What you need to know during pregnancy. Pregnancy: what an expectant mother needs to know? What are the signs of pregnancy

Fence and gate 22.09.2021
Fence and gate

Hello dear women, future mothers! Today we are going to tell you everything you need to know about pregnancy. You will gain general knowledge about pregnancy - how it proceeds, what tests and research need to be done, and much more. Read the article.

Many women dream of the happiness of motherhood. For some, pregnancy is long-awaited and planned, for some it is an accident. In any case, this issue must be approached responsibly when a small organism has arisen inside.

If a woman finds out about pregnancy, then she needs to completely change her lifestyle, diet, and monitor her regimen. After all, now she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the life of the little man.

Let's take a closer look at all the difficulties and joys of pregnancy.

Everything you need to know about pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a physiological process in which a new human body develops in a woman's uterus, resulting from fertilization.

The signs of pregnancy are manifested in different ways. Mainly:

You can check for pregnancy using a home test, or by taking a hCG test. If the analysis has confirmed an interesting position, then it is necessary to register with a gynecologist as soon as possible. He will monitor the pregnancy in the future and give the necessary recommendations.

The optimal period for registration is considered to be from 6 to 12 weeks. If the pregnant woman is not worried about anything, then until 20 weeks she will visit the doctor every month. The first ultrasound screening is scheduled from 12 to 14 weeks. For any malaise and deterioration of health, you must contact your doctor!

In the normal course of pregnancy, the patient is measured at the first examination, the weight, pressure and size of the pelvis. They also give a referral for examination by narrow specialists.

Complications during pregnancy

Unfortunately, such a joyous event can be overshadowed by all sorts of problems.

Pregnancy over 35 years of age can increase the risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities, and there are more indications for caesarean section. Also, the Rh-conflict can affect the course of pregnancy. If this happens, then strict observation is necessary throughout the entire gestation of the fetus.

Chronic diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system, endocrine diseases also complicate the course of pregnancy. Observations of narrow specialists are needed here. With prolonged pregnancy, urgent hospitalization and measures to induce labor are required.

I also require close attention to the following points:

  • Polyhydramnios and low water;
  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • Pronounced puffiness;
  • Severe toxicosis and gestosis;
  • Vaginal bleeding;
  • Premature aging of the placenta.

Examination during pregnancy

During gestation, a woman will need to go through a lot of research. At the first examination, the gynecologist will take swabs for cytology, flora, for various infections, including sexually transmitted infections. You will also need to pass a biochemical blood test, an analysis for toxoplasmosis, hepatitis, HIV, syphilis.

Before each visit to the doctor, you will need to take a general urine test. If a protein is found there, you will need to undergo appropriate treatment.

At 12-14 weeks, the woman is scheduled for the first screening. For this, a blood test is taken to check for abnormalities in the development of the fetus, and an ultrasound scan is also done. The second ultrasound scan is scheduled for 20-22 weeks. Usually it can already show what gender the child will be. The size of the fetus, the development of its internal organs are determined, and the blood flow is assessed.

The third ultrasound is performed for a period of 30-32 weeks. Also, at 30 weeks, the expectant mother will have to re-pass all tests to obtain maternity leave. To study the fetal heartbeat from a period of 36 weeks, cardiotocography is prescribed. For certain indications, as well as to clarify the date of birth, the doctor may re-prescribe an ultrasound diagnosis for a period of 38 weeks.

Lifestyle during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the stress on all organs increases. The woman becomes the most vulnerable to various diseases. In order to avoid them, it is necessary to observe the daily regimen, eat right, and walk more in the fresh air. Adequate sleep and rest are very important. If there are no contraindications, you can perform simple physical exercises.

The expectant mother should closely monitor every change in her body. If your health has deteriorated sharply, you must urgently contact your doctor for further advice.

