Sample bodybuilder menu. Nutrition for a bodybuilder when gaining mass. Foods rich in carbohydrates

Concrete 23.07.2020

Bodybuilding can be challenging. Indeed, the constant fiddling with containers, choosing the most anabolic foods, and cooking will tire anyone. Success in building powerful muscles will be achieved by those who adhere to KBZHU for a set, and eat relatively healthy foods. At the same time, you don't need to go crazy and run after organic bulgur grown in the fields of a secret farm. Quite ordinary food can satisfy the body's need for macronutrients and eliminate the need to take additional dietary supplements. It is only important to be able to combine it all, and not to forget to eat on time.

In bodybuilding, judges do not evaluate how a person trains in the gym, but his physical condition. In this respect, weightlifting is easier. Nobody looks at your abs, and does not assess the presence or absence of body fat. A bodybuilder has to adhere to a strict enough meal plan all year long to stand on the competitive stage for only 5 minutes. But what is even more difficult is the path of the ordinary fitnessist. "Healthy lifestyle" nicknames do not use the help of pharmacology, and must monitor their diet even more stringently in order to look good all year round.

To put it simply, nutrition in bodybuilding is a constant alternation of two phases:

  • ... The athlete eats a lot, consumes "excess" in terms of the needs of the average person, the amount of calories, and to provide muscle growth with the necessary "fuel" and energy;
  • ... The athlete cuts down on the calorie intake, but tries to maintain the amount of protein at the normal level or even higher. For 12 weeks at least, the athlete eats with a calorie deficit, eats, and, and. This phase leads the practitioner to the very appearance that everyone envies. After the end of the "drying", you need to spend some time on the maintenance calorie content and start a new set.

When switching to "drying", the number of calories is reduced first by the same percentage, and then gradually cut by another 10-15%. On drying, the athlete can reduce his calorie content by 1000 kcal or more from the mass gain numbers. But these recommendations are just a diagram. In fact, the speed of getting rid of is an individual indicator, determined genetically. Therefore, athletes manipulate macronutrients to maintain maximum muscle and burn more fat.

Macronutrient ratios are key in bodybuilding. There are different points of view, some people try to keep a relatively large amount of carbohydrates all year round, and when drying, they first reduce the amount of fat. Others, on the contrary, stick to a relatively low-carbohydrate and high-fat diet in order to cut carbohydrates and raise fats even more.

  • Half of the calories should "come" with carbohydrates, at the stage of "mass" you can increase this amount up to 60%;
  • Approximately 20% with fat, you can reduce it by 5% if you "don't dry out" and cut calories from nothing else, and 30% with proteins, plus you can increase this amount by 5%

This recommendation works well for a relatively healthy person. If we are faced with someone who has problems with insulin, sugar levels and quickly gains body fat for this reason, it is advised to adhere to a diet high in protein and fat, and eat 40% of calories.

General recommendations for organizing a diet for human health are as follows

  1. Avoid "processed" foods that are low in vitamins and minerals, choose whole grains over cereals, organic meats and fish over cold cuts and sausages, whole eggs over powder, and whole-grain pasta over instant noodles;
  2. Discard. Say no to margarine, rapeseed and soybean oils and their products, as these oils contain too much omega-6;
  3. Do not consume more than 10% of your daily calories with sugar and fructose. Consider everything, including those contained in the gainers;
  4. Eat regularly, the portion size should be reasonable, you do not need to get up from the table with heaviness. If you cannot "eat all the calories" with this condition, use a reasonable amount of gainer.

Foods to eat

This is what a bodybuilder's product list should look like.:

  • Meat, fish and poultry - lean beef and pork steaks, lean pork tenderloin, chicken and turkey breasts, salmon, cod, tilapia, chicken thighs from farm chickens;
  • Dairy products - low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt with natural lactobacilli, skim milk, cheeses (limited);
  • Cereals - buckwheat, oatmeal, bulgur, barley, bread made from whole grain flour, as well as pasta made from it, soba, quinoa, rice, popcorn without oil, sauces, sugar;
  • Fruits - oranges, melons, apples, berries, pears, peaches, grapes;
  • Vegetables - all types, especially leafy greens and broccoli;
  • Starchy vegetables - sweet potatoes and potatoes, green peas, milk-ripeness corn;
  • Legumes - chickpeas, beans, green and regular peas, regular and red lentils, white beans;
  • Vegetable oils - olive and avocado;
  • Saturated Fat - Natural unsalted butter or ghee

Foods to avoid

Recently, it has become fashionable to write that everything that can be measured and recorded in a food diary can be eaten too. But it's better to take care of your health and keep these foods to a minimum in your diet.:

  1. ... The same US FDA guides imply that a woman can drink 0.33 beers, or a glass of wine, or 1 shot of strong drink, and a man can drink twice as much. But we must remember that alcohol can significantly affect recovery, and its use can slow down protein synthesis, therefore, it should be excluded during serious preparation;
  2. Sugar in foods and dishes. Cookies are better at home, cakes and casseroles are better, whole wheat flour and no-calorie stevia sweetener will be far more beneficial than a sweet addition made from regular sugar. A small amount of simple carbs before and after training is beneficial, but should be obtained from licensed grapes and peaches, not sugar. This will make it easier to get the right amount of calories;
  3. Products fried in fat. When heated, even the most beneficial oils turn into a potential source of inflammation in the body. It slows down recovery in bodybuilding and is quite unhealthy. Therefore, it is better to eat fried fish and meat to a minimum. It is worth carefully reading the composition of nut pastes. They should be free of saturated hydrogenated fats.

