Searches for 10 years Maxim in Belovezhskaya Forest. Waiting for a miracle and fear. New yard a year after Maxim's disappearance. What traces were found

Doors 16.08.2020

1. How did the boy disappeared?

It is known that September 16 is closer to the evening Maxim left the house in the agro-house New yard Svisloche district of the Grodno region. He went to the forest for mushrooms. Since then, nothing is known about him.

150 meters from the stadium there is a so-called base - the chalash, which was built boys. In this slash, his bike and lukshko with mushrooms was found. They collected mushrooms with friends, they sold them and bought building materials for their slate - slate, nails for this money. In the evening before the disappearance of a boy called friends to go on mushrooms. Two refused, and he went independently, "says one of the coordinators of the search and rescue squad" Angel "Dmitry.

True, it turned out later that the basket with mushrooms does not belong to Maxim, but the bike and the truth is.

2. When did you start looking for it?

On the same evening, when Maxim did not return home, native and neighbors went to the forest. Then the militia and search and rescue detachment "Angel" were connected. After in social networks and in the news information about the loss of a boy, first the prepared search engine volunteers from the whole country began to come to the new yard, and then the usual civil volunteers.

3. How many people are involved in search?

On the this moment The detachments of the Angel and the search and rescue squad "Centerpas", the Volunteers of the Red Cross, Military, Militia, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Forestry ... Plus, a group of ordinary non-indulgered Belarusians who want to help in search of.

More than 1000 volunteers were registered on the weekend, "says Dmitry CCSO" Angel "coordinator.

On different days, people up to several hundred volunteers come out in search of several dozen. Plus rescuers, military, militia and people who go to the forest "in a shank" - without coordinators and coordination with the "Angel" and headquarters.

4. Who leads searches?

Until now, search and rescue activities were led by a special headquarters created in the new yard. It includes employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations and other responsible for the search for specialists. Volunteers are twisted several times a day with the head textbook to note which areas are already inspected, and where else you need to send people or special equipment.

The headquarters gives us squares. There are places where only narrow specialists prepared by people are sent. The same swamps: Volunteers will not pass there, - explains Dmitry.

In addition, the headquarters decides when to raise the helicopters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the sky (from above adjusts the chain of people who combine fields and forests, inspect the territory within the search radius). This includes reports on the work of drone controlles with thermal inspers that work at night.

On the 10th day after the boy's disappearance, the investigative committee opened a criminal case. Now searching for work and all other procedural actions are raised to coordinate investigators. The case took under personal control Chairman SK Ivan Noschevich.

5. What is the search work of volunteers?

Volunteers meter per meter are cleaned by the territory, where, presumably lost Maxim. Representatives of search and rescue detachments are specially trained people who know how to navigate the terrain, know how to organize volunteers and build search logic on the ground. They act as coordinators in groups. - Unfortunately, coordinators often lack at all. And it greatly complicates the work. City people come, who were still a couple of times in the forest, the mushrooms were collected, but now they really want to help, for which thanks them. The coordinator needs to be instructed, but also to trace themselves so that they themselves are not lost, "Kirill says to themselves," Kirill says.

In search of the groups from five people to several hundred. Volunteers fusify the forest, the surrounding fields: go a chain at a distance of an elongated arm and carefully look at feet and on the sides. All abandoned buildings, silo pits, cellars, animal feeders in the forest are investigated.

We pay special attention to traces of vital activity. Strokes, torn sunflowers and corn cobs, for example. All that we find are traces, things, sites in bed, we are passing all this information to the headquarters, and, if necessary, specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, specialists driven by specialists. Investigate traces - not our business, we are just looking for, - adds Dmitry.

6. What territory is already viewed?

In the forest, you can walk endlessly, but the version that the boy is lost in his native forest, we tried to work as much as possible. We sworn all the roads, the orientation hang everywhere ... At a distance of 8 - 10 kilometers from here, impassable swamps begin, there even an adult man will not be able to pass. Before them we all climbed, everyone went around. There is still a Novodvorskoye reservoir - divers worked there. Within the radius of the nearest 10 kilometers, we were repeatedly. Volunteers there are drunk constantly. There are no traces, - search engines several times a day strike out the surveyed places.

The search geography is constantly expanding - the detachments were cleaned the forest, farm and fields at 15 - 20 km from the new yard.

7. What traces were found?

Until now, only Maxim bike - he was thrown near the chalash in the forest, where the rustic boys had its own base. More volunteers found shoe prints in a swamp, clothes in the forest, but all this is not related to the missing. No longer hooks.

Immediately after the disappearance, the search dog was put on the trail, but she went on the road and lost his smell. But this does not necessarily mean that the boy was taken by car or something like that.

