Foreaging Lenorman online the most accurate on it. Lenorman cards. Madame Lenorman and her story

Electric 29.11.2020

Welcome to the world of divination Lenorman! If you are not familiar with Lenorman cards, with the help of information posted on the site, you will very quickly learn how to understand their language and interpret the value. If this oracle is already familiar to you, here you will find not only traditional, but also new minimals, as well as ways of interpretation of cards whose multifaceted will allow you to clarify the situation in any field of life. Despite the seeming simplicity of images on the maps, they laid a deep meaning, which you can comprehend with a closer look with fortune.

The world of Oracle Lenorman is filled with magic, and to learn how to understand it, you have to overcome long and full adventure path. Like the heroes of fairy tales and legends, each of us has to deal with various life situations that may cause fear, a sense of danger, doubt or confusion. Sometimes there are people, animals, various items and places that protect us, protect and give a farewell. As soon as you get into the mysterious world of divination Lenorman, you will learn to manage your destiny yourself. If you carefully look at the cards, you will see that images on them interact with each other, acquiring many additional values \u200b\u200band ensuring a deeper vision of a particular situation.

The origin of Lenorman cards

The divination on the Lenorman system was distributed in Europe at the beginning of the XIX century and still remains popular in many countries of the world.

Hadal cards used in this oracle were named after the famous French predictor Mademoiselle Maria Anna Lenorman (1772-1843), the life of which was full of adventure. During the French Revolution, thanks to its extraordinary abilities to the prediction of fate, she won fame and respect for the Paris Supreme Society, in which she was called Paris Savyl. It was always surrounded by rich and famous people, including the Empress Josephine, which gave advice to, during and after her marriage with Napoleon. However, the emperor was very indignant to the careless prediction of his divorce with Josephine. This divorce, according to Mary Lenorman, was supposed to happen due to the fact that Josephine was too old to endure the heir to Napoleon. Thille thinking, the emperor hurried to arrest Lenorman and entered into prison, so that the prophecy did not come true.

Despite the fact that the cards wear her name, Mademoiselle Lenorman is not their author. For his predictions, she used various methods of fortune telling, including chiromantia and tarot. Inappropriate, she, like other predictors of that time, at first, used a picket deck consisting of 32 cards, in which there were no younger cards with numbers from 2 to 6. The picket is a card game, quite common in France and Italy from the XVI century . The French influential esoterik Jean-Baptiste Altta became a popularizer of fortune telling on a picket dealer.

The traditional deck of Lenorman, used these days, was created by Johann Kaspar Ager and for the first time published in 1800 for a family card game called "Hope Game." Its essence was that the players were laid out on the playing field 36 cards in the form of a square; For moving, two playing cubes were used. Maps had numbered, images, and also included elements of a playing piketie deck, which included six. Thanks to such a weave of images and elements of a picket deck in the predictors, an illustrated deck appeared, where the values \u200b\u200bof playing cards and symbolic images were combined. It was this deck that began to be used for the most common type of divination at that time - Lenorman's small oracle.

Small oracle consists of 36 cards, each of which shows only one character having a specific value; But with his interpretation, the property of the corresponding playing card is taken into account.

Divorcing Lenorman is a unique and accurate oracle, the simplicity of which allows you to use it to search for answers to any questions. This fortune-telling is very popular as salon entertainment, and is also used in the practice of gypsies and wandering people.

Structure Oracle

For the first time, a small oracle Lenorman attracted my attention a few years ago, intriguing the opportunity to obtain more accurate predictions compared to Tarot cards. Based on your experience with many decks, Lenorman, I can say that the more details are shown on the map, the more difficult it is to interpret it. Simple and understandable symbols on the fortune-out maps more accurately convey deep meaning and the value of them, which cannot be said about complex and confusing images.

Not often, the priests make an alignment on themselves, and at the same time this is a great opportunity to hone their skill of the interpretation of cards.

