Clasp prosthesis with clasp fixation. Clasp-based clasp prosthesis is an excellent alternative to modern implants. Advantages and disadvantages of clasp prosthetics on implants

Door arches 16.08.2020
Door arches

Removable prosthetics with clasps is one of the most affordable and effective ways replacement of lost teeth. When using this method, the chewing load is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the jaw, which is close to the physiological variant. In addition, this solid, monolithic system is often used as a splinter ligament to help immobilize mobile roots.


The design includes:

  1. Acrylic base with artificial gums and crowns.
  2. Metal arc - clasp.
  3. Fasteners.

The classification of this type of denture is based on the type of fixing parts. Most often, special hooks are installed in clasp products as fasteners. They securely hold the crowned plastic “gingival” bed on the supporting teeth. These fixing elements are available in neutral metal alloys or stainless steel. Such hooks are called clasps.

Another type of fasteners used in modern clasp prostheses are attachments, or locks. They represent a fundamentally different fixation technology.


The use of the clasp system is indicated for the loss of several teeth, loosening of the remaining ones, the presence of a deep bite and bruxism (as contraindications to other types of prosthetics). Direct indication: one-sided and two-sided end defect.


The main advantages: the safety of the abutment teeth and a simpler fastening system (compared to locks). Additional:

  1. Ease of use. There is no bulky plastic bridge in the sky area.
  2. Functionality. The taste and touch of food in the mouth is preserved.
  3. Safety. Degradation of tissues in places where teeth are missing is suspended.
  4. Reliability. The prosthesis is firmly fixed.
  5. Durability. The service life is 2 times longer than that of other removable structures.


Clasp-based clasp prosthesis will last at least 5-7 years with proper care. For cleaning, it is enough to use toothpaste and a not too soft brush twice a day, and then gently rinse your mouth with plain water.


We consider simplicity and rationality to be the main advantage of this technique. The hook design is modeled and molded at the same time, and this reduces the cost of work. At the same time, it is possible to keep the abutment teeth intact.

Come to us for a consultation. An orthopedic dentist will tell you in more detail about the technology of prosthetics on clasps and the possibility of its application in your case. Our experts analyze the indications, characteristics and financial capabilities of the patient and only then recommend the technique that will be most acceptable for him.

Clasp prosthetics is a popular method of restoring the dentition, in which they are used removable dentures with clasps (hooks) and attachments (locks).

Structures with clasps are at least two times cheaper, while they are durable, strong and reliable, do not require special maintenance. They are also considered a budget alternative to implants and a reliable analogue of bridges and lamellar prostheses.

Features of clasp prostheses on hooks

The design consists of the following elements:

  • arc (in German - bugel);
  • artificial teeth (attached to the arch);
  • basis (gum simulator);
  • clasps (hooks that fix the prosthesis on the abutment teeth).

Types of clasp-retained clasp prostheses

According to the structure and purpose of the design, two types of prostheses are distinguished - ordinary and splinting.

Conventional clasp dentures with clasps

They are recommended in cases where it is not possible to place implants and teeth remain in the mouth that can be used as a support for the prosthesis. The design allows you to eliminate such defects in the dentition, such as:

  • the absence of three or more teeth in a row (front, side, on one side of the jaw and / and on different sides);
  • end defects of the dentition (when the last teeth are missing).

Splinting clasp prostheses on hooks

They differ from ordinary ones in that in their design they have special retainers (processes on the arch) for supporting teeth. They are used to restore the dentition in patients suffering from:

  • pathological mobility of the teeth (the prosthesis fixes loose teeth and protects them from excessive chewing load);
  • malocclusion (the design keeps the teeth in the correct position, thereby correcting the abnormal closing of the jaws);
  • increased abrasion of the upper teeth (the prosthesis covers the chewing surface of worn teeth, making them taller and protecting them from further abrasion).

Splinting clasp prosthesis

Depending on the materials, there are 2 types of clasp prostheses:

  1. Metal-containing prostheses. The arc and clasps (and sometimes the base frame) of such structures are made of chrome-cobalt or gold-platinum alloy.
  2. Metal-free structures. The so-called "Quattro Ti" prostheses with nylon clasps and a base made from a mixture of nylon and hypoallergenic plastic.