Certain types of food can seriously interfere with exercise. The thing is that they create gas and can cause digestive disorders.

These products include:

  • Fatty cream, pork, lard, fatty fish;
  • Beans, broccoli, and cauliflower
  • Diet cola or mineral water with gas


There are a wide variety of supplements on the market, from amino acids to protein complexes, fat burners and "anabolic" complexes. But a fairly limited amount of this works.

  • ... The simplest protein can help satisfy daily requirement in protein;
  • ... Creatine Monohydrate is the only supplement with proven anabolic effects. Its use helps to gain muscle mass, and to be more enduring during training;
  • ... It is included in the lists of substances prohibited by anti-doping law for athletes. But bodybuilders use it to improve concentration and focus during training.

Approximate diet bodybuilder will give an idea of \u200b\u200bexactly how to eat.


  • Breakfast: Chatterbox, oatmeal, a portion of mushrooms to scrambled eggs.
  • Snack:Cottage cheese with blueberries.
  • Lunch: Beef cutlet with rice and broccoli
  • Snack:Whey protein and banana
  • Dinner: Grilled asparagus with salmon and quinoa


  • Breakfast: Whey Protein Pancakes with Calorie Free Sauce
  • Snack: Boiled eggs with apples.
  • Lunch: Steak with vegetables and sweet potato.
  • Snack: Protein shake, a handful of hazelnuts.
  • Dinner: Pasta with marinara sauce and turkey steak.


  • Breakfast: Minced chicken sausages with egg and potatoes.
  • Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds.
  • Lunch: Turkey breast with basmati rice and a serving of mushrooms.
  • Snack: Protein shake and grapes.
  • Dinner: Greens and spinach salad, mackerel and brown rice.


  • Breakfast: Homemade doner - turkey, egg, red sauce and vegetables in a whole grain pita.
  • Snack:Yogurt with granola.
  • Lunch: Potatoes and broccoli baked with sour cream, plus chicken breast.
  • Snack: Protein shake and berry mix.
  • Dinner: Wok with brown rice, chicken and vegetables ..


  • Breakfast: Berries, high protein Greek yogurt, plus oatmeal soaked in the evening.
  • Snack: Crushed mixture of nuts plus a piece of jerky.
  • Lunch: Fillet of tilapia baked with lemon plus beans and vegetable salad.
  • Snack:Protein shake, berries.
  • Dinner: Beef with brown rice, beans and corn.


  • Breakfast: Turkey, egg, with corn, bell pepper, cheese and salsa
  • Snack:canned tuna and bread
  • Lunch: Tilapia fillet with potatoes and vegetables
  • Snack: Protein shake and pear.
  • Dinner: Beef with legumes, brown rice and vegetables


  • Breakfast: Fried eggs with toast on whole wheat bread and avocado
  • Snack: Protein balls with almond butter
  • Lunch: Green peas with pork tenderloin
  • Snack:Protein shake and strawberries
  • Dinner: Turkey Meatball Pasta

It may seem that bodybuilders are the most healthy group people in the world, but this is not always the case. Many athletes face specific challenges that are not typical of the rest of humanity.

Being extremely low in body fat all year round can be detrimental to mood and sleep quality. Many people note that "drying" is accompanied by dietary depression, and "mass" is very difficult to do anything other than cooking and eating food. Training is generally more satisfying for athletes and is the easiest part of bodybuilding.

Eating healthily while on vacation with your family or going on holidays can be difficult. “Comfort food” can be a real problem if a person does not have enough willpower.

Constant thoughts about the quality of the body and the amount of fat on it can become a kind of obsession. Psychologists use the term "orthorexia" - this is an unhealthy craving for proper nutrition, and the inability to eat ordinary food.

In women, fertility can be impaired due to the constant "dry" form, but the exact "contribution" to this problem of low fat percentage is not known. Hypothalamic amenorrhea in athletes is known even among those who do not keep in an extremely dry form. It is triggered by anabolic steroids and overtraining.

Anabolic steroid

Having been engaged in bodybuilding for a while, you can come to the conclusion that everyone takes them and there is nothing wrong with anabolic steroids. And without them, there are no good results. Here you need to understand that the pressure of the "community" can be strong, and the result from the "course" is minimal, especially if we are dealing with a beginner who is not yet accustomed to the diet and training regime.


A bodybuilding diet is a combination of predominantly complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and complete protein sources. Each meal should contain about 30 grams of protein, or a little less. It is better to stick to a fractional eating style, if there are no problems with the pancreas, and consume as much natural products as possible.

Meals for a set or drying are not a "diet" with a schedule of meals, they are given in the article simply as an example of a varied diet. It is important to stick to the number of calories and adhere to the correct portion size, while trying to eat as varied as possible.

