What is prohibited during early pregnancy. What kind of nutrition threatens pregnancy? Severity is not for a woman

Glass and glass products 05.10.2021
Glass and glass products

No sooner had you announced to your family and friends about your interesting situation, how were you, in the literal sense of the word, bombarded with advice and signs related to pregnancy? Do not worry, most of the prohibitions and superstitions that cannot be done during pregnancy can be safely discarded.

Another thing is the prohibitions from the field of physiology and medicine: they should not be neglected. Let's go through the most popular prohibitions and figure out what really can't be done by women in position.

Bad habits

It is not for nothing that smoking, drinking alcohol, and even more drugs, were called bad habits. Almost everyone needs to give them up, and especially women who are carrying a child.

  • Smoking. The placenta is unable to protect your baby from cigarette smoke. All toxins and harmful substances penetrate the baby through the circulatory system and negatively affect the development of internal organs;

Delays in the development of the baby, insufficient height and weight, pathology of the pulmonary system - all these are the consequences of smoked cigarettes (about how the baby develops normally, read the article Development of the baby in the womb >>>). Nicotine can contribute to placental detachment, fetal freezing and can provoke premature birth.

  • Alcohol. Alcohol freely penetrates the baby through the circulatory system. Systematic abuse of ethanol leads to a delay in the growth of the baby, the development of pathologies of hearing and vision, cardiac and bone systems;

Excessive alcohol consumption will be noticeable after the birth of the child, and especially clearly - by the age of two: a small head volume, a flat sloping face and narrow eyes

  • Drugs. A categorical ban on drug use: pathologies of all internal organs, underdevelopment of the skeleton, muscular and skeletal systems, problems with the kidneys, liver and genitourinary system, heart disease ... The list is endless. But there is one more nuance: a child born of a drug addict mother is already born with drug addiction.

Smoking, drinking and using drugs is just that categorical list of what should not be done during pregnancy. And this is far from superstition.

Special menu

The development and well-being of the baby directly depends on what you eat. Undoubtedly, your gastronomic tastes have changed a lot, you are more and more drawn to salty, but this salty is often in the taboo zone:

  1. Preservatives and stabilizers. You need to give up preservatives, as they inhibit the synthesis of proteins, which the baby simply cannot do without;
  2. Additives, colorants, flavor enhancers. During pregnancy, you need vitamins and nutrients, not chemical substitutes. The way out is to cook yourself from fresh products (about what to cook and how to eat right, read the book Secrets of proper nutrition for a future mother >>>);
  3. Smoked products and fatty foods. Your body already undergoes certain loads, fatty and smoked food negatively affects the liver and kidneys, the urinary system, and can provoke gastritis (current article: Gastritis during pregnancy >>>). As for smoked meats, be aware that “liquid smoke”, which manufacturers love so much, can cause cancer;
  4. Coffee and black tea. This point is quite controversial. If you are hypotonic and cannot imagine a morning without a cup of aromatic coffee, then you can afford one serving of not strong coffee with cream. But abuse is fraught with dehydration of the body and the removal of calcium from it, which your baby needs so much for growth and development. In addition, strong tea and coffee increase blood pressure;
  1. Carbonated drinks . Avoid drinking soda during pregnancy as it can cause bloating and flatulence. In addition, sugary sodas contain preservatives and sweeteners. May lead to high blood sugar and cause allergies;
  2. Mushrooms . It is best to avoid mushrooms during pregnancy. Since there is a risk of poisoning even with proven mushrooms, and in your position, you should not risk it;
  3. Chocolate. The happiness hormone in the form of a small piece of chocolate will not harm you, but in large quantities it can cause allergies. Read the article on the topic Is it possible for pregnant women to have chocolate? >>>.


