What products can you take on a hike. What to take on a hike from food: a list of food and drinks, a photo. Vegetables and fruits

Wood materials and products 05.10.2021
Wood materials and products

Camping food, despite the individuality of the variety of taste preferences, should fulfill the task - to saturate the traveler and restore the spent energy. At the same time, it is important not to overload your luggage and choose such products so that the food on the hike does not spoil. They must have a long shelf life, light weight and good nutritional value. Therefore, we change the food to dried, instant food and with a decent amount of storage.

Usually, they take enough food for a hike so that they will be enough - based on its duration and the ability to replenish stocks. The number of the group, the presence of children, their own taste habits are also important - someone loves sweets, someone meat, someone porridge or vegetables.

Luggage can be distributed between the group so that the weight for each adult is approximately the same. It is better to pack up ahead of time and decide what food to take on the hike for each participant, so that it does not happen that you will have to carry extra food, and there will be no important thing by the middle of the hike.

What is better to take on a hike from cereals and how to pack them

Many experienced tourists are advised to replace those cereals that take a long time to cook with cereals - buckwheat, wheat, corn, oat. Boiling water is enough to turn them into a full-fledged porridge. Flakes weigh less and cook faster, and in terms of calorie content and taste, such food is not inferior to traditional cereals. You can grab muesli - there, in addition to flakes, there are nuts, dried fruits.

The exception is rice and legumes, they should be included in the list of products - they will perfectly satisfy hunger, saturate a tired body with proteins, carbohydrates and trace elements. Yes, and there are no problems with cooking lentils, soybeans and rice - it is enough to pour a bowl of dry product with water in the evening, and bring it to a boil the next morning to get a full breakfast.

When packing before the hike, do not rely on a single package, otherwise the crumbled cereals will have to be collected on the bottom of the backpack. There should be a minimum of 3 layers of polyethylene, ideally it is better to put all this in canvas bags later. So the cereal will not spill out and will not get damp. Another great option is to fill plastic bottles of 0.5, 1 or 1.5 liters with a bulk product and transport it in this form.

An excellent solution is packaged noodles, soups and instant cereals.

  • Porridge contains milk, sometimes pieces of fruit. If children go on a hike, they will appreciate these cereals.
  • Soups in bags are calculated for 1 portion, in briquettes - for several. A variety of flavors will help dilute a boring outdoor diet.
  • A bag of noodles filled with boiling water becomes either a side dish or a kind of soup in 3 minutes.

But traditional pasta, dry and hard, experienced hikers are not advised to put in luggage - they tear packages from them, they do not saturate well and are troublesome to prepare.

Advice! An important aspect - what food to take on a hike should not be decided in a hurry, it requires a responsible approach so that the pangs of hunger or a meager diet do not overshadow the joy of hiking adventures.

What to take with you on a hike from meat, fish and dairy

When you have to go for a long time, you should refuse from canned food in cans, which are popular among tourists, because of the decent weight. It is better to stop at dried meat, dried and smoked fish, salted bacon, raw smoked sausage.

Ready-made cuts in vacuum packages - sausage, fish, will help out. They are easy to carry, satisfying and versatile - they will go to soup, for a second or for tea sandwiches.

If the hike is short, then canned food is quite appropriate - they are added to porridge, first courses, and eaten as an independent product.

Advice! Stock up on dry broth - even with breadcrumbs, a cup of hot hearty drink will satisfy hunger, warm and restore strength without overloading the stomach. On its basis, it will turn out to prepare a delicious soup.

If you plan to go to nature for a short time to take a break from the bustle of the city, and dream of a picnic, then you cannot do without pickled meat - what kind of picnic is without barbecue?

As for dairy products, only hard cheese and powdered milk or cream are permissible in field conditions. The rest of the products, even for a short-term outing, are unsuitable - they spoil too quickly.

What fats do you need on a hike?

Oddly enough, you can do without fats even on a long hike - food is fried on an open flame or cooked in a kettle, that is, you won't have to fry food in a pan. However, filling the soup and porridge with fat will not be superfluous. Therefore, you can take with you a bottle of vegetable oil and salted lard, but it makes no sense to drag the butter - it will go rancid, melt, spread.

  • Lard, in order not to carry a glass jar, can be packed in several bags, preferably made of foil.
  • The vegetable oil should be poured into a small plastic container.