Be sure to read about it

Three stages of the diet are determined by the stages of training, since the athlete needs to work out all muscle qualities, as well as work on the level of subcutaneous fat, since the aesthetic component depends not only on the size of the muscles, but also on how well the muscles are relief. The stages of training should not be mixed, since a surplus of calories is required to gain muscle mass and increase strength indicators, and a deficit calorie balance is required to reduce the level of subcutaneous fat. The fact is that hypertrophy of muscle fibers is an anabolic process of synthesis of organic tissues, and a decrease in the fat layer is a catabolic process of destruction of organic tissues of the body.

Despite the fact that anabolism occurs during a set of muscle mass and the development of strength indicators, the bodybuilder's diet in these two stages is different. The differences are related to different goals of the training programs! If, during muscle mass gain, the athlete trains energy supply due to glycolysis, developing muscle volumes, then during the development of strength indicators, the athlete trains the body's ability to provide muscle energy due to the breakdown of creatine phosphate. As a result, during mass gain, the myofibrils are damaged more, and the synthesis of organic tissues is more intense, so the athlete needs more protein. During muscle strength training, there is a need for more energy, so carbohydrates are given priority in nutrition.

Not only beginners, but also professionals may not immediately find the right nutrition for a bodybuilder to achieve great shape. The following are the foundational principles of bodybuilding menus that will take you to the professional level.

Those wishing to build muscle, lose fat, or keep fit will need a specific nutritional strategy that will depend on the goal they choose. We've outlined a sample bodybuilder meal plan and diet for each of the three goals. We'll also show you what you should aim for on a daily basis for calories, carbs, proteins and fats.

Stock up on our list to enjoy delicious, nutritious home-cooked food all year round. We will additionally offer examples of recipes with options for replacing products in order to diversify your pitching menu for the entire preparation period. So, before you is a convenient universal guide to the types of food and the method of its preparation, so as not to raise questions.

The composition of the menu is determined by the goals and the schedule of strength training, we recommend that you first find out for the correct selection of products. The meals on our plan fall into two categories: starchy and non-starchy.

Pre- and post-workout meals should be high in starchy carbohydrates but low in fat. It will make you stronger and provide you with the energy to support muscle growth. Proper nutrition for jocks who train to gain mass, should include more of these dishes in their daily diet. In between workouts, you should limit the amount of starchy carbs and focus on fats. So you will spur the fat burning processes.

Foods sources of starchy carbohydrates for composing a bodybuilder menu:

  • Starchy foods: brown rice, quinoa, potatoes, oatmeal, whole grain pasta, baked goods, cereals, cereals
  • Protein foods: protein powder, egg white, whole eggs (metered), lean meats, white fish, Greek yogurt
  • Fruit, vegetables and legumes: exotic fruits, green or fibrous vegetables, legumes
  • Vegetable oil: use in moderation, a teaspoon instead of a tablespoon

Starch-free foods are prepared from:

  • Protein products: protein powder, eggs, white and red meat, fatty or white fish, Greek yogurt. Here you will find the best high quality.
  • Fruit and vegetable and legumes: berries, green or fibrous vegetables, beans (in small quantities)
  • Vegetable oil or fat: measure with a tablespoon instead of a teaspoon. Avocados, seeds and nuts, coconut oil, canola mayonnaise, fatty cheeses.

Note: A “post workout snack” refers to a shake or meal rich in fast-digesting carbohydrates.

5 basic principles of nutrition in bodybuilding

  1. Six meals a day: Reinforce your body with daily frequent small meals and snacks to keep track of blood sugar and maintain a steady metabolism, which helps build muscle.
  2. Reduce your intake of processed foods: If your food is packaged in boxes, packs or bags with a label or brand name, then you are most likely dealing with highly processed foods that should not be consumed. Eliminate these high-calorie and unhealthy foods from your menu, and your chances of fulfilling your New Year's promise will increase significantly.
  3. Keep track of your water balance: Drinking water and low-calorie drinks will help you exercise more effectively in the gym. Stay away from sugary drinks that can increase your waist by a couple of centimeters and inhibit the body's protective antioxidant functions.
  4. Healthy carbohydrates: They can be starchy (fast acting like rice, bread and pasta), which cause blood sugar spikes, and non-starchy, found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. They contain more fiber, and they contribute to a gradual increase in insulin. There are often no problems with non-starchy carbohydrates. Feel free to enjoy them! But the consumption of starchy carbohydrates will affect the formation and condition of lean muscle mass. Eat them either in the morning on an empty stomach, or first thing after training. Then the likelihood that the body will let them in to replenish the energy supply is much higher.
  5. Pure protein: Feed your body regularly with doses of protein at intervals of a couple of hours. So you stimulate intense muscle growth and the production of fat burning hormones. Optimal sources of protein include lean beef, chicken, fish, diet dairy and soy. While you should always go for whole foods, quality protein powders will complement your menu, allowing you to reach your protein intake every day. Take a serving of whey protein 1 to 2 times between meals. Also use slow-digesting casein protein to support muscle gains during a night's sleep.

