Visual map. What is a wish fulfillment card and how to make it work. How to correctly fill in each sector of the wish card

Marble 22.09.2021

A way to visualize and transfer to paper what you want. With its help, dreams will come true easily and quickly: the Universe itself will send favorable opportunities to achieve your goals.

To correctly make a wish card, you will need: a Whatman sheet on which you will fix the images, scissors, glue and colored pens. In advance, select photos for each sector of the map - they can be cut from magazines or downloaded on the Internet.

Important points:

  1. You need to make a map of desires on the days of the growing moon
  2. Each image will need to be labeled with positive present tense statements. For example, the caption is suitable for a picture with money: "I earn 100,000 rubles a month or more."
  3. Pick up those pictures that resonate in your soul. They are positive and pleasing to the eye. Look for them yourself, do not use ready-made options
  4. You will place pictures by sectors. It is important that each of them contains approximately the same number of photographs. This is necessary for balance, so that there is harmony in all areas of life.

Here is a diagram in accordance with which you will glue drawings of your desires by sector:

It is called the Bagua grid. Draw a drawing paper and use a simple pencil to mark the location and name of each zone so as not to get confused. You need to glue the pictures clockwise, starting from the central sector.

Sector mapping rules

It is very important not to get confused when drawing up a map: there is a place for each desire. If you stick pictures in the sectors that they do not correspond to, the card will be useless.

Important points and description of each zone:

  1. The central part is the health sector. Here you need to attach your personal photo. It is advisable to choose a picture in which you are happy and healthy, depicted alone. You can take a photo from a graduation or wedding, but note that it must be taken no earlier than a year ago
  2. In the career sector, you can place photos of growing sales charts, satisfied customers, logos of companies in which you would like to work. Another option is a picture in which the boss shakes hands with a subordinate with the caption: "I got a promotion."
  3. In the sector of fame - everything related to fame, popularity and recognition. Magazine covers, major blogs, visited sites. Everything related to your activity and in what you want to be successful
  4. the easiest way to fill. You can stick here both photos of large bills, packs of money, and some expensive things: fur coats, cars, houses, branded items and so on.
  5. In the knowledge sector, prevent photos of diplomas, educational institutions, certificates of completion of courses, driver's licenses, and so on. If you dream of attending a seminar or training, attach a photo of the coach
  6. In the family area, you can place your happy family photos with relatives, whose presence in your life is significant and important. If you dream of children - glue the image of pregnant women, babies, children's toys
  7. The love sector is pictures of happy couples, romantic dates, weddings and everything else that you dream of in your personal life.
  8. Creativity sector - here you can place photos of jewelry made by yourself, artists, poets, musicians
  9. Assistants and Travel - pictures of the countries you dream to visit. Images of friends who should always stay close to you

You must clearly understand what you want, choose the images that perfectly match your desires. This is the key to success and fulfillment of everything you dream of.

Picture captions

Each image on the card must be labeled with positive affirmations. Examples:

  • "I have a car (Brand)"
  • "My income is 50,000 rubles per month or more"
  • "I got my driver's license"
  • “I am absolutely healthy, every day I feel better and better”
  • "I finished the course on cutting and sewing"
  • "My family and I visited Italy"
  • "I married a man who suits me in all respects."

Watch a video on how to make a wish card in Feng Shui:

Card activation

In order for the wish card to start working, it must be activated. To do this, you need to come up with some small desire that you can easily fulfill yourself.

For example:

  • Glue photos of movie tickets to the Assistant and Travel Sector
  • Image of ice cream, delicious dessert or any other dish

The next day after making the card, fulfill the wish, and the card will start working.

Important points:

  • No one except you and your family members should see the card, so it is better to keep it in an inaccessible place. Glue whatman paper under the table or behind the cabinet door
  • In the process of making a card, think only of the good. Imagine how your desires come true, visualize the fulfillment of every dream
  • Set aside at least five minutes a day to work with the map. Sometimes you look at her, thinking about how all your desires, without exception, are fulfilled.
  • The card is designed for about a year - during this period, almost everything conceived will come true. After that, you can create a new
  • After the fulfillment of each desire, mentally thank the Higher Forces. The energy of gratitude enhances further action.
  • Your emotions charge the card, so don't sit down to make it if you're angry, annoyed, angry, or resentful. It is best to start your creativity in a calm and relaxed state, when nothing bothers you.

Belief in the power of the universe is also very important. If you doubt the magical effect of a wish card, it will not work. Therefore, try to sincerely believe that miracles happen, and then you will receive all the necessary opportunities from fate.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching based on many attributes and tools to achieve what you want. The most effective of these is the so-called wish card. She can very much help in life, bring her dream as close as possible to herself. Such cards at different periods of their lives were made by many outstanding personalities, and who knows, maybe it is thanks to this that they became outstanding?

What is a wish card?

A wish card is not just one of the directions of ancient Chinese teaching. Even considering it from the point of view of psychology and magic, you can find a healthy grain and a certain meaning in such actions. It is not for nothing that such disciplines as "goal setting" and "time management" have recently become widespread.

By planning your life, setting goals and visualizing them, you can achieve what you want much faster. After all, if there are no goals and plans, then there is no possibility of realizing them, and if all dreams are decomposed into sectors of the map of desires, a stable thought form will be created, which, through intentions in the form of invisible energy highways, will attract the right people, situations and prerequisites for the materialization of desires to the compiler. ...

Only pictures-images and specific formulations-desires must necessarily be real. That is, you do not need to dream of flying to the moon, but to become the owner of a car in accordance with your material capabilities is a completely feasible desire. And even if while the dream of a coveted car seems unrealizable, consciousness will launch a program for its implementation and will look for ways to solve the problem. Therefore, it is not only possible to dream, but also necessary, not forgetting that everything in life must be balanced.

We draw up the map correctly

When making a wish map for a year or for any other period of time, you need to stock up on a large piece of paper. There will be plenty of room to turn around on the A1 format paper, but if your desires are still rather modest or you want to make a small trial version, you can take a regular album sheet as well.

Pictures for a wish card can be found in glossy magazines, newspapers and other printed publications. The paper base should be divided into 9 zones, each of which will correspond to a certain side of the world and the corresponding area of ​​life. This is the so-called Bagua grid.