General knowledge about pregnancy will help a woman to take a more responsible attitude towards her health and the health of her unborn child. After all, already at the very early stages of pregnancy, vital organs and systems of the body are laid. At this time, one cannot do without examining doctors, since they will prescribe the necessary tests and help to identify any deviation in time and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

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Very often women call me with the following questions: “I found out that I am pregnant, where to start? What to do? Where to run? What should I take? " I decided that it was easier to write a detailed short guide than to tell it all over again every time.

This article is your quick guide to a new country for you - "pregnancy". Then you will learn everything you can and will be perfectly oriented in all signs and conditions. In the meantime, I give you quick, concise advice - what to do, what to quit, what to eat and drink, what vitamins to take and others.

So, 15 first steps:

First - Take a pregnancy test and donate blood for hCG

At the first suspicion, we do a pregnancy test, start doing it no earlier than 1-2 weeks of delay in menstruation. Previously, it may not show anything.

If in doubt, you can donate blood for a hormone secreted by the ovum - chorioganadotropin (hCG).

It is IMPORTANT not to do an ultrasound to determine pregnancy!

For some reason, everyone immediately thinks that they need to run for an ultrasound scan and get registered. This is not true!

Ultrasound - has a very strong effect on the embryo, and it can be done no earlier than 12 weeks.

To make sure that you are pregnant, it is enough to donate blood for hCG. This is a very accurate analysis and no interference with the development of the fetus.

Second - Tell your husband and family

After making sure that you are pregnant, you can tell your husband and family about your happiness. If the pregnancy is unplanned, be patient and considerate.

Tell your husband first, preferably in writing, leave a note in the morning, write that you are pregnant and discuss everything in the evening. Give him time to recover from this news. Then you can tell your family.

Whom to tell is up to you. But many girls do this - up to 3-4 months they tell only the closest ones, and then they tell everyone.

I think that this is a completely justified decision, the first trimester is usually the most important and difficult for both the baby and you.

Third -Change the pace of life

Of course, pregnancy will require you to make changes in your rhythm and lifestyle. First of all, exhale and relax.

100% of all expectant mothers feel tension, fear and insecurity in the first days of pregnancy. And this is natural, do not blame yourself for this.

You are on the verge of big changes and you still don't know if you can handle them or not. But you still have a whole 9 months to get used to.

Although I know from experience feelings of future motherhood will come in the second trimester, and when you feel the first movements of the child, you will understand how strong the feeling of motherhood is in you, and how natural this process is.

Until then slow down your pace- try to rest more and more often. There is a minute - sit down, or even better lie down.

I often hear, but how to rest - it is still scheduled - not a minute, where to get the time. The answer is simple and at the same time very complicated - discard ALL unnecessary things. And what is not superfluous - sleep, food, water.

Everything else can be discarded or postponed: a cafe with a girlfriend, phone calls, work, household chores, movies, books, shopping. Be patient until the 2nd trimester, it will be easier there, and you can catch up.

Moreover, your body will help you with this, in the first trimester all mothers complain of very high fatigue and a constant desire to sleep.

Fourth - Stop smoking and drinking alcohol urgently

As soon as they found out about pregnancy, stop urgently - smoking, drinking alcohol even in small doses, even wine and beer. The consequences can be completely unpredictable.

Every day of the first trimester, a lot of work is going on, the cells of the embryo are dividing at an incredible rate, the foundation of all organs, systems, cells and tissues is laid. Any interference in this process can cause great harm.

Fifth - Stop taking medication and any treatment

If you are taking any medications, are undergoing or are about to undergo treatment - stop urgently.

Go to your doctor at the antenatal clinic and tell us what drugs you are taking, the doctor will change the method of treatment.

You will not treat any discomfort during pregnancy the way you used to do it, so you feel the signs of a cold, do not run for Fervex or aspirin.

Most drugs should not be taken during pregnancy!

Take a look at the section , you can find there the answer to the question of whether it is possible to take this or that medicine during pregnancy.

Sixth - Begin to listen carefully to yourself

Pregnancy is a time when you hear your inner voice more clearly than ever. He protects you from everything harmful and dangerous.

Listen to everything he says unconditionally.