Diet for a beginner

Norm: 2500 Kcal, 218 g carbohydrates, 218 g protein, 83 g fat

If you want to improve your shape and become more energetic during training, this option will be the most optimal. It limits the amount of carbohydrates in your diet and sets your protein intake high. The emphasis in it is on food with antioxidant properties that can improve the state of blood vessels and prevent inflammation - these two factors activate the aging process of cells.

Meal schedule

  • Meal 2: Low / No Carb
  • Meal 3: Low / No Carb


  • Greek yogurt - one and a half cups (Art.)
  • Raspberries - 1/2 tbsp
  • Muesli (vanilla, almond, or no fillers) - 1/3 tbsp
  • Eggs (source of Omega-3) - 3

Dish2: Double Chocolate Cherry Smoothie

  • Protein Powder (Chocolate Flavored) - 2 servings
  • Coconut milk - 1/4 cup
  • Cherries - 3/4 tbsp.
  • Flaxseed - 1 tablespoon (tbsp)
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Ice - 3-4 pieces
  • Water - 2-3 tbsp.

Dish3: Burger with lettuce

  • Salad - 2 leaves
  • Ground beef (5% fat) - 227 g
  • Tomatoes - 2 rings
  • Red onion - 2 slices
  • Ketchup - 1 tbsp l.
  • Mayonnaise (canola) - 1 tbsp l.
  • Green beans - 3 tbsp.

Dish4: Post-Workout Snack

  • Protein Bars (Recovery Drink) - 1 serving

Dish5: Shrimp with spinach salad and brown rice garnish

  • Shrimp - 170 g
  • Brown rice - 1/4 cup
  • Spinach - 4 tbsp
  • Feta cheese - 1/4 cup
  • Half paprika
  • Olive oil (Extra virgin) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Raspberry substitutes: 5 strawberries, chopped, 1/2 tbsp. blueberries, 2/3 tbsp. blackberries or 1 tbsp. l. raisins
  • Instead of muesli: 1/3 tbsp. oatmeal or rolled oats, 3/4 tbsp. dry breakfast Fiber One or 2/3 tbsp. organic flakes
  • Alternative to coconut milk: 2 tbsp l. chopped walnuts
  • Cherries are replaced: 1 tbsp. blackberry

Nutrition for bodybuilders to gain muscle mass

This mass-gaining diet is perfect for skinny men who want to build muscle while working out in the gym.

Norm: about 3000 Kcal, 300 g carbohydrates, 225 g protein, 100 g fat

Forming new muscle fibers requires a high-calorie, high-carbohydrate diet. Keep in mind that a mass-gaining nutrition program does not imply an immeasurable eating of everything that catches your eye. Quite the opposite, you should consume high-quality, nutritious, carbohydrate-rich food in doses during the hours of greatest need for it - before and after the training.

Note that this meal plan is suitable for those who visit the gym in the afternoon. If you are exercising in the morning, swapping meals is enough to keep starchy foods low during pre- and post-workout snacks. Next, avoid starchy carbs throughout the day.

Meal schedule

  • Meal 1: Starchy carbohydrate
  • Meal 2: Low / No Carb
  • Meal 3: Low / No Carb
  • Meal 4: (Post Workout Snack) Starchy Carbohydrate
  • Meal 5: Starchy carbohydrate
  • Meal 6: Starchy carbohydrate

Dish1: Scrambled eggs with cheese and shallots

  • Eggs (source of Omega-3) - 3
  • Egg whites - 4
  • Cheese (cheddar) - 1/4 cup
  • Shallots - 2
  • Ezekiel bread - 2 pieces
  • Apples - 1

Dish2: Blueberry Almond Smoothie

  • Protein Powder (Vanilla Flavored) - 2 servings
  • Blueberries - 1 tbsp.
  • Almonds - 28 g
  • Almond milk - 1 tbsp
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Ice - 3-4 pieces

Dish3: Steak with tomato and bean salad

  • Steak (grilled flank steak) - 170 g
  • Tomatoes - 1
  • Half a cucumber (chopped)
  • Chickpea - 1 tbsp.
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp l.

Dish4: Post-Workout Snack

  • Protein Powder (a recovery drink containing 50 g carbohydrates and 25 g protein) - 1 serving

Meal 5: Chicken with Quinoa Salad

  • Chicken - 170 g
  • Quinoa - 1/3 tbsp.
  • Walnuts - 2 tbsp l.
  • Raisins - 2 tbsp. l.

Meal 6: White fish with yam and parmesan

  • Tilapia - 170 g
  • Parmesan cheese - 2 tbsp l.
  • Yams - 2 (medium size)
  • Butter - 1 tbsp l.
  • Broccoli - 1 tbsp
  • Egg White Substitutes: 2 slices of turkey bacon, 2 small chicken sausages, 2 slices of Canadian bacon or 1/4 cup canned salmon
  • Shallots can be replaced: 2 tbsp. l. salsa, 1/4 cup chopped onions, or 2 tbsp. l. chopped sun-dried tomatoes.
  • Blueberry alternative: 3/4 tbsp frozen mango
  • Instead of chicken fillet: 170 g pork tenderloin, 141 g buffalo ribeye, 141 g beef upper thigh pulp
  • Quinoa analog: 1/3 tbsp. couscous, 1/4 cup brown or black rice
  • Tilapia substitution: 141g tuna steak, 198g cod, 170g shrimp
  • Yams are replaced: 1/3 tbsp. squid, wheat or pearl barley

Fat burning diet

Norm: 2000 Kcal, 150 g carbohydrates, 150 g protein, 88 g fat

You can speed up fat burning by reducing the intake of starchy carbohydrates. You can eat them once - right after the end of strength training. This diet option offers a focus on leafy greens and vegetables, a convenient method of reducing calories and carbs. It is recommended to lean on fats so that the body begins to utilize them instead of carbohydrates for energy (a clever trick from the professionals to break down fat instead of muscle).