Feng Shui map zones:

  1. Centre... This is a zone of personality and own health. Here you should place your photo at the happiest and happiest moment of your life. You can surround your photo with the things you love the most. Fashionistas can choose items of clothing, equipment used for athletes.
  2. The wealth sector is located in the southeast. It is clear that there is a place for images of money, coins, expensive pieces of furniture, everyday life, ornaments. Those who dream of profit should write something like: "I am a magnet for money", "Next month I will earn 100 euros more."
  3. The southern sector represents glory... Here you should place pictures symbolizing success, universal recognition. For example, singers can choose a photo of their idol, art lovers - canvases of great masters. You can simply surround your photo with images of famous people.
  4. In the southwest is the sector of love and marriage... This area was created for love paraphernalia - hearts, wedding rings, images of a kissing couple. For those who are already married, you can post a photo with your significant other and write "Together forever." Those who dream of connecting with a loved one by marriage can depict a bride with a groom, but those who are in search can more fully and accurately portray a desired man or woman with features of appearance and features that they would like to see in a loved one. For example, women who dream of a successful brown-eyed brunette should portray this in their office, driving a beautiful car. And be sure to write something like: "I'm ready to meet a successful, handsome and respectable man of 35 years old."
  5. The western sector symbolizes children and creativity... In fact, this is a sector of self-realization, because a woman is realized through motherhood, creativity, hobbies. Those who dream of a child should place a photo of a pretty toddler or a mother with a baby in this area. Well, those who devote themselves to creativity all their lives should choose the appropriate images: for interior designers, photographs of premises, for actors to portray Melpomene.
  6. In the northwest is the helper and travel sector.... In the latter case, everything is clear: here it is worth placing photos of the countries where you want to visit, and as for assistants, you can include in this zone photos of real people helping you through life or images of Saints, especially revered, for example, Matrona of Moscow, Nikolai Ugodnik.
  7. The North is responsible for career growth... Here is the place for an image of a staircase, "white collars", offices of specific firms in which one would like to work. Those who have their own business should display the prospects for its development in this zone. For example, if you have a small cafe, draw a chain of restaurants around the world.
  8. Northeast represents wisdom and knowledge... Students should place a photo of the university they plan to graduate here. Any images related to obtaining the desired knowledge, for example, mastering a foreign language, etc., will do.
  9. To the east is the family sector. For some, this is only a husband and children, while others cannot imagine themselves without numerous relatives. All this can be displayed in this zone, as well as relationships with friends, by writing something like: "Together we are strong!"

Best time to complete

Now you know how to make a wish card, but this alone is not enough. It is necessary to choose a day favorable for this enterprise. Alternatively, you can purchase a special feng shui calendar of auspicious dates and follow it. If it was not possible to find one, it is recommended to follow these rules when drawing up a wish card:

Activation and placement of the wish card

Making a wish card is half the battle. You need to know how to activate it. It is necessary to provide for something like a trigger, from which everything will start to work and come true.

Wanting to know how to properly activate a wish card, you need to make the simplest wish that could be immediately realized. Well, for example, to guess the drawing up of a map with the purchase of a pet, the beginning of repairs. Then in the center you need to place a photo of a pet and a renovated house.

If there is a suspicion that such a desire will not come true very soon, you can hang in the center an image of the blouse you like in the store and immediately go and buy it, thus fulfilling your first desire and launching the execution mechanism and everyone else.

When looking for the location of the card, you must take into account that it must constantly catch your eye, but at the same time be hidden from strangers. If guests rarely come to your bedroom, then you can put a Whatman paper there, or even better, attach it to the inside of the wardrobe or kitchen cabinet door. This way you will be looking at her every time you choose a set of clothes.

There are no specific dates for the fulfillment of desires, but again, everything will depend on their reality and the efforts made by the performer himself. Every day you need to look at the map and try to feel your desires, as well as see how their implementation is going on, and then your plan will definitely come true. Good luck!

Making a collage, I thought a lot about my life, values, and singled out the main thing. Thus, thoughts were put in order, there was a tuning for the best. That is, I made a dream, living it in the future, keeping a mental image in my head for a long period of time. We can say that I have programmed myself for success and for what I most want. I believe that the signal for the real fulfillment of desires is their visualization.

To make the collage work, I highlighted several important points.

  1. Hprecise formulation of desire , expressing it in specific words.
  2. Expression exclusively in the affirmative and present tense. I said: I was promoted at work to the head of a department, I drive a new car.
  3. The safety of desire for yourself, other people.

It takes a little to change your life

The map can be made in two ways.

The first option is on paper


  • pencils, pens, markers, paints;
  • magazines, newspapers, photos, printed pictures;
  • glue, scissors, whatman paper.

Any Whatman paper will do. I took the A3 format. Immediately, I note that the lesson is tedious, since the paper size is quite large. You can take a smaller one, A4, a regular landscape sheet.

The density of the paper is important so that it does not warp from the glue, that is, the ideal option is thick cardboard.

Dimensions will not affect the result in any way, the main thing here is different, that is, the structure of thoughts, the mood for the right wave.

The background of the card is the color that is pleasant, with which positive images are associated. From magazines I have a lot of gloss, such as Cosmopolitan and Allure. There are many pictures, bright, beautiful. They fit my map perfectly.

The second way is to create on a computer

Any photo editor you can use to make a collage will do. This option is easier, it will take a little time. You just need to pump up pictures, combine them with your photos, add inscriptions. The visualization of desires is ready!

How to make a map of desires: sharing my experience

It is not difficult to draw up a map. But there are some rules that will allow her to work at full strength.

Rule number 1. Balance is the key to efficiency.

I think this is the main thought for creating a map. That is, many spheres of life must be reflected. You shouldn't be limited to one thing, for example, just a career.

I paid attention to the profession, family, health, self-development, relationships with friends, travel, creativity. Let's put it this way: I visualized what I wanted in the future, and the future is expressed in many aspects, not limited to one thing.

Rule number 2. Use of a sectoral system.

Each area of ​​life corresponds to a certain side of the world ... This will give the card the strength to activate as soon as possible.

In the center of the map a personal photo with a picture of health must be placed. Health is the basis of everything, health will be strong, and there will be fulfillment of all desires. Pictures with healthy food, a slender figure are suitable for visualization.

In the northern partcareer, professional sphere. This includes my dream job, the image of the boss, the desired business, income (even better expressed in an exact figure).

In the north-easteducation, enlightenment. Diplomas, seminars, studies, advanced training, trainings, courses, museums, libraries - all this is located here.

Eastfamily well-being. A picture with happy moments, a strong family will do.

South - desired achievements, success. Medals, cups won, certificates received, admirers of talent, and other visualized victories.

Southwesta place for love, marriage. What is desired in this area? And, rings, pairs, hearts - all this is placed in this sector. It must be remembered that the visualization of love will not tolerate single images!