Training in basic interpretation principles:

Description of the layouts on the examples:

Many predictors who prefer to work with Lenorman maps do not cease to be surprised how simple they are in understanding. Nevertheless, some newcomers are concerned that they can't immediately connect their intuition or inspiration, as it happens when working with Tarot cards. Do not retreat! As soon as you remember the main value of each card, you can quickly evaluate the situation and establish links between pairs and three cards. Very soon you will learn to instantly see the common picture, allocate key messages and confidently interpret them.

This process can be compared with the study of a foreign language: first you will inevitably be stuffed, trying to say "hello" or "Thank you", but as the vocabulary stock increases, in the end, you will begin to confidently formulate entire proposals. The more you practice, the faster we master the language of divination Lenorman and feel their charm.

Divination on the maps Lenorman is one of the simplest options to comprehend the art of burning and experience from this a lot of aesthetic pleasure. Here on a romantic field tunes the deck itself. No other fortune tells there are such bright, living and understandable characters as here. Just looking at the map, you immediately understand that she wants you to say, the meanings are so intuitive that they will not require any serious mental or mental costs. Each of the cards can be conditionally attributed to positive or negative, or to neutral. And accordingly, the designation will also bear a positive or negative color. Maria Lenorman took the usual playing deck of 36 cards and gave them completely new meanings and interpretations. A great influence on the fortune tune produced the works of the Great Tarot researcher, his image of the thoughts and the genius of the conclusions. In his work, she imitated to this master and always called him his teacher. But if the reasoning and the result of the works of Etteles were not available to the understanding of most people, Mary created a deck, which in the literal sense is understandable and the child, and from the cards itifies peace of mind. Another feature of fortune telling in this system is to give big attention to the combinations of cards in the scenario, which one goes the first, what follows and what can be understood from this bundle. Follow our advice, try to align with Lenorman cards and you will discover a new, accustomed to the unknown world of revelations.

Methodik fortune telling on our site is absolutely identical gadania in the cabin. The process of divination and the result depend only on you and no one, in the process of sampling cards, the duration of your card deck is taken into account, the time of approaching the site, your personal energy. The sample of cards from the deck deposited by you is carried out exclusively according to the rules of Madame Lenorman layouts, cards with sequence numbers of the Lenorman are removed from the deck and laid out in position according to the current outlook. Due to this, the result of divination is very accurate. You will be shown the meaning of all the fallen sampling maps with a link to the time grid, as well as the values \u200b\u200bof the combinations of cards, if any and used in this scenario.

Brief description of the gadas of Lenorman.

Fortune telling love and relationship:

    The fortune telling on the maps Lenorman is the Golden Ring, allows you to disassemble and analyze your partner's feelings with 4 cards, his (her) attitude towards you and the prospects for the Union.
    The fortune telling your exempt on the maps Lenorman will allow you to understand whether any feelings of your partner remained in relation to you and what mistakes were committed.
    Divination Love on Oracle Mary Lenorman applies to understand the prospects for love communication with a conceived partner.
    Divination on the maps Lenorman New Union is applied to clarify whether it is possible to gain a new partner in the near future.
    The fortune telling on the maps Lenorman - seven stars will allow you to consider your partner from different sides and understand much of what has so far has been unclear.
    Dusting The wedding ring on the maps Lenorman is suitable for parsing the problems of creating a family, allows you to get many answers to questions.
    Division - Roman is designed to help Cvers understand whether to continue the relationship or it is worth stopping them, it is performed on Lenorman maps.
    When there is a need to find out what purpose a partner is pursuing in relations with you, we will help fortune telling on the maps Lenorman - the motives of the partner.
    Fortune telling on Oracle Lenorman - the characteristic of the relationship allows the easiest way to get information about at what level your relationship is.
    Fortune telling Love Situation Voor option for the concept of the prospects of your relationship with the chosen one. Oracle Lenorman very well cope with this task.
    Divination on Oracle Lenorman Restoration of relations will help you understand possible prospects for the restoration of communication.
    Dusting The beginning of the relationship is applied when the relationship is just beginning to develop and is not clear where it will start everything. Oracle Lenorman will help discover this mystery.
    Divination Choselitis, Choosing a consideration of the possibility of the existence of relations between partners Taking into account their personal qualities, the alignment is made on Lenorman's maps.
    To consider all aspects of relations between partners, fortune telling on the maps of Lenorman, which is called - on the relationship.
    Foreign on maps Lenorman - partnership will help the Cvers analyze relations with the partner and understand that not so. Oracle Lenorman will understand this topic in a very detailed and understandable.
    To consider the possibility of harmonious relations between partners, we apply to the Oracle Lenorman, the relationship of loved ones.
    To determine how vibrant and enjoyable relationship, we will apply divination - a simple option, it is performed by the oracle of Lenorman.

