Altai Institute of Economics (branch of SPbUTUiE) 

Stoves, fireplaces 09.10.2020
Stoves, fireplaces

About the university

Since April 1998, the Altai branch of the Institute of Management and Economics was one of the first non-state higher educational institutions in the region to begin its activities in the regional market of educational services and in the city of Barnaul.

Since 2005, according to the order "On changing the names of branches" No. 734, the Altai branch was reorganized into the Altai Institute of Economics and to the present time it is one of the leading branches of the St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics headed by Viktor Gnevko - Doctor of Economics, Professor , a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, an honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, an honored scientist of the Russian Federation, a member of the Russian Union of Rectors of the Free Economic Society of Russia, the International Union of Economists, 12 international and national academies, a number of foreign universities and associations, an honorary professor of Russian and foreign universities.

For more than 10 years, the Altai Institute of Economics has been permanently headed by Natalya Aleksandrovna Nevinskaya - Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation with thirty years of experience in education, awarded the Order of the Academy "For Merit" II degree, the Academy Medal "Honored Worker of the St. Petersburg Academy of Management and Economy ", was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, awarded the Honorary title" Veteran of Labor of the Altai Territory. "

The first 70 graduates of the institute received state diplomas in the specialties: "Finance and Credit", "Organization Management", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "Social and Cultural Service and Tourism". And currently, about one and a half thousand students study at the Altai Institute of Economics in such educational programs as: "Jurisprudence", "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "Organization Management", "Management", "State and municipal management "," Documentation and documentation support of management "," Economics "," Commerce "," Social and cultural service and tourism "," Tourism ". The students of our institute are not only residents of Altai, but also of the entire Siberian Federal District, as well as the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since 2008, the Institute has a Faculty of Economics and Law, which includes the following departments: Finance and Accounting, Economics and Management, Social and Cultural Services and Tourism, Civil and Labor Law, State and Legal Disciplines. The teaching staff of the institute is 12 professors and more than 50 candidates of economic, legal, sociological, philosophical, philological, pedagogical sciences.

For the organization of the educational process, the institute uses premises with a total area of \u200b\u200b10357.4 sq.m., including: owned: 1679.1 sq.m. m., and 8678.3 sq. m is used on a lease basis. The classroom fund consists of a sufficient number of modern, aesthetically designed classrooms, classrooms (humanities, English and German, economic disciplines, management documentation, social and cultural service and tourism), a forensic laboratory, as well as two computer classes equipped with modern personal computers.

The Center for Information Technology is in demand by students and teachers, the total number of computers of which is increasing, while the quality characteristics of the equipment meet the latest world standards. The software and hardware of these classes provides a modern level of training for students in computer science and their professional specialization in the use of information technologies. At present, the Institute uses about forty units of computer technology with broadband Internet access. In the process of training and work, licensed software from Microsoft (Windows XP, Office 2003, Server 2003) is used.

The library fund of the Institute for 10 years of work has grown significantly and amounts to 24783 items. The fund includes books, magazines, newspapers, audiovisual materials, electronic publications. The fund contains monographs, encyclopedias, collections, reference books, textbooks, popular science books on various branches of knowledge, in addition, the library annually subscribes about 30 titles of magazines and newspapers. For the convenience and better service of our readers, the reference apparatus of the library is represented by alphabetical and systematic card catalogs. For the automation of library and bibliographic processes, the AIBS "IRBIS" is used. Students, teachers and staff of the institute have the opportunity to work with the electronic catalog, with a collection of CD and DVD - disks, use the legal systems "Consultant-plus" and "Garant-plus" on computers installed at workplaces and in the reading room of the library, which have access to Internet.

For physical education classes, a comfortable and cozy gym is used, equipped with modern sports equipment.

Medical service is organized on the basis of a medical center, equipped with the necessary medical equipment and drugs, allowing you to provide emergency medical care. Also, to provide medical care, an agreement was concluded for the provision of medical services with the Municipal Healthcare Institution "City Hospital No. 5".

The institute has organized the possibility of meals for students and staff in the student cafe, which operates all day, which allows students and staff to eat at a convenient time for them.