Meal schedule

  • Meal 1: Low / No Carb
  • Meal 2: Low / No Carb
  • Meal 3: Low / No Carb
  • Meal 4: (Post Workout Snack) Starchy Carbohydrate
  • Meal 5: Starchy carbohydrate

Meal 1: Omelet with spinach

  • Eggs - 3
  • Cheese (Pepper Jack) - 1 slice
  • Spinach (baby) - 1 tbsp.
  • Persikov - 1

Meal 2: Nut Chocolate Shake

  • Protein Powder (Chocolate Flavored) - 1 serving
  • Chocolate milk - 2 tbsp.
  • Peanut butter - 2 tablespoons l.
  • Chia seeds - 1 tbsp l.
  • Ice - 2-3 pieces

Dish 2 (analog): Creamy strawberry smoothie

  • Protein Powder (Vanilla Flavor) - 1 serving
  • Flaxseed - 1 tbsp l.
  • Strawberries - 6
  • Yoghurt - 3/4 cup

Meal 3: Grilled steak with tomato and avocado salad

  • Steak (from the pulp of the upper part of the beef thigh) - 113 g
  • Half avocado
  • Tomatoes - 1

Meal 4: Post-Workout Snack

  • Protein Powder (a recovery drink with 50 g carbs and 25 g protein) - 1 serving

Meal 5: Flaxseed Paste with Hearty Sauce

  • Chicken (diced chicken breast fillet) - 85 g
  • Whole grain flaxseed paste - 28 g
  • Mushrooms (slices) - 1 tbsp.
  • Broccoli flowers - 2 tbsp.
  • Marinara sauce - 1/2 tbsp
  • Olive oil (Extra virgin) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salad recipe number 1: 3 tbsp. mix of cabbage and broccoli and 2 tbsp. l. dressings for cabbage salad
  • Salad recipe number 2: 1/2 tbsp. roasted edamame beans and 2 tbsp. l. chopped sun-dried tomatoes under 2 tbsp. l. olive oil Extra virgin.
  • Chicken substitute: 85 g ground beef with 5% fat, yellowfin tuna or cold roast beef, 141 g shellfish
  • Instead of mushrooms: 3 asparagus pods, 1 tbsp. chopped baby spinach, 3 baby zucchini or 1 cream tomato
  • Broccoli analog: 2 tbsp. chopped eggplant, 1 paprika or pumpkin, 1 carrot with a stalk of celery.

In conclusion, we also recall that nutrition in bodybuilding is not universal for athletes, and even more so it will not be the same for jocks with different goals and training experience. A bodybuilder's diet to grow muscle or burn fat will change several times as you train and achieve your goals. The diet must constantly adapt to the changing needs and capabilities of the body. In the early stages, muscles grow well, and fat is actively consumed as a source of energy.

But the longer your training experience, the more difficult it will be to gain each additional kilogram of muscle, and your body will require more energy, which requires an increase in calorie intake. Nutrition for a bodybuilder to gain weight will change with age, after 40 years, the metabolism slows down and you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and increase the percentage of proteins so as not to swim in fat.

Mode bodybuilder nutrition -champion

Ronnie Coleman once said: “Many people want to look like real bodybuilders, but few people want to lift really heavy weights! ". Of course, if you are an eight-time Mr. Olympia who handles 100kg dumbbells like empty bottles, making such statements is not difficult. But this is true: it takes superhuman efforts to build an impressive muscle mass. Anyone who wakes up solely to exercise, and then avoids any physical activity all day, fearing to lose at least half a centimeter from the volume of biceps, knows this very well. No less titanic efforts are required for a bodybuilder at the dinner table. Today we will talk about off-season dietdirected for a set of muscle mass... Welcome to Jay Cutler's Kitchen!

Are you weak?

The dedication and discipline in any sport goes far beyond the gym. Baseball players, basketball players and even professional computer gamers (there are some) hone their skills for endless hours on the field, on the court, or behind the joystick. For bodybuilders the gym with its equipment - dumbbells, barbells and exercise machines - is only half the battle. They should spend at least as much time at the dinner table. Perhaps no other sport has such an attentive attitude to nutritionlike in bodybuilding. The effectiveness of work in the gym directly depends on the quantity and quality of food. Jay Cutler, in this sense, is the best example - the seriousness and thoroughness of his approach to off-season diet are widely known.

