness of treatment is determined primarily by eliminating the cause of the disease. If inflammation of the pelvis has arisen as a result of an infectious process, it is necessary to carry out antibiotic therapy in order to combat the pathogen. If pyelitis has become a complication of urolithiasis, then it is required to remove calculi from the urinary tract.

The patient is required to stay in bed, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. Drinking plenty of fluids is necessary to increase the load on the kidneys and increase the excretion of waste products of bacteria, as well as the dead microorganisms themselves.

Antibiotic therapy usually consists of the use of sulfonamides (the recommended drugs are Sulfacil, Urosulfan). If there is a tendency for the generalization of the infection, other antibiotics are prescribed, including combination drugs.

Furagin, Furadonin, Urotropin are also used - these agents have shown their effectiveness in the treatment of infectious diseases of the urinary tract. In the operating room, it is possible to wash the pelvis with disinfectants.


The most effective means of preventing inflammatory diseases of the calyx-pelvic system is the prevention and early treatment of infectious diseases. This is especially true of intestinal infections, as well as sore throats. It is also important to resolve the issue of stone removal in a timely manner.

The urinary tract is affected by this disease due to metabolic disorders. The factors that predispose to the appearance of stones are:

  • violation of calcium metabolism;
  • violation of phosphorus metabolism;
  • stagnant urine;
  • excessive intake of calcium salts, for example, with drinking water;
  • inflammatory processes.

Pain is the main symptom of urolithiasis

There are three types of stones, depending on their composition. Allocate urate (uric acid), oxalate (oxalic acid) and phosphate (phosphoric acid). Conditions for the precipitation of these salts arise during the formation of products of inflammation of the mucous membranes, for example, pyelitis.

Elements such as mucus, pus, blood clots, epithelial cells, which are located in the lumen of the urinary tract, contribute to the formation of stones, as a result of which their blockage can occur.


At the beginning of the disease, when the stones are still too small (in the form of "sand"), there may be no symptoms. Sometimes, sand can come out with urine. The clinical picture develops when signs of irritation of the mucous membrane by foreign bodies appear - the mucous membrane of the urethra is mainly affected. Larger stones may not bother the patient for a long time, since they can stay in the pelvis for a long time without moving and without causing irritation.

If the stones change their location for one reason or another, symptoms such as pain appear. If there is a blockage of the ureter, pain can be significantly pronounced. This condition is called renal colic.

In its development, an important role is played by the spastic contraction of the urinary tract muscles, stretched by accumulated urine or a passing stone. The pain appears unexpectedly, the intensity rapidly increases, it can radiate to the groin area, urethra. Along with this, vegetative symptoms appear - nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, and the pulse weakens.

If the stone does not pass through the ureter, creating an obstacle to the outflow of urine, hydronephrosis and renal failure develop over time. Development of a life-threatening condition is possible.

Calcium-pelvic calculi are removed with lithotripsy

Diagnostics is based on general examination data and special research methods. Pasternatsky's symptom (pain and the appearance of blood after tapping on the lower back) is positive. Urine analysis reveals hematuria, which can be visible to the naked eye - the color of urine often turns reddish.

Blood appears in the urine due to damage to the mucous membrane of the urinary tract by a passing stone. For diagnosis, it is important that blood appears only in one kidney or ureter. Therefore, it is possible to determine the side of the lesion by drawing urine from separate catheters inserted into the ureters.

However, this method is inappropriate to use - currently, X-ray methods are used to determine the lesion focus.

The clinical picture depends on the size of the stone, so small stones can only cause mild symptoms. Large stones that cannot independently leave the pelvis lead to the development of a chronic variant of the disease. In this case, the patient from time to time notes the appearance of signs of inflammation of the urinary tract, which after treatment temporarily disappear.


Small stones or kidney sand require the patient to follow a diet based on dairy and plant products that do not have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. It is recommended to consume a sufficient amount of vitamins A, D.

An abundant drink is indicated to improve the passage of urine and lavage of the urinary tract. Mineral waters are highly efficient.

Renal colic requires more drastic measures. The patient should be in complete rest, a heating pad is applied to the lumbar region, and warm baths are prescribed in order to reduce muscle spasm. Subcutaneous administration of morphine, promedol or omnopon, as well as atropine is indicated. If there is a cold snap of the extremities, then heating pads are applied to them. If there are cardiac abnormalities, then they are corrected.

