Why do people smoke after sex? The Cigarette Trap: If Your Loved One Smokes Why Men Smoke

Drywall 14.07.2020

If a guy smokes, then not every girl will like it. Some people choose exactly on this basis whom they will meet, and whom they will not approach by meter. But what if you are already dating a smoker? - The answer is simple: come up with a way for a guy to quit smoking.

You will need all your love, imagination and ingenuity if you want your boyfriend to quit smoking.

Make a guy quit smoking? - Worth trying!

First you need to study his psychology and understand why he smokes. Also find out what will work best for him - support or pressure. If you think the latter is the case, then it is worth considering how to MAKE the guy quit smoking.

For this, you can use both direct pressure and cleverly veiled "tricks".

Play on what really matters to him.

Of course, your relationship can immediately come to mind. But it's not always worth using their importance for both of you, because everything depends not only on this. Some young man who is more inclined may be so angry with you that he will immediately say that he does not need a girl who sets such conditions, and that it is better to really part with her.

Therefore, it is still better to figure out how to wean the guy from smoking. For example, you can bet. It will just be great if not only him, but also you have to strain. For example, you argue that he will quit smoking before summer, and you will lose five kilograms. Great deal, isn't it?

Moreover, when both are successful, it is also beneficial to both you and him. In addition, he will also have a chance to appreciate your dedication!

Why do guys smoke?

Why guys smoke is not even a question, this is already from the field of rhetoric. Most start smoking at school, for the company of classmates and boys from the yard. Smoking often becomes one of the attractions that make them feel like dashing hooligans.

After all, adults consider this habit disgusting and unworthy of decent boys, which means that in order for the boys to smoke, they have to hide in attics, behind garages or crowd around the school's "back door".

It is clear that there are many psychological aspects to the smoking habit. Perhaps even more than pure physiology. Therefore, thinking about how to help a guy quit smoking, first of all remember that he is dear to you, and try to find not a universal way that promises to cure anyone from smoking, but the one that suits him.

The habit of smoking after sex is present not only among men, but also among many modern women who have developed a pathological addiction to nicotine. This phenomenon has several aspects: physiological, biochemical, psychological. Let's analyze each of them separately. This will clarify the question of why a cigarette is required after sex.

To begin with, it is worth talking a little about what sexual intercourse is, how an erection occurs, and what role biochemical processes play in all this. So, sex drive in humans, like in most mammals, it is due to the release of excitation hormones. Under their influence, biochemical reactions occur in the brain cells that release large amounts of adrenaline, testosterone in men and oxytocin in women. These substances provoke a short-term spasm of blood vessels, the maximum amount of blood accumulates in the genital area. In men, this provokes an erection, in women - swelling of the labia.

Nicotine is also a chemical that causes blood vessels to spasm. When it enters the blood of a person, it binds to red blood cells, provoking a slowdown in the rate of blood flow. This causes hypoventilation, mild dizziness, a chemical effect on the brain cells, due to which a feeling of relaxation and mild euphoria occurs.

What does a cigarette do after sex?

The desire to smoke after sex is present only in those people who suffer from this bad habit in Everyday life... Their cigarette after sex serves as a kind of relaxing factor that has a psychological and physiological effect.

First of all, nicotine starvation is satisfied. As physiologists know, nicotine is a narcotic substance with a very short period actions. Primary utilization of this substance in the biochemical metabolic system human body begins at the time when the cigarette is being smoked. After 30-40 minutes, 80% of the nicotine that has entered the blood breaks down. Against this background, a person begins to feel the need to smoke again.

Sexual intercourse with foreplay takes about 20-25 minutes. In addition, sexual partners give up smoking 10-15 minutes before the start of love games for aesthetic reasons. Accordingly, at the time of the end of intercourse, acute nicotine hunger occurs. At the same time, the person experiences psychological nervous tension, which partially negates the pleasure of having sex. To completely relax requires a cigarette after sex.

Why do men smoke after sex?

The stronger sex has another good reason to smoke after sex. This ritual helps them release excess muscle tension and distributes the hemostatic load evenly throughout all parts of the body.

As mentioned above, during the period sexual arousal there is blood flow to the external genitals. All the time of coitus, a certain stagnation of blood is necessary in order to maintain the phenomenon of erection. But even after the completion of frictions and ejaculation, the movement of blood is not always restored immediately. Sometimes, especially if the man is a smoker, a cigarette is needed for this.

Now you know why men smoke after sex. Women have similar physiological and psychological reasons... This is nicotine addiction, the habit of complete relaxation with a cigarette in hand and a sense of self-worth, which often becomes the first reason that forms the basis of this addiction.

People often behave rather strangely: as soon as the question is raised about the effect of smoking on the male body, about the harm it brings, everyone begins to smile mysteriously. And in general, it is understandable why: at this moment, of course, one thinks about the direct connection between smoking and potency ... But a man is, first of all, a person who can experience feelings and experiences.

We have already written about the effect of smoking on potency. But let's touch on other features of smoking and the consequences of its effect on the male body, and also evaluate what chances men have to get rid of cigarettes compared to women.

