Wii summary for the reader's diary. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. If he hadn't looked ...

Repair from ZERO online 02.10.2020
Repair from ZERO online

The most anticipated event for seminarians is graduation from seminary. Small groups of seminarians leave Kiev, earning food by singing sacred songs in wealthy farms.

Three seminarians - Khalyava, Khoma Brut and Tiberiy Gorobets - lose their way in the dark and go out to the farm. The old hostess allows the seminarians to stay overnight, but with one condition - each will sleep in a separate place. Home Brutus gets a sheep shed. Trying to sleep, Brutus notices that an old woman has entered the barn. She flashes her eyes, catches Brutus and climbs onto his shoulders. Homa realizes that this is a witch, but she is already flying with him above the ground. Brutus tries to remember all the prayers, feeling that the witch is weakening. Dodging, Brutus manages to jump out from under the witch. He immediately jumps onto her back, grabs the block and begins to beat the old witch with it. She screams and soon falls to the ground, but immediately turns into a young girl who lies in front of Brutus with dying groans. Horrified, Khoma rushes back to Kiev at full speed.

The rector of the seminary summons Brutus and instructs him to go to a distant farm to a wealthy centurion to read prayer prayers - his daughter returned from a walk badly beaten. The last wish of the young girl was for Khoma to read her waste for three days. So that he did not slip away on the road, a wagon and 6 big guys were sent especially for him. When Khoma gets to the farm, the centurion wonders how he knows his daughter and where they met. Brutus himself does not know this, but when he approaches the coffin, he recognizes the witch in the dead girl.

During dinner, Khoma listens to many stories about the tricks of the young witch. Towards nightfall he is taken to the church with a coffin, where he is locked. He approaches the choir to read prayers and draws a circle around himself. While reading the prayers, the witch rises from the coffin, but cannot overcome the circle line. She lies down in a coffin and begins to fly in it, but Khoma is protected by prayers and a delineated circle. The coffin falls and the green corpse body of the witch appears from it, but the rooster's cry makes the witch fall back into the coffin. The lid slams shut.

During the day, Khoma sleeps, drinks and wanders around the farm, but the closer the evening, the more obese he becomes. In the evening he is again taken to church. There he again outlines a circle around himself and begins to read a prayer aloud. The corpse of the witch is already very close, she stands and looks at him with her dead eyes, muttering curses and spells, whose power generates the wind inside the church, and a horde of evil spirits begins to burst at the door. But, with the first crow of a rooster, evil retreats again. Homa turns gray from fear, and in the morning he is found barely alive. Khoma begs the centurion to let him go, but he does not give in to persuasion and only threatens a terrible punishment for disobedience. Then Khoma decides to run away, but gets caught.

The third and final night is coming. The unbearable silence inside the church is broken by the clang of the iron coffin lid. The witch clicks her teeth, spews spells with a squeal, doors fall from their hinges and a horde of various monsters makes their way inside, bringing in the sound of wings and claws scratching. With the rest of his strength, Khoma reads prayers.

The witch demands that Viy be brought to her. A terrible, undersized monster with an iron face enters the church with heavy steps. This leader of evil spirits orders to raise his iron eyelids. Khoma's inner voice tells him not to look, but he cannot control himself and looks. Viy points to Khoma with his finger and says: “Here he is!” Immediately all the evil spirits rush to Khoma and the spirit leaves his body. The second time a rooster crows, the first cry is heard by the evil spirits. They run away, but it's too late The church forever remains with the evil spirits stuck in windows and doors, it is overgrown with weeds and now no one will ever find a way to it.

Khoma's friends Tiberius and Freebie learn about his fate and begin to commemorate him in Kiev. After the third glass, friends come to the conclusion that the philosopher died because of fear.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol - the most screened work of the writer.

The most long-awaited event for the seminary is the vacancies when the bursaks (state-owned seminarians) go home. In groups they set off from Kiev along the high road, earning a living by spiritual chants in prosperous farms.

Three students: the theologian Freebie, the philosopher Khoma Brut and the rhetorician Tiberiy Gorobets, - lost in the night from the road, go to the farm. The old hostess lets the campers spend the night on the condition that they put everyone in different places.

