The increase in fuel consumption by the i th vehicle is taken into account. Why the car began to consume more fuel. Headlights and loads

Sewerage 05.10.2021

Every car enthusiast can learn to save gasoline. To do this, you need to follow simple rules. Let's list the factors affecting the increased fuel consumption of the car.

How to save

It is worth remembering the rule "the quieter you drive, the further you will be." If you want to save money, you have to give up the aggressive driving style. Calculate the road situation, avoid unnecessary acceleration and movement "in full throttle", before "red" take your foot off the gas pedal in advance. Use engine braking on long descents and turn off the engine in large traffic jams. Thus, we reduce fuel consumption by up to 40% - this is the best indicator among all available methods.

Correct tire pressure. Lowering the pressure by 0.2 atmospheres below the norm increases the flow rate by up to 10%. Regularly check the pressure in the wheels of the car (what should be the optimal pressure). Its deficiency increases rolling resistance (read - gasoline consumption), negatively affects the handling and stability of the car, and harms the tire. If you want to save money, it is better to "pump" the tires a little than to "under pump".

Warming up the engine to operating temperature after a cold start is an additional expense. Indeed, at idle, the engine consumes about 1.5-2 liters per hour. Get under way as soon as possible (how long does it take to warm up the engine). The engine warms up faster under load than when idling. If you want to save money, reduce the warm-up time to an acceptable time, and not 20-30 minutes.

Anything that interferes with aerodynamics affects fuel consumption. These are: wide tires, decorative spoilers, "muzzles" on the hood, open car windows and a sunroof. The roof rack also increases it - even the streamlined boxes, albeit empty. If you are not using the trunk, then it is better to remove it to save money.

Fuel consumption is also influenced by: engine displacement and its environmental class - low consumption cannot be expected from a large frame SUV. The air conditioner will require an additional 0.8 liters of "fuel" per 100 km. In addition, there is a climatic factor - in winter, due to engine warming up, ice, winter tires and a stove, fuel consumption is higher than in summer. An air conditioner, a "stove" - ​​all this reduces engine power by a small fraction, and therefore increases fuel consumption.

Most common reasons

1. Low beam headlights increase consumption by 5%, high beam - by 10%. According to the current rules, every motorist must constantly drive during the day with the dipped headlights on, and this does not contribute to saving gasoline. The way out is the use of special LED running lights. They have less power consumption and will last longer than conventional bulbs. Recommended reading: driving with headlights on - pros and cons!

2. Coolant temperature below design, i.e. the engine does not warm up to operating temperature. This is especially true in winter. The solution will be to insulate the hood and engine using special materials, such as a car blanket or felt.

3. An automatic transmission increases fuel consumption compared to a "mechanic". It is worth noting that a new generation of "automatic machines" has appeared, which do not increase consumption, but, on the contrary, can reduce it in comparison with a manual transmission.

4. The use of low-octane gasoline. If the manufacturer provides AI-95 gasoline, and refuel with 92nd, then the consumption will increase up to 20%, which will not justify the difference in price. Changing the brand of gasoline to high-octane (instead of the 92nd, fill in the 95th) helps to save fuel. True, gasoline itself will cost more.

5. Overtightened wheel hub bearings (bad rolling). You can check the roll of the car yourself. To do this, accelerate and put the car in neutral, do not brake. And the distance traveled from releasing the gas pedal to its complete stop (without using the brakes) is called coasting.

The better the roll, the less resistance to the movement of the machine. If the suspension parts are not in perfect condition, then an increase in roll rate and, accordingly, an increase in fuel consumption is possible.

6. Unadjusted camber(camber and toe-in). Twice a year it is necessary to adjust the camber of the wheels of the car. This is usually done when changing tires from summer to winter tires and vice versa. If you do not do it, then the tires may stand up incorrectly (look in different directions), and this will increase fuel consumption. Sports camber also does not contribute to gas mileage.

7. Every 100 kg of cargo - increases fuel consumption by 10%. Roof rack loaded by 40%, empty by 5%. Trailer - by 60% (which affects the aerodynamics of the car). So, if you loaded a full truck load, then be prepared for increased fuel consumption.

