Higher education technosphere safety. Technosphere safety specialist. Useful video: technosphere safety

Kitchen 09.10.2020

The market economy hit our country at the end of the 20th century like an avalanche, abruptly and unexpectedly. Then, in a short period of time, foreign markets for goods and capital opened. In response to this circumstance, new banks, insurance companies and cooperatives began to be created en masse. State machineregulating new processes in the economy, it completely changed the accounting procedure, currency control rules, customs regulation.

In contact with

In such a general situation (at that time) in the country, a shortage of personnel with education corresponding to the new reality naturally manifested itself. The demand for specialists in the field of finance, credit, law, accounting, and so on has skyrocketed.

Previously popular engineering specialties in universities began to lose their attractiveness. Applicants flocked to economic specialties. Higher educational institutions of our country (including technical ones), adjusting to the spirit of the times, massively opened the corresponding faculties for the training of economists, lawyers, accountants.

Since then, and this is more than 20 years, millions of specialists with higher education in the above-mentioned fields have graduated from universities "into adulthood". Certainly most of them are employed to this day... But recently, taking into account the growing technical progress, the lack of engineering personnel, professionals in production and construction, has become increasingly felt. As a result, there was a need for technosphere safety specialists.

Who is he, a technosphere safety specialist?

To answer this question, you need to understand the terminology.

A modern man, with the aim of the most comfortable stay, modifies his environment with the help of technical means (machines and mechanisms) and man-made objects (roads, airports, water utilities, hydroelectric power plants, buildings, and others). The part of the biosphere that has undergone this transformation is called the technosphere.

In this way, technosphere safety specialist is a personwith a set of professional knowledge and skills with which he can:

  • to ensure the safe activities of people in the environment to form a comfortable technosphere for life;
  • using modern methods of control and forecasting, as well as advanced technical means, ensure the safety of human life and health;
  • ensure the safety of the environment from the consequences of human activities, minimizing its technogenic impact on nature.

Technosphere safety and environmental management are related concepts, but not the same thing. Environmental management is measures for the purposeful change in the properties of natural objects in order to increase their consumer value and more efficient use of land resources.

Where and by whom a technosphere safety specialist can work

Before answering the question: where can you get a specialty in technospheric safety, you need to understand whether you need to get it or not. And for this it is necessary first to find out where the future graduate will be able to work, and what his profession will be called.

Currently specialists for technosphere safety are in high demand. By the date of graduation from a university and receiving a diploma of higher education, graduates usually do not have a choice: who and where to work, since they already know this.

Even during the internship, most future graduates receive offers for further employment. They have a lot of options for where to start their working career.

It can be like state (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Federal Labor Inspection, Ministry of Natural Resources and others), and private (Aeroflot, Rusal, Megapolis and others) structures, in the following types of activities (by profession):

  • safety engineer;
  • fire safety engineer;
  • industrial safety engineer;
  • environmental safety engineer;
  • technical supervision engineer;
  • occupational health and safety engineer;
  • manager (analyst, expert) for security and risks;
  • inspector of state supervision and control;
  • rescuer;
  • environmental engineer;
  • other.

As you can see from the list, the choice of options for the future profession is very wide. Diploma in Technosphere Safetywho to work with, you still have to choose.

By type of activity, it can be divided into the following three groups:

  • research;
  • design and engineering;
  • managerial.

Jobs and salary

The number of technically complex projects that have been implemented or are still being implemented in our country only in recent years has grown sharply compared to what was being built 20 years ago. Among them:

The list goes on. With the implementation of each such project dozens and hundreds of technosphere safety specialists are involved. There are always vacancies, the main condition is the readiness for business trips. If there is no such readiness, then you need to look at the options for employment in a technology company or research organization.

The issue of own wages is very relevant for all categories of working citizens. If you look at popular sites on the Internet for finding vacancies, you can see (just fill in the search: technosphere safety vacancies) that the level of monthly compensation for a technosphere safety specialist (bachelor), on average, is from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. Moreover, in Moscow it rises to 70 thousand. And in the regions the "plug" is from 20 to 60 thousand rubles.