Don't you want to carry the oil on you for kilometers of the way? Then, when deciding what to take with you on a hike from food, grab fat-containing products - lard, fatty meat in dried, dried or smoked form, dry broth, raw smoked sausage with lard, cream in powder. These foods will cover the need for fats.

What to take from vegetables and fruits for a hike

This question depends on the length of the hiking trip. If it is long, then it is worth looking ahead of time in stores for a mixture of dried vegetables, in extreme cases - dry it yourself, cutting it into thin slices. If it is short, then it is permissible to take fresh, but not perishable.

It is difficult to do without potatoes and onions on a hike. If opportunities permit, it is a good idea to grab carrots and cabbage. But tomatoes and cucumbers are perfect for a weekend picnic, because they crumple, choke, and spoil.

Fresh fruits should be replaced with dried or dried foods - they can be a good snack, because this is a storehouse of glucose, trace elements and vitamins, or you can cook compote from them.

Advice! Do not give up raisins, dried apricots and prunes - these dried fruits will not take up much space in your luggage, but they will give you the energy that is so necessary during the hike.

What spices do you need on a hike

The staple foods on the hike are sugar and salt. In order not to carry a supply of sugar, you can replace it with xylitol, which is many times sweeter, or a tablet substitute. This will save space in your backpack and make it easier to carry.

Some people take a bottle of vinegar essence, but it can be replaced with a sachet of citric acid poured into a convenient plastic container.

The rest of the spices - pepper, seasonings, bay leaf, so that they do not get damp and do not crumble, it is recommended to pack them in small plastic jars, for example, from under a film, for a hike. After all, once opened, the bag is difficult to protect from the rash of the contents, and moisture will penetrate.

Bread and sweets on the hike

Bread, if there is a long way to go, is replaced with dried crispbread and crackers. Biscuits are taken from biscuits, cracker, waffles.

A sweet tooth on a hike is helped out by caramel, kozinaki, roasted nuts, nuts, toffee - that is, hard, non-perishable, nourishing, sweet foods. It is better to refuse chocolate - it melts in the heat, weighs a lot, makes you thirsty.

What to drink on a hike

Campfire tea is a classic of camping romance. Take a bagged one so as not to mess with the tea leaves. Coffee lovers should grab one-time sticks designed for one cup - they are easy to transport without worrying about the dampness and integrity of the package, and they weigh a little. Sticks of 3 in 1 coffee will immediately solve the problem of milk and sugar on a hike.

It is also worth taking cocoa on a hike - with milk powder or cream, it will be a nutritious chocolate drink. Children, if they go with you, will also enjoy jelly - the product is sold in bags for 1 serving and is instantly prepared.

But the main ingredient in quenching your thirst on a hike is water. Take care of its sufficient reserve, and in addition do not forget the reagents for converting low-quality water into clean drinking water.

Updated 02.01. Views 500398 Comments 86

Almost every tourist who starts hiking is faced with the question of what food to take on the hike. Because the more you take, the heavier the backpack, and the less, the more likely you are to stay hungry. It is clear that everyone has their own optimum, but still I want to share my layout of the food, with which my friends and I went to. This layout was told by an experienced hiker friend, but I altered it a little for myself, since I eat more than him and I love sweets.

I want to make a reservation right away, the layout is partially vegetarian, but this does not in the least prevent any person from using it. Or, alternatively, remake it for yourself.