Homa Brut is about to fall asleep dead in an empty sheep shed, when suddenly an old woman enters. Glittering eyes, she catches Homa and jumps onto his shoulders. “Hey, this is a witch,” the student guesses, but already rushing over the ground, sweat is rolling down from him like hail. He begins to remember all the prayers and feels that the witch is weakening at the same time. With the speed of lightning, Khoma manages to jump out from under the old woman, jumps on her back, picks up a log and begins to haunt the witch. Wild screams are heard, the old woman falls exhausted to the ground - and now a young beauty lies in front of Khoma with her last moans. In fear, the student starts to run at full speed and returns to Kiev.

Khoma summons the rector and orders him to go to a distant farm to the richest centurion - to read prayer prayers for his daughter, who has returned from a walk beaten. The dying wish of the lady: the seminarian Homa Brut should read her three nights away.

To prevent him from escaping along the road, a wagon and six healthy Kozaks were sent. When the student is brought in, the centurion asks him where he met his daughter. But Khoma himself does not know this. When he is taken to the coffin, he recognizes the witch in the little girl.
At dinner, the student listens to Kozakov's stories about the tricks of the lady-witch. By nightfall, he is locked in the church, where the coffin is. Khoma goes to the choir and begins to read prayers. The witch rises from the coffin, but stumbles upon the circle outlined by Homa around her. She returns to the coffin, flies around the church in it, but loud prayers and a circle protect Homa. The coffin falls, the green corpse rises from it, but the distant cry of a rooster is heard. The witch falls into the coffin, and the lid slams shut.

During the day, the student sleeps, drinks vodka, wanders around the village, and by evening he becomes more and more thoughtful. He is again taken to church. He draws a lifeline, reads aloud, and looks up. The corpse is already standing nearby, gazing at it with dead, green eyes. The wind carries the terrible words of witch spells through the church, countless evil spirits are breaking through the doors. The rooster's cry stops the demons again
sky action. Homa, who has become gray, is found barely alive in the morning. He asks the centurion to let him go, but he threatens with terrible punishment for disobedience. Khoma tries to escape but is caught.

The silence of the third hellish night inside the church explodes with the crash of the iron coffin lid. The witch's teeth chatter, spells screech, doors break off their hinges, and the immeasurable power of monsters fills the room with the sound of wings and claws. Khoma is already singing prayers with his last strength. "Bring Viy!" shouts the witch. A squat clubfoot monster with an iron face, the leader of evil spirits, with heavy steps enters the church. He orders to lift his eyelids. "Don't look!" - he hears the inner voice of Khoma, but can not resist and looks. "Here he is!" - points Viy at him with an iron finger. The impure force rushes at the philosopher, and the spirit flies out of him. This is the second time a rooster cries, the first was the spirits. They rush away, but they don't have time. So the church remains forever, with monsters stuck in the doors and windows, overgrown with weeds, and no one will find a way to it now.

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol is a famous Russian writer. We are familiar with his works from school. We all remember his "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", "Dead Souls" and other famous creations. In 1835, he finished his mystical story "Viy" Gogol. The summary of the work presented in this article will help to refresh the memory of the main points of the plot. The story stands apart in the writer's work. Viy is an ancient Slavic demonic creature. It could kill with just one look. Gogol embodied his image in his story. The work "Viy" was not appreciated by critics in its time. Belinsky called the story "fantastic", devoid of useful content. But Nikolai Vasilievich himself attached great importance to this work. He altered it several times, deleting the details of the description of the terrible fairy-tale creatures that killed the main character. The story was published in the collection "Mirgorod".

"Viy", Gogol (summary): introduction

The most awaited event for the students at the Kiev Seminary is the vacancies when all students go home. They go home in groups, earning spiritual chants along the way. Three students: the philosopher Khoma Brut, the theologian Freebie and the rhetorician Tiberiy Gorodets - go astray. At night, they go out to an abandoned farm, where they knock on the first hut with a request to allow them to spend the night. The old mistress agrees to let them in on the condition that they lie in different places. She defines Homa Bruta for the night in an empty sheep shed. Not having time to close his eyes, the student sees the old woman entering him. Her look seems sinister to him. He realizes that this is a witch. The old woman walks up to him and quickly jumps on his shoulders. Before the philosopher has time to recover, he is already flying through the night sky with a witch on his back. Khoma tries to whisper prayers and feels that the old woman is weakening. Having chosen the moment, he slips out from under the cursed witch, sits on her and begins to haunt her with a log. Exhausted, the old woman falls to the ground, and the philosopher continues to beat her. Moans are heard, and Khoma Brut sees a young beauty lying in front of him. In fear, he runs away.