You must remember that pregnancy is not a disease, but a state of mind. You should not give up an active life position, but you need to figure out what can and cannot be done by pregnant women:

  • Physical exercise. It is clear that gravity is now a taboo for you, the maximum load is 5 kg. By the way, it is good to sign up for a specialized fitness for pregnant women - it will help prepare for the upcoming birth, strengthen your back and prevent you from gaining extra pounds;
  • Dream. There is a prohibition on sleeping positions. During pregnancy, you cannot sleep on your back, as the vena cava, which is located under the uterus, can be squeezed;
  • Extreme. An adrenaline rush and an increase in blood pressure are the result of extreme entertainment;
  • Airplane. Most often, flights are considered prohibitions, which cannot be done in the early stages of pregnancy. There is a risk of miscarriage due to pressure drops. The last weeks of pregnancy are also not the best time for heavenly travel. Read more in the article Plane during pregnancy >>>;
  • Sex. With the threat of miscarriage or other complications of pregnancy, having sex is contraindicated for you. Useful: Sex in the first month of pregnancy >>>

You need to find a middle ground between physical activity and rest: you can do your homework, but dosed. Where possible - use household appliances - load it at full speed. Washing, cleaning, and cooking during your pregnancy is the responsibility of your household helpers.

Folk omens

A special graph of prohibitions during pregnancy is folk omens and superstitions. Many of them can be explained, but most are dispelled upon closer examination:

The list of prohibitions, will take and superstitions during pregnancy is quite long, but the period of bearing a baby is not so long, you can endure it for the sake of meeting your most beloved and long-awaited baby.

During the first trimester, women do not yet feel significant changes in their bodies. The only pronounced sign of pregnancy at a short time is toxicosis, but it does not appear in all expectant mothers. Many of them in the early stages of bearing a baby are in no hurry to change their usual way of life.

However, it is this period that is most important for the unborn baby. From 1 to 12 weeks, the process of laying down his future organs is going on, so it is necessary to provide the baby with the necessary nutrients. What should be the nutrition of a woman in the early stages? What foods should not be included in the diet?

Early nutrition of a pregnant woman

Food during pregnancy is the main factor in ensuring the baby's harmonious development. The diet of the expectant mother should be balanced. It should definitely include foods with a high content of nutrients.

In order to prevent the negative effects of toxic components, it is necessary to abandon the use of junk food saturated with carcinogens, chemical dyes, food additives.

In order to correctly draw up a daily menu, a pregnant woman should know well the list of the most important recommended foods. Their list may differ in the 1st, 2nd and third trimesters, since the needs of the embryo also change during the development process.

It should be borne in mind that only dangerous products that are categorically contraindicated when carrying a child need to be excluded during pregnancy. You should not refuse your favorite food if it does not harm the child. Medical research has shown that the complete exclusion of certain foods from the diet can adversely affect the health of the baby in the future. After birth, such children develop intolerance to these products, and the risk of developing food allergies also increases.

The menu of pregnant women should not be oversaturated with calories, since the rapid weight gain will entail not only the purchase of larger clothing, but also cause additional difficulties during childbirth. It is more important that the food contains the maximum amount of vital components that provide favorable conditions for the formation of the fetus.

Basic nutritional rules

While waiting for the baby, the expectant mother should take care of maintaining the balance of nutrients entering her body with food. The menu should include dishes containing trace elements, vitamins.

Protein products should deliver about 15% of calories to the body of the expectant mother. Another 30% of calories come from high-fat foods. Most of the calories come from carbohydrate foods. To do this, a woman needs to eat cereals, pasta, fruits.

Proper nutrition from the first days of pregnancy will prevent the development of unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis. Basic rules for organizing the diet of a pregnant woman:

  • eat small meals every 2-3 hours;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily;
  • the first breakfast in the form of a cracker or kefir can be eaten without getting out of bed (to prevent morning sickness).

Essential vitamins and minerals

For the full and harmonious development of the embryo, a woman should include in her daily diet foods rich in essential vitamins and minerals, protein compounds. The most significant substances for the formation and growth of a child, their role, as well as the daily rate for pregnant women are described in detail in the table.

