Marginal osteophytes of the spinal bodies. Why marginal osteophytes are formed and how to live with them? Bony growths of the hip joint

Equipment and tools 27.09.2020
Equipment and tools

Pain and discomfort in the spine - possible culprits are osteophytes of the spine, beacons that signal changes in the functioning of the spine. In another way, osteophyte is called exophyte.

Osteophytes, what is it - bony growths of the vertebrae, which are not an independent disease, but are considered a protective reaction of the body, aimed at preserving joints from destruction. The appearance of growths occurs as follows: due to a decrease in the height of the intervertebral disc, excessive friction of the bone structures is formed, which leads to the appearance of growths. The marginal osteophytes of the vertebral bodies perform the function of protecting the joints from their further destruction. They take the form of a thorn and a hook. They are formed at the edges of the bones and take beak-shaped forms - they are also called spurs or spines on the spine.

Most often, bone growths do not manifest themselves, but are detected during an X-ray examination. At the moments when osteophytes grow to such an extent that they begin to deform the bone structures of the vertebrae, pain and difficulty in moving the affected joints appear. From medical practice it is known that earlier such growths were diagnosed in patients over the age of 60, now the age bar has dropped to 40 years.

Spinal osteophytes are a clear signal of the possible presence of a serious disease - spondylosis.


Reasons for the appearance:

  • trauma;
  • fractures;
  • consequences of diseases of the spine;
  • inflammation;
  • excessive stress on the joint;
  • disruptions of the endocrine system.


In medicine, bone growths are divided into the following types:

  1. Post-traumatic - appear in the area of \u200b\u200bfractures and severe bone damage. In addition, they are formed in the part of the tear of the periosteal tissue, which ossifies and turns into an osteophyte.
  2. Degenerative-dystrophic - are created as a result of severe stress on the joint, which can immobilize part of the joint. With deforming spondylosis and arthrosis, the articular surfaces grow together and, as a result, the joint is immobilized.
  3. Periosteal - a consequence of the inflammatory process of the periosteum, which undergoes partial ossification.
  4. Massive - the consequences of the formation of malignant tumors of bone tissue and metastases of cancer forms. Takes the form of a spur or visor.

Osteophytes have different cellular structures:

  1. Metaplastic - appear when the composition of bone cells changes, that is, one type of cell changes to another type. This type occurs as a result of inflammation or an infectious disease that affects bone tissue.
  2. Spongy -consist of a spongy substance with low strength. They appear as a result of a high load on the bone structures.
  3. Compact - derived from the compact substance of bone tissue, they have high strength and can cope with high loads.
    cartilaginous - formed from cartilaginous tissue. Such osteophytes appear due to the consequences of inflammatory or degenerative diseases, in which the cartilage tissue becomes thinner and cannot provide the function of reducing friction in the joints. Bony growths allow to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe joint in order to evenly distribute the load on the joints.

Bone growths on the spine can appear in different parts of the spine for various reasons.
The osteophytes of the spine do not manifest themselves for a long time and are usually found in the diagnosis of other diseases. Outgrowths located in different parts of the spine have correspondingly different symptoms and possible complications and consequences.

Osteophytes of the cervical spine - appear at the earliest possible date, due to the fact that a large number of nerve endings and blood arteries are concentrated in the cervical spine. Therefore, osteophytes in the cervical spine, even of a small size, bring big trouble in the form of compression of the nerve roots and blood vessels going to the brain.

Symptoms appear as:

  • back pain;
  • decreased vision;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness and tingling in the upper limbs;
  • noise in ears;
  • stiff neck and limited movement.

Osteophytes of the cervical spine can cause surges in intracranial pressure, accompanied by severe pain and vomiting.

Osteophytes of the thoracic spine do not appear so early in comparison with the development of osteophytes of the cervical spine, because the vertebrae in the thoracic spine are the least mobile. Symptoms appear when the vertebrae are completely immobilized. This is due to the development of anterior growths that do not pinch the nerve roots and therefore do not cause pain.

Osteophytes of the lumbar spine manifest with the following symptoms:

  • lower back pain when walking or standing;
  • pain radiating to the thigh;
  • arms and legs become numb and weakness appears;
  • tingling in the limbs.


It is impossible to diagnose the appearance of osteophytes at home, therefore it is necessary to visit a medical institution. The doctor conducts a neurological examination to assess for tightness of the nerve roots, but such an examination practically makes it impossible to see and feel the osteophytes. For this, hardware research methods are used:

  • x-ray is the primary, affordable and inexpensive examination;
  • MRI - the gold standard in diagnostic tools, equally effectively examines both bone tissue so soft;
  • - uses X-ray radiation to study bones, the information obtained is processed on a computer is most effective for detecting pathological changes in bone tissue.


Let's figure out how to get rid of osteophytes - the only way is to remove osteophytes by surgery. In addition to surgical intervention, conservative treatment is used.

It is important to understand that conservative treatment will not be able to get rid of osteophytes, the action is aimed at relieving pain and improving the nearby affected soft tissues.

Conservative treatment of osteophytes consists of the following activities:

  • medication;
  • physiotherapy;
  • manual therapy and massage;
  • physiotherapy.

The medical method is aimed primarily at eliminating pain, for this, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs for external use are used. It is also recommended to use B vitamins, which improve the functioning of tissues affected by the effects of osteophytes.

Treatment of osteophytes of the spine with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and painkillers is considered a mandatory procedure and is carried out for 10-14 days. Treatment courses will have to take place periodically throughout your life.

After the pain has been relieved, the treatment plan includes measures to stop the disease, which caused the appearance of osteophytes.

