Compatibility of Ksenia and Maxim. Compatibility of the name of Ksenia with male names in love and marriage Compatibility of the names of Ksenia and Maxim

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Maxim - the male name of Latin origin, originates from the word "Maximus", which means "the greatest". In Russia, the name became popular in the XIX and was basically versators, then the peak of popularity went to the decline, and in the 70s of the last century the name again became fashionable.

Currently, the name Maxim boys is called not often, although its owners can be proud of his beautiful and harmonious sound. Many outstanding personalities glorified this name in the centuries, among them the composer Maxim Dunaevsky, Cerizer Maxim Shostakovich, Russian doctor Maxim Vorobyev, Russian doctor Maxim Konchalovsky, writer Maxim Gorky, Historian scholar Maxim Kovalevsky, philosopher and theologian Maxim Greek and many others.

Name Day and Holy Patrons

At the name of Maxim a lot of patrons, among them one of the most revered is the Rev. Maxim Greek. He was born in Greece in 1470, monasticism accepted in the Watopeda monastery on Athos.

In 1515, at the invitation of Grand Prince Vasily III, Maxim Greek arrived in Moscow to transfer spiritual books. The formed monk translated a lot of books, among which the very first was the translation of Psaltiri. Later, Maxim Greek created a princely library.

The monk sharply opposed the social injustice, which he watched in Moscow life, criticized the lifestyle of part of the Moscow clergy (joints), openly opposed the ruthless operation of the peasants. For public speeches in 1525, the scientist was excommunicated from the church and sharpened to the monastery with very harsh conditions of content.

Maxim Greek died in the Trinity Monastery, at the moment its relics are kept in the Assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra.

All owners named after Maxim can celebrate Angel's Day in one of the following dates: January 26 and 29; 3, 5, 12 and 19; March 4 and 19; April 2 and 23; 4, 11, 13 and 27 May; 1, 4th and 30 June; 1, 4, 11, July 18 and 20; 12, 24 and 26 August; 2, September 18 and 28; 3, October 8 and 22; 5, 10, 12 and 24; December 5 and 29.

Characteristic named

By nature, most Maximov are extroverts - diplomatic and understanding people. They have an innate gift of convictions, and therefore are excellent manipulators. At the same time, such people are very ambitious and proud, they hardly manage to take a step towards another person if they are convinced of their right.

Maxim draws his energy from the outside world, so he likes to be among the people, but at the same time considers himself elected, heads above all the others. Pride and ambition are laid in it by the very nature, so it is useless to fight them. Maxim is capable of achieving attention to his person, unobtrusive impose of their opinions to others, imperceptibly shifting responsibility on other people's shoulders.

The secret of welfare for Maxim is moderation in everything. Stories from the life of many people who bear this energetic name, they suggest that moderation for them is the key to success and prosperity. Most likely, the material and family well-being will come to Maxim after 35 years, before that turn he will have to learn from the dignity to overcome a series of nutrients and life failures, as well as revise his overestimate self-esteem. If Maxim is able to curb his pride, fate will reward his happiness and well-being.

Maxim all his life seeks to follow fashion trends And the trends, only smart and educated people attract it. He can "be pushed" to old years, not feeling his real age, which can be the subject of ridicule on the part of others.

Recipe on the occasion::

In general, Maxim can be called a man with an open soul, friendly to people and always ready to come to the rescue. Getting Started to any case, it is better to consult with him so that he felt its significance, it is extremely important for his self-affirmation. You should not neglect the opinion of Maxim, it hurts his pride and makes him do everything on the contrary.


Little Maxim is a very independent and obedient child who does not give much trouble to his parents. From an early age, the kid becomes an excellent manipulator, always know how to achieve adults desired.

He also does not arise with problems, often Maxim becomes the class leader. In the boy, the love of the theater and cinema wakes up early, he is pleased to participate in school performances and attends cinemas.

Maxim grows early, also early, he begins to be interested in girls. But, whatever teenager does not grow, he is in dire need of psychological support from parents, especially from the Father. The arrogance and vanity inherent in the name Maxim may prevent the boy to grow a benevolent person. Unfortunately, not to all maxims manage to overcome their proud and pride.


The main danger to the health of Maxim is a depressive state. Such moments are dangerous, it is precisely different illnesses. Drugs and alcohol are no less danger - to them, in prone to depressions, Maxim is a predisposition.

It is very difficult for him to get along with his age, he always wants to remain young and lead the appropriate lifestyle that is not always justified. Problem problems can also deliver a lot of hassle.


Maxim is pretty early getting acquainted with an intimate side of life, but he has sexual needs. He does not intend to change the partner often, as sex and love for him are inseparable concepts.

Maxim has a gift of conviction, it is easy to manipulate people, so women have a success. He is not jealous, romantic, deceitful, to sexually and seriously.

The mutual pleasure is what a man seeks to seek, for him it is a way of self-affirmation. For Maxim, it is important that the partner emphasizes and praised his dignity, causing affectionate words and admired.

Maxim is always configured to serious and long-term relationships, and if his chosen is able to find an approach to him, he will try to save these relationships with all their might. Preference is a man gives strong and powerful women who are slightly afraid. Cooking is not interested in him.

Marriage and family compatibility

In Spouse Maxim usually chooses a woman with strong characterwhich will be supporting and support for it. However, the spouse may not lead to a divine, since the opinion of Maxim cannot be neglected is impossible - it hurts his pride and pride.

Quarrels and conflicts in the family will be quite rare, since the patience of maxim can only be envied. Marrying, a man does not lose his youth windiness, but it does not prevent him from being a faithful spouse and a caring father.

For Maxim it is very important to feel the head of the family, even if it is not true. At the same time, he may stubbornly ignore family problems, preferring to be solved by the spouse. If the views on the life of Maxim and the spouses did not come together from the very beginning, then marriage is doomed, since this man does not know how to change and adjust.

The most successful marriage is possible with women named Margarita, Nina, Lydia, Angelina, Olesya, Tatiana, Yana and Lyudmila. Avoid the relationship with Antonina, Love, Olga, Yulia, Oksana and Elena.

Profession and business

Maxim rarely reaches the peaks of the career ladder, it simply lacks breakdown qualities for this, as well as the lack of dedication and perseverance. He prefers to sail downstream and live one day. Very often, men named Maxim occupy the position that they are not about the soul, but they do not seek to change anything.

And although by nature, Maxim is not a careerist, it can achieve certain heights, if truly fascinated by his profession. Owning excellent organizational abilities and possessing the gift of conviction, he can become an excellent diplomat, teacher, showman, producer, politician or journalist.

Even if a man has an entrepreneurial vest, lack of volitional qualities may not allow him to become a successful businessman. The business he is better to lead with a more decisive partner, not afraid of take responsibility.

Talismans for Maxim

  • Planet Patron - Pluto.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Capricorn.
  • Good time - winter, a good day of the week - Saturday.
  • Happy color - raspberry, red, orange and blue.
  • Totem plant - ash and fuchsia. The ash symbolizes the update and fertility, helps to open the gift of clairvoyance. Talisman from ash protects against evil eyes and witchcraft. Fuchsia is a symbol of the highest power that brings happiness and good luck.
  • Totem animal - mink. This little animal symbolizes weakness, turning and intelligence, as well as wealth and victory over temptations.
  • Stone-talisman - amethyst. This stone causes love for someone who gives it helps the top of the world and peace, brings good luck to hunters and travelers. If you put an amethyst under the pillow, amazing dreams can dreame.