    Fortune telling on fate:

      An unusual alignment, referred to as numerological, allows you to disassemble many questions, relying on the numerological component of Lenorman cards.
      The fortune telling the prediction on the maps Lenorman will tell you how events will develop and the impact on this different external factors.
      The fortune telling your light will break the light on the hidden sides of the life of the Querant, and Mrs. Letonman's oracle will help. With which the fortune teller will be aware of all the expected events.
      The fortune telling the rainbow on Oracle Lenorman disassembles a large number of questions of the accompanying daily life of Qleant. Working that you will become more prepared for surprises.
      The fortune telling on the maps Lenorman Horseshoe will give advice, as necessary to act to achieve the best result with the lowest costs.
      Priestess fortune telling on Oracle Lenorman, his second name is the lunar fortune telling. The situation is considered in the context of the lunar cycle.
      Divination Exit on Maps Lenorman is often used to understand the situation in a very soon of time.
      The divination Volcze conducts an analysis of what Lenorman's cards talk about the development of the situation around Qleant. A simple alignment allows you to conduct a detailed interpretation.
      The divination of 9 cards will predict the Cvers all the little ski events that wait for him on the life road. And Lenorman cards will be the perfect conductor.
      Distribution to the situation in the simplest, possible, styles. No extra cards, only the most necessary, and Oracle Lenorman will help interpret the resulting result.
      Divination - a simple analysis is intended for surface analysis of the situation without serious time and strength. Performed by the cards of Oracle Lenorman.
      Division The state of affairs will explain to you the state of affairs, as well as the material and spiritual parties to existence with the help of the osculatory card Lenorman.
      For consideration of the issues of the future querrant, general divination is applied, it gives an excellent interpretation of all dependent issues, with Lenorman cards.
      The fortune telling the path is used to know what events should be expected, and may be feared, Cvers. Oracle Lenormman will allow detail to consider this topic.
      Foreign forecast will help you understand the difficulties of love relationships, learn financial perspectives and get advice from Oracle Lenorman.
      Foreaging Lenorman - full alignment is considering many questions of the past, present and future. And gives simple and understandable answers.
      The fortune telling a short alignment is built on the study of the combinations of Lenorman cards and explanations with the help of this whole thing that is awaiting Qverant in the near future.
      The fortune telling a long alignment with the help of Lenorman cards reveals the event card before the cvers that will occur during the period of the time stipulated before extinguishing.
      Divination Lenorman Seven houses option is a very detailed consideration of the situation on all parties and in all angles. Requires concentration of effort and serious time spending.
        Divination Road on the maps Lenorman explains whether you should go to the path or better postpone the intended trip.
        The fortune telling on the maps Lenorman is to successfully describe what you should do to succeed and what is a hindrance on this path.
        Fortune telling on the maps Lenorman - the karmic environment describes the existing Aura around Cvers.
        Divination Council of the card is performed if the querman feels the need to ask Lenorman's cards, as he (her) must act in the established atmosphere.
        To search for a property, or a person applies the search for a lost. It is performed by Lenorman cards and allows you to define a place or direction for searching.
        In order for the Lenorman cards to answer your question, yes or no you need to perform a fortune telling that is called - the question.
        Foreign an open book on Oracle Lenorman can perform two functions. Either give an answer to the statement of conceived desire, or to describe an event that Quotant awaits soon.
        Divination Yes, or not applies when there is a need to find out from Lenorman's deck response to the question.
        Fortune telling on the maps Lenorman The goal helps Cvers to figure out what is an obstacle to the way to progress towards the goal, and how to do.
        Divination on the maps Lenorman The problem of choice will help us if we are at a crossroads and do not know which way out of the roads should go.
        Divination on the maps Lenorman - the event will discern everything regarding the event under consideration in the life of Qleant.
        If you are standing at the crossroads and do not know what the answer you are waiting for, you can turn to the oracles of Lenorman and perform the fortune telling yes-no. Holding it you will get the desired prediction.
        You can determine the identity card on the oracle Lenorman appointed by the very fact of your birth. Make it, allows a numerological calculation submitted on this page.
        Divination The compatibility of the names will allow you to understand how compatible with a partner are compatible with the partner, it is possible to find it through the Cards of Oracle Mary Lenorman.
        With this divination, we can receive the Council of Oracle Mrs. Lenorman, as required in one situation or another.
        Divorcing One answer Divination on the maps Lenorman will tell what event will be expected at the specified time interval.
        The fortune telling the mystery or otherwise it is also called - fortune telling the attic, allows you to spend, with the help of Lenorman's cards, analyzing the personal qualities of the querrant and the situation in which it is (it) is.
        The fortune telling the attitude towards alcohol will show how the conceived man refers to the drink, while the cards of Oracle Lenorman are used.

