Why do unfamiliar old people dream. Why do old people dream - the interpretation of a dream. The old man according to the dream book by Evgenia Tsvetkova

Ventilation 05.10.2021

Seeing frail old people: a sign of mental decline and pessimism.

Decrepit old woman: portends mental disappointment or the extinction of some feeling.

Decrepit old man: a sign of powerlessness and decline in business.

Usually, such dreams indicate that you need to bring some fresh stream into your life, otherwise mental decline will turn into failures.

At the same time, to see active and strong old people: a sign that you will be able to solve your problems in some old and tested way.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the twentieth century

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Dream interpretation - Old man

It is associated with a holistic knowledge of past experience, nature and life, awareness of the presence of Being, giving rise to wisdom in relation to any becoming or “here-being”. The old man is the ancient mind, the source of every becoming, the personification of the wisdom of life. He brings In-se's messages to “I” while “I” does not know about him yet and is not directly connected with him. The old sage acts as the prophet Ying-se, and his brief statements are judgments emanating from the very depths of universal and individual life. In accordance with the level of maturity of the subject, such a sage-prophet appears in the form of a traveler, woodcutter, villager, baker, shepherd, fisherman. When the subject is close to the historical embodiment of his In-se, then the sage can appear in the image of something divine, solar. It can also come in the form of some great person whom the subject knows in his real life.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing frail old people: a sign of mental decline and pessimism.

Decrepit old woman: portends mental disappointment or the extinction of some feeling.

Decrepit old man: a sign of powerlessness and decline in business.

Usually, such dreams indicate that you need to bring some fresh stream into your life, otherwise mental decline will turn into failures.

At the same time, to see active and strong old people: a sign that you will be able to solve your problems in some old and tested way.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the twentieth century

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Dream interpretation - Old man

If he sees in a dream an old or mature person, this is to well-being, to the appearance of a benevolent friend.

If a young man sees in a dream that he has become an old man, then his honor, honor and learning will increase and the end of his life will be glorified.

If the elder sees himself in a dream young, in gaiety and joy, then he will become the commander of the army and will rejuvenate.

If someone sees an old man in a dream, he will be a husband of experience and advice.

Interpretation of dreams from

according to Loff's dream book

The old man and the old woman are the primary symbols of wisdom and spiritual power. For many people, the role that a father or mother played in their lives was lost in the maelstrom of life due to divorce, excessive workload, or some kind of emotional dysfunction. The human psyche has a tendency to search for a replacement for what is lost and to recreate it from anything, even from itself. Often these characters personify and affirm the authenticity of some source of wisdom that was not taken into account by the psyche. Perhaps you have to solve a problem that cannot be solved due to your too conscious perception of the world. Thus, a more efficient way of solving the problem may be one that you characterize as obsolete. The image of wisdom in a dream is trying to open your eyes to this. Do you have some fear or disdain for your heritage, for the prospect of your own old age? Do you resist accepting the wisdom offered by elders about the life choices you face? Are you in search of wisdom or lack it in solving life's problems?

Dreamed of a man

according to Miller's dream book

To see a handsome, well-built and dexterous man in a dream means that you will fully enjoy life and take possession of the state. If the man seen in a dream is ugly and gloomy, you will face disappointment and many difficulties that will torment you. If a woman dreams of a very handsome man, she will gain fame and she will like it. If in a dream she is frightened by his repulsive appearance, then she will have unpleasant experiences because of the person she considered her friend.

Why is a man dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Man, boyfriend or ex - pleasure (for a woman); for a man - a new business, depending on the type and behavior; (for a woman) - personal relationships; unfamiliar men - troubles or unpredictability in a proven, well-coordinated business.

Why is the old woman dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


The meaning of a dream about old age

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, to see yourself or someone from your acquaintances as old - do not be afraid to experiment in sex, otherwise you may cycle on the same tricks, which you, of course, do very well, but only ... this is not enough to consider you a sexy person.

Dreamed of grandmother and grandfather

according to Miller's dream book

Meeting your grandparents in a dream and talking with them promises you a meeting with difficulties that will not be easy to overcome. However, good advice will help you cope with the difficulties.