Aries - Natural energetic and ambitious. He is ambiguous, dorien, irritable and stubborn. This person does everything to avoid boredom and depression, he is full of original ideas and all new things. His curiosity can move into indiscretion and incontinence, to redo the Maxim-Aries is almost impossible. He makes a lot spontaneously and often does not bring started to the end. The need for bravada and shown in his blood, he strives for leadership always and in everything. Many actions and judgments of this man can be assessed as children's, he will always be inherent in youthful maximalism. From Maxim-Aries, a wonderful worker is usually obtained, especially if his profession is associated with risk. It refers to the money is cool, they are only a means of achieving something more. Maybe living in Spartan conditions, without thinking about comfortable. As a spouse, he needs a very patient woman who will be able to delicately direct the irrepressive energy of her husband in the right direction.

Taurus - An impressionable and loyal man who can take patience and perseverance. Internally calm and the need for harmony makes it put together with many, but if the patience of Maxim-Taurus came the end, his anger will be terrible. It does not make controversies and conflicts, especially on elevated colors, objectivity and justice is very important for him. In the soul, the conservative, to everything new and unexplored it is extremely careful. Very hidden, even if there is a dirty. A distinctive feature of a man's character is slowness, thoroughness, reliability and loyalty to this word. The main life goal for Maxim Taurus is money and all that is connected with them. He is inclined to accumulation, never spends money on trifles. Marriage with this person almost excludes the possibility of divorce, her husband is more reliable difficult to find. However, a jealous man and never forgive deception. Maxim-Taurus is strongly tied to the spouse physically and emotionally, life outside the family is unthinkable for him.

Twins - Unpredictable adventurer, in everything looking ease. He never walks in difficult paths, often fails in affairs due to impermanence and irresponsibility. Maxim-twin tries to organize their lives to organize only with his own interests, not considering anyone else. In character, it is easy and pleasant in communicating, has a sharp mind and a good sense of humor. Having attached effort and perseverance, he can succeed in affairs, if he refuses the habit of everyone to let himself. In addition, Maxim-Twin has a huge adaptability, knows how to start the necessary acquaintances, save and correctly use the information. But the tendency to deception and inorganizations often crosses all his positive features. It treats money easily - how much earns, so much and spends. Prefers to engage in mental, and not physical labor, has a tendency to creative professions. Feelings of this man are often superficial, he does not know how to love deep and long. In the life of Maxim-twin, most likely, not one marriage will happen, and the later it will be concluded, the greater the likelihood of its conservation.

Cancer - Personality dreamy and wounded, often living with "pink glasses" in front of. Maxim Cancer has good memory and magnificent intelligence, but often he uses them for self-fighting, regret and revenge. It is very attached to the house and family, desperately needs support and approval of relatives. Maxim-cancer need to learn to live tomorrow afternoon, and not regret yesterday. His uncertainty man thoroughly hides that it can pour into a long depression and nervousness. He can only reveal to someone who trusts to a high degree, but there are not many such people in his life. Maxim Cancer has tremendous performance, often becomes a high-level professional. It belongs to money carefully, appreciates comfort and order. A loyal husband, caring and living for the family, will be able to make a dedicated husband, and obeying himself with its partner. Often such men marry a woman older than themselves, looking for additional support in it. In any case, in his marriage there will always be at least a small but calculation.

a lion - a man is thorough and balanced, but with a very overpriced self-esteem. He is slightly slow, always pre-analyzes his words and actions, however, often his ambitions are ahead of his capabilities. He wants to lead, inspire respect and thrill, defend, entertain and be always in the center of attention. Maxim-Lion fearlessly before the recklessness, and his generosity does not know the borders. He will never hover to earn a penny, but can go to the adventure for the for quick money. Maxim-Lion can be an incorrigible playman or a gambler, but we are lucky. Living his life, he is looking for such classes in which there is an opportunity to get the desired with possible lower costs, while he does not know how to plan anything and calculate. The whole life of Maxim-Lion is a series of takeoffs and failures, make a dizzying career to him webly prevent ordinary laziness. This man can be a wonderful husband, provided that his wife's life will be spooled exclusively around his person, he can even jealous to his own children. With all this, Maxim-Lion Falling on flattery and easily manage, so a wise woman will always be able to achieve the desired.

Virgo - A closed and detached person, perfectly feeling alone. It is capable of thinking logically, appreciates erudition and accuracy, hates vulgarity and vulgarity in all its manifestations. His life credo is if you do something, then either perfectly, or in any way. Maxim-Virgin has the opportunity to achieve high results in everything, for which he is taken. By nature, he is a skeptic, who does not believe in intuition and foresight, he all seeks to understand through logic and deduction. Never participate in gambling and rarely relies on luck. Love for details and the desire for perfection sometimes risks go to petty pedantry. To the money, a man applies very carefully - a thousand times will think before the purchase is made. Maxim-Virgo's profession often puts at the head of the corner, sacrificing family and recreation. Whatever a man does, he will be a real workhorse, without work, he simply cannot live. In marriage, a man often occupies a subordinate position, he often has a certain degree of dependency. In any case, the emphasis in the family of Maxim-Virgin will be made to honesty, decency, dedication and deep affection - if all this it does not receive, then prefer to remain alone.

Libra - Man spiritual, tactful and friendly. He seeks to understand others, sensibly perceives other people's problems and is always ready to help. His life manages a sense of justice, beauty and harmony, he is responsible, has good business qualities. Maxim-scales can influence others, but he almost does not have enemies. Often, a man lacks self-confidence, so he tries to avoid responsibility, prefers to shift the solution to key problems on other people's shoulders. He is not at all the heroic person, on the contrary, a series of failures can throw it into the depression of the depression. Maxim-scales are always full of good intentions, but he lacks the will of the will to implement them. It is best for him to be cleaned and produce a good impression. Maxim-Scales Command Player, he has a great sense of collectivism, but he has almost no chance on leadership positions. For money, a man relates to easily, basically spends on his pleasure and whim. In marriage, he must feel a reliable shoulder of his wife and feel its strength - in this case he will feel more confident. Often, successful marriage becomes for Maxim-Weights with a starting platform for social growth.

Scorpio - Personality discreet, but only until it clears this, but at the same time prone to hard self-analysis. Maxim-scorpion often has a self-esteem, because of which he keeps insecure and slightly removed. However, he has a very strong desire for success, and there are almost no obstacles to him on the way that a man could not overcome. He has a deep understanding of life, while hidden aggression and eroticism always comes from him. In the depths of the soul, Maxim-Scorpio is an idealist, despising the generally accepted rules of morality, he always lives only in its rules. It is characterized by internal conflicts, to some extent he is a sadist masochist. Despite anything, knows how to revive, like a Phoenix bird, again and again rise up from the deepest social pit. The ability to work in Maxim-Scorpion is incredible, he is extremely smart and almost does not know tired. To the money, a man belongs with great love, striving for good earningsBut not Zhaden. Maxim Scorpio is designed for love, he is unusually passionate nature. He is very suspicious and jealous, but is dedicated and caring.