8. Untimely replacement of the air filter(the recommended frequency is after 10-15 thousand km). Over time, the filter becomes dirty and allows less air to pass through, which means there will be an increase in gasoline consumption up to 10%. The use of zero resistance air filters also negatively affects the amount of gasoline in the tank of the car. Recommended reading: air filter - when to change?

9. Increased wear of the cylinder-piston group of the engine (how to measure and restore compression). This happens when the valve timing mechanism is worn, as well as when the engine valves are not adjusted.

10. Incorrect spark plug gaps and malfunctions. Monitor the condition of the candles and change them periodically. If the spark plugs are working intermittently, this will affect the operation of the engine, which will not work at its optimal level. Which will lead to an increase in fuel consumption.

A question from a reader.

« Hello Sergey and all readers of the, I immediately want to say thank you especially for your answers to the readers. So I decided to ask you a question about my VAZ 2114. I have a LUX version with an on-board computer. Recently, I began to notice that my fuel consumption has increased. If earlier, about half a year ago, the consumption was 7.5 - 8 liters in the city, now, according to the bortovik, it is 9.5 - 10.5 liters, although I also drive along the same road to work, and it is not winter yet! How to explain such fuel consumption? I noticed that the fuel consumption began to grow after a trip to the south, 1700 there and 1700 back, about 3500 kilometers, maybe the fuel is not of high quality, is there something jamming? In the morning I noticed that the engine detonates a little (troite), can the consumption be related to this? Help with advice Sergey, the fuel consumption is just scary lately! Waiting for an answer, Arthur "

I will try to help Arthur. This consumption may depend on several reasons, some you can correct yourself, and some need to be corrected at the station. But all in order ...

Ignition system

The first reason is the ignition system. Weak points are candles, high-voltage wires and ignition coils.

If you have high mileage and have never changed, then they just need to be replaced. From our "quality" fuel, candles die quickly, on average I advise you to drive 20-30,000 kilometers on one set, if you have, then the mileage increases slightly to 30-45,000 kilometers. It is not worth saving on candles, you need to take proven brands, preferably in official stores or service stations, let them be a little more expensive, but they will work longer and better. Your morning detonation may be due to faulty spark plugs, and fuel consumption may also be due to them.

These are the wires that go from the ignition coils to the spark plugs. Also, they often fail, under the influence of external factors, they can break through and the spark will "go away" - as auto electricians say. That is, the spark plug will not have enough voltage and will not be able to ignite the fuel with high quality; this can also cause the engine to triple and fuel consumption will increase. It is quite easy to check the broken wires, you need to open the hood at night, start the car and look at the wires, it is advisable to cover yourself with something else so that the light does not enter the engine compartment, if a spark runs along any wire, then this wire needs to be urgently replaced, it is advisable to change the whole group of wires. Soon I will write an article on how to check high-voltage wires.

As a rule, an injection car has two or four of them, each responsible for its own two to four cylinders. The coil can also fail, but it is already more difficult to determine its malfunction, for this you need to measure the voltage, you need to contact a service station. Due to the ignition coil, the engine will also triple and there will be increased fuel consumption.

Fuel supply system

The second reason for the increased fuel consumption is the fuel delivery system. It consists of a fuel pump, pipes - filters and a fuel injection mechanism, usually a fuel rail with injectors.

Stands in the tank, is in the nutria of the fuel, from our gasoline, the mesh that filters out small and large debris can often become clogged. The gasoline pump will strain, and supply either a high pressure of fuel or a low one, this may give the impression that the engine is troit, there will also be no traction, the car, which will be said to be "wadded". Fuel consumption will also increase. You just need to pull out the fuel pump and clean it. If the fuel pump completely breaks down, then your car will simply stop.

If everything is more or less clear with the nozzles, it is unlikely that they can clog, then the fuel filters are the direct reason for the increased fuel consumption. Over time, the fuel filter becomes clogged and needs to be replaced. In our reality, replacing the fuel filter should occur every 10 - 20,000 kilometers. If the filter is clogged, then the engine also does not receive the fuel mixture, the car simply does not drive.

