Immediate prosthesis: a temporary solution to dental problems. Removable Butterfly denture: ideal solution for replacing one or two teeth Fixed and removable types of immediate dentures

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These prostheses, as the name implies, consist of a metal frame, as well as a coating of ceramic materials. They are widely used in dental restoration. Putting a metal-ceramic crown on a tooth means making a choice in favor of reliability and quality. When creating metal-ceramic crowns, the following are used: gold platinum; silver; nickel; cobalt-chrome alloy, etc.

Over time, teeth can acquire an unwanted shade or become covered with ugly stains, and other surface defects appear - small cracks and scratches on the enamel. There are other problems caused by the incorrect position or slight curvature of the teeth, significant gaps between them - all this spoils your smile and mood. Aesthetic dentistry is designed to correct such shortcomings, and this is done with the help of microprosthetics.

Dreaming of a Hollywood smile? In the clinic "Dentalux-M" you will be helped to make your dream come true in just one visit to the dentist! The whole secret lies in the relatively new systems for instant restoration of smile aesthetics - veneers. The design is a thin plate that is applied to the surface of the tooth and covers the existing defects and imperfections.

The installation of removable dentures ensures the restoration of chewing function, as well as full diction after the loss of several teeth or in their complete absence. The reliability of such structures has been tested by many years of installation experience, while the development of modern technologies allows improving the functional and aesthetic properties, using only high-quality biocompatible materials in the manufacture. It must be remembered that prosthetics prevents the displacement of the remaining teeth, as well as the development of malocclusion, so it is really necessary. Do not be afraid that there will be problems with getting used to the orthopedic design: the adaptation process, as a rule, takes very little time.

The development of technologies for aesthetic dentistry allows customers to receive more and more functional, comfortable and inconspicuous designs for dental restoration. One of the pioneers in this area is the E-MAX all-ceramic.

The preparation process for prosthetics or implantation can be very lengthy. That is why during it there is a risk of developing dentoalveolar deformities. Immediate prostheses - temporary constructions installed in place of one or more lost teeth (most often in the smile zone) - help to avoid their appearance. Also, temporary prostheses allow:

Prosthetics are indicated when the destruction of the tooth is too significant in order to ensure its restoration with fillings. In this case, it is necessary to act as soon as possible: if precious time is lost and the preservation of the tooth turns out to be impossible, in the future, only the installation of implants will help to restore the integrity of the dentition with really high functionality and aesthetics. If your dentist recommends ceramic crowns for you, do not worry: this design will ensure a quick and hassle-free restoration of your perfect smile. It is no coincidence that this particular method of prosthetics is often chosen by people of public professions.

More recently, people who have lost one or more teeth have tried to open their mouths less often, embarrassed by their defect. With the advent of immediate prostheses, life has become much easier, because this temporary design allows you to feel confident and calmly waiting for the healing of the gums after removal and subsequent installation of implants or a prosthesis.

The name comes from the English word "immediate", which means immediate. Such an orthopedic design is designed to replace both one and several teeth immediately after their extraction. It performs the following tasks:

  • Resumes chewing function;
  • Prevents teeth displacement;
  • Promotes acceleration of healing of the gums at the site of removal;
  • Prepares for permanent dentures;
  • Allows you not to feel discomfort from a cosmetic defect.

The construction is made of nylon or acrylic, and is held in place using metal or plastic fasteners that are almost invisible. The use of these fasteners makes it possible to keep the adjacent teeth intact without grinding them.

The manufacture of a prosthesis takes from several days to a couple of weeks in particularly difficult cases. Most often, the construction is placed for the time required to restore the gums after tooth extraction and subsequent implantation of implants. But sometimes it is worn as a permanent one. For example, if the body rejects the implants, and the patient does not want to grind the adjacent teeth to attach conventional prostheses.

Main types

All types of immediate prostheses are removable. Depending on how many teeth need to be replaced, use different types designs.