Sagittarius - A person changeable, sometimes unmanaged, but sincere and charming. He is very independent, despises all sorts of restrictions, very loves travel, at least in thoughts. Maxim-Sagittarius is very worried because of his position in society, wants to make an impression, eager to leave his mark on Earth. He is straightforward, but a rather deep mind and high moral qualities are hidden for his tactlessness. Thanks to wit, resourcefulness and flame temperament, it quickly becomes the center of attention in any society. To lie this man just does not know how, as a lie contradicts his nature. It will forever stay something childish - he does not want to see seriousness in life, since an incorrigible optimist. Maxim-Sagittarius does not like heavy physical workBut once the chosen profession is usually devoted. And although he does not know how to earn money very well, it is able to consider money and relates to them gently. He loves luxury, do and get expensive gifts. A woman coming to marry Maxim-Sagitz must remember that he is married or not, in the soul will always feel free bachelor. If you hold it, it will definitely run away.

Capricorn - oddly enough, the patronizing sign of the zodiac awarded the Maxim as darkness as darkness, dislike. He is a single in life, but his soul is wounded, so a man hides it so carefully - all his feelings are carefully disguised, and it is almost impossible to cause him to frankly. But, in spite of everything, the man is practical, punctual, obligatory and ambitious. He is faithful, reliable, honest and in something very simple, as the Earth itself. He rarely speaks about himself and considers the charm and charm above above his dignity, never demonstrates his advantages. In the soul, he is a conservative, trying to adhere to traditions he generally accepted moral standards, can become mercantile over the year. Maxim Capricorn rarely changes the place of work, does not seek fame, but seeks to gain genuine power and a solid social situation. It is usually achieving slowly, but steadily. He knows how to keep a blow, never forgets no good nor evil. Money for him is an indicator of success, so he will always strive for good earnings. Maxim-Capricorn Odnolyuba, normally marries once and for all.

Aquarius - Man stubborn, with iron will and solid life principles. He reluctantly goes to contact, refers to life with a fraction of irony, it is not in all the latter optimism and blind faith. He worship justice, never annoying anyone, has broad life interests. Maxim-Aquarius hates theatricality, does not want to make an effect, alien to conventions towards himself, but old-fashioned in family matters. In life, he is absolute realist, a humanist and philanthropist, in nature, kind, diplomacitated and dressed. However, he does not like to obey the rules, may well challenge public opinion. He likes to stun the conservative people with his strange manners, in nature he is a rebel, but perfectly disassembled in psychology and never break the features permitted. In life, this man may well achieve great success, but his periods of activity alternately alternate with periods of loneliness, and in these moments it is better not to touch it. Prefers free professions, in all life there can be a lot of them. For Maxim Aquarius money treats carefully, does not like to think and take a debt. Life in marriage with this man is not easy enough, as he is used to take more than to give.

Fish - Smart and discreet man, endowed with an intuitive look at things. He knows a good price, never misses his benefits, it easily calculates other people's weaknesses and enjoys them with pleasure. His nature is dual: on the one hand, it is Methodical, honest and hardworking, and on the other hand is dreaming and impressionable. Maxim-fish will be needed for many years to understand that life is far from perfection. He is very devoted and attaching, and therefore injury and weak. Very often, this man looks at the world through pink glasses. He is peculiar to the carelessness about tomorrow, and his money is usually not delayed. Often, maxi-fish simply lacks strength and energy to overcome obstacles, for daily efforts to overcome petty worries. By nature, he is rather lazy and indifferent, does not seek leadership and power, does not build a dizzying career. One of the most powerful tools of this person is humor, dedication and generosity. By most often this is a creative person, endowed with many talents, but he needs help to implement them. He has every chance of becoming a successful and even a great man. A man in love with marriage can easily go on treason, and will not even hide it from the spouse. For happy family life He needs full support from a woman, her patience and love.

The name Maxim has a Roman origin and means the "greatest". The nature of the carrier of this name is complicated and changing as agreed. As a child, Maxim is a calm, educated child who listens to the parents and often serves as an example for his comrades and classmates. He likes to hear compliments and praise to his address. At school, already in junior grades, Maxim begins to enjoy the charm inherent in it in order to achieve good marks and indulgence of teachers. As a rule, it brings the result: Maxim often overestimates, teachers watch through their fingers for absenteeism and unbearable lessons. However, Maxim classmates do not always take a similar state of affairs as due. Because of this, he may have enemies and those who are configured against him. Maxim tries to solve the unpleasant situation with humor, without provoking the conflict. Ultimately, Maxima manages to convince his ill-wishers that he does not at all put himself above them. In this he helps his goodwill and diplomaticity.

Maxim's compatibility in love

Pretty early Maxim begins to understand what girls like, and later - girls. It does not surprise him at all, on the contrary, it seems to him that it should be so. With age, the attention of the opposite sex begins to be perceived as something of granted, and it turns into a real egoist. Really seriously falls in love with Maxim quite late, and often in the one that does not pay attention to him. Maxim is all forces seeking its location, but not always successfully. This is because it gives the impression of a frivolous person who is not capable of long-term relationships, which can push him away from him.

Family life with Maxim is not a quiet harbor. And not because he does not like his wife, on the contrary, he can adore her, but he never ceases to be interested in other women. Maksim - loving husbandbut he is not used to prove his feelings. Of course, he is able to give his wife the necessary support in the event that it has difficulty at work or with health. Maxim is tied to his own children, he pays a lot of time and attention to them, but communicating with children is not easy, especially if they are not like him in nature.

Maxim compatibility with women's names

The greatest probability durable relationships Maxim with names: Alevtina, Alice, Alfia, Antonina, Bella, Vera, Victoria, Vladislav, Henrietta, Glafira, Elena, Zhanna, Iraida, Muse, Natalia, Oksana, Rimma, Susanna, Taisia, Ulyana, Fekla, Emilia.

The smallest probability of durable relationships at Maximennamia: Anastasia, Angelina, Violetta, Gella, Dominica, Eva, Zoya, Ilona, \u200b\u200bClaudia,

Find out information about the women's name Maxim, and you will learn what hidden talents and unknown desires, it has its owner. You are everydayly hear the sounds of your name, from the earliest childhood they adjust you to your destination. Understanding what will attract wealth to you, knowing all sides of your character, you will achieve a lot.

    Deciphering the name of the woman Maxim

  • How to spell - in English - Maksima
  • Girl wearing this name corresponds to the element - air
  • Color attracting life luck - beige, black and gray
  • It is better to wear a person with the name Maxim, Metal - Sodium
  • Suits people with this name, tree - juniper
  • Planet bringing happiness - Neptune
  • Constellation Bearing Happiness - Aries (Aries)
  • In numerology maxim name, the number bearing good luck - two
  • You better eat food - Vegetables and fish
  • Animals amulets for the name of Maxim - Toad.
  • Stones are charms for people with the name Maxim - Zircon

To attract financial luck and happiness, girls named Maxim, need strong Cash amuletThe main thing is that it is encoded personally at you, to your full name and your date of birth. I can recommend only This is a proven site!, Good luck's talisman really works for creating a well-being aura, it is important to wear it constantly, and not to talk about it to the destination. Activate it on yourself or a man who buy it, in accordance with the instructions.

