Top healthy foods for immunity. What foods improve immunity? TOP products for immunity. Whole grain porridge

Jigsaws and circular saws 18.07.2020
Jigsaws and circular saws

Proper nutrition is the foundation of our health and wellness. Very often we forget about such necessary and beneficial for the immune system and for the body as a whole, food products that improve our well-being, giving vitality and energy.

Our health and condition of the body directly depend on the quality of the foods we eat and a balanced diet.

Therefore, it is very important to monitor our daily food intake, trying to enrich our diet with healthy and tasty foods that contain vital and essential substances.

Useful products for the immune system can eliminate and prevent various diseases and poor health. For example, if you formulate a diet correctly and competently, you can get rid of drowsiness, fatigue and weakness.

An active rhythm of life and a huge number of activities lead to the fact that our body does not properly rest and suffers from stress and overwork.

Products that increase immunity also help fight viral infections and colds, which is extremely important in the cold season, when the body resists various negative factors affecting it.

Be sure to include in your diet the most healthy foods for the immune system, which will strengthen it, and you will forget about what malaise, weakness and feeling unwell.

Let's take a closer look at the healthier and better immune health foods you need to include in your diet right now.

Healthy foods for immunity: ginger

To increase immunity, it is great to use ginger root, which contains a large amount of vitamins useful for the body, such as C, B1, B2, A.

Also, ginger, as a product to enhance immunity, contains phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, sodium, essential oils and other useful elements.

Ginger root has a very pleasant and refreshing aroma, similar to lemon, the taste of ginger is spicy and baking. Ginger is a good helper in the fight against infections and various bacteria, stimulating the immune system and positively affecting the digestion of food.

Useful ginger for enhancing immunity, using it in tea and as a seasoning for cooking various dishes, seasoning it with sauces, adding it to salad dressings, and alcoholic drinkslike mulled wine.

Best foods to boost immunity: honey

Honey is an excellent product for enhancing immunity, both during the period of a cold, and as a prophylactic... Collected from different plants, for example, linden and buckwheat, honey differs not only in its taste, but also has several different properties.

Rich in useful trace elements and vitamins, honey helps to strengthen the immune system, having anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Also, honey is great for helping to fight stress and poor health.

To increase and strengthen the immune system, honey must be consumed daily - either eat it yourself on a spoonful of honey, or together with nuts, berries or dried fruits, which is not only useful, but also delicious.

It is important to remember that very often honey can cause allergies, so you need to start using honey carefully, little by little, not getting carried away by the delicacy.

Healthy foods to boost immunity: lemon

Lemon is the main assistant in the fight against most colds and viruses, as well as as a preventive measure. Lemon contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is so necessary for our body in the fight against infectious diseases.

Also, lemon contains antioxidants, removes toxins and has a positive effect on digestion, heart and kidney function. Therefore, do not forget about the healthy lemon when you brew yourself a cup of your favorite tea.

What foods increase immunity: almonds

Almonds contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids, trace minerals and vitamins. The benefits of almonds for strengthening the immune system are associated with the content of such elements as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, a large amount of protein, vitamins E, B, and enzymes.

Italian scientists have proven that almonds are useful for strengthening the immune system, as it fights viral infections, colds and flu. By consuming almonds during a cold, the patient's recovery time is shortened.

Also, almonds are very useful for insomnia, helps in combating stress and energizes the body, saturating it with vital substances.

Healthy foods to boost immunity: carrots

Carrots are healthy and required product for immunity, thanks to the content of antioxidants, vitamins and important trace elements in it. Carrots contain such an important element as beta-carotene, which is indispensable for improving vision.

Beneficial substances such as quercetin in carrots slow down the action of the virus in the body, stimulating the immune system and thus helping to fight infections.

As an immune-boosting product, carrots have anti-inflammatory properties, are useful in fighting infections and enhance the body's defenses as a whole. Carrots are also good for feeling unwell and general weakness.

It is better to eat carrots raw or steam them, thus, they retain the most useful substances.

Immunity-boosting foods: garlic

Garlic is one of the best foods to eat to boost and strengthen your immune system. This immune-boosting product has excellent anti-inflammatory effects, helps cleanse the liver and has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

It turns out that garlic has these properties due to the content of a natural antibiotic - allicin, which helps to resist viruses and bacteria that attack our body at every turn.