"Viy", Gogol (summary): development of events

Soon the rector of the seminary summons Khoma to him and informs him that a rich centurion from a distant farm had sent for him a wagon and six healthy Cossacks to take the seminary to read prayers over his deceased daughter, who returned from a walk beaten. When the student is brought to the farm, the centurion asks him where he could meet his daughter. After all, the last wish of the lady is for the seminarian Homa Brut to read the booklet about her. Bursak says he doesn't know his daughter. But when he sees her in the coffin, he notes with fear that this is the same witch he was loving with a log. At dinner, the villagers tell Homa different stories about the deceased lady. Many of them noticed that the hell was going on with her. By nightfall, the seminarian is taken to the church, where the coffin stands, and locked there. Approaching the choir, Khoma draws a protective circle around him and begins to read prayers aloud. By midnight, the witch rises from the coffin and tries to find the student. The protective circle prevents her from doing this. Khoma reads prayers with his last breath. Then the crowing of a rooster is heard, and the witch returns to the coffin. Its lid slams shut. The next day, the seminarian asks the centurion to let him go home. When he refuses this request, he tries to escape from the farm. They catch him and by nightfall they again take him to church and lock him up. There Khoma, not yet having time to draw a circle, sees that the witch has risen from the coffin again and is walking around the church - looking for him. She casts spells. But the circle again prevents her from catching the philosopher. Brutus hears the countless army of evil spirits breaking into the church. With his last strength, he reads prayers. The crowing of a rooster is heard and everything disappears. In the morning Khoma is taken out of the church gray-haired.

"Viy", Gogol (summary): denouement

It was time for the third night of the seminarist reading the prayers in the church. The same circle protects Homa. The witch is on a rampage. bursting into the church, trying to find and grab the student. The latter continues to read prayers, trying not to look at the spirits. Then the witch shouts: "Bring Viy!" Walking heavily, a squat monster with large eyelids enters the church. An inner voice tells Homa that it is impossible to look at Viy. The monster demands that his eyelids be opened. The evil spirits rush to carry out this order. The seminarian, unable to resist, casts a glance at Viy. He notices him and points at him with an iron finger. All the evil spirits rush to Homa, who immediately gives up the spirit. The crowing of a rooster is heard. The monsters rush out of the church. But this is already the second cry, the first they did not hear. The evil spirits do not have time to leave. The Church remains standing with evil spirits stuck in the cracks. Nobody else will come here anymore. After all these events, Freebie and Tiberiy Gorodets, having learned about the plight of Khoma, remember the soul of the departed. They conclude that he died of fear.

The work "Viy" is not included in the compulsory program for the study of literature in general education schools. But we are very interested in it. This mystical tale allows you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of ancient fabulous legends (here is its brief retelling). "Viy" Gogol wrote more than a century and a half ago. Then the work caused a lot of talk and talk. Nowadays it is read with no less trepidation.

The most terrible, in the opinion of many readers, the story of NV Gogol - "Viy" - first saw the light in the collection "Mirgorod", published in 1835. In terms of subject matter and style, it clearly differs from other works, for they are historical in nature, like "Taras Bulba", or everyday, like "The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich."

The author borrowed the basis of the plot from Ukrainian folklore, because he himself was originally from Ukraine by nationality. However, the folklore, fairytale tradition is only an external canvas, according to which Gogol "embroiders" his own designs. So he himself was somewhat cunning when, in a note to the publication of the story, he indicated that he decided to tell the folklore story to readers in almost the same form in which he himself had heard it once.

By 1835, the author of "The Inspector General" and "Dead Souls" had not yet ceased to be a romantic in his writing and artistic style. Thus, taking a fairy tale folk story as a basis, Gogol developed it in a new, original way, introduced new episodes, detailed descriptions of the scene and characteristics of the main characters into the text.

Stylistics of the work

One cannot but pay attention to the fact that in terms of stylistics and figurative system "Viy" by Gogol is adjacent to those of his stories that formed the basis of his first collection - "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka." Motives associated with the appearance of evil spirits are found in "May Night", "Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala" and especially in "Terrible Vengeance".