Manufacturing steps and installation

Prosthetics with clasp prostheses with clasps includes two main stages - clinical and laboratory. From the moment of contacting the clinic until the restoration of the dentition, the following stages go through:

  1. Inspection. The doctor draws up a prosthetics plan, makes a conclusion about the health of the oral cavity and, if necessary, sends the patient for the treatment of caries and / or periodontal diseases.
  2. Taking an impression of both jaws.
  3. Making a prosthesis in the laboratory. Structures with metal elements are made by casting methods, plastic ones are produced at high temperatures.
  4. Fitting the finished structure. If necessary, correction is carried out.
  5. Installation of a prosthesis.

On average, the clinical and laboratory stages of prosthetics take one week.

The cost

The average cost of manufacturing and installing a conventional clasp prosthesis with clasps is 35,000 rubles. As a rule, splinting structures are a little more expensive - 40,000 rubles.

How to care for a prosthesis?

Clasp clasp dentures should be cleaned at least twice a day, and better - after each meal. Hygiene measures include:

  • rinsing the structure under running water after eating;
  • cleaning with a brush and a low-abrasive paste at least twice a day;
  • daily disinfection (soaking in solutions of disinfecting tablets Corega, Lacalut, Efferdent, President, Dentipur, Dontodent, etc.);
  • professional cleaning (performed by a dentist to remove hard deposits).

It is advisable not to remove the prosthesis at night and to be in it constantly. Once every six months, you need to visit the dentist for relocation of the structure (correction for even distribution of the chewing load).

The result of prosthetics depends not only on the quality of the prosthesis, but also on the qualifications and skill of the orthopedic dentist. Our site contains an up-to-date list of clinics that effectively carry out the restoration of the dentition using clasp structures.

Most dentures require a secure fit. Various gels and ointments applied to the gums do not provide proper fixation. Therefore, clasp systems come to the rescue.

What is a clasp?

Clammer is part of removable denture, outwardly similar to specific hooks. Its purpose is to hold the denture. The fixing structure itself is assembled from several parts:

  1. Occlusal pad - helps to distribute the load on the supporting dental units.
  2. The body is a stationary area located closer to the upper pole of the chewing element. Connects all components.
  3. Shoulder - gives a springy effect when the denture is displaced, covers the area of \u200b\u200bthe dental crown. Contains a support (prevents side displacement, stiffens) and a retaining part (fixing action).
  4. The process - connects the fixing part with the prosthesis, often covered with a base or crowns.
The task of the clasps is to fix the prosthesis

To use the clasp system, you must have your own chewing elements that will serve as a support. Primary requirements:

  1. Stability.
  2. Functional relationship to the opposing unit of the other jaw arch. The components of the fixer will make the bite higher in the event of natural close contact during chewing or closing the jaws.
  3. Classic anatomical shape. Selection with a non-standard configuration is rather risky and impractical.
  4. Complete cure.

Choosing a clasp system is not an easy task for a dentist. The installation is considered successful if:

  1. The bite does not increase.
  2. Rotational movements of the denture are excluded.
  3. The load is evenly distributed among all the reference units.
  4. The components of the retainer are practically invisible or completely invisible.

Denture clasps are made from wire or by casting.

The condition for strong attachment is the presence of strong supporting teeth

Types and classification

The variety of problems associated with the loss of teeth leads to the emergence of a large number of options for clasp structures and classifications.

By system functions there are:

  1. Support - used on molars and canines, require the use of locks, rarely used in isolation.
  2. Retaining - sometimes lead to subsidence of the prosthesis.
  3. Combined, or support-holding.

According to the choice of material, clamps are:

  1. Metallic (metal alloys).
  2. Acrylic (plastic).

This is what plastic clasps look like

Views by place of application:

  1. Gingival.
  2. For the dentition.
  3. Combined.

According to the type of coverage of the element: single-shoulder, double-shoulder, T-shaped, cross-over, double, multi-link.