I once wrote that the fuel rail needs to be cleaned, and the more often the better. On my FORD FUSION, after a long run, fuel consumption also increased, by about 1 - 1.5 liters and traction disappeared. After that, the car became completely different, traction appeared and fuel consumption decreased. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the injector every 50-60,000 kilometers, and maybe even earlier, from any deposits. You yourself are unlikely to do it, you need to do work at the service station.

By a filtration system, I mean an air filter that filters the air taken from the environment. It clogs up from dust and dirt, the engine does not receive more air, the flow rate increases. There were times when only replacing the engine air filter gave a fuel economy of 0.5 - 1 liter. Replacing yourself is not very difficult. It is advisable to change the engine air filter every time the engine oil is changed.

Banal reasons for fuel consumption

There was a case when one of my acquaintances also had an increase in consumption at our VAZ, began to eat more by 1 - 1.5 liters. All climbed up everything is in order, and the ignition system, and fuel supply and air filtration. But the car spends more and that's it. Everything turned out to be simple. The car had recently changed the rear brake pads and pulled the handbrake almost to the limit, so that with one click up, the car could not be moved. We went back to the service station, slightly loosened the handbrake, so that at 3 - 4 clicks the car would be fixed.

The reasons that caused increased fuel consumption can signal both minor deviations from the normal operation of car mechanisms, and be symptoms of an impending serious breakdown. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of excessive fuel consumption, it is necessary to take appropriate measures in a timely manner.

In the event of damage in the fuel supply system, its natural leakage occurs. This results in increased fuel consumption. Diagnostics of this malfunction is carried out by detecting the smell of gasoline or diesel fuel, followed by a visual inspection.

To eliminate this malfunction, it is necessary to repair or replace the damaged element.

On domestic cars, this malfunction can be observed due to design errors and the use of defective parts in the gas tank ventilation system. When entering a turn or stopping the car on a slope, as a result of the use of pipes of too large diameter from a full gas tank, gasoline may spill out. In this case, repairs are made by replacing the gas tank ventilation system.

Low tire pressure

Fuel consumption is affected by rolling resistance, which is directly proportional to the contact area of ​​the tires of the vehicle. With a decrease in pressure, the tire is more widely pressed against the road, which, in addition to its excessive wear, causes a decrease in the kilometers traveled from one refueling.

To diagnose this factor affecting gas mileage, it is necessary to regularly monitor the pressure in the wheels. At many gas stations, this service is provided free of charge. You can also inflate tires there.

It is also not worth pumping the wheels. Although rolling resistance decreases, fuel consumption may increase as a result of deterioration in vehicle handling. Therefore, the only correct solution would be to maintain the tire pressure that is recommended by the automaker.

Unadjusted wheel alignment

In addition to unpleasant cornering noises and tire wear, an incorrect toe angle also leads to excessive fuel consumption.

Signs that the culprit for increased gas mileage is a disturbed wheel alignment angle can be the following preceding factors:

  • the car hits a curb or gets into a hole
  • the suspension or steering was repaired without further checking the camber-toe angle
  • the suspension of the car has not been repaired for a long time and is in critical condition

It is important to replace all worn suspension elements before installing the correct camber-toe angle. Otherwise, you will have to visit the service station very often to carry out this operation.

Unsuccessful styling

To give an extraordinary and creative look to their car, many car owners try to embellish the car externally, forgetting about its aerodynamic characteristics.

The most popular reasons that lead to an increase in fuel consumption are:

  • wide-profile rubber, which, in addition to increasing rolling resistance, also leads to a change in resistance to oncoming air flow
  • kenguryatnik, which creates vortex air currents that impair the aerodynamics of the car
  • body kit that increases the area of ​​resistance to air flow
  • a spoiler or wing that redirects air flows can significantly increase fuel consumption
  • oversized exterior mirrors, creating an effect similar to a body kit

Cars, before the start of production at the development stage, are tested in a wind tunnel. Therefore, most interventions in the appearance of a car will only lead to an increase in gas mileage.

Wrong tuning

If the car owner carried out the engine boost, then the reasons why the car began to consume more fuel may be hidden in the wrong tuning.

It is necessary to correctly approach this event, since, for example, flashing the electronic control unit, without the use of dynamometers, can lead to a deterioration in the dynamic torque curve of the engine and, as a result, to an increase in consumption due to non-optimal fuel combustion.