Osteophytes of the spine, in the treatment of which physiotherapy, manual therapy, massage and physiotherapy exercises are used, are an additional link to drug treatment, improving blood flow and mobility of damaged tissues.
Osteophytes, in the treatment of which it is not possible to reduce pain and eliminate their effect on other organs and systems, are subject to surgical removal. Such an operation is carried out, for example, when the knee joint is completely immobilized, that is, already with total destruction and the impossibility of performing the inherent functions.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies does not replace conservative treatment, but is only an adjunct aimed at reducing pain and improving mobility.
For these purposes, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Elderberry tincture: 1 tbsp. l. berries, which are poured with a glass of boiling water. Next, insist on a water bath for 20 minutes. The infusion is cooled and filtered. The regimen is half a glass 2-3 times a day.
  2. Hawthorn. Use flowers. Three glasses of boiling water are poured into one handful, infuse for 30 minutes. Reception mode - according to Art. l. in 30 minutes before meals.

Osteophytes are pathological bone growths that are localized in the knee, calcaneus, different parts of the spine and other areas of the musculoskeletal system.

In most cases, the pathology proceeds without pronounced symptoms, therefore, they can be detected only after a series of diagnostic procedures.

Marginal osteophytes of the spine.

In order to better understand what it is, how to treat, we present the following interesting facts about these formations:

  1. The growths can be localized, both on the surface of the bones, and grow directly in the articular capsule.
  2. These formations are often referred to as bone spurs. They can develop on bone tissue of any structure and type.
  3. Bone growths that are already fully formed are usually spiny-shaped. Less often they look like an oblong awl.
  4. Osteophytes are formations that can develop, both after direct damage to bones, and arise against the background of severe chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, etc.).
  5. Where do they come from? Depends on the presence of specific comorbidities in a person. The causes of occurrence in most cases are internal (associated with impaired body functions).
  6. These formations are capable of being both multiple and single. This is determined by the root cause of the disease and its neglect.

The arrows indicate the osteophytes of the femur in the area of \u200b\u200bthe knee joint.

The ICD 10 code (international classification of diseases) is M25.7.

General symptoms and characteristic signs

Typical symptoms:

  • ; may be blunt, crushing, or stabbing;
  • impaired mobility of the limb or back, which will develop gradually - over several weeks or even months;
  • deformation;
  • edema.

At the very beginning of the development of pathology, a person does not feel pain, so he is in no hurry to see a doctor. Only as the disease progresses, when there is a pronounced degenerative process and destruction of cartilage, the patient will experience the first discomfort.

The patient feels a stabbing or aching pain, which will be further aggravated when the osteophytes press nerve endings. Soreness can occur when moving. Less commonly, it appears when you cough or sneeze.

Pain during the development of pathology often radiates to the neighboring joints, which complicates the understanding of the symptoms and the diagnosis of the disease. If the growths are localized in the spine, secondary symptoms develop in the form of visual impairment, etc. All this happens due to the compression of blood vessels by bone growths.

When osteophytes grow to a sufficiently large size, joint mobility is impaired due to blockage of joint movements by bone formations.

The pain from osteophytes is very similar to common pain from arthrosis.

Due to the thickening of the joint capsule, it is observed. The patient can no longer move normally, especially if osteophytes develop in the joints of the legs.

With advanced disease (at the third stage), a person develops joint deformity due to a pronounced increase in osteophytes, which take on the load of the joint itself. There is a total destruction of the cartilage.

It all starts with a little discomfort, until the formations are too large. Further, the pain and discomfort intensify as the growths increase in size.

Additional signs:

  • edema;
  • redness of the skin;
  • violation of gait, lameness (with damage to the knees, femur,).


Before treating a pathology, it is important to identify it, discover the root cause and the degree of neglect. The establishment of the diagnosis is based on the patient's complaints and the examination of the doctor; examinations are shown to confirm the disease:

  1. Ultrasound diagnosticsto assess the condition of the soft tissues of the joint and the presence of fluid.
  2. Laboratory research: general clinical analyzes of blood and urine, blood for sugar level, hormones, cholesterol and biochemistry.
  3. X-ray... When detecting growths, this diagnostic measure is mandatory, since on the X-ray you can see the exact localization, size of bone growths, type and degree of damage. Large growths are very similar in shape to bird beaks.
  4. CT scan for the study of soft tissues.
  5. MRIrarely used to detect osteophytes. Prescribed for difficult diagnosis of the disease, when the doctor needs additional confirmation of the condition of the tissues and bones of the joint.

The arrows show the irregularities of the contour not X-ray, which are neoplasms. This little thorn can be very unpleasant.

Sometimes the attending physician will order an arthroscopy.

Most often, a conventional X-ray is sufficient, but in advanced cases, an MRI or CT scan may be required.

Osteophyte treatment

Traditional therapies:

  1. Drug treatment: antibiotics, other groups of drugs. Not all drugs dissolve osteophytes, so medical prescriptions must be strictly observed.
  2. Surgical intervention (removal of growths by surgery).
  3. Physiotherapy.

Before destroying the growths and getting rid of them completely, it is important to choose the right course of therapy: the final outcome of the disease will depend on it. The attending physician should be involved in the selection of a treatment plan.

Let's consider each treatment method and clinical guidelines in more detail.

The effectiveness of folk remedies

Recipes of traditional medicine will help to slow down the development of pathology, to normalize well-being:

  1. Take three tablespoons of hawthorn and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist, take before meals.
  2. Pour a spoonful of elderberry with 300 ml of boiling water. Boil for ten minutes, strain, drink a third of a glass twice a day.
  3. Take a warm bath, apply kombucha or a bandage soaked in its infusion to the sore joint. Wrap up the limb with a film and a scarf. Leave it overnight. The remedy helps relieve pain.
  4. Grind and mix 1 burdock leaf and 10 plantain leaves, steam the ingredients in a water bath. Apply to the joint, fixing with a film and a scarf (or warm blanket).
  5. Mix a spoonful of lilac color and 150 ml of vodka. Insist for a week. Strain, apply to rubbing joints.
  6. Take three spoons and the same amount of chamomile. Pour 0.5 liters of water. Bring to a boil, strain, cool. Take a spoonful twice a day.
  7. Prepare 100 ml of olive oil and add 10 drops each of mata, eucalyptus and tea tree oil. Use for rubbing.