Along with fanatical workouts nutrition for Jay, the ultimate means to perfection. His motto: "I eat not for pleasure, but in order to become bigger." The only thing you can be absolutely sure of is that Jay will not succumb to the temptation to relax. “I love the challenge, I love the challenge,” he says. Jay's goal during the offseason is to get as big as possible, which requires the right amount of food. Unlike most off-season diets, his diet is exceptionally clean and simple. He eats all his dishes without sauces and seasonings.

I don't eat - I eat!

Jay's fridge is stuffed with flounder

Jay doesn't count calories or fat. It is enough for him to know that he gets 20% of his daily calories from fat, and the rest from carbohydrates and proteins. Approximate figures are 1000 g of carbohydrates and 350 g of protein. Protein sources include red meat, eggs, and specialty foods. nutritional supplements... Jay gets his carbohydrates from rice, oatmeal, asparagus and broccoli. How does he manage to eat such a huge amount of carbohydrates and protein? He just eats 10-12 times a day! Every hour and a half plus two meals a night! If he gets up in the middle of the night to do cardio during competitive season, food replaces it in the off-season.

There is only because you want, this is one thing - anyone can have a snack when he is hungry. But eating only because you need to eat, since you intend to become the greatest bodybuilder on the planet, is a completely different matter. It takes tremendous willpower and discipline to sit at the table and chew not to satisfy hunger, but because it is necessary to achieve the goal. Imagine that you are sitting down at a table that has the same dish that you recently ate. It takes real courage, even obsession. Imagine doing this 10-12 times a day today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? Is it difficult to digest such a thought? Now let's take a look at the usual off-season menu. diets for gaining muscle mass Jay:

  • 1st meal: 12 egg whites (two whole eggs), 1 toasted French loaf, 1 bowl of oatmeal (dry metered), 1 tablespoon honey, 1 banana, 1 cup black coffee, 1 serving of whey protein.
  • 2nd meal: 280g beef (tenderloin or edge), 2 plates of rice, 1 plate of broccoli or asparagus.
  • 3rd meal: post-workout whey protein shake with creatine.
  • 4th meal: 280g beef, 2 plates of rice, 1 plate of broccoli or asparagus.
  • 5th meal: 15 egg whites, 1 bowl of oatmeal, and 3 rice cakes (15 grams of carbs each).
  • 6th meal: protein-carbohydrate cocktail.
  • 7th meal: 280 g of beef, 1 plate of broccoli or asparagus.
  • 8th meal: 3-4 servings of sushi (dinner).
  • 9th meal: 12 egg whites (two whole eggs), 1 bowl of oatmeal.
  • 10th meal: whey protein and oat buns (5-6 pieces).
  • 11th meal: 280g beef, 1 bowl of oatmeal and nutritional supplements.
  • 12th meal: protein-carbohydrate cocktail (optional).

One person eats it all in one day! That's more food than some people need for a week. As we can see, the menu is mostly meat. This is Jay's main source of protein. He also takes in fish oil, digestive enzymes, multivitamins and folic acid. Sushi is the only weakness in the diet, which he enjoys at family dinner.

Cutler brings a little variety to his diet traditional for bodybuilders the way - sprinkles his favorite rice cakes with powdered sugar and cinnamon as a small reward for hard training. He also drinks water constantly.

Get it, Atkins!

Obviously, carbohydrates dominate the off-season diet Jay Cutler. He eats about 200 g at breakfast and at least 300 g after training. If there are two workouts a day, then after the second, 200-250 g of carbohydrates are also provided. Bodybuilders knew about the "secret" of weight control with carbohydrates long before the general public started buying low-carb foods. An ordinary person would have long been treated for obesity if he ate such a huge amount of carbohydrates. But remember: Jay works out hard - sometimes twice a day, not counting cardio. In addition, one should take into account the huge amount of already built muscles, which turns his body into a perpetual fat burning engine. Thanks to them, metabolism and fat burning continue even during rest. It seems that Jay, even just sitting on the couch, burns more calories than the average person during his daily run.

The Truth About Huge Muscles

The main advice that Jay gives to people who are interested in him how to build dimensions without gaining fat is to take his principles and adjust them to your goals. In the offseason, Jay's weight fluctuates somewhere between 128 and 144 kg. He suggests distributing all the nutrients as a percentage and starting to find an individually appropriate amount of food. For starters, Cutler recommends consuming 2 grams of protein for every pound of lean body mass. He himself eats much more protein food, because he is not afraid to gain excess fat (excess protein can be converted into glucose and deposited as fat). Over time, the amount of carbohydrates should rise to a level of 4-5 grams per kilogram of lean body weight (Jay consumes 6 grams). Fat should make up 20% of the daily diet. You shouldn't add them to your diet on purpose, since we already get enough fat from regular food, even if we eat relatively clean.

Can an ordinary person or even an average bodybuilder follow this diet? Not! In reality, most people will not be able to afford this. That amount of food costs Jay $ 15,000 a year. For a person in his profession, it’s an investment that pays off, but for the average person who trains with weights, such a budget can ruin. Even professional bodybuildersunless they are part of the elite, and they do not have a tight schedule of performances and good contracts, they cannot afford such expenses.