Scientific work is one of the most important activities of the teaching staff, graduate students and students of the Altai Institute of Economics. The scientific activity of the institute is closely related to the educational process, has a multifaceted nature and is aimed at the priority development of applied research as a basis for creating new knowledge, ensuring the training of qualified specialists and introducing modern methods and pedagogical technologies into educational activities.

Scientific research at the institute is carried out in several directions, corresponding to the profile of the training of specialists: strategic development of economic entities of the region; innovative approaches to the development of entrepreneurship (regional aspect); society and law: problems of building a civil legal society.

For thirteen years the institute has come a long way of formation and development. The main result, which was the victory in the competition for the best university branch in the 2008/2009 academic year. Altai Institute of Economics actively cooperates with the largest enterprises in the region, providing educational and industrial practice in such organizations of the city of Barnaul as LLC Sanatorium "Altai Castle", JSC "Barnaul Yeast Plant", Hotel "Kolos", JSC "Cellular Concrete Plant", GOU VPO "Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation", OJSC AKB "Rosbank" and many others.

Since 2007, the Student Council has been functioning at the Altai Institute of Economics, the first chairman of which was a student of the specialty "Jurisprudence" Vladimir Viktorovich Soroka. From the first days, observing the traditions of the student council of the institute, organizational-mass work, scientific events on the basis of the institute, takes part in external scientific events, information and publishing activities are carried out by students.

Well-known civil servants and entrepreneurs in the Altai Territory graduated from the institute: Buryagin Vladimir Vasilyevich - director of the Barnaulgorsvet Municipal Unitary Enterprise, Chairman of the Alumni Association, Sadkov Vasily Vasilyevich - General Director of OJSC Barnaul Yeast Plant, Solodilov Andrey Andreevich - Deputy General Director JSC "Barnaul Brewery", Evsyukov Vladimir Vasilyevich - head of the department of benefits and compensation payments of the Administration of the Central District of Novosibirsk, Leonov Igor Kirillovich - General Director of LLC "Igor", Zharova Lyubov Alekseevna - Deputy Head of the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Altai Territory ... The activities of the Alumni Association are aimed at supporting talented students and graduate students, as well as developing the traditions of the institute.

Just like 13 years ago, on the threshold of 2012, the Altai Institute of Economics implements the main teaching principle: high quality education should be of an applied nature.

June 19, 2001 to February 28, 2017 Altai Institute of Economics led Natalia Nevinskaya- Candidate of Chemistry, Associate Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation with thirty years of experience in education, awarded the Order of the Academy "For Merit" II degree, the Academy Medal "Honored Worker of the St. Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics", awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, awarded the Honorary title "Veteran of Labor of the Altai Territory."

Since March 1, 2017, the institute is headed by Trukhin Maxim Anatolievich- Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, retired police colonel. Awarded with medals 1,2,3 degrees "For Distinction in Service", the badge "For Fidelity to Duty", an officer's dagger,awarded the Honorary title "Labor Veteran of the Altai Territory"... He is a member of the United Russia party.

The first 70 graduates of the institute received state diplomas in the specialties: "Finance and Credit", "Organization Management", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "Social and Cultural Service and Tourism". And at present, over one thousand three hundred students are studying at the Altai Institute of Economics under such educational programs of higher education as: "Jurisprudence", "Management", "Economics"and secondary vocational education as "Banking" and "Economics of the organization" (by industry). The students of our institute are not only residents of Altai, but also of the entire Siberian Federal District, as well as the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since 2008, the Institute has a Faculty of Economics and Law, which includes the following departments: Economics and Management, Civil Law Disciplines, Criminal Law Disciplines and Law Enforcement, Theoretical Foundations of Management and Law, State Legal Disciplines. Since 2019, the institute has three departments: Economics and Management, Theoretical Foundations of Management and Law and Legal Disciplines.

The teaching staff of the Institute are associate professors and professors, as well as candidates and doctors of economic, legal, sociological, philosophical, philological, pedagogical sciences.