See wrinkles in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

According to African legend, death entered the world as follows: “Long ago, people could shed their skin like snakes. Everyone did this and lived forever, restoring their youth. One day a woman forgot that she needed to do this and put on her old skin again, and death came to the world. " Dreams of wrinkles can be troubling because they create images of old age and death. You may feel that in real life you are wasting time and your subconscious reminds you that life is short. Another wrinkle sleep option is accelerated aging, in which your skin appears to shrink or wrinkle within minutes. This dream reminds you that you are not getting younger as you move towards your goals in life. These dreams may be disturbing, but they are not necessary at all. Dreams of this kind often serve as a means for your mind to say, “Hey, it's time for something new,” and to encourage you to take steps in that direction: change your old hat for a new one. Do you resist the aging process at some level? Do you feel as though others are preventing you from displaying the qualities or wisdom that are usually inherent in your age? Are you experiencing a revival or elimination of "old" limitations?

Why do wrinkles dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

popularity with the other sex.

Why dream of bristles

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


The meaning of a dream about stubble

according to Freud's dream book

For women: if in a dream you touched the man's stubble, it means that you really missed the reliable man's hands, the feeling of strength. What to do - life has decided to give you some self-reliance lessons.

Why is grandfather dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

warning in business; take care of your health.

Why is a beard dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see how it grows - to wealth (the same for the hair on the legs); in curls - a quarrel with relatives; to cut - money and personal losses; to cut another - to a quarrel; trim - to improve things; for a girl - a hasty marriage or connection; for a married woman - to widowhood or loss of her husband; for a widow - to the next marriage; for a pregnant woman - to the birth of a son; for a child - death; loss of a beard - a break in relations, loss of property and honor; shaving yourself is a solution to worries in love; red - cunning friends (yellow - envy).

Dreamed of a beard

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a beard in a dream means that you will be opposed by a certain person who is alien to you in spirit, you will have a fierce struggle for power, and, probably, in this struggle you will have losses. A gray beard means failure and quarrels. Seeing a bearded woman means unpleasant meetings and a long illness. If in a dream someone pulls your beard, expect that you will be at great risk if you do not compromise your property. Brushing and grooming your beard means that your vanity will grow along with wealth, making you extremely unpleasant for former friends. If a young woman grooming her beard in a dream, the dream indicates her desire to break her vow of celibacy and fear of an unsuccessful marriage.

What associations does the word "old man" evoke? Wisdom, life experience, longevity - the transfer will take a long time. Elderly people can be seen not only in reality, but also in night dreams. Why is the old man dreaming? The information contained in the article will help to understand this issue.

What is the old man dreaming of: Medea's interpretation

What does the famous sorceress say about this? Why is the old man dreaming if we rely on Medea's interpretation? Such dreams may indicate that the sleeper is a wise person with rich life experience. He almost always makes the right decisions, rarely makes mistakes.

What do evil old people symbolize? Such a plot is a sign that the dreamer is overwhelmed with aggression. Negative emotions are looking for a way to get out. This can happen at the most inopportune moment. It will be better if the person himself finds a way to safely let off steam.

Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

Why do old people and old women dream? The answer to this question will help the interpreter of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima.

  • A decrepit old man is a symbol that testifies to decline, confusion in business. The dreamer is tired, he does not want to deal with solving problems, and he allows them to accumulate. A person does not like his life, but he does not feel enough strength in himself to change it for the better.
  • A decrepit old woman is a symbol that predicts emotional disappointment for a person. Also, such a dream can be seen by someone who is faced with the fading of feelings for the second half.
  • Strong and energetic old people dream of what? Such dreams indicate that a person can easily cope with current problems. He does not need to invent something new for this. Old and tested methods will come to the rescue.

General dream book

What information can you get from this guide?

  • Unfamiliar old people - why is this dreaming? This means that close relatives will soon visit the sleeping person. These people will not give advance notice of their visit. However, the dreamer will be glad to see them in his house, will have a great time in their company.
  • To beat an old man is to conflict with household members. It is useless to wait for the coming of peace in the house in the near future.
  • Chatting with an elderly person - to relax and unwind in a cheerful company.
  • Helping an old man is doing a lot of hard work. The sleeper will try to shift some of it onto other people's shoulders, but nothing will come of it. He should not expect a reward for his work either.

21st century interpreter

This guide to the dream world is also worth checking out.