Which is most preferably in the life of women by name on the letter M Maxim

  1. If you just want to call the child born with this name, it is better to do that if he was born under the sign of the horoscope - Gemini (21.05 - 20.06)
  2. The most successful will be if the girl named Maxim was born on the eastern calendar per year - Tiger - year 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034
  3. It's better to start in - Friday and Monday
  4. Self favorable days of the year, it is December 22, March 24, August 17 and October 21
  5. Favorable time for you - Late evening
  6. Dangerous age in which you need to be careful - in childhood and youth - seven years; in youth - twenty five years; in and maturity - forty years, in old age - sixty-three years
  7. The name on the letter M - Maxim imposes an imprint on the health of these people, especially dangerous diseases - hernia
  8. Maxim called Maxim, the professions associated with production are best suited

Aspects of the character named women's name

It will take advantage of any weapon accessible to her to take revenge, but for his man, it will be a good friend and support. Woman named Maxim, in life is very trusting, a little clumsy and ramp. She firmly with both legs standing on Earth, gracefully and gently following its reasonable reality.

Never refuses help, if it is about something to ask, I am confident in myself, sometimes it has an overestimated self-esteem. Woman named Maxim, loves power and will donate a lot for her receipt, including money. It does not listen to anyone when it quarrels, you first need to give it to cool. A woman named Maxim, does not seek power and leadership, does not try to command and manage his man. She will be a caring and submissive wife, but it is hardly able to work or be your adviser.

Career for her, does not make much sense, however, if it seems it that the spouse earns a little, it will make every effort to increase income. The jealousy of a woman named Maxim, may arise due to trifle. There are no obstacles for them.

The table of the main features of the character character named Maxim

The calculation of the character trait was conducted on the basis of the name, and the month of birth, for a more accurate calculation you need to know the full date of birth and the name, patronymic and surname, if you need it - visit this page.

Vertical column of the table (from above), select your (or girls named - Maxim) month of birth, horizontal (with side) string is aspects of character. Their intersection will show the coefficient from 1 to 100, the more value, the better.

January February March
Willpower 22
Energy 26 54 76
Learning 27 82 49
Goodworking 76 28 94
Kindness 45 5 55
Patience 63 100 97
Creation 58 3 35
Intuition 56 30 78
Sociability 9 69 91
Self-satisfaction 87 30 9
Money 28 18 70
Talent 49 43
Spirituality 56 26 60
Pottleness 21 8 77
Stability 84 71 41
Love 72 90 42
Debt 24 84
Mentality 14 64 36
Carefulness 61 11
Emotionic 84 99 35
April May June
Willpower 34 11 13
Energy 65 11 9
Learning 62 18 22
Goodworking 66 11 98
Kindness 36 21 9
Patience 84 48 90
Creation 9 39 40
Intuition 58 16 64
Sociability 28 100 3
Self-satisfaction 11 91 80
Money 2 23 79
Talent 14 85 93
Spirituality 28 56 24
Pottleness 16 3
Stability 29 36
Love 60 72 10
Debt 34 61 34
Mentality 100 29
Carefulness 18 47 89
Emotionic 19 71 55
July August September
Willpower 65 94 3
Energy 55 97 62
Learning 21 24 56
Goodworking 9 58 14
Kindness 48 11 5
Patience 69 82 33
Creation 33 97 87
Intuition 42 86 75
Sociability 76 19 15
Self-satisfaction 12 28 65
Money 10 38 87
Talent 94 96 34
Spirituality 61 25 6
Pottleness 59 90 96
Stability 79 24
Love 76 50 20
Debt 46 13 48
Mentality 2 27 52
Carefulness 19 48 73
Emotionic 89 14 28
October November December
Willpower 93 18 43
Energy 68 88 4
Learning 18 38
Goodworking 6 5 98
Kindness 24 15 33
Patience 89 98 5
Creation 30 87 63
Intuition 31 87 11
Sociability 62 19 53
Self-satisfaction 87 49 87
Money 85 56 34
Talent 42 70 58
Spirituality 15 87 78
Pottleness 35 11 92
Stability 81 27 61
Love 94 21
Debt 55 48 67
Mentality 100 11 20
Carefulness 61 89 46
Emotionic 68 95 28

The main features of the character that are present in people with the name of Maxim - impassive, meek, ulcer.

Girl compatibility named Maxim in the family

This table shows compatibility in the love of women with the name of Maxim, depending on their birthday. Vertical column (from above), this is your zodiac sign, horizontal (with side) string is a sign of your favorite man's horoscope. Their intersection will show the degree and aspects of relations in perspective.

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Fish Aries Taurus
Fish (19.02 - 20.03) everything will be fine ensure will be better vain experience
Aries (21.03 - 20.04) difficulties often misunderstanding parting
Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) bad feelings emotionic lady love
Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) good calm in the house bad
Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) lady love partnerships joint dreams
Lion (July 23 - 22.08) bad not recommended complex relations
Virgo (08.23 - 23.09) good good break up enemies
Scales (24.09 - 23.10) not recommended bad calm in the house
Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) good together partnerships disappointment
Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12) nervousness for you long relationship bad
Capricorn (December 22, - 19.01) vain dreams welfare and prosperity bad
Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) the hassle for both money separated good together
Twins Cancer a lion
Fish (19.02 - 20.03) long be together contempt ensure will be better
Aries (21.03 - 20.04) financial difficulties good family love and happiness
Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) money separated explosion of feelings everything will be fine
Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) complex relations complex relations joint dreams
Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) not recommended adoration and love difficulties
Lion (July 23 - 22.08) family happiness not recommended family happiness
Virgo (08.23 - 23.09) acute relationship good family money separated
Scales (24.09 - 23.10) excellent family happiness lady love
Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) the hassle for both welfare and prosperity break up enemies
Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12) love and happiness joyful experiences hate and quarrel
Capricorn (December 22, - 19.01) parting the hassle for both difficulties
Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) do not start a relationship hate and quarrel rich house and joy
Virgo Libra Scorpio
Fish (19.02 - 20.03) good long relationship nervousness for you
Aries (21.03 - 20.04) ensure will be better calm home vain experience
Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) the hassle for both parting excellent
Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) love and happiness explosion of feelings welfare and prosperity
Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) long be together not boring life together troubles and troubles
Lion (July 23 - 22.08) explosion of feelings ensure will be better good together
Virgo (08.23 - 23.09) passion and jealousy nervousness for you money separated
Scales (24.09 - 23.10) empty experiences tosca and ordness calm in the house
Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) bad feelings long life together long life
Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12) lady love adoration and love adoration and love
Capricorn (December 22, - 19.01) empty experiences explosion of feelings not boring life together
Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) partnerships not recommended the hassle for both
Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius
Fish (19.02 - 20.03) tosca and ordness long life together empty experiences
Aries (21.03 - 20.04) excellent financial difficulties break up enemies
Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) joint dreams joyful experiences empty experiences
Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) empty experiences long life acute relationship
Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) parting family happiness calm in the house
Lion (July 23 - 22.08) joyful experiences good family rich house and joy
Virgo (08.23 - 23.09) acute relationship passion and jealousy rich house and joy
Scales (24.09 - 23.10) financial difficulties complex relations good family
Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) ensure will be better welfare and prosperity calm in the house
Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12) bad difficulties partnerships
Capricorn (December 22, - 19.01) tosca and ordness long life love and happiness
Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) long relationship financial difficulties everything will be fine

Today, parents are rare, who choose their name, based on the reasons of harmony and harmony. Rather, the choice falls exactly on the nickname, which will have a positive impact on fate, health and family relationships. On the agenda, the question of what Maxim's mystery is. His impact on his career, love, health and other vitality important nuances We will also consider in our article.