The complexity of tuning is also an important factor in order to avoid excessive consumption of fuel. The installation of most tuned parts requires the readjustment of all associated mechanisms.


In the event of a malfunction, the attachment can create additional load on the engine, taking power and forcing the driver to step on the gas pedal more to ensure the required speed. This, in turn, leads to excessive consumption of fuel.

The generator is capable of increasing the load by several times when the bearings are destroyed in it. Frictional forces overcome by the engine also lead to a reduction in the life of the drive belt. A faulty air conditioner can also create an additional load.

To diagnose these malfunctions, you must listen to the sound of the engine running with an open engine compartment. Also, to detect a breakdown, it is necessary to visually inspect the attachment.

If the culprit of the increased consumption is found, it is required to immediately make the appropriate repairs, since the further operation of the car can lead to expensive repairs or breakdown in the middle of the road.

Late ignition

For normal engine operation on low-quality gasoline, the ignition timing is often corrected on cars. This leads to suboptimal fuel ignition and loss of engine power. The driver has to pump more fuel into the cylinders, which leads to higher fuel consumption. Only gasoline engines face this nuisance. Diesel, as a result of the design features of the ignition system, is relieved of most of the problems that arise in gasoline engines.

To diagnose this malfunction, it is necessary to check the ignition timing. If it deviates from the one recommended by the manufacturer, it must be corrected. It is also necessary to listen to the absence of knocking as a result of changing the ignition timing, since when installing the UOZ, it is also necessary to take into account the operating conditions of the car.

Spark plug

The most common spark plug malfunctions that cause excessive fuel consumption are:

  • Incorrectly set gaps. As a result of natural wear and tear, the gap changes in the spark plugs. This leads to suboptimal fuel ignition and loss of engine power.
  • Sewing candles. As a result, the spark plugs cannot provide a good spark and ignite the fuel.
  • Untimely replacement of candles. Like other consumables, spark plugs have a limited resource and need to be periodically replaced during maintenance.

The most striking symptoms of this malfunction are:

  • the engine troit during operation
  • complicated launch

To diagnose these faults, it is necessary to visually inspect the spark plugs.

In the case of an incorrectly set gap, it is necessary to measure it and adjust it using a feeler gauge of the appropriate rating.

In the case of oily candles, it is necessary to first find out the reason why the candles are covered with plaque and only after removing it, replace the candles with new ones. You should also install new plugs in case of excessive wear.

Injector nozzles

If the car owner fills in low-quality fuel, then contamination of the nozzles may occur. The result is an increase in fuel delivery.

You can detect contamination of the nozzles by visual inspection. Usually, after cleaning them, the amount of fuel consumed returns to normal.

In the presence of central injection, excessive fuel consumption is often encountered due to the injector seal. For diagnostics, a visual check is made for the absence of fuel drops when the nozzle cover is removed and the ignition is on. To turn on the fuel pump, it is necessary to close the special contacts on the diagnostic connector and wait for the sound of fuel pumping into the fuel line.

Also, the injector assumes the presence of various sensors, malfunctions of which lead to an increase in fuel consumption.

Engine coolant temperature sensor

For stable engine operation on cold and hot, a different fuel-air mixture is required. On an unheated engine, the computer gives a task to prepare a re-enriched mixture. If this situation develops while driving, then the fuel does not burn optimally, the candles are covered with carbon deposits, and the power decreases. The reasons why this situation may arise are as follows:

  • The sensor that measures the temperature of the engine coolant is faulty. This situation is possible both due to natural aging of the sensitive element of the sensor, and due to its mechanical damage.
  • Air lock in the cooling system. Because of this, there is a violation of the circulation of the coolant and an incorrect measurement of the engine temperature.
  • Thermostat is defective. This situation leads to a delay in the heating of the engine, and in the most unfavorable cases, to the impossibility of reaching the nominal optimum temperature.
  • Computer crash. It most often occurs when trying to interfere with its work or when the voltage of the vehicle's on-board network is unstable.

Oxygen sensor

The oxygen sensor also affects the preparation of the correct mixture. If it does not work properly or air leaks, the computer will issue a task to prepare a richer mixture. This will result in a loss of power. In this case, gasoline consumption can increase up to two times.