West suitable for both children and creativity. If you do not want to have a baby, while there are no funds and opportunities, it is better not to post anything on this topic. As for creativity, for a long time I wanted to do choreography and drawing. So my visualization is dance groups on stage, brushes with paints.

Travel, friends - in North-west. The countries you want to visit, their sights, meeting with friends.

Rule number 3. The time of drawing up the map is the beginning of the growth of the new moon.

This is symbolic, since it contributes to a new round of events in life, things will go uphill faster.

Rule number 4. After the map is ready, I make a short trip on it.

I start from the center. I look at the picture, I verbally pronounce the goal. This is how desires have to be reproduced. I am beautiful, slim, I draw wonderful, I dance professionally.

How to store a wish card correctly?

The location is chosen taking into account two factors.

First of all, the map of desires must be contemplated regularly. But, on the other hand, no one should see her from outsiders.

Outsiders - these are those who do not support in undertakings. Positive energy should come from people who come to the house, they should bring something good with them.

I found a place for my map in the bedroom, the most intimate corner of my house. I hung it on the opposite wall of the bed. That is, falling asleep, I visualize desires, waking up, I see them again, I imagine them. A wardrobe, a drawer in the table, a dressing room are also suitable.

Concerning storage method , I can say that the card can be hung on the wall, put on the table, put in a box. As convenient as it is necessary to do. The main thing is to look at her often, imagine what you want and say it to yourself.

How to update wishes on the map?

Once I had a wish come true, which I put on the map. I bought a new car.

Of course, it was necessary to decide how to remove the dream that had come true. Everything was simple here. I just replaced the corresponding picture with another one.

Thus, you can add new pictures to the map, change them, remove unnecessary ones.

Desires came true, or: how the card of desires changed my life!

Honestly, I didn't believe in the power of a wish card. Well, how can some kind of collage help me achieve my goals! I decided to try it. The standard is career, family, health. Did it.

For interest, I looked every day, visualized the contents of whatman paper. Several months passed, they gave me a good bonus at work (I did not expect this), added to my savings and bought. Oops! One wish came true.

After a while, she made a trip to the city of dreams, St. Petersburg, on her long-awaited vacation. Another dream come true from the map!

It's hard to believe, but that's exactly what happened. I don’t think that any higher forces of the universe tried to do their best. Of course, not without it. But when a person has a goal, he sees the result, wants it to come, sooner or later, everything will happen. The main thing is striving.

For each person, the fulfillment of desire takes a different amount of time. Sometimes it is performed the next day, but sometimes it is not destined to be fulfilled. In any case, you need to believe in the dream, not to deviate from the goal. That's when everything will turn out, it will be as it was intended.

Today I want to tell you about a wish card, or rather, how to make a wish card correctly so that it fulfills all your dreams. I studied this topic for several years, researched many books, reviews, examples, forums. Many maps have been drawn. For the past 2 years I have experimented a lot and studied different topics related to energies, and completely changed my approach to mapping desires.

For several years, my article about the wish card has been fun on the site, many of you have written reviews and talked about your amazing results. But I grow, my knowledge grows and my views change.

To begin with, I'll tell you what results my new card of desires and my friends gave.

Wish card reviews

  1. My health has improved by 100 percent, a lot of chronic diseases have gone away, and, in general, I feel great.
  2. I look much younger than my age, I got the desired figure, gorgeous hair, no wrinkles.
  3. My book has become a bestseller and is sold in major bookstores in the country.
  4. She attracted the desired income (at the time of the creation of the wish card, it was 20 times lower).
  5. I got the car I wanted.
  6. Moved to a place of dreams.
  7. I live in the apartment I dreamed of.
  8. The travels I dreamed of.
  9. I made a lot of new friends and acquaintances with interesting people.
  10. Received jewelry, clothes, laptop, phone, ipad and much more that was attached to the map.
  11. I have received over 5000 reviews for my work and book.
  12. Improved family relationships.

What my friends got:

  1. Desired income
  2. Apartment in the city center
  3. Trips
  4. Happy relationship
  5. Automobile
  6. Winning a competition, participating in a show
  7. Decorations
  8. Career advancement
  9. Education abroad
  10. Four of my friends became happy mothers of healthy babies
  11. 8 people started their business
  12. Improvements in health and appearance

There are a lot of fulfilled wishes, and I can list them endlessly.

Wish card fulfills all dreams for 3 years, but in addition to the card itself, you also need to work on yourself, your beliefs and blocks, raise your energy level, then your desires will be fulfilled very quickly. It is important to understand that with the help of the card, a lot of opportunities come into our life for the realization of our desires, and whether we use it or not depends on us. For example, I really wanted to get on the cover of one of the magazines with my article, and when I was offered an interview, I refused, because at that time the priority was different. Those. I got the opportunity and practically the fulfillment of my desire, but did not take advantage of it.

When is the best time to make a wish map

In 2020, the most favorable time to create a magic card is from January 25 to February 10.

Otherwise, choose the new moon and the days when the moon is rising.

I will tell you 3 ways to make a wish card so that it works 100 percent. I like the first way more, but you can use the second and the third.

The correct card of desires number one. You are the artist of your life

We will need:

  • Whatman sheet or cork board (I choose the second option).
  • Brushes, paints, markers, pencils
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Beads
  • Beads

The first thing we do is divide the map into nine identical squares, each of which we paint over with paints so that no white spots are visible. Paints can be replaced with colored paper. South and North, according to Feng Shui, change places. South is at the top and north is at the bottom, with east on the left and west on the right.

We frame each sector with beads of the corresponding color (as if we make a frame of beads for each square). Beads adhere well to PVA glue.

When everything is ready, proceed to filling out the card. Each sector must be filled separately, we fill the sectors from left to right. In the article, I will give the order of filling the sectors so that it is convenient for you. It is important that in each sector there is approximately the same number of desires, so that everything is harmonious.

Before filling out the card, be sure to write a list of your desires, they should concern only you! You cannot wish for others! You cannot place wishes for parents, children, husband, sister on the map! We wish only for ourselves! Only your desires!

Remember, each sector has approximately the same number of desires! Plus, minus 1 wish.

All sectors must be filled! There should be no empty spaces and sectors!

I personally use a cork board instead of whatman paper, it is practical, convenient and easy.

If the desire is no longer relevant, just unpinned it and that's it, there is no need to completely redo the entire map, as is the case with the Whatman paper.

On the blackboard, I paint over sectors with crayons or paints.

In the central sector, in the health sector, we either glue our photo (preferably a new one, this year and in full growth) or draw ourselves and sign the picture (full name).

On a cork board, I attached a photograph.

The first sector is wealth.