From time to time, information appears that a similar boy saw somewhere in the surrounding villages. This information is checked, but it has never been confirmed.

8. What versions of the boy's disappearance are considered?

Until now, the main version was like this: he is alive, but lost in the forest. Although the local immediately said that Maxim knew the forest in the vicinity of the village very well - he even took the lost from the forest.

However, volunteers simulate different options for developing events.

The fourth day were the most critical. It was rained before that, and the boy was dressed quite easily - this is an instantaneous supercooling. If something has not eaten - it is diarrhea, vomiting and, as a result, dehydration. I think, if he moved, he passed no more than 1.5 - 2 or 3 kilometers, "the angel volunteer suggests. - north, west, east from the village everywhere there are roads, all in the breakfasts - get out very simple! But we did not find a single track.

Hundreds of volunteers from different cities come to the agro-house New courtyard of the Svisloche district of the Grodno region to help find the missing boy.

September 16 Maxim Marhalyuk and so far its location is unknown. During the week, the child is looking for relatives and locals, police officers, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Military, Border Guards, Volunteers - hundreds of inephorty people.

A situational headquarters made a situational headquarters from representatives of the internal affairs bodies and the Ministry of Emergency Situations that the tents of the Red Cross were deployed near the street. Volunteers are registered here, they are instructed and sent to the tasks of the group, fed and heat the tea of \u200b\u200bthose who returned from the forest. At 11.00 am in the list of 398 volunteers, and every hour arrives new.

Brestchanka Elena Morozova Was in search of Wednesday. On Friday, I arrived in a new yard again:

- I have two children, one of them is the age of Maxim. I can not calmly sit at home, knowing that the boy can be alone in the forest.

Denis Borodyko - from MinskHe stays here until Sunday:

- People need. I regret that I did not come earlier, I thought, this is about to appear the news that the child was found. When I saw in social networks, you need volunteers on Friday and Saturday, gathered and drove. I will do everything in my power.

Volunteers are divided into groups, some are sent to the sinking of the forest and swampy sites, others - in search of nearby villages. You need to check everything: yards, abandoned houses, sheds, cellar wells. All day above Belovezhskaya Pushchai run helicopters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the rescuers will work at night. Volunteers with the onset of darkness to go out into the forest is forbidden - for the night they take local residents.

Searches will continue until the boy finds, said "Sat" head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee Major Major Militia Vadim Sinyavsky:

- We coordinated the activities of all interested bodies and divisions, including volunteers, to organize Maxim search. From the first days, quite serious forces are involved - three side of aviation, unmanned aviation. We expect that the boy is alive and will soon be found.

Currently, more than a thousand people participate in the search for Maxim Marhalyuk. Those who want to join, experts recommend to prepare - take replaceable sets of clothing, raincoats, high rubber shoes, warm socks, binoculars, flashlights, communications and nutrition.

How to look for a "loss" in the forest and what to do if I met the bear? Tips from "Angel" and Nikolai Drozdov11 September 1, 2019 at 09:21Since 2012, volunteers have saved more than 600 people. For one day we were able to, even in simplified conditions, but see how "Angels" work.

Missing a year and a half ago Maxim Marhalyuk are still looking for13 February 7, 2019 at 18:36To date, the Militia of the Region is a major version of an accident. It is assumed that the boy went to the forest and got lost.

"Once again in the Pushcha do not go." How a new yard lives a year after the disappearance of Maxim Marhalyuk48 September 16, 2018 at 12:38Exactly a year ago, September 16, 2017, Maxim Marhalyuk disappeared in Belovezhskaya. His first was looking for militia and locals, and then volunteers were connected to the search. Unfortunately, the boy did not find it. A year ago, Tut.By visited the new yard.

In Belarus for five years in the forests wanted more than a thousand people, 37 could not find15 July 18, 2018 at 15:39In Belarus, over the past five years, more than 1 thousand people were found in the forests in the forests, the head of the department of the search for work of the Main Department of the Criminal Rosewear of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitry Kryukov reported today, BelTA reports.

The Mir TRC explained how the photo of Maxim Marhalyuk was in the fictional history in the transfer. Editor is dismissed20 June 7, 2018 at 23:16The photograph of the missing Maxim Marhalyuk appeared in the Family Business Program on the World Channel. It was used to illustrate the fictional history of controversial paternity in the Family Business program. Now the TV channel find out how it could turn out.

The photo of the missing Maxim Marhalyuk was used in the fictional history on the World TV channel44 June 7, 2018 at 12:11The photograph of the missing boy appeared in the "Family Business" program on the World TV channel. True, they used it to illustrate the fictional history of controversial paternity.