To diagnose sensor faults, it is necessary to connect a laptop with special application software to the on-board computer, or connect a car to a test bench.

Also, if possible, you can replace sensors one by one, with known good ones.

The sensors cannot be repaired, therefore, in the event of a breakdown, replacement is required.

Oils and other fluids that do not meet the requirements of the car manufacturer

Developing car mechanisms in their research centers, employees of auto giants find the most suitable oils and other fluids for a particular car.

If after changing any of the consumable fluids the fuel consumption has increased, it is necessary to replace it again with the one recommended by the automaker.

Bad roll-forward

This situation, which increases fuel consumption, arises mainly due to the following problems:

  • the wheel hub bearings are overtightened, which is typical for domestic cars
  • problems in the braking system, accompanied by braking of one or more wheels

To diagnose these malfunctions, first of all, you need to make sure that the distance covered by the coast is reduced. To do this, in calm weather on a flat section of the road, switch to neutral and see how much distance the car will cover. A quick stop or constant drift to the side indicates a malfunction.

By jacking up the wheels one by one, you can find a wheel that does not rotate well. Also, for diagnostics, you can check the temperature of the wheels after driving. If any of the wheels has a higher temperature compared to the others, then there is increased friction in it.

Air filter

Untimely replacement of the air filter leads to a lack of air when preparing the fuel-air mixture.

The presence of an oxygen sensor slightly corrects this situation, as the computer receives a signal to adjust the fuel-to-air ratio. As a result, engine power drops and the driver is forced to step on the gas pedal harder.

To diagnose this malfunction, it is necessary to visually inspect the air filter and, if necessary, replace it.

Clutch wear

As a result of excessive clutch wear, it is often necessary to re-gas. As a result, the energy gained from the combustion of the fuel is lost.

Repairing worn out clutch parts or completely replacing it will correct this situation.

Increased wear of the cylinder-piston group

With prolonged operation, the clearances in the cylinder-piston group increase. A symptom that the culprit for excessive fuel consumption is CPG wear is high oil consumption. This causes the engine to lose power. Compression drops.

To eliminate this malfunction, an overhaul of the engine is required, most often with cylinder bore, replacement of pistons and piston rings.

Exhaust system

Most often, an increase in vehicle fuel consumption is caused by clogging of the following elements of the exhaust system:

  • exhaust system catalyst (for gasoline engines)
  • particulate filter (for diesel engines)

Despite their high price, these elements are consumables and require periodic replacement.

Situations When You Shouldn't Worry

With an increase in fuel consumption, there are situations where this is considered a normal and natural process:

  • the need to constantly drive with the dipped headlights on, for example, due to traffic regulations
  • the need to constantly drive with the headlights on, for example, due to frequent night trips to the countryside
  • the presence of additional cargo or roof racks, for example, due to the start of the summer season
  • changing driving habits, for example after the construction of a new motorway
  • headwind
  • driving on a road that has a low coefficient of adhesion, for example, in winter as a result of ice formation
  • riding with open windows or air conditioning due to the heat in summer

The indicated reasons for increased fuel consumption are not the consequences of technical malfunctions, therefore, a change in operating conditions will instantly return the consumption of gasoline or diesel fuel to those stated in the technical documentation for the car.

In modern conditions, it is necessary for the car to work efficiently, not to waste too much fuel. Otherwise, it turns out that the owner pays for the operation of the vehicle much more than he could pay. If an unpleasant and sharp increase in fuel consumption has occurred with your car, you need to look for the cause, because this problem can arise due to very serious problems with the engine that need to be urgently eliminated. A dramatically increased fuel consumption often indicates the need for a major overhaul.

Consumption rarely increases without other obvious accompanying breakdowns. Often, along with an increase in gasoline consumption, other visual features of the problem appear. This can be a decrease in power, engine shaking during operation, as well as increased engine oil consumption. In any case, you need to contact professionals and diagnose the problem.