Healthy foods for immunity: seafood

Seafood is good for the body, particularly as an immune boosting food. This is due to the content of nutrients in seafood: proteins, omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids.

Also, seafood contains vitamins A, B and E, as well as zinc, which is directly involved in the structure of the cells of the immune system of our body, thus increasing our immunity.

Eating seafood has a positive effect on nervous systemreducing the negative effects of stress on the body, and also improves brain function.

Onion syrup is a powerful support for the immune system.
Onions provide immediate relief from problems such as a runny nose or sore throat.
This vegetable strengthens the immune system and supports its ability to respond to viruses that attack the body.

4. Red fruits and vegetables

This food group includes peppers, tomatoes and strawberries. These foods are rich in vitamin A and carotene, two elements that significantly contribute to the maintenance of optimal immune function and disease prevention.

5. Water

Every sip of water supports your immune system. Why? Thanks to water, the respiratory system can work more efficiently, which helps protect against the influence of bacteria and viruses.

Water is an essential component in the diet of every person; it participates in all vital processes. Dehydration can be bad for your appearance. The skin becomes gray and dry, the hair dull and lifeless. In the absence of water, natural detoxification processes cannot fully function. Drink about 1.5 liters of water per day or 8 glasses of water per day. This simple habit will help you protect your body from viruses!

If you want, you can drink coconut water - it will balance the amount of electrolytes in your body. It promotes hydration, especially during periods of physical activity.
As you can see, a diet that strengthens the immune system cannot exist without water!

6. Nuts

You will find a wealth of vitamin E in nuts, which is an important ally in the fight against toxins. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant. It increases the white blood cell count, protecting the body from disease, viruses, and bacteria.
Pay special attention to almonds, which, thanks to omega-3 fatty acids, are effective in reducing cholesterol levels

7. Honey

Honey is a traditional, popular cough medicine. Thanks to the antiseptic properties of honey, your immune system will be greatly enhanced.

8. Oatmeal

You will find many nutrients in oat flakes like magnesium, zinc and copper. These ingredients directly strengthen the immune system, which makes it more effective against bacteria and viruses that cause disease.

9. Mushrooms

Mushrooms have antiviral and antibacterial properties. As a result, they significantly increase the ability of the immune system to respond to threats. You can eat mushrooms with garlic and onions.
Thus, in one delicious dish you combine the power of several ingredients that strengthen the immune system.

And forget about the high fever and sick leave. They activate your immune system, strengthen it and help you fight off infection faster.

Boost your immune system with a cup of green tea!

Start your day with tea. Green tea contains almost all vitamins necessary for humans. In addition, it contains a lot of antioxidants that support the immune system very well. It is enough to drink 1-2 cups of tea a day, and you will notice how your well-being improves. Mix cool if you want green tea from apple juiceby adding the juice of half a lemon to it. Use honey instead of sugar.

True friends of immunity - garlic and onions

Garlic is a probiotic that increases the growth of beneficial bacteria in the body. and thus stimulates the immune system. It contains allicin, achoin and thiosulfates - the strongest compounds that help protect the body from infection and fight it. Garlic is useful for sore throat, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Doctors advise to eat it in its pure form (preferably crushed). In addition to garlic, the "probiotic" immune-boosting foods include leeks, onions and bananas.

To support the immune system - fermented milk products

Every day, you should have dairy products on your table - especially those that contain live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Consume two servings of dairy products daily (for example, a cup of skim milk or low fat yogurt, kefir). And you do not have to wait for your turn at the doctor's office, because your immunity simply will not give you the opportunity to get sick!

The friendship of immunity with fish and seafood can be legendary

Fish and seafood, which contain a sufficient amount of zinc, will help support the immune system and restore strength. Unsaturated fatty acids perfectly increase the body's defenses. It is most useful to use squid and seaweed.

They enter the battle for immunity

Top sources of vitamin C should be part of your daily diet. The antioxidants they contain will strengthen your immune system and respiratory system.

Allies of the immune system - carrot juice and cranberry juice

Freshly squeezed carrot juice contains beta-carotene, a number of vitamins, as well as calcium, iron, potassium, and copper. Therefore, carrot juice is especially beneficial for people with weak immunity. But cranberries have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, and it will provide reliable protection to your body.