What does it mean to see an old man in a dream? Why is this dreaming? In the near future, a person will have to communicate with those to whom he treats with respect and reverence. He likes to spend time with this face, so he will be glad of this opportunity.

Turning into an old man is a success on the personal front. The dreamer will have several new fans. If he is still lonely, then he can easily arrange his personal life.

Old beggars dream of success in their work. Also, such dreams predict good health and longevity for the sleeping person.

Good or bad

Why do men and women dream of an old man? The answer to this question directly depends on the mood in which the hero of night dreams arrived. If the older person was friendly, laughing or smiling, then this is a good sign. His appearance in night dreams predicts an improvement in his financial situation to the sleeping person.

What do conversations with a kind old man in a dream mean? In reality, pleasant chores await a person.

An angry old man is a symbol that has a negative meaning. Such dreams indicate that a person has gone astray. He's going in the wrong direction, making one mistake after another.

Disease, death

Why is a sick old man dreaming?

Was the hero of night dreams weak and decrepit? Such a plot means that a person suffers from boredom. He needs fresh impressions, bright events. However, life gives him only routine activities. The dreamer needs a long rest, a change of scenery, and positive emotions.

What does it mean to sit by the bedside of a dying old man? If the sleeper was forced to look after one of his relatives, then this is a good sign. The hero of night dreams will live for a very long time. Keeping an eye on a stranger, a stranger is a bad omen. An important matter, which the dreamer has recently undertaken, he will not be able to complete.

The old man died, and his death made the sleeping man happy? Such a plot predicts a quick completion of the started cases. This will not require serious efforts from the dreamer, everything will work out for him by itself. To regret the passing of an elderly person is to work long and hard to finish what you started.

Romantic plots

Why do you dream of an old man's courtship? For the fair sex, such dreams prophesy success in any endeavors. The dreamer's income should also increase significantly, and this will happen in the near future.

For a young girl, such a dream can predict a marriage proposal. In the near future, she will not only marry, but also seriously think about procreation. The fate of the sleeping children will be successful, they will be able to get rich and become famous.

The old man and the old woman go down the aisle? Such dreams are a good sign for a couple who dreamed. The plot predicts good health, longevity. Is a young woman marrying an old man in a dream? In reality, the sleeping person regrets the fatal mistakes made in the past. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to fix anything.

Why do women dream of having sex with an old man? Such nightly dreams are a bad omen. They mean that the sleeping person is no longer able to cope with their problems on their own. Is an elderly man chasing a woman in a dream, trying to convince her to have sex? In real life, the sleeping person will receive an offer that will leave an unpleasant aftertaste on her soul.

Are older people having sex? Representatives of both sexes can see such a dream. He can promise both bad news and gossip spread by enemies.

Facial hair

An old man with a beard can also dream of someone who runs away from responsibility. Such a dream in this case means that a person realizes all the incorrectness of his behavior, experiences remorse. It might be worth stopping hiding and taking responsibility for yourself.

Is the beard completely gray? Such dreams may mean that in reality the sleeper will soon receive unpleasant news. The news will upset him very much. A conversation with a bearded old man can be dreamed of by someone who, in real life, needs wise advice. A person should not rush to make an important decision. It is better for him to consult with people competent in the issue of interest to him.

Did the man dreamed that he was turning into an old man and had gray stubble on his chin? Such a plot is a sign that the dreamer will become a wonderful father. He has all the qualities that are necessary in order to raise a worthy heir.

Gray hair

What to expect when a gray-haired old man is dreaming? It's no secret that a person's hair turns white with old age. Gray hair is considered a symbol of wisdom, accumulated life experience, knowledge.

There is no doubt that the night dreams in which the gray-haired old man appears are a good sign. Such a dream may indicate that others are finally recognizing the merits and achievements of the dreamer. The person will be respected by relatives, friends, colleagues. Also, such a dream predicts prosperity, an improvement in financial situation.

Various plots

What is the old man dreaming of besides this? Dreamworld travel guides cover different storylines.