What food to take on a hike - all the nuances

  • The food on the hike is not exactly what we used to eat at home. The main criterion is weight. For example, instead of bread, you can take crispbread, instead of regular cheese - dried cheese or at least harder, instead of vegetables and fruits - dried vegetables and dried fruits. That is, preference is given to everything dry, as it is lighter.
  • I recommend to everyone a mixture of Italian dry vegetables (onions, carrots, parsley, celery), which is sometimes sold in supermarkets. On its basis, it is good to cook buckwheat or some kind of soup.
  • It is better not to take semolina and pasta, for this is the most useless food.
  • Instead of rolled oats, it is convenient to take oatmeal muesli, because they are already with nuts and dried fruits, as well as sugar. It remains only to add water, and, for example, milk powder.
  • It is worth thinking 10 times whether it is worth taking canned food, they are heavy. In addition, banks, ideally, should be taken with you, and not burned, which is also not very convenient.
  • It makes sense to take spices with you on a hike, packed in plastic bottles from under some vitamins or from photographic film. I would also recommend taking not a metal bowl, but a plastic container with a lid, this is more versatile. You can always close something, well, hold it comfortably with your hands, not hot. Read more at the link.
  • Porridge and everything that is loose must be put in several plastic bags (3 pieces), otherwise you will then collect everything in a backpack. And even better, plastic bottles of 0.5 and 0.6 are suitable for this, or solid non-disposable bags from under clothes, or even rag (in the sense of putting plastic in a rag bag).
  • If you go in a group and are going to cook together, then agree on the list of food in advance so that the main part coincides on the spot.
  • Although it is believed that nature requires a lot of calories, I eat a little less on the hike than at home. Since at the computer you can grind a lot of things and not notice.
  • If the hike is short 3-5 days and not very difficult, then you can be less fooling about what food to take on the hike, and carry as much food as you like.
  • To save cooking time, porridge can be soaked in advance. For example, if you leave buckwheat soaked in water overnight, then in the morning you can not cook it at all, warm it up at the maximum. At the same time, gas / firewood is also saved.

What food to take on a hike - dry bread

Camping food list

The basic alignment is as follows - about 400 grams of food per person per day + optional snacks (additional sweet, squash caviar, fruit). This is enough for me, but I eat, accordingly, not to the dump, but in such a way as to remain slightly hungry. If you eat meat, then you can add another 100 grams of stew per day (in this case, you can remove something from the sweet, or you can leave it).

Here is my layout. To recalculate for the required number of days, you just need to change the cell with the days. The column "per day, kg" does not mean real consumption per day, since today for the evening you eat buckwheat, and tomorrow you eat rice. Likewise with sweet and other positions.

The standard meals in our company are as follows:

  • In the morning rolled oats with dried fruits + tea / coffee.
  • In the afternoon, only snacks in the form of cookies, kozinaki, chocolates, dried fruits, nuts with water or, less often, tea.
  • In the evening, buckwheat / rice with dry vegetables or lentils / soybeans (or with mushrooms, if found on the way) + cheese with bread + tea / coffee.

The hike is a real adventure! Many people want to go to the mountains, forests, to the lake or pave a difficult tourist route. This allows you to get to know nature better, get a charge of good mood, get away from the hustle and bustle, work, and ordinary weekdays.
One of the main tasks is to think over the food during the hike. No one should be hungry in the company. There are no stores in the wild, so it's best to take your entire diet with you.
A 2-3-day hike is short, so on the one hand, you can afford some gastronomic excesses, and on the other, you don't have to carry a heavy backpack with provisions.

A hike is an energy-consuming event. To restore the spent energy, you cannot do without hot food.

Hot meal options:

  • Porridge.
  • Soups.
  • Various main courses.

Foods needed for cooking:

  • Stew, 2-3 cans. The product is well stored, can be used for dressing soups, cereals and as an independent dish.
  • Cereals. To calculate the amount of cereals, you need to determine the maximum number of such meals. Cereals on the hike are usually consumed twice a day.
    Flakes such as oatmeal, rice, or buckwheat are a great alternative to regular cereals. Their main advantage is light weight and quick preparation.
  • The main vegetables for dressing second courses or soup are carrots, onions, potatoes. Such products are usually not light in weight. Therefore, during a hike, vegetables are a minor ingredient, their task is to complement the taste of cereals and soups, and not act as a separate dish.
  • Dry soups or noodles.

If on the first day of the hike it is not planned to cover a long distance, then tourists may well be allowed to cook a barbecue. In this case, the meat must be taken in a minimum amount and pre-marinated. This option is most suitable for those who are going to take a cooler bag with them.

Important. When planning the preparation of barbecue, you need to take care of the necessary equipment. The grille is a suitable option for field conditions. It can be placed on log cabins or stones.

Water and drinks

Going on a hike, you need to decide how things are with the springs and springs along the route. The required amount of water depends on this.
Approximate calculation of the consumed liquid during the hike, excluding soups, 2 liters per person.
The best option is to take 1 liter of water in a rolling bottle. Further, this container is filled with water from drinking springs or rivers.

Important. In case of doubt about the drinking characteristics of water, it must first be boiled over a fire, and only then used to quench thirst.