Taking oral folk remedies for osteophytes is contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pregnancy. As for local recipes, they cannot be used for open wounds, purulent foci, active infections or recent surgeries. Such mixtures are not used for individual intolerance to the ingredients.

It is completely impossible to stop the growth of osteophytes with folk remedies, however, these recipes alleviate the human condition, reduce inflammation and pain. To ensure that such funds do not have the opposite effect, you should consult with your doctor before using.

In advanced cases, pills or surgery (removal of growths) are prescribed.

Coracoid osteophytes

The main reason for the formation of coracoid osteophytes in the spine is progression. Pathological growths are localized in the anterior region of the vertebrae.

Due to the uneven elongated shape in the form of staples (along the front contours of th8 th9), during the initial diagnosis, the doctor may think that it is cancer.

The picture shows why this type is called coracoid.

To get rid of the coracoid growths of the spine, you can use surgery or drug therapy. Physiotherapy treatment shows good results.

How do osteophytes differ from spondyloarthrosis? Both diseases are inextricably linked: primarily develops, which leads to the destruction of the cartilage of the joints. Osteophytes arise as a complication of the disease.

Spine osteophytes

Osteophytes of the cervical spine on x-ray.

It is with this localization that they are most dangerous, since in the absence of timely started therapy, they squeeze important blood vessels. This threatens stroke and disorders in the central nervous system. Treatment of osteophytes in the cervical spine often requires the use of and.

Calcaneal spines

Osteophytes on the heel (according to MBK 10, the disease has the number M25) develop due to a violation of calcium metabolism or due to inflammatory processes in the foot. Calcaneal growths are diagnosed in 50% of people with severe.

Symptoms and treatment of osteophytes on the heel are determined by the degree of neglect of the pathology and its root cause. Therapy for such patients is only complex.

If osteophytes do not interfere with a person's walking, do not cause severe pain, folk remedies can be used to alleviate the condition.

For large osteophytes affecting the calcaneus and soft tissues, surgical treatment is indicated (it can be practiced in other countries). However, surgical treatment is very painful and cannot always completely eliminate the pathology.

Osteophytes of the vertebral bodies: what is it

Anterior or posterior osteophytes of the spine are formations that arise when bone tissue grows directly along the vertebrae themselves; can have different shapes and sizes and look like thorns, humps, etc.

The main causes of bone growths on the vertebrae:

  1. Inflammatory processeswhich led to. This disease gradually provokes severe damage to all bone structures.
  • Osteomyelitis can occur as a result of damage or dangerous staphylococcal bacteria. The mechanism of its development is simple: in adult patients, it usually occurs against the background of an open bone fracture. Bacteria enter the wound, which contribute to the onset of a long inflammatory (often purulent) process.
  • If the fracture is linear, the inflammation is limited only to the area of \u200b\u200bbone damage. If the damage is comminuted, the infection will spread to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe bone - this is how all the conditions are created for the final formation of bone growths.
  1. Degenerative bone diseases... They develop due to excessive physical exertion, are often detected in the elderly (due to physiological disorders).
  • The most common causes are spondylosis and osteoarthritis. During deforming spondylosis, the patient's intervertebral discs are affected, and after a while, osteophytes of the lumbar, thoracic or cervical regions are formed.
  • Mechanism of development: during the lesion of the intervertebral discs, they are deformed. There is a degeneration of tissues and the appearance of pathological growths.
  • The second common degenerative bone disease is osteoarthritis. Pathology leads to extensive damage to the cartilage tissue of the joints. Such a disease can be caused by trauma, congenital defects in the structure of the joint or an inflammatory process in the anamnesis.
  • At the very beginning of development, osteoarthritis affects only the fluid that nourishes the cartilage. As the pathology progresses, degenerative changes are observed in the joint itself, which is why it can no longer withstand strong physical exertion.
  • The formation of growths in osteoarthritis is observed in the second stage of the disease, when the complete destruction of cartilage occurs.
  1. Long stay in one position (standing or sitting) when the joints are under heavy stress. This increases the pressure on the cartilage and provokes deformation.
  • Destruction processes exceed tissue regeneration. The entire load is on the bone, which gives rise to the development of osteophytes.
  1. Oncological pathologies... Pathological growths occur in benign and malignant cancers.
  2. Endocrine disruptions... Most often, the development of osteophytes is promoted by acromegaly. The disease occurs due to an increase in the production of growth hormone. The root cause is the development of a benign tumor in the anterior region of the pituitary gland.
  3. In a person with multiple small or large marginal osteophytes of the vertebrae, a pronounced and increase in body weight is observed. Cartilage, due to the impact of loads, does not cope with its tasks and is destroyed. In the absence of treatment, the patient develops osteoarthritis, which leads to pathological growths.

Bony growths of the hip joint

Reasons for the formation of osteophytes of the hip joint:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • bone injuries;
  • excess weight;
  • inflammatory degenerative pathologies (treatment will be the most difficult).

The defeat of the hip joint.

A common cause of osteophytes of such a joint is an advanced form of osteoarthritis. At the initial stages, the size of osteophytes will not exceed 1-2 mm, however, the growths can grow up to 5 mm and acquire a pointed shape.

Excess weight is a killer of the musculoskeletal system.

Before treating such formations, a person needs to identify the root cause of the pathology.

What are bone formations

Do bone formations disappear over time, is it worth treating them at all? Doctors advise starting treatment therapy already when small osteophytes are detected: in the absence of timely measures, education will begin to affect more and more areas of healthy bone, increase in size, and then it will be even more difficult to eliminate them.

By themselves (without treatment), osteophytes cannot resolve: these are not soft tissues, especially if they are large.

Changes in the foot

Osteophytes of the foot are localized on the heel bone. This condition is provoked by a heel spur. Less often, such formations are located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fingers. Symptoms of ankle osteophytes: deformity, pain while walking.

Multiple lesions in the foot.

Shoulder osteophytes

Osteophytes of the shoulder joint occur as a result of a previous injury or due to the progression of degenerative lesions of the joints of the hands. Formations can be localized, both in one and simultaneously in both shoulder joints of a person.