Vitamins and mineralsHigh content foodsSphere of influence
Folic acid (recommend reading :)Green vegetables, spinach, citrus fruits, lentils, beans, soybeans, carrots, dates (fresh), apples, beetsEnsures the correct formation of the nervous system. Lack of this vitamin often causes abnormalities in the formation of the neural tube in the fetus. As a result, the child may develop mental illness, pathology of the heart and blood vessels. During pregnancy, the daily requirement is 400 mcg.
IronDried fruits, herbs, buckwheat, beef liver, beans (white), lentils, spinach, cashewsMaintains a normal level of hemoglobin in the blood. Insufficient intake of iron in the body leads to the development of anemia in pregnant women and newborn babies. Iron deficiency can cause premature labor. When carrying a child, the daily intake of iron should not be less than 15–20 mg.
CalciumCheese, buckwheat, egg yolk, kefir, cottage cheese, liver, milkIt is an essential element of bone tissue. With a calcium deficiency, tooth decay occurs, hair becomes thinner, and bones become brittle. A woman needs calcium in an amount of 1 g per day.
Vitamin AFish oil, carrots, liver, tuna, butter, spinach (see also :)Participates in the formation of many body systems. Lack of vitamin A causes pathologies of the respiratory system, vision, reproductive and urinary systems of the fetus. While waiting for the birth of a baby, this vitamin should be consumed in a dosage of 1200-1400 mcg daily.
Vitamin EOils (wheat germ, olive, almond, sunflower), nuts (almonds, pine nuts)Takes part in the formation and functioning of the placenta, ensures blood circulation between the mother's body and the embryo. Vitamin E neutralizes the negative effects of the external environment, prevents the development of intrauterine pathologies. Pregnant women need 300 mg daily.
IodineSeafood, algae, fatty fish, walnutsResponsible for the development of the nervous system, intelligence, and ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Iodine deficiency can lead to early miscarriage. In the fetus, with a lack of this element, deviations in mental development may occur. In children, iodine deficiency is expressed in delayed sexual development, hypothyroidism, and growth retardation. The daily requirement of a woman carrying a baby is 220 mcg.
Vitamin DFish liver, yolks (raw), parsley, potatoes, butter (butter, sunflower), cottage cheeseResponsible for the absorption of calcium. Lack of this vitamin is the cause of rickets and prematurity of babies. The daily requirement for carrying a child is 800-1200 IU
Vitamin B12Seaweed, vegetables (green), veal liver and kidneys, seafoodParticipates in the work of the nervous system, relieves the body of toxic substances, normalizes metabolism. A pregnant woman needs 4 mcg.
ZincMarine fish, nuts, rice, beans, garlic, pumpkin seeds, lentils, garlic, onionsPlays an important role in the processes of hematopoiesis, the development of the immune system, bone tissue. With a lack of zinc during embryonic development, slow weight gain may occur. During pregnancy, the intake of this element should be 11 mg per day (see also:).
Omega 3 acids (more in the article:)Saltwater fish (tuna, trout, cod, salmon, halibut)Ensures the functioning of the baby's nervous system, prevents miscarriage. Every day, the expectant mother should consume 0.8-1.6 g.

The healthiest foods you need during this period

Every woman who is preparing to become a mother knows about the existence of useful and harmful substances contained in food. However, some foods have a high content of essential elements for the baby.

In the first trimester, it is possible and useful to eat:

  • lean beef cooked in a double boiler or oven;
  • poultry dishes;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits growing in the region of residence of the pregnant woman;
  • dried fruits;
  • greens, dried or fresh;
  • fermented milk food with a reduced percentage of fat;
  • fiber, which is found in flaxseeds, legumes, almonds, sesame seeds, rose hips and apricots.