Immediate "butterfly". Designed to replace one to three teeth. This type is ideal for the frontal area. It is called a butterfly due to the fact that its attachments, located along the edges of the main part, vaguely resemble the wings of this insect.

Partial. Designed to replace the space from four teeth. It is most often installed in the chewing region and is characterized by a more voluminous support part for better fixation.

Full. It is an excellent solution for adentia. This type of prosthesis can be used as a permanent option, provided it is of good quality. It is possible to install it based on implants.

Indications for use

The loss of even one tooth can lead to irreparable consequences for the entire body. If it is not restored in time, the following changes occur:

  • Neighboring teeth tend to occupy the formed space, which complicates subsequent prosthetics;
  • An incorrect bite develops;
  • Teeth located on the opposite side are loose or change position;
  • Facial features are distorted;
  • The work of the gastrointestinal tract is deteriorating.

To avoid all this, it is recommended to get started with prosthetics as soon as possible. But this is not always possible for various reasons. Among them can be both a banal lack of funds and an allergy to the materials from which prostheses are made. And sometimes the process of tissue restoration after tooth extraction is delayed.

In this case, an immediate prosthetics will come to the rescue, because this method will help to avoid all the above problems and wait for the installation of permanent prostheses without harmful consequences for health and a feeling of discomfort due to the absence of teeth.

Manufacturing rules

Preparation for the procedure can begin even before the extraction of teeth. This will allow the structure to be better adjusted and more comfortable. The main stages of direct prosthetics with immediate prostheses are:

  • Taking casts from both jaws before removal;
  • Making a prosthesis using special equipment;
  • Fitting, and, if necessary, fitting the structure.

If the prosthesis is performed after the loss of teeth, it will only slightly complicate its fit, but it will not make the construction less comfortable. As for the choice between nylon and acrylic, it is better to stop at the first option. Although nylon is several times more expensive, it is more durable and more comfortable to wear. Acrylic is very fragile, so structures made of it quickly break down.

Butterfly Immediate Prosthesis is an easy way to restore an aesthetic and healthy smile. They are made quickly and are installed completely painlessly. Butterfly prosthetics is the cheapest way, as a result of which the patient will receive, which practically does not differ from his relatives.

Pros and cons

Before deciding to install an immediate prosthesis, you should get more complete information about this method of dental restoration. After all, this method, like all others, has certain features that characterize it from different sides.

Although this method of prosthetics has appeared relatively recently, it has earned high praise from many people. Most of those who used it note its positive aspects. The benefits include qualities such as:

  1. No need to grind adjacent teeth, which prolongs their life.
  2. Complete naturalness. The denture is almost invisible in the mouth, especially if its attachments are made of plastic.
  3. Manufacturing speed. The design does not need to be tried on often and adjusted for a long time. Usually one fitting is enough.
  4. Permissibility of both temporary and permanent use. The main thing is not to forget to change the design every 4 months.
  5. Possibility of installation immediately after tooth extraction. In this case, no one will guess about your problems.
  6. Easy to operate. It will not be difficult to learn how to handle such a device.
  7. Easy care. It does not take much time and effort to maintain the denture in order.
  8. Low cost compared to other types of prosthetics.

If we talk about the negative aspects of this method of recovery, then there are relatively few of them. These include the following points:

  1. Fragility. This is more true for acrylic models.
  2. Short service life.
  3. Not always firm fixation, especially if the patient has an incorrect bite.
  4. Addictive problems that affect only a small percentage of people.

In some cases, the installation of an immediate prosthesis is not possible. The design is not suitable for those with deformation of the jaw bones or pathological mobility of the teeth.

Care instructions

  • Be sure to remove 2 times a day and rinse warm water or with a special solution, and then clean with a regular paste;
  • Rinse your mouth after each meal;
  • The device should be stored only in a special solution;
  • Before removing or putting on, you should put a towel or napkin in the sink so that the structure does not break if accidentally dropped.

Such a prosthesis does not have to be removed at night, and it is prohibited to do this for the first 10-12 days after installation. To quickly get used to a foreign structure in the mouth, you should first give preference to softer food, and if you have problems with diction, read aloud.