        Fortune telling for the period:

          Fortune telling Quantum's day will be your guide to events that awaiting you tomorrow. And will allow you to live this day without any problems
          To understand what will happen tomorrow, the fortune telling on the maps Lenorman coming day. You can be the most prepared for any events.
          Divination on the maps Lenorman - your day will reveal all the mystery of the day of the coming. And it will help to be ready for any surprise pleasant and not very.
          The fortune telling the forecast for the near future will tell and tell you what is waiting for a querrant in the near future, good luck and failures, prospects and failures, all this with the help of Lenorman cards.
          Divination Map of the day executed by a deck Lenorman will tell fortune-up on how the day of the querrant will be held. To do this, remove just one card.
          Daily for the day with the help of the oracle Lenorman helps you learn all the details of the events that awaiting you. Using only a few cards, you will present your day in detail.
          The divination of the partner's week makes it possible to understand what events will happen to the partner over the next seven days, your guide will be a deck of Lenorman.
          Divination on Lenorman's maps Your week will be an excellent option for a fortune-up to get a detailed forecast for all the events that will accompany the Qurient in the next 7 days.
          The fortune telling the time segment on the maps of Lenorman will help the fortuneteller to determine how the time interval will occur.
          The fortune telling seven days will present you a picture of the next week in all colors and with the maximum detail. Oracle Lenormman will allow you to easily understand the interpretation of cards.
          The fortune telling for a week will open all the secrets of the next seven days for you. With the help of Lenorman's cards, you will analyze all the events that awaiting you and learn about the surprises.
          Divorcing the period of execution of the desire will predict to you how soon the desire will be made by you and will it happen at all. For a burning, a deck of Oracle Lenorman is used.

          Divination of the problem:

            Divination Impact on Mrs. Lenorman Help will help you determine whether the damage is damaged on the querrant, a spell, or other negative.
            To consider the problem from all sides, fortune-telling is applied - the problem, it is performed by Lenorman cards, and allows you to get a very detailed characteristic of the negative.
            Divination - Achilles of the Fifaste will help us to understand the vulnerable areas of the Querant and understand what needs to be taken, and the assistance in this will be provided by the Card Oracle Lenorman.
            Divination Tower is an excellent assistant in matters of solving problems, and the use of Lenorman maps significantly simplifies the process of interpretation of the defold.
            The divination of the pyramid is used to consider the problem of querrant, the reasons for the appearance, ways out, with the help of a deck of Mary Lenorman.


            Divination Finance and work:

              Divination on the maps Lenorman - Finance will very professionally explain your prospects in the financial sector, will prevent and help to cope with difficulties.
              To determine the chance of Quantum to find a new workplace, fortune telling Lenorman - a device for work, a lot of different aspects of this action are analyzed here.
              Divination New work on the maps Lenorman is used if the querman intends to change the work, this exorbitant will give advice whether it is worth noting something or the time has not yet come.
              Foreign employees can be carried out when there is a need to clarify relations with colleagues in the team, Oracle Lenorman will certainly help you.