Origin and Maxim Mystery

Translated by S. latin language This name means "the Great", the "greatest". Little to know that in orthodox calendar There is a date dedicated to the Great Maxim, who killed for faith in the Lord from the hand of Diocletian's pagan in 286. This truly holy man was so devoted to God that he refused to become the priest of the temple of Zeus, and for this dedicated decision he paid his life.

Character by name

Maxim's mystery is to combine the lightness and ease of character with perseverance and purposefulness. By nature, Maxim is a real choleric. It is quite calm and balanced. Sometimes it seems that this is about to happen an explosion of emotions, but this, as a rule, does not occur.

Maxims are pretty bright, kind, moving men. Such people always produce positive impression on others. They are well oriented and quickly find a way out of any established situation. He focused on its capabilities, which allows you to quite succeed in society. Maxim diplomatic. They will always find a common language with any person. Such men are reasonable and objective. Love to convince and impose your opinion.

The mystery of the Maxim is in the ability to reincarnate and execute any life roles. As for negative qualities, pride and stubbornness are clearly dominated here. Maxims will never allow their generosity and kindness. Such men are sociable, smart and intellectually developed. But most lacks such as the power of will, determination and hardness.

Some of them are so doubted in their abilities, which often make fateful mistakes, which in the future lead to the complexity and indecision.

What is the character of a little maxim?

If parents from childhood will not suppress shysline and softness in the boy, then in a more mature age he will be hard to exist next to strong personalities. At this soil, Maxim will "multiply" complexes and prevail a sense of hopelessness.

It should be noted that in childhood the boy is an ideal child. He is an excellent interlocutor. Little Maxim is pretty inquisitive and peaceful. He learn great and early comes to independence. But the impossibility of standing for herself in front of the peers inflicts irreparable psychological trauma. Therefore, parents must take care that the boy is resolute and stubborn. The chief emphasis should be done on the communication of the little Maxim with the Father, which should demonstrate the Son of real male qualities.

Youth of Maxim

What other surprises keep a mystery for a child is the name of the Sulit good qualitiesBut in adolescence there may be some difficulties. Maxim never shows his emotions, so it is quite difficult for parents to understand what is happening in his soul. As a rule, in adolescence, Maxima prefer to experience their difficulties and problems independently. Friends in such young people, as a rule, a little, and communicating with peers often minimize. Maxims are hard to endure betrayal, but try not to show their resentment. Such people are good actors that are quickly gaining in any role.

Maxims focused, disciplined and fair. Often demonstrate their pride and overestimated self-esteem.

Mystery named after Maxim for the boy hides some nuances of character. So, if you do not support the guy in his life doubts and oscillations, then this may lead to mental disabilities.

Male qualities

Maxim in a more mature age divides life to takeoffs and falls. And the latters are associated with his desire to go further and becomes stronger.

Unfortunately, such men often lack determination, assertiveness. The absence of such important qualities often does not allow Maxim to break through and go forward. Therefore, it is very important that there is such a person next to a man who could push him in time and maintain it, but in no case show his dependence on someone else's opinion.

It should be noted that Maxims are sociable, friendly, honest and responsive. It is these qualities that make a man always to be the focus of attention from representatives of the weak gender.

The influence of the name on the health of Maxim

Maxim's mystery keeps information about health. The weak bodies of such men can be called kidneys and bladder. In general, the health of Maxim depends on his lifestyle.

Love and relations

What other information keeps the mystery of the Maxim and its meaning? Such men have always fifth weakness to representatives of the weaker sex of our world. It is interested in women, he begins at a young age.

Maxims do not crave serious relationships. They prefer freedom and try to take care immediately for several girls. Such men often leave after the first night spent with a woman, sometimes paying attention to the soulful pain of a day-name chosen.

By the way, Maxims can care for. They commit unpredictable actions, arrange romantic dates, throw the girl with flowers. But after it will be at Maxim in bed, all courtship ends.

As a rule, the final choice drops on mature, experimental and their inconsistency sometimes pushes Maxim to selfless acts. If he succeeds in getting liked the person, the sturdy and long marriage pair is provided.

If Maxim really fell in love, then treason will no longer attract it. The same applies to communicating with friends. Maxim is so immersed in his feelings that sometimes it does not notice the surroundings.

Marriage and family relationships

For Maxim's wife - a real gift of fate that will support and understand him with a half-word. It should be strong, purposeful and at the same time soft and economic.

Having found a family, Maxim becomes the most reliable and faithful husband. He loves his children very much and is constantly engaged in them. Maxim does not tolerate conflicts and scandals. Prefers to unfold and leave. All family troubles, in his opinion, should be solved by a compromise.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law is the closest people. Maxim is always happy to see them in his house. It should be said that they are not averse to communicating with their son-in-law and always enhance him in front of her daughter.

Maxim always feels like a family head. Therefore, the wife and children must agree with his opinion.

What is Maxim in career and business?

What else hides the mystery named after Maxim? The origin and meaning of the name we have already discussed, and now the time to talk about the career. Maxim will be a good specialist only if the work and the position will fall asleep.

Fine such men feel in creative professions. Not bad Maxims work on the field of teaching, medicine and journalism.

Of these men, good entrepreneurs are obtained. The main thing in this case is to have decisiveness and management qualities that you will not often meet Maximov.

Maxim Mystery: Hang Compatibility

Perfect for love Maxim Margarita. Marriage is often created with Lydia and is considered ideal in all respects. What else will tell Maxim's secret? Compatibility with Nina and Rasa is considered the highest. As for Svetlana, in this case, we can talk about strong friendship and mutual understanding.

It is not necessary to enter into relationships with Tona, Yule, Love, Olga.

Maxim's character depending on the date of birth

What else can Maxim Mystery? The baby born in winter, has an analytical mindset. It is quite easy for sophisticated sciences. As for character, the winter maxims are proud, stubborn and cunning. Their straightness sometimes leads to a negative from the outside.

Summer Maxima Cheerful, darling and carefree. They do not pay attention to the opinions of others. Such men are always popular with women due to their sociability and charm. Summer maxims will always come to help friends and loved ones. Therefore, they can be reached without a drop of doubt.

As for the autumn Maximov, emotionality plays the main role here. Sometimes the feelings are so much so much that the current situation comes out from under control. Such men are excellent entrepreneurs with their unequivocal position.

Maxims, born in the spring, are slightly similar in nature with summer, but at the same time they are too touchy and easily exposed. These qualities become an obstacle to the construction of a career and love relationships.

Winter Maxim It has an analytical warehouse of the mind, so it is easily given exact sciences, and the children's passion technique may subsequently lead to the choice of the profession of engineer or designer. According to the nature of Maxim, born in winter, straightline and open, although in childhood he can be sick, but his trick is always harmless and naive.