It is tempting to wrap yourself up warmly - do it, regardless of the opinion of others. Draws to sleep - to run. Suddenly a certain person or a whole family became unpleasant, a smell - what will you return to them after giving birth.

Protect and protect your body like a temple!

Seventh - Suspend sports

If you played any kind of sports before pregnancy, pause all activities. (Including running, cycling, horseback riding, tennis, hiking, aerobics, fitness, gym workouts, and of course all professional sports.)

During pregnancy, you can dance (all dances, except sports), do gymnastics for pregnant women, swim, do some yoga asanas.

Eighth - Start taking folic acid

In the first trimester, it is very important to take folic acid, since it is she who will lay the foundation for the correct development and formation of the brain and the entire nervous system of the baby.

However, I advise you to take folic acid not in pills, as is common practice, but only from food sources.

The fact is that according to recent studies, artificially synthesized tablets with folic acid do not have the desired positive effect, their activity and strength fluctuates within 10% of the power that simple spinach can give.

In addition, American scientists have proven a link between taking pills that contain folic acid and the occurrence of breast cancer between the ages of 40-50.

We will talk in more detail about natural and artificial vitamins in the section on nutrition, where a separate block of articles will be devoted to this.

So, you will get folic acid only from greens and vegetables, taking into account the fact that you need to get at least 400 mcg per day.

Folic acid content in plant foods:

Product How to eat?
Mash, raw
Lentils, raw In the form of sprouts, added to salads
Beans, raw In the form of sprouts, added to salads
Sprouted wheat (germ) In sprouts, adding to cocktails, salads
Raw sunflower seeds
Spinach (raw) As is, adding to salads, cocktails
Parsley dill As is, adding to salads, cocktails
Beets (raw) In juices, in salad - raw
Bitter pepper Adding to salads
Seaweed In the form of a salad

What recipes can I posov Want to saturate yourself and your baby with folic acid?

- So, the very first is a green cocktail with spinach (1-2 bunches) and wheat sprouts (greens) (0.5-1 liter daily). Alternating between spinach and parsley every 2-3 days.

- Freshly squeezed juice from carrots and beets (0.2-0.5 liters daily)

- Salads with bean sprouts, mung bean, green peas (only raw, not canned), cauliflower and white cabbage, tomato.

Ninth - Include foods that contain calcium in your diet

Calcium in the body is not only the material that makes up human bone tissue - the skeleton, teeth, bones, and so on. Calcium is involved in a huge number of processes in the body, more than 179 body functions are known, for which calcium is responsible.

Calcium affects:

  • to work all the muscles of a person
  • affects the work of the heart muscle and the regulation of the heart rate
  • is one of the factors of blood clotting
  • participates in the formation of antiallergic defense of the body
  • relieves pain syndrome
  • exhibits anti-inflammatory effect
  • affects immune processes
  • normalizes the function of the endocrine glands
  • participates in the transmission of nerve impulses

In the body of a pregnant woman, a lack of calcium increases the risk of miscarriage and premature birth, hypertension and the development of other complications - eclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, etc.

It is quite obvious that a person needs calcium not only during pregnancy, but also in everyday life. Your daily requirement is 1,500 mg of calcium per day.

However, contrary to popular belief, calcium cannot be obtained with pills, supplements, calcium cannot be obtained from water, milk, cheese, sour cream and other.

According to recent studies, calcium in water, tablets, mineral supplements is inorganic calcium that is not absorbed by the body, moreover, it is deposited in various parts of the body, causing a lot of problems.

Milk, cheese, sour cream not only do not add calcium, but also wash it out of the bones.

You can read more about calcium in these two articles:

So, you should get your calcium intake from these foods:


How to eat?