Few facts about smoking men

Let's start with statistics: despite the fact that women are called the "weaker sex", they die later than men. The average life expectancy for women who smoke is 61 years, and for men - 59 years!

But let's look at some of the factors that will allow you to better understand smoking, how it is dangerous for men, and what harm it has on the male body.

Why are guys less concerned about cigarette smoking than women?

Men are less concerned about health than women. Men consider themselves "tough nuts", so they smoke to the last, and only when they feel like it, they begin to train their powerful willpower.

Of course, men are much less likely to try to seek, and even more so to seek professional help. After all, every "real man" believes that he can do it himself, just like in that advertisement, where a little boy, who recently learned to speak, repeats everywhere and everywhere: "I'm fam! I'm fam! (I myself! I myself!) ”It is a pity that each of these independent men does not know about the statistics on those who quit smoking on their own. And they are disappointing: no more than 5 people out of 100 do not smoke during the year. But this is not surprising, since smokers, whoever they are - men or women - do not regard their smoking as drug addiction.

Why do men smoke more than women?

Men tend to smoke more cigarettes as they are heavier than women. Men, unfortunately, are less involved in parenting, which is one of the factors that can limit smoking.

And, of course, men are rarely bothered by the smell of cigarettes from the mouth or from the hands, or from clothes. And the fewer factors that limit smoking, the more they smoke, the more poisoning they experience. The stronger the man, the longer his epic with cigarettes lasts, and it is sad that for many it lasts a lifetime.

How to quit smoking yourself at home?

Do smoking guys have a way out?

It doesn't matter who smokes - man or woman, boy or girl. It doesn't matter how much. The drug is capable of deceiving any person. It doesn't matter how smoking harms a man's body and how a woman's - none of this will matter if you do not smoke. Just think for a second that a wonderful life is possible without an unpleasant smell, humiliation, suffering, self-flagellation. A new, clean, healthy and fulfilling life is possible!

Thousands of men and women have already quit smoking at the Allen Carr Center. Maybe it's time for you to think about smoking and its consequences and stop it? After all, one of the advantages of the "Easy Way" is that people quit smoking themselves. Happy to become a happy non-smoker! And our task is to show how easy it is to do it.

How long have you not smoked?

How many cigarettes do you smoke per day?

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“Good sex,” one of my acquaintances likes to say, “the kind after which even the neighbors go out to smoke!”. There is some truth in his words. I had to somehow live on the floor below a couple in love who either quarreled or made peace. In the process of their passionate "reconciliation" pieces of plaster flew on their heads - and I wanted not only to smoke, but also to slap two hundred drops of ethereal valerian. And call the Emergencies Ministry Sergei Shoigu.

How did we get to this life?

The cigarette after sex has long been consecrated by tradition, like salad "Olivier" on New Year: you can do it, but still something is missing. Even for non-smokers, in general, people, sex is a good reason to take a drag, blow a stream of smoke into the ceiling and dreamily close your eyes. Why exactly a cigarette and not green tea, for example?

Why do people smoke after sex?

Only to your partner, look, do not hint that after having sex with her you are taking off your cigarette. " You can get an ashtray on the back of your head.

And what do we end up with?

To begin with, not only doctors, but first of all firefighters will ban you from smoking in bed for the coming sleep. Because after sex it is very easy for a person to doze off with a lighted cigarette in his hand, and wake up already on a heap of smoldering embers. If you wake up at all. So if you really want to smoke so much, it is better to run off to the kitchen unromanticly and smoke it through the window. It's safer this way.

At the same time, the bedroom will not smell through and through with tobacco smoke. For an experienced smoker, the smell does not matter much, of course (his sense of smell is very dulled), but still, you must agree, it is more pleasant when the bed of love smells of perfume and rose petals, and does not evoke associations with a boiler room. Some especially sensitive girls do not want to admit that a real man should smell at least of tobacco smoke for lack of gunpowder. So in some cases, a real man cannot count on the continuation of the sex marathon.

By the way, about the sequel. Suppose the partner did not sniff you with disgust and express her phi, but, on the contrary, is again all in longing and anticipation. And you don't seem to mind, but somehow you don't really want to ... and you can't really do it!

Do not rush to kill yourself against the wall and swallow Viagra in despair. It's all about the peculiarities of our blood circulation. You had sex ten minutes ago, and the load on the vessels of the reproductive system was growing. So you blissfully leaned back and lit a cigarette. And nicotine, let it be known to you, sharply narrows these very vessels. Blood circulation is impaired, and where? In the most strategically important places for sex! This is the effect of smoking on blood vessels. And if the number of cigarettes grows, then the number of love acts will also gradually decrease, this is perhaps. Did you have to buy a pack of cigarettes in a stall with a frightening inscription "Smoking leads to impotence"? Well, maybe it doesn't always lead, but the risk doubles.

However, not only men are so unlucky: smoking after sex (active or passive) can also bring a woman to frigidity. After all, her pleasure and women's health directly depend on the correct blood circulation. And a short-term inability to get it sooner or later can take on an irreversible effect.