Autumn Maxim Wise and balanced, emotions never overshadow his mind. He has an entrepreneurial grip, so business always flourishes him.

Summer Maxim Emotional, cheerful and disappointment, so enjoys high attention from representatives of the fine sex. The surrounding places to themselves benevolence, dumpiness and kindness.

Spring Maxim In terms of its nature, it looks like a summer, but at the same time an easy-to-peel and touching that it prevents him from build not only a career, but also a family life.

Stone - Talisman

The Maxim Stone for Maxim is Amethyst, bringing luck to hunters, travelers and athletes. If you put an amethyst under the pillow, then amazing dreams will definitely dream.

This stone can cause love for someone who gives it.

It is believed that Amethyst brings good luck, gives peace and well-being, helps the top of the world, soothes the nervous system.



The number of Maxim - 7 (what denotes this number, you can read in the article).




Animal - symbol

Animal-symbol of Maxim is a mink, personifying dismissions, intelligence, wealth and victory over temptations. But this animal can also symbolize and disharmony with himself, search for yourself and its destination in this life.


The happy plants of Maxim are clear and fuchsia.


This tree is a symbol of revival, renewal, fertility and divine nature of mankind. Often, people who patronize ash are predisposed to clairvoyance, but the gift of this one opens to those who sincerely want to know the nature of being.

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This tree, the time of time, used in magic, is considered the personification of life and immortality: so, his crown, the trunk and the root system connect heaven, the earth, as well as the underground world. Thus, the ash symbolizes the unity of opposites.


This plant of purple colors has long been considered a symbol of the highest power. Later, Fuchsia became the personification of irrepressible creative energy, intuition, eternity and spirituality.

According to Feng Shui, Fuchsia brings happiness and good luck.


Metal, patronage Maxim, is mercury. It was this metal alchemists that were considered female, therefore they compared it with cold energy, impermanence and elusiveness (no wonder the mercury symbol is depicted in the form of a circle with a cross, which corresponds to a female start symbol).

Mercury symbolizes ambiguity, mobility, to transformation and permanent change of mental condition. In addition, mystical properties have been attributed to this metal.

Favorable day


Popularity name

At the peak of its popularity, Maxim's name was in the last century. Today, this name is becoming common in the territory of Russia and the CIS countries, whereas in non-Slavic countries the name Maxim meets extremely rarely.

The origin of the name Maxim

Translation name

Translated from the Latin word "Maximus" denotes the "greatest", "pre-" (and today we use the word "maximum" in the value of "the biggest").

History name

Maxim is one of the canonical names in the Russian Orthodox tradition (the church honors many of the saints with this name). The original name Maxim was a generic Roman name (however, such a form was used more often as Maximilian).

Forms (Analogs) name

Maxim's most common forms are: Max, Maksimka, Maximilian, Maksyuta, Maximushka, Maksyusha, Poppy and Sim.

Legend of Maxim

The most common legend of the reverend maxim of Kavsocalivitis, who at the age of 17 he left the father's house and accepted monasticism. His spiritual mentor was the elder Mark from Macedonia. After the death of the mentor, the Rev. Maxim, adhered to the strictest lifestyle, went to Constantinople. In order to hide their prayer, as well as postal exploits and in order to avoid glory, he wandered in the image of the yurody. At the same time, in whatever place the monk stopped, he struggled to himself from herbs (the so-called Kalyna), and when it left, he burned him (for this, the reverend Maxim and called Kavsocalivit, which denotes the "Kaliva burner").

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The saints who lived in Athos did not believe in the piety of Maxim Cavsocalivitis and treated him with prejudice. And only the Rev. Gregory Sinait, having met and talking to him, considered the true believer, able to bear the faith of Christ to the people. He convinced the Saint Maxim to leave his nature and settle in one place in order to share with the people with his spiritual experience. The Rev. Maxim was glorified not only with his wonders, but also a prophetic gift, to which the Byzantine emperors John Paleologist, as well as John Cantakuzen, were repeatedly resorted.

Maxim Mystery

Patrons name

  • Martyr Maxim Adrianopolsky.
  • Rev. Maxim Kavzovivit.
  • Martyr Maxim Asian.
  • Epara and Martyr Maxim Kizic.
  • Martyr Maxim Antioch.
  • Maxim Pers (or Kordulsky).
  • Martyr Maxim Roman.
  • Martyr Maxim African.
  • Martyr Maxim Dorostolsky (or Ozovsky).
  • Rev. Maxim Greek.
  • Martyr Maxim Markanopol (or Mise).
  • Rev. Maxim Confessor.
  • Patriarch Maxim Constantinople.
  • Ieria Maxim Totemsky.
  • Yurior Maxim Moscow.
  • Martyr Maxim.

Angel Day (Name Day)

January: 26 and 29 numbers.

February: 3, 5, 12 and 19 numbers.

March: 4 and 19 numbers.

April: 2 and 23 numbers.

May: 4, 11, 13 and 27 numbers.

June: 1, 4 and 30 numbers.

July: 1, 4, 11, 18 and 20 numbers.

August: 12, 24 and 26 numbers.

September: 2, 18 and 28 numbers.

October: 3, 8 and 22 numbers.

November: 5, 10, 12 and 24 numbers.

December: 5 and 29 numbers.

Famous people

Famous composers named Maxim:

  • Maxim Dunaevsky;
  • Maxim Berezovsky;
  • Maxim Pokrovsky.

Famous actors named Maxim:

  • Maxim Strookh;
  • Maxim Averin;
  • Maxim Sukhanov.

Famous singers and musicians named Maxim:

  • Maxim Mikhailov;
  • Maxim Perlov;
  • Maxim Leonidov.

Famous writers and poets named Maxim:

  • Maxim Rylsky;
  • Maxim Bogdanovich;
  • Maksim Gorky.

Maxim Konchalovsky - Russian doctor and large clinician.

Maxim Shostakovich - Russian conductor.

Maxim Marinin - Russian figure skater and Olympic champion.

Maxim Vorobiev - Russian painter artist.

Maksim Galkin - Russian parodist, showman and TV presenter.

Maxim Rybin - Russian hockey player.

The meaning of Maxim

For a child

Little Maxim is a very independent and obedient child, so there is no hassle to their parents. On the contrary, always and in all he tries to help his relatives, while with special pleasure it takes for the fulfillment of the most responsible and non-private affairs.

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Maxim since childhood has such qualities as justice, wisdom, ambition, kindness and energy. He is inquisitive and enhanced, likes to read that not only develops his mental abilities, but also expands the horizons. It is not surprising that parents are proud of such a child and prophesy to him a bright future. But what is not necessary to make mom and dad - so it's overly patronizing the baby and solve all the problems for it (such a behavior of adults can lead to a decrease in self-esteem and undermining faith in itself).

At school, Maxim studies well because it has good memory and knows how to analyze information. He is responsible and pedantic.

Maxim appreciate and love friends, but it's no secret for them that Max is very difficult to convince, and therefore it is better not to join. Such a ratio of peers often leads to the development of excessive self-confidence in Maxim. If Maxim does not want to stay without friends, you will have to learn to balance such qualities as pride and vanity.