Raw sesame seeds As sesame milk or added to salads
Raw sunflower seeds Can be soaked for 1-2 hours and eaten, or added to salad, cocktail
Almonds, raw As is, raw
Rose hip In the form of a tincture in cold water
Dill As is, adding to salads, cocktails
Turnip tops As is, adding to salads, cocktails
Garlic As is, adding to salads
Fresh basil As is, adding to salads, cocktails
Seaweed Raw like a salad
Dried figs As it is
Seaweed "Wakame" Raw like a salad
Bitter pepper As eaten raw, add to salads
Beans, raw
Beans, raw Germinate and eat raw, adding to salads
Parsley As is, adding to salads, cocktails
Lemon As is, adding to salads
Mash, raw Germinate and eat raw, adding to salads
Beet tops As is, adding to salads, cocktails
Hazelnuts, raw As it is


- Sesame milk

- Cabbage salad with celery, onions, seeds, basil

- Green cocktail

All these recipes are in the article -

Tenth - Include iodine-rich foods in your diet

Iodine during pregnancy is very important as it affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, which provides the body with hormones.

The first 4 weeks, both you and the baby develop, and live at the expense of your hormones (mother's hormones), which are intensively produced by the thyroid gland, at 16 weeks - the placenta comes to the rescue.

Therefore, for the first 3 months, you need to ensure that iodine enters the body daily at least 250 mg.

The daily portion of iodine will be provided by seaweed, it contains from 500 to 3000 mg of iodine per 100 grams of product.

You can eat it both as a salad and in a dried form, soaking it and adding it to ready-made vegetable salads.

Eleventh - H Don't take any vitamins!

Recent studies involving more than 15,000 pregnant women have not confirmed the benefits of taking vitamins.

It was proved that vitamins are medicines, not an additive to food, they need to be taken only if, according to the results of the analysis, it was found out that some vitamin was not enough, prescribed - they drank it and that's it.

You can't just "drink" them for health, many of them have no benefit, some simply are not absorbed, and some are harmful.

Vitamins must be obtained from food.

Your vitamins for all 9 months are vegetables, fruits and herbs:

We will talk in detail about nutrition, I will write many important articles on this topic because by changing your diet, you are able to restore yourself completely, get rid of diseases, complications, and prevent all unnecessary diseases in the future of your baby.

The above is everything you need to eat to fill the body with folic acid, calcium, iodine and vitamins. Feel free to take the listed products, make up your diet from them.

But remember a few golden rules of nutrition:

  1. You do not need to eat for two, the child has enough. It is not necessary to increase the volume of food significantly. The phrase "we eat for two" is not correct! Eat as the body asks, but do not over indulge in all your desires. If your pregnancy is accompanied by nausea and vomiting (vomiting no more than 3-4 times a day and you do not lose weight - this is normal) and you eat almost nothing, do not be afraid, it will not harm the child, he is still developing at the expense of your reserves.
  2. Your diet should consist of: 80% vegetables, fruits and herbs.
  3. Fruits and berries should be eaten separately from any other food and preferably in the morning.
  4. There should be plenty of greens in your diet every day. 0.5-1 liter of green cocktail is a guarantee of your happiness and health before - during - and after pregnancy.
  5. Vegetables should only be eaten raw as they lose most of their vitamins during cooking.
  6. It is necessary to remove animal protein from your diet, this includes meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk and all milk products.
  7. Do not drink water / juice / tea and other liquids during meals and immediately after. Drink a glass of clean water 20 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals.
  8. Do not lean on sweets and starchy foods, such as: cookies, rolls, bread, sweets, gingerbread, etc. Instead, try eating sweet fruits or dried fruits, or pure chocolate as a last resort.
  9. Stop drinking carbonated juices and drinks: cola, phantom and the like. Read the label, there is nothing natural except water, the rest are chemical compounds that will never be digested by you, but will only spend the body's forces on their removal. In addition, all carbonated drinks forcefully flush calcium from your bones, teeth and nails, as well as your baby's bones.
  10. Stop eating canned food, sausages, preserves, pates, minced meat. Each canned product contains a lot of chemistry, and no one knows how all this will affect you.
  11. Forget about the microwave oven, it not only destroys all the beneficial vitamins, but also changes the chemical composition of food!
  12. Avoid excessive salt intake, or better, give it up altogether. This step will help preserve your kidneys and prevent pregnancy complications such as high blood pressure, preeclampsia, and eclampsia.
  13. Herbs, herbal tinctures and infusions are also medications, so don't just take them without a clear recommendation. For example, nettle has the strongest effect - it causes contractions, which is useful only after childbirth, to remove the afterbirth and all excess from the uterus, but not during pregnancy.