Where can I get education on technosphere safety and forms of training

In accordance with the All-Russian classifier of specialties in education (OCCO), the specialty "Technosphere safety" has the following code designations:

  • 03/20/01 - bachelor qualification;
  • 04.20.01 - Master's qualification;
  • 06.20.01 - qualification for graduate school.

For those wishing to get education in the above-mentioned specialty Several Moscow universities have opened their doors, including:

As can be seen from the above list, training is carried out in technical universities at engineering faculties. For example, at the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, the Department of Ecology and Industrial Safety was opened at the Faculty of Power Engineering.

The training of students is carried out on the basis of secondary education of 11 grades and in full-time form takes four years. Perhaps admission to the evening or correspondence department, which takes five years to study.

For admission, you must pass an exam in mathematics, Russian language and physics or chemistry (at the discretion of the university).

What subjects are future specialists studying at the university?

In the direction of technosphere safety, universities teach students both the basic (basic) disciplines for all technical universities (engineering physics, descriptive geometry, mechanics, thermal physics, fluid dynamics, electronics and electrical engineering), and special subjects (supervision and control in the field of safety, medical biological safety fundamentals, technosphere safety management and others).


Technosphere safety specialists are in high demand in the modern world due to the importance of the profession. Work doesn't mean sitting in a stuffy office "From call to call" and will be of interest to young people leading an active lifestyle. Technological progress makes it possible to implement more and more complex projects, and real professional specialists have a chance to participate in this process. you can find out from the link.

The most common admission exams are:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (profile) - profile subject, at the choice of the university
  • Chemistry - at the choice of the university
  • Physics - at the choice of the university

The higher the level of development of civilization, the more complex the technologies used by man in everyday life. For the 21st century, the specialty 20.03.01 "Technosphere Safety" is especially relevant.

This profession is in demand in almost all industries. It helps to ensure the safety of man, society, and nature. A specialist in this direction is engaged in forecasting and monitoring various areas of activity. He can realize himself in the design of equipment and technologies designed to prevent risks and threats, as well as in eliminating the consequences of emergency situations.

Conditions of admission

The main goal of the course is to develop a specialist who has analytical thinking. For him, a deep knowledge of the exact sciences is mandatory, therefore they are certainly checked upon admission. Applicants must take the following items:

  • mathematics (profile),
  • russian language,
  • physics or chemistry (optional).

Future profession

A young specialist will be able to deal with complex problems: he will be able to predict and detect possible dangers.

In his work, the bachelor will operate with knowledge that will help him analyze the impact of various factors on the degree of environmental safety, from temperature to wave phenomena. The graduate will be able to choose different areas for realizing himself as a professional: to work for the benefit of workers in different industries, to deal exclusively with environmental protection or to prevent threats to society.

Where to go

The bachelor's program is taught to students in many universities in Moscow:

  • Moscow State Machine-Building University;
  • Moscow state. Technical University of Civil Aviation;
  • Russian State University of Oil and Gas Gubkin;
  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology;
  • Humanitarian and Economic Institute named after Chernomyrdin.

Training period

Such a specialty can be mastered in four years if you choose the full-time form after the end of eleven classes. Also, graduates enter the correspondence, mixed or evening department, then they study for five years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

A graduate of the direction in the process of mastering the program will certainly learn the basics:

  • environmental safety;
  • fluid dynamics;
  • engineering graphics;
  • mechanics;
  • electrical engineering;
  • metrology;
  • descriptive geometry;
  • thermal physics.

Acquired skills

Upon completion of training, the bachelor will be able to fully master the following skills:

  • creation of projects designed to prevent technogenic and anthropogenic consequences;
  • search for sources of danger, areas of high risk;
  • preparation of project documentation;
  • use of safety and security controls;
  • selection of optimal protection systems and techniques aimed at eliminating risks;
  • writing safety instructions;
  • performance of briefing;
  • control of the state of protective equipment;
  • environmental assessment;
  • study of the consequences of anthropogenic factors and natural phenomena.