Blockage of the ureter by calculus

Removal of large calculi should be surgical, especially in cases where they cause attacks of renal colic or are the cause of inflammation in the urinary tract. Pyelitis and pyelonephritis associated with urolithiasis are treated with the above methods.

Prevention of stone formation consists in a complete balanced diet, as well as in the timely treatment of inflammatory pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Pathology of the ureters

In diseases of these organs, the most common and characteristic symptom is lower back pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe projection of the ureters. This can be a manifestation of urolithiasis, tuberculous lesions, empyema (suppuration) of the ureteral stump. Only a qualified doctor, after carrying out certain diagnostic procedures, will be able to establish the exact cause of the onset of pain.

Inflammation of the bladder mucosa occurs as a result of exposure to microorganisms that enter this organ either from the kidneys or through the urethra. The ascending route of infection is more common.

The triggering factor for the development of the disease is usually hypothermia and a cold. In addition, cystitis is caused by damage to the mucous membrane from urinary stones or irritating chemicals.

Some cases of the disease are associated with non-compliance with the technique of inserting urinary catheters when non-sterile instrumentation is used. More often women are ill, which is caused by the structure of the urinary tract.


Acute cystitis is manifested by an increase in body temperature and general malaise. The patient complains of pain in the lower abdomen, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bladder, radiating to the genitals and urethra. Symptoms such as a frequent urge to urinate are common, and the process of urine expulsion itself is usually not painful.

Cystitis usually presents with lower abdominal pain

The total amount of urine excreted once is reduced, there is pus in it, which makes it cloudy. Sometimes it can have a red tint due to the presence of blood. Flakes may be present in the urine, mucus is a sign of damage to the cystic epithelium. After some time, urine acquires a pungent smell of ammonia, its reaction becomes alkaline.

In chronic cystitis, the clinical picture is much less pronounced, there may be no sharp painful sensations in the lower abdomen. Fever is often absent, the urge to urinate may not bother the patient. In the urine, the presence of pus is determined both in appearance and in the results of the analysis, its reaction is alkaline, the smell is sharp. The duration of the course of acute cystitis with timely treatment does not exceed several weeks, chronic cystitis can disturb for several years, alternating phases of relapse and remission.


Bed mode. Drink plenty of fluids, mostly milk or alkaline mineral waters. Patients are shown a dairy-plant diet, the use of all products that irritate the mucous membrane is prohibited. You should take warm baths, put a heating pad on the lower abdomen.

Antimicrobial therapy consists of the use of sulfonamides and other drugs indicated for pyelitis. In chronic cystitis, washing the bladder cavity with disinfectant solutions is indicated. The rest of the principles of treatment and prevention do not differ from those for pyelitis.

Urinary tract infection (commonly abbreviated as UTI) is a disease that affects an increasing proportion of the population. Everyone is at risk of catching this disease: men, women and children. Statistics show that the female body is more susceptible to this ailment, which is associated with the peculiarities of its structure.

Types of urinary tract infections

Depending on which organ is inflamed from an introduced infection, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  • specific urethritis (develops as a result of ingestion of genital infections);
  • nonspecific urethritis (the inflammatory process is caused by bacteria and fungi introduced not sexually);
  • bacterial prostatitis;
  • cystitis (occurs due to inflammatory processes in the bladder, more common among women);
  • pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidney parenchyma caused by infectious pathogens, at risk of this disease are women 20-25 years old and pregnant women).

Each of these types can take the following forms:

  • complicated (excretory functions are not impaired);
  • uncomplicated (functional disorders of certain organs of the system are observed).
  • hospital (the disease occurs due to medical manipulations);
  • community-acquired (inflammation is not associated with the diagnosis and treatment of any pathologies).

Causes of the disease

Inflammation of the urinary tract occurs due to the entry of pathogens into them (streptococci, chlamydia, Klebsiella, yeast-like fungi, Trichomonas, staphylococci, gonococci, intestinal bacteria).

To avoid infection, it is important to know how the infection enters the urinary tract. The main paths are:

  • from the environment they get onto the mucous membrane of the genitals (for example, after swimming in water bodies, through personal hygiene products, through dirty hands);
  • get out of the rectum after a bowel movement;
  • due to the introduction of the catheter into the urethra and its long-term presence in the body (therefore, you need to watch for its timely replacement);

  • after sexual intercourse;
  • through contraception (diaphragmatic ring, condoms with spermicidal foam).

Additional factors that increase the threat of the disease:

  • congenital pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • non-infectious diseases (kidney stones, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, immunodeficiency, spinal cord dysfunctions);
  • gastrointestinal tract infections;
  • hypothermia;
  • trauma.