Summing up, it should be noted that the "butterfly" installation is an excellent solution for people who are faced with the problem of dental prosthetics. But before installing it, it is still recommended to weigh all the pros and cons of the design and listen to the opinion of a specialist.

Immediate prosthesis is a removable design that is installed on one tooth. A fast and effective method for its recovery. Modern designs allow you to eliminate any defects. This method is used for any factors that have led to the loss of a tooth. It is necessary to close the space and prevent deformation of adjacent teeth.

They got this name because of their appearance. The use of an immediate prosthesis has the following functions:

  • Aesthetic look. Fills the space of a lost tooth in the oral cavity. A person does not develop complexes, he can smile and not feel discomfort.
  • Restores chewing function.

  • The patient quickly gets used to dentures... Such a prosthesis is installed almost immediately after the loss of a tooth.
  • Protective function... Filling the empty space helps protect healthy teeth. They can gradually shift and succumb to destruction.

A butterfly denture is a temporary solution to the problem. Despite this, it is very important to install it on time. This will avoid the development of possible complications.

Types of prostheses

Immeiate prosthesis has two main types:

  • ... Established when it is necessary to replace the entire row of teeth, but for a certain period.

  • ... Used to eliminate the space of lost teeth (in this case 1-3).

Taking into account the individual case, the doctor determines which type of prosthesis to install for the patient.

The removable butterfly prosthesis is made of acrylic or nylon. It can restore 1-3 teeth. It is mainly used to restore one. The design resembles butterfly wings, which is why it has such a name. Suitable for temporary use. Differs in low cost.

A partial denture is used to restore 4 teeth. They differ more overall dimensions... They have a large volume support, which is needed for reliable fixation. They are mainly placed on the back teeth to restore chewing function.

It is important to consider that nylon dentures are very easy to scratch. Therefore, experts prescribe the appropriate pastes. Acrylic structures are very brittle. Cleaning is carried out over a soft surface, as there is a risk of breaking the denture. The prosthesis is stored in special fluids.

Life time

A butterfly prosthesis for one tooth is used temporarily. These types are not suitable for long-term use. The maximum juice of use is 3 months. During this time, a permanent prosthesis is made in the laboratory. If this takes a long time, then the temporary prosthesis should be replaced with a new one.

The service life depends on the underlying prosthesis. Maintenance of such a structure is very simple. The denture can be easily removed, washed, cleaned. An excellent option for temporary replacement of a lost tooth.

Installation of a prosthesis

In most cases, an urgent installation of a temporary prosthesis is required. Especially if a person has unexpectedly lost a tooth due to mechanical stress or injury. Frontal teeth require immediate replacement, as they make a person's smile unaesthetic. In addition, it is inconvenient to bite hard foods.

  • After examining the patient's oral cavity, the doctor decides on the need to install such a prosthesis. Determines the treatment regimen.
  • Taking casts for the manufacture of a future prosthesis.
  • Send the impression to the dental technician and then to the laboratory.
  • The prosthesis is made within 3 days.
  • The doctor removes the necessary part of the dentition.
  • The vacated space is filled with a prosthesis.
  • The doctor makes recommendations for the patient on the operation and maintenance of the structure.

Immediate installation is not difficult and time-consuming. The patient rarely experiences discomfort. Usually, the doctor recommends that patients come in immediately after losing a tooth. It should be noted that such designs are suitable for use by children.

Why are Immediate Dentures needed?

Such prostheses are indispensable in orthodontics. The short manufacturing time allows them to be installed almost immediately after tooth loss. The butterfly prosthesis is popular for its functions:

  • The appearance of the teeth (especially the front ones) becomes aesthetically pleasing... The person can smile freely. The space between the teeth will be filled. It is an excellent solution for the patient's psychological and emotional comfort.

  • Restoring chewing function allows you to chew food efficiently... This prevents the development of digestive disorders, discomfort in the process of eating.
  • ... The patient does not have time to get used to the absence of a tooth, since the immediate prostheses are made quickly enough. A person gets used to artificial teeth faster.