For the same reason, it is not recommended to abuse even nicotine patches. By the way, there was recently a rumor that some Swedish company has already released nicotine condoms. Practical, of course, but maybe, well, them - in such and such situations?

It is also interesting how smoking affects conception. Danish and Japanese scientists scare smokers with a demographic crisis: according to their research, couples who smoke after sex ... have a much harder time conceiving a son. Women who smoke, for example, give birth to boys a third less often than non-smokers. And if dad also smokes, then the chance is halved. Nicotine, it turns out, destroys the Y chromosome. The X chromosome turned out to be more stable. All this is sad: we already have nine guys for ten girls, according to statistics, and our descendants will have to live in the woman's kingdom at all, if things go like this ...

So maybe it makes sense next time not to reach for a cigarette and not think about why others smoke after sex, but to feed each other strawberries and whipped cream? Quite erotic - and much more beautiful than smoking from under the blanket. At the same time it is good for health: stock up on ...

Smoking is one of the most dangerous bad habits. The harm of smoking for men is a rather big problem in modern society.

According to statistics, about 70% of the population is exposed to such a bad habit as smoking. And only 1 in 5 men do not smoke cigarettes at all. Most smokers try cigarettes at school, half of smokers start at 14-15 years old. Many smokers agree that smoking is very bad, but they cannot quit; with each stressful situation, the hand reaches for the cigarette again. Most men decide to say goodbye to cigarettes precisely because of the health problems they provoke.

The harm of smoking in men is not only a worsening own health, but also the people around him. Since it has been proven that secondhand smoke is no less harmful than active.

The harm of smoking to the body

It is believed that a man's body is much more resilient and stronger than a woman's body. However, smoking is very bad for a man's health and life expectancy. Smoking is in many ways a typical male bad habit, although many women smokers can be found in the company.

Smoking is a bad habit, which is difficult to get rid of, and according to smokers themselves, it is almost impossible. Cigarettes are called slow killers for a reason - each puff negatively affects various body systems, increasing the risk of chronic diseases and early aging.

Smoking has a negative effect on all body systems.

Respiratory system. The respiratory system is the smoker's most vulnerable spot. The main disease of the addiction is lung cancer, which is more common in men than in women. Not uncommon, as a consequence of smoking, diseases such as chronic bronchitis and tracheobronchitis, cancer of the larynx and lips.

The cardiovascular system. The work of this system is closely related to the functioning of the respiratory system. Due to cigarette smoke, insufficient oxygen enters the body, thereby causing oxygen starvation. Nicotine negatively affects blood vessels, making them fragile and constricting them. Thus, a man who smokes has a risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, arrhythmias and cardiovascular failure.

The gastrointestinal tract. Due to the constant inhalation of smoke, the esophagus suffers, and nicotine leads to a narrowing of the vessels of the stomach and intestines, which causes an ulcer.

Nervous system. Lack of oxygen affects the state of the brain and peripheral nervous system... A person who smokes more than a pack a day has frequent dizziness and increased irritability, nervousness.

The muscular system. The effect of toxic substances on the body significantly affects the condition of the muscles of the smoker. Over time, they lose their tone, weaken. Due to the lack of oxygen, a person cannot work at full strength, gradually loses his capacity for work.

Appearance. Due to constant smoking in men, the complexion changes, the skin becomes flabby and stretched, a yellowish tint appears on it, which later appears on the nails and fingers. The smoker's teeth are severely affected. Due to the high amount of niacin, the enamel gradually cracks, which creates a direct path for bacteria.

The immune system. Smoking reduces the body's immune defenses, so smokers are more likely to suffer from infectious and chronic diseases.

The effect of smoking on the male reproductive system

In men, the reproductive sphere suffers from a bad habit at the level of cardio-vascular system... After several years of constant active smoking, a man may notice some signs of a smoker in himself, which affect an active sex life. A bad habit can lead to the following consequences in the reproductive sphere:

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  1. Violation of active sex life. If a man smokes a lot, his heart will begin to work with great overload due to lack of oxygen. It pumps more blood and gradually gets tired, and no longer cope with such a load. This leads to pain in the heart, shortness of breath and decreased physical activity, which means less sex life.
  2. Erectile dysfunction. Erection depends on the state of the cardiovascular system. If the vessels lose their elasticity and fragility, the possibility of a normal erection is reduced. This affects not only the state of sexual life, but also carries a deep psychological trauma for an adult man.
  3. Impotence. Lack of oxygen and the effects of toxic substances from cigarettes affect a man's ability to have children. Nicotine disrupts blood circulation in the genitals. Because of this, the activity of the sperm is disrupted. They move slower and die faster. Slow movement of sperm equates to zero possibility of conception.

Even if conception has occurred, the risk of intrauterine development disorders in a smoker's child is much higher than in a child of non-smoking parents. The toxic effects of nicotine can interfere with the proper formation of genetic material and sperm health.

It is impossible not to mention the dangers of secondhand smoke. Smoking in the presence of a pregnant woman is very dangerous for an unborn child. Oxygen starvation the fetus causes disturbances in the development of the brain and possible chronic diseases of the child in the future.

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