How can you pass by! ..

In Soviet times, the film adaptation of Viy was a huge event, where the role of the witch-lady was shone by the "Caucasian Captive" - \u200b\u200bactress Natalya Varley. However, she remembered this role for a long time - after all, then she had to repent for participating in the film and for agreeing to such a role. After all, touching evil spirits and the devil rarely leaves a trace even for a strong-willed person.

The most anticipated event for the seminary is the vacancies. There comes a time when the students are dismissed to their homes. And then in large groups they disperse from Kiev in all directions. If the path is not short, then you have to earn a living by spiritual chants. Especially it makes sense to do this, passing through more or less prosperous farms. Three friends - the theologian Freebie, the rhetorician Tiberiy Gorobets and the seminarian Homa Brut - lost their way because of the nightfall. An old woman on the outskirts of the farm lets them stay for the night, but she makes a condition that everyone should lie down in different places.

Fight with the witch

Home was given a place in the sheep shed. He had already begun to drift off to sleep, when suddenly an old mistress appears, who turns out to be a real witch. She deftly jumps onto Home's shoulders. Seconds - and both of them soar into the sky. Home is hard, sweat rolls off him like hail. He has to remember various prayers and shout them out loud in a confused voice. The effect is - the witch begins to weaken. They change places. Now Khoma is riding the old woman. He grabs a log that has come to hand and, with all the strength, begins to haunt the witch with it. The old woman falls to the ground, dead, letting out several wild screams. And suddenly she turns into a fatal beauty. Horror-stricken Homa hurries away. He returns to Kiev.

After some time, the rector summons him and orders him to gather in a distant farm, where a certain rich centurion lives, whose only beloved daughter recently died. Before her death, she ordered the bursak Homa Brut to read on her prayer prayers. Homa tries to resist the boss's will, feeling some kind of catch. However, he does not have to choose - the centurion sent several healthy Cossacks to accompany the student.

Terrible discovery

Upon arrival, Khoma visits the centurion. He wondered where he met his late daughter. Khoma replies that he has no idea about her. And only when he approaches the coffin, then at the same second with horror realizes that in front of him is the witch he has killed. At dinner, Khoma had heard enough of the Cossack stories about what the little girl did during her lifetime, and his blood froze in his veins at the mere thought that he would have to be left alone with this devil's coffin for three whole nights.

And now the time of the first night comes. The church, where the coffin stands, is tightly locked. Khoma begins his direct duties, approaches the kliros and from there begins to read the prescribed prayers. The witch at first does not show any signs of life, but then rises from the coffin, begins to rush around the church.

Intuitively, Khoma understands that he can be saved only if he draws a chalk circle around himself, which he does exactly. The witch is angry and rampant, but she cannot do anything. Therefore, he changes tactics - he returns to the coffin, he rises into the air and flies around the church, but everything is in vain - loud prayers and a circle reliably protect Homa from evil spirits. The coffin falls. A green corpse rises from it. The distant crowing of a rooster is heard heralding the coming of the morning. The witch falls back into the coffin and the lid slams shut behind her.

She's not alone anymore!

During the day Khoma tries to come to his senses, then sleeps, then kisses the vodka, then wanders aimlessly around the farm. However, it is not possible to unwind and drive away gloomy thoughts. The closer to evening, the more thoughtful Homa becomes.

In the evening he is again taken to church and locked up there. He again draws a saving ring, begins to read prayers aloud. When he looks up from the book, the witch is already standing by. The witch also hisses her spells. They are echoed by other unclean forces breaking in the doors. And the second time the crowing of a rooster puts an end to the demonic action that has taken place.

Khoma turned gray during that night. They find him barely alive. Khoma begs the centurion to let him go in peace, fearing that he will not survive the third night. However, the centurion threatens to throw lashes at Homa if he decides to disobey and run away. And although he really tries to run, he escapes not far. They catch him and bring him back.

If he hadn't looked ...

On the third night, the iron lid of the coffin flies apart. The witch clicks her teeth in anger, her shrill spells are spread throughout the church aisle, calling for help from ghouls and ghouls. Finally, the doors of the church still break off their hinges, and the entire interior space fills with a host, where one is more disgusting than the other. Wings rustle, claws scratching is heard.