              To predict the future Maria used 36 cards with different symbols, each of which had its own meaning. To use for fortune telling Lenorman ordinary can, although it is not recommended to do it. It will be better if you acquire a special deck or make it.

              Hading on Lenorman, you can use two different ways. The first option concerns the layouts in which subsequent positions do not have a close connection with the previous ones. An example is the questions "What a person feels", "what does he show", "what is his goals". In this case, it is necessary to concentrate on the question that interests you, put the deck, remove your left hand, and then lay the top card on the table. The second option concerns fortune telling Lenorman to the situation or relationship with such questions as "that he felt in the past", "what their emotions in the present", "how to change his attitude in the future." In this case, only the first card described above is laid out. Looking at her number, you need to remove the map that is under the same number in the deck. For example, if the ship fell, it means that the third card should be pulled out.

              To begin with, it is recommended to master some simple divination options, including the "Day Card". It will help you better get acquainted with a deck and learn how to make accurate predictions. Subsequently, you can go to more complex scenaries.

              How to understand the meaning of Lenorman cards

              The most difficult and at the same time the most interesting part of the fortune telling on Lenorman is the interpretation of the scenario. In this system, the card is very rarely interpreted by themselves. In most cases, the corrector is drawn up to each of them, or the fortune teller lays out a number of cards and takes into account their combinations in the interpretation.

              When determining the card values, it is very important to rely on your associations. The same alignment can have different meanings, depending on which emotions, he calls for a gadget and what prompts his intuition. So, the mountain can talk about obstacles or career growth, climbing or decline, difficulties or overcoming the tests. The child can cause associations with innocence, gullibility, cleanliness, sincere emotions, infantality, stupid pepprises. That is why, while studying fortunate on Lenorman, it is important not so much to rely on the interpretations offered by someone, how much to create their own, given our own observations and features a specific situation. Try and you make sure it is a very exciting occupation, which will later help you develop intuition and learn to predict the future!

              This method of the sampling of Taro "Lenorman" is universal, easy to use, extremely informative and covers an extensive range of issues of almost every life of everyone who is interested in. The name of this fortune telling comes from the person, invented it - the prison, the writer and the fortune-telling of Mary Lenorman.

              Based on this, this fortune telling is similar to such ways as the "Celtic Cross" or "Oracle", but also has its own, inherent in him features.

              This alignment is carried out as follows. Nine cards participate in the scenario, and the whole deck is involved, that is, the elders and younger arcans. It is necessary to consider that the central column of three cards personifies the real, the left - past, and the right - future events.

              Due to the fact that the direct or inverted position of the map is used not by all the peasants, in this method this concept is not used, and the cards in any case must be laid in a direct position.

              The first card symbolizes the recent past, the second is your present, the third is the near future. The fourth card personifies your actions that need to be taken, the fifth is the relationship between the past and the present or the means that must be used. The sixth card symbolizes your karma, that is, the events that affect you from outside. The seventh is the overall desire and focus of life in the future, and the eighth is your potential and the strength you have. The final, ninth card is the result of all your efforts.

              Solitaire Oracle, presented on our website, was created based on Mary Lenorman cards.

              Mary Lenormman can be repayed with the help of Oracle and for free.

              Solitaire Oracle is described somewhat differently than ordinary solitaire: three cards in three rows, and the map located in the center of solitaire is a client card.

              Maps located in the first (upper) row predict the future.

              Cards adjacent to the client map (left and right) indicate the present.

              Maps, the lower (third row) talk about the events of your life have already passed.

              As a prediction, the drawing is applied directly to the card. Each drawing is signed, which facilitates the interpretation of fortune telling.

              Oracle solitaire is one of the most accurate. Online divination Oracle Mary Lenorman is pictures impregnated with the spirit of mysticism and magic. This is an opportunity to look at tomorrow. It is a chance to arrange your own life better. After all, if you are warned, you are armed. Before starting the folding of solitaire, you need to focus on the question of interest. Once you decide on the question, click the "Layout Solitaire" button.

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