  • An elderly man walking in the park with his grandchildren? Such a plot predicts a sleeping meeting with distant relatives in reality. Most likely, these people will descend unannounced to his house. The dreamer's visit will not please, but he cannot do anything about it.
  • Is an old man in night dreams sitting on a heap in the village? Or is he resting on a bench in the yard? Such a plot means that the dreamer's plans will certainly come true. He will need to make minimal efforts for this.
  • Does an old man play the harmonica in his nightly dreams? In reality, the sleeper will receive news that will delight him.
  • Does the old man lean on a stick while walking? Such dreams should be taken as a call for caution. In the near future, in no case should you take part in dubious projects. If a person does not heed this recommendation, he will lose a large amount of money. The good name of the dreamer will also suffer, his reputation will significantly deteriorate.
  • Why is the old man dreaming if he is dressed in dirty or torn clothes, asks for alms? Such a plot is a sign that the sleeper is spending much more than he can afford. If he does not start saving money, then the financial crisis will not take long.
  • Transferring an elderly person across the road is a good omen. The sleeper will have a pleasant evening with friends or a second half.
  • Providing an old man with this or that help - what does this mean? Soon, support will be needed by someone from the inner circle.

For some, the image of an old man is associated with spiritual trips to grandparents, for others - with troubles. And what does it mean to see an old man in a dream? The answer to this question can be found in the interpreter of dreams.

Let's look at the dream book: an old man is a symbol of wisdom, longevity, ancient mind, life experience. An elderly person is just an image, a reflection of your condition, of the emotions you are experiencing.

He may appear in a dream as a fisherman, prophet, traveler or wanderer, shepherd, or in such an image as a familiar person you have ever seen. In this regard, it does not matter much for the interpretation of the dream, whether they were familiar or unfamiliar people to you.

Why is the old man dreaming? To see an old man in a dream - to well-being, acquaintance, which will grow into friendship, or the acquisition of a powerful patron... Talking to him - get an unexpected win or inheritance.

We met an elder walking along, and he gave you some advice - listen to him. Another interpretation portends the dreamer the acquisition of wisdom, with the help of which he can help other people. The interpretation also differs depending on the mood of the elderly person:

  • Kind - you will receive a blessing, valuable advice or learn some secret. A smiling or laughing old man with a beard - for money, talking with him - for family happiness and pleasant chores.
  • Angry - you are moving in the wrong direction, doing something wrong. Such a dream should make you think about the right path, about what will lead to success.

Fathers and Sons

Feeling old - earn respect from relatives. The old see themselves (to grow old outwardly) or the old man see himself as young - to good health and longevity. The interpretation of a dream also depends on the state of health of the elderly.

To see the weak, sick and decrepit old people or to fight off them - you need rest and positive emotions. Fill your life with something bright and interesting so that routine activities do not lead to decline and powerlessness, and life sparkles with new colors.

Sitting at the bedside of a dying man? If he was your relative, it means that in reality he will live a long time. If it was a stranger, you will be able to complete some important task that you have been trying to do for a long time, but did not succeed.

The person died, and you were happy - finish things without much effort. We regretted his death - we will have to work hard to complete what we started. Strong old people dream - all problems will be solved successfully thanks to the use of your life and professional experience.

The interpretation of sleep is also influenced by what he was doing in a dream:

  • Grandfather walked in the park with his grandchildren - distant relatives will visit you soon.
  • Sitting on a bench in the courtyard or on a heap in the village - the plans conceived will come true.
  • An elderly man played the harmonica - to good news.
  • He walked and leaned on a stick - do not take part in dubious enterprises, otherwise you will lose more than you received.
  • We saw him in torn or dirty clothes, begging for alms - be careful in spending.
  • Helping the old man cross the road is a pleasant pastime.
  • He asked to bring bags or you offered him help - someone from the environment will need your help or advice.

Love for all ages

An elderly man in a dream is interpreted for women as follows. If a woman dreamed that an old man was caring for her, then this promises her income and success in all endeavors. A girl may dream of such a dream about the imminent marriage and the birth of children, whose fate will turn out as well as her own.

Elderly people went down the aisle? If they are familiar to you, then a dream portends them longevity and good health. If you do not know them, then this is a change in your life.

Such a broad interpretation is given by dream books for the concept of "old man". The old man does not fall asleep by accident. Such a dream always carries a hidden meaning that reflects your emotional and physical state. Thus, if you dream of elderly people, take a look at the dream book in order to find out in more detail what the old man is dreaming of in a dream. Author: Olga Lupandina

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