Depending on the presence of clinical signs, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  • clinically significant infections;
  • asymptomatic bacteriuria.

Signs of illness depend on the person's age. Parents of newborns should be alarmed by the following symptoms:

  • vomiting;
  • poor appetite;
  • weight gain does not reach the norm;
  • temperature rise;
  • irritability and moodiness;
  • redness of the genitals.

In preschool children, the disease manifests itself as urination disorders:

  • discharge of urine in small portions;
  • pain and cramps when urinating.

Additional manifestations:

  • weakness, nausea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the abdomen.

Adults notice the following symptoms of a urinary tract infection:

  • increased urination;
  • discomfort with urine outflow;
  • general weakness;
  • change in body temperature (fever or chills);
  • pain above the pubis, sometimes radiating to the lower back and lateral parts of the abdomen;
  • an enlarged kidney, which is easily felt when palpating (a sign of pyelonephritis).

Features of the course of the disease in men and women

Representatives of the stronger sex are most often affected by infections due to pathologies of the prostate and urolithiasis. These ailments are the cause of urine stagnation, and the further development of infectious processes. Treatment of the urinary tract in men begins with removing the obstruction that prevents the normal flow of urine.

Urinary tract infections in women are slightly different. The fair sex most often suffer from cystitis, since due to the structural features of their bodies, infections easily enter the body from the environment, so at the first symptoms you need to consult a doctor.

Both sexes are not immune from sexual transmission of harmful organisms.

Do such diseases occur in children?

The most common ways of developing the disease in children:

  • ascending (the urinary tract is affected gradually, the infection "moves" from the lower organs to the upper);
  • transfer of bacteria from the intestine, especially typical for children from 1 to 3 years old, who often have diarrhea.

Symptoms suggestive of infection are listed above.

In infants, it is not easy to identify the disease, as there are difficulties with the collection of urine in the middle portion.

Infectious diseases of the urinary system during pregnancy

Pregnant women very often face infectious diseases of the urinary tract. There are two main reasons for this:

  • violation of hormonal levels due to decreased immunity;
  • displacement of organs that are located next to the genitourinary system, because of this, congestions are formed, which develop into foci of the disease.

Infected urinary tract negatively affects the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy, therefore, expectant mothers should regularly undergo laboratory urine tests.

It is necessary to treat an infectious disease in pregnant women with such drugs that do not harm either the mother or the fetus.


Diagnosis of the disease begins with a general examination by the attending physician, after which the specialist prescribes the studies necessary for the conclusion, the main of which is a general urine analysis. With the help of it, doctors determine the content of leukocytes (it should not exceed 4) and bacteria (should be completely absent).

It is important to remember that an average portion of urinary discharge is suitable for analysis, since the first may contain a "wash" from the genitals, in which bacteria are often detected.

They may also prescribe such laboratory tests:

  • scraping of discharge from the genitals;

These methods are used to detect chlamydia and mycoplasma, as well as to determine the most effective drugs for treatment.

For a more accurate diagnosis, the following examinations are prescribed:

  • x-ray contrast examination or intravenous urography (diagnosis of the state of the genitourinary system, which is also effective for detecting kidney stones);
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;


Treatment of urinary tract infections is usually done conservatively. Therapy begins with taking antibacterial drugs, antibiotics give good results. However, drugs cannot be prescribed without test results.

For urinary tract infections, the most commonly prescribed drugs are:

  • intramuscular ceftriaxone;
  • azithromycin;
  • doxycycline (these drugs are effective for both urethritis and cystitis);
  • fluoroquinolones (for acute cystitis);
  • co-trimoxazole (for urethritis).

These funds are usually used in a complex that is prescribed by the attending physician. The specialist also determines the dosage and duration of the course of therapy.

It is necessary to take antibiotics in combination with other medicines according to the recommendations of a specialist.

If the infection was introduced into the body sexually, both sexual partners need to be treated.

Pyelonephritis is a late stage in the development of an infection in the body, therefore, it requires treatment in a hospital. The peculiarities of his treatment depend on the general condition of the patient, usually parenteral therapy is attributed (about 4-5 days), after which the patient must take the medication by mouth for about 2 more weeks.

Treatment of a urinary tract infection in pregnant women requires a special approach, since not every drug is suitable for them. After prescribing drugs, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist who monitors the course of pregnancy.

Surgical interventions are indicated for:

  • obstructive uropathy;
  • organ pathologies;
  • anomalies of neurogenic origin.