A sharp increase in fuel and oil consumption in the engine

One of the possible manifestations of engine problems is an increase in engine oil consumption. If, at the same time, the fuel began to go too quickly, there is a reason to think about the need for a major overhaul of the power unit. This is due to increased wear on pistons or metal in the cylinder block. This problem is corrected by boring blocks and installing new pistons, which will also slightly increase the potential of the power unit. But problems can arise for other reasons:

  • poor valve setting, low fuel combustion;
  • poor quality oil and too high friction between engine parts;
  • no oil change for a long time, a trip on old grease;
  • low quality gasoline, a large amount of additives harmful to the engine;
  • poor performance of one of the cylinders, gasoline entering the crankcase and oil combustion.

These are the options for malfunctions may be present with a simultaneous increased consumption of gasoline and oil. You can find many reasons for this phenomenon, but the most common option is the wear of the piston group, which is treated exclusively by overhaul. True, on many modern power units, overhaul is impossible due to the too thin walls of the piston group. The cylinder block cannot be bored, therefore the engine must be replaced exclusively.

Increased fuel consumption due to poor quality settings

If your car does not start well, the engine runs unevenly, and fuel consumption has increased significantly, do not rush to look for a contract engine and buy a used replacement power unit. It is better to use the opportunity of a good diagnosis, because in most cases it turns out that bad settings are the culprit for this engine behavior. This can happen after visiting a low-quality service station. Often we are talking about the following possible malfunctions:

  • poorly exposed valve clearances, uneven opening and closing;
  • failure in the ignition timing settings, premature supply of a spark to the combustion chamber;
  • downed on-board computer settings and problems with giving correct signals;
  • incorrect settings of the injector system, which supplies fuel to the engine;
  • slipping of the timing belt and its knocked down location.

Often times, these kinds of problems can happen completely by accident. After active operation of the engine at high speeds, the valve sometimes needs to be adjusted, and the ignition gets lost quite often just from sudden gas changes. It is enough to appear at the service station once every 10-15 thousand kilometers to determine these problems. And if fuel consumption has increased spontaneously, then you should not wait for the end of the service run - it is better to go right away and fix the situation.

Clogged fuel system - the cause of increased consumption

A common cause of changes in engine operation is clogging of the injector or carburetor, as well as fuel filters, lines and other elements of the system for supplying gasoline or diesel fuel to the engine. Situations can be different, up to clogging of the main cleaning filter in the tank. With this operating mode, the car does not receive the required amount of fuel, the computer forces the fuel pump to supply more gasoline to the chambers, which causes increased consumption. Possible solutions to the problem are as follows:

  • diagnostics and cleaning of the injector, purging the injectors or servicing the carburetor;
  • replacement of fuel filters and cleaning of lines;
  • change of the usual filling, experimental use of a different fuel;
  • complete revision of the fuel supply system, cleaning the gasoline tank;
  • full check of the car at the service station on special stands and computers.

If you have a modern car, computer diagnostics will provide answers to all the necessary questions. All that remains is to buy the necessary spare parts and entrust the specialists with the repair work. Be sure to react to an increase in fuel consumption and other indicators of malfunctions in your car, because only the right reaction and quick actions will help fix the problem at the very beginning, without spending too much money and time on it.

Increased fuel consumption and poor engine performance

Often, increased gas mileage is associated with improper operation of one of the cylinders. This is a common problem that owners of expensive foreign cars do not always notice immediately. High comfort, isolation from noise and vibration, as well as the use of modern technologies allow you not to feel in the cabin when the engine is trotting, when one of the cylinders is not working. This forces the driver to overpay at gas stations, because when the cylinder is inoperative, the following things happen:

  • the load on the engine as a whole and on each cylinder individually increases greatly;
  • the computer commands to supply more fuel, including to the inoperative cylinder;
  • the crankcase is quickly filled with gasoline, which dilutes the oil;
  • the lubricant loses its properties and stops performing tasks;
  • friction increases, the engine receives increased wear.

As a consequence, after a few weeks of driving with an inoperative cylinder, your vehicle may require a powertrain overhaul. In many cars, the only way to notice such a problem is to monitor the fuel consumption. If earlier your car consumed 10 liters per hundred, and today it began to sharply take 18 liters, it makes sense to contact the service station today and stop the active operation of the car.

Maybe you just forgot about preparing the car for winter, and the engine is all right? Watch the following video for helpful tips:

Summing up

If you want your car's engine to always remain reliable and durable, always react to a sharp increase in fuel consumption. This factor shows us that there are certain problems in the power unit, it will have to be repaired or even changed. The faster you react to such engine performance, the more chances you will quickly fix the breakdown and get by with small financial losses.