In addition, there are a number of products that deserve special attention for expectant mothers. Experts strongly recommend eating when pregnancy occurs:

  • Spinach. It is a source of folic acid, which is involved in the formation of the neural tube and protects the baby from infections.
  • Lentils. This legume is the main source of protein. Thanks to the use of lentils, the organs and tissues of the embryo grow properly.
  • Citrus fruit. This food category is packed with vitamin C and folate. Mandarins improve bowel function as they contain fiber.
  • Walnuts. They are high in protein, fatty acids, antioxidants and minerals.
  • Eggs. The main source of vitamin D and calcium, which is responsible for the normal development of bone tissue.
  • Broccoli. This type of cabbage is rich in potassium, calcium and iron, therefore it is an indispensable product in the diet of a woman expecting a baby. Broccoli contains dietary fiber and protein compounds and can be used to make soups or stews.
  • Yogurt. Calcium and vitamin D contained in yoghurt prevent infants from developing musculoskeletal disorders.
  • Chicken's meat. Improves the process of hematopoiesis, oxygen metabolism, and prevents premature birth.
  • Salmon. Salmon fish species contain Omega-3 acids, calcium, vitamin D.
  • Asparagus. This vegetable is rich in vitamins C, B6, D and folic acid, increases the protective functions of the developing organism.

What foods shouldn't be eaten early?

GroupNegative actionProducts
Fatty and spicyDisrupt the functioning of the kidneys, gallbladder and liverKorean salads, hot sauces, chili peppers, bacon
Food additives (preservatives, stabilizers, colorants, antioxidants, flavor enhancers)Can cause the development of various pathologies and cancersChips, spices, croutons, some types of confectionery, chewing gum
Canned foodHave an effect on protein metabolismFish, meat vegetable canned food
Mercury-rich seafoodMercury belongs to the poisons that affect the fetal brainShrimp, crabs, shark meat, mackerel, swordfish
Sweet and flourPossible edema and excessive weight gain in a pregnant womanBaking, cakes, sugar, pastry
AllergensCause allergic reactions, can disrupt infant development and lead to miscarriageRed vegetables, citrus fruits, honey, some types of fruits
LegumesThey provoke the production of gases in the body, increase the tone of the uterusPeas, beans, beans
Raw eggsPossible salmonellosis infectionChicken, quail eggs
ChocolateHas an effect on the psyche and nervous system of the embryoChocolates, Bars & Bars

The consequences of malnutrition

Improper organization of the daily diet during pregnancy can cause serious disturbances in the process of fetal formation. The inclusion in it of products, the use of which is prohibited when carrying babies, can lead to irreversible consequences, provoke spontaneous abortion or the formation of intrauterine developmental pathologies in the embryo. Alcohol is especially dangerous. When used in early pregnancy, physical abnormalities and malformation of the neural tube of the embryo may occur.

Chicken eggs are also dangerous, they should not be eaten raw. This is one of the main sources of bacterial diseases such as salmonellosis. Salmonella affects not only the mother's body, they can also cause serious harm to the unborn child.

The presence in the diet of a large amount of sugar and food containing dyes can cause diathesis and liver disease in a newborn. All dishes prepared by smoking are saturated with carcinogenic substances, therefore, they can cause the development of malignant neoplasms in babies.

A woman who decides to become a mother should definitely know that the process of feeding a child begins from the moment of conception. That is why she needs to eat exceptionally healthy foods during pregnancy, this will help the baby to develop correctly and support the expectant mother in good shape.

The most important thing for a woman during the period of carrying a baby is to give preference to natural products and not be lazy to cook on their own, you need to be completely confident in the quality of food. Nutrition should be balanced and contain the daily requirement of minerals and vitamins.

Milk and dairy products

Hard cheese and cottage cheese contain a lot of nutrients:

  1. Protein , which is an essential component of the composition of blood and lymph.
  2. Vitamins B , increasing the "breathing" of body tissues, stamina and performance of the mother.
  3. Iron and calcium essential for the formation of baby's bones, hair, skin and nails.
  4. Folic acid is very important for the correct formation of the fetus and preventing the risk of developing pathologies, strengthening the muscles of the mother's heart.

Natural yoghurt contains much more calcium useful for bones than ordinary cow's milk, and all bifidobacteria necessary for normal intestinal function. Yogurt is rich in zinc and protein, it will quench your thirst and reduce hunger. You can replace yoghurts with high-quality kefir.