Job prospects by profession

Students after completing the course can easily find a job. Such specialists are in demand in government agencies and private organizations. They can work in laboratories, inspections, structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which are involved in certification of workplaces, labor protection, elimination of disasters and natural disasters. There is also the option of employment in a design organization, research institution, technological enterprise.

Who do such specialists work:

Bachelors can count on a decent level of remuneration. The starting salary is 30-40 thousand in local currency. The specificity of this specialty is such that its demand only grows from year to year along with the emergence of new technologies.

Benefits of studying in a master's degree

The master's program opens up completely different perspectives. It assumes immersion in the legislative and regulatory framework, extensive practical experience.

Upon graduation, specialists will be able to work in the state labor inspection, in the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor). They will find themselves in enterprises of various production spheres: metallurgical, refining, oil, etc.

Technosphere Safety Specialist Is an actual and essential profession in the modern world. Its mission can be compared to divine providence: if God created the world, then a technosphere safety specialist is called to preserve it. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, law, life safety and labor and economy (see the choice of a profession for interest in school subjects).

The technosphere is the habitat of a modern man, "it is a part of the biosphere radically transformed by man through the indirect impact of technical means, as well as technical and man-made objects (buildings, roads, mechanisms) in order to best meet the socio-economic needs of mankind."

Protecting humans and the environment from humans themselves and their man-made activities are the most important professional tasks that ensure OVERALL SAFETY. The modern technosphere is dangerous for both man and nature. The danger comes from technical objects and means, production technologies, objects of the natural environment. For example, malfunctions in the most complex production and industrial complexes can cause environmental or man-made disasters.

On the one hand, a technosphere safety specialist protects the environment from the influence of human activity:

  • controls the level of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and hydrosphere;
  • determines the permissible norms and limits of the interference of human activity in nature.

On the other hand, it ensures human safety in a technogenic environment:

  • deals with labor protection of production workers; prevention of injuries and occupational diseases;
  • controls all types of safety: fire, radiation, etc.

Technosphere safety specialist is a generalized name of the profession, which includes such specialists as: Technical Supervision Engineer, Safety and Risk Analyst, Health and Safety Engineer, Industrial Safety Engineer, Fire Safety Engineer, Environmental Safety Engineer, State Supervision and Control Inspector, Industrial Safety Manager, Environmental Safety Expert.

In the twentieth century, all such specialists were called occupational safety engineers. But in the modern world of high technologies, there is not enough knowledge of only safety instructions. Greater knowledge of global environmental standards and environmental legislation is required. Modern specialists in this field must have the skills to prevent the consequences of natural disasters - earthquakes, floods, etc.

Features of the profession

The functional responsibilities of a technosphere safety specialist depend on the industry in which he works and the position held. Types of work common to all areas of activity:

  • identification of possible sources of hazards and determination of their level in production;
  • identification of zones in which the technogenic risk is increased;
  • participation in projects to create means of ensuring human safety from these dangers;
  • development of safety requirements, rescue equipment and organizational measures in investment projects;
  • preparation of internal safety instructions for a specific enterprise;
  • regular safety briefing among production employees;
  • control over the state of protective equipment and employees' compliance with safety requirements;
  • environmental impact assessment and control over the rational use of natural resources;
  • study of the impact of man and his activities, as well as natural disasters on industrial facilities.

Pros and cons of the profession


The importance of the profession in the modern world and in this regard, the high demand for specialists in technosphere safety. No project can be effectively implemented without assessing harmful and hazardous production factors. Stable and prestigious work.


The disadvantages include possible hazards to health and life at work.

Place of work

Bodies of supervision and control of safety, environmental friendliness of production and labor protection (Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, Federal Labor Inspection, etc.),
industrial safety and labor protection of enterprises, organizations.
Research, expert and design organizations in the field of industrial safety and environmental preservation.
Ministry of Emergencies, Ministry of Natural Resources.