It is much easier to prevent the development of osteophytes than to remove them with a laser or other methods later. To do this, it is important to adhere to the recommendations of specialists:

  1. Give up addictions: smoking, drinking alcohol.
  2. Protect yourself from injuries and bruises of the joints (, etc.).
  3. Timely treat diseases that cause the development of osteophytes. It is especially important to timely eliminate hormonal disruptions in the body, kidney problems, and various endocrine disorders.
  4. Every year, undergo a preventive examination by a doctor and take tests, even if there is no significant deterioration in the condition.
  5. When the first signs of osteophytes appear (, pain) see a doctor as soon as possible and diagnose.
  6. Eat a healthy and well balanced diet.
  7. Stop infectious or inflammatory processes in the body.
  8. Maintain the stability of chronic pathologies.
  9. Use protective joint pads when engaging in hazardous sports.
  10. When working at a computer for a long time, you need to sit upright and avoid incorrect position of the joints, which can worsen the condition of the ischial bone.
  11. Exercise daily... This can be regular exercise or gymnastics. Yoga, running, swimming, biking are also great.
  12. Control body weight, prevent obesity.

Drug therapy

What dissolves osteophytes, what drug can completely destroy these formations? To get rid of osteophytes, you need to undergo complex drug treatment with the use of several drugs.

This disease cannot be cured. There is no way to remove such growths other than surgical. But there are ways to alleviate the condition with such a diagnosis.

Traditional course:

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs for pain relief (NSAIDs) - eliminate swelling, inflammation, reduce pain. The best are Flexen, Ketoprofen, in the form of tablets, ointments, gels.
  2. Surgical treatment for osteophytes is used only in advanced cases when drug therapy is not effective.

    Indications for surgery:

  • complete loss of joint motor functions;
  • compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots.

For bone growths in the spine, decompression surgery is used, during which the affected vertebrae are removed.

If osteophytes have affected the joint of the limb, arthroplasty of the joint (knee or) is performed under general anesthesia. The diseased joint is removed, and a metal analogue is installed in its place.

The results of arthroplasty in most cases are positive: doctors are able to fully restore joint mobility. A couple of months after surgery, the patient can move around again without crutches.

The disadvantage of this intervention is the risk of complications:

  1. Bleeding.
  2. Infectious lesion.
  3. Development of necrosis.
  4. Damage to nerve fibers with impaired sensitivity or (in more severe cases) paralysis of the limb.

Other disadvantages of the operation are also significant - harmful anesthesia and taking antibiotics in the postoperative period.

Contraindications to surgery:

  • severe heart disease during an exacerbation;
  • respiratory system diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • HIV infection;
  • infectious processes in the diseased joint.

Osteophytes should not be confused with enthesophytes - areas of ossification formed on tendons and ligaments. Also, osteophytes cannot always be distinguished from exostoses (benign bone outgrowths), although in many cases there are a number of differences. When it comes to "bone spurs" only the growth in the area of \u200b\u200bthe joint capsule is meant.

What do they come from? There are several main reasons that provoke the formation of these bone defects:

  • Pathological changes in bone due to age-related degenerative processes;
  • Mechanical damage;
  • Diffuse idiopathic bone hyperostosis.

The causes of osteophytes are not so diverse, however, this does not make the problem less urgent. Most often, osteophytes are formed in osteoarthritic joints. Cartilage calcification can also be triggered by mechanical damage to the joints.

Osteophyte treatment

Treatment of osteophytes is a rather lengthy process that requires a lot of effort from both the doctor and the patient. How to destroy osteophytes? It must be said right away that it will not be possible to recover and completely remove osteophytes. All that can be done with this disease is to prevent further overgrowth and remove disturbing symptoms.

How to stop the overgrowth? Treatment is selected based on the severity of the pathological process, the individual characteristics of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases and localization of "bone spurs". Clinical recommendations for treatment include a set of techniques that differ in their nature and method of exposure to the pathological site.

Most often, such patients suffer from pain in the affected joint. How to get rid of them? In this regard, physiotherapy methods of treatment have proven themselves best. The complex of procedures, combined with medical gymnastics, improves blood flow to cartilage tissue, normalizes joint nutrition and prevents further progression of degenerative processes.

The use of anti-inflammatory drugs has also worked well. Their regular use contributes to a significant decrease in the progression of the growth of osteophytes. If oral administration of drugs does not bring relief, then intra-articular administration of drugs is prescribed. As a rule, corticosteroids, Kenalog and Diprospan are administered. Because of their anti-inflammatory properties, corticosteroids show a very pronounced effect in the treatment of osteophytes.

If there is no positive effect from physiotherapy and drug treatment, then they resort to surgical treatment. Depending on the localization, the operation is reduced either to the removal of the osteophyte itself, or to the replacement of the affected joint with a prosthesis.

IMPORTANT! You should know that it will not work miraculously to dissolve the "bone spur", so you need to be extremely careful when choosing drugs and methods of treating the disease.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine is ineffective for the treatment of osteophytes, but it also does not bring harm, therefore, if desired, it can be recommended to patients. Among connoisseurs of folk methods of treatment, hawthorn decoctions and elderberry tincture have proven themselves well.

  1. To prepare a decoction of hawthorn, you need to take 3 tablespoons of flowers and add them to 600 ml of boiling water. Insist the broth and take it in 3 tablespoons 30 minutes before meals.
  2. To prepare the tincture, you need to take a tablespoon of elderberry, add it to 200 ml of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 20 minutes. The tincture is then cooled, filtered and taken in 100 ml several times a day.
  3. Also, for back pain, alcohol and non-alcoholic tinctures of sabelnik are widely used.

Hawthorn, elderberry and cinquefoil have a slight anti-inflammatory effect, but taking one NSAID tablet significantly exceeds this effect. In addition, there are a large number of various physiotherapeutic techniques that have a more pronounced effect in comparison with methods of alternative medicine, for example, laser therapy. It is clear that the removal of osteophytes is not performed in this way, however, the laser can improve blood circulation, eliminate swelling in the joints and improve regenerative processes in the affected tissues.