To organize the educational process, the institute uses premises with a total area of \u200b\u200b4836.19 sq.m., including: owned: 2484 sq. m., and 2352.19 sq. m is used on a lease basis. The classroom fund consists of a sufficient number of modern classrooms, classrooms where a WiFi module or wired internet is installed, video projection equipment for presentations, sound reproduction equipment, a screen, educational furniture, etc., as well as two computer classes equipped with modern personal computers and a language laboratory. equipment.

On the basis of the institute, a professional club has been created for everyone who wants to master the profession of a criminalist. The necessary equipment will make you feel like a real expert in practice. The set of a specialist contains many necessary items: from a magnifying glass, scissors and a brush to a fingerprint set of a criminalist. The university also invites students to familiarize themselves with the equipment of bank employees

The Center for Information Technology is in demand by students and teachers, the total number of computers of which is increasing, while the quality characteristics of the equipment meet the latest world standards. The software and hardware of these classes provides a modern level of training for students in computer science and their professional specialization in the use of information technologies. At present, the Institute uses about forty units of computer technology with broadband Internet access. In the process of training and work, licensed software of the company is used Microsoft (MS Office 2007, SunRav TestOfficePro 6, Irbis Version 2006.1, Linko 6.5, 1C. Enterprise 8 (, Budget 1.3 / reg. No. 14-510b, Investment analysis 2.9 / reg. No. 14-951i, Score 2.0 .2 / registration No. 14-597o, Financial analysis + Business valuation / registration No. 14-1172 SAMO "TourAgent").

The library fund of the Institute for 21 years of work has grown significantly and is 29140 items. The fund includes books, magazines, newspapers, audiovisual materials, electronic publications. The fund contains monographs, encyclopedias, collections, reference books, textbooks, popular science books on various branches of knowledge, in addition, the library annually subscribes about 30 titles of magazines and newspapers. For the convenience and better service of our readers, the reference apparatus of the library is represented by alphabetical and systematic card catalogs. For the automation of library and bibliographic processes, the AIBS "IRBIS" is used. Students, teachers and staff of the institute have the opportunity to work with the electronic catalog, with the CD collection and DVD - disks, use the legal systems "Consultant-plus" and "Garant-plus" on computers installed at workplaces and in the reading room of the library with Internet access.

For physical education classes, a comfortable and cozy gym is used, equipped with modern sports equipment (wall bars, punching bag, horizontal bar, multifunctional exercise machine, exercise bike, treadmill, rope, tennis tables, etc.).

Medical service is organized on the basis of a medical center, equipped with the necessary medical equipment and drugs, allowing you to provide emergency medical care. Also, to provide medical care, an agreement has been concluded for the provision of medical services.

The institute has organized the possibility of meals for students and staff in the student cafe, which operates all day, which allows students and staff to eat at a convenient time for them.

Scientific work is one of the most important activities of the teaching staff and students of the Altai Institute of Economics. The scientific activity of the institute is closely related to the educational process, has a multifaceted nature and is aimed at the priority development of applied research as a basis for creating new knowledge, ensuring the training of qualified specialists and introducing modern methods and pedagogical technologies into educational activities.

Scientific research at the institute is carried out in several directions, corresponding to the profile of the training of specialists: strategic development of economic entities of the region; innovative approaches to the development of entrepreneurship (regional aspect); society and law: problems of building a civil legal society.

Altai Institute of Economics, headed by the director Natalia Nevinskaya,but at the moment Trukhin Maxim Anatolievich, has already successfully passed three accreditations and became recognizable in the educational system of the Altai Territory. In 2011, the institute received a license for training in secondary vocational education programs, and in 2015 the institute received accreditation. Its current level is the training of civil servants and management personnel for various sectors of the national economy. The institute has about one and a half thousand students from the Altai Territory, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk regions, the Altai Republic and Kazakhstan. Over the years of the institute's work, more than a thousand people have become certified specialists.