Important qualities

Personal qualities:

  • a responsibility
  • sociability
  • teamwork skills
  • developed forward thinking
  • analytic skills
  • spatial imagination
  • ability to work independently with minimal supervision
  • the ability to make accurate, balanced and responsible decisions
  • ability to analyze and organize information
  • ability to find non-standard solutions in time trouble
  • the ability to clearly follow the instructions received
  • constant pursuit of professional development
  • mastering technological changes and technical innovations
  • good physical and psychological shape

Professional skills

  • competent knowledge in the field of activity in which he specializes;
  • possession of design software;
  • ability to work with drawings;
  • knowledge of materials and safety standards system;
  • knowledge of techniques for operating machinery and equipment in production;
  • possession of design software.

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In this article, we will explain in detail what “Technosphere safety” is, give a definition, tell about the history of the specialty, provide legislative acts of the Russian Federation and give recommendations on whether to study in this direction. We will also explain who to work in the direction of "Technosphere Safety" and whether to receive the specialty "Technosphere Safety".

Let's start ...

Technosphere safety is the direction of training specialists in the field of labor protection, ensuring industrial safety of technological processes and production both in normal conditions and in an emergency.

So what is this specialty "Technosphere Safety" and what you need to know first of all?

  • this is the main specialty that a labor protection specialist needs to acquire in order to carry out his activities. You will understand this if you read this article to the end;
  • this is an enlarged area of \u200b\u200btraining among occupational safety specialties such as "Safety of technological processes", "Safety of technological production", "Protection in emergency situations", "Environmental protection" and so on. Therefore, it is this specialty that we recommend to receive, first of all, for future, as well as current, labor protection specialists.

The specialty is suitable for those people who want to deal with issues of ensuring safety at work, industrial safety, fire safety, environmental safety. Graduates in this specialty in a short time occupy leadership positions. For example, they become heads of labor protection services.

Due to the fact that the state pays special attention to labor protection issues at the enterprise, the demand for this specialty significantly exceeds the supply. Therefore, there will be no problems with employment. So, just go to any job site to see this.

What to work with in the specialty "Technosphere safety"?

Persons trained in the specialty "Technosphere Safety" can work in the following professions:

- labor protection specialist;
- environmental engineer;
- specialist of supervisory organizations in the field of labor protection and fire safety
- specialist of expert organizations in the field of labor protection, industrial and fire safety (expert assessment of working conditions, examination of labor safety, legislation, occupational safety training, etc.)

So, what is this specialty "Technosphere Safety"? All professions in this specialty are not associated with physical labor. The necessary skills are, first of all, to know the legislation in the field of labor protection, to comply with job descriptions and regulations. The analytical skills of the employee should be average. These professions are universal. They combine both humanitarian and technical skills. The choice of who to work in this specialty is yours!

Specialty "Technosphere safety", demand

Occupational safety specialist Is the most demanded profession. You can read about this profession on the page

Environmental Engineer Is a specialist who deals with environmental conservation issues. In the course of his activities, an ecologist studies the state of the earth's surface, evaluates the impact of harmful substances on the atmosphere. An ecologist can work both in environmental enterprises, in educational and health care institutions. Currently, the profession of an environmental engineer is considered not very popular, but due to the fact that the state began to pay special attention to environmental problems, the profession of an environmentalist will be more in demand in the future.

Specialist of supervisory organizations - this is actually the profession "State Labor Inspector". A labor inspector is an employee of the labor inspection. He conducts inspections of enterprises for compliance with legislation in the field of labor protection. The profession of a labor inspector specializing in Technosphere Safety is in demand.

Expert of expert organizations Is primarily an expert in assessing working conditions at enterprises. Because all enterprises must undergo a special assessment of working conditions, therefore this profession is in demand.

Conclusion: the specialty "Technosphere safety" is in great demand! You just need to make your choice as to who to work in the specialty "Technosphere Safety". And then

What is the salary of Technosphere Safety specialists?