Beak-shaped growths with spondylosis

Sponidylosis is one of the diseases that leads to the formation of osteophytes. This pathology is characterized by coracoid growths along the edge of the vertebral bodies. With an unfortunate combination of circumstances, a fracture of the vertebral bodies may occur, which, combined with spondylosis, causes much more harm to the patient's health. Sometimes bone formations are formed in the form of braces, and then the bodies of adjacent vertebrae are connected and completely block movement in the spine.

What is the difference between osteophytes in spondylosis and spondyloarthrosis? With a prolonged course, spondylosis can be complicated by spondyloarthrosis, which leads to changes in the topographic relationship of the structures of the spine. For this reason, if spondylosis is not complicated by spondyloatrosis, then it does not cause any clinical manifestations.

To diagnose spondyloarthrosis, it is imperative to undergo an X-ray examination of the spine. What does the diagnosis "Osteophytes of small size" mean? A similar diagnosis can often be seen in the conclusion of the radiologist after analyzing the image. This means that osteophytes are radiologically distinguishable, but their size is small enough to cause subjective sensations in the patient.

Nevertheless, the majority of patients who seek medical help have pronounced bone growths, causing them a number of inconveniences. At the C3 and C6 levels of the cervical spine, osteophytes are most common. In this case, patients will complain of numbness of the upper extremities, paresthesias and headaches. There will also be impaired flexion and extension in the neck. In addition, these symptoms are observed in cancer with metastases in the cervical spine, so it is extremely important to undergo the entire series of examinations to exclude oncopathology. When osteophytes are formed along the anterior contour of Th8-Th9, most often patients complain of pain in the thoracic spine, pain in the supine position, when bending and turning the body.

Spine treatment

How to get rid of the symptoms of the disease? As mentioned above, treatment should be combined and include the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, and in advanced cases, surgery. Of physical exercise, exercise therapy, yoga and Pilates are well established?

What is exercise therapy and how to treat the spine with it? Exercise therapy is a specially developed set of physical exercises prescribed to increase the general muscle tone and strengthen the osteo-ligamentous apparatus. Depending on the disease, a special set of exercises is selected to improve the well-being of patients after surgery, for chronic diseases, as well as for degenerative joint pathology. How to remove pain with exercise therapy? This requires careful and regular exercise. Regular exercises for 60 minutes a day can improve mobility in the spine and reduce the severity of the main symptoms.

Where are spinal osteophytes treated? Neuropathologists should deal with the treatment of this pathology. After a thorough examination, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment aimed at stopping the progress of the disease and reducing the severity of clinical manifestations. Traumatologists are involved in the treatment of hernias and protrusions of the vertebral discs. Depending on the intensity of the symptoms and the size of the hernia, a decision may be made to perform surgery.

IMPORTANT! Treatment with folk remedies should be minimized due to their low effectiveness.

Lumbar education

In people over 40 years old, osteophytes are most often found in the lumbar spine. This is due to poor posture, back injuries and uneven load distribution when lifting weights. For the cervical and thoracic spine, the formation of bone processes is more typical at a young age.

Lumbar osteophytes are characterized by proliferation along the anterior edge of the vertebral bodies. In spondylosis, the coracoid growths of bone tissue can even pinch the spinal roots of the spinal cord.

Are calcifications in the spine the cause of pain? Throughout the spinal cord, many nerves depart from it, which are responsible for the perception of tactile sensations and the transmission of impulses to the muscles. When sensitive neurons are compressed, severe painful sensations arise that can immobilize the patient. The pain sometimes spreads to the femoral region, and is also accompanied by numbness and paresthesias of the extremities. In addition, problems with urination and bowel movements may occur.

Edge type

Marginal osteophytes of the vertebrae are a pathological condition in which there is a massive proliferation of bone tissue of the articular surfaces. In their shape, they can resemble thorns or bumps. Such osteophytes are characterized by large size and rapid growth.

Small marginal osteophytes of the cervical spine, as a rule, do not lead to severe symptoms. However, with their further growth, the vertebral arteries begin to be compressed, which disrupts the flow of blood to the brain. Unfortunately, there are still no drugs or treatments that can protect the articular cartilage from rubbing against large osteophytes.

Marginal osteophytes can be combined with subchondral sclerosis of the endplates. This condition plays a special role in the degeneration of the intervertebral discs and eventually leads to protrusions and hernias.

In addition to the spine, osteophytes can also be found in other joints. For example, in the knee joint, marginal osteophytes are most often formed, which is associated with increased loads on the edge of the joint. In the early radiological stages, the marginal bone growths take the form of a small tubercle, but as they grow, they cause painful sensations in the patient, which lead to a violation of gait.

Also, marginal osteophytes are formed with a disease such as plantar fasciitis or heel spur. Typically, a heel spur occurs in middle-aged people, but it can also occur in a child. The main cause of the disease is considered to be an excessive load on the plantar fascia, accompanied by its damage and microtrauma. As a result, aseptic inflammation occurs, which leads to the proliferation of bone tissue.

Knee formation

The reasons for the formation of osteophytes in the knee are the same as in the spine. Chronic inflammation, excessive stress on the knee, trauma, hormonal disorders - all this leads to degeneration of the articular cartilage and its replacement with bone tissue.

How to treat? In this case, the first step is to find out the reason that caused the growth of osteophytes. For example, if degenerative processes in the joint were provoked by endocrine disorders, then the patient's hormonal balance should be corrected. Also, treatment should include taking NSAIDs and glucocorticoids. This will remove both pain and functional disorders in the joint. Therapy with folk remedies is not prohibited, but it should not be carried out to the detriment of the main treatment.

Changes in the cervical spine

In case of damage to the cervical spine, there is a threat to the life and health of the patient. Important anatomical structures (spinal cord, vertebral arteries) pass through the cervical region, so the formation of osteophytes in this area leads to great problems.