By the mobility of attachment to the prosthesis:

  1. Movable.
  2. Tough.
  3. With a springy effect.

By mounting configuration:

  1. Point.
  2. Linear.
  3. Plane.

Clasps hold the prosthesis in place, preventing it from slipping onto the mucous membrane

Clasp functions

The main purpose of clasp-type retainers is retention - keeping the prosthesis in place during use. The clamps are a support that does not allow the structure to move in the direction of the mucous membrane, resist the force of lateral pressure and, to a small extent, the load along the vertical axis.

The shoulders help to grip the support unit. Together, these functions provide a secure attachment of the denture, which minimizes inconvenience during operation and improves the quality of life.

Ney's system

The methods were introduced into orthodontics by Ney in the middle of the last century. These are classic anchors. They contain a process, two shoulder elements and an occlusal overlay.

To minimize the fracture of the fasteners, the areas located closer to the base were made thicker and stronger, while the distant sections gradually become thinner, the product takes the shape of a horn.

Ney's devices include the following options:

  1. One-shoulder.
  2. Forked Roach.
  3. Akker with two shoulders.
  4. Ring single-shoulder.
  5. Combined.

General characteristics include practicality, durability, high aesthetic performance.

Clammer Acker

One of the most efficient and affordable fasteners. Installed on molars in the absence of one or more chewing elements and intact supports. Simple in design, reliably holds against displacement.

Different kinds clasps


The Bonneville clasp is a modification of the Acker lock. This type is based on two occlusal type onlays. They are placed in the anatomical gap located on the chewing surface of the abutment tooth. Additionally, two arms are applied.

The purpose of the design is to maintain and provide stability in case of unilateral defects in the dentition. The peculiarity of the structure prevents the ingress of food into the interdental spaces, reducing the risk of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.


It is a rod type of fixer. It has a springy effect thanks to its long shoulders.

The pluses include:

  • even distribution of pressure,
  • aesthetics.
  • an anchor of choice for short teeth,
  • good holding characteristics.

  1. Limited choice of material, this type is made exclusively from chrome or nickel. Therefore it is not prescribed for patients with metal allergies
  2. It is not used for the anatomical features of the jaw arch and teeth, when the gum of the upper jaw is exposed when smiling


Jackson's clasp is a combined cross-over design. It has the shape of a loop, the part that is located in the interdental spaces is considered to be the supporting part. Produced from wire or by casting.

Clammer Adams

Versatile and durable fasteners. Able to be fixed both on single chewing elements and on a complete dentition. Adams is placed on the first premolars and molars.

Clammer Adams


Most often, this option is used to strengthen orthodontic plates. For installation, the interdental space is used, located below the equatorial line of the tooth.


A kind of arrow-shaped attachment of a point configuration, it can be one- and two-link. This type is widely used in orthodontic practice due to its high fixing ability. The product can only be wire.

Multi-link clasps

Consists of the humeral processes connected to each other. Such a fixer adheres to each tooth, resembles a semi-oval in shape. Manufactured as:

  1. The wide stripe is a variation of the Cross Shredder.
  2. The narrow stripe is a Kennedy variation.

Multi-link clasps

They play the role of combining parts of a denture and fixing them.

The choice of the clasp system is individual in each case. The preference is based on the volume of prosthetics and the initial state of the dentition.

Every patient who comes to the dentist wants a durable and comfortable denture. This is especially true when it comes to removable structures. Clasp prosthetics will allow you not to lose the beauty of the dentition, even in the most difficult cases. Such constructions are removable and are suitable for partial restoration of the tooth. They do not interfere with eating and are quite comfortable to wear.

Types of clasp structures

Clasp structures are classified according to the fixation system into:

  • clasp;
  • castle;
  • on telescopic crowns.

The construction of clasp prostheses includes:

  • base, which is made of acrylic plastic. Artificial teeth are attached to it;
  • Cobolt-chrome metal frame;
  • prosthesis fixation system.

Indications for use

Clasp designs of prostheses are used by patients who have the following disadvantages:

  • absence of lateral or anterior teeth;
  • the presence of enamel weakness or increased tooth wear;
  • missing one or more teeth. With the help of prostheses, it is possible to close several cracks or restore missing teeth nearby;
  • tooth mobility with periodontitis. Dentures reliably fix the teeth in a certain position, after which therapeutic treatment of the disease is carried out. With this treatment, the ligaments are restored.