When choosing any profession, it is necessary to decide how interesting it will be and what the remuneration will be. "Technosphere safety" - what is this specialty and what is the salary? We have answered the first question. As for wages, we can say that it is higher than in other specialties.

Labor remuneration "Technosphere Safety" as of 2019 according to the websiteHeadHanter:

Average salary of a labor protection specialist:
Moscow and St. Petersburg - 50-90 thousand rubles
In the northern region of Russia - 50-70 thousand rubles
In the central region of Russia - 25-35 thousand rubles

Average salary of an environmental engineer:
Moscow and St. Petersburg - 35-50 thousand rubles
In the northern region of Russia - 35-40 thousand rubles
In the central region of Russia - 15-25 thousand rubles

Average salary of a state labor inspector:
Moscow and St. Petersburg - 55 thousand rubles
In the northern region of Russia - 40 thousand rubles

Average salary of an expert on a special assessment of working conditions:
Moscow and St. Petersburg - 45-65 thousand rubles
In the northern region of Russia - 40-50 thousand rubles
In the central region of Russia - 30 thousand rubles

Does an OSH specialist need to be trained in Technosphere Safety?

If you are going to work, or are already working as an occupational safety specialist, you may have a question: Should you receive the specialty "Technosphere Safety"? We will try to answer.

Currently, a labor protection specialist must conduct his activities strictly in accordance with. It contains a mandatory requirement for the position of a specialist. Persons with higher or secondary education in labor protection have the right to hold the position of a labor protection specialist. In the absence of proper education in labor protection, the specialist must


If you want to work as a labor protection specialist, you just need education in labor protection in the direction of "Technosphere safety"!

If you already work as a labor protection specialist in an organization, then you just need to have a specialty in the diploma "Technosphere Safety" or a similar one in labor protection, for example, "Life Safety", "Safety of Technological Processes and Production", etc.

The history of the emergence of the specialty "Technosphere safety", its significance

You have already learned what Technosphere Safety is, now we will tell you about the history of the emergence of this specialty. Back in 2003 Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 30.09.2003 N 276-st put into effect All-Russian classifier of specialties in education (OKSO)OK 009-2003. It was created to streamline and facilitate the accounting of specialties in the Russian Federation.

An occupational safety specialist will be interested in the following OKSO codes:

Specialty code Directions of training

280100 Life safety
280101 Life safety in the technosphere
280102 Safety of technological processes and production
280103 Emergency protection
280104 Fire safety
280201 Environmental protection

At that time, graduates could be awarded the qualifications of "labor protection engineer", "environmental engineer", or simply "engineer" or "technician".

In connection with the transition of higher professional education in the Russian Federation to international educational standards, the terms and names of higher education qualifications have changed. A bachelor's degree with a training period of 4 years and a master's degree + 2 years have appeared. Therefore, it was necessary to bring the specialties specified in the OKSC to the international standard, and indicate which professions from the OKSC would correspond to the bachelor's degree and which to the master's degree.

In this regard, came out Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2009 N 337 "On approval of the lists of directions for the preparation of higher professional education", which lists all possible specialties for undergraduate and graduate programs.

In this order, the first mention of the specialty "Technosphere Safety" with the qualification code 280700 appeared. It is indicated that both bachelors and masters are trained in this direction.

The direction of preparation of higher education "Technosphere Safety" was equated to the occupational safety specialties from the OKSO. So, according to Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 17.02.2011 N 201 the following correspondence of the direction of training of higher professional education is established:

Order 337 of September 17, 2009. Resolution 276-st of 30.09.2003. (OXO)

Technosphere safety


280101 Life safety in the technosphere
280201 Environmental protection
280102 Process safety
280103 Emergency protection
280104 Fire safety
280200 Environmental Protection
280202 Environmental engineering

In 2013, Order 337 of 17.09.2009 was replaced by Order 1061 of 12.09.2013 with an updated list of specialties... From the point of view of our specialty, this order has not changed anything, except for the code of the direction of training. The code of the direction of training "Technosphere Safety" 280700 is changed to codes 20.03.01, 20.04.01 and 20.06.01.

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