Another question is time. Jay almost all day does nothing but sit and eat, and at home. Of course, no boss in the world would like a subordinate who needs a break every hour to eat. However, most bodybuilders still manages to follow the standard recommendation to eat 6 times a day. It's easy even if you work full time. You can always find a moment for a quick snack, and the advanced athlete can drink protein cocktail or eat a bar. Let's try to bring diet Jay to the possibilities of an ordinary person.

  • 1st meal: 6 egg whites (one whole egg), 1 bowl of oatmeal (dry metered), 1 banana, 1 cup of black coffee.
  • 2nd meal: 170 g chicken breast, 1 plate of rice, 1 plate of broccoli.
  • 3rd meal: protein cocktail.
  • 4th meal: 170 g beef, one baked potato, 1 plate of asparagus.
  • 5th meal: protein bar.
  • 6th meal: 170 g flounder, 1 bowl of rice, 1 bowl of broccoli.

As a result, we get protein, carbohydrates and dietary fats, distributed over six meals. This is a general guideline and serving sizes are based on lean body mass.

Champion selection

The requirements for a candidate for the title of Mr. Olympia include more than training in the gym and visits to the solarium. Main battle bodybuilder, as we have already found out, happens in the kitchen. Imagine once again the need to eat the same thing every day for many weeks, and you will understand how difficult it is. Most people see food as one of the pleasant ways to spend their leisure time while meeting the biological needs of the body. For Jay, food is the meaning of all his activities, his life and success depends on nutrition, training and rest. It's a choice. “I love that I do things that others do not, so I am a winner,” says the new Mr. Olympia, explaining his unusual lifestyle.

Jay's whole life is focused on achieving victory. And you, too, must do whatever is required if you want to win. Enjoy your meal!

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Proper nutrition for bodybuilders is half the battle. To this issue there is not a simple, but a scientific approach that allows you to build muscle mass without problems for the health of an athlete. Otherwise, disturbances in the work of the digestive tract, central nervous system and the cardiovascular system.

To build voluminous, strong and relief muscles, it is not enough to own various training methods around the world or some personal techniques. Without proper nutrition in appropriate amounts, it is impossible to achieve high results. Nutrients are essential for continued muscle growth after exercise and full recovery. In other words, in order to increase the volume of muscles, it is necessary to eat, and eat a lot, but correctly, otherwise it will not be muscles that will be built up, but the fat layer.

This nutrition program is highly effective, progressive and affordable. The fact is that it is based on the most modern advances in the field of nutrition, so it serves as an ideal addition to any training process that is based on a scientific approach. This approach to nutrition will allow you to quickly increase muscle mass without gaining excessive amounts of fat.

Some athletes who are "overweight" suffer from the negative effect of fats in the body, on insulin sensitivity, and this slows down the growth process muscle mass... Such a diet lacks this disadvantage. Thanks to such a program, it is possible to gradually increase the number of calories consumed by athletes, so that the body has time to adapt to this. In other words, problems such as catabolism and excess body fat are left behind.

"Without proper nutrition and in the right amount, you cannot achieve significant results from training."

Naturally, you need to start with the athlete's basic diet. Since there are individual differences in metabolism, as well as in the level of activity of each athlete, it makes no sense to use standard equations to calculate the number of calories, and it will not work. As a basis for calculations, it is necessary to take the number of calories that are absorbed at the initial stage of the training process and constantly adjust their consumption, depending on the results.

Such a program requires tracking the exact number of calories and macronutriens over the next 6 weeks of active activity. This approach may turn out to be new and unfamiliar, so it is better to find information about it on the Internet, take a little time to study the very meaning of this technique. The fact is that many athletes blindly adjust their calorie intake, after which they complain about the ineffectiveness of training.

As a rule, an athlete does not know exactly how many calories he is consuming. Therefore, you will have to keep a diary and, using special programs, keep records for the first three days. It is necessary to record everything that is eaten during this period. There are special applications for smartphones that can help you calculate the average data on calorie consumption over a given period of time. In other words, you will have to come to grips with your diet.

To speed up the process of increasing muscle volume, it is necessary to add about 300 kcal to the basic indicators (average). Over the next 2 weeks, it is necessary to monitor the increase in body weight and volume by measuring the volumes of the chest, neck, arms, etc. During the same period, you will have to measure the level of body fat using a caliper, guided by the following factors:

  • if weight gain is carried out without fat deposits, then it is necessary to add another 300 kcal to the diet (daily);
  • if there is no increase in body weight, then you will have to add about 500 kcal.

A similar process is repeated every couple of weeks, adding more and more calories, but there are some nuances here.

Increasing the number of calories

It is necessary to increase the calorie content of food exclusively according to the above method.

Typically, after an increase in calories, fat begins to be stored. Subsequent actions may be as follows.

First of all, you should abandon the increase in the number of calories, although there is another option proposed by Lane Norton. Its essence is to add every two weeks not 300 kcal, but only 50.

These calories will be burned during each day, but after a couple of months, the body will begin to receive enough calories that will lead to a build-up required mass body.

This amount of calories should be distributed over 3-4 doses, using them every 4 hours. The task can be simplified by making the servings the same in size, except for the serving that is taken immediately after training. This serving should contain about 20% more calories than the rest of the servings.