Thirteenth - Drink water!

Drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily. Please watch this very carefully. In ordinary life, we barely drink a glass, mostly tea, coffee, juices, soups, but not water.

However, all drinks that feed pure water are food for our body.

Only water is immediately absorbed into the blood, thinning it, helps carry oxygen, and all substances to cells.

With a reduced amount of water in the bloodstream (if you drink a glass a day), under a microscope, you can see that red blood cells stick together and "float" not one by one, but in a chain. In this form, red blood cells do not carry enough oxygen.

Because one red blood cell must be surrounded by oxygen, if it sticks together with others, it simply has no free space where oxygen atoms could attach.

At the same time, the blood thickens, blood flow slows down, organs and tissues suffer from hypoxia. We feel weakness, headache, fatigue, lethargy.

During pregnancy, water is infinitely important, not only does the volume of your blood increase by 40%, so water is also needed in order to fill the baby's pool (amniotic sac), in order to constantly clean it out and renew the water in it, because the mother's body removes everything for itself and for the baby ...

Therefore, carry a bottle of water with you everywhere and train yourself to drink as much as possible.

Water sometimes works just wonders - if you catch a cold, you can drink only pure water all day and nothing more, the disease disappears completely in 1-2 days, if you are tired after some exertion, increase the amount of water the next day, you will recover in 3-5 times faster.

In the beginning, I know from myself, I don't feel like drinking water, you hardly drink one glass. Everything is drawn to something sweet, carbonated. But time passes (5-10 days) and you feel that you don't want anything but water.

Fourteenth - Register

Next, you need to find a place where you will be tested and where you will be given all the necessary documents (sick leave, exchange card). It can be a Women's Consultation or any paid clinic that has a state license to provide services for "obstetrics and gynecology".

In the LCD, all tests will be done free of charge, but this, perhaps, is where the benefits end. In a paid clinic, there are fewer queues, more attention to you, better equipment. It will be convenient to visit a doctor for a period of 12 weeks, then it will be possible to make an examination and do an ultrasound.

That's all you need for now! If you have any questions, doubts, please write in the comments to this article, I will be glad to answer you.

Few women who are preparing to become a mother for the first time fully imagine everything that awaits them along the way. Toxicosis, visiting a consultation, taking tests, the first movements of the baby are on everyone's lips. But there are still many little things that the expectant mother needs to know about, and for which it does not hurt to prepare in advance.



A sharp transition from tears of happiness and tenderness to laughter, and then to real tears of grief is almost standard behavior of a pregnant woman. The storm of hormones raging in the body removes a woman from the pedestal of the mistress of the situation and controls her emotions at her own discretion.

The easiest solution is to warn your loved ones that for a while you are not completely in control of your reactions. For example, your tears are not at all a signal to your husband that he inflicted an unforgivable offense on you or did not do what you wanted. Perhaps this is just looking for a way out of the accumulated fatigue, reinforced by the action of hormones.

Do not scold yourself for such manifestations, but treat them with understanding. By judging yourself for intemperance, you will only become even more nervous and create a vicious circle. Accept these changes as part of your pregnancy - and watch them detached, slightly from the sidelines.

INTERESTING! Many pregnant women note that it was during this period that they wanted to try a new hobby or again do something long forgotten. If you have such a desire, do not dismiss it. After all, this is a simple and affordable way to give yourself pleasure and calm down some naughty emotions.