We begin to fill in the map from the wealth sector (southeast).

I now always draw my map by hand. To be honest, I am not an artist and my drawings are far from ideal, but it is the hand-drawn map that works for me many times faster and better than just pictures. Desires are fulfilled 2 or even 3 times faster.

It does not matter at all how you draw, the most important thing is your energy invested in your drawings and that you look at your map and it causes you happiness, joy and faith in success.

Draw yourself with large bills, a suitcase with money, cars, yachts, jewelry, things and luxury goods. For example, if you want a thousand dollars, picture yourself holding that amount in your hands (insert 10 pictures of a 100 dollar bill). Here you can portray yourself in your villa with a pool.

A glued or attached real banknote and signature under it works great: my wallet is always full of money. I also recommend attaching Chinese coins to this sector, glueing or attaching beads or beautiful rhinestones.

How to properly sign your wishes

We make the inscription above or below the drawing (picture), but not in any case on them.

It is imperative to sign every wish, every drawing and every picture. You cannot leave just an inscription without a drawing (picture) and vice versa a drawing without a signature.

We sign all our wishes in the wealth sector and move on to another sector.

Sector number 2. Vocation and glory

Here we portray ourselves on the red carpet, with cups and awards in our hands, paint ourselves on the covers of magazines or on stage - they congratulate you, receive a diploma or a medal, maybe you speak at a seminar, or arrange your own exhibition, you are interviewed or show on TV, you are surrounded by a crowd of fans, in general, everything that symbolizes your success and fame.

We sign all our wishes.

Next sector 3. Love and relationships

We draw a big heart and inside, depict yourself in the arms of a loved one (beloved). My drawing showed a guy holding me in his arms. My husband cares for me very much and carries me in his arms. If you are married, paste or attach your happiest picture with your husband, or paint yourself happy in each other's arms.

Why I love a cork board, because it is convenient to attach not only drawings to it, but also various objects. So I fastened 2 rings and my husband offered me to arrange another wedding.

Sign your wishes. For example, “I love and be loved”, “I have a happy relationship with my beloved”, “I marry a beloved man and happy in marriage”, “my husband is the most caring and best husband in the world”. You can write the desired qualities of your man. This sector is also responsible for friendship, you can draw a picture where you are with friends.

You can write I - love, my world is full of love and happiness.

Please do not specify specific people. You cannot write I am marrying Petya, etc., if you have not received a marriage proposal from Petya.

You cannot attract specific people in this way, it can turn into negative for you. Don't risk it!

Sector 4. Home, family

In this sector, we draw our desired house, apartment. Yourself or your happy family in this house.

We sign. For example, “we live in our beautiful two-story house (apartment)”, “we are a happy family”, “my family members are happy and healthy”.

If you have a bad relationship with your parents, draw how you are holding hands. Sign - "There are good and kind relations in our family, we respect and understand each other."

Sector 5. Health

There is already our photo or drawing where we are happy.

You can draw yourself with the shape you want.

If you wish, you can also write your dream in the sector, but only the one that corresponds to it. For example - "I am slim and beautiful" or "I am happy", "I am the standard of beauty and health", "I have thick, shiny hair", etc.

If you want a child, then in this sector you can draw yourself in a position and sign: “my pregnancy is proceeding easily and well”, and next to it in the “children and creativity” sector you can draw yourself with a baby in your arms and sign: “I am a happy mother of a healthy baby ”.

If you have back pain and problems in the spine - draw a healthy spine (the Internet is full of drawings) and sign my spine is absolutely healthy! It helped me 100%.

Sector 6. Children, creativity, sex

If you want to become a mother, draw yourself with a child in your arms.

Also here we place the symbols of our creativity. If you want to write a book, then feel free to draw a volume of the book with your name on the cover. Do you want to dance? Add an image of yourself dancing.

I drew a magic book. I wanted to write something unusual and magical, but I didn't know what it would be. I signed "I create magical texts for happiness." Less than a year later, I began to write fairy tales, and then I began to prepare for publication a new book "Fairy Tales for Happiness".

I also wrote that my courses make people happier, and this year we received a thousand letters with amazing reviews and results, which is really cool.

In the same sector, you can place a picture depicting passion and sex, which will help to improve relationships if feelings in your family have cooled, passion has disappeared, or if you have blocks of sexual energy. You can sign this picture as follows: “I have a passionate relationship with my beloved”, “I am filled with passion and sexual energy”, “I have amazing passionate sex with my beloved”.

Sector 7. Knowledge and wisdom

Here you can draw a driving license, an institute diploma. Perhaps you want to learn a new language or take courses abroad.

You can draw yourself with your favorite coach, from whom you dream to learn, or stick (attach) his photo. We draw diplomas, certificates with our last name.

We sign the pictures and move on to the next sector.

Sector 8. Work and career

Here, depict yourself in the office of the desired company, yourself at your favorite job, add pictures depicting career growth, your business, the desired income. If you have not yet found your purpose, you can draw yourself happy with wads of money in your hands and write: “I do what I love and get a lot of income”.

Sector 9. Travel and Assistants

Here, images of countries or places where you dream to visit are suitable. You can portray yourself walking in Paris or sunbathing in Goa. Also in this sector we post photos of patrons and higher powers, angels, saints, gods, what you believe in.

On the back of the card we sign: May my wishes come true in the best way for me and for the good of everyone. May it be so! Thanks to! I love!

The correct card of desires number two.

If drawings do not inspire you in any way and you do not like to draw at all, then this method will suit you. Although, according to my observations, it is less effective, well, or longer.

When I started not to just glue pictures with desires, but to draw, the card began to work much more actively. Desires that had not been fulfilled for a long time began to come true, she worked especially well with desires for health, and they are the most difficult.

So, if the drawings are not yours at all, then we select pictures for the wish card and glue them.

We do it in the same way as with the drawings, only we glue the pictures, or we attach them if you have a cork board.

Be sure to sign each picture.

How to choose the right pictures for a wish card?

1. Your pictures should be as similar as possible to your desires, they should just give you goosebumps with delight!

2. They must be colored. Black and white will not work.

3. There should be no strangers on them, except for patrons and desired assistants, mentors, she pointed out this in the career and travel sector.

4. You can add yourself in Photoshop to the desired house, next to the desired car, to the desired office and to the carpet.

If you want a slim figure, stick yourself on when you were slim, or paint yourself slim. Experimenting, I realized that this is more effective than gluing my head into the desired body. Although I used to think differently.

In the children sector, if you want children, it is better to draw yourself with a child in your arms, so the desire will work faster. You can, of course, just paste a picture with a child, it will also work, but it will take longer to execute.