Well, now is the time to figure out the kind of calories that are best to consume.


Protein should be consumed at the rate of 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of human body weight during the first 6 weeks. This amount differs from what some bodybuilders use in a smaller way. The most important thing here is the use of only high quality products.

Some athletes believe that this is not enough, but research shows that in conditions of intake of 1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight, muscle growth occurs. Each serving should contain at least 30 g of protein, which is found in various sources.

For example:

  • in chicken thighs;
  • in chicken breasts;
  • in turkey breasts;
  • in salmon;
  • in mussels;
  • in tuna;
  • in shrimp;
  • in lean beef;
  • in pork tenderloin;
  • in chicken sausages;
  • in turkey bacon;
  • in eggs;
  • in whey protein;
  • in casein protein;
  • in Greek yogurt;
  • in the curd mass.


You should eat only dietary fat, which has a number of functions. First of all, it is a form of concentrated energy. Part of the fats affects the secretion of hormones. In order to maintain a healthy body and ensure growth in the first 6 weeks of intense exercise, it is necessary to consume the optimal amount of fat.

After determining basic level calories, it is necessary to determine the consumption of fats, which should take up to 30% of the total diet. With increasing training intensity, this percentage will increase. If the calorie intake is increased by 300 kcal, the fat level should be in the order of 150 kcal. The energy value of 1 g of fat is about 9 kcal, therefore, each time adding 300 kcal to the diet, 15-17 g of fat should be added. If the diet is increased by 50 kcal, then 5 g of fat should be added.

Fat intake is dependent on carbohydrate intake versus protein intake, which is constant. If you eat foods rich in carbohydrates, then the amount of fat should be reduced and vice versa.

There are 3 main types of fats - polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated. An option is considered more optimal when all types of fats are consumed, and not just one. Sources of healthy fats include:

  • olive oil;
  • canola oil;
  • almond;
  • avocado;
  • pistachios;
  • walnuts;
  • macadamia nuts;
  • linseed oil;
  • butter;
  • coconut oil;


The last component leads to some confusion. To understand this problem, it is better to divide carbohydrates into 2 groups.

Starchy carbohydrates

Starchy carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed by the body and contain enough calories, which include:

  • regular potatoes;
  • sweet potato;
  • quinoa;
  • white and brown rice;
  • sprouted grain bread;
  • tortilla;
  • kamut.

They contain fiber, which is somewhat more difficult to digest. Fruits and vegetables are lower in calories and have fewer carbohydrates. Legumes can also be added to this group.

The following group can include the following products:

  • blueberries;
  • raspberries;
  • strawberries;
  • apples;
  • oranges;
  • pears;
  • spinach;
  • cabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • cucumbers;
  • pepper;
  • brussels sprouts;
  • lettuce leaves and herbs;
  • green beans;
  • carrots;
  • green onions;
  • mushrooms;
  • bulb onions;
  • tomatoes;
  • lentils;
  • black beans;
  • beans;

The challenge is simply to use these products correctly. There are a number of guidelines to help you do this, for example:

  1. Fruits and vegetables should be consumed with every meal.
  2. Starchy carbs are best consumed in the morning and after exercise.
  3. When few starchy carbohydrates are consumed, then you need to introduce more fat, as well as fruits and vegetables into the diet.

In this case, the amount of protein will be at the same level, and the rest of the calories are distributed between fats and carbohydrates.

The energy value of 1 g of carbohydrates is about 4 calories, therefore, increasing the calorie content of food by 300 kcal, it is necessary to add about 35-40 g of carbohydrates. When only 50 kcal is added, then carbohydrates account for about 12 grams.

When you have some knowledge of nutrition and calorie distribution, you can begin to calculate your diet based on all requirements. For example:

  • The basic diet is 2700 kcal.
  • The optimal protein level at the rate of 2 g per 1 kg of body weight is 160 g or 720 kcal.
  • The optimal level of fat at the rate of 30% of the mass of all calories consumed is 90 g or 810 kcal.
  • The optimal level of carbohydrates, that is, the remaining calories are 229 g or 1170 kcal.

Calculations are made for male athletes weighing about 80 kg.

First meal:

  • ¾ cups of oatmeal.
  • One medium sized apple.
  • Two whole eggs.
  • 5 egg whites.

Second meal:

  • 1 scoop of whey protein.
  • 1/3 walnuts.
  • 0.5-1 cups blueberries
  • 220 ml skim milk.

Third meal:

  • 110 grams of salmon.
  • 1/3 cup lentils
  • 1 tbsp + 2 tsp olive oil.
  • 3 cups broccoli

The third meal may include foods such as salmon, brown rice, and asparagus.

Pre-workout meal:

  • 25 g whey protein.
  • 10 g BCAA.
  • 50 g of carbohydrates.

Post-workout meals:

  • 1 pc sweet potato
  • 0.25-1 cup brown rice
  • 0.5 cups black beans.
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of mashed avocado.
  • 170 g shrimp.

This is a rough plan, on the basis of which it is not difficult to develop your personal diet, depending on individual data.

Proper nutrition for an athlete: what foods are needed for a complete diet

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