For a teenager

The young man named Maxim is an excellent manipulator that successfully applies knowledge of psychology and its intuition. But others will not control themselves. Moreover, he will never show his emotions, even if he is offended or betrayed.

A wonderful sense of humor and sensuality helps Maxim to achieve the location of women than he enjoys well for his self-affirmation.

Maxim-teenage distinguish such qualities as focusing, perseverance, discipline and increased sense of justice. But there is also disadvantages, among which have an overestimated self-esteem and pride.

In adolescence, Maxim may begin to doubt his abilities and opportunities, and if it is not supported at this moment, it can lead to development of depressive states.

Interestingly, Maxim represents life as a big adventure, in which there are also ups, and falls, and the latter exist in order to make a person stronger and teach him to work on errors. A similar attitude to life leads to the fact that Max surrounds many interesting people who are ready to go to another fascinating journey with him.

For a man

Masproyv, Maxim understands that youthful maximalism is not a place in adulthood, and this leads to the fact that it often loses self-confidence, perseverance and assertiveness. He lacks those volitional qualities that help "break through" in life. And at this moment it is very important that a person turned out to be near, who will morally support Maxim (the fate of him did not adoprate it, and all due to the quality of Maxim as goodwill, sociability, responsiveness and honesty). But his straightness can push people, because not everyone is ready to hear unlucky statements about themselves.

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Maxim cannot be called a careerist, but if he is sincerely enthusiastically enthusiastically, it will achieve large heights. In general, the intellect and energy of Maxim, directed in the right direction will help to achieve a lot in life.

Women love Maxim for a cheerful temper, a sense of humor and generosity. Yes, and he himself is sweetly and in love.

Description name Maxim


Maxim without a revelation of conscience can be called a moral man trying to adhere to moral and ethical norms. But he also intended to sometimes change these norms, especially if his career stands on the horse.


Maxim's health depends largely on how much an active lifestyle he leads, whereas the instinct of self-preservation and intuition, which is well developed, help to avoid various injuries and accidents.

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The weak bodies of Maxim are kidneys, urinary Ways, as well as prostate.


Maxim nourishes weakness to the representatives of the beautiful sex, while actively interested in relations with the girls, he begins in the youthful age. It does not differ in constancy, so before you marry, with pleasure "plays love" not with one girl.

In a relationship with a beloved woman, Maxim is a bit, attentive and passionate. This is a romantic nature that for the conquest of the female heart is ready for various extraordinary acts (this is Max and conquers women, because they will not have to miss him).

Often Maxim is fond of mature, powerful and experienced women, which conquers charm and wit.

The owners of this name are very quickly falling in love, while it is extremely rare on treason (they prefer to break the old relationship if a new mounted goal appeared on the horizon).

Despite the fact that the fans at Maxim Much a lot, it is extremely difficult for him to find the only one with which he would be ready to spend the rest of his life, so Max is often married to a fairly mature age.


The choice of life companions for Maxim is a serious and responsible step. In his wife, he chooses a strong and balanced woman who will not only be a museum for him, but also support in any situation. But it is possible that the authority of his wife will not benefit marriage, because Maxim himself has a difficult character.

Having gained a family, Maxim becomes a faithful and reliable husband, as well as a trembling father, who seeks to spend all his free time with his family. Its patience, restraint and composure can only be envied, therefore, quarrels and conflicts in his family are extremely rare (all intrameal problems are solved by finding a compromise).

In general, the maxim can be characterized as a economic and family person.

Family relationships

Patient Maxim prefers a bad world of a good quarrel. It is not conflict, so my wife will not allow the scandal of trivia. He tries to establish a good relationship With the parents of his wife, so it is not surprising that the father-in-law and mother-in-law practically stand up on the defense of their son-in-law.

Becoming an exemplary family man, Maxim does not lose his youth winding, which may not like his second half. But she must understand that he will not be fulfilled completely with his freedom.

In general, construction sturdy family With Maxim - the task is not from the lungs, because from his wife he will demand the fulfillment of all his desires, but his wife will try to surround care and attention.


Maxim early meets the sexual side of life, while he is alien to him. It is fully in the intimate sphere, it can only reveal with a partner who will love and which will be completely trusted.

It refers to the category of men who seek not only to enjoy themselves, but also to give an unforgettable feeling of their partner. For Maxim, it is very important that his chosen one has emphasized his dignity, told him affectionate words and admired them. Thus, the Maxim relations will be happy with passionately, temperamental, but at the same time gentle, sensitive and affectionate woman.

It must be said that even sex for Maxim is a thorough process, to which it comes with responsibly and seriously.

Mind (intelligence)

Maxim is an intellectual, which has congenital diplomacy, which helps him influence others. In addition, he has a gift of conviction, which is important for a successful career.

Maxim is able to instantly make decisions in any situations, which intuition helps him.


From Maxim, it will turn out a good worker only under two conditions: first, if he can cope with his indecision, secondly, if the work will bring him pleasure.

Best of all Maxim will feel in creative professions, where thoughts and fantasies are used. He will be a good artist, photographer, teacher, writer, actor or journalist. If Maxim chooses a non-arrangement path, it will also be able to achieve a lot, because it was used to be the best of the best (for the same reason, he will strive to take a leadership position). But the subordinate of it is also responsible and executive.

Diplomaticity, objectivity and correctness will help maxima to earn respect and from colleagues and the bosses. The same qualities can lead Maxim to the political field.

In general, a good researcher, an engineer, doctor, banker, builder or architect can be obtained from Maxim.


Maxim has an entrepreneurial vein, but it is not always able to use it, which is not always the fault of the lack of volitional qualities and indecision. Therefore, it is better if the Maxim business will lead with his wife, which in the case of which will show persistence and assertiveness missing Maxim.

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It should be noted that Maxim does not seek to earn millions. It works to live, and not vice versa.


Maxim from childhood is sitting down the book, in the world of which he immerses with great pleasure. Carries him and sports. In addition, with early youth, the secrets of communication with people are attracted, so he studies psychology, and esoterica often.

Type of character

Maxim is a choleric, about whose features you can read in the article "Elements, planets and numbers in a person's life."


Maxim is distinguished by endurance, flexibility and restraint. It perfectly understands what is capable of, but due to natural indecision, it may not always be possible to realize his desires.

Maxim's sensitivity often borders with despotic, because he wants to believe that the whole world should rotate around it. Pride and principle prevent him from listening to the advice of others, because of what real friends he is not so much, and they do not always share his point of view and looks for life.

And keep in mind that Maxim will never ask for forgiveness, even if he knows that it is not right (however, he should give him due: he tries to leave conflict, because it understands that he does not cross it in his pride).

But all the disadvantages of Maxim overlap such advantages as kindness, responsiveness, sociability, morality.


The intuition in Maxim is developed simply excellent, and he knows about it perfectly, so always listens to it. And if to add excellent knowledge of psychology to the sixth sense, it turns out a rattle cocktail, able to help out in the most difficult situations.

Horoscope named after Maxim.

Maxim - Aries

This is an energetic, ambitious and emotional person, which scrupulously performs the goals and tasks set before him. Maxim, born under this sign, love women, and he is well aware of this, so it is skillfully use his charms. Before marriage, he has time to thoroughly know the intimate sphere of love relationships. Maxim-Aries marries enough late.