"I was bad and did not focus in the forest." Investigator and Mom - about long searches for Maxim Marhalyuk88 February 19, 2018 at 07:00Maxim Marhalyuk disappeared on September 16, 2017. Now the search for the boy is still continuing, although they are not underway with such a large number of people as in September. No one is going to close a criminal case. They are engaged in a special group, which includes 6 investigators and police officers. About how the boy's search is currently being searched on, about working with psychics and volunteers and about versions, which considers the investigation, Tut.BY said one of the heads of the UK in the Grodno region. And Maxim Maxim Five months after the disappearance of the child is still waiting for the son home.

Police told how to search Maxim Marhalyukka and what is being done now37 December 22, 2017 at 13:18Militia spent in the new yard, where Maxim Marhalyuk was missing on September 16, a day of informing. In addition to other topics, the topic of the search for a boy was affected.

The term of investigation of the case about the disappearance in the 10-year-old Maxim Pushcha extendedNovember 27, 2017 at 13:00Interesters together with the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Defense, the local authorities and volunteers held a huge amount of work aimed at establishing the location of the boy.

"We believe that I just went to travel." Maxim Maxim turned 11 years old27 October 10, 2017 at 20:57Now in the new yard, nothing resembles that two more weeks ago, the largest search and rescue operation in the country has passed here.

"Polish trail" Maxim Marhalyuk. The driver of the truck said he brought another boy32 October 5, 2017 at 14:09In the press service of the city of the city of Radom we were assured that about the missing Maxim's missing in Belarus here know and if information about any street children will appear, this information will not remain unnoticed.

Foreign Ministry of Belarus: official information from Poland, useful for finding our boy, has not been received6 October 4, 2017 at 18:42The diplomat said that in connection with the reports in the Polish regional media, the situation of Belarus in Warsaw, and Consulates in Bialystok and Byala Podlaska was monitored.

"May be connected with your missing boy." Poland's police are looking for a child hidden in Foura178 October 4, 2017 at 13:21In the Polish regional information site, information appeared that the police of the city of Siedlce is looking for an unknown 10-year-old on the side of the boy.

Mom of missing in the Pushcha Maxim believes that the Son is alive. What's new in search?79 October 3, 2017 at 15:19The woman said that every day the psychologists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations come to her and help maintain her moral condition. But, for example, local and neighbors relate to her grief in different ways.

Volunteers are less, the Ministry of Emergency Situations works. Report from the new yard, where 13 days are looking for a child in the forest78 September 29, 2017 at 20:10At the moment, searches in Belovezhskaya will continue, but already on a smaller scale. The big camp of the search and rescue squad "Angel" moved to the square near the village council.

Neither the initiation of a criminal case nor the announcement in the wanted list brought some answer to the question where the boy. The news about the missing in the Grodno region is already 11-year-old maxim. No. "Mom Valentine joined the Spirit when they began to say, perhaps he saw him in Poland. There was hope, and then even greater disappointment. " - They say in the village.

Recall, Maxim Marhalyuk from the village of the new courtyard of the Svisloche district was disappeared on the evening of September 16. The boy asked Mom to ride a bike somewhere in half the evening. Brother, which will go beyond mushrooms, is like the edge of the forest. At eight in the evening, the boy's mother, Valentine, worried and began to look for a son. In the forest, near the slag, where children are usually played, Maxim bike. After some time, that allegedly saw a boy in the forest, volunteers reported one of the mushrooms. There are no more traces of maxim in the forest (clothes, lukshko, pepperprints of someone's traces - all these finds of volunteers, as it turned out, did not belong to the boy).

"Angel": we still help the information

The search for Maxim in Belovezhskaya Pushcha has already entered the story as the most ambitious. In the first two weeks daily, the boy was searched for from 500 to 2,200 people - volunteers from all over the country, soldiers, police, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as a special technique - helicopters with thermal inspears, drones ... People have fusked the territory within a radius of 20-25 kilometers, helicopters with The thermal insogers flew and 100 kilometers from the village.

- For our part, we are now helping information. Our volunteers push orientations in all cities and villages of the country, - says the commander of the PSR "Angel" Sergey Kovgan. "Angel" and "CenterSpas" coordinated hundreds of volunteers who were looking for Maxim more than two weeks.

- Unfortunately, since the Maxim, the Maxim did not receive any information about the fact that the boy was seen somewhere or noticed, - Enclosed Sergey.