Hot meals are also cooked using local water.
In addition to ordinary water, the tourist's diet should contain hot drinks: tea, coffee, compotes.
Compotes are an excellent drink if the terrain along which the hike takes place is rich in various berries. In this case, the tourist will only need a pot and sugar.

Cold food

In addition to a full lunch, dinner, breakfast, no tourist is complete without snacks.
Cold food, dry rations are also necessary in cases where weather conditions or lack of firewood do not allow cooking a full meal.

Snack options:

  • Cereal bars are a healthy stand-alone snack or tea addition.
  • Nuts, dried fruits - will provide replenishment of the spent energy.
  • Biscuits. For a hike, it is better to choose biscuits or other strong cookies, this will allow you to eat it whole, and not be content with crumbs.
  • Sweets to taste.

This block of products includes sausages for making sandwiches. It is better to choose dry sausages, they keep well even at high temperatures.
Fruit lovers should choose strong apples or citrus fruits.

Related Products

This block includes products and spices, the main purpose of which is to improve the taste of cooked dishes.
1. Salt - in addition to its taste, salt is a kind of disinfectant.
2. Sugar - an addition to tea, coffee or compote.
3. Pepper and other spices as desired

By the way, instead of regular sugar, you can take a small package of refined sugar. In this case, it can be considered not only as an addition to tea, but also as a separate sweet snack for an amateur.

The listed products are the basis of the camping food. Everything else is optional.

Part 2

Diet Basics

Breakfast should not be very fatty and dense, it is worth using products containing fiber (dairy rice with dried fruits, buckwheat, wheat porridge, milk oatmeal and dried fruits, possibly a small amount of cheese). It is important that there should be more carbohydrates for breakfast than proteins, since the absorption of proteins in the morning is worse and it is important not to overload the stomach. Otherwise, all the energy will go to digestion. Therefore, you should refrain from eating meat in the morning. If the exit is very early, then the ideal option is oatmeal with honey and milk.

For example, the weight of the breakfast meal:
Groats (rice, buckwheat, "artek") - 70 grams
Cheese - 30 grams
Chocolates or dried fruits - 35 grams
Powdered milk - 15 grams
Ghee butter - 5 grams
Sugar - 15-20 grams
Salt - 2 grams
Tea / coffee - 2-5 grams

Lunch is a period when it is important to eat protein foods and more. But it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity that after a hearty lunch it is not always possible to sleep and rest until you have completely absorbed the food. It is very good if the lunch is hot, at least tea.

Therefore, as an example:
Raw-cured meat (sausage, balyk, canned fish) - 40 grams
Dutch cheese - 50 grams

Spices, salt

Pasta / puree / oatmeal / rice flakes - 40 grams
Dutch cheese - 50 grams
Chocolate / Halva / Kozinaki - 30-40 grams
Bread - 15 grams (rusks - 30 grams)
Spices, salt

Dinner is perhaps the most significant meal when the volume of food is the largest.
This is usually soup, mashed potatoes + meat / cheese / beans / mushrooms + vegetables + cereals + dessert

Soup combination:
Vegetables - 10-15 (if dry)
Groats - 35
Cheese / meat / mushrooms / fish / beans - 15 if dry
Beans and mushrooms are best eaten separately from other types of proteins.

Chocolate / Cookies - 35
Bread - 30 / Bread - 15

In addition, pocket food:
Dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, etc.) + nuts + candies (energy bars), on average, the amount of pocket food per day is 50-100 grams. The number of nuts per day should be no more than 20-30 grams. It is not recommended to take peanuts on a hike, as they are the worst absorbed by the body.

It is important - the food on the hike should be as simple and environmentally friendly as possible.

In addition, it is worth considering the speed of cooking some products in high altitude conditions and cooking on gas and gasoline burners.

Vegetables can simply be finely chopped and dried, boiled potatoes before drying and then cut.

You can even dry cheese, such as suluguni, and then throw it in food or just eat it like chips.

Beans - boil at home and dry, i.e. semi-finished product.

Fish and meat are the same.

Try to avoid canned foods, because this is 1/3 unnecessary weight (container and oil), besides, they are of little use. Although it all depends on the goals of the trip.

The peculiarity of meat is that it also needs to be boiled (and boiled well) until ready for use and then dried, otherwise the process of boiling dry meat is endless. It will be effective if the meat is passed through a meat grinder.