Preparing for birth

Starting from the second trimester, every pregnant woman wants to study the pages of online stores around the clock and choose the necessary new things. A stroller, a crib, clothes, the first rattles ... All this is very exciting, but it is better to look at things soberly and turn your attention to something else. Spend your free time studying important information that will come in handy a little later. This could be:

  • Information about how childbirth occurs and what periods it consists of. Perhaps in the hospital you will have no time to think about which period began or ended, but you can partly be aware of the actions of doctors and you will understand what and why they are doing. This will help you feel much more confident.
  • Vaccinations. It is likely that by the time the time comes to do them, the information will be almost forgotten. But it is much easier to spend half an hour to refresh the memory of what has already been read and studied, than to delve into this vast topic for the first time with a baby in your arms.
  • Breast-feeding. An extremely important point, for which it is worth preparing properly. Unfortunately, most women are deprived of milk much earlier than they could, due to the wrong advice of the older generation or even doctors. After studying this topic, you can be sure that you will stop feeding your baby only when you consciously make this decision yourself.

Remember that pregnancy is not a disease! Enjoy your new state and find reasons for joy every day - and then these

The first pregnancy is a special event in the life of every woman. At this time, expectant mothers are intensely looking for information about what they have to go through over the next nine months. Lack of experience sometimes leads to the fact that pregnant women rush from one extreme to another, not knowing how to behave correctly during this crucial period. What should a woman be aware of when preparing to become a mother?

Features of the course of the first pregnancy

In most cases, the expectant mother learns about her situation by a delay in menstruation. The test shows the cherished two stripes, and now a pregnant woman is enthusiastically making plans for the near future. While waiting for the baby, every minute is valuable, and this period is a chance to take a fresh look at your life and reconsider your priorities. The most important thing is now happening inside - a new life is being born there. What awaits a woman from the moment of conception to the very birth?

Soon after a delay in menstruation, the expectant mother will feel how her body is preparing for global changes. In the first 6-8 weeks, most pregnant women are faced with such a phenomenon as toxicosis. Do not be afraid of nausea and vomiting in the morning - this is how the body gradually gets used to new conditions for itself. At the same time, the chest increases, drowsiness and general weakness appear. All these changes appear gradually, signaling the woman unambiguously about her new and very pleasant status.

With the growth of the baby, the belly will gradually increase. Already in the fourth month of pregnancy, a woman will notice that the old clothes have become tight. Waiting for a baby is a great reason to update your wardrobe. At the same time, it is important to choose not only beautiful, but also comfortable loose-fitting clothes that will not put pressure on the growing tummy. Don't forget about stable shoes with low heels. As the gestation period increases, the back muscles will experience an increasing load, and there is no need to further complicate your life by wearing high-heeled shoes.

During the first pregnancy, fetal movement is felt for the first time at a period of 18-20 weeks. At first, these will be light single kicks, but with an increase in gestational age, the movements will become more and more intense. Thin women feel the baby's stirring a week or two earlier than expectant mothers who are overweight.

Many women, with the onset of their first pregnancy, notice that their mood is constantly changing. It is during this time that you can simply allow yourself to be natural - and remember that pregnant women are allowed many quirks and whims.

What to do when the first pregnancy occurs?

After the pharmacy test has unambiguously confirmed the completed conception, you should definitely get an appointment with a gynecologist. At the first visit, the doctor will carefully examine, measure blood pressure and give directions for tests. It is very important for a specialist to know what is happening in a woman's body - this will give the doctor the opportunity to draw up an optimal plan for managing her pregnancy.

While waiting for the baby, you need to regularly visit your gynecologist. Up to 30 weeks, a visit to the doctor is carried out twice a month, then every week. If you have any complaints (abdominal pain, incomprehensible discharge, increased blood pressure), you should visit the doctor outside the schedule. In emergency situations (bleeding from the genital tract, severe pain), doctors of specialized obstetric departments will come to the rescue.

When should a woman expecting her first child go to the maternity hospital? There is no definite answer to this question. If the expectant mother feels well, her baby is actively moving, she can calmly wait for the start of contractions at home. In the presence of serious chronic diseases, with a complicated course of pregnancy, as well as any violations on the part of the fetus, a woman should go to the hospital in advance to prepare for childbirth. Routine hospitalization of primiparous occurs at a period of 39-40 weeks.