They are a storehouse of nutrients necessary for the development of a baby of various microelements:

However, they have a high calorie content, and it is not advisable for the expectant mother to abuse nuts!

Fish and seafood

Everyone knows that she is a source of phosphorus. Fish products also contain one of the most beneficial vitamins D, which strengthens the bones and nervous system of a pregnant woman .

During pregnancy, women are better off eating lean white fish, preferably sea fish rich in iodine.

Meat, liver

An important building material for the cells of the body of the unborn child
- protein, which is found in sufficient quantities in meat products. You need to eat lean meats - chicken, rabbit, beef, lean pork. When preparing meat dishes, it is better to do without seasonings.

The liver contains iron and B vitamins ... This is a must-have product not only for the baby, but also for the mother herself - she carries heavy loads during the happy months of bearing her child. Many pregnant women may have a drop in the level of hemoglobin concentration and develop anemia; eating liver dishes will help to cope with this problem.


They contain more than 10 useful vitamins and minerals for example, choline has an effect on the mental capacity of the unborn baby. In getting rid of the nausea that torments the mother in the first months of the "interesting situation", the chromium contained in this product will help. It is important to regularly eat eggs - both chicken and quail.

But not raw!

Rich in vitamins, fiber, trace elements and organic acids ... You can eat it in any form - raw, boiled, baked, in salads, which are best seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream, but not mayonnaise.

Pay special attention to carrots, broccoli and avocados.

It is in these vegetables that the largest amount is contained:

Fruits and berries

Especially useful during pregnancy! Contains minerals and vitamins that are vital for baby's development. The most important thing is not to forget to wash the fruit thoroughly before eating it.

A small daily portion of strawberries, blackberries, raspberries increases the defenses of the baby's body. I would like to note about the benefits of mango, it contains a lot of vitamin A, you can eat it in any form - raw, boiled, salted or sweet.


Lentils from the entire "legume family" will bring the greatest benefit to the body of the expectant mother. It contains vitamin B-6, folic acid and iron which are necessary during pregnancy.


For example, oatmeal is rich in fiber, iron and B vitamins ... It is very useful to cook milk porridge with this cereal and add flakes to homemade baked goods. Oatmeal can help normalize digestion.


The green leaves of this useful herb contain:

  • Folic acid.
  • Calcium.
  • Vitamin A.

It is not difficult to grow spinach in your garden, on the balcony or on the windowsill. It occupies one of the most deserving places in the TOP-12 list! From this herb, you can prepare a lot of healthy dishes in the form of mashed potatoes, soups, side dishes.


They are called "forest meat" and contain just a huge amount of vitamins B, E, C, PP, niacin and trace elements:

  • Yoda.
  • Zinc.
  • Potassium.
  • Phosphorus.

Mushrooms are very rich in protein substances - leucine, tyrosine, histidine, arginine ... It is necessary to use mushrooms with caution only from trusted manufacturers.


  • The most beneficial for expectant mothers is olive "Liquid gold", it has a beneficial effect on the formation of the baby's nervous system.
  • Sunflower oil saturates the body of a pregnant woman with vitamins E, A, D, improves the appearance of hair and skin.
  • But butter you do not need to abuse - it contains a lot of calories. For the normal development of the baby, 50 grams per day is enough.

It is important for a pregnant woman to remember that good nutrition is the key not only to her health, but also to the correct development of the baby.

Positive emotions, walking, fresh air, love, support, attention - all this is possible and necessary for pregnant women in unlimited quantities, thanks to a positive effect on their health and the development of the fetus. And what influences negatively up to provoking pathologies and threats of interruption? Let's discuss in the article "What should not be pregnant early in pregnancy."

The formation of all organs and systems of the crumbs is carried out at an early stage of pregnancy. To minimize the risk of developing abnormalities, foods with harmful additives and those that may be dangerous to the fetus (allergens) should be excluded from the diet at this time. Additionally, it is recommended to give up food that negatively affects the health of a woman and, thereby, complicates her already hard work - the process of carrying a baby.