Gathering his last strength, Khoma continues to read prayers. The witch calls for help Viy - a squat clubfoot monster with an iron face. He is considered the leader of all evil spirits. Viy enters the church with heavy steps and orders him to raise his eyelids.

You can also read the summary. This work is considered one of the most mystical works of Gogol.

Our next article is devoted to yet another Chekhov ““, where the author humorously tells about one case from the life of a nobleman who had a severe toothache.

An inner voice whispers to Homa not to look up. However, curiosity overpowers horror - Homa looks up and they meet Viy's eyes. He points to Homa. Chalk circle magic no longer works. The whole host of evil spirits rushes at the philosopher and he falls dead.

Abused church and commemoration

For all these events, the rooster cried for the second time. Demons scatter in all directions, but not all have time to hide, some get stuck in the window openings. The church remains standing, gradually overgrown with weeds and covered with moss. This place in the district is rightly considered damned. Having learned about the terrible fate of their comrade, Tiberiy Gorobets and Freebie decide to commemorate Khoma with vodka. They consider cowardice to be the main reason for his death.

Contemporary directors also do not lose sight of Gogol's masterpiece. So, already this year, a fundamentally new film adaptation of the story was released, filmed several years ago, but, apparently, due to financial difficulties, which was not released in wide distribution on time. The film is remarkable and original in its own way, however, we have to admit that it has a very weak relationship to Gogol's masterpiece.

The picture was filmed in an indefinite, mixed genre - either a thriller or a psychological detective story. The names of Gogol's characters have been preserved, but the plot has been completely rewritten. Therefore, if you really decide to watch such a movie, it is better to present the original source. This will help in the subsequent comparison, although cinema and literature are still different forms of art.

There are many famous writers who tell scary stories to the reader. Of the Western authors, two stand out: Howard Lovecraft and the modern king of horrors - Stephen King. But there is one work in world literature that is worse than all the legacy of famous writers put together. Of course, we are talking about the story "Viy" (Gogol). Its summary will be presented to the reader in this article.

Three students of the Kiev Theological Seminary

The story begins with a description of the ordinary student life of that time. The writer gives you a feel for what it was like to be a student in theological seminary in the 19th century. We find the characters just at the moment when the classes are over and the young people are dismissed for the holidays.

As now, in those days, large cities accumulated students who (some less, and some more) wanted to study. And, as a rule, they were not from Kiev. And that means, to get to the house, they had to walk.

Some, however, did not return home at all, finding tutoring places for themselves during the holidays in wealthy village houses near a large city of the Russian Empire. The young people who set out on the road made a living by singing spiritual songs, and the pious peasants brought them lard, vodka and sometimes invited them to stay.

Three students took a wrong turn and lost their way. Their names are: Freebie (theologian), Khoma Brut (philosopher) and Tiberiy Gorobets (rhetorician).

They already wanted to spend the night in an open field in which they found themselves, when suddenly they came across an abandoned farm. They began to knock on the gate and finally got their way: the old woman responded. She told them that her yard was full of guests and there was no room. The young people still begged the grandmother. But the old woman was cunning, she divided the company and put the young people apart from each other.

This is how Gogol begins his story "Viy". Its summary does not seem so scary yet. Wait, the most interesting thing begins further, when Homa Brutus, tired, was already almost asleep.

An old woman came to his barn. He, as a student and a young man, thought that they visited him in order to have fun. But the grandmother's eyes glittered unkindly, and H. Brutus realized that an old woman had come for his life.

A cinematic fight with an old woman

Then everything was like in a movie. The old woman jumps on the shoulders of Homa and, until he comes to his senses, makes him roll her with witchcraft. Moreover, the magic is so strong that it raises both the "horse" and the "rider" into the air. The philosopher sweats and remembers prayers. The witch grows weak. The pair sinks to the ground. Khoma picks up a log from the ground and begins to beat the old woman mercilessly.

Dying, the "kind" mistress of the farm turns into a young girl of heavenly beauty. Khoma sees this and with fright finds the road that leads him all the way to Kiev.

This part of the work "Viy" (Gogol) ends intriguingly. The summary is only gaining momentum and moving on.