In the sector of love and relationships, we glue a couple in love from the back, which is more or less similar to you and your type of man.

Correct wish card number three.

This option is convenient for those who are afraid to place a map at home and are embarrassed that they will see it.

This is a variant of the map in the form of a notebook or book.

Buy the prettiest wish book or notebook.

It should evoke joy and a sense of magic!

We open the notebook and glue our photo onto the first sheet, you can also use a portrait. The most beautiful and the happiest.

We sign:

And in order, starting with the wealth sector (the order is preserved,) we fill our desires.

There is 1 wish on one page. Be sure to paint the background to match the color of the sectors.

Desires can also be drawn, you can just glue pictures. All must be signed! Everything, as in the first map, only in a notebook.

My friends tried this particular option, 90% of their wishes were fulfilled in a year.

They partly painted, partly glued pictures.

Wish card activation

After your wish card is ready, you need to activate it.

To do this, in the center in the health sector, we draw (glue) desires that we can fulfill ourselves in the near future.

For example, a tangerine, a delicious chocolate bar. Look carefully at all sectors, whether you have the opportunity to place such desires in any other sector. For example, I drew in the creativity zone, a sheet and how the article is written, and the next day I wrote an article. In the wealth zone, I drew the desired dress that I had wanted for so long and bought it for myself. In the love zone, I wrote about a romantic evening with my beloved and arranged a romantic dinner for my husband. We need all these small desires to activate the card, so that the fulfilled desires pull the rest along with them and the magic process goes faster.

What if the desires on the map are no longer relevant?

If you carefully peel them off and stick new ones, you just need to redo the card. That's why I love cork boards.

What to do with old cards?

We store them.

Or we peel off and cut out our photos and burn them.

Where is the best place to place a wish card

How to properly sign your wishes

We write the inscription above or below the picture, but not in any case on it.

We write everything in the present tense, without a particle.

We write our desires as specific as possible. For example, “I have a monthly income of more than 100 thousand rubles”, “I am the owner of a 3-room apartment in the center of Moscow”, “I live in my cottage by the sea”, “I am driving my own BMW X5 car”.

Once again, how to activate the wish card

To do this, in the center in the health sector, we glue desires that we can fulfill ourselves in the near future.

For example, a tangerine, a delicious chocolate bar. Look carefully at all sectors, whether you have the opportunity to place such desires in any other sector. For example, I pasted a photo of how an article is being written into the creative zone, and the next day I wrote an article. In the wealth zone, I placed the lipstick I had wanted for so long and bought it for myself. In the love zone, I wrote about a romantic evening with my beloved and arranged a romantic dinner for my husband. We need all these small desires to activate the card, so that the fulfilled desires pull the rest along with them and the magic process goes faster.

On the back of the card we write: “May my desires be fulfilled in the best way for me and for the good of everyone. Thanks! I love!"

The best place to put your wish card is in the bedroom, opposite the bed, so that you look at your dreams when you wake up and fall asleep. Be sure to protect your card from prying eyes, if guests come to you, it is advisable to remove the card.

When your wishes come true, be sure to say thank you to your sorceress card.

So that is all! I wish you happiness and fulfillment of your desires!

Attention! Svetlana answered more than 600 questions. Read the answers here - Answers to questions on how to make the correct wish card and in the comments below. Read the answers before asking your question! If you do not find the answer to your question there, then do it at your discretion. We have described all the important points many times. If something is still not described, then it does not matter, do as you see fit.

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Comments (1)


Answer: You can


Hello! Thanks in advance for your answer .. question-
1. going to the theater, cinema, musical with your husband is it a family sector? How is the time together?
2. There is a desire to make a home theater in the house) in which sector to place? Wealth or family?
Thanks again!
Answer: 1 The sector of wealth, or the sector of travel, recreation. 2. Wealth.


Good evening! Please tell me, if you want to "get married" is it enough to photograph the very moment of the proposal? Or can you put / attach a photo of rings in the same photo?
Answer: A photo of the proposal is enough.


Good evening! Many thanks to you for the article! Have a question! With my husband, we order pictures with our heroes as a hobby, we do photo shoots, I regard this as a section of creativity! And the popularity of the page with these pictures and our photos as a success section! Is that correct?
Answer: That's right.


Hello .. you answered me that joint Spa procedures with my husband are either wealth or health .. but we only want it as a joint rest and relaxation .. it's like a relationship within a couple .. I would still like to go to the sector love, can you? Or is it necessary in health or wealth?
Thanks for the answer 🙏
Answer: Desires with joint rest are not placed in the sector of love. There are only feelings, suggestions and friends.


I didn't quite understand where exactly to write the wish. Not in the picture, I understand. And what about the pictures on the back? write and attach to whatman paper. If you write under the photo ... then how will it come true, you need to remove the picture ... and the inscription will remain.
Answer: The article describes in detail how. A picture and a description of desire below it. Do not glue the picture onto the text, but place the text below the picture. As it comes true, remove both the photo and the inscription.


Good day! How can you correctly indicate the desire that I am a weak woman, happy in the hands of a caring husband? And which sector? thanks
Answer: This is a bad formulation of desire - you can get very sick, weaken from illness, and your husband will have to carry you in his arms because of illness. We need a different formulation. "I build a happy relationship with my beloved man. My man takes care of me, next to him I feel like a gentle and happy woman."


Answer: Full height


Good afternoon. Can you please tell me what to do with the old wish card? Well, as old, I made it six months ago, but not according to the rules and it does not work. I want to make a new one.
Answer: Burn.


Good day! Is it possible to put a photo of a civil spouse in the section Love, relationships? One hundred percent getting ready for the wedding. And so that the wedding was gorgeous. Earlier I asked: Tell me, please, I want to indicate a loved one, how he is happy in the section Love, relationships, and I also want to indicate that he is happy and successful there (I want to express it as if it were a wedding). So it is possible? They answered me that this influence on someone else's fate is impossible, but we have already been living as a husband and wife for 7 years. Everything is very subjective. Thank you for your clarifying answer!
Answer: If you have received an offer from him and are preparing for the wedding, then you can. If there was no offer, then no.


Can you place A4 sheets separately by zones and attach everything to a magnetic board (instead of a cork board)?
Answer: Try it.


Good day! There are several questions ..
1. Photos of romantic evenings is this the sector of marriage?
2. Photo of joint spa treatments is it the marriage sector, or the family? Or is it even a section of creativity?
3. Joint walks with your husband is the family sector in essence? This is our family life .. right?
thanks for your reply
Answer: 1. Yes. 2. the sector of wealth or health. 3.Yes


Good evening! Do all the pictures have to be with a face? Or, for example, a photo of hands with wedding rings is possible? Working on an idea also in the form of a pen, sheet and hand?