Also, do not eat spicy, fatty, salty foods - these foods load the liver, gastrointestinal tract (fatty) and force the mother to drink a lot of fluids. Water is good, but not in an interesting position when there is a risk of edema.

And it is categorically impossible to eat badly or monotonously. In the early stages, every trace element that enters the mother's body is important, influencing the child. Accordingly, the lack of these elements entails the development of severe pathologies. To eliminate them, eat a variety of foods, excluding prohibited ones, and, if necessary, use vitamin preparations.

You also can't starve. This will not affect the figure in any way, but it will affect the development of the fetus.

What not to drink

The list of drinks that should not be consumed during pregnancy is slightly smaller. It got hit by:

What not to do

To bear and give birth to a strong and healthy child, you should refuse:

At the same time, the question of how to sleep is not being raised now. While there is no tummy, you can take any position of the body.

Pregnancy is a state of mind, body and health of the whole organism. This is a wonderful and unforgettable period in the life of any woman, however, and quite vulnerable. Therefore, the expectant mother should not lose her vigilance and should know that it is strictly forbidden for her in these 9 months of paunchy happiness.


The effect of alcohol on the fetus is well researched. Ethanol easily penetrates the placenta directly into the blood of the fetus, causing congenital malformations. Facial abnormalities, microcephaly (underdevelopment of the brain), physical underdevelopment, anomalies in the development of organs - this is what alcohol consumption threatens, especially in the first trimester.


Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, which reacts with hemoglobin and replaces part of the oxygen during gas exchange. As a result, both mother and fetus lack oxygen. Intrauterine hypoxia is fraught with developmental delay, problems with the cardiovascular system, and reduced immunity. Smoking during pregnancy can cause placental abruption, pregnancy fading, and even premature birth. Nicotine can also affect the psyche of the unborn child.


It is believed that excess caffeine leads to an overstrain of the cardiovascular system in the mother and the fetus, causes anxiety, and can even lead to miscarriage or premature birth. But here we must make a reservation that all this is so if you drink more than 3 cups of espresso a day. For women with high blood pressure, coffee is generally contraindicated.


The instructions for the medicinal product always indicate whether it is contraindicated for pregnant women. Otherwise, it is better to consult a doctor once again. Prohibited during pregnancy are vasoconstrictor nasal drops, ambroxol, ambrobene, aspirin, a number of antibiotics, etc.

Medicinal herbs

Among a fairly large number of useful medicinal herbs, there are those that can provoke a miscarriage, and those that have a negative effect on the fetus. You can find out which herbs are contraindicated in our Encyclopedia.

Weight lifting

Avoid lifting heavy objects (no more than 2 kg) during pregnancy. Such a rash movement can provoke a miscarriage. This is especially true for hypertonicity of the uterus.

X-ray and fluorography

There is a risk of damage to the child's nervous system with x-rays. Therefore, this type of diagnosis is prohibited during pregnancy.

Active sports

Sports such as weightlifting, equestrian sports, cycling and any other power and traumatic sports are strictly prohibited. It is recommended to give preference to swimming, walking in the fresh air, (yoga and Pilates).


You should always protect yourself from stressful situations, but especially during pregnancy. Therefore, if your work involves a busy schedule, frequent negotiations and active participation in large-scale projects, then think about how to avoid all this. The workload at work should in no way affect either your nerves or the health of yours and yours.

Some products

Do not eat raw or undercooked eggs... Eggs must be cooked thoroughly, whites and yolks must be firm. This prevents the risk of contracting Salmonella. Do not drink raw (not pasteurized) milk, only one that has undergone a thorough heat treatment or pasteurization is possible. Raw or undercooked meat it is also forbidden to use during pregnancy. The same goes for sausages and minced meat. Should be avoided blue cheeses... They may contain listeria, a bacteria that causes listeriosis. Even a mild form of this infectious disease during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage or serious illness in the newborn.

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