It is necessary to dry in special household food dryers, food burns in the oven and most of the nutrients are killed during such drying.

Frying oil, the easiest way is to buy natural butter and melt it, add more salt there and pour into a container. Be sure to filter the oil through a gauze cloth. Otherwise, lumps of insoluble sediment will be in the food.

A more complex option and it seems to someone more high-calorie is frying in baked lard + carrots + onions + pieces of meat. The product is more difficult to digest and its preparation is relevant if there are no vegetarians in the group.

Bread on a hike - you can always dry crackers, a more useful product, but bulkier and more difficult to transport, these are whole grain breads.

Ketchup is the most useless on the hike and it cannot be said that other sauces, especially mayonnaise, are useful, likewise. It is better to take dry spices: pepper, mustard seeds, coriander, turmeric, paprika, mixtures of different peppers, etc.

Sausage is a product for everyone, take the most expensive and high-quality sausages or dry-cured meat, balyk, basturma, in general, something that will be stored for a long time, and at the same time, you will understand the composition of the product.

Cheese - dry, like Dutch.

Cookies and confectionery products are tasty and do not take up a lot. Of course, the more high-calorie option is chocolate, halva, bars, sorbet. And you yourself consider what is better - calories or taste.

For a change:
sometimes delicious canned food (fish - sprats, salmon, sprat)
sweet - condensed milk, boiled condensed milk)

for a day:
dried fruits for compote, stewed meat, any canned food, salinity, marinades, complex dishes.
Usually they take chocolate, surprises.

Caloric content per 100 grams of product (they have a small range of variation, depending on a specific manufacturer):
Bread and bakery products (as you remember, we don't take fresh ones)
Rye rusks, wheat 330 kcal
Bread 300-350 kcal
Biscuits 320 kcal
Flour 300-340 kcal
Cookies, gingerbread, waffles, drying 300-390 kcal

Cereals, legumes, pasta:
Buckwheat groats 310 kcal
Oat groats 300 kcal
Rice 330 kcal
Millet 300 kcal
Pasta 340 kcal
Legumes 280 kcal
Semolina 340 kcal
Barley groats 320 kcal

Meat products:
Stewed meat (stew) 200-350 kcal
Dried meat 250-300 kcal
Freeze-dried meat 300-450 kcal
Raw smoked sausage 500-600 kcal
Dried sausage 350-450 kcal
Lard - lard 750-850 kcal
Loin 350-400 kcal
Liver pate 300 kcal
Meat pate 170-200 kcal

Dairy products and fats:
Condensed milk 340 kcal
Powdered milk 480 kcal
Cheese 300-380 kcal
Vegetable oil 850 kcal
Melted butter 880 kcal
Fish and canned fish:
Dried fish 200-220 kcal
Canned fish in tomato 150-180 kcal
Canned fish in oil 220-300 kcal
Fish pate (sprat) 360 kcal

Fresh eggs 150 kcal
Egg powder 540 kcal

Vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, nuts:
Fresh potatoes 80 kcal
Dry potatoes 290 kcal kcal
Various fresh vegetables 20-40
Various dried vegetables 200-300 kcal
Apples, pears 30-40 kcal
Dried apricots, prunes 210 kcal
Raisins 260 kcal
Fresh mushrooms 15-30 kcal
Dried mushrooms 250-300 kcal
Walnut 650 kcal
Pine nut 670 kcal
Hazelnut (hazelnuts) 680 kcal
Ground nut (peanuts) 550 kcal

Sugar 390 kcal
Chocolate 400-500 kcal
Sweets 200-400 kcal
Honey 300 kcal
Halva 520 kcal
Jam 230-260 kcal

On average, the calorie content of the layout is 2500 -3000 kcal (500-600 grams), your task is to reach 3500 - 4000 for mountain hikes.

The body will replenish the calorie deficit at the expense of its own fatty deposits. Of course, some have a lot of them, others have few, but on average, body fat accounts for 15-20% of body weight. From these reserves, an adult can borrow 60-70 thousand calories without significant harm to health. If more is required, efficiency falls, attention is dulled, so the duration of the hikes has to be limited. The period of time during which a tourist can carry loads without harm to health and a significant decrease in performance is called the safe duration of the trip (BDT). It depends on the preparation of the tourist, on the route, on the psychological climate in the group, on the organization of meals and for adults it does not exceed 30-35 days.