Optimal age

Those planning a pregnancy often ask themselves the question at what age is the best time to give birth to their first child? Experts say that the optimal time for the first pregnancy is considered to be between 20 and 25 years. At this age, the woman's body is already fully formed and is ready to bear and give birth to a healthy child. At the same time, the expectant mother, as a rule, has not yet had time to get a bunch of chronic diseases that significantly complicate the course of pregnancy.

The first birth after 30 years does not always go smoothly for a woman. At this age, the ligaments are already losing their elasticity, and the birth of a baby is accompanied by various anomalies of labor. Pregnancy often occurs against the background of gestosis and high blood pressure. However, pregnancy after 30 years has its advantages. At this age, women are much more serious about the issue of raising children and are ready to bear responsibility not only for themselves, but also for the little man who will soon be born.

It so happens that a woman only after 40 years decides to have a baby. In modern medicine, this age is considered late for the first pregnancy. After 40 years, the reproductive functions of the female body gradually fade away. It will be quite difficult to bear and give birth to a healthy baby without additional hormonal support. In addition, after 35 years of age, the likelihood of having children with genetic defects increases sharply. The recovery period after childbirth also increases, which does not always pass as easily as in younger mothers. A woman who decides to give birth to a child after 40 years should carefully weigh the pros and cons and fully understand the consequences of her decision.

The first pregnancy is an event that will be remembered forever. Remember that the joy of meeting your baby is incomparable. This moment will eclipse all fears and worries and will be the best reward in all the long nine months of waiting.

In the very early stages of pregnancy, your future baby is just beginning to form, so this period is very important for the further course of the entire pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. It is at the very beginning of pregnancy that there is a great risk of catching some kind of infection, which exposes the formation of the fetus to great danger. In addition, not yet knowing about their pregnancy, many women do not strive to lead a healthy lifestyle and expose the body to the harmful effects of alcohol, smoking and other bad habits, may experience heavy physical exertion or use drugs that are contraindicated during pregnancy. Therefore, it is not surprising that a woman wants to know about the signs of pregnancy in the early stages, and to be able to determine it as quickly as possible in order to exclude possible threats to the fetus.

An increase in body temperature is often observed. This is quite normal and should not worry a pregnant woman. The body temperature may be normal, but the basal temperature in pregnant women is always increased and should be at least 37 ° C. Basal temperature is measured immediately after sleep by the rectal method. This must be done before you get up, otherwise the indicator may be incorrect.

Many women define early pregnancy by symptoms such as nausea, breast enlargement and tenderness, dizziness, fatigue, and drowsiness. These signs do not always indicate pregnancy. The main sign that allows you to determine early pregnancy is an increase in human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the blood. This hormone begins to be produced in all pregnant women, and its amount increases with each subsequent day. The most accurate and early result for the presence of hCG will be given by a blood test. Pregnancy tests can also be quite effective in detecting pregnancy from the first day of your missed period.

Most women experience increased vaginal discharge. Slightly yellowish odorless discharge is not dangerous and should not bother a pregnant woman. The appearance of pinkish discharge on the first day of menstruation is also considered the norm. The real danger is the presence of bloody discharge. This also applies to early pregnancy, and later. Pulling pains in the lower abdomen accompanying such discharge may in the early stages indicate an ectopic pregnancy, as well as the danger of miscarriage. In this case, you should consult a doctor. Timely treatment will help to avoid serious consequences for a woman's health in the event of an ectopic pregnancy and to keep the baby in case of the threat of termination of pregnancy.

In general, in order for an early pregnancy to proceed normally, the following basic recommendations should be adhered to. It is best to avoid taking any medications during the first trimester. This can cause termination of pregnancy or the development of defects in the fetus. Even medicinal herbs are contraindicated: lingonberry leaf, St. John's wort, tansy, etc. Any nervous tension or experience is extremely undesirable for the development of the fetus and can also cause the threat of termination of pregnancy. You should stop taking alcohol, smoking, using drugs, coffee, unhealthy and malnutrition. Heavy physical activity, in particular lifting weights, falling, hard work, is also dangerous for pregnancy.

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