Pan's call

The main character, Khoma, is invited by the rector of the theological seminary and says that some well-to-do man is calling for a philosopher. The rector says that his daughter recently came, she was barely alive and ordered that H. Brutus read the last prayers for her.

At first, the student, feeling that something was wrong, decided to flee, but the rector took the necessary precautions so that the orphan would not go anywhere. In addition, men were sent for the philosopher - the servants of the Pan, so that they would personally bring him.

In other words, Homa has not gone anywhere. The men arrived and they set off in the direction of Pan. Of course, the trip was not without booze. Here N. V. Gogol (“Viy”: a summary is in the focus of our attention) is extremely realistic.

The main thing is that the Cossacks who were sent for Khoma, in a drunken swagger, almost let him go, but then everything fell through at the last moment. The good story is that it keeps you in suspense from beginning to end.

Pannochka, it turns out, is a witch!

For some time Brutus walked around the neighborhood, then he was brought to the Pan, who "has been waiting for him for a long time." The acquaintance of the employer and the mercenary takes place in a rich room, where there is a coffin with the body of the deceased. Khoma does not dare to look at the girl, but then, when the pan and the hero have already discussed the conditions (the hero will read the prayers for 3 days, and the inconsolable father will pay him well), the philosopher nevertheless saw the heavenly beauty of the young maiden, and then the thought came: “ Witch!" Khoma even shouted this word, since the master was no longer in the room. He recognized her.

This is how Gogol skillfully twists the plot of the story "Viy". The summary continues the main intrigue: will the orphan philosopher withstand the fight with evil spirits?

Scary stories about the little girl instead of parting words. The first day

One thing was good in all this: Homa was fed and watered completely free of charge. The peasants (the same Cossacks who brought him to the farm) loved to get together in the late afternoon and tell stories. During Khoma's "first shift", of course, the conversation turned to the little girl and the question of whether she was a witch or not. The peasants agreed that she knew the unclean, how to give to drink, knew. They told two stories about the witch. According to the first, she harassed the hunter Mikita. Only ash remained from him. According to legend, he burned himself alive. And according to another story, the lady drank the blood of a one-year-old baby and killed his mother.

Fueled with optimism, Khoma went to the outskirts of the village, to an old ramshackle church, to read prayers for the dead. A summary of the story "Viy" (Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol - its author) enters the phase of furious action.

As S. Dovlatov likes to write, we outline the rest of the events of this day in dotted lines. The coffin with the lady's body was placed in the church. They locked Homa with him. The hero decided to light all the candles so that there was more light, he began to read prayers. The dead woman got up and began to walk around the church, as if looking for someone. Khoma drew a circle and began to recite special spells, which he had been taught by a monk who was a great specialist in protection against dark forces.

How much time has passed is not known, but the night gave way to early morning and the philosopher was encouraged by the first crow of the cock. Then he was replaced. Of course, by that time no one went to church. Khoma fell asleep with difficulty that day and slept until lunchtime.

Second day. The dark force attacks

Everything was the same as yesterday. They locked it up again, and the end of the world began again. This time, Homa was so scared that it was just horror. This time Pannochka still could not see Homa, but she called for help from black energy, performed unclean satanic spells - the church was filled with the sound of the wings of bats and other evil spirits. Homa was saved by roosters again. True, now, in order to leave the church, the hero needed support. And he turned all gray.

Day three. Viy's appearance and the death of a philosopher

On the third day, the hero realized that he might not be able to do it, went to the master, laid out everything to him. And he only told him that she knew her daughter, and therefore her last will was that. Go, they say, Khoma, and I will not stay in debt. The hero decided to flee, but he was stopped by the Cossacks and escorted to the church.

On the third day, the satanic bacchanalia reached its climax. The unclean force still circled around Khoma, but did not see him. Then the dead lady shouted: “Bring Viy! Follow Viy! "

A small note: Viy is a scary creature with very heavy eyelids and eyelashes (that's why he says: “Raise my eyelids!”, He himself is not able to cope with this task). His look is fatal to a person.

Viy was brought in, his eyelids were lifted. He saw Homa, and he died of fear. This is where Gogol actually ends the story called Viy. The summary (let everyone understand the meaning of the scary tale for himself) is also coming to an end. One thing is for sure: there is no special morality in the narrative told by N.V. Gogol, no.

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