It is very important to understand that during the ascent of the peaks, most of the food, except for breakfast and dinner, should be pocket-sized. If you take, for example, climbing Elbrus, then the exit is at 2:00 (breakfast - a little oatmeal with honey and milk), it is better to take with you - chocolate, bars, dried apricots and raisins, sausage and bacon leave for a festive dinner. Very often, during the ascents to the passes and peaks, it is technically impossible to organize lunch, so it is rational to have more pocket food. Or, for example, in a treeless tundra, in the wind - it is not always possible to put on the burner and cook lunch soup on it, etc. usually everything ends with tea in a thermos and a snack of bread and sausage, so as not to waste time and not to cool in the cold. Of course, in winter it is very cool to make a fire and warm up during lunch.

But the next day after the assault, when the most difficult section is behind, high-calorie, relatively hard-to-digest fatty foods can be introduced into the diet.

An important feature is that during winter hiking and climbing, the amount of fat in food should be higher than usual, but it is also important not to overdo it. For cycling and water trips, more protein. In mountain hikes, proteins and carbohydrates should prevail over fats, since fats at altitude are poorly absorbed.

These components are assimilated by the body in different ways and serve for different purposes.

Proteins are the main building blocks of cells. The most valuable protein of animal origin, because it contains essential amino acids. Lack of protein in the diet leads to metabolic disorders, decreased efficiency, and makes it difficult to adapt to field conditions. In severe cases, it can lead to serious functional disorders. Excess protein in the mountains can also hinder metabolism.

Fat is a source of energy at rest and during light exercise. They also participate in metabolic processes. Both animal and vegetable fats are important.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. They are absorbed faster than fats, while less oxygen is consumed and practically no substances harmful to the body are formed. Therefore, it is beneficial to consume them during intensive work. The most famous carbohydrate - sugar - is found in human blood. When working, the muscles receive energy due to its oxidation. If the exercise is very long, the blood sugar drops, which causes the muscles to feel tired. In such cases, a few lumps of sugar or a sugary drink can help you recover quickly. sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly.

A very important role in a balanced diet is played by the ratio of B, F, U (by weight). It depends on the lifestyle. In the city life of a healthy person, as well as simple hiking and water trips, the ratio of 1: 1: 4 is considered optimal. If the hike takes place in cold climatic conditions (ski), then the energy consumption for keeping heat increases, i.e. the proportion of fats in BJU increases. In this case, the ratio becomes 1: 2: 3, or 1: 3: 4 in more difficult hikes. In the mountains, where there is not enough oxygen in the air, the body cannot absorb a large amount of fat, because more oxygen is consumed during their oxidation than during the oxidation of proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, more protein is needed to adapt to high altitudes. Therefore, the optimal ratio is 1: 0.7: 4 for the Caucasus, 1: 0.7: 5 - for hotter or higher regions (Central Asia). Of course, these figures are approximate, and they should not be observed every day, but on average for a few days or a hike.

Also, do not forget that under conditions of high stress, the body needs vitamins and minerals. They can be obtained by adding vitamins and minerals to the daily menu.

Pre-soaking food in warm water can easily save fuel.

In the mountains, cooking speed and gas saving are very important. So thanks to integrated cooking systems such as Jetboil, Primus EtaPower, you can save 30 to 50% fuel on one meal.

In winter, maximum thermal insulation and protection of the burner from wind and cold are very important. Therefore, they use metal screens, fiberglass, and additionally a rug outside the structure for cooking. In addition, you can dig a hole in the snow, build a fence of stones. Or cook in the vestibule of the tent, but keep in mind that excess moisture condensation will collect on the walls of the tent and in the morning this condensation will be on your things.

Extreme situations

Rule # 1
On complex autonomous expeditions, plan 1-2 days to spare for the route, respectively, and food for these days should also be provided.

Rule # 2
An emergency supply of food. NZ for these days can be less in weight and volume, say 300-400 grams / day per person (cereals, chocolate, cheese). If your route consists of rings and local sections with access to the drop-off, then carry 1 day NZ with you, if a situation may arise when you do not have time to reach the drop-off at the appointed time.