Carrots are an excellent immunomodulator

Add carrots to your must-have grocery list! Instead of your favorite cookies and buns, try to eat at least a glass of grated carrots. Carrot is a strong anti-infective antioxidant. To get the most out of carrots, eat them raw. Although fried or boiled carrots are also very beneficial for the immune system.

Blueberries, currants and cranberries are another way to boost your immunity

These are the healthiest berries in the flu and cold season! There is a lot of vitamin C in cranberries, it has antipyretic, healing effects. Antioxidants are found in foods purplesuch as blueberries, black currants and eggplants.

Meat will give zinc to the immune system!

Chicken, turkey and veal are rich in iron and zinc, which are essential for immunity.

Immunity loves spices

Bay leaf, ginger, cinnamon, parsley, dill, celery and different kinds pepper will help strengthen a weakened immune system.

What lowers immunity?

  1. - hypothermia;
  2. - antibiotics;
  3. - caffeine;
  4. - sedentary lifestyle;
  5. - improper, excessive nutrition;
  6. - tobacco, alcohol (1 glass of red wine per day is allowed);
  7. - depression, stress;
  8. - excessive loads, work at night.

The best way to prevent getting the flu is to build your own immune system. Dave Grotto, author of 101 Life Saving Foods, shares 10 foods with the highest doses of vitamins and nutrients we need to protect and prevent disease.


Mushrooms are usually not perceived as healthy food, but they contain two serious weapons that the human body needs during the flu season: selenium, which helps blood cells to produce cytokines, which have anti-inflammatory effects and act as regulators of cellular and humoral immunity, and beta-glucan, which stimulates immune cells to fight infection, while acting as a cleansing and wound-healing agent.

Fresh garlic

The pungent, pungent taste of fresh garlic is due to allicin. Allicin is a chemical compound that is formed by mechanical destruction of garlic cells and has a bactericidal and fungicidal effect. People who take nutritional supplements with allicin, 46% less likely to suffer from colds and recover faster if they still catch it. So, add fresh garlic to your food every day, experts recommend two cloves a day.

Fresh salmon

According to recent studies, people with low levels of vitamin D are much more likely to get respiratory infections than people with high levels of vitamin D. Salmon is very effective in increasing the content of this vitamin in the body. A 100-gram piece of this product provides 360 units of vitamin D, and some experts recommend as much as 800-1000 units per day.

Researchers at Harvard University found that five cups of black tea a day for two weeks quadrupled the body's defenses, apparently thanks to theanine. Tea also contains catechins, which are powerful antioxidants. It is because of this that green tea effectively reduces the amount of free radicals in the human body. Grotto suggests drinking one to three cups of black, green or white tea daily.


The digestive tract is one of the most important immune organs, and so fight off disease-causing microbes with probiotics and prebiotics, which can be found in naturally fermented foods such as yogurt. According to a study from the University of Vienna (Austria), one serving of the product with the label "live and active cultures" per day will enhance immune function.

Dark chocolate

There is a consensus among nutritionists that dark chocolate deserves a place in a healthy diet, and a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition claims it can boost immunity as well. Large doses of cocoa support T-helper cells, whose main function is to enhance the adaptive immune response.


Zinc is extremely important for the immune system and mobilizes white blood cells to attack bacteria and viruses such as the flu or the common cold. One medium oyster provides nearly all of your daily zinc requirement, while a serving of six delicacies will provide more than five times the recommended amount.


Heart-healthy, almonds provide an antioxidant-stimulating vitamin E that can reduce the chances of catching a cold and stop respiratory infections. However, almonds alone are not enough for your daily intake, so include cereals, sunflower seeds, turnip dishes, and wheat germs in your diet.


The first thing you think about when you catch a cold is foods rich in vitamin C, like oranges. But Grotto argues that the antioxidant's antiviral properties are controversial. Some studies show that strawberries can reduce the intensity and duration of colds and flu, and therefore are worth trying, even despite the high price of this product in the winter. One cup of these berries provides 160 percent of the daily value.

Sweet potato

Beta-carotene improves the body's defenses. It plays an important role in the development of the immune system of cells and helps neutralize harmful toxins. Sweet potatoes (aka yams) and other orange-colored foods such as carrots, pumpkin, egg yolks, and cantaloupe are excellent sources of this substance.