  • The protective function is performed in relation to adjacent, healthy teeth... When lost, they begin to shift, gradually filling the void. Thanks to the design of the prosthesis, such complications can be prevented.

Immediate prosthesis - video

Many patients refuse to have an Immediate denture fitted as they are temporary. These savings can come with a lot of problems and complications. You can expect permanent structures for a long time. During this period, healthy teeth can be damaged, bacteria and infections can develop.

It is possible to install permanent dentures only if the diseases of the oral cavity are eliminated.

The denture got its name "butterfly" because of its design: it looks like a tooth (or two) with clasp hooks on the sides, reminiscent of butterfly wings. With these clasps, the denture is attached to the adjacent teeth. For stronger fixation, it is recommended to use a special adhesive (Protefix, Lacalut Dent, R.O.C.S., Corega, Dentipur) or cement (Unizem).

Immediate prosthesis (from the English immediate - immediate, urgent) is a fast, painless and affordable way to restore an aesthetic and healthy smile after the loss of one or more teeth. They are made in a few hours, and the installation procedure is completely painless. This is the cheapest method of prosthetics, as a result of which the patient receives an artificial tooth that does not differ in appearance from the real one.

What is an immediate prosthesis for?

The purpose of the construction is functional and aesthetic restoration of the dentition in adolescents and adults. In simple terms, the prosthesis fills in the gaps between the teeth, preventing them from shifting.

Application is justified in such cases:

  1. The need for removable prosthetics of one or two adjacent teeth. Most often chewable.
  2. After tooth extraction and before fixed prosthetics. For example, if a tooth has been lost and in the near future it is planned to replace it with a bridge or an implant, an immediate prosthesis will help get rid of the psychological discomfort the patient feels due to the absence of teeth. This is the best option for temporary anterior prosthetics.

It should be noted that the "butterfly" not only restores the chewing and aesthetic functions of the dentition, but also reduces the risk of bone tissue atrophy (reduction in volume and deformation) under the prosthesis.

Contraindications to installation

A butterfly denture is suitable for everyone, but in some cases it cannot be fitted. There are two main reasons:

  • deformation of the jaw bones;
  • the inability to fix the prosthesis on the supporting teeth (with pathological mobility of the teeth or their deformation).

"Before" and "after" implantation of an immediate prosthesis

Types of Immediate Prostheses

Depending on the materials used in the manufacture of this microprosthesis, there are:

  • nylon immediate dentures. Soft, pliable and lightweight construction. Well suited for prosthetics of three teeth;
  • acrylic dentures. Relatively tough, but retains its original appearance better.

Manufacturing steps

The process of making an immediate prosthesis includes the following stages:

  1. Taking an impression of a tooth before removing it. Neighboring teeth are also taken into account, since the denture will rest on them.
  2. Creation of an exact copy of an extracted tooth and correction of clasps based on pictures of abutment teeth.
  3. Fitting of the structure and its installation (if necessary, preliminary correction of the prosthesis is carried out).

If microprosthetics is carried out after the loss of a tooth, the orthopedist will create a control model, and only after trying it on, dental technicians will start working.

It usually takes only a few hours to make an immediate prosthesis. In the most difficult cases, the structure will be made and installed the next day after visiting the dentist. The addiction happens very quickly. At first, it is not recommended to remove the structure at night.

Denture care

Under any removable dentures, food debris accumulates, provoking the growth of pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation. Immediate prostheses are no exception. The best prevention of these unpleasant consequences is careful hygiene.

  • after each meal, the "butterfly" must be rinsed with water;
  • at least twice a day, the immediate denture is cleaned with a toothbrush and paste.

Please note that nylon dentures are easily scratched and cannot be cleaned with abrasive pastes. And acrylic structures are quite fragile, so when cleaning it is recommended to put a towel on the bottom of the sink so that the denture does not break if it falls.