Rule # 3
Consumption of products may differ from that planned by the sales manager, it may be more or less. Therefore, it is important to control the availability of products from participants. In case of excess, eat the excess or leave or distribute to other groups - why carry the excess? In case of a lack of food, think about how to stretch the food for several days (if the prospect is 2-4 days before leaving the village). Any layout can be redistributed and made 6 out of 2-3 days. But control of food during the hike is important. This can always be done in the daytime, in the evening at the bivouac.

A person can safely stay for 1-2 days without food on a hike, subject to constant drinking, warm drink (not tea). Of course, the loads should not be exorbitant.

Features of food in winter, in a water and cycling trip

It was written above that it is important to maintain a balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

In a water trip, weight is not so important, so you can take cucumbers in a jar with you. Also, don't miss the fishing opportunity.

Cycling trips, of course, are different. I know friends of cyclists who hiked through the 1A passes in the Caucasus. Therefore, the weight of the bike and cycling backpack was also important, since the bike was first dragged to the pass, and then the backpacks were shuttled.

How to store perishable food while hiking?

Cheese - better in sealed packaging
Sausage and dried meat - better in edible paper
Grease lard and balyk with salt, dry well and in foil or edible paper.

How to pack products?

  1. Everything that can be poured or poured into plastic must be poured and poured.
  2. There is definitely no place for glass on a hike - it will almost certainly break, and no one needs additional weight, so liquids from glass must also be poured into plastic bottles. The container is lightweight, durable (to shock), sealed.
  3. Well, as for tin cans, as a rule, they store foods with a high liquid content - stew, canned fish, canned fruits, soup dressings, lecho, and so on. The liquid creates additional weight and doesn't make much sense. Therefore, it is better to refuse tinplate in principle and take with you not stew, but dried meat, not canned fruits and vegetables, but dried or fresh ones (onions, carrots, potatoes, lemons, oranges and cabbage can be stored for months). As for fish, it is better to catch it on the spot.

Serving packaging or what? Advantages and disadvantages

There are several ways to store and carry food on the go. You can pour, say, all the buckwheat in one bag, all the meat in another, all the crackers in the third, and use it as needed. Then there will be few bags in total, which is convenient; but there will be problems with the remaining products. The opposite approach: pack all the products in portions for 1 time, and arrange the bags: all for the 1st dinner, all for the 3rd snack. In this case, the work of those on duty is facilitated as much as possible, but if it is necessary to strengthen one dinner at the expense of another, difficulties arise. Many people prefer an intermediate option: Products are packaged in rates of 1-3 times. Then, the products are divided into periods between injections, packed tightly, hermetically (barrels, boxes, but lifting), an inventory is drawn up.

Freeze-dried food

Vacuum freeze drying is the most advanced canning method today. The freeze-drying method allows you to maintain high taste and nutritional value of food products for a long time (up to 5 years!) At irregular temperatures (from -50 to + 50C!).

In food production, sublimation is a technology for removing moisture from fresh products by a vacuum method, which allows them to almost completely (up to 95%) preserve nutrients, vitamins, microelements, even their original form, natural smell, taste and color. Sublimation of food products excludes the use of any flavors, dyes and preservatives. One of the most important advantages of sublimation is the low shrinkage of the initial product, which makes it possible to avoid their destruction and to quickly restore sublimated products with a porous structure during watering.

Fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, fish, soups and cereals, mushrooms, spices are perfectly preserved by the freeze-drying method. Freeze-dried products have the broadest possibilities for use, both as ready-made instant products and as semi-finished products for further processing.

Sublimation technology includes two main stages: freezing and drying. During vacuum freeze drying, moisture is removed from the product by evaporation of water. Freeze-dried foods quickly return to their original shape when soaked in water. The high quality and biological value of finished freeze-dried products is explained by the fact that only fresh raw materials can be processed. Stale processed products do not withstand. For example, it is allowed to store berries on a raw materials site no more than 8 hours from the moment of harvesting, apricots - 12 hours, and peaches - 24 hours.

Freeze-drying preservation does not require the addition of any chemical or other flavors, preservatives and stabilizers, which is another advantage. This fact is notable for the fact that freeze-dried products are absolutely suitable for baby and diet food.

What to take with you on a hike? What foods won't spoil or be too heavy? How much food should you take, and what food will be the most nutritious and lightest? How to pack it?

If you are going to have an active summer vacation and do not know the answers to these questions, this is the place for you. The correspondent was advised by Nikolay Solomonov, an instructor of the Republican Tourism and Sports Union OO.