To determine which unit is disturbing your car, you need to contact the service station and carry out a complete diagnosis of the fuel system, power unit and the on-board computer itself. Sometimes the problem can be solved already in software mode, without spending a lot of money on actual repairs. Have you had similar problems in your practice?

The reasons for the increase in fuel consumption are in the malfunction of components, electronic systems of the car, driving errors, and an irresponsible attitude towards the maintenance of the internal combustion engine. Many are sure: if the gas consumption is high, the reason is in the engine malfunction. But the increased fuel consumption may be due to driver error.

How to determine how much fuel a car is using

It is worth starting with the fact that in order to make an accurate verdict on the increase in consumption, it is necessary to conduct an independent study. It is necessary to measure the fuel consumption for a certain number of kilometers. After all, most motorists, having seen in the operating manual, that the consumption of their car should be, for example, 10 liters. And their car eats up 13 liters, and only in the suburban cycle reaches 10. So why is the consumption high?

Determination of fuel consumption

Here you need to understand that car manufacturers take measurements literally in ideal conditions to get the best result. Therefore, it is worth figuring out whether the expense has actually increased, or is it just an erroneous subjective opinion of the owner? In this matter, it is very important to correctly measure the fuel. It is recommended to carry out this process as follows:

  1. It is necessary to stop the car, clearly fix the place of stopping, and remember the position of the wheels.
  2. We refuel the car to a full tank so that the fuel level reaches the neck.
  3. We travel a certain distance and return to the starting point. It is important that the car is parked exactly at the original place where refueling took place.
  4. After putting the car in the starting position, using a canister with graduated marks, add gasoline to the level of the neck and note the amount of gasoline added.
  5. At the end of this procedure, it is necessary to resort to using simple arithmetic operations: the added amount of fuel must be divided by the path we have traveled. As a result, we get fuel consumption for the amount of distance traveled.

In addition to the above method, there is another one. We are waiting for the moment when the fuel indicator comes on. Refuel for a certain number of liters and reset the daily mileage counter (odometer). We operate the car until the fuel indicator again starts signaling that the fuel is running out. After that, the amount of fuel filled in is divided by the distance recorded by our odometer.

It is important to note that this method has some peculiarities. The nuance lies rather not in the method of research, but in the structure and design features of Russian filling stations. They are designed in such a way that about 0.5 liters may not be topped up when refueling. Therefore, in this case, it will be much more profitable to fill in 15-20 liters than 5-10 liters.

The main reasons for high fuel consumption

As a rule, these are technical malfunctions of the car, which should be considered in more detail. So why did the gas mileage increase? The information below will guide you on how to reduce fuel consumption on your injector or carburetor engine.

Engine wear

This reason is very obvious. The more the engine is “killed”, the more it will affect the gas mileage. Plus, if the car was operated irresponsibly, maintenance was performed out of time, and low-quality oil was poured into the engine, this will cause increased fuel consumption.

Clutch wear

As you know, the clutch, which is already living out its own, leads to slipping or rebounding. Fuel consumption will also increase if such phenomena occur.

Incorrect ignition adjustment

If it is not configured correctly, then this may be the cause of increased consumption. The ignition timing is set so that the fuel-air mixture in the combustion chamber ignites at a specific moment. If the process occurs earlier or later, then this can lead to damage in the engine.

Tire wear

It would seem, how can the condition of tires affect the increase in gas mileage? But it really is. For example, if in at least one of the tires the pressure is below the required level, then this can increase the consumption by 2-3 percent.

Problems with the electronic control system.