SK investigates a criminal case, the police continue to search. No information

Meanwhile, police officers and the Military are still looking for a boy and go to the new courtyard. At the beginning of October, Pushcha hardly even riot police. In the Department of Internal Affairs of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee noted that all this time, law enforcement officers and EMERCOM employees did not stop searches and considered all possible versions.

- On Saturday, the boy was wanted by 20 police officers, today about 100 people of military personnel from Minsk were connected to them, - added to the police department.

In the Office of the Investigative Committee on the Grodno region, there is also no information about the missing maxim. The criminal case on the fact of missing here is investigated from September 26. Here they also say that not a single version, even criminal, do not exclude. After messages of the Polish side, the 10-year-old boy saw 100 kilometers from the border, Maxim was announced in international wanted list. From October 6, it is located on the website of Interpol. But so far silence.

- The investigation goes. There is no additional information, we have already done all statements, - Sukho told Official Representative of the UK in the Grodno region Sergei Schenevich.

Director of Novodvorskaya High School: "Do not leave hopes. The child is not in fact. "

In the very new yard, at the mention of Maxim, Maxim is only bred by their hands and sigh. On October 10, the boy was a birthday - he was 11 years old. The fellow villagers hoped that the Maxim Day would still find, but there is still no child.

- No news absolutely. Nobody reports us. The investigative committee is also working and nothing is divided with us, - says Alla Goncharevich, director of school, in which Mama Mama works. - If the parents knew at least something, we would know. And so ... nothing absolutely. Do not leave hopes. The child is not in fact. Yes, you never know what, there are different fantastic cases. This is not a standard situation. In a simple situation, we had to find him at night at night, well, let it be on Sunday. Well, maximum on the third day. The situation is simply non-standard. Already such searches were that it is impossible to come up with, even something. All guesses are already going at the level of fantasies. From the experience of books, movies and life. Something to come up with a new one is completely difficult.

According to Alla Ivanovna, of course, Mom is experiencing more than his son.

"Maxim's mom is passing by, she's at work, I don't want to talk anything and ask." Needless to say, and what to ask. If she had some kind of information, then everyone would know. And so what do you say? Excess times to disturb - it is simply impossible. After all, every time she has a tragedy stay again. It can be seen that the person is thinned, exhausted - without pain and tears can not be looked. Remember when there was information about the Polish track? So she straightly jumped when they said. And now ... Now again she has this condition ...

Valentine's self especially talk with journalists does not want.

- And what can I say if there is no information, - she explains a quiet exhausted voice. - I call, but there is no information ...

A year ago, September 16, in a small village on the outskirts of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. The child who went to the forest and still did not return, were looking for not only militia, military and rescuers, but also thousands of volunteers from all Belarus. Where could the abyss of the child, is unknown so far. The Sputnik Correspondent Inna Grishuk went to a new courtyard to find out what the infamous village lives in a year after the mysterious loss of a schoolboy.

You go to the forest and look under each bush

For my question, they remember whether the local says: "It would be better for them at all. And Maksimka did not disappear." The disappearance of a quiet and peaceful five-grader divided the life of the village to "to" and "after". In the last year about the calm life of the villagers only have to dream.

It turned out that since September 2017, people live in suspense, excitement and fear of uncertainty, they learned what interrogation is, many have passed a lie detector.

On the eve of the Black Date in the village there is a common life. Using warm weather, the villagers are trying to dig potatoes quickly, work on the field of the Dothemna. Several women who unload the briquette in the yard, say that the loss of a child in their village is not the reason to be afraid of the forest. No one will be able to give up campaigns in the forest, because in the gifts of nature you can earn an extra penny.

"I remember about Maxim constantly. In the forest you go - and you look under each bush. And suddenly there is something," says Valentina.

According to the observations of a woman, this year in the forest was noticeably fewer people.

© Sputnik / Inna Grishuk

"It's not because of the disappearance, just the summer was arid, the mushrooms in the forest were not. Now they went and boring, and chanterelles, but the potatoes began. How they dig, immediately go to collect mushrooms," explains Valentina.

Parents of Maxim friends noticed that children now less often remember him, although it is seen - they lack his company. The boys are now trying less often to go to that slag on the edge, next to which the bike of the missing schoolboy was found.

Mystic on Zarechnaya Street

A large mother from the street Zarechnaya is instructing a small son and tells how she had to communicate with investigators, the police, to speak. From October last year she had another duty. A woman tied a correspondence with psychics from Belarus, Poland, Canada and other countries. Last year, these people somehow came across social networks, asked to help with checking their versions, and she agreed.

"I worry about Maksimka, I could not refuse them, I would like this story as soon as possible, therefore I support the connection with them," explains Alla.