Drainage of the urinary tract is often used.

In folk medicine, it is advised to treat the disease with decoctions of chamomile, bearberry, winter lovers.


Preventive measures are aimed at avoiding the entry of microorganisms into the body:

  • avoiding a bubble bath in favor of a shower, which will minimize infection;
  • taking C vitamins to increase acidity, which kills bacteria
  • refusal from very tight underwear;
  • careful use of contraceptives;
  • drinking enough fluids;
  • avoiding casual sex;
  • avoidance of hypothermia;
  • regular preventive medical examinations.

With a timely visit to a doctor, you can get rid of infectious diseases quite easily and quickly, as well as avoid complications.

Urinary tract infection is a disease that is infectious in nature and affects both men and women, while causing an inflammatory process in the organs of the urinary system. Typically, the most common UTIs involve the urethra, prostate, bladder, renal parenchyma, and interstitial tissue.

To date, UTI is in second place in terms of the prevalence of the disease, which is associated with an infectious nature. According to the latest statistics, due to its anatomical structure, the female population is more prone to UTIs. So, for example, if we compare, then at least 60% of women have experienced symptoms of urinary tract inflammation at least once. But, despite the low probability of developing this disease in men, they not only have a high probability of a long-term nature, but also frequent relapses are possible.

Causes of occurrence

As you know, sterility and resistance to bacterial colonization are the norm of the urinary tract from the kidneys to the external opening in the urethra. The mechanisms that support this condition include: acidity of urine, regular release of the bladder during urination, urethral sphincter and immunological barrier on the mucous membranes.

A urinary tract infection usually occurs when bacteria move upward from the urethra to the bladder and from the ureter to the kidney. This happens due to the fact that the bacteria that cause the inflammatory process most often live in the large intestine and leave during bowel movements. If, for some reason, they enter the urethra, then, moving along the urethral canal, they enter the bladder, where they cause the onset of the inflammatory process.

The possibility of developing this disease is not excluded after the introduction of a catheter into the urethra, which is usually used in medical institutions to control urine output. In this case, an infection of the urinary tract occurs through the prolonged presence of the catheter, which provokes the accumulation and reproduction of microorganisms, followed by inflammation of the corresponding organs. That is why experienced doctors perform timely replacement of catheters with their subsequent sanitation.

Do not forget that a disease such as diabetes mellitus, due to disorders in the immune system, can also cause the development of infectious inflammation in the kidneys.

It is worth noting the fact that at the moment there is a urinary tract infection, the causes and manifestations of which are still not known and not 100% studied.

It has been proven that this pathology appears in women using the diaphragmatic ring as a method of contraception. There is also a high probability of developing this disease in women whose sexual partners use condoms with spermicidal foam.

The risk of developing UTIs is also high in people who do not drink large amounts of fluids and have problems urinating.

Urinary tract infection: symptoms

As a rule, this pathology refers to diseases of a latent or latent nature. Detailed questioning may reveal complaints of frequent and painful urination, a feeling of a slight burning sensation in the bladder or urethra during urination. This disease is quite often accompanied by poor health, rapid fatigue and weakness throughout the body. Feelings of mild discomfort in the groin area are possible. The peculiarities of the manifestation of this pathology include false urge to urinate, in which urine is excreted in very small portions. It should be noted that a urinary tract infection, the symptoms of which are manifested by cloudy urine and severe back pain, is a characteristic manifestation of a strong inflammatory process in the kidney area.


First of all, after a general examination, the attending physician assigns a list of studies, the main of which is a general urine test, which allows to determine the level of leukocytes and the number of bacteria. It should be borne in mind that in some situations the first portion is not always informative, as it can give a false positive result due to the ingress of "flush" from the genital area into it, as a rule, this happens most often in women. Given the fact that this wash may also contain bacteria, the reliability of the analysis is questionable. Based on this, the optimal portion is the middle portion - urine, which comes from the urinary tract located at the top. It is she who, after receiving, is sent for laboratory research.

The norm is the results in which the number of leukocytes does not exceed 4 and the bacterial flora is completely absent.

But it is worth remembering that, for example, mycoplasma or chlamydia is an infection of the urinary tract that is not detected in the above way. In this case, it is recommended to use a bacterial culture of urine or scraping of secretions from the genitals, after the use of which not only the number of bacteria and leukocytes becomes known, but complete information is provided on those drugs that will be most effective in this situation.