The “butterfly” should be stored in liquid for removable dentures (VITIS Orthodontic and other rinses with chlorhexidine; tablets Efferdent, Dontodent, Corega, Dentipur, President, Fittydent, Lacalut) dissolved in water.

Term of use

Immediate prosthesis is a temporary construction, and it is not recommended to use it for more than three months (exactly 90 days after the loss of a tooth, the process of atrophy of bone tissue begins). However, the lifespan of an immediate prosthesis is three to seven years.

Price of a butterfly denture

The cost of microprostheses is from 8,000 rubles. The final price depends on the material of construction and the size of the butterfly (one, two or three teeth).

Advantages and disadvantages

Summing up, we can conclude that the advantages of immediate prostheses are:

Cons of Immediate Dentures:

  • insufficiently strong fixation;
  • contraindications for prolonged wearing;
  • rapid wear.

Our site contains a complete database of dental clinics in which they produce and manufacture high-quality dental prostheses.

Immediate prosthesis is a temporary removable structure that is used by the patient during the manufacture of a permanent prosthesis. Most often, an immediate prosthesis is used for dental implantation. The titanium root can take up to several months, so the missing tooth is replaced by a temporary system during this time. The use of such structures is necessary for several reasons at once. Neighboring teeth are trying to fill the space vacated after the removal of a diseased or damaged tooth, which means that temporary dentures are needed to avoid displacement of the dentition and prevent accompanying complications. In addition, they take on part of the chewing load, which is very important for the proper assimilation of food, and also perform an aesthetic function.

Varieties of Immediate Prostheses

There are three types of removable immediate dentures: full, partial and butterfly. Let's take a closer look at these systems.

It is a removable acrylic or nylon construction that is designed to replace 1 to 3 teeth (1-2 in most cases). This prosthesis was so named because of the similarity of its supporting part with the wings of a butterfly, but in general its appearance resembles this insect only remotely. The Immediate Butterfly Prosthesis is suitable for temporary restoration of teeth in both the chewing and anterior regions, and its relatively low price makes it very popular among specialists and patients.

A partial immediate denture is installed when more than four teeth need to be restored. They look bulkier than butterfly prostheses and tend to have a more bulky support for easy fixation. Such constructions are often placed in the chewing region, since they help the rest of the teeth to participate in chewing food.

A removable full immediate denture simulates the upper or lower jaw and is used in case of complete edentulousness (absence of all teeth). The main difference of such a prosthesis is that it can serve as a permanent structure and be installed with support on implants (covering denture on implants).

Immediate prosthesis making

Modern removable dentures look very natural and are almost invisible in the oral cavity, which is especially important in case of tooth loss in the frontal zone. Most immediate dentures are made from plastic-based materials and have a soft base that mimics the gum and part of the palate. At the moment, one of the highest quality and most comfortable constructions of this type is considered to be a nylon immediate prosthesis, which does not cause allergies and has high aesthetic characteristics.

The production of an immediate prosthesis takes place in a dental laboratory. The whole process takes very little time - from one to two days to a week. Immediate prosthesis for anterior teeth is considered a more complex system, therefore, the waiting time for the finished structure in this case may increase, but only slightly.

Cons of Immediate Dentures

As already mentioned, an immediate prosthesis copes well with the role of a temporary construction and allows you to restore some functions of a lost tooth, as well as hide aesthetic defects. However, there are also downsides. Among the disadvantages of immediate-prostheses, one can single out their fragility and fragility, and in some cases, difficulties with addiction (discomfort and deterioration of diction). However, modern systems are considered quite convenient and aesthetic, so the patient usually does not have great difficulties.

Immediate prosthesis - price in Moscow

The price of an immediate prosthesis varies and depends on the number of teeth to be replaced and the materials used. A simple immediate denture for 1 tooth made of acrylic will cost 3-4 thousand rubles, and a nylon construction of the latest generation with multiple loss of teeth can reach 30-40 thousand rubles. You can make a choice in favor of one or another system and find out about the final amount of treatment after consulting a specialist, so do not postpone treatment if you understand that it is necessary.

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