Gathered far?

You need to decide how long your trip is. If you're heading out for the weekend, don't get carried away with concentrates and cereals - fresh vegetables and fruits are much tastier. The main thing is not to take canned food and jam in glass jars: they can break.

If you go for a few days, pick foods that are not afraid of the heat. Cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, boiled sausage will surrender on the second day, boiled eggs - on the third. Bread should be taken for the first 3-5 days, since a large supply of fresh bread is heavy and poorly preserved.

The most "heat-resistant" dairy product is hard cheese. It can be added to pasta and millet porridge. They also take condensed and powdered milk. Sugar without airtight packaging dampens, and when wet turns into syrup. Better to take lumpy sawn sugar.

Don't assume that soups in plastic cups and instant noodles are right for you. They take up a lot of space and are easily destroyed in a backpack, and your body is unlikely to be happy with them. Better to grab fish, meat, vegetable canned food in cans. Do not forget to inspect them first - if there are any bulges (bombing) on ​​them.

Minced meat, goulash, entrecotes are unsuitable for summer hikes. You can take dried or smoked sausage (pre-wipe with sunflower oil so that it doesn't grow moldy!), Smoked bacon, for professionals - freeze-dried (dehydrated) meat.

If you still cannot do without pasta, these should be products from durum wheat, and horns are desirable in shape - they do not boil, do not burn and crumble less when carried.

Waffles and biscuits, especially oatmeal, will be a valuable product. Often raisins, prunes, dried apricots are taken on hikes.


Do not forget about the taste of the products. Unleavened cereals and soups quickly become boring. Therefore, during the hike, do not skimp on flavorings, seasonings and spices (do not forget onions, garlic). For example, you can add dried fruit to rice porridge.

But it's better not to carry sweets with you. They melt easily and turn into an almost edible porridge from wrappers, fillings and chocolate, no matter what you pack them in.

What, when and how much to eat: layout

Before the hike, tourists make a layout - they determine the quantity and range of products for each day. An interesting feature: the first 3-5 days the appetite of tourists decreases (adaptation period), and then begins to improve. Therefore, "on the approaches" a day you will need 2,800-3,000 kcal, and then - up to 3,500-4,000 kcal, or even up to 6,500 kcal with heavy physical exertion. It is also important to observe the recommended combination of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in a 1: 1: 4 ratio.

Consider your ability to carry weights when composing your diet (average 15 kg for women and 20 kg for men).

During heavy loads, the need for water increases. But drinking plenty of water at once will not quench your thirst. Add fruit extracts, citric acid, or tomato paste to the water. It is also recommended to rinse your mouth with water and suck on sour hard candies.

It's better to hide fat!

Pay attention to the packaging! Before leaving, all products must be sorted out, put in portions (in accordance with the layout) in bags or special containers. The bags are sewn from fabric, a slightly larger plastic bag is placed inside so that it does not experience a bursting load. The outer fabric bag protects the inner one from damage.

Butter will have a long shelf life if melted and poured into a metal container. Do not forget to prepare cereals for the trip: wash and dry rice and millet, and fry and sift buckwheat.

Tea, coffee, cocoa are best taken in pre-dried metal cans. Cardboard boxes won't survive the trip.

Salt, like sugar, requires waterproof packaging. To make the salt less wet, you can add 8% starch to it. Ground pepper is usually poured into a metal box and sealed with tape.

Calorie table

This table shows the energy values, as well as the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates for the main products used in hiking.

Product name

Digestible edible part, g

Calorie content, kcal




Dairy products


Ghee butter

Vegetable oil

Cheese 50% fat

Powdered milk

Egg powder

Meat and fish products

Minced meat (freeze-dried)

Pork, carbonate, roll (freeze-dried)

Raw smoked sausage

Smoked loin

Canned meat

Canned liver pate

Canned fish in oil

Dried or salted fish

Cereals, concentrates

Buckwheat unground

Pasta, noodles, noodles, horns

Pearl barley

Potato nibs

Soups (bulk concentrates)

Sweet and drinks

Nuts with raisins

Glucose with vitamins

Tea, cranberry extract, citric acid

Coffee, cocoa

Kissel, compote

Bread, rusks

Black rusks

White crackers

Waffles, drying, biscuits, biscuits, crispbread


Onion garlic

Pepper, bay leaves, tomato paste, etc.



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