IMPORTANT! With pronounced bone growths, the vertebral arteries can be compressed, which leads to a sharp decrease in the blood supply to the brain and loss of consciousness. Most often this occurs with sharp turns of the neck or throwing the head up.

How to get rid of osteophytes in the cervical spine? The main treatment should come to gymnastics and taking anti-inflammatory drugs. Exercise therapy allows you to normalize blood supply and improve metabolism in the intervertebral discs, which prevents further progression of degenerative processes.

Calcaneal spines

It has previously been indicated that heel spurs or plantar fasciitis occurs with increased stress on the heel fascia. According to ICD-10, this diagnosis is coded as M72.2. Diagnosis of the disease is based on symptoms and radiography, and the basis of treatment is physical therapy and the use of special orthopedic insoles. Also, the treatment of heel spurs can be carried out with the help of special shoes that fix the foot at a certain angle to the lower leg. In more severe cases, ultrasound, laser and corticosteroid therapy is used for treatment. You can also use folk treatment with remedies using anti-inflammatory decoctions and tinctures (elderberry, hawthorn, cinquefoil).

Many patients with this problem are sent to Israel for treatment. There are many specialized clinics where, using modern techniques (shock wave therapy, endoscopy), it is possible to destroy a bone spur and permanently relieve the patient of heel pain.

Formations in the vertebral bodies

The vertebrae have a fairly simple structure compared to other bones in the human body. All vertebrae, both small and large, have an opening in which the spinal cord passes, processes to which muscles and ligaments are attached, as well as their own body. The vertebral body is the most massive part of it, which accounts for most of the load. The body of each vertebra has an upper and lower part, thanks to which they connect to the lower and higher vertebrae.

Between each vertebra there is a section of fibrocartilaginous tissue called the intervertebral disc. There is a whole group of reasons why fibrocartilaginous tissue is sometimes replaced by bone. These include malignant neoplasms, traumatic injury to the spinal column, metabolic and hormonal disorders.

Correct classification is of great importance for diagnosis. Spinal osteophytes are classified according to localization relative to the vertebral body:

  • Front;
  • Rear;
  • Anterolateral;
  • Posolateral.

What are marginal osteophytes? As a result of various malignant processes along the edge of the vertebral body, osteophytes are formed according to the "peak" type. As a rule, this process develops with metastasis from the breast or prostate.

Hip joint changes

Osteophytes of the hip joint are formed during inflammatory processes, increased stress on the joint, traumatic injuries and hormonal disorders. Symptoms and treatment recommendations will not be very different from knee osteophytes.

How are they treated? At the initial stages of treatment, you can recommend the patient to lose weight, engage in physiotherapy exercises, and normalize nutrition. If this does not help, then it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs, external or internal type. When the degenerative process completely destroys the joint, then surgical methods of treatment (arthroplasty) should be used.

Bony growths in the foot

It is not uncommon for bone growths to form in the ankle joint. Most often, this problem worries the elderly, athletes and people engaged in hard physical labor. For the treatment of the foot, it is necessary to choose special orthopedic shoes, and also to reduce the load on the lower limb by reducing body weight.

Shoulder joint

The defeat of the shoulder joint by osteophytes is not as common as plantar fasciitis, arthrosis of the hands or knee. Most often, bone growths in this area occur in men who are engaged in heavy physical labor, with the predominant participation of the upper shoulder girdle. Treatment of shoulder osteophytes should be comprehensive. First, you should remove the provoking factor and reduce the load on the upper shoulder girdle. This recommendation should also apply to the elbow and wrist joints.

If these methods proved to be powerless, then it is necessary to use drug therapy using drugs from the NSAID group. Also, with a pronounced destructive process, there are a number of surgical techniques aimed either at eliminating the symptoms of inflammation (joint puncture), or at eliminating osteophytes (endoprosthetics).

When diagnosing a disease, doctors rely on the symptoms and results of an X-ray examination. It should also be said that in some systemic pathologies, osteophytes can be fixed on many anatomical tuberosities (nail phalanges, tubercles of the ischial bones, femurs, cheek crest of the lower jaw, etc.). Also, with metabolic disorders, calcifications in the kidneys will be found. In such cases, it is better to treat the underlying disease, otherwise the therapy will be ineffective.

Use of shock wave therapy

This technique is one of the most modern methods of treating osteophytes. Its essence is to create shock acoustic waves with a specific sound frequency using a special sensor. The directional movement of the acoustic wave destroys areas of calcium salt deposits that provoke painful sensations in patients.

Do bone growths disappear over time? Shockwave therapy leads to the breakdown of calcified areas of fibrous tissue, and also dissolves osteophytes and improves blood supply to the joints.

Be sure to consult your doctor before treating diseases. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure that the treatment is correct and exclude negative drug interactions. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, then it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes only and is not a medical aid. All responsibility for the application lies with you.

In the human body, every organ, every bone, every joint is endowed with vital functions.

Everything in us is interconnected and subordinated to a single goal - to ensure a full human life.

And when something and somewhere begins to tingle, creak or break, this can be a harbinger of serious complications for the whole organism.

Spinal osteophytes are the harbingers of serious problems with joints and the spine in general.

In medicine, it is customary to call osteophytes of the spine bone processes on the joints of the vertebrae or on the vertebrae themselves.

Bony processes can take many forms - for example, a thorn or a hook.

Osteophytes are formed as a result of ossification of the periosteum, ligaments and other tissues adjacent to the bone.

Physiologically, it looks like this: joints devoid of cartilaginous covering begin to rub against each other, as a result of which these specific bony processes grow back.

Thus, osteophytes protect the joint from further damage. Most often this occurs in the cervical vertebrae, in the joints of the arms and legs. The reasons for the appearance of osteophytes, as well as their symptoms, are different in each case.

Spine osteophytes - This is a consequence of a developing serious joint disease.

Causes of the appearance of bone processes

Problems with the spine and joints begin in people over the age of forty.

Those who are over 60-70 years old have osteophytic spines and hooks, in general, frequent guests.

This may be due to natural age degenerative changes in bone tissue people who begin to manifest themselves in their youth.