With the onset of cold weather, each of us thinks about how to strengthen the immune system and not fall under the next wave of flu and colds. To improve your health and your immune system, you need to move more, avoid various stresses and eat a balanced diet. However, with the pace of modern life, not every person can afford the luxury of an evening walk, a delicious homemade lunch on a break, or simply refuse to communicate with colleagues and friends in order to avoid stress. However, you can improve immunity by regularly consuming healthy foods, increasing the overall defense of the body.

TOP 5 most useful products

Naturally, almost all natural and fresh products have a beneficial effect on the human body, because they are natural sources of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. But among all, there are five important ones that have the best effect on our body. These include honey, garlic, ginger, lemon and kefir. They are relatively inexpensive and most effective and are used in recipes for various dishes, although they can be consumed separately, in their pure form.


Perhaps one of the most popular and effective immune system helper foods is garlic. Thanks to its beneficial properties, in ancient times, it helped all of Europe to overcome the terrible plague epidemic, and thanks to its unique taste and aroma, it is one of the most favorite ingredients among gourmets around the world. Garlic is a natural source of health and vitality. It has long been proven that it has antitumor, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating effects, and thanks to the well-known phytoncides, it is an excellent antibacterial agent. In addition, garlic has the ability to cleanse our liver, and also has a regenerating effect after illness and stress.

Garlic is effective when taken in the form of cloves or shoots. However, it is worth getting ready for the fact that after eating garlic, a pungent unpleasant smell remains, which is not so easy to remove. In order for the use of garlic to bring as little discomfort as possible, you should not eat it before bed, so that a specific smell does not come from the mouth in the morning.

Garlic is also useful when added to various dishes, such as salads, meat. If you are not a special fan of vegetables, then you can add it at the very last moment. The dish will absorb everything beneficial features garlic, but the smell will be minimal.


Almost all of us have heard about the healing properties of ginger. However, you should know that only its root is of useful value. Thanks to the plant in Antiquity, warriors healed their wounds, and sages and healers made the most unimaginable healing elixirs from it. Its benefits are explained by the fact that the ginger root contains a high concentration of vitamins and minerals, useful essential oils and those properties that give ginger a peculiar taste and memorable aroma.

Ginger root contains high amounts of vitamin C and B, which are essential for the healthy functioning of our body. Like garlic, ginger is often used as an effective bactericidal agent, but has a more pleasant aroma. Ginger root helps to stimulate appetite and digestion, as well as normalizes gastric juice and bile, relieves nausea and reduces the level of toxicosis in pregnant women.

In order to stimulate your immune system, ginger is most often used as a condiment to various dishes. It goes well with meat recipes, cereals, chicken soups. Ginger juice can be used as a dressing and as a base for any gourmet sauce. Alcoholic and hot drinks became widespread.

One of the most popular "dishes" is ginger tea, which perfectly fights against colds and has a stimulating effect on the body. Both honey and lemon can be used as a flavoring additive to tea.


Lemon has gained great popularity thanks to healing properties... The sour taste causes profuse salivation and improves appetite. Although lemon does not grow in our area, it is imported in large quantities from warm countries, making it an everyday product in everyday life... Lemon has become widespread in the culinary field due to its unique taste and acidity, which give dishes an exquisite charm.

Lemon is considered beneficial for our immune system due to its vitamin C content. It tends to break down with prolonged contact with high temperatures and air. Therefore, it is most effective to consume lemon fresh, without additional heat treatment.

It has been shown to improve immune system defenses and invigorate all day long when added in small portions daily. IN traditional medicine There are many recipes that contain lemon, which can be effective in treating various diseases and preventing them.


Of course, honey is one of the favorite delicacies of all sweet tooths. However, it is not only delicious but also extremely beneficial for the immune system. It has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, wound healing and anti-stress effects on the human body.

Honey can delight you with a wide variety of varieties, ranging from flowers to bees. In combination with some ingredients, its beneficial properties can increase significantly. It has been proven that people who consume at least one spoonful of honey every day are much less sick and have a strong immunity to colds.

Useful when consumed both immediately upon waking up and before bedtime. The most popular combination with honey includes walnuts, dried fruits and ginger.


Kefir is not only very useful for the body, but also delicious. Our ancestors often used kefir to leave premature and weak babies. Thanks to the kefir fungus, the intestinal microflora is improving in the body, which provides decent resistance to hostile cells and microbes that have entered the body. In addition to the above, kefir contains vitamin D, which makes bones stronger and also stimulates the circulatory system, helping in the fight against various viruses and microbes.


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