Mostly with Alla, they are talking that the child is not alive, that the boy is somewhere in the village, many of them are sure that it is necessary to look for in the area of \u200b\u200bZarechnaya Street.

© Sputnik / Inna Grishuk

Periodically, they ask to check out some versions or take photos of certain places, and then find mysterious symbols from which a woman and her familiar goosebumps run through the skin.

"How don't they believe if they indicate the place and guesses such details that it is impossible to know. About the horse, about a green package in the corner or server," says one of the familiar Alla, who helped her with a check of one of the places called psychics.

"They say that they feel the soul of maxims in the village and water next to him, but the tears of the mother can be water. Outwardly we do not see it, but who knows that a person in the soul can, at night bitterly crying in the pillow. To check exactly, you need to talk with my mother, but she does not want, "adds a woman.

© Sputnik.

The interlocutor says that the police, although it does not believe in the version of psychics, sometimes enjoys their advice. But many villagers believe, discuss different scenarios of events, including with the participation of their own neighbors. Now they experience distrust not only to all come, but also to each other. While the boy is not found and there is no accurate version, what happened on that day, September 16, 2017, "everyone will be suspicious.

Parents believe that alive

At the other end of the village, which is closer to the forest and to the parental home of Maxims, more optimistic moods. Neighbors and close friends as one say: they have faith that the boy is alive.

"We all know that he is alive, here we have faith," says one of her neighbors, applying his hand into the heart area.

© Sputnik / Inna Grishuk

The mother of the boy, as in the past year, does not want to communicate. Neighbors and colleagues say that she is sure - the Son will return home alive. In other versions refuse to believe.

"Of course, a mother to the latter will believe that the child is living," says one of the women.

Local sympathy belong to the family sorrow. We are confident that the uncertainty is still tormented by relatives.

Conversations in the store: people waiting for a miracle

On the doors of the local "native Kuta", where the announcement of the boy was hanging before, was now glued with the announcement of discounts and hot proposals written from the hand. Women say that the state store began to engage in self-advertising, when a private girl opened 20 meters from him and pulled many customers to him. The new trading point almost immediately became a place not only for shopping, but also for the exchange of last news.

© Sputnik / Inna Grishuk

Sellers from the threshold are invited for purchases, treat tea and willingly tell what the village lives. They have every resident.

"Maksimka I remember well when in another store worked, he often came with her mother, a good, quiet boy. Mom him often comes here, but no one climbs into her soul," says the seller Irina Chelovna in short time when No buyers.

© Sputnik / Inna Grishuk

Her Parliament Victoria says that everyone is worried about the boy in the village, discuss this story. Many remember the mysterious coincidence in the life of the boy. Exactly a year before his disappearance, he slipped during the game on the lake, fell into the water and almost drowned. Then he saved someone from adults, who accidentally saw a child.

"People are now waiting on September 16. They say that he sneaks on September 15th. Right every year disappeared. Maybe now, in a year, this day will find Maxim or some kind of hook", - conveys reasoning local residents Victoria.

Belief in mystics began to appear, because there is no news from the investigating authorities and the police yet.

"Why didn't you searched right? Everyone is looking for, they are looking for and cannot find anything," one of the villagers argues. Her man stops: "What can they find when the whole forest volunteers flooded?" And both agree that there is some kind of riddle in history that the boy could not disappear without leaving any hooks.

In the village they see that the boy is looking for

The fact that search engines continue still, the inhabitants of the new courtyard see their own eyes. A whole year, the village is under close attention, and it is already beginning to tire many villagers. First there were thousands of volunteers from all over Belarus who participated in the mass search stock. Militia, military, investigators, who are constantly in the village and the nearest surroundings have come to replace.

"Previously, everyone in the village was interviewed, in the spring, they were still looking for in the swamps, now since the summer began to check abandoned at home again. My daughter was recently understood," says Valentina from Forest Street.

© Sputnik / Inna Grishuk

An employee of the local store said that she also had recently called - it was necessary to give the keys to the old house that is now empty, and consent to the search.

"Everyone is trying to help, we know that investigators need to quickly find the boy," Irina explains.

According to Sputnik in the press service of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee, at the moment there can be no comments in the case of the missing boy.

"For now we have nothing to tell," the press service briefly explained.

The child was looking for the whole country

10-year-old. In the evening, the boy went for mushrooms, and still nothing is known about his location. In the same evening in the forest, about 300 meters from the village next to the Slash, the Maxim bike was found, as well as a basket with mushrooms. A little later, it turned out that the basket did not belong to the boy.

The 20-kilometer zone is verified one time by one of the services, and a selective check of places in 25 kilometers passed, in which the boy could have been logical or illogical ways.

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