Maxim - Tolet

In this man there are all the qualities that appreciate the female representatives: this is sensuality, loyalty, and perseverance, and patience. It is important that Maxim-Taurus, choosing a companion of life, will not allow treason for its part, but also the betrayal of his beloved woman will not forgive. In relations with partner is honest and straightline.

Maxim - Gemini

This is a controversial nature, which combines such qualities as a household and adventurism, so the second half of Maxim-twin must be ready for the fact that today her beloved will sit at home with kids, and tomorrow with her family will go fishing or in a hiking campaign. In his life, a lot depends, first of all, on the mood, which changes very often (such impermanence can lead to failures of both at work and on the personal front).

Maxim - Cancer

Dreamy, vulnerability and self-confidence are inherent in maxima cancer. Even matured, he sees the world in pink: he sincerely believes that bad people It does not happen, and love can only be bright and sincere. Therefore, a collision with a reality in which people betray and deceive can lead to development of his depression. The naivence of Maxim-Cancer often prevents him from building relationships with women.

Maxim - Lev.

This is a thorough, decisive and balanced person who does not recognize a rush in affairs, so before making a decision, it is conducting a complete analysis of the situation. Maxim-Lion even in relations with the opposite sex prefers the foundation, so rarely ties light and short-term novels. He is waiting for the only one for which best friend, passionate lover and faithful husband.

Maxim - Deva.

The closure and removal of Maxim-Virgin often repel the surrounding, but it is not particularly upset about this, because it feels perfectly even in complete loneliness.

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But in the shower he is a real romantic, who is able to love one-sole woman all his life, give her warmth and affection.

Maxim - Scales

This is a spiritual and good-natured person who tries to understand others and if necessary to help them. Maxim scales sensitively perceives other people's troubles. Women attracts such a sensitive nature, while Maxim himself refers to his partner with attention and care (often even to harm: so, he will not leave the chosen woman, even if his feelings are cooled to it).

Maxim - Scorpio

This is a person prone to self-analysis, and this inclination often leads to a decrease in its self-esteem. Maxim-Scorpion is difficult to call an emotional person, on the contrary, he got used to hide all his experiences even from the closest people. For happy life He needs a patient and strong partner who can instill confidence in him.

Maxim - Sagittie

This is a man of mood, whose character is often unmanaged, and actions impulsive, which can be fraught with constant conflicts with others. Maxim-Sagittarians do not envy, because to create a strong family, she will have to try, namely to gain patience and learn to put up with his jealousy and recklessness.

Maxim - Capricorn.

Maxim Capricorn will thoroughly hides her good and vulnerable soul from those around the mask of gloominess and dislike. He does not like to be disappointed in humans, so prefers simply to stay away from them. He is especially afraid to be disappointed in a loved one, so even from his chosen one can hide his ardent feelings.

Maxim - Aquarius

Stubbornness and principle - these are the main characteristics of Maxim-Aquarius, which also applies to life, and to those surrounding with irony (tolerate acute statements in their address may not all, so it is quite natural that he has little friends). But here is a sensitive and gentlebies, he will be a sincere, sensitive and kind husband.

Maxim - Fish

This is a self-confident, intelligent and discreet man who knows the price. Maxim Fish will never miss their benefits. Moreover, he skillfully uses the weaknesses of others in his personal goals. He prefers lungs and without anything obliging relationships in deep feelings.

Maxim's compatibility with women's names

Maxim and Olga

Maxim attracts her confidence and purposefulness in Olga, but at the same time its desire to constantly be in the spotlight at the time begins to annoy him. If Olga is more time to devote to his beloved, and less - to communicate with his numerous friends, then such a union will be successful.

Maxim and Anna

Calm and balanced Anna is a wonderful passion for Maxim, who appreciates that comfort and comfort, which creates its second half in their house. Next to Anna Maxim forgets about his rampant life, becomes faithful and homemade husband.

Maxim and Elena

But passion in their union clearly does not reach that it may later lead to a rupture.

Maxim and Natalia.

These two are perfectly suitable for each other in the intimate sphere, while their passion does not pass even after many years of married life. Active Natalia is waiting for the same energetic from Maxim, but he prefers calm and dimension.

Maxim and Irina

This is the Union of two spiritually developed personalities for which the material world does not have a priority value. Maxim and Irina live in their special reality, incomprehensible to many others. This pair stars are prompted by a good future.

Maxim and Maria

But subsequently the same qualities can dilute this ideal at first glance. In order to keep marriage, Ksenia must show patience and wisdom.

Maxim and Love

Both partners adhere to traditional views on life, they are conservative on life values \u200b\u200band priorities, so they are aimed at creating a friendly, loving and harmonious family in all respects of families, which often succeed.
Love - name name

Maxim and Yana.

Both partners seek to achieve common goals and do not spend precious time on a quarrel. Maxim and Yana perfectly understand each other, which helps them build stable and durable relationships.

Maxim and Nadezhda

Maxim and Alexandra

These relationships are built on respect for each other. Maxim and Sasha adhere to those moral principles for which there is no shame in neither parents or before their children. Love between them over time is transformed into a spiritual unity that no power can destroy.

Maxim and Lyudmila

In this pair, both partners crave an adventure, while Lyudmila does not think about tomorrow, while Maxim adventurism is more restrained and calculating.

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Such a symbiosis allows a pair not only every day to discover something new, but also to build a stable "tomorrow."

Maxim and Galina

Optimism and the cheerfulness of Galina attract Maxim, which does not get these qualities. A woman in this union wise and knows how to put priorities correctly, therefore their relationships are strong and trust.

Maxim and Polina

This pair will have to make a lot of effort so that their life is filled with happiness and well-being, since Maxim, and Polina, who are quite unsure of themselves, who are hard to make important decisions.

Maxim and Karina

Emotions and passions simply overwhelm this union in which there is a place and clarifying relationships, and love, and sexual attraction. The main thing is that all these components be balanced between themselves and did not lead to serious and protracted conflicts.
Karina - meaning of name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Maxim and Inna

If Maxim and Inna come together at a young age, then their marriage is doomed to failure, since both do not want to associate themselves by felighters. On the contrary, they will strive to know all the delights of life. Only mature, they will be able to create a really strong union.

Maxim and Valery

The desire to power leads this pair, and they want to rule and at work, and at home, which can become an insurmountable obstacle to the construction of a solid relationship. Only the ability to give way to each other will be able to save the Union with Valeria.

Maxim and Elizabeth

In this pair, partnerships rule, so they can easily establish a common cause. But "love chemistry" between Maxim and Elizabeth is not. Their calm union may well be successful if both partners are configured to stable, but not passionate relationships.

Maxim and Veronica

These are two absolutely different in the nature of the person who fate takes very rarely. Maxim and Veronica belong to the type of people who prefer all their experiences to hide even from the closest people. For this reason, in their relationship there is a lot of persons and unresolved problems.

Maxim and Valentina

Maxim and Angelina

The changeability of the mood of both partners can stimulate the relationship between Maxim and Angelina and lead to their decay. If the partners learn to hear each other and make concessions, then their tandem has a future.

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