However, if you lead a correct lifestyle, avoid unnecessary stress and move more, you can live to old age and without osteophytes.

In other cases, improper posture, long standing or sitting (at work or watching TV), too much stress on joints and ligaments, injuries (work or sports) and other reasons can accelerate degenerative changes in the joints.

By the way, girls who like to walk in high stiletto heels are also at risk.

Other common causes of osteophyte formation include:

  • heredity;
  • metabolic problems;
  • flat feet;


In medical practice, it is customary to distinguish several types of osteophytes:

Post-traumatic (elbow and knee joints)

Formed in the area of \u200b\u200bfractures or serious bone damage.

The formation of osteophytes of this type may be caused not necessarily by damage to the bone itself, but by tearing of the periosteal tissue, which subsequently ossifies into an osteophyte.

The usual site of formation is the elbow or knee joint. Sprains with a ligament break are especially dangerous.


They occur with excessive overload of the joint or due to the so-called. senile arthrosis... Osteophytes of this class can cause partial immobility of the joint. In a situation with and, in which the fusion of the articular surfaces occurs, the joint is completely immobilized. These problems can also occur in the spine.


Their appearance is caused by inflammatory processes of the periosteum, as a result of which ossification of some of its parts occurs in an irregular order.


This type is a consequence of the effects of malignant tumors of the bone tissue, as well as metastases of some forms of cancer. They look like a spur or visor. Spongy osteophytes can also form in benign tumors, when there are disturbances in the growth of cartilage tissue.

In some cases, osteophytes can occur as a result of skeletal disorders in endocrine diseases, and also be the result of neurogenic problems.


In most cases, osteophytes develop without showing their presence in any way.

A person may not feel anything until the very time when the affected spine becomes motionless or almost motionless.


This department is by nature a sedentary place, so a person may not even know about the osteophytes present here. It is a different matter with the more mobile parts of the spine: here, as they grow, osteophytes begin to press on the nerve endings, causing various pain sensations, similar to those that a person experiences with.


The appearance of osteophytes on the cervical vertebrae leads to the fact that in a person it becomes more difficult and painful to turn his head. Moreover, a kind of limiter appears in the neck, beyond which the head cannot be turned.

The main symptoms of the presence of osteophytes can be:

  • Dull pain in the lumbar or cervical spine when standing and walking.
  • Neck pain with a return to the shoulder area, as well as headaches.
  • Lumbar pain with return to the back of the thigh.
  • Massive osteophytes can cause severe pain, as well as inflammation in bone and muscle tissue.
  • When osteophytes press on nerve endings, pain, tingling, or numbness in one or both arms or legs may occur, and weakness in one or both arms or legs may develop.
  • In rare cases, bowel and bladder dysfunctions may occur.

Painful symptoms caused by osteophytes intensify with physical exertion and decrease with rest. It has been noted that leaning the body forward or bending at the waist also helps to reduce the morbidity of osteophytes.

In general, the symptoms of osteophytes are very similar to the symptoms of back diseases such as spinal injuries, arthritis, impaired blood supply to the limbs, etc.


The diagnostic process begins with a trip to a medical facility and an examination.

First of all, the doctor performs neurological examinations to assess the condition of the nerve roots or spinal cord.

However, this will only be the initial stage of a comprehensive survey, since physical examination or palpation method can detect only very large osteophytes on the surface.

Based on the information received, as well as complaints from the patient himself, the doctor prescribes further stages of the examination, including:

  • ENMG (electroneurography) - allows you to determine the conductivity and degree of damage to the nerve fiber.
  • X-ray - in most cases, it is the primary method for detecting osteophytes and other changes in the spine.
  • CT or MRI (computer and magnetic resonance therapy) - help to obtain more detailed information about the state of bone and soft tissues, to identify compression of the nerve roots, as well as the spinal cord.

How to get rid of - an integrated approach

First of all, a person who has osteophytes must come to terms with the fact that they "came" forever - bone growths do not dissolve on their own.

The task of doctors and the patient himself is to make life easier for the body in new conditions for him and at least somehow slow down the further development of the disease.

In general, the complex treatment of osteophytes is not much different from the treatment of other similar diseases of the spine.


At first, if the problems caused by osteophytes and compression of the nerve roots are moderate, a course of anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed, and in case of severe pain and pain relievers (for example, Butadion, Diclofenac, Voltaren, Analgin, Baralgin) or muscle relaxants (preparations containing calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, nicotinic acid and B vitamins).

To distract from pain (but not heal), warming ointments such as Viprosal.


Along with drug treatment, good results can be achieved with the help of physiotherapy exercises. However, it is impossible to switch to exercise therapy during periods of severe pain or inflammation. At first, the exercises should be light with a gradual increase in load.

Manual therapy or massage

Manual therapy, or, more simply, massage, is also included in the therapeutic arsenal of fighting osteophytes.

A chiropractor (or osteopath), working with his hands using a special technique, will help improve blood flow to damaged joints or vertebrae, relieve muscle spasms, and also restore (fully or partially) the motor functions of the joints. The use of the so-called osteopath. soft technique stimulates the processes of regeneration of cartilaginous tissues.

Epidural steroid injections

In cases where there is inflammation in the facet joints, accompanied by swelling, epidural steroid injections are used. This method has a temporary effect, however, it creates an opportunity to move on to other rehabilitation actions.


The conservative methods of treating joints and the spine include such physiotherapeutic methods as HILT-therapy and UHT-therapy: in the first case, treatment is carried out using a laser capable of reaching deep-seated bone formations; the second therapeutic technique is the use of acoustic (or shock) waves.

Operative treatment

If all of the above conservative treatment methods remain powerless and the patient continues to experience severe pain, then the disease is in a severe form.

There is only one thing left - to seek help from a surgeon.

The purpose of the surgery is decompression of nerve roots by removing osteophytes.

In cases where the nerve endings have not been blocked for too long, then operable removal of osteophytes can help get rid of the symptoms of their presence.