And do you need to glue your photo in full growth? Or is it possible to the waist?
Answer: Full height.


Hello, is it possible to indicate a desire that I want a daughter, to draw myself with a little baby, or is it impossible to specify the gender so specifically? Thanks in advance for your reply.


Hello! I'm going to make a wish card! My son is almost 5 years old and he speaks very badly! Regarding the treatment and doctors passed all !!! In which sector of the Map can the affirmation be placed: My middle son speaks excellently in his native language !!! I really look forward to hearing! 🙏
Answer: 1) It is better to work with health with other techniques. The map of desires in terms of health, not of one's own, but of loved ones, does not work very well. No matter how much they tried, it didn't work for me, my friends and clients. The blog site has an article "Health is ours and our children" and an article "Post about health". I advise you to do techniques from there. 2) If you really want to put a desire about health, then the family sector.


Is it possible to place a picture of the desired figure of a stranger?
Answer: You can, back then.


Hello. Please tell me, is it necessary to use beads when making a card?
Answer: Be sure, why and why I answered many times, look for the answer in the comments.


Hello! I have a question regarding the wealth sector. Do I need to take photoshopping myself with the things I want? For example, a camera, laptop, phone, etc., or is it enough to just print the desired item and glue it?
Answer: I glued my photo and in my hands - the desired things.


Hello! Tell me please .. I sooo want to put a photo not only of myself, but in the arms of my beloved man in my wishes about pregnancy and the birth of a baby! For me this is very important for some reason! Can you do this? Or am I pregnant alone in the photo, and am I alone with the baby?
Thank you in advance
Answer: You can do it.


Good day! Tell me, please, I want to point out a loved one how he rejoices in the section Love, relationships, and I also want to indicate him there as happy and successful, as I understand this, because this is for me joy and this is my desire in addition to understanding and love in our couple. So it is possible? Thank you for your reply!
Answer: No, you can't. You are trying with your desire to influence another person, even if the desire is good, it is still non-ecological. Desires should concern only you, but in no case should they concern other specific people.


Good day! Please tell me, and if you are only interested in such blocks as wealth, travel and family, what to write in others ??? Well, I’m not interested in my career (I don’t work, and I don’t intend to), fame doesn’t seduce either, what should I do then?
Answer: Use other techniques.


Do you have to glue pictures, just can't write?
Answer: Then it will no longer be a map of desires.

Thanks for the opportunity to ask a question !!

Answer: Diploma in psychology in the knowledge sector. Self-love is better than other ways to choose.


And if there is no way to keep a wish card in the bedroom? I don't want to be seen. Where, then, should it be stored? And if these are photographs or pictures from magazines, then you need to glue your photo over the face in that picture?
Answer: Store anywhere.
Optional, you can just pictures, insert your photo into pictures with desires. You are close to the desired home, car, etc. Everything is described in detail in the article, read carefully.


Hello! A question for the New Year's collage of desires. Can you only pictures from magazines or from the Internet without your photo? If, for example, I dream of getting married, how do I get it right? Can I stick my own on the bride's face?
If I dream of friends, can I have a picture of people?
Answer: You can. Back to the wedding photo of the newlyweds. Friends can be photo of a cheerful company.,


The article is lovely and wonderful. Here, just for example, would have laid out at least some hand-drawn picture for a wish card.
Answer: Why do you need my example? You paint your picture, how your soul feels, your heart. Draw your desires as you see them, there can be no wrong option. You can see my sample pictures in my New Year's article, where I drew wishes on gifts. In about the same way, I draw my map of desires with my desires.


Good day! The wish map was made 2 years ago, I want to add a wish. How to do it right? And do I need to activate it?
Answer: Unstick the old, glue the new and reactivate the card. It's just that you can't glue on top of the old desire.


Good evening! If in different sectors, a different number of photos is critical? And a photo of couples in which sector? Family or love? And a photo of a house: wealth or family? Thank you
Answer: It is critical if there are several wishes. Each sector should have approximately the same number of desires, the difference is 1-2. Otherwise, the energy will be skewed. Photo of a couple in love with the "love" sector. The house can be in the "family" sector.


Good afternoon. Please tell me, I made a map, but without affirmations, can I now stick captions on the pictures of desires themselves, can I do this? Thanks.
Answer: Undesirable, but if there is no room, then do so.



Can you please tell me if it will suit you to formulate your desire in the Slava sector "I am always lucky and everything works out for me in the best way"
Answer: No, this does not apply to fame. You need a specific desire for success. We need specifics.


Tell me, is it possible to carry out preparatory work for the map of desires not on the growing moon - to print pictures, glue whatman paper, but to collect everything on the growing moon? Or is everything, including preparation, better done on the waxing moon?
Answer: I do everything only on growing, but I think, not so critical.


Tell me, is it possible to carry out preparatory work for the map of desires not on the growing moon - to print pictures, glue whatman paper, but to collect everything on the growing moon? Or is everything, including preparation, better done on the waxing moon?
Answer: In theory, it is possible, but I do everything on a growing basis.


Excuse me, I forgot to ask, I participate in the drawing and I want to win, where do I need to glue the picture into the wealth? Is a certain amount played out as a rule to formulate a desire?
Answer: I am not very good at wishes about winning on a wish card. Read my answers in the comments on this matter.


Hello! Please tell me, 1. Those desires that have come true need to be peeled off or can they remain until all desires are fulfilled? 2. If I want to give my husband a phone for an anniversary, to glue the family to the sector? 3. Desired figure, if I do not have my own photo where I would like my figure, can I paste a picture without the head of the desired figure? 4 I want to do two operations after childbirth, stomach and breast, what kind of pictures are needed and this is glued to the health sector?
Answer: You don't need to peel anything off. Desires should only concern you. Only gifts for you, etc. You can stick the girl with the desired figure back.


Hello, a month ago I made a wish card, but it seems my card is not made correctly, I almost didn’t glue pictures, I just wrote my wishes, the boundaries were also not respected, what should I do now, make a new one again? Is it possible to make a new one in general?
Answer: Again, for the growing moon, make a new card according to all the rules.


Hello, please tell me if it is possible to place in different sectors different formulations of the same desire, corresponding to the selected sector. Thank you in advance!
Answer: No, you can't. We make one wish only once.


Hello, another question, in the central sector for activation you need to glue a chocolate or candy wrapper is enough?
Answer: Naturally the picture.