Well-known civil servants and entrepreneurs in the Altai Territory graduated from the institute: Buryagin Vladimir Vasilyevich - director of the Barnaulgorsvet Municipal Unitary Enterprise, Chairman of the Alumni Association, Sadkov Vasily Vasilyevich - General Director of OJSC Barnaul Yeast Plant, Solodilov Andrey Andreevich - Deputy General Director JSC "Barnaul Brewery", Evsyukov Vladimir Vasilyevich - head of the department of benefits and compensation payments of the Administration of the Central District of Novosibirsk, Leonov Igor Kirillovich - General Director of LLC "Igor", Zharova Lyubov Alekseevna - Deputy Head of the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Altai Territory ... The activities of the Alumni Association are aimed at supporting talented students and graduate students, as well as developing the traditions of the institute.

Like 21 years ago, the Altai Institute of Economics implements the main teaching principle: high quality education should be of an applied nature.


2 Excellent

I study at this cool educational institution! I'm very happy with everything! teachers give the highest knowledge and support us very much!


2 Excellent

My beloved, my native university! Cool teachers, it can be difficult, I get angry, I scold them, but still interesting. Chosen upon admission, if honestly, because of the price, but it turned out to be one of the best universities. I have already been in practice twice, a friend is studying on a budget at another university, she goes to practice with her mother in an individual entrepreneur, it is not possible with us - they are sent either to large organizations. or to government agencies. well, which of us will really be a practitioner?)))


2 Excellent

I am a first year student at the Altai Institute of Economics, St. Petersburg Academic University. I entered the institute after college, it is very convenient and profitable in the sense that it will take only 3.5 years to study. The knowledge that was acquired in college helps to master the profession. We can and bombastic, but to the point!
Having a diploma of secondary vocational education, you can work and receive higher education in absentia, it is very convenient, as many of our people do.
a! well, students are rereading many of the subjects studied in college, the term of study is shortened

College of the Altai Institute of Economics * is an opportunity to receive secondary vocational education on the basis of grades 9 and 11, admission to the institute without the Unified State Exam, enrollment in the Altai Institute of Economics upon completion of training.


  • Banking. Qualification: Banking specialist.
  • Economics and accounting (by industry). Qualification: Accountant.

Duration of training:

Full-time education: on the basis of 9 classes - 2 years 10 months;
on the basis of 11 classes 1 year 10 months.
- extramural education: on the basis of 11 classes - 2 years 10 months.

Upon graduation, you will be able to:

  • Receive a diploma of secondary vocational education and the opportunity to start an independent life by finding a job;
  • enter the Altai Institute of Economics without the USE and get a high-quality higher education of the European level;
  • get a higher education at the Altai Institute of Economics according to an individual program with a shorter period of study (full-time education - 3 years, part-time - 3.5 years).


While your peers are sitting at their desks at school, you will receive a profession.
Having received a diploma, you have more options to choose from: enroll in a university for full-time education, combine work with part-time education, or simply get a job. Your classmates continuing to study in grades 10-11 will not have that choice.
It will be easier for you to enter the university - our graduates are enrolled in the Altai Institute of Economics without the USE.
If you enter a university after college, then it is possible to reduce the period of study by 1 year.

A graduate can get 2 professions: one on the basis of secondary vocational education, the second on the basis of a higher education (after graduation), in this case it is easier to find a job.

After college, it is easier for a graduate to study at the institute - he knows the teachers and their requirements, during the training he got used to the educational system that differs from the school one. Many of the disciplines he studied in college will be taught at the institute, but only in depth.

The cost of training in 2016 is 32 thousand rubles per year.

The college is taught by teachers from the Altai Institute of Economics. Students, accordingly, receive a high quality education. The educational building of the College of the Altai Institute of Economics is located in the center of Barnaul on Lenin Avenue 106e. The admissions office is located next to the station, on Stroiteley Avenue, 22. The geographical location of the college allows you to get there by any means of transport.

This is just a fraction of the benefits that come with admission to college at the Altai Institute of Economics. Leave a request, the consultant will call you back and help you sort out your questions.

* College of the Altai Institute of Economics is the code name of a subdivision of the Altai Institute of Economics of the private educational institution of higher education "St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics" providing training under the program of secondary vocational education.

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