As you know, the electronic system includes many different sensors that transmit certain parameters to the electronic control unit. If the sensor fails, then it will send incorrect data to the ECU, which can lead to improper operation of the motor. The main devices that can affect fuel consumption:

  1. Coolant temperature sensor. In the event of a malfunction, the ECU irrationally forms a fuel mixture. It turns out to be either too “rich” or too “poor”. This contributes to a decrease in the technical characteristics of the engine, as well as excessive consumption of the combustible mixture.
  2. Throttle position sensor (TPS). He is responsible for fixing the position of the damper when you press the gas pedal. A sensor malfunction leads to a malfunction of the engine both during acceleration and at idle. As a consequence of the failure of the DPDZ, there will be incorrect preparation of the combustible mixture, a drop in the technical parameters of the engine and an increase in fuel consumption.
  3. Devices that control the amount of air entering the engine. These include: a mass air distribution sensor and an air flow rate sensor. Simply put, if one of them fails, then when the throttle valve is opened, an uncontrolled amount of air will enter, which will lead to improper mixture formation, and as a result, to increased fuel consumption.
  4. Oxygen sensor or lambda probe. It records the remaining amount of oxygen in the exhaust vapors of the power unit or in the exhaust manifold of an internal combustion engine. The lambda probe provides feedback to the electronic control unit, transmitting to it information about how “enriched” the fuel mixture is. If the proportion of oxygen in the exhaust vapor is insufficient, then there is an overconsumption of fuel, and, consequently, an increase in consumption.

Brake system malfunctions

For example, after emergency braking, after fully releasing the brake pedal, the calipers may not loosen immediately and thus slow down the car. Thus, the load on the engine increases significantly, which leads to an increase in fuel consumption. In addition, it is worth remembering some safety measures in the winter. It is not recommended to put the car on the handbrake at such a time of the year, because a small amount of condensation can literally glue the brake pads or lead to the fact that the brake disc will not fully vacation. All this will increase the load on the internal combustion engine, increasing the consumption of gasoline.

Failed spark plugs

They are a device that supplies a spark to ignite the fuel-air mixture. Exhausted resources lead to malfunctions in the engine. Over time, the distance between the electrodes of the candle may increase. If the electric discharge is not supplied on time, the fuel-air mixture will not completely burn out. Accordingly, this will lead to excessive consumption of fuel. If the owner does not make timely replacement of the spark plugs, then the car will eventually start to consume more fuel, and will also noticeably lose power.

Clogged air filter

The correct operation of the fuel system depends on the air quality. A power unit running on a mixture dominated by fuel without air begins to malfunction. The car will consume more fuel, and the technical characteristics of the engine will deteriorate significantly. In this case, the fuel mixture in the cylinders will not completely burn. Accordingly, a clogged one will lead not only to an increase in consumption, but also subsequently to expensive repairs.

Engine operating temperature.

The standard operating temperature of the engine is 95-105 degrees. If the internal combustion engine overheats, this leads to an imbalance in the air-fuel mixture. It will be dominated by heated air, which will lead to detonation processes and "depletion" of the mixture. All this is fraught with increased fuel consumption and loss of power.

As for the operation of the car in the winter season, in this case, fuel consumption will be increased by 15-20%. B requires warming up to the desired temperature, so the electronic control unit controls the injection of a more enriched fuel-air mixture. In addition, operating the car on an unheated engine will lead to an increase in consumption by 20-25%.

Constantly included electrical appliances.

Regularly operating heating system, air conditioning system, dipped or main beam can significantly increase fuel consumption. For example, the switched on air conditioner takes part of the power for the compressor operation, thereby increasing the load on the engine and wasting fuel. With regard to optics, a regularly operating car is able to increase gasoline consumption by 5%, and high beam by 10%. Besides the technical reasons for the increase in fuel, there are also reasons for the human factor.

Driving errors that increase consumption.

Human factors that can increase fuel consumption:

  1. An overloaded car will put a huge load on the engine, and therefore, this will lead to an increase in fuel consumption.
  2. Aerodynamics. If the car has a lot of air resistance, then this will also hinder its movement, and, consequently, increase the load on the power unit, which will have to consume more fuel. For example, a roof rack or open windows while driving at speeds close to 60 or higher can increase fuel consumption by 10%.
  3. Driving style. The amount of fuel consumed depends directly on driving style. Abrupt braking or constant acceleration will result from increased fuel consumption.
  4. Untimely maintenance of the car and the use of low-quality technical fluids.
  5. Irrational use of electronic devices in a car.

In conclusion, it can be said that fuel consumption must be monitored. At the same time, an increased fuel consumption will not always indicate a malfunction. It is likely that you yourself make some mistakes in the operation of the car.

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