In the section "Love and Relationships" I drew a couple from the back. So it is possible? Will it work? Or is it better to replace?
Answer: You can.


Tell me, if I painted one sector with watercolor paint and I didn’t like how it looks - stains are obtained, you can glue colored paper over the paint or only on a white base
Answer: You can.


Tell me, what is the best way to sign wishes - in capital letters or in print?
Answer: It doesn't matter.

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In the head of every person who clearly knows what he wants, a picture of his cherished plans is formed. For example, it can be a certain position, a vacation location, kids, a crowd of fans, and so on. Again and again returning in thoughts to this image, we firmly drive it into our Subconscious. As a result, after a certain period of time, we begin to direct all efforts towards fulfilling our wishes. In esotericism, there is such a practice called Wish Card. How to do it right we will tell in this review.

Happiness card - what is it

Esotericists have proven that if done correctly, with the help of a wish card, you will save yourself from many possible problems. However, this does not mean at all that you will immediately be offered some kind of magic wand, waving which you can make any dreams come true. Everything needs practice and the strength of the desire to implement the plan. But even psychologists confirm the reliability of this method.

Leading experts in the field of psychology, esotericism and magic of supernatural abilities call this the visualization of desires.

How to make the Map work

  • A high probability of their implementation is guaranteed if you take a sheet of paper and clearly state the goals looming in front of you.
  • This can be done both with the help of text and using pictures.
  • It is advisable to do this in a beautiful form and hang it in a prominent place in order to examine the fruit of your labors every day.
  • Undoubtedly, soon your images will begin to come true.
  • This picture also has its own name - visualization board. In fact, this can be the answer to the question of how to make a wish card correctly with your own hands.

Many people know about the ancient art of Feng Shui, which is able to direct the life path of each person in the right direction. His followers believe that there is a strong connection between the worldview of the Universe and the thoughts of people. Therefore, you should send clear instructions and thoughtful signals, then success is guaranteed. They will pay attention to you and help you implement your plans.

Map creation process - basic steps

In order to organize your images and correctly depict them in the picture, you should adhere to certain rules.

  • First of all, you should clearly understand what you really want, your thoughts should not be blurred and vague.
  • Then you must completely dissolve in your presenting desire and imagine that it has already come true.
  • To do this, you can use additional available methods and tools.
  • Do not forget that the atmosphere at the time of creation should be calm and relaxing.
  • You can play your favorite melody and sit comfortably in the rocking chair.

Now you can imagine how you enter your office, employees run to you with congratulations on your new position.

  • You set the table and celebrate your promotion.
  • Try to feel all the feelings of joy and satisfaction that overwhelm you.
  • Walk through all the offices, understand where your workplace will now be located, imagine its design to the smallest detail - from stationery to paintings hanging on the wall.
  • Collect all your supposed imaginations into one clear image.

Now it's time to transfer it all to a piece of paper so that your Happiness Card will please you in the future.

What to think about when making wishes

When composing such a collage, beware of using the "not" particle. Write down everything that is planned now and, if possible, more specifically. Use phrases such as:

  • "I became a director of the company",
  • "I'm on vacation in Mallorca"
  • “I'm driving my new foreign car” and the like.

Only in this case, your wish card, made according to all the rules, will meet all the necessary requirements.

How to speak a Wish Card

Do not expect your total elapsed time to be less than ten minutes. During this period, you will not be able to draw up an acceptable board of cherished plans. If you make the minimum effort, she will respond in kind to you, bringing more grief than joy. You simply will not have time to formulate exactly those plans and thoughts that are really important and necessary.

So which period is the most optimal? Many tips and tricks suggest that you should be engaged in formulating and building your life path for at least an hour.

Time of the ritual for desires

  • You should have enough time to think about what you really need.
  • But even in this case, one cannot judge the completeness of this process.
  • After setting out clear instructions on paper, at least several days should pass. They will provide you with the opportunity to understand and double-check whether these are the goals that are important to you.
  • As a result, you will be able to determine with absolute certainty that you want exactly what you wanted.

How to make a Wish Card correctly with your own hands

Another invaluable advice that should not be neglected is the solely independent conduct of all the above actions.

  • Don't involve friends, family, or strangers.
  • In addition, start composing a collage only in high spirits and with positive emotions.

What you need to make your dreams come true

As improvised means that should be used, you can recommend:

  • Whatman sheet,
  • old magazines,
  • ruler, pencil and scissors,
  • glue,
  • felt-tip pens, paints or colored paper.

Feng Shui Wish Card for 2018

The plan involves dividing a sheet of Whatman paper into nine parts.

This practice prescribes to each sector its own basic sphere of human life and correlates them with the existing cardinal points. In addition, each of them is painted in its own color.

This will be the first step in drawing up your happy future: dividing the paper into nine parts and gluing each of them in a tone that corresponds to the desired side of the world.

Visualizing your desires in real life

There are countless ways to speed up the fulfillment of your planned thoughts. But the most famous representatives of psychology and Feng Shui teachings unanimously recommend the most effective of them - visualization.

This is the name of the method of presenting information in a form convenient for perception and awareness, with its further embodiment into reality. This is exactly what the dream card you created will do just fine.

When to make a map in Feng Shui

Highlight the most successful moments at which to start manufacturing:

  • Your birthday,
  • New moon,
  • Waxing Crescent,
  • Chinese New Year.

It is at this time that you will be able to invest the maximum possible amount of energy in your brainchild. Feng Shui followers say that it is best to choose one of the 14 days of the Spring Festival (New Year in Chinese) for these purposes.

Then you are guaranteed one hundred percent work of your rendered board.

Ancient Chinese teachings about the fulfillment of dreams

These days, the entire environment is cleared of negativity, spheres in life are able to renew themselves at full capacity, favorable moments to attract wealth and money. In ancient times, people believed that this was the time when the bolt was opened between the world of people and existing deities.

Coordinate your time according to these guidelines so that you don't have long breaks in composing your dreams.

How they wondered in antiquity

Ancient Chinese teachings have given us an invaluable technique that brings our goals to life in real life.

You just have to send an accurate mental message to the Universe, make the most of your efforts and use all your imagination. As a result, you will receive clearly articulated various aspects of your life, will be able to realize them and implement them in the foreseeable future.

What is needed for the Happiness card to work

You understand that one stream of thoughts wandering in our brain will not be enough for us to get what we want. A certain sequence of actions will still be required from us.

But all kinds of rituals, amulets and other magical items can help in this. Therefore, it is important to understand what a wish card is, how to do it right so that it gains its magical power.