You should know that clasp structures are not used to restore the extreme teeth and in the presence of complete adentia (absence of all teeth in the oral cavity). In these cases, the structure cannot be fixed. but fixing problem can beby installing implants. They will allow fixing the structure in the oral cavity even in the absence of natural teeth.

Clasp clasp denture

Structures with such a mount are the most popular, since they are quite affordable from an economic point of view. Clasps are a continuation of the base of the entire structure (clasp). They are located at the base of the abutment teeth. They clasp the tooth tightly, are securely and firmly fixed. They are completely safe for enamel. Clasps made of metal and are cast together with the frame, individually for each patient.

Clasp structures, besides the low price, have another advantage. They allow you to evenly distribute the load not only on the abutment teeth, but also on the entire bone.

The disadvantage of fastening on clasps is the gradual loosening of the abutment tooth. This happens for a number of reasons: improper operation of the prosthesis, due to excessive loads or as the prosthesis fails. In some cases clasps are not aesthetic enoughsince the hooks are located in the front and can therefore be seen.

Clasp prostheses on telescopic crowns

This is one of the most comfortable types of modern removable prosthetics. Of all locks, dentures on telescopic crowns are the most reliable... They got this name because the docking of the components has the principle of the structure of the telescope. This design can be placed on both teeth and implants.

Telescopic dentures are a good choice for older people. They are not only very easy to use, but they can be corrected at any time. Clasp structures on telescopic crowns can replace big number teeth.

Types of telescopic crowns

Tapered crowns... They are less susceptible to wear and tear and manufacturing errors. The stronger the taper of the crowns, the less effort is used to separate them. Conical telescopic crown not capable of warping and jamming... However, with poor adhesion from the tongue or sticky food, such crowns can come loose.

Cylindrical crowns... They are used only on the teeth of patients with intact periodontal disease. They have parallel walls that slide against each other and provide traction with difficulty. Such designs are rarely used due to the fact that they are difficult to manufacture.

What are dentures on telescopic crowns made of?

Clasp structures with a telescopic fixation system are made from special hypoallergenic dental alloys, which are safe for health and do not oxidize in the oral cavity.

Fixed and removable parts of the structure are made, if possible, from the same alloy.

Electroplating technology is more rational. The main part can be made of an alloy of base metals (zirconium dioxide), and the outer part can be made of gilding.

Prostheses made of gold are more accurate, but also expensive. Therefore, base metal alloys are used as an alternative.

Denture design

The prosthesis itself is a removable part of the structure. It can be bridge or clasp. The metal crown is securely mounted in it.

The cap made of metal, which in appearance resembles a thimble, is firmly fixed on the abutment tooth and is a non-removable part of the structure. It is attached to the abutment tooth on the basis of an implant or with the help of cement. Reliable and durable fixation occurs when the removable part of the prosthesis is put on the fixed one. It can be easily removed if necessary.

Clasp prostheses have their own advantages and disadvantages.


  • securely and firmly held in the mouth;
  • it is easy to care for artificial teeth, since when the structure is removed, interdental spaces are easily accessible;
  • invisible to others;
  • With further loss of teeth, the structure can be easily converted;
  • such dentures are very durable;
  • do not affect diction;
  • chewing pressure is distributed specifically to the abutment teeth;


  • due to double dental crowns, large space is required;
  • very expensive.

Clasp dentures with locks

It's comfortable but quite expensive fixing method... One part of the attachment is located inside the prosthesis, and the other is inside the abutment tooth.

The advantage of the lock is its appearance, since the design is completely invisible... Such structures are easily repaired and updated. In order not to damage the fasteners, it is not advisable to constantly remove the dentures.

The service life of clasp prostheses and their care

Depending on the care, such structures can last more than five years. Therefore, it is very important to comply with a number of requirements:

  • brush your artificial teeth every day;
  • after eating, they should be removed and rinsed with tap water;
  • from time to time it is necessary to soak in special solutions;

These actions will be enough to extend the life of new artificial teeth.

Despite some disadvantages (addiction, aesthetics), clasp prostheses are considered the most reliable option removable prosthetics.

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