Attention! As an additional diagnostic option, you can use the PCR method, which is used in the case when, after a bacterial inoculation, the pathogen is not identified, and signs of urinary tract infection persist.

To reveal a more complete picture, specialists can also prescribe a radiopaque examination, which consists in assessing the structure and condition of the urinary system. This examination is called intravenous urography. Its use not only allows you to obtain auxiliary information about the state of internal organs, but also to detect possible deviations from the norm or the presence of kidney stones.

One should also not exclude the significance of the results of ultrasound examination of the kidneys and cystoscopy of the bladder, which are not only combined with other laboratory tests, but are often used as a primary diagnosis for making a preliminary diagnosis.

Manifestation of UTI in men

Urinary tract infection in men manifests itself most often due to urolithiasis or with an enlarged prostate, that is, with situations where there are obstacles that prevent the normal outflow of urine. As practice shows, there are frequent cases of inflammatory processes after instrumental examination methods. Based on this, the best option in the treatment of this pathology is to get rid of this obstacle.

Practice shows that chronic infection in the prostate gland can create additional difficulties in the treatment of the disease. This is due to the fact that an antibiotic is required for urinary tract infection with further prescription of restorative therapy. It should be borne in mind that the choice of antibiotic should be based on previously conducted studies, which should confirm its high sensitivity to this microorganism.

UTI classification

Urethritis is one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases of the urinary tract. Distinguish between specific and non-specific. The specific inflammatory process in the urethra, the causative agents of which are various genital infections. In contrast to the specific causative agents of nonspecific urethritis are bacteria, fungi and other infections, for example, herpes infection of the urinary tract, the treatment of which begins with taking antiviral drugs.

The main symptoms are:

  1. A burning sensation while urinating.
  2. Discharge from the urethra.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder characterized by frequent and painful urination. The beautiful half of humanity is most susceptible to this disease. The main cause of cystitis is called urinary tract infections in women, but one should not exclude:

  1. Hypothermia.
  2. Unprotected sexual intercourse.
  3. Gastrointestinal tract infections.
  4. Instrumental interventions.

Bacterial damage to the kidney parenchyma is called pyelonephritis. But this designation should not be confused with tubulointerstitial nephropathy, at least until the documents indicating an infectious lesion are received. According to the latest statistical data, it is indicated that less than 20% of community-acquired bacteremia in females developed as a result of pyelonephritis. It is worth noting that pyelonephritis in men develops only in the presence of urinary tract pathology. Symptoms in acute pyelonephritis are similar to cystitis. The hallmark of the presence of this disease are:

  1. Severe fever and chills.
  2. Pain in the side.
  3. Nausea and vomiting.
  4. Easily palpable enlarged kidney.

Most often, pyelonephritis is diagnosed in pregnant women or girls aged 20-25 years. It should be noted that this urinary tract infection in children practically does not occur.

Manifestations of UTIs in Children

The manifestations of this pathology are characteristic not only of adults, but also of children. So, today, the main ways of spreading the disease in children include:

  1. Ascending. Most often seen in girls.
  2. Lymphogenous. Typical for children aged 1-3 years. Frequent constipation or diarrhea are considered favorable factors in order for a urinary tract infection in children to progress.
  3. Hematogenous. Refers to one of the most rare ways of developing the disease. As a rule, it occurs in newborns as a complication of sepsis.

It is worth noting that in 90% of cases, the causative agent is Escherichia coli, which, getting into the urethra, causes an inflammatory process there.

The manifestation of this disease includes:

  1. Red spots on the external genitals and in the anus.
  2. Moodiness and decreased activity.
  3. Decreased or no appetite.

Sadly, but a urinary tract infection in infants is difficult to diagnose. This is due to the fact that an express urine test is used to make the correct diagnosis, and in order for its readings to be not distorted, an average portion of urine is needed, which is rather difficult to take from young children.

The occurrence of UTIs in pregnant women

Sadly, but the development of this pathology in pregnant women is much higher than in other people. Such a high incidence rate, according to medical experts, is associated with several reasons. The main ones are called:

  1. Hormonal imbalance, which manifests itself in pregnant women as a result of a decrease in immunity.
  2. A change in the position of organs that are located adjacent to the urinary system and specifically to the organs of secretion. An example is the increase in pressure created by the pregnant uterus on the bladder and ureters, which, in turn, leads to the development of stagnation in the urinary system, which leads to the growth and multiplication of bacteria in the body, which results in a urinary tract infection during pregnancy. That is why regular monitoring of the state of urine discharge by a medical specialist is one of the priority tasks of the expectant mother.