However, in cases where the compression of the nerve endings continued for too long, even after the operation, the patient may have neurological symptoms, which means that irreversible changes have occurred in the structures of the nerve fibers.

The age of the patient is not a decisive factor in making or not deciding on an operable intervention.

The fact is that elderly people can simultaneously suffer from heart disease, diabetes or hypertension, which makes the operation itself risky and can slow down the recovery process.

In any case, the decision should be made solely on an individual basis.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine also offers its own means of combating osteophytes, or rather, with the pain symptoms that they cause in humans. For the most part, these folk remedies are traditional herbal and fruit infusions and decoctions.

As an example, here are two recipes for making decoctions from elderberry and hawthorn:

The following are five main methods of prevention premature formation of unwanted bone processes on the spine - osteophytes:

  1. If the work is sedentary and you cannot move anymore (which is very important in the fight against joint diseases), it is necessary to periodically warm up the back, neck and whole body.
  2. It is necessary to monitor the correct posture - the spine should be straight, and the neck should not protrude forward.
  3. Massage is an excellent prophylactic measure against diseases of the joints and spine.
  4. The daily diet should contain foods rich in vitamins, calcium and magnesium.
  5. It is necessary to avoid gaining extra pounds.

Timely appeal to doctors for help at the slightest suspicion of osteophytes of the spine can also be counted among the prevention of more serious consequences.

Important findings

Summing up the article, several important conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Not all back pain means the presence of osteophytes of the spine.
  2. Osteophytes of the spine are not a separate disease, but a consequence of other degenerative processes in bone tissues. Therefore, treatment should be comprehensive.
  3. Osteophytes of the spine are the lot, as a rule, of elderly people (60-70 years old), however, changes in the bone tissues of a person occur throughout his life, only at a slow pace. And an improper lifestyle (overweight, low mobility, injury, etc.) can accelerate the formation of osteophytes.
  4. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the disease can take the form of chronic radiculitis.

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Marginal osteophytes are growths of bone tissue. Often, growths do not manifest themselves for a sufficiently long amount of time, and they can only be detected after an X-ray examination. can form in various places, on the legs, arms, feet, spine.

Formations, as a rule, arise if a neoplasm on the bones is actively developing in the body, which has a malignant character.

Growths are also often diagnosed in individuals who have metastases of mammary or representative tumors. With benign tumors, they can also develop.

Marginal osteophytes can form both on the surface of the vertebral bodies of the lumbar and thoracic region, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hip and.

According to statistics, the disease is most common in people over 55 years old, but at a younger age, such a diagnosis can also be encountered.

What is at the root of the problem?

The main cause of the pathology is irritation of the periosteal region. It occurs, as a rule, due to the contact of joints with each other, which do not have a cartilaginous covering, this is the main reason for the formation of growths.

In addition, a number of the following factors can contribute to the development of the disease:

What does it look like?

The development of the disease often causes increased stress on the joints, as a result of which they thicken. After a certain time, the cartilage becomes hard, degenerates into bone tissue and loses its ability to provide shock-absorbing properties, as a result of this movement, are significantly hampered and limited.

Education, as it grows, begins to squeeze the nerve endings, which leads to the development of pain.

The main symptom is pain in the neck, lumbar region. Pain occurs as a response to inflammation and muscle spasm.

In addition, the symptoms of the disease include the following:

  • the occurrence of dull pain in the neck or lower back, which intensifies while walking;
  • recurrent headache;
  • pain in the lumbar region, which radiates to the hips;
  • slight tingling sensations;
  • loss of sensitivity and numbness;
  • feelings of weakness;
  • disturbances in the work of the genitourinary system and the system of the digestive tract.

Symptoms of the disease are most pronounced with increased physical activity, and decrease after prolonged rest. Also, the pain may become less when the body bends forward or backward.

Establishing diagnosis

When the first symptoms of osteophytes appear, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible, who will conduct a series of diagnostic studies and prescribe an effective treatment that will help eliminate symptoms and relieve discomfort.

With this disease, a consultation with a doctor - a vertebrologist is indicated. To begin with, a specialist will make a detailed examination and conduct an examination of the nervous system. This must be done in order to assess the work of the nerve roots.

Based on the obtained examination data, patient complaints, anemesis of the disease, the specialist develops a diagnostic scheme and further treatment.

For accurate diagnosis and confirmation of the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo the following studies:

  1. ... X-rays are often prescribed at the first suspicion of illness. The method allows you to see osteophytes at an early stage of the disease. In addition, the images show other changes that occur in the spine.
  2. ENMG... The procedure allows you to identify deviations and violations of the conduction of nerve fibers., As well as to determine the degree of damage to the fibers.
  3. ... This diagnostic method provides the most accurate picture and a large amount of information about everything that happens inside the spine, its structure.

Health care

Treatment of the disease at the initial stage is not much different from the treatment of other pathologies of the bone systems, in particular the spine. First, you need to understand that the osteophytes themselves cannot disappear completely.

The main task in treatment is to ensure that the body can adapt to new conditions and the disease does not progress. Bone growths, unfortunately, cannot dissolve.

Typically, the treatment regimen includes:

  1. Physiotherapy... Various methods of physiotherapy, current, rays, magnetic radiation are used. Often it is thanks to physiotherapy that you can almost completely get rid of pain and restore the mobility of the spine. If you combine correctly selected procedures with taking medications, you can significantly improve the patient's well-being in a short time. At the same time, it is important to note that physiotherapy is contraindicated in the presence of malignant neoplasms, thrombosis, bleeding, tuberculosis and infectious diseases.
  2. Taking medication... Medication includes taking anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relievers that relieve inflammation and pain. To improve the effectiveness, therapy is best combined with physiotherapy, massage and gymnastics.
  3. Surgical method... This method refers to extreme measures and is prescribed in the absence of a result from previous methods of therapy.

Watch yourself, be careful

Preventive measures can reduce the risk of developing the disease and avoid unpleasant symptoms. To this end, you must follow several recommendations and adhere to simple rules:

It is important to remember that when the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately contact a specialist who will diagnose and prescribe effective treatment.

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