Do not forget that with its help you can attract not only our material needs, but also fulfill spiritual thoughts and feelings. You just have to visualize and create positive psychological energy, which will become an additional stimulus.

How to create a Bagua square

You already know that when preparing your cherished board, which will allow you to cope with life's adversities and lead you on the right path of your development, you should use the necessary material that should be at hand.

You can choose one of two directions of your actions:

Action Description
Self-production Experts agree that as a result of creating a map in this way, you have the opportunity to charge your every thought with the necessary energy, making it work for you.


  • Take a Whatman paper, your photo and clippings from old newspapers or magazines.
  • Choose images that are as close to your dreams as possible.
  • Pay attention to the reverse side of the cut pictures, it should not contain negative and unpleasant information.
  • Relate the proportions, for example, the ring should not be larger than the car and the like.
  • The maximum period you cover should be no more than three years.

Add specifics: label images “my workplace”, “my computer”, “my car”.

  • You can write down the exact values: the amount on a wad of money or the kilograms you are striving for.
  • Place your photo, which will directly add your energy, in the center of your board.
  • In the image, you should smile and reflect an extremely positive mood.
  • Place the selected pictures around the photo, depending on your own desire, but try not to leave free space.
Using a computer This option turns out to be more accurate, but a little "soulless".
  • You can use photos from sites and your image, simulate everything, and then print.
  • The general principles correspond to the requirements described above.

How to correctly square Desires

The Bagua Square is the starting point from which you should start when determining what it is, your Feng Shui wish card.

Therefore, it is important to decide on its content and distribution to the required spaces and zones. Before the direct visualization procedure, you will think about what you want to see in your future life. As a result, you get some kind of energy that can allow dreams and plans to come true.

How to draw sectors

Divide the sheet into nine parts, each of which will correspond to its own color, name and direction.

Do not forget about the specific location of the cardinal points, which looks like this:

  • east - left,
  • west - right,
  • south - from above,
  • north - below.

The Basics of Making Your Lucky Card Correctly

Sector name Colour Meaning Description
Central the main objective If in your plans to be a successful, prosperous person, full of excellent health, place in the center a photo depicting you in this way.
Top left corner


Light green Material well-being Place pictures of financial success:
  • money, jewelry,
  • branded items,
  • cars, etc.

Below, write affirmative records about your planned and expected income.

Upper middle Red Glory, public approval, respect Define your creative and professional ambitions and portray them with appropriate pictures:
  • cup,
  • diploma,
  • podium, etc.
Top right corner


Brown Love For a person who is in search of a soul mate, here you can arrange your photo in the image of a groom or a bride.

Those who have found marital happiness can strengthen the relationship with the image, where both partners radiate joy and happiness together.

Left center Dark green Health and family relationships The sector touches upon the main aspects not only of the physical positive state, but also of the spiritual and psychological atmosphere prevailing in your home.

Place here photos of beautiful and pleasant places where you have been or are planning to visit.

Right center White Creativity, children Dreams of a child can be fulfilled by depicting a newborn.

Display development, strengthening your creativity and your children with appropriate drawings.

That said, plan any creative activity - from crocheting to masterpieces on the piano.

Lower left corner


Light brown Knowledge and skill When planning to find success in the field of a new activity, reflect your aspirations in the form of specific compositions.

The field can be varied: dancing, science, singing, painting, etc.

Lower middle Blue Career Make the most of your imagination to explain your professional claims.

Depict a beautiful executive office, a career chart, desired achievements, and other work points you are striving for.

Lower right corner


Gray Travel and patrons Most likely, you are planning to visit picturesque corners of both our country and neighboring countries.

Find pictures of islands, hotels and hotels where you dream of visiting with your family.

Do not exclude important patrons from your species, who are not only certain people, but also invisible forces that accompany you in life.

Where to hang the card

With the important question of how to make a wish card, you figured it out a bit. Now it remains to figure out where to find the most favorable place for her.

Important places

Its performance will be expected only if it always hangs in front of your eyes, but outsiders, envious people should not see it in any case.

  • It is best if your tree of Happiness is in your office or the area where you prefer to relax.
  • But in cases where you do not have the ability to restrict others' access to it, it is better to put it in a beautiful folder and periodically view it in those moments when you are alone.
  • You can place your treasure on the inside of the cabinet door that holds your belongings.
  • In our age of developed information technologies, use them to create an electronic version of the card, which will be conveniently stored in your smartphone or tablet and flipped at any time convenient for you.

How to energize a card

When creating your planned life on paper, do not forget that you are thus drawing your future Destiny. Do not approach this process if you are in a bad mood, are depressed or upset about the events that are taking place. Get some privacy and get rid of all distractions. This procedure does not tolerate fuss and rush. Clearly trace every detail and every stroke, it will not bring the expected result from it. Try to fully provide your made wishes with positive thoughts and emotions. Once you've achieved your goals, replace your visualization board with fresh plans and perspectives.

To prevent the chaotic flow of your life and eliminate the possibility of chaos, place pictures in strictly designated sectors, corresponding to certain spheres, colors, with the desired text.

Zone Colour Phrase Featured Images
Health Yellow, gold
  • "My body is healthy",
  • "All the ailments left me"
Own photo
Work Blue
  • "I have achieved the position of director (manager, etc.)",
  • "I am using every chance to the maximum."
The logos of the companies where you want to work, the schedule of career growth, the dynamics of professional achievements, etc.
Glory Red
  • "The number of my followers is increasing"
  • "I have achieved universal respect"
Photos and pictures that provide popularity and success in the desired areas.
Wealth Purple, green
  • "I have enough money on my bank card"
  • "My income is growing every day"
Items that emphasize wealth and financial independence: banknotes, expensive jewelry, yachts and cars.
Wisdom Dark orange, brown
  • "I have a fairly developed intuition"
  • "I gain wisdom every day"
Your acquired knowledge: the name of the courses where you are thinking of learning a new direction of activity, diplomas, certificates, driver's license, etc.
A family Dark green
  • "My family is friendly"
  • "I am pregnant"
Images of an existing or planned family or children.
Love Pink, red
  • "I love and I am loved"
  • "My chosen one (chosen one) is crazy about me"
Pictures of dates of lovers, romantic surprises and other manifestations of tenderness and feelings towards each other.
Hobbies Silver, white
  • "My hobby is interesting and useful"
  • "I realize myself as a creatively developed personality"
Dreams of learning to embroider, playing the guitar, baking pies or much more, present with relevant photos in this sector.
Trips Silver, gray
  • "I will spend my vacation at sea"
Pictures of the places where you have been and where you dream to return, or those that you cannot even think about in your thoughts.

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