Urinary tract infection: treatment, drugs

As a rule, the treatment of this disease begins with taking antibacterial drugs. Exceptions are obstructive uropathies, various anatomical and neurogenic anomalies that require surgical intervention. Drainage of the urinary tract with a catheter has proven itself well. But it is necessary to limit or even temporarily postpone instrumental intervention in the lower parts of the urinary tract, susceptible to this pathology.

As practice shows, urinary tract infection, which later causes urethritis, is diagnosed in overly sexually active patients. To date, experts have recommended prescribing preventive therapy until the test results for STIs are obtained. Of the main treatment regimens, one can single out the appointment of ceftriaxone 125 intramuscularly, 1 g of azithromycin once or 100 mg of doxycycline 2 times a day for a week. For men who have bacteria, viruses, or fungi in urethritis, fluoroinchonols are prescribed for up to 2 weeks. Women are shown treatment according to the scheme identical to the treatment for cystitis.

Treatment of cystitis usually consists in a 3-day course of taking fluoroquinolones, which are not only an effective remedy for the manifestation of symptoms of acute cystitis, but also eliminate aggressive microorganisms both in the vagina and in the gastrointestinal tract. It should be borne in mind that this drug is only an operative aid at the first manifestations of cystitis and only a further appeal to a specialist can help answer the question: "How to treat a urinary tract infection?"

Pyuria, the causative agent of which is considered to be C. trachomats, causes urethritis in women. Treatment in this case is necessary for both the woman herself and her sexual partner. As a rule, one course of therapy with a drug sensitive to the identified microorganism is sufficient for complete recovery. But there are times when it is not enough, and in repeated analyzes, a high level of leukocytes is again revealed together with a previously detected pathogen. Then it is recommended to pass additional tests for the presence of pyelonephritis and undergo a 2-week course of treatment with co-trimoxazoles.

When asymptomatic bacteriuria is diagnosed in elderly people or with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, treatment is usually not prescribed. But it is worth noting that in the presence of even asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women, like any other UTI, it requires antibacterial treatment. The only difference depends on the fact that not every drug can be suitable for women in position.

Today it is believed that acute pyelonephritis is a urinary tract infection, the treatment of which is possible only in inpatient medical institutions. As medical practice shows, the course of treatment largely depends on the initial condition of the patient, the presence of nausea, vomiting and fever. The standard treatment regimen includes parenteral therapy, which should be based on the drugs most sensitive to infection. It is recommended to continue the prescribed therapy until the onset of clinical improvement, which usually occurs within 4-5 days. Further, drugs are already prescribed for oral administration for up to 2 weeks.

Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of pyelonephritis in pregnant women. In this case, in addition to compulsory hospitalization, parenteral therapy with p-lactams is used.


In parallel with medications, it is recommended to use various collections of herbs that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. One of the indisputable advantages of such herbs is that they are completely devoid of side effects, which cannot be said about antibiotics, is it? Some of the most popular herbs that have an antibacterial effect include bearberry, chamomile, winter lover.


Prevention of urinary tract infections with frequent relapses in women is as follows:

  1. Drinking cranberry juice can significantly reduce the incidence of pyuria and bacteriuria.
  2. Replacing the bubble bath with a shower, as this will minimize the entry of bacteria into the urethra.
  3. Limiting douching and the use of various sprays that can cause irritation with further infection.
  4. Moderate consumption of drinks and foods containing caffeine.
  5. At the slightest manifestation of symptoms of inflammation, immediately take vitamins of group C, which increase the level of urine acidity, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the number of bacteria in the urinary tract.
  6. In limited use of foods that can irritate the bladder.
  7. Avoiding tight-fitting underwear.
  8. Immediate urination immediately after intercourse.
  9. Refusal to use spirals and rings.
  10. Non-hypothermia.
  11. Drinking a lot of fluids. It is recommended that you drink at least 14 glasses of water a day.

If, nevertheless, exacerbations do not decrease, then with a preventive purpose, the intake of antibacterial drugs inside can be prescribed. For example, a single dose of 50 mg nitrofurantoin or co-trimoxazole 40/200 mg.

But it should be borne in mind that when taking some antibiotics, the intestinal-hepatic circulation of estrogens is disrupted, which can negatively affect the effectiveness of oral contraceptives that a woman takes.

Preventive measures in pregnant women, as a rule, are no different than in non-pregnant women.

Remember that more detailed information about this pathology can be found in the